April 12th, 2002: Church Decision Report

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

April 12, 2002

The March 10, 2002 Church Decision Report and

Movie Reviews (by: Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI) The March 10, 2002 Church Decision Report is a summarization of the Church system of man's decision concerning accepting or rejecting The Seal of the Living God that was made (doubled and set) on March 10, 2002. If you want a more comprehensive report you may order the March 19, 2002 LEADERSHIP REPORT andlor the cassette tapes of the 3 hour meeting of March 10 — for these, please see the enclosed RESPONSE FORM. The Movie Reviews (which are at the back of this section of the Newsletter) are based on our discernments and personal opinions concerning past and current movies.

The March 10, 20 hurch Decision. Rv The Gravity: The gravity of this decision of March 10 th cannot be under estimated in both its overall effect on the church in America, this nation and the world and the significance of what has transpired. When I address the various issues involved, the depth of the seriousness of what happened March 10, 2002 can be easily overlooked. It is difficult to summarize in a "sound byte" because it involves so much of what has gone on before over such an extensive period of time (many, many years). Nevertheless, I will attempt to summarize what happened on March 10 `x' and give it some substance, something you can look at and maybe, even hopefully, hang your hat on. It began innocently enough when Pastor Jonathan Hansen of World Ministries International, Stanwood, Washington (just south of Mount Vernon, Washington) extended me an invitation in December, 2001 to come and answer some questions he and the elders of his church had about the Seal of the Living God (Ezekiel 9: 1-7 and Revelation 7: 1-3). My discernment? I didn't discern that this church was really interested in the Seal of the Living God, but I was willing to make the trip from Spokane to Seattle (Stanwood is north of Seattle). The HOLY SPIRIT was leading me to be willing and before we made the trip to Seattle area JESUS made it plain that He was sending us and had made this meeting possible for His reasons, which were not necessarily the reasons motivating Pastor Hansen to invite us over. There was something bigger in the picture but at that time (DecemberJanuary 2001/2002) the Lord had not revealed it to me.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

April 12, 2002

It was Mark-JAMES (Ministry Prayer Leader) who first discerned that this meeting with Pastor Hansen and WMI* about the Sealing was a parallel and double and set (Genesis 41: 32) of the decision made by Lyman Church (Mount Vernon area) about the Sealing back in 1989. *Note WMI = World Ministries International. As things unfolded the parallel to Lyman Church and 1989 became very clear down to fine details, in fact it was somewhat astounding. Now if any of us had worked to create such a parallel it would not have been humanly possible, there is no way it could have been deliberately arranged, nor would I have tried to make such an arrangement. This is what unfolded: The Parallel to Lyman Church in 1989 (13 years ago)

1 9 8 9 Parallel

2 0 0 2 Parallel

Church Decision (Pastors)

Church Decision (Pastors)

(Mt. Vernon, WA. areas)

Spokane, WA.

January, 1989

July, 2001

+ 6 months =

+ 6 months =

June 1, 1989 Meet Pastor White Lyman Church

January 20, 2002

+1-1/2 month =

+1-112 month =

July 25, 1989 Sealing meeting at Lyman Church 7PM to 10PM (3 hours)

March 10, 2002 Sealing meeting at World Ministries International

Present with me was Herb-ABRAM (deacon and member of Lyman)

Present with us was Greg Wetterauer*

Meet Pastor Hansen World Ministries International

1 PM to 4 PM (3 hours)

(Member of W.M.1.)

*Note- We were planning on meeting with Pastor Hansen and his elders on March 10 th (that is, Nancy-TONI, Lyn-ELIZABETH and myself) but on March 8 th Pastor Hansen relayed (via his secretary) his specific request that Greg Wetterauer attend the meeting with us on March 10 t ", thus conforming to the parallel to 1989.

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The Sta ff and Sword Ministry

April 12, 2002

The March 10 2002 Church Decision Report(continued) Lest we forget, the importance of a thing being done : twice" is readily visible in Genesis 41: 32:

Genesis 41:32 "And for that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice; it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass."

What is so very evident (to me) is that every step of the way it was on the leading of the Lord our God whereby this doubling of the events/decision of the church back in 1989 was seen again this 2001-2002. Again, it was evident that the Lord our God was ensuring that this portion of the church system of man had the opportunity to make their decision as they had opportunity back in


The only difference from 1989 to 2002 is that I actually had opportunity to present the Sealing and address questions with the elders of W.M.I. whereas I was given no such opportunity back in 1989. On the other side of the coin, I waited outside the Lyman Church meeting for 3 hours in 1989 and in 2002 I gave a presentation with questions and answers that lasted 3 hours. The outcome of the meeting (both in 1989 and 2002) was identical in every sense - an utter rejection of the Seal of the Living God,

THE IMPORTANCE OF CHURCH DECISIO N S The Church system of man as represented by the 20 selected pastors in Mount Vernon, Washington areas 100% rejected JESUS' WORD in 1989, but it was done only once. There was a second decision in 1989 involving the only church that had responded to Jesus' Word and prayed (Lyman Church); but this was different from the 20 pastors and their decision earlier that year. In 2001 the 20 pastors in Spokane decided as did the 20 pastors in 1989, thus it was doubled and set, judgment was loosed and would shortly come to pass according to Genesis 41: 32. JESUS led us to prophesy in their decision July 12, 2001 and 62 days later (a judgment time count) came to September 11, 2001. "Blood ran ankle deep" as we understood it would once we had to stand aside. WMI rejected the Sealing on March 10, 2002 doubling and setting what was done by Lyman Church in July of 1989. After this happened JESUS told me to "COUNT 62 DAYS."

March 10, 2002 +62 days - May 10/11, 2002 What will happen? I don't know, HE didn't say; but I would expect to see a judgment.

April 12, 2002

The Staff and Sword Ministry

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The March 10, 2002 Church Decision Report (continued) The picture came together bit by bit. The HOLY SPIRIT led me to be willing to meet with Hansen and to drive to Seattle. The LORD JESUS began to tell me He had purposed this meeting, then we began to see that we were living a parallel to events of 1989 involving Lyman Church. Along the way JESUS shewed me that Pastor Hansen's church represented 5% of the church system of man and that their decision would effect that portion of the church.

The "MOUNTAIN" Pra y er Operation This work of prayer and strategic spiritual warfare `In The Spirit' fit into what was unfolding with Pastor Hansen and WMI or the 5% of the church system of man in ways I didn't even remotely see at first. Details on sketch #1 (below) start on next page.

Condition of the Church in North America - January 12, 2002

Sketch #1

Qs Sb


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The Staff and Sword Ministry

April 12, 2002

urch Decision



ed (an page D) depicts the general state of the Church as of January I2, 2002.

I've learned that those who make up the Elect, Sealed, Faithful-Obedient and the Innocent children of God are nestled within the greater Church Body, closer to the center which is CHRIST because they have JESUS as their Lord as opposed to those of the church system of man that has man as Lord, not Jesus. Sketch #1 shows the Church as basically clear of demonic presence and though there are/were demons roaming about within the body, they were a minor intrusion and so are not shown on this sketch.

FEBRUARY 19 2002 to MARCH 1 0 2002 See next page for commentary on this sketch (below). Condition of the Church in North America - February 19, 2002

Sketch #2

fat ^Oentch ^Te^^ f q ^ aid ^n^o C.S.M. = Church System of Man

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The Staff and Sword Minist ry

April 12, 2002

'Ii Decision R Sketch #2 (on page E) February 19, 2002 Battles `In The Spirit' Starting February 19, 2002 I was assigned to direct Net of Prayer formations `In The Spirit' during "Mountain" Prayer Operation. On moving `In The Spirit' that day, to my surprise, I was confronted by hordes of demons that filled up the areas of the church system of man. The demons came right up to the boundary with us, the Elect, Sealed, Faithful-Obedient and Innocent children of God. The areas of the church system of man were solid black because of the intense concentration of demons covering that area. This was taking place `In This World' at the third dimension, meaning these demons had power over all those in this area, power to use them, power to abuse and power to kill and destroy. Demons this thick are like a virulent disease that saturates a given area, anyone in that area is going to be affectedlinfected and not for the good; many will eventually perish as this is the prime directive of the demons destroy Christians. Then on HOLY SPIRIT direction we (Net of Prayer and JESUS' warring Angels) launched a fierce and concerted attack on the demons before us, driving deep wedges into their lines, obliterating demons by the tens of thousands, then hundreds of thousands, then millions. We drove them back to a given line and set up our defensive perimeter on this new line, then we drove the demons back another step, but this time we did not occupy that second zone, instead it became like a non-manlno-demon zone between us. All this was accomplished February 19-21, 2002 `In The Spirit'. (See Sketch #3 on next page) I began to recognize that this new zone we cleared out and occupied represented that 10% portion of the church system of man, the Lord's tithe that would be spared out of the coming judgments. The remaining 90% of the church system

of man still under demon power would be wiped out in the coming judgment. The zone between us and the demons I came to know by the SPIRIT OF GOD represented that 5% portion of the church system of man (out of the 90%) that had a decision to make, this zone and that 5% portion was represented by Pastor Hansen and World Ministries International. I now understood the gravity of the decision facing W.M.I. and Pastor Hansen and JESUS led me to make it plain as day to them on March I0 'b. Where did all these demons come from? They were not there and suddenly they were there and in very great, even massive, numbers (billions strong). The HOLY SPIRIT gave me to remember something that happened 15 years ago and then I understood.

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The Staff and Sword Minis

April 12, 2002

The March 1 0 2002 Church Decision Report continued Condition of the Church


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in North America - March 10, 2002 4 PM


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Sketch #3 y a

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C.S.M. = Church System of Man p7


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On February 19, 1987 the Beastman and his massive demon armies broke t', rough the GAP after we had withstood them for 13 days of intense battle `In The Spirit.' We knew then that it would be TWO YEARS before the demon breakthrough of February 19, 1987 would BEGIN to manifest in this world. By 1989 when we had evidence of the battle of 1987 appearing in the skies overhead (Flaming Sword). When the "Flaming Sword of 1989" appeared we then understood that EACH DAY in the GAP was equal to ONE YEAR, thus 13 days meant 13 years. The demon breakthrough seen February 19, 1987 `In The Spirit' and in The GAP had just manifested, the demons had reached into this world:


19, 1987

+2 years = February 19,


+13 years = February 19 2002.

I was `In The Spirit' and in the GAP when the demons broke through February 19, 1987

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April 12, 2002 (continu

1989 +13 y ears = Februar y19 2002 (continued) and now here I was In The Spirit' and in this world seeing that same demon army arrive on the scene February 19, 2002. The church decision of 1989 by Lyman and now WMI in 2002 were identical - the Seal of the Living God was rejected. The consequences revealed by JESUS in 1989 would pertain

to 2002, only now these things would move to fulfillment irresistibly. This is what JESUS told (in part) me about the Lyman Church decision, which would now pertain to the I.M.I. decision on March 10, 2002.


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The Staff and Sword Ministry

The March 10, 2002 Church Decision Report

April 12, 2002 (continued)

JESUS' Word to Chuck-JOHNEL on Wednesda Jul 2G 1989 at 4: 51 PM continued IN THE HEAVENS IT EXPLODES IN A FURY, A VIOLENCE REFLECTING WHAT'S BEEN DONE AND SO THE PACE QUICKENS. FIRE IN THE HEAVENS AND FEAR ON EARTH, FOLLOWED BY TERROR AND PANIC AND YET NOT A HAIR OF MY SEALED LAMBS SHALL BE SINGED, NOR SHALL ANY HARM COME TO THEM. FOR THE SAKE OF THOSE WHO ARE MINE, I WILL SPARE MANY AND MUCH. YET TERRIBLE LOSS IS IRREVERSIBLE. IN THE NEXT EIGHT DAYS WATCH THE HEAVENS AND SKIES ABOVE. ABIDE IN ME." When JESUS said "IN THIS YEAR" He spoke of the year when these things would be "SET AND ESTABLISHED....UNDER GOD'S LAW" - a direct reference to Genesis 41: 32 or when these things would be done TWICE. They were "Set and Established" on March 10, 2002. What JESUS told us back in 1989 applies directly to this year, 2002. We are looking at the very "Beginning" of the judgment He has had us warn of for all these past years. More, JESUS makes it plain that it is now "Irreversible."

MARCH 10 2002 at 3:45 PM There were four of us present at the meeting with Pastor Hansen and his W.M.I. associate pastors and elders, Nancy-TONI, Lyn-ELIZABETH, Greg Wetterauer and myself. We each received a revelation as follows: Nancy-TONI all during the meeting saw a dark, swirling cloud over their end of the table, it never went away during the meeting. L y n-ELIZABETH saw JESUS, bright in a white cloud. At meeting's end He backed up and closed a door and He was no longer visible any more. Greg was told by JESUS that this was His final plea. JESUS said it would be used to acquit or convict in the final plea. Chuck-JOHNEL: At 3:45PM JESUS spoke to me saying, "THIS MEETING IS OVER." At this point I saw `In The Spirit' that the demons were now moving into the 5% zone and they slowly encroached and filled the whole 5% zone, their decision was recorded in heaven and the demons took them.

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12, 2002

The March 10, 2002 Church Decision Report (continued)

What is going to happen now? I perceive that the whole of this judgment was held-off from moving ahead until this final portion, the 5% of the church system of man, made their decision to be under Jesus' cover or to reject His cover and be subject to the Devil. I didn't go to the March 10 ` ' meeting in Stanwood, Washington to argue or debate or contend with adversity. My mission in Christ was simple, to afford them JESUS' love to bring them through what is coming by His Seal, the Seal of the Living God. I made it very plain that they were facing a very dangerous situation. They elected to reject the Sealing and JESUS made that plain to all of us. Our job was done, we left. Through the 12 year judgment cycle we understood that the judgment events of 1989 could re-emerge in 2001. We observed, recorded and reported stunning parallels to 1989 in the early events of 2001; but then suddenly this parallel dried up, it stopped. Why? I didn't know. I have used the analogy, at times, that judgment is like the clock of a football game, when "time" is called out the clock is stopped. When the "time-out" ends, the clock picks up where it left off. We have seen that judgment has this kind of dimension and so when the judgment parallel suddenly stopped in mid-2001 I understood it was like a "time-out." Again, why was not revealed until the March 10 th 2002 decision came into view. After all that preceded and culminated on March 10, 2002 it was plain that there was one final decision from 1989 to be made, one that would result in a "time-out" until that decision registered. Pastor Hansen and World Ministries International served to represent that decision in 2002, the one made by Lyman Church and Pastor White back in 1989. My expectation is this: The demon power on the scene, starting February 19, 2002, has been checked and held-back in the "Mountain" Prayer Operation, preventing those demons from linking up with those flesh-men who are willing to yield themselves as willing vessels of that evil and to do the will of the Devil. The decision of March 10, 2002 determined who will be under Jesus' cover and who will not be, and it also unleashed the demons to begin the process of linking up with those human vessels willing to yield to their evil intent. Any way you look at it, it is bad news to be sure! I have understood since 1989 that the judgments visible in that year were only "partial" and that while those events would repeat, that when they did much more would be happening

than happened in 1989. But at the least we have a skeletal judgment framework to look for.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

April 12, 2002

The March 10 2002 Church Decision Report (continued) What is going to happen now? (continued) The judgment clock will start ticking again: I see the real possibility that the judgments of 1989 will re-emerge this year, 2002. We will be looking for a horrific Hurricane to come at the U.S. on September 25, 2002, followed by a major killer earthquake in San Francisco on October 23, 2002, followed by war on December 26, 2002. These are just the introductory troubles that "can" or "may" surface this year. Following the pattern of 1989, we will be facing involvement in a serious war in the Middle-EastlPersian Gulf by August 2003 and an all out war by early 2004. The 62" d day from the March 10, 2002 decision will be May 10/11, 2002. Again, what that will bring is not known but it is clearly a time to be watching. TINY STAR: I perceived that the near misses by an asteroid January 7, 2002 and the N second near miss March 8, 2002 were early warnings that the first TIN Y STAR (a broken asteroid that will hit the earth like a shotgun blast and cannot be stopped) is near. JESUS' WORD of 1989 (see Page I) clearly connects the final decision (seen March 10, 2002) with the coming of the first TINY STAR. I discern that the decision of March 10, 2002 unleashed this judgment - it is now on the way. Pastor/Prophet Daniel Bohler has gotten a revelation from the Lord God to expect a "Giant Earthquake" to hit in the Ocean off the west coast, effecting areas from Mexico to Washington State, He believes it will hit this year and it will trigger waves of other earthquakes that will come after it. When? He doesn't know, but he discerns it is close. i perceive that this may be the earthquake JESUS shewed me in July 2001 of a massive earthquake striking Los Angeles that would result in massive destruction and heavy loss of life. One thing, once the March 10, 2002 decision was made, it unleashed the judgment and JESUS' Word of 1989 need be taken literally, "JUDGMENTS ARE MOVING TO COMPLETION... THEN BEGINS THE VERY JUDGMENT ITSELF AND IT IS THEN IRREVERSIBLE." I would suggest you order the "March 19, 2002 Leadership Report", that gives a more complete picture of this. This is a condensed version. God Bless! End of report. jka

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

April 10, 2002

MOVIE REVIEWS by Chuck-]OHNEL 8i Nancy-TON! In the year 1979 JESUS Commissioned me to review movies out of Hollywood on a regular basis. In all the years since I have seen Hollywood become aggressively anti-Christian in the way they produce movies and then also positively pro anti-Christ and pro-Devil at the same time. The Church has ignored the warning signs, worse they do very little if anything about what is going on. It would not surprise me on a strictly human level (if I were not Jesus' Prophet) to see Christians being herded into camps and subjected to the horrors of death camps after seeing all the hatred and murderous intent being directed at them by Hollywood movies. We are living in a time when genocide against Christians is not only being encouraged but the movies also give tutorials on"how to mass murder Christians." We give movies one of three classes of ratings, these being: The Pitchfork: When you see this symbol it indicates that the movie has consistent and/or strong anti-Christian content or theme and is the product of demons out of hell. One "pitchfork" signifies the hellish content is minor or subtle but enough to tag it as a movie out of hell. Two or more pitchforks indicate that the presence of hell in the movie is greater. "" f,,



The Halo: When you see this symbol it indicates that the movie has consistent and/or strong Christian moral and/or Spiritual content and is worth seeing. The greater the number of halo's indicate increased Christian moral and/or Spiritual value.

Worth Seeing: When you see this symbol it indicates that the movie is morally and/or Spiritually neutral. It may however be uplifting and/or interesting and/or entertaining and therefore "worth seeing".

TERMS USED: THEATER = This movie is presently being shown in movie theaters. VCR = This movie is available to rent on VCR Video tape.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

April 10, 2002

Notation: Harmless Movies? In McAlvanv's March, 2002 Report (Page l2) lie makes this observation (Quote) "A

growing interest in sorce ry and witchcraft generated by the Har ry Potter stories has prompted an Australian university to launch a special course open to the public." (Unquote)


Movie Title: "A1." Artificial Intelligence Color 2001. 2 hours, 25 minutes on VCR. ^^ ^^^

This is a Dream Works and Warner Brothers Picture, an AmblinlStanley Kubrick production, a Steven Spielberg film. Rated: PG 13.

Leading actor (playing the robot boy) Haley Joel Osment with Jude Law (playing a sex robot). Story line: The writers have taken the Pinocchio fantasy and projected it into a presumedfuturistic setting. Here global warming has melted the polar ice caps flooding coastal cities around the world, forcing mankind into the interior where many perish due to starvation. In this se tt ing one sees focus to a very wealthy class of people and to a time when man has

invented robots that are so human-like one can not tell the difference without having a special machine to read-out the inwards of the like-flesh covered metal machines. More, this mechanical boy is made to be capable of loving. Here two parents purchase a boy-like robot to take the place of their comatose child (frozen against the day when they can cure his incurable disease). This mecha*-bay is named David. What makes the mecha-boy seem real is that fact that it is played by a real boy (Haley Joel Osment). In any event, things go bad and the mecha-bey is dropped off in the woods by Monica (the human "mom") to fend for itself- the other option is to destroy the mecha-boy, which she cannot do (attachment has been formed). *Note- Movie term for mechanical

One can become sympathetic for the mecha-boy and I found myself working to remember that it is only a "talking toaster" to keep things in perspective. Mecha-boy, David, had been read the Pinocchio story by Monica (mom) and had come to believe that if it could find the "blue fairy" he could be changed into a real boy and could then return home to Monica (mom).

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

April 10, 2002

Movie Title: "A.1." Artificial Intelligence ,continued) The best part of this movie was a Super Toy named Teddy, a high-tech mechanical teddy bear that could walk on its own, talk and had an attitude that was interesting if not humorous at times. The attempt to make the mecha-boy seem real, to give it a soul, was an impossible task so long as one remembered that it was a robot, not a flesh and blood boy with a living soul. Subtle but evident anti-Christian statements: David (mecha-boy) links up with a sexrobot (played by Jude Law) named "Gigolo Joe"who services women. This part of the movie is repulsive in the extreme. How it got rated PG13 is a wonder, it should have been rated R moving towards X. At one point they bring the viewer to what is called a "Flesh Fair" where outmoded robots are destroyed in a fashion that mimics torture and death. The intent of the movie-maker is to exemplify man's cruel and murderous side; but right in the middle of this killing-like destruction of robots we find the human ringmaster quoting scripture. Suddenly the murderous and cruel are identified as being "Christian." It is about as subtle as a rock to the head. After the "Flesh Fair" segment the two robots (David and Gigolo Joe) come to a chapel in a lewd sex-city with a sign reading, "Our Lady of Mercy." The sex-robot (Gigolo Joe) states, "They come here to pray but when they leave they me. "Again, Christians are openly and specifically selected to mock and ridicule as hypocrites. The robot-boy, David, eventually ends up in a helicopter that sinks to the bottom and settles in front of an underwater carnival inlnear New York City and in front of a statue of the "Blue Fairy." David now patiently waits for the "Blue Fairy" to transform him into a boy (following the Pinocchio story, up to a point). 2,000 YEARS LATER: The human race is now extinct, the earth is a frozen wasteland and David's batteries have run down and quit. Some extra- terrestrials have visited the earth and found the frozen robot-boy and recharged his batteries. The movie ends shortly after. This was the most offensive aspect of this soulless and lifeless movie - it was clear as a bell that the 2,000 years and the robot-boy waiting for the Blue Fairy to transform him was by intent to ridicule Christians who have waited for Jesus' Return for 2,000 years, in the hope of being transformed into His likeness and image. I do not recommend this movie, it is a waste of film and clearly displays an anti-Christian bigotry which even "Teddy" the mechanical bear cannot offset.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

April 10, 2002

Movie Title: "THE TIME MACHINE" Color 2002, 1 hour 36 minutes, in Theaters.

Rated: PG 13. This is a remake of the . a y o a 1960 movie (same title) which is a science-fiction classic by H. G. Wells (and, in fact, it is directed by Well's great-grandson). The lead is played by actor Guy Pearce who stars as a scientist who zips 800,000 years into the future. o

This movie surprised us, in that it proved both enjoyable and interesting as they threw a few tnew twists into an old story line. Hollywood is rarely original, much less interesting, and his movie is a little of both and worth the viewing. Movie Title: "WE WERE SOLDIERS" Color 2002, 2 hours 18 minutes, in Theaters.

Rated: R. Lead role played by actor Mel Gibson with supporting role a Q= played with supporting role played by Sam Elliott as the tough sergeant major in a fact-based movie story of the first major battle between American soldiers and North Vietnamese troops in 1965. U.S. troops were out numbered by the North Vietnamese ten to one. It is rated "R" and has sustained, graphic war violence, language. Director Randall Wallace (who wrote the movie, "Braveheart") is unsparing in his depiction of the cold, hard realties of war. This movie was unusual compared with other Vietnam vintage movies since the American soldiers are not depicted (as in past movies) as being drug addicts or sexual predators or alcoholics or murderous and ruthless. Here we saw Americans fighting well with courage and honor against an overwhelming force of enemy troops. Due justice was paid to the North Vietnamese troops who fought as well. Overall it was an honest and straightforward homage paid to the American soldiers who were sent to fight impossible battles and did so with great courage, honor and ability. At the end of the movie, Jim-REPHAEL (who saw the movie with us), noticed that when the movie ended no one got up to leave (unusual) as the credits were played. Jim-REPHAEL

noticed that a number of men in the audience were actually weeping (obviously they were Viet Nam vets). There is a good deal of prayer in this movie and the language is appropriate given the horrific circumstances of battle (while I don't condone the Ianguage, I do understand). I recommend the movie, a reminder of the price of our freedom.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

April 10, 2002

Movie Title: "ICE AGE" Color 2002, 1 hour 27 minutes, in Theaters.


Animated/carton story about a woolly mammoth, a sloth, and a saber-tooth 째 tiger that join forces to help return a human child to its tribe during the Ice Age of long ago.

One of the most interesting cartoon characters in the movie is a "saber-toothed squirrel" who is ever in pursuit of an acorn (with limited success). Hollywood can't seem to pass an opportunity to advance the homosexual agenda, for in the midst of the movie two rhinos appear that are "gay". Pointless! The story-line is one that

a critic said, "Adults will find it tolerable, teenagers might fall asleep but the little ones should have a great time, especially during the poop sequence (think "Three Men and a Baby') " We agree. If I'd see this cartoon movie again it would be for the parts showing the saber-toothed squirrel. It is not much of a movie for an adult but it is c ute. Movie Title: "BANDITS" Color 2002, 2 hours 3 minutes, on VCR. Lead role by Billy Bob Thornton, with Bruce Willis and Cate Blanchett. Rated PG-13. MGM Movie. They begin the movie by telling you that the lead characters (Thornton, Willis) will die and start you off with a prison escape followed by a bank robbing romp across the country. Frankly, the movie was disgusting and we turned it off after the first ten minutes. Glorification of crime and criminal behavior is the last thing this society needs. Added to this, I've never thought much of a movie that gives you the ending at the beginning - what is the point of watching it? A waste of film! Movie Title: "TRAINING DAY" Color 2001, 2 hours 2 minutes, on VCR. Warner Brothers movie. Rated "R" The lead-role played by Denzel Washington as Alonzo Harris, an undercover narc meaner than any of L.A.'s mean streets. This movie is so violent and the character Denzel plays is so repulsive, if not inhuman, that watching it left a stench in the air. On top of that, at one point Alonzo .


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The Staff and Sword Ministry

April 10, 2002

Movie Title: "TRAINING DAY" (continued) (Denzel) reproofs his rookie cop as being a "Jesus Freak" because he refused to take drugs. That was a major turn-off for us, but the

general demeanor of the movie was darkness, and then deeper darkness. That Denzel Washington won the Oscar (best actor) for the role he played in this movie was frankly surprising. I like Denzel as an actor and person, but this movie and its story-line stunk to high heaven and that Denzel took this role is not to his credit. This movie is a "nogo" big time. Movie Title: "BEDAllLED" Color 2000 on VCR.

This is a 20 ` ' Century Fox Picture. Rated: PG 13. Leading roles played by actor Brendan Fraser and Elizabeth Hurley in this remake of the movie that had the late Dudley Moore in the lead role. The basic plot is that the Devil (played by Elizabeth Hurley) makes an offer to a man who is lonely (played by Brendan Fraser) of seven wishes for his soul in exchange. The Devil proves to be a liar, deceiver and fails to fulfill any of the wishes. There is a lot of sexrelated humor, language and some drug content, plus the obligatory "gay scenes" that Hollywood finds necessary to insert everywhere they can. Since it is an accurate portrayal of the Devil (devious, untrustworthy and underhanded) we give it half a halo. On the other hand, it is not really a very uplifting movie, though it has a few humorous moments. Don't bother to see it. Movie Title: "BLACK HAWK DOWN" Color 2002.2 hours, 23 minutes. on VCR.* *Note - This movie will be shortly

available on VCR, its run at the Theater is about over. Rated: R (intense, realistic, graphic war violence, language). On a hot afternoon in 1993, a force of U.S. Army Rangers and Delta Force soldiers mount an attack and attempted abduction of a Somali warlord in the capitol of Somalia. This

movie is quite true to what actually happened in Somalia in 1993 when Beastman Clinton sent these troops into harm's way without sufficient support. The ensuing slaughter of both Moslem Somalis (led by bin Laden's terrorists who trained the Somalis how to fight Americans) and U.S. soldiers takes up the main part of this movie.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

April 11, 2002

Movie Title:

"BLACK HAWK DOWN" (continued) Historically, the al-Qaeda terrorists under bin Laden's orders had gone to Somalia to train the Somali Moslems how to shoot down U.S. helicopters and engage the U.S. forces. This fact was concealed from the general public until the release of this movie this year (and the departure of Clinton from the White House). The General in command of the U.S. Forces in Somalia had requested heavy equipment (armored vehicles) and attack helicopters to support this planned raid. Beastman Clinton's Administration denied the equipment, thus American soldiers ran into an ambush and found themselves both outnumbered (40 to 1 and more) and surrounded. When the Clinton Administration should have sent the U.S. Forces back in to turn the tide of battle and seize a victory, instead he withdrew the forces. This withdrawal in the face of enemy fire would embolden the terrorists to believe that "if'they could kill a few American soldiers, that the U.S. would run away. This emboldenment of terrorists by Clinton's cowardly behavior in 1993 led to September 11 `h

I would recommend this movie (though it is bloody and brutal war stuff) only to the ends of seeing just what kind of nightmare Clinton walked our nation and its soldiers intoby his anti-military and often anti-American posture. I remember the father of one of the soldiers killed in this action in Somalia confronted Clinton at his son's funeral and told him bluntly (as I recall), "My son is dead because of you. You are not worthy to hold the office of President, you are a disgrace to this nation. "This movie does not show this side, just the fact that the U.S. soldiers lacked the equipment to do the j ob and many perished as a result. Movie Title: "LORD OF THE RINGS; THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING" Color 2002 . 2 hours, 58 minutes in length. Rated: PG-13 (epic battle scenes). In THEATER. The first of J.R.R. Tolkien's trilogy adapted to movie form. The movie is quite colorful, the bad guys are really bad and the good guys are really good only these guys are mostly Hobbits, elves, dwarves, some humans and evil creeping things. Tolkien (who was a Christian) is said to have imbued this work with Christianity although there is no outward religious reference in the movie. However, it is a classic good versus evil and good triumphs over evil plot and for that it is interesting. Neither of us discerned anything evil about the movie, it was long and the good guys overcame their weaknesses and triumphed. Nothing to be unhappy about to be sure. If you are a fan of Tolkien you will likely enjoy this fantasy film - and that is what it is a fantasy film with a moral boundary very unlike the Harry Potter film. :t C A? 5 r',{rl

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