Cover Page
The Staff and Sword Ministry
November 7,2004
This photo (above) is of Hurricane IVAN, notably the eye of this hurricane displays a pentagon, something which the scientist, Richard C. Hoagland, says is impossible. Richard-DANIEL put us onto this internet connection, which can be found at: . htm This report (copyright 2004) comes in four parts, is fairly extensive and detailed but the main point is that science sees a dimensional connection with some hurricanes.
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l ne Stall and Sword ]Vlinistr y November v. 2 Hyperdiinensional Hurricanes (Continued)
JUDGMENT AND DEMONIC PRESENCE (Cont'd.) Starting back in 1981 with the major battle 'In The Spirit' against a massive demonic invasion of the U.S. aiming to trigger Nuclear World War III in 1982 - JESUS began revealing that demons, when they get into this world, can effect the earth, air and water and would stir and empower these elements violently to cause destructions taking many lives worldwide. In the years from 1981 and on, JESUS actually shewed me how demons operating in this world could have effect on the earth triggering earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, how demon power could initiate and strengthen storms into destructive hurricanes and then direct those vast storm systems at populated areas. He even shewed me how demons could influence and direct human vessels subject to their power to commit bloody and murderous crimes. This report takes a look at the work of Mr. Hoagland and his findings that have a scientific, meteorological, and mathematical dimension which indirectly supports what JESUS has shown us over the past many years. For that reason I share this, as it speaks of what we know from a different angle - from a scientific, meteorological and mathematical angle.
STANDING IN THE GAP IN 1982 GOD THE FATHER placed me in The GAP in April of 1982, a place In The Spirit' that appeared to be a valley bounded on either side by impassable mountains that had an entrance from the 4 t1 ' dimension of this world which also exited into the 5` h dimension of God's Creation. 1
It was on this flat plain (the 5 " dimension) that I saw masses of demons assembling under the leadership of a beastman of antiChrist who would lead an attack through the GAP to enter into this word. We needed a Gideon's 300 to 100% block the beastman and his demon army in the GAP but because of attacks by church leaders against this intercessory ministry, the Net of Prayer was reduced to 201 intercessors (from 360). That want of the 300 translated to us only having the Angelic power to cover 67% of the GAP - thus after a fierce battle with the beastman's demon army in which they broke through and entered into this world. Thus demon power began to enter into the U.S. and began working a change in America (with church agreement which rejected Jesus' Word). What we face today sterns directly from that action starting in 1982 in the Gap with demons moving into this world from the 5`h Dimension of God's creation. On the next page is a full page photo of Hurricane ISABEL in 2003 showing the eye.
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Hyperdimensional Hurricanes tLontinue(1)
Richard C. Hoagland writes: (Quote) "There, in the center of Hurricane Isabel (of
2003), was another pentagonal "eye"..." The NASA photo (above) is of Hurricane ISABEL of September 13, 2003 - it shows an unusual formation in the center of the Hurricane - something we easily recognize as a "pentagram". However, scientists in finding these formations inside Hurricane IVAN this 2004 were baffled as they had only been observed on other planetary bodies where massive storm systems thousands of miles wide surged across the landscape of Jupiter and Satu rn . g y I will now quote from the Internet Report, The !vJvster b Richard C. Hoa land. 2004 The Enterprise Mission and make appropriate comments from our perspective.
The Staff and Sword Ministry Hyperdimensional Hurricanes
Pa e 4
November 7, 2004 ontinue
Hurricane IVAN 2004
The photo (above) is a space picture of Hurricane IVAN of this September, 2004 - notably the pentagram stands out but it is not as clear in this shot as it is in Hurricane ISABEL of 2003. Nonetheless, it is the same formation. What the scientist wrote about this unusual formation inside Hurricane ISABEL and IVAN (of 2003 and 2004 respectively) was this.,
AN OPENED GATE INTO ANOTHER DIMENSION ( Quote) "l instantly realized that this startling "eye geometry" — spinning relentlessly across the (TV) screen... was eerily familiar - To the remarkable "hexagonal/pentagonal" cloud structures that the Voyager and Cassini spacecraft had captured circling the no rt h poles of Saturn and Jupiter. These planetary
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y The Staff and Sword Ministr November 7, 2004 Hyperdimensional Hurricanes(Continued) JUDGMENT AND DEMONIC PRESENCE (Cont'd.)
AN OPENED GATE INTO ANOTHER DIMENSION (Quote continued) examples have long been elegant confirmations of our Hyperdimensional Physics Model for the entire solar system: that rotating mass, by virtue of the nature of space and "multidimensional reality," is able to "open a gate" into another more energetic dimension... allowing that energy to a highly organized and geometric form "down" into our dimension." (Unquote) The point? We have known for many years that demon princes and demons when operating in this world are capable of strengthening stones, earthquakes and other physical forces on earth, as well as directing those forces. This scientific report reveals the mechanism and that it is inter-dimensional (not a surprise). That the shape the hurricane eye takes (pentagon) is also no surprise. IC
Since the early 1980's we have known, observed and reported how demon activity stirring earth events (quakes/volcanoes) is often preceded by storms, notably hurricanes. The connection between storms and earth events (quakes/volcanoes) has long been established in this ministry work. But here Mr. Hoagland writes: (Quote) "During Ivan's trek across the Caribbean, a Magnitude 6 earthquake had taken place at 16:33 Universal Time, September 9, 2004 - exactly the same time frame in which I was seeking official visual evidence supporting Ivan's hyperdimensional activity. The epicenter of the underwater quake was located at 17.86 degrees north, 81.55 west - near the Cayman Islands with Ivan only a few
hundred miles away and heading directly for the epicenter... Could the approach of such a vast, rapidly rotating atmospheric system create "seismic side-effects" underground in already weak formations through the same "hyperdimensional energy influx"...T' (Unquote) Mr. Hoagland doesn't have the answer but he does recognize that the geometric formations appearing in these hurricanes (Isabel and Ivan) are other-worldly, outside of our dimension, something quite unique and interesting (to them). The next page is taken from Page 8 of Part Three of Mr. Hoagland's Report under the heading "The Physics"- Commentary follows.
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a il a11u 3WUi u 1r111iisil V Hyperdimensionaillurticanes(Th^tinued) 1 iit L
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Around 20() B.C., the Greek geometer Euclid proved that there are only five regular polyhedra (technicall y called polvtopes " by topologists) in three spats iI dimensions -- the
tetrahedron, cube. octahedron. icosahedron, and the dodecahedron. Fast forward the film: in 1901. that there are oniy six regular polychoral (or polytopes) in . frnrr dimensions.
Therefore, if a "gate" were to he resonantly opened between dimensions, according to Schlatli's pioneering topological calcul a tions of over a century ago, it coti[d onli) manifest (in our three spatial dimensions) as the g eometry oi'one 01 the fr.vL regular `` Platonic solids" (below).
Pave 7
The Staff and Sword Ministr y November 7, 2004 Hyperdimensional Hurricanes tLontinuef)
JUDGMENT AND DEMONIC PRESENCE (Cont'd.) As you read the quotes on Page 6 you will be aware that the "Pentagram" appearing at the center of hurricanes ISABEL and IVAN are extra-dimensional - not of this world. This is what has gotten the attention of this branch of science. We understand the demonic connection because the demon power that entered this world through the GAP in 1982, 1987 and 1988 stemmed from the 5 `h Dimension - demons going through the GAP which opened a dimensional window into this world. This is visible in category 5 hurricanes but I'm aware that it will manifest in many other ways, some visible, some not visible. Mr Hoagland writes, "Hyperdimensional Physics is essentially a physics of rotation, " Whereas I would say it is the presence of demonic power moving in this world that stirs the elements into violent patterns, destructive patterns. The demon power stemming from the 5 th dimension surges into this world with the movement of demons into this world through the GAP - the physical appearance of wave patterns (such as the pentagram) is merely the evidence of demonic presence. 11
Mr. Hoagland writes, (Quote) "In our Hyperdimensional Model, it isn 't "sound in the middle of a hurricane which creates the regular geometry seen in the NOAH images (space photos shown here). It is the interaction of die energy/inform ation from higher dimensions with our own - via the intervening medium of a massless aether - which creates similar standing wave patterns (a wave.., is a wave.., is a wave) when the
hyperdifnensional "gate" is established... causing visible matter (in its mobile forms...) to conform to the shape of these otherwise invisible "aetheric, hyperdimensional patterns. " ( Unquote) If you wanted the scientific jargon, there it is (above). Mr. Hoagland asked this question, (Quote) "Could someone -- using that same
hype r dimensional technology - make an already existing, less powerful hurricane... in to a Category 5?" (Unquote) "Someone" already has - the demon principality (Marchavek) that entered the tropical storm named IVAN, empowered it dramatically and built it into a Category 5 hurricane. We watched it guide that hurricane in such a way as to miss or avoid hitting Cuba and other islands in the Caribbean in order to bring the storm at full force into Florida. No man can do this - they do not have access to and from the 5'' Dimension to draw that power into this world.
Pace 8
The Staff and Sword Ministr y Nove ^- yerdimensional Hurricanes (Continued)
1980 to 1981 In June of 1980 while praying and prophesying north of Chicago, Illinois the Lord had us (myselfand Randy) strike the earth jointly with The Staff. We saw God's power issue forth from The Staff and move deep into the earth striking what looked like massive stone plates below us with a resounding "Boom." In that moment I saw that there was a fault line running north and south from where we stood and that it ran all the way to St Louis and then westwards all the way to Washington State and Mount Saint Helens volcano. I reported this in a June 28, 1980 Newsletter. Some Christians on our mailing list contacted the U.S. Geological Survey asking if there was a fault line running from the West coast to the Midwest U.S.A. - they laughed and said that there was no fault line over 1,000 miles long anywhere on earth. Those brethren quit the Ministry calling me a false prophet. In October of 1981, some 16 months later, the newspaper reported that a photographic satellite survey of North America revealed a massive fault system stretching from Washington State eastwards through St. Louis and all the way to the Northern tip of Florida. It was not visible at ground level, not even from an airplane but only from outer space. A geologist told me many years ago that in reading my newsletters he found that I was anywhere from 5 to 10 years ahead of scientific discovery concerning things of the earth. Here we find a scientific observation of "hyperdimensional" activity visible in hurricanes that takes a form not physically possible in this 3 dimensional world but only possible from another dimension, a higher dimension. We've been there in Christ, seen it (the 5`h dimension) and know the source of that "hyperdimensional shape" and the creature that forms it (a pentagram) inside a Category 5 Hurricane. Just thought you'd like to know. Thanks to Richard-DANIEL who found this bit of science that confirms a spiritual truth. God bless. 1N CHR+S r