Aug 14th, 2004: I Will Leave It To My PEOPLE To Decide

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1f11--I t S1Rfil ariidl 1111-It VIVVIF?]D /*Vl S1FIR'V THE NET OF PRAYER LOVE, FAITH, HOPE

August 14, 2004 — Issue #100 Nancy-TONI Youngbrandt - Editor Chuck-JOHNEL & Nancy-TONI Youngbrandt 917 West Jackson Avenue Spokane, WA. 99205-3338 Tele # 1-509-326-7389 "(JESUS said:) LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP, AND LET DOWN YOUR NETS FOR A DRAUGHT...and when they had this done, they enclosed a great multitudes of fishes: and their net brake. And they beckoned unto their partners... and they came, and filled both ships..." ( Luke 5: 5,6,7). _

"I WILL ...LEAVE IT TO MY PEOPLE TO DECIDE..." JESUS July 27, 2004 George W. Bush = "LIFE" John Kerry = "DEATH"

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PEOPLE... DECIDE... 11 Written b y : Chuck-JOHNEL (Continued)

I've heard differing prophecies concerning the outcome of the coming November 2, 2004 Presidential election. I began to wonder and so asked JESUS about this election and He told me this:




You might remember that at this time (November 21, 2000) the Democrats and Albert Gore called for one "recount" after another in Florida, unwilling to accept the count that gave the election to George W. Bush. The day JESUS gave me His Word of November 21, 2000 all the legal moves of the Gore Campaign came apart and the election was decided for George W. Bush some days later. JESUS made it plain in 2000 that HE intervened to make George W. Bush the President. His choice and a man He said was anointed to be a "SHIELD FOR HIS PEOPLE" without whom many would otherwise perish. This coming election is tight, the polls taken at any given time show that this election is a dead heat - it could go either way. More, this time JESUS will not intervene, He will leave it to His people to decide one way or another.

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"...MY PEOPLE ... DECIDE..." Written by: Chuck-J O HNEL Continued When JESUS makes that kind of statement He will NOT tell me the outcome because He will not presume the free will decision of His people (though He knows it). WHAT DO I THINK ? When I tell you what I "believe" please understand that this is NOT a "Thus Saith the Lord" but it is my opinion. It can be right or wrong. If I use the word "Perceive" that is a blend of my opinionlbelief and of what I know by the Spirit of God. "Perception" is more accurate but it can still fail. Only when I say I "KNOW" by the SPIRIT OF GOD is it a "Thus Saith the Lord." This does not fail. It is ce rt ain. I have "believed" all along that George W. Bush would serve two terms or 8 years in the White House. However, I could be wrong. If George W. Bush is defeated (Ker ry winning) this November, 2004 then we must consider the possibility that the accidental nuclear attack will happen this December, 2004. I have considered this possibility and "perceive" that it is unlikely to happen this December 2004 — too many things have to happen before this December if this were the case and I cannot see things coming crashing down just that fast.

What do 1 mean? Well, for starters we know that there would be a MAJOR HURRICANE slamming into the Eastern Gulf Coast in SEPTEMBER and before the DECEMBER accidental nuclear attack. That was pa rt of what GOD THE FATHER revealed to me in September 1983 connected with the accidental nuclear attack.

JESUS additionally revealed happen.

that at

this same time the following would also

1. IRAN would nuke the U.S. Milita ry forces in the Persian Gulf - wiping out most of our army there in one blow. 2. NORTH KOREA would invade SOUTH KOREA militarily. 3. RED CHINA would bombard and invade TAIWAN. 4. JAPAN would be greatly shaken (perhaps both physically and politically). 5. A horrific slaughter of the Philippine people by Moslems would take place. 6. Three volcanoes would erupt like firecrackers on the West Coast of the U.S. (California to Washington State).

Page 4 The Staff and Sword Ministry August 14, 2004 y "... MY PEOPLE ... DE IDE... Written b : Chuek-JOHNEL (Continued) Added to this I have perceived for many years that a MAJOR EARTHQUAKE striking St. Louis, Missouri/Chicago, Illinois on a September 19 th would also precede the accidental nuclear attack. Having this understanding there is one heck of a lot of major trouble that has to happen before the accidental nuclear attack.

TIMING: In praying and working to understand the timing of judgment since 1979 and in observing judgment patterns for a period of 25 years I acquired a fairly reliable capacity to know what is NOT possible in any given year. While we are presently seeing a definite and obvious pattern of earthquake activity building to something significant, I do not discern nor have a Holy Spirit sense of urgency about the near future as far as major judgments is concerned. The judgments detailed on the bottom half of the last page constitute "major judgments". We are going to see trouble this year but I do not perceive it is going to be massive just yet. DIDN'T JESUS TELL YOU? Back in the 1989-1991 when George H. Bush was President (George's dad) JESUS told me that President George Bush would build and install and anti-ballistic missile defense system and that I was to warn him about the accidental nuclear attack. I wrote and warned President George H. Bush and I have written the current President George W. Bush more than once warning of that. More, current President George W. Bush built and is overseeing the installation of the anti-ballistic missile defense system. I have assumed that President George W. Bush would be in the White House when the accidental nuclear attack happens but I would have to carefully review His Word from 1988 to 1992 to be sure He told me that. What JESUS told me on July 27, 2004 (see page 2) brings me to question if I understand it rightly. What is interesting is that there appears to be a discordance in current prophecy on this same subject (will Bush be re-elected or not?) by other prophets or men of God. I will now review the revelations that we are aware of touching on the upcoming November 2, 2004 Presidential election. 1. PAT ROBERTSON of the 700 Club out of Virginia Beach, Virginia is reported as saying that "God told him that President Bush will be re- elected" (source: Fox TV News channel).

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PEOPLE... DECIDE..." Written b y : Chuck-JOHNEL (Continued]

2. STEPHEN A. HANSON PROPHESY: On July 27, 2004 Jim-REPHAEL shared a report sent to him by Carolyn (NOP Intercessor) on the prophesy of Stephen A. Hanson out of Colorado Springs, Colorado and here is a short portion of that prophesy: "THE HORIZON HAS MANY THINGS THAT IT HAS LOOMING UPON IT. I TELL YOU THAT THE COMING ELECTIONS WILL SIGNIFY MANY THINGS. IT WILL BE A NEW ERA IN THE WHITE HOUSE. IT WILL BE A CANDIDATE THAT I HAVE NOT CHOSEN. IT WILL BE qNE WHO WILL CHANGE THE DIRECTION CF THE UNITED STATES. THERE ARE TIMES AHEAD THAT WILL CALL FOR STRENGTH. NEW POLICIES WILL BE MADE, AND LIBERALISM WILL TAKE THE FRONT STAGE.....I TELL YOU THAT MANY FREEDOMS WILL BE LOST. THOSE THINGS THAT YOU ONCE HELD AS SACRED WILL BE LOST. THESE THINGS WILL COME AND THEY WILL ENTER THE WORLD INTO THE LAST STAGE." Stephen A. Hanson Word Comment b yChuck-JOHNEL: This fairly plainly states that John Kerry will be the new President-elect on November 2, 2004. The current polls show a dead heat between George W. Bush and John Kerry so it is not impossible for the election to go this way. However, based on what JESUS told me July 27 ` " and what Hanson received - if Kerry is elected it will be a disaster as JESUS told me. 3. WOLFGRAMM PROPHECY: This prophecy was given to Mark-JAMES and LynELIZABETH by a brother in the Lord named Jerry M., who in turned forwarded it to me on July 31. 2004. I'm given to understand it is valid. This is how it reads: (Quote) "Here is some information I have just received. I know this very spiritual Tongan family named Wolfgramm. I have blanked out the name of the individual as requested. A few years ago, (blank) met an elderly lady. She had come to hear him speak and to see if he had the right spirit about him. After she felt that she could trust him, she invited him to her home to show him a few interesting things. Her late husband had worked for the church and had been the head of a unique publication committee. While I don't know all the details of the committee, he had access to many historical church documents that were not available to the public. After his death, his wife was asked to help finish some of his work. She was assigned one of the apostles to help her. She had the same access to those same documents and allowed ( blank) to read through them. (blank) visited her multiple ti mes to read and discuss the documents. On one of those visits, she told him an interesting story about Patriarch Wolfgramm. She was acquainted with the patriarch, and during a serious illness, somewhere around the year 1989, she asked him to give her a blessing. In the blessing he told her that she would recover and yet had a great work to do. He foretold others things as well, which prompted

August 14, 2UU4 i ne staII anc 1wora iviinistry PEOPLE... DECIDE..." Written b y : Chuck-JOHNEL ( Continued)

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3. WOLFGRAMM PROPHECY (Quote continued): some questions in her mind about the future. So, after the blessing, she began asking him to clarify some of the things he said in the blessing. He said that in the third year of the second term of President Bush, the U.S. economy would collapse, which in turn would cause a series of events, including an invasion of foreign troops on U.S. soil.

This lady then commented to the patriarch that it must mean that President Bush (the 1 st President Bush) would be re-elected. Patriarch Wolfgramm then replied (remember, this is 1989) that it wasn't that President Bush, but that it was the son of President Bush who would become president that he was referring to. What is interesting is that Brother Gibson in Canada said some things very similar..." (Unquote) Chuck- JGHNEL Comment: While I cannot verify the source of this prophecy, it does fit

in with the timing we have been looking for the past few years. In fact, it agrees with my long term assessment made when President Bush was elected (the year 2000). Back in 2000 I perceived that President Bush would be in his second term when the accidental nuclear attack happened, most likely in the third or fourth year of his second term. I would also remind you of my projection in connection with the 220 days time count:


March 29, 2004 (fuel prices up/energy shortages) June 3-6, 2005 "Greater Event" - ( Reagan dies/Wormwood on scene)


March 28-30, 2005 "Earth or Political or Industrial judgment" June 3-5, 2005 "Greater Event"

#THREE: March 28-30, 2006 "Earth or Political or Industrial judgment" June 3-5, 2006 "Greater Event" #FOUR: March 28-30, 2007 "Earth or Political or Industrial judgment" June 3-5, 2007 "Greater Event" The end of the four cycles of 220 days dovetails into the 572 day time count in which our "ENEMIES COME" (invasion of the U.S. by foreign troops).

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y PEOPLE...DECIDE..." Written b : Chuck-JOHNEL (Continued)

CHECKING THE LORD'S WORD WITH A FINE TOOTH COMB: On completion of this Newsletter I will carefully read through the record of JESUS' WORD to me from 1988 through to 1992. In this I will prayerfully review what He told me about "President George Bush" and work to determine when JESUS spoke of George H. Bush (the current president's father) and when He was speaking of the current president, George W. Bush. I'm aware that at times He spoke of just "THE PRESIDENT" which could be anyone; however, I have tended to believe He spoke of George W. Bush. When JESUS tells me that He will leave it to His people to decide who is elected this November 2, 2004, I yield my understanding to His Word and Will that indeed His people will decide it. So, I enclose THE BALLOT to hopefully get a leading as to which way His people are leaning.

ENCLOSED: " THE 103 AILOT99 Years ago JESUS told me that those brethren who make up this Ministry (intercessors and readers) were, by His HOLY SPIRIT, representative of HIS PEOPLE across America. Aware that this is probably true today as it was years ago, I ask each of you to cast your ballot as you are inclined to vote this November 2, 2004 in the Presidential Election. This may well reveal the inclination of "HIS PEOPLE" across America. The enclosed BALLOT is simple - vote for whom you plan to vote (no comment from us one way or another) and mail it in over the next few weeks after receiving this Newsletter. We will tally the results and publish them in the October Newsletter some weeks before the November 2, 2004 election. Thank you. Chuck-JOHNEL.

OUR FOCUS HAS BEEN ON PRAYER and INTERCESSION JESUS long ago taught me that being accurate with respect to coming judgments (timing) was not as important as being conformed to and doing His Perfect Will. That judgment was coming was not news, that God's people were deciding judgment was news and that prayerintercession was a primary way of saving lives, delaying judgments and obtaining mercy for multitudes was the heart of this work. We have looked at coming judgments and the timing only to the end of having some idea

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OUR FOCUS HAS BEEN ON PRAYER and INTERCESSION (continued) ofwhere we are atwith respect to the f ull judgment itself- in part to be motivated to be prepared (spiritually and physically) and in part to be as well informed as possible that we also be enabled to pray more effectively,

THE SUM OF THE PROPHECIES GIVEN HERE: 1.Pat Robertson - G. W. Bush will win. 2. Stephen A. Hanson - J. Kerry will win. 3. 1989 Wolfgrarnrn Prophecy - G. W. Bush wins. 4. Chuck-JOHNEL's Word - "MY PEOPLE...DECUDE"



When I heard of Pat Robertson's prophecy that G. W. Bush would be re-elected that agreed with what I have "believed" since 2000. When 1 saw the Hanson prophecy it got me wondering. When the Wolfgrarnm prophecy was sent to me (and I was told by MarkJAMES that the source was reliable) it leaned towards G. W. Bush again. Then JESUS told me that He would not decide the outcome (as He did in 2000) but Ieaves that to His people to decide. This Word was not only unexpected but plainly a surprise. The Lord JESUS had instructed me "how" to tally the ballots that are sent in and He set a deadline for replies (21 days after this newsletter is mailed). I get the inner knowing that something is going on that I know little about except that His people are deciding "life" or "death" to themselves. The Lord JESUS may reveal more to me later, but right now I've yielded to His Lordship in this. However, I "perceive" that this may have to do with the on-going N.O.P. Prayer assignment to pray in God's judgments. It may be that prayer participation is low, which is to say that many are not praying the prayers faithfully. If this is the case, it is creating an opening for the enemy to bring in their judgments (our prayer work is to bring God's j udgments in over the judgments of the Devil). On August 1, 2004 the Washington Lots (lottery) drew #907, a number branded into the demon prince "Belshemi" who "desolates land and people." Hurricane CHARLEY then slammed into western Florida on August 13 and laid waste a wide area, destroying thousands of homes and businesses and killing 16+ (the death toll is not known at this ti me). The destruction may exceed S20 Billion and could set the U.S. economy back.

August 14, 2004 The Staff and Sword Ministry Page 9 "... MY PEOPLE...DECIDE..." Written by: Chuck-JOHNEL Continued `x I took a good look at what this hurricane did and when - Friday the 13 ', a known Satanic time. We discern that "Belshemi" directed this hurricane and made it more powerful than weathermen originally forecasted. y This Hurricane CHARLEY ma also be a harbinger to an EARTHQUAKE or VOLCANIC event followed by WAR.

We may be looking at the first evidence that the enemy was given "first shot" by virtue of the fact that God's people have not resolutely decided to pray in God's judgments over Satan's. It may also follow that this want of prayer focus is also opening the door for Kerry whom the Lord identifies as a harbinger of death and an intensification of judgment. As I sit here and write this article, this is what comes to mind, this is what I perceive may be behind the "decision" His people will make. At this point we can only wait, pray and see. God bless. Chuck-JOHNEL.

Selections of the PROPHETIC MESSAGE TO THE CHURCH from SADHU SUNDAR SELVARAJ in JUNE of 2002 Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj is a prophet from India who delivered this word to the church in St. Louis, June of 2002. Here are selections of that Word/revelation. ( Quote) "So when the angel of the United States of America came and stood before me...I trembled and quake every time I see an angel of a nation... because of the awesome anointing and authority they have. When he came and stood before me, he told me, "An awesome j udgment is going to come upon America very soon."...This is not a judgment that would destroy the entire nation, but something quite similar to what happened with the twin towers. But, it can all be prevented, IF...RIVERS OF INTERCESSION FLOW IN THE NATION. This is the word that he told me to speak.. .if it flows - a river of tears, rivers of intercession (and as the angel was speaking I saw this huge white river flowing from the east to the west) - only that would prevent this judgment that could come. ... Don't you believe any of the false prophets who preach to you after 9/11 saying, it was not ajudgment of God. I tell you, as a non-American, and as a holy prophet of God, what happened was a judgment from God. Two days before 9/11 happened, a dear friend of mine, a very saintly prophet of God, was

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(continued taken up in the spirit to Heaven. And while he stood before the presence of the Almighty God, the Lord Jesus Christ called for a mighty, powerful angel. He came and stood before the Lord Jesus Christ. And a fiery torch was given to this angel. As soon as the angel held the torch, he became enflamed (engulfed) with fire from the crown of his head to the sole of his feet. And then, the command was given to the angel, "GO FORTH! And cast this fire down upon the nations of the world." And the angel and this prophet came down. ..when the fires were thrown, the angel told him, "From now onward, there will be bombings, fires and destructions in many, many nations around the world." That (vision) was (given to this prophet) on the seventh of September (of 2001). On the eighth of Septemher...the same angel came and stood by his side again and repeated in his ear, audibly, word for word, every event that he saw (in the vision) of the previous day. And the angel commanded him, "Vow, declare to your church everything that you saw and you heard." And with great fear and trembling, he shared what he saw and what he heard. And they all prayed. Several days later came the judgment upon America. It was not an ordinary terrorist attack. ... My dear brothers and sister, unless you weep for your nation, great judgment is going to come. Unless rivers of intercession flow in your nation, unless tears of repentance flow from your eyes, flow from your churches and water this nation, judgments have been pronounced. You know, there is a certain group of angelic beings called the Watchers. We only read about them in one book of the Bible. The book of Daniel, chapter four, verses thirteen and twenty-three. This specific group of angelic beings are in charge of executing and overcoming the plans of God and judgments of God over each nation. At their command they can execute _judgment..." (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL Comment: I will offer the full prophecy given by Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj in the enclosed RESPONSE FORM. On reading His prophecy I "knew" that after 30 years of calling the church in America to pray that there is no "rivers of intercession" present that could turn this judgment back. Indeed, I heard from a sister in Christ, Mary B., in Texas who attended a meeting where Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj and Prophetess, Nita Johnson ministered His Word to a gathering. In sum, Selvaraj and Johnson acknowledged that the level of intercession in America is insufficient to turn back this judgment. I agree. I also concur with Richard-DANIEL's statement in the enclosed PROFILES that the details of judgment, the timing of judgment are a moot point from here on out - the judgment is here and it is going to get a lot worse and won't go away. The only unique perspective that we have which others do not have is that we have the

y P e 11 The Staff and Sword Ministr Au ust 14 2OU4 Chuck - JOHNEL Comment continued : choice of electing for God's judgments or


HURRICANE ANDREW 1992 and HURRICANE CHARLEY 2004 I have decided to forego publishing "WE GET LETTERS" this August to make room for a special report on the meaning of Hurricane CHARLEY and how it ties into Hurricane ANDREW which struck in AUGUST of 1992 - 12 YEARS EARLIER! This is uncharted territory prophecy wise in the sense that what would have happened in 1992 was prevented by a prophetic mission. We are seeing a REPEAT of what started in 1992 only this time there is no prophetic mission to block the rest. What JESUS told us in those years may pertain to this 2004 and I perceive that what we understood in 1992 may apply directly to this 2004. Some of the very events and issues we have been looking at this year were central to the issues we looked at back in 1992. In one sense it is an eerie parallel, however, one important ingredient is missing - again, there is NO prophetic mission to stop the enemy this 2004 whereas there was a prophetic mission that stopped the enemy in 1992.




On September 1, 1983 JESUS gave me a Word which I later recognized was "hidden language". A "hidden Word" is one that has an obvious literal meaning but hidden within it is a Word with a much deeper significance and that can have a greater impact later. I will share the Lord's Word, the literal meaning is not what the hidden meaning states. On September 1, 1983 JESUS told me this, "TEN THOUSAND AMERICANS WILL DIE EVERY DAY YOU STAY IN CHICAGO ND ,, STARTING SEPTEMBER 2 ... Then He said this, "...DEATH...IS BY DEMON DIRECTION - A RATIO OF I TO 2,690 15 SET."


that because of wounds that 1 could not at that time hear Him openly, so He talked to me

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SEPTEMBER 2 - AMERICA STARTS TO DIE- (continued] by "hidden language" that I would see and understand later.

THE YEAR 1985 -- SEPTEMBER 2ND There are times when the HOLY SPIRIT quickens me and in a rush of recall and HOLY SPIRIT Light a host of things previously vague suddenly come into sharp clarity. This is what happened to me in 1985. On July 2, 1985 I was driving through Los Angeles during a firestorm in which white ash was falling everything like snow flakes. I remembered the 62 days count to ajudgment and applied it arriving at September 2 1985. JESUS had directed me to go to the Gulf Coast and to warn and call for prayer to withstand a hurricane that would slam into the Gulf Coast unless there was sufficient prayer. Seeing the white ash over Los Angeles I KNEW by the Spirit of God that this hurricane JESUS would have me warn about would come on September 2, 1985. I also knew that magma activity under Mammoth Lakes, California had caused the dry hot weather which triggered the firestorm ofJuly 2' and was also causing the hurricane to form as well. Once the hurricane hit, a major earthquake could follow and after that war. This was the revelation-understanding I had for many years. I passed out calls to prayer warning of a hurricane coming September 2, 1985 from Brownsville, Texas east to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Along the way I prophesied to block hurricanes from the areas I covered - I had God's Commission to cover the whole of the Gulf of Mexico including Florida - both the western and eastern sides of Florida. However, I ran out of money when I reached Baton Rouge (I had God's Commission to do it all but His Church did not fully support the prophetic work so it ended incomplete) therefore the prophetic mission ended at Baton Rouge, Louisiana. On SEPTEMBER 2 1985 a powerful Hurricane entered the Gulf of Mexico and turned and slammed into the Louisiana Coastline just east of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. This is when JESUS sent me back to Corpus Christi, Texas, to contact 20 pastors whom, by His anointing, would represent the church leadership in America. I called them to pray, aware that a greater judgment was coming that could only be stopped through prayer. Of the 20 pastors only one pastor responded and prayed and called his congregation to pray. This would be the second time I was instructed by Jesus to "STAND ASIDE" (which would mean that blood would run ankle deep - a great loss of life would follow their decision).

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Because one pastor responded to Jesus' Word and prayed, America would get a stay of execution of judgment for many years but because 19 pastors rejected Jesus' Word and did not pray - a judgment was loosed. JESUS' instructions to me were explicit - I was to take The Staff and stand in the Gulf of Mexico facing south-west and prophetically stand-aside. I did so on September 17, 1985. Two days later, September 19, 1985 an 8.1 Richter earthquake struck Mexico Cit y . Mexico killing 20.000 who were crushed to death in falling buildings - blood ran ankle deep.

JESUS COMMISSION IN 1980: From 1977 through to 1980 I worked constantly in trying to discern or know what date the St. Louis/Chicago major earthquake would happen, an earthquake ranging from 6.7 Richter to 7.6 Richter which would kill 50,000 and lay waste 1/3rd of Chicago as it devastated St Louis, Missouri.

"I set the date of SEPTEMBER 19


Finally in 1980 JESUS spoke tome and told me to, "SET THE DATE". That was one way Th1 to know when it would happen and so I selected the date of SEPTEMBER 19 for the major earthquake to hit the Midwest - a major earthquake that would precede the monster earthquake by two years which would destroy much of the heart of the Midwest which in turn would lead to Nuclear World War III. When I saw the news reports of the major $.I Richter earthquake striking Mexico City on September 19, 1985 I knew immediately that except for the one pastor who did pray - that major earthquake would have struck St. Louis, Missouri and do horrific damage to Chicago, Illinois in the process.

I also realized that the hurricane of September 2, 1985 hitting the Gulf Coast was a harbinger to a major earthquake to strike the Midwest. Chicago was tied to September 2 nd through JESUS' Word of September 1, 1983. THE DEATH RATIO: In JESUS' Word of September 1, 1983 He spoke of what I have come to know as a 'Death Ratio". In 19851 applied that revelation and it worked! From the ti me the September 2, 1985 hurricane hit to the time the September 19, 1985 Mexico earthquake - I took the number killed in the hurricane and divided that into the number killed in Mexico and arrived at a "Death Ratio". Later in October 1985 a second Hurricane struck the Gulf Coast (following the same 19 pastors rejecting God's call to pray again) and when I learned of the number killed, by this second hurricane I applied the "death ratio"

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SEPTEMBER 2 - AMERICA STARTS TO DIE- (continued) and multiplied it out to 85,000 people to die in the next major earth event (a volcanic eruption). Because of the prayers of the N.O.P. and the one pastor who did pray we had authority to spare 70% of the 85,000 that Lucifer targeted for death. That came out to approximately 60,000 which meant that 25,000 would perish as a direct result of the 19 pastors who rejected Jesus' Word and thus empowered Lucifer/Satan to kill them. In November, 1985 the Columbian volcano exploded and it killed 25,000 in their sleep. More, two other towns were spared (around that same volcano) that had a total population of 60,000. The revelation of September 1, 1983 was seen in an early pattern form in September 2, 1985 and in the subsequent events that followed. This tells me that at some point in time, on some SEPTEMBER 2 N0 , an event will happen (most likely a Hurricane) which will lead to a major earthquake in the Midwest (St. Louis/Chicago) on September l 9 `h which will lead to Nuclear World War III inside of the next two years.



STORM connects to EARTHQUAKE in the Midwest This revelation makes SEPTEMBER 2 ND a "Watch Date" from here on out. "If' it's possible that the accidental nuclear attack can happen this December, 2004 then a major Hurricane would hit the U.S. from the Gulf Coast side this September 2"' - if not we get a pass. Even so, on some September 2^' it is going to happen and when it does "AMERICA STARTS TO DIE" for real. Will it happen this year? I don't know. If my "perception" that it is too soon for such a major turning point is correct - it won't be this year. But the date will bear "watching" from now on, year by year. I've shared something here about "hidden language" to help you understand that our selflife can get in the way, but as we trust Jesus and look to Him, He can overcome that and as He told me in 1983 , HIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT for us_ Nancy-TONI's "Manifesting Christ and the Narrow Way" report (enclosed) goes handin-hand with what I'm sharing here. How? In 1983 soulish wounds caused a distortion of God's Word, my self-life was getting in the way and in a manner that was not visible to inc until JESUS pointed it out. In spite of the "soulish input" JESUS spoke to me through it and would two years later show me what He had really said and then had me apply it to the events of 1985 in a most effective manner. With God all things are possible! Amen.

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Will Hurricane "CHARLEY" lead to a Major Earth Event? If so, when ? The enclosed "Special Report" reflecting on the revelations of 1992 and Hurricane ANDREW compared with the 2004 Hurricane CHARLEY is a study of what was possible in 1992 until it was prophetically stopped. Since there is NO prophetic mission this 2004 to stop the now active rent in the mantle - Hurricane CHARLEY can lead to a major earth event (earthquake or volcanic eruption). However, there is NO time pattern to study for such an event in 1992 as it was stopped from happening. This is definitely uncharted territory. It is now certain that we are looking at a re-surfacing Luciferian judgment working through God's Law springing from the events and enemy plans of 1992. In 1992 we had JESUS' Word in view which may give us some idea of what may be ahead, but frankly the "when" is not known, even the "where" is uncertain. The "Special Report" searches the possibilities. One of these, which we have had in view for most of this year, is LOS ANGELES.

A LOS ANGELES EARTHQUAKE?! OCTOBER 7 2004 ?!? Generally an earthquake will follow a hurricane within 7 to 28 days. In 1989 Hurricane HUGO struck the U.S. on September 22, 1989 and the San Francisco earthquake struck on October 17, 1989-just 25 days later. Why 25 days later? In 1989 JESUS instructed us to take captive the demon principality who had directed Hurricane HUGO and aimed to trigger a major earthquake in California days after and would have except we intercepted it and took it captive. That suspended the earthquake until we released it (the demon principality), which we had to do on October 16, 1989. Within 12 hours of being released it triggered the San Francisco earthquake (7.1 Richter) on October 17, 1989. In 1988 JESUS gave me a Word that was a bit mysterious. JESUS said, "OCTOBER 17"" RD AND AGAIN OCTOBER 23 ". He connected these dates to Church Decisions and judgments but He did not reveal what to expect to see at these times or in what year. When the 7.1 Richter earthquake struck SAN FRANCISCO on October 17, 1989 1 knew what these dates were connected to earthquakes, specifically earthquakes in SAN FRANCISCO. I prayed and pondered and prayed and discerned His Word for some time and came to the

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LOS ANGELES EARTHQUAKE -- OCTOBER 7, 2004 ?!? (cont'd .) understanding that when JESUS said "AND AGAIN" He meant a repeat event, a second major earthquake in San Francisco to happen on some October 23 - year unknown. When I reviewed the events of 1987 and 1989 I saw something very interesting, a clear pattern:



Actual events

Actual events

June 10th - 5.0 Richter Quake ILLINOIS October 11 - 6.1 Richter Quake L.A. October 21 yt - 4.1 Richter Quake SFO

no corresponding event June 12 th - 4.5 Richter Quake L.A. October 17 `h - 7.1 Richter Quake SFO

LA = Los Angeles, California SFO = San Francisco, California It was through prayer-intercession for mercy and the resulting prophetic intervention that the planned Luciferian earthquakes were first broken into two parts and then divided by a span of two years. Otherwise we would have seen the following events happen in 1987: Luciferian planned ,judgments for 1987 St. LouislChicago earthquake - 6.7 Magnitude - September 19, 1987. Los Angeles earthquake -10.5 Magnitude October 1, 1987, San Francisco earthquake - 11 Magnitude October 17, 1989. In effect, four major U.S. cities would have been laid waste by these powerful earthquakes. The power of prayer and intercession by the faithful few for God's mercy and help made a potent difference in those years. What I recognized from this pattern of earthquake activity that surfaced in 1987 and 1989 was that the killer quakes began with LOS ANGELES and then moved North to SAN FRANCISCO. This South (LOS ANGELES) to North (SAN FRANCISCO) earthquake pattern has been observed time and time again from 1979 to the present day. With rare exception the major earthquakes will start in LOS ANGELES - this is what we have observed over and over. From October 17 6 to October 23 is an added 6 days. I perceive that the next major killer earthquake to hit San Francisco will come on an OCTOBER 23' D according to Jesus' Word to me of 1988. By back-tracking the observed earthquake pattern I concluded that the next major earthquake will start with LOS ANGELES. When? = October 7th.

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A r 7nnA Luul+ u ust iu,

LOS ANGELES EARTHQUAKE -- OCTOBER 7 2004 ?! ? (cont'd.) d ` How do I arrive at October 7 '' ? The difference between October 23' and October 17`h

is 6 days. Since we are looking at a repeat judgment event, then we should be able to back track to the start of the judgment pattern which is Los Angeles. Then we take the date of st the 1987 killer quake which is October 1 and add 6 days thus arriving at October 7th.

WILL THAT EARTHQUAKE HIT LOS ANGELES THIS 20041 I perceive that it can happen this 2004. While I'm not absolutely certain that it will happen this year, there is enough evidence in view to support the possibility of such a major earthquake laying Los Angeles waste this year. Hurricane "CHARLEY" is a repeat event of Hurricane "ANDREW" in 1992 and it opens the real possibility that activity in the rent mantle will increase and that COULD lead to a major earthquake in Los Angeles. UNCHARTED TERRITORY: "If' we had not undertaken the prophetic mission in August of 1992 the spread of the rent in the mantle would have reached under Los Angeles that year, but would it have produced a killer earthquake in 1992? I don't know. The problem has to do with the depth of the rent in the mantle - it is some 440 miles deep in the earth. Normally it takes 219 days for troubles in that ripped mantle to reach the surface. We are talking about a 7.3 month lead-time before troubles in the mantle can reach the surface. SPECULATION: What is obvious to us is that the enemy has renewed the plan they had at work in 1992. What would have happened in 1992 "if' we had NOT prophetically intervened is a matter of speculation (bad guess work). We just don't know and unless JESUS reveals it, I doubt if Lucifer is going to open his secret plans to us. The enclosed "Special Report" may get us closer to the answer - but I have yet to write that report. THE VISION OF JULY 2001 Following the Church Leader's decision to reject JESUS' Word and call to pray in July of 2001 the Lord JESUS had us "STAND ASIDE" that July, 2001 which opened the door to blood running ankle deep and at that time (July, 2001) I expected to see buildings collapsing, killing multitudes in the U.S. sometime after August 28, 2001. That happened on September 11,2001! However, after we stood aside in July, 2001 JESUS gave me a vision of a maj or earthquake destroying LOS ANGELES. I remembered that JESUS had Nancy-TONI and I face southwest when we stood aside - facing LOS ANGELES.

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August 16, 2004 2004 ?!? (cont'd.)

Why didn't Los A ngeles have the major earthquake in 2001? 2002? 2003? There was one final Church Leaders Decision to make which concerned prayer about the TINY STAR. That 100% rejection of JESUS' Word about the TINY STAR and call to prayer came in November, 2003. I believed that with this final decision in November, 2003 that we might see renewed activity in the rent mantle in 2004 and we have not only seen that evidence but an abundance of evidence. My "thought" has been that the LOS ANGELES earthquake revealed in the July, 2001 vision will happen once we are past the final Church Leaders' decision which came in November, 2003. As I've explained already we have the likely date ofthis major L.A. quake as being October 7`' and this October 7, 2004 is the first October 7 th following the November, 2003 final church leaders' decision to loose judgment. Will the decision JESUS'S people are making concerning the Presidential candidate have any bearing on this? It may, it may hold up the whole process another year. This is as close as I can reason it out at this time. Is there any warning sign? Yes! JESUS gave Nancy-TONI a Word* about a strong earthquake to surface directly under LOS ANGELES just before the killer quake strikes. It will be unusual, very noticeable and reported. We perceived it would be at least a 4.0 Magnitude earthquake and unusual in that it would strike directly under Los Angeles proper. *Note - JESUS' Word to Nane -TONI May 13 2000: "INDEED, WATCH FOR THE CORMA SPIKE TO SURFACE. FIRST, A MINOR EARTHQUAKE. A QUAKE UNDER LOS ANGELES, THEN A LARGER ONE. FORCES ARE BUILDING AND WILL BE RELEASED AS SIN ALLOWS. COUNT THE DAYS (from July 26 t1 ) AND WATCH. WILL LEAD YOU. ABIDE."

What we are seeing thus far this year can be accurately described as "forces building in the earth" which we also perceive is headed for a "blow-out" or big earthquake somewhere along the way and Los Angeles remains a prime possibility for a major quake. What I will say lastly is that living in Los Angeles is no longer advisable - that city has a huge bull's eye painted on it and when the judgments fall it wil] be horrific. End of article. God bless. Chuck-JOY NEL.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

August 19, 2004

To Repeat - With Cause WHY IS THE NET OF PRAYER PRAYING-IN JUDGMENT?. While no one has asked the question but I perceive some are wondering why. It is really very simple. In 2001 and 2003 the Church Decision was to reject JESUS' Word and Help so therefore judgment was loosed. We also recognized that over the years Lucifer/Satan obtained, through the same Church rebellion, disobedience and prayerlessness, the position to be "executors of God's Judgments" working through God's Law. It is simple - "if' the Devil and his minions execute judgments through God 's Law there will be horrific judgments devoid of mercy, compassion or any opportunity to escape the consequences of sin (death). More, this enemy of our souls will readily exceed lawful boundaries, killing many more and destroying much more than is lawful (keep in mind they are lawbreakers). In 1980 JESUS presented me with a situation. JESUS asked, "WHICH WILL YOU CHOOSE, 100,000 DEAD OR 100 MILLION DEAD? IF YOU DO NOT CHOOSE THEN IT IS 100 MILLION DEAD." I struggled with this question for some days in prayer trying to find a way around it and to opt for zero dead. I found none. Lastly, I chose l 44,000 dead. The HOLY SPIRIT gave me the understanding shortly after that this was the choice His church was presenting to Him.

As we pray in God's Judgments we are praying in judgments that will be filled with His mercy, compassion and opportunities to escape the consequences of sin. As judgment must come (and it must) then we choose to pray-in God's judgments in preference to the Devil's judgments. (see I Chronicles 21:9-13) What of the "WRATH OF GOD" loosed on January 21, 2004? This is a wholly different matter, we neither have to pray it in or not - it is on the way regardless and it is a Sovereign move of God the Father. What we need do is be certain we are in a right relationship with God before that Fire comes. This is what those "Special Prayer Sheets" aim to do, prepare us to be ready.


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The Staff and Sword Ministry

August 19. 2004

Hurricane `CHARLEY" is a Luciferian Judgment! You will find all the details and an interesting story in the enclosed SPECIAL REPORT on Hurricanes "ANDREW" (1992) and "CHARLEY" (2004). Hurricane "CHARLEY" is yet another 12 year Judgment Cycle Repeat (see chart on Page 12 of the above mentioned SPECIAL REPORT ).That means that this judgment of 1992 has repeated this 2004 some 12 years later. The only thing that restrained the death and destruction of Hurricane "CHARLEY" this year is the fact that it is a repeat of a 1992 event that was contained and limited by prayerintercession and prophetic intervention. SatanlLuciferian judgment events that were cancelled in 1992 can re-surface this 2004 and as they were neither contained or limited in 1992, there is no restraint on them at this time these judgments have the potential of being very violent, deadly and extremely destructive.

JESUS' Word to Chuck-JOHNEL March 12, 1979 When I read part of Hanson's Prophecy (see Page 5) concerning "FREEDOMS... LOST" I remembered what JESUS told me in 1979 when I was at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the site where the Declaration of Independence was issued. While there I saw a vision of dark clouds rushing in and then JESUS told me this: "BY MY SPIRIT I LIT THE LIGHT OF LIBERTY IN THIS LAND AND THAT LIGHT FILLED UP THE LAND. NOW THE DARKNESS OF SIN IS COME AND WILL EXTINGUISH THAT LIGHT AND DARKNESS SHALL COVER THE LAND. YET, BY MY SPIRIT, WILL I AGAIN RESTORE THE LIGHT OF FREEDOM AND IN THIS VERY SAME PLACE AND THIS VERY SAME BUILDING AND THAT LIGHT WILL FILL UP THE LAND." (JESUS to Chuck-JOHNE'L, March 12, 1979)

AUGUST 19, 2004 as of 4 P.M. August 19, 2004 was listed as a "WATCH DATE" on Page 26 of the June, 2004 Newsletter in connection with JESUS' WORD of June 16, 2003 where He told us: "...MY JUDGMENTS BEGIN...WATCH AUGUST 19TH..."

ECONOMIC: Today, August 19, 2004 the price for a barrel of oil hit an all time high of $48/barrel and what is strange is that the price for a gallon of gas continues to drop a few cents here and there (it won't stay that way as the price of oil spirals ever higher). IRAN: The Iranian Islamic government, feeling pressured by the presence of U.S. troops in Afghanistan (on their border to the east) and U.S. troops in Iraq (on their border to the

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

August 19, 2004

AUGUST 19, 2004 as of 4 P.M. continued west) issued a threat today to launch a "first strike" against U.S. troops in the Middle-East/Persian Gulf. This is the first overt and open threat by Iran to attack U.S. forces in the Middle East/Persian Gulf. Keep in mind that it was in 1983 that JESUS shewed me IRAN launching a "first strike" by firing a nuclear-tipped missile against assembling U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia thereby wiping out the heart of the U.S. Army in the Middle/Persian Gulf Region. Presently experts are saying that Iran will produce their first nuclear bomb inside of the next 15 months (by November of 2005). It is also known that Iran purchased at least three nuclear bombs and delivery systems from a former Soviet Union Republic years ago. They are probably using those weapons to model their own version of a nuclear bomb. Added to this Iran is near to completing testing of a new long range missile capable of carrying such a nuclear bomb. More, this Iranian missile is so fast that the "Patriot Missiles" (deployed in the Middle East/Persian Gulf) would be unable to shoot it down. The day is young and we may see other developments for this "Watch Date" of August 19h. I will briefly mention these things (ECONOMY and IRAN) in the enclosed EARTH ACTIVITY REPORT and anything else that surfaces later this August 19th.

GEORGE W. BUSH, PRESIDENT I once heard a political commentator describe George.W. Bush as a 1960 ? s liberal. I believe that is an accurate description of the man in as far as his social-political leanings. He remains this way in spite of the fact that this nation is now racked with a crime wave from the 15 million illegal aliens inside the U.S., that these "illegals" are carrying new and virulent diseases into the U.S. population and that they have become such a burden to the states, counties and cities that basic humans services are breaking down. Hospitals and Medical Clinics are letting go hundreds of employees or shutting down entirely because of all the "free loaders" who get medical attention and are unable or unwilling to pay (most of whom are illegal aliens). The uncontrolled borders whereby thousands of illegals cross into the U.S. from Mexico and Canada every day has become pandemic. The failure of George W. Bush to stop this

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PRESIDENT (continued): madness and to add to that madness that he wants to "legalize" the 15 million illegals in the U.S. is plain crazy, if not suicidal. It's been done before - some years ago during the Reagan Administration some 2 million illegal Mexicans were given amnesty and status as citizens. This led to a flood of millions of upon millions of illegals gushing over our border to where the number of illegals swelled to 15 million today. A more serious problem is that we are exercising almost no control over our borders and I speak of Al Qaeda Islamic terrorists entering the U.S. to murder our people (including illegals). Every day over ten thousand containers enter the U.S. and only 1% of them are actually inspected. Our enemies could be shipping in nuclear devices, tons of high explosives, arms, and other deadly weapons inside these sealed containers and we would not even know it until thousands of our people are killed by these murderers. I' m not happy with George W. Bush because of his laxness in this area but I find absolutely no will among the Democrats to shut the borders either - both parties are happy to leave us wide open for a deadly attack via our open borders. The plus side of George W. Bush is the fact that he is a man of principle, he acts on what he believes and he is a Christian and acts on his Christian beliefs. He is fighting this war on terrorists and is doing as well as one might hope for given the fact that this is a very

difficult war. JESUS made it clear people and that if he


that He made George W. Bush to be a shield for His

removed His people would suffer horrors untold.

JESUS' recent Word equating George.


Bush with "LIFE" is about as much of an

endorsement from Heaven as one can ask for. I believe that regardless of other concerns, George W. Bush is the best man for the Presidency from 2004 to 2008.

JOHN KERRY for PRESIDENT John Kerry is as much of a Marxist-Socialist as one could i magine and while he is likeable in one sense, he is of dubious reputation and maybe whoIly unfit to be President of the U.S. unless of course, one believes America should reap what it's sown - then he is the man! I'm not going to jump on the band-wagon of "Kerry is a phony war hero" - he received medals (bronze star, silver star and three purple hearts) for just four months service in Viet Nam which is quite an accomplishment - even though I don't think Audy Murphy received as many medals in four months of World War II and he was the most decorated American soldier of that war. But be it as

y 0 The Staff and Sword m.inistr .

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it may, I've tried to listen to

Kerry and got most of his acceptance speech at the Democratic Convention. He is not a bad speaker but he sure liked to offer "pie in the sky" aplenty. He stated that he would, "balance the budget, build the military, eliminate the deficit, reduce taxes, ensure every

American has health insurance and seniors get free medicine, bring the French, Germans and Russians in with us in Iraq and get out ofIraq... "— wait a minute! The only being who could do all of that in four years or less is GOD and Kerry is not God? The current "Swift Boat controversy" is of Kerry's own making; but before

addressing this there is something Kerry stated when stumping for votes that got my attention, something I pondered. Kerry stated matter of fact that he believes that: "life begins at conception " and in the next breath he stated" "but I believe in a woman 's right to choose, I support abortion!" This troubled me more than anything else about this man - he basically has no moral center and what he believes he does not act on, but rather he acts contrary to his belief system when it is expedient.

Keny says he believes in God (he is Roman Catholic) but he also stated matter of fact that this business of Bible studies in the White House and prayer in the White House (under President George W. Bush this is a regular activity) WILL END when he becomes President. No place for God, the Bible or Prayer in the White House under Kerry! Kerry has attended Church services in the view of cameras but when he did, aware of his core beliefs that run contrary to Christian morality, I remembered what Corrie Ten Boom's father said: "Just because a mouse is in the cookie jar, that does not make it a cookie!

THE KERRY DILEMMA - VIET NAM When John Kerry decided to wrap his campaign in the American flag and proclaim his "hero status" as a Viet Nam war veteran he opened a big can of worms - mostly those 254 Viet Nam veterans who served with Kerry and knew him, who wrote a book , "UNFIT

FOR COMMAND." The cartoon on the next page depicts it as it's become - he is up to his waist in snakes,

muck and biting insects - a quagmire but a quagmire of his own making. These Viet Nam combat veterans are being sued by the Democratic Party - but if they think you are going to scare off combat veterans with a law suit they are day dreaming - these are guys who stood up under enemy fire and fought back.

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THE KERRY DILEMMA - VIET NAM (continued) These combat veterans actually "hate Kerry" and this is more than mere politics, it is personal, very personal.

After Kerry left the U.S. Navy (1970's) he became an anti-war activist and more. Kerry actually traveled to North Viet Nam and met with Communist leaders in support of their cause. At home, in the U.S. Senate, on the Dick Cavett show and other TV mediums, John Kerry openly accused his fellow soldiers and his country of vile deeds, of rape, torture, murder, of burning villages and of the U.S. troops behaving like Genghis Khan. He admitted to committing atrocities of like kind and of parttaking in this genocidal behavior by American forces in Viet Nacn. His siding and consorting with the enemy (he visited Communist North Vietnamese leaders in the 1970's) during the war (giving comfort and aid to the enemy in a time of war is treason), by betraying his comrades in arms and his country, by accusing his fellow soldiers of war crimes and admitting that he partook in those war crimes - this put John Kerry in a whole different category. Then he claimed to have thrown his medals over the White House fence because he had been awarded these for committing atrocities and war crimes. I've seen and heard his statements in films of what he did back in the 1970's so what I'm writing here is no exaggeration - I've listened to his statements which were recorded back in the 1970's word for word. Now he is trying to present himself as a war hero!?! No

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August 19, 2004

THE KERRY DILEMMA - VIET NAM (continued) wonder the 254 Viet Nam vets who know him for what he is have stood up against him. I've listened to Bill O'Reilly, who tried to defend Kerry's mistakes with "Well, he made a mistake when he said he was in Cambodia in December" (the Kerry campaign now admits that Kerry was NOT in Cambodia in December and that his statement to the U.S. Senate in the 1970's was false.) Dr. Michael Savage saw it in simple terms saying, "If Kerry lied about committing atrocities in Viet Nam then he is a liar and can 't be trusted. if he told the truth then he is a war criminal and should be prosecuted. Either way the man is notfitfor the Presidency. I see something else and it is fairly straight forward. Kerry is a decorated Viet Nam war hero (whether he deserves the citations or not, he has them) On leaving the U.S. military he not only sided with our enemies, but he visited them and gave them support, he denigrated his fellow soldiers and accused them and the whole U.S. military of grievous war crimes and confessed that he took part in those horrific crimes. He denounced and betrayed his country and took sides with the enemy during a time of war. There is another American, a highly decorated war veteran, who took the side of the enemy against his country and betrayed his country - his name was Benedict Arnold! John Kerry earns the title of a Benedict Arnold and nothing he has done since that time to now would erase that vile stain. That JESUS associates John Kerry with "death" tells all the rest of it.

NO FORGIVENESS FOR JOHN KERRY? If at some point in his political career in the U.S. Senate he would have owned up to his misdeeds and words after leaving the U.S. Navy and said he was sorry and asked forgiveness for his words and behavior -- I believe that most would let it go and forgive him. But he has not asked for forgiveness, instead he angrily defends himself and the more it is looked at by some journalists, the more they find that Kerry was lying and the Swift Boat vets are telling the truth. Today Kerry angrily accused George W. Bush of being behind this attack on his character and that he should stop this "smear campaign". Actually, the Viet Nam Swift Boat vets that are challenging Kerry's statements have plainly said that even if he was running as a Republican, they'd be doing what they are doing and even if President Bush asked them to stop they would not stop, as this is personal and not political. So it is. Chuck-JOHNEL.

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JESUS' JUDGMENT Towards the end (Page 6) of the EARTH ACTIVITY UPDATE REPORT (enclosed) I mentioned that Kerry's attack on Bush on August 19 `x ' comes under the heading of a judgment by Jesus based on His Word of 2003 and the watch date of August 19 th being a day when His judgments surface. Nancy-TONI asked me to explain that better - so here it is. When this whole "Swift Boat" controversy began I watched TV people try to sweep it under the rug, to dismiss it as lies or under-handed Republican tricks. But their message, the message of 254 Viet Nam Veterans who fought in that war and most all who knew Kerry and/or served with him, got out and although they had a few large donors, some 87% of the money they had to pay the cost of their TV ads came from the average Joe's across the U.S. - in other words, it was a grass roots movement and not a political one. I watched with some surprise as Bill O'Reilly tried to dismiss the Viet Nam Vets but no matter how hard he tried it would not die. O'Reilly even tried to compare Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9111" with the Swift Boat Vets (there is absolutely no comparison). This August 19 th , a "Watch Day". John Kerry raged against President Bush (who has nothing to do with the Swift Boat Vets), accusing the President of underhandedly backing these vets (he hasn't). Kerry is going into a rag, launching ever more vile attack ads against Bush but not addressing the charges being made by the Swift Boat Vets. This is what got my attention. This "Swift Boat Vet" thing has legs of its own and is doing some serious harm to Kerry. That Kerry raged at Bush August 19 `}' told me this is a judgment from God, something Kerry sowed years ago and now he is reaping all he sowed even though it is 30 years ago. Why do I think that? Well, among the independent voters, some 44% that would have voted for Kerry have changed their mind because of the Swift Boat Veterans ads and will now vote for Bush. If that trend continues Kerry is going to lose his bid for the Presidency. Kerry's weird wife just today made an outrageous statement that neither her husband or George Bush are worthy to be President. Glad to know she is in her husband's corner - what a first lady she would make! So I see Kerry's reaction on August 19"' as indication that he is losing ground and is trying to pass blame unto George W. Bush instead of taking responsibility for what he did years ago in Viet Nam and afterwards. This is a judgment from JESUS. Chuck-JOHNEL.

Pa g e 27

The Staff and Sword Ministr y August 19. 2004

THE BALLOTS PROCEDURE - TO REASSURE We are not interested in matching your ba ll ot (enclosed) with your name when you send it in - in fact, we will place the ballots (folded so they cannot be read) into a file folder on receipt and separate it from your letter and response form so we cannot identify the vote to anyone specifically. After a day or so we will tally the votes we have in the folder, so no one of us will know who voted or in what way. We want to assure you that your vote is received with confidentiality. Our objective is to get aview into the decision of "His People" by this ballot because I perceive "HIS PEOPLE" are the swing vote in this coming November 2, 2004 Presidential election. I do not, at this time, know how to count the votes but JESUS will give us direction. What do I mean? Just how we are to count the votes is something JESUS will reveal when it is time. JESUS told me that we are only to count the votes sent in within a 21 day period of mailing this Newsletter. We plan to mail it out August 24-25 therefore the last day we can receive ballots would be 21 days later or by September 15, 2004. JESUS also told me that the first 300 ballots will represent `His people." I believe that if we do not receive 300 ballots in the 21 days that this would indicate the number of "His people" who will not vote. ^ W eRRIsT ^' . - _lr^

BECAUSE OF THE JUDGMENT ON KERRY... Someone may conclude that because JESUS' judgment is on Kerry that he will lose the election. That "might" happen but again JESUS said. "...MY PEOPLE... DECIDE..." They will decide and that is the bottom line. Keep in mind that after Beastman Clinton was found to be a liar, womanizer, adulterer, rapist, lying under oath (perjury) and obstructing justice (a Federal offence) - he was reelected nonetheless. Americans discovering that John Kerry is a `Benedict Arnold' may not deter people from voting for him.

NO "WE GET LETTERS" THIS ISSUE What with the "SPECIAL REPORT" and the "PROFILES" I decided to delay publishing the "We Get Letters" to the next Newsletter which would most likely come out this corning October. In that Newsletter we hope to publish the outcome of the ballots on the presidential election this coming November, 2004.

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1 he stall and Sword Ministry

August 21, ÂŁUU4

SCOUTING AND PROBING ISLAM `IN THE SPIRIT' On JESUS' direction, two Prayer Groups of the Net of Prayer (IMMANUEL and FLAMING FIRE) moved `In The Spirit' (July 28-August 10, 2004) and scouted and probed Islam from top to bottom. Our purpose was to lea rn just "how" Islam is constructed and to develop a road map against the day the Lord JESUS sends us to destroy the demonic foundations of this kingdom. The enemy watched us closely but avoided confrontations or battling us and so we moved through from place to place, making notes. We are receiving disce rn ments from the N.O.P. Intercessors involved in this "scout and probe" action and are compiling a report of the collective discernments of all involved who conformed to the time table and quadrants laid down by Jesus. It may take some weeks to compile all the data we have received and are receiving. More on this later.

ANTI- AMERICANISM (Part 1 ) I aim to write a little about this from Newsletter to Newsletter to the ends of having a focus on the hea rt of the anti-Americanism stirring in this world and even in America itself. VISION IN THE CHAPEL IN PITTSBURGH 1977: This was one time when JESUS stewed it to me all in one gulp. It was 1977 and we were a sho rt distance from our objective, the White House. We were being hosted by a Church in Pittsburgh and entered a chapel to pray to be prepared before speaking to the church that night. As we sat on the bench praying, JESUS CHRIST literally walked into the chapel before us. Three women in the chapel immediately fell to the floor under the power of the Holy Spirit; my prophet partner Cliff would later tell me that he was barely able to hold on to the seat and almost fell to the floor himself. JESUS looked at me and said "BEHOLD!" With that I saw North America before me as if it were a map hanging on the chapel wall. What I then saw was overwhelming in the extreme. Every living creature, man, animal, insect, everything thing came into my view and in a time context that was so rapid it was a virtual blur. I saw all the whole of what America would go through, the judgment, war, invasion, occupation - all in a flash. I only retained (memory wise) about 1/10th of 1% of what I'd seen but the HOLY SPIRIT impa rt ed it all to my spirit in Christ. In that vision I became aware of an intense antiAmericanism that brought nations to invade the U.S. It seemed they held us as being a fascist-like nation worthy only of destruction. But was this true? Pa rt 2 next Newsletter. 2n! cggjsi





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