Jan 17th, 2006: Preventing World War III in 1982

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The Staff and Sword M inistry

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Januar y 17, 200 6





Part 2 - Issues of the heart, Leadership, the Wall and intense, fierce and actual Strategic Spiritual Warfare Written by: Chuck-JOHNEL

The sketch (above) was used in the November 2, 1981 Newsletter to depict what I discerned was a break through by the forces of hell and death, that they crashed through the wall protecting the Body of Christ. But I had little understanding of the analogy at this ti me and only later recognized it was more than an analogy, much more. AN ISSUE OF THE HEART: Inwardly I knew that the price I'd end up paying in undertaking this war `in The Spirit' was more than I was either willing or desirous of paying. So why did I do it? The price that JESUS paid to save me was not something I took lightly and I knew deep within how much He did for me and so I could never deny Him anything He asked of me. I could argue with Him, even not want to do what He asked but inwardly I could not say "no" and mean it. I embraced the work He set before me with all my heart and I also took r on His Spirit in this. JESUS loved His people and wanted to spare them this hor ible war and the Love He had for them became central to my view of them and the situation. Thus I came to love them as He did and this love became a driving force in me, even an empowerment in Christ to do things beyond any strength I had. The Net of Prayer was hardly a battle ready group, most had never moved `In The Spirit' and now they'd take on a battle so fierce, so deadly and so serious that they had to grow up in Christ quickly and embrace His call with utter determination to not only begin but

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January 17, 2006

persist until the work was done - however long that might be. It was not only my job to organize the counter-attack In The Spirit' but to encourage, motivate and teach the intercessors how to wage strategic spiritual warfare `In The Spirit'. They had to learn by doing and it would be a school of hard knocks. I was surprised to hear many of the volunteer intercessors ask me to "teach them to pray" because they had never had any teaching in prayer-intercession much less strategic spiritual warfare. Yet, I was heartened in that they were yielded to doing God's Will and to learn by doing. THE LAMB AND THE LION: We of the Net of Prayer had to have an attitude and self view based on who we were in Christ - not as the world saw us but as we were in Christ. So in those days I would say that when the enemy of our souls grabbed our wooly tails (we being God's lambs) that this time they'd find that we have a dual nature - and that next the enemy would find that they'd grabbed a hold of the tail of the Lion of Judah - and that we were about to tear them to pieces. The enemy, the massive number of demons, moved `In The Spirit' with an obvious confidence - they were about to be engaged by God's Army in ways that they had not seen in 2,000 years of Church history. Christians have been very passive in past generations and the enemy counted on this passivity and worked to exploit it and cause great slaughters. We found `In The Spirit' that initially the demons didn't know what to do or how to respond to our attack - they showed distinct signs of being both stunned , surprised and at ti mes terror struck by God's people in God's Armor coming at them with resolve and Christ's empowerment.

THE NET OF PRAYER LEADERSHIP of 1981/82 We had 100 volunteer intercessors, 25 of which were the original Net of Prayer intercessors organized by Randy in 1980. From these I was able to enlist 8 brethren who were willing to be leaders of the initial six N.Q.P. Prayer Groups , These were: ABRAM PRAYER GROUP (*see next page) CAPTAIN: ALBERT E. EGNER MARTINSVILLE, INDIANA DEBORAH PRAYER GROUP CAPTAINS: KAY CALDWELL & LUCILLE GALAGHER DILLSBORO, INDIANA

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The Staff and Sword Ministry - Part 2




1 82 (Continued)

DAVID PRAYER GROUP CAPTAIN: SISTER MARGUERITE MONTALTO RHODE ISLAND GIDEON PRAYER GROUP CAPTAIN: BARRY LYNCH SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA ISRAEL PRAYER GROUP (Intercessory support) CAPTAIN: DON PALASCHAK KILDEER, ILLINOIS JUDAH PRAYER GROUP CAPTAIN: KEVIN KAHLER BRIDGEPORT, PA. NEHEMIAH PRAYER GROUP (* see below) CAPTAIN: RICHARD SYDOR NOR WOOD, MASSACHUSETTS 2 *Note: At the sta rt of warfare on November 12, 1981 the intercessors of Abram and Nehemiah Prayer Groups were organized as one unit as the JOSHUA Prayer Group under Captain Albert E. Egner. Once the broken cross trunk of demons was cut through in battle Joshua Prayer Group was formed into two new prayer groups - Abrams and Nehemiah. The deployment of the Net of Prayer prayer groups was as shown (see below) in a report issued in early November, 1981: ►" TI4AT TAE LEADE RS LED in PEOLf 7sMELIf VAT

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January 17. 2006

THE BATTLE PLAN So much of what I knew about this upcoming battle came by the Spirit of God that trying to explain it was impossible - there was only time to set down the over-all strategy of battle `In The Spirit' (via sketches like the one on the Iast page) along with written prayers for everyone to agree on as we moved `In The Spirit' in the armor of God as God's Army. The place that this demon army sprang from was identified as "Hobah" by JESUS (He gave me Genesis 14: 15) which after doing a little research into Hebrew and with Holy Spirit insights I came to know that "Hobah" meant: "the hiding place of self-worship. " The demon army itself was so massive that any count of the number of demons was i mpossible - but I later concluded that it was easily in the billions. The demons took a formation like the so-called "peace symbol" (see sketch on page 5) which is also known as "Peter's cross." Essentially the demon broken cross was 300 miles thick and extended thousands of miles into our land. The demons were so tightly packed together (front to back, side to side) that the front-most spear points exerted all the pressure of the total combined force of demons in the formation. Thus when you attempted to stop the demons advancing in the front (spearheads) you would be attempting to resist the collective power of every demon in the enemy broken cross. David, Judah and Deborah Prayer Groups were assigned to attack starting November 12, 1981 to blunt and stop the advance of the demon spearheads - no small feat. Whereas Gideon and Joshua Prayer Groups (I was joined to Gideon Prayer Group) were to attack to cut through the demon trunk at the west-most end and near to the church wall. The strategy was simple - the demon army was like a giant water hose - cut it at the starting point and the immense pressure at the spearheads would drop. DEMON STRATEGY: The HOLY SPIRIT gave ine to know that each demon spearhead

also had a strategy - the north-most spearhead was to encourage/empower murder and terror while the south-most would sow, encourage and empower confusion, doubt and unbelief among God's people while the central spearhead would wage war on the saints. The demonic intent was to neutralize the church in this way so they could have their way in this world.

"TEACH ME TO PRAY" One hundred Christians volunteered to pray andlor move `In The Spirit' to wage strategic spiritual warfare against the demon army; but more than half of them asked me to "teach them to pray" - they had little or no experience or teaching on how to pray.

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This glaring lack of the knowledge of how to pray was no surprise - I'd talked to a Pastor a year earlier who told me that he didn't know how to pray and that in all of the years he spent in seminary, he only had one half hour course on prayer in the whole time. This is an aerial view/sketch of the broken cross formation of demons after we had cut through the demon trunk near the base or starting point. THE WALL Days before the Net of Prayer was to begin the counter-attack in The

Spirit' I took half a Legion of Jesus' Warring Angels (600) with Michael the Archangel and we moved in The Spirit to scout out the terrain surrounding the demon broken cross formation. It was at this time

Sketch drawn f ro m the December 23, 1981 Report entitled: "FLAMING SWORD - Report Three."

that I ran into this huge and ancient wall which the demon army had broken through. I was a bit surprised if not mystified - what was this wall, who built it, what did it mean??? I had questions but no answers - I saw it clearly, even touched it and made mental notes of what it looked like.

The stones were huge chunks of granite and laid on top of each other tightly knit together. I noted moss and foliage grow ing on the wall and was keenly aware that it was ancient, very ancient. On the other side I saw a second wall, very high and not so old that bounded this place called "Hobah" - so they had a wall too. What did it all mean? I didn't have an idea nor was it my concern at this time - my concern

was to scout out the terrain around the demon army and to ready for battle starting November 12, 1981. The demons were totally focused on marchin g into our land and concentrating on readying to trigger Nuclear World War III and the slaughter of God's people on planet earth. In fact, they didn't even notice us riding about scouting here and there and I came to know that they did not expect or even dream that they'd run into any resistance in The Spirit'. They were used to having their way and it had been this way for the past 2,000 years.

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GOING BACK TO JUNE 28.1980 It has been my experience that JESUS will lay down extensive groundwork towards a major revelation, events and revelations that He later ties together to form a more complete picture of what He is shewing.* On June 28, 1980 JESUS instructed us (Randy and I) to go North to Des PIaines, Illinois (to a stretch of forest where The Staff was cut from in 1976) and here to prophesy as He gave us to prophesy. At this time I was led to strike the earth with The Staff in JESUS' NAME - and when doing this, we saw power emanate from the Staff and flash deep into the earth striking what looked like giant stone plates. The force of the power from the Staff slammed into this giant stone plate which resonated sending shock waves out in every direction at this depth in the earth - it was like ringing a bell. Then JESUS had me hold The Staff in the air above our heads and to prophesy saying, "YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED AND WOULD NOT HEED, NOW IS THE TIME FOR EVERY WORD TO BE FULFILLED. I WILL PUT IN THE SKY ABOVE THIS NATION ASIGN FROM EAST TO WEST AN D MEN SHALL BE AFRAID."

"The Echo of The Staff' That is what we called it when it hit on July 27, 1980 a 5.1 Richter earthquake struck Lexington, Kentucky.** It was so powerful that the concentric waves (exactly what I saw when the power from the Staff struck that giant stone plate) from this earthquake were felt in 20 states (including Ontario, Canada). Scientists were baffled (and said so) as there were NO known faults in Lexington, Kentucky. A geologist said, in essence, "Some loud explosion came up under Lexington from deep in the earth and shook 20 states. " The description fit what we had seen by the Spirit of God on June 28, 1980 - thus we called it "an echo of The Staff." 'Note: I'm being specific in spelling this as "spew or she wing" to denote seeing something shown by the Spirit of God as opposed to" showing " which speaks of seeing with the carnal


** Note. This is one of the four cities to be accidentally nuked by Russia as revealed in 1983. SEEING A GIANT FAULT LINE: When I saw this power come from the Staff and slam

into the giant stone plate deep in the earth below us (today we know it was 440 miles deep in the earth) I also was shewn a crack in the earth running from where we stood (North of Chicago) southwards through downtown Chicago, Illinois and then all the way south to St. Louis, Missouri. This crack then continued west to Mount Saint Helens volcano in Washington State.

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GOING BACK TO JUNE 28, 1980 (Continued Some brethren on our mailing list after reading this report about the prophetic events of June 28, 1980 in our June, 1980 Newsletter telephoned the U.S. Geological Survey and asked if there was such a crack in the earth from Washington State to St. Louis and then north through Chicago. The geologist laughed and said that there was no known fault line over 1,000 miles long anywhere on earth. Those brethren then called me a "false prophet" and asked to be removed from the mailing list.



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MAY 5, 1981

This (above) was the heading of our May 5, 1981 Newsletter reporting the most unusual event of April 12, 1981.

THE FLAMING SWORD OF APRIL 12 1981 On April 12, 1981 1 received an excited telephone call from a Net of Prayer intercessor, Mrs. Johanna Winter (formerly one of the Von Trapp girls made well known by the movie, "The Sound of Music"). Johanna was living in La Conner, Washington and had just witnessed a spectacular sight - an awesome sight of burning colors in the night sky so bright it lit up the evening like daytime. It was one of the most unusual "aurora borealis" (also known as `northern lights") sightings ever. The band of twisting colors ranged from Washington State all the way eastwards across the U.S. to the Northern tip of Florida.

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Johanna (von Trapp) Winter would tell me that she had seen a similar sight when she was a child living in Austria - a massive appearance of an aurora borealis appeared over Europe in 1938. Johanna then told me that just 6 months later Hitler marched into Austria and seized her country. A little over a year later (1939) Hitler's Germany Auld invade Poland triggering World War II in which some 50 million souls perished. Johanna was struck by the awesome beauty of the lights in the sky above as colors of red, blue, green, yellow and white flooded the heavens and flowed majestically. Johanna remembered the prophesy Jesus had me give on June 28, 1980 and said, "This is the sign that God had you prophesy!"

As I prayed about this and pondered it I recognized that this sign in the sky was a clear warning from God that the world was drifting towards World War III. It was as a result of this event that we projected that this war would begin in the Middle East on or about August 2/4, 1982. I was able to gather a variety of news reports from different parts of the nation which stated (Quote) "Skygazers flooded police and radio stations - a spectacular display of red lights traveling "East to West" was seen over vast sections of the Northwest, West, Midwest and South from Washington State and California to Tennessee and South Dakota to Louisiana and Florida. (Unquote) I knew then that this was a clear sign from God that we were headed towards war, world nuclear war. But on April 13, 1981 JESUS told me this, "THIS IS A PATTERN -WAIT." Even so I knew that unless the church responded to Jesus' warning of the coming war and prayed that this would happen "now," In a matter of three months time (July, 1981) JESUS would have me resign the Ministry and rest. I knew then without question that World Nuclear War III was coming fast, but I'd been pulled out of the action, the rejection of Jesus' Word was total - there was nothing I could do about it. On the next page you will find a sketch I drew in October of 1981 showing the various revelations given over a period of time concerning this coming judgment. I depicted the "Flaming Sword", also known as the "Aurora Borealis", as stretching across the U.S. from Washington State through St. Louis all the way to the Northern tip of Florida. The distance this "Flaming Sword" covered was close to 3,000 miles. It was most unusual for any "Aurora Borealis" to be seen south of Canada much less all the way to Florida.

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On December 17, 1981 the news media printed an article under the ti le "RIFT FOUND ACROSS U.S." (See below)

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This RIFT is basically a fault line or crack in the earth. The Boston Globe wrote this on page 32 (Quote) "ST. LOUIS, MO (AP) Space-age technology has uncovered a giant

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Quote of the Boston Globe article of December 17, 1981 (continued) crack across the face of America...and geologists are t ry ing to figure out what it means. "Our first reaction was: "It just can't be - it's just too big."Associate Prof. Raymond E. Arvidson said in an interview Tuesday at Washington University (Lindell and Skinner, St. Louis, Missouri)... "But there it is." Arvidson said the crack, some 1700 miles long, nearly three ti mes the length of California's San Andreas Fault could be one of the world's largest

continental rifts. It BEGINS in Washington State and stretches across to South-Central Missouri and the southern tip of the Appalachian Mountains...Arvidson said the rift poses no danger... it is unlikely to become an active fault again because the stresses that created it disappeared eons ago as the crack was filled with low-density rock...it could also help explain why earthquakes persist in the Missouri Bootheel, the site of the devastating New Madrid quakes of 170 years ago...Arvidson...made the discovery (late October 1981) by utilizing computer technology developed to handle data collected in the Viking unmanned

mission to Mars...to produce a simulated spaceview' of the U.S.A. ...they noticed the formation while inspecting the map one day in late October, 1981..." (Unquote) The vision revelation of June 28, 1980 of this crack in the earth reaching all the way to Washington State from St. Louis was vindicated by this scientific discovery some 17 months later (late October, 1981). However, the geologists still insist that there is no fault over 1,000 miles long as someone learned when calling the U.S. Geological Survey last year. By December, 1981 as the Net of Prayer battled to destroy the demon army In The Spirit' raged on I drew a new sketch side by side with the sketch of the battle plans ofNovember, ]98l (see below). Missouri [arawIty Low ^7WAT THE LPAWFZ = in

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Sketch and Map drawn from the December 23, 1981 Report entitled: "FLAMING SWORD - Report Three."

I now recognized that the invading demon army was conforming itself to this massive crack in the U.S. Continent. That cracklfault/rift was not as harmless as Professor Arvidson believed. The presence of massive numbers of demons aligned to and with that giant crack meant that major earthquakes in the U.S. was part of hell's plan to bring judgments of death and destruction on the U.S. - quakes leading to war.

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But what did Jesus mean? Again, on April 13, 1981 JESUS speaking of the Flaming Sword of April 12, 1981, told me this, "THIS IS A PATTERN - WAIT." What did He mean by that? After we engaged the demon army starting November 12, 1981 and destroyed it by January of 1982 we would shortly (June of 1982) see Israel invade Lebanon which uncovered the Soviet war plan and the masses of military hardware secretly brought into that country. A massive plan to trap the U.S. and the world in a Nuclear World War by June of 1982 was destroyed by our warfare 'In The Spirit' under Jesus' direction and empowerment. What JESUS was saying was that the events of 1980 to 1981 were a pattern of things to come - one day a secret plan unknown to our country and Israel will be sprung that will lead to Nuclear World War II1. This time that plan will not be stopped as it was in 1981-82. This is what JESUS meant by saying what happened then was a "pattern". AFTERMATH JANUARY 1982: After we completed the task of destroying the demon army `In The Spirit' I would see a destroyed America `In The Spirit.' America's cities were ruins, its population was decimated and the corpses and bones of multitudes of the dead littered the land. I was shocked and deeply sad to the point of tears. I did not understand then that I was seeing the outcome of the "real thing" when the church would unleash judgment as they did in 1981. It was because of the Sovereign Will intervention by FATHER GOD through JESUS CHRIST that America and the world was spared Nuclear World War III in 1982. Somewhere down the road of time there would come another spectacular "Flaming Sword"only this one would generate genuine fear in those who saw it and it would lead to the onset of a war that would lead to Nuclear World War III and the destruction of America. Did I understand it this way back in 1982? Frankly, I was so taken-up with the work JESUS set before me that I didn't have too much time to ponder the issue. I knew that I saw what I saw (America destroyed in war) and I knew that the Net of Prayer that 19811982 had prevented the destruction of America in 1982.1 couldn't explain it but I "knew" by the SPIRIT OF GOD that this would happen some time in the future. In 1981 there was an attempted assassination of the Pope and the President - both failed (though both men were shot) due to prayer intervention. But that was a "pattern." Next ti me around, when the "real judgment" comes the assassinations will succeed. This "real judgment" will lead to war and Nuclear World War. This is one reason why I' m sharing this now although it may seem to some just a reflection on the past - it is more than that.

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January 28, 2006

REFLECTIONS FROM THE RECORD OF 1981 The following is drawn from our record dating back to November of 1981 and addresses some of the questions and issues of moving `In The Spirit' as well as some experiences we had at the time. (Quote) (1) NOVEMBER 9,1981 . A year ago a Christian woman who wrote sometimes, sent a gift of clothes, candies, little books for the children - she also mentioned a terrible and painful affliction she had had for some years. I wrote a thank you, and prayed about that disease, and led by the Holy Spirit wrote "When you receive this letter, know the disease will disappear, Jesus will heal you - this He told inc tonight. " She wrote back in a week, for already the disease was weakening - in a month she was healed. She next sent another package, in it was a coffee cup with the inscription, "You are the potter. I am the clay". I delighted in that and have used it at work ever since. Today, while wondering if I should write this, the Lord told me "yes", I sensed something important, but cannot imagine what. Considering `in The Spirit' (hv Chuck-JOHNEL November 9. 1981) Since being born again and Spirit filled (March of 1971), I've found myself `In The Spirit' many times, and often times doing battle against demonic hordes. Usually, almost all the time, `In the Spirit' is experienced as/or like a broad open plain, like a sea of glass, a sea of time and space. Yet that sea of time and space is in some way relative to carnal life. These experiences are difficult to express or detail, as they are so far beyond human senses that there is barely any connection except thru the window of the mind, and by the Spirit of God. We have fleshy minds, but here in the Spirit, we operate with the Mind of Christ and both the carnal mind and the Mind of Christ which, tho linked by the soul, are not the same. By the moving of the Holy Spirit, I found that I would be aware of the activity of my spirit "In The Spirit', and at times of God's choosing, such activity would be reflected in my conscious mind. That I see at all `In the Spirit' is the result of revelation b y God, and this is possible simply through faith in Christ. Back many years ago, when I was a bachelor, I wanted to date this gal so I prayed about it asking the Lord God and I kept seeing a wall

between us. After weeks of persistent prayer, an angel appeared to me `In The Spirit' and pointing to that wall (which was visible to me), the angel said "you have the staff, knock the wall down! " To the surprise of my conscious mind I heard myself say, "The Lord God put up that wall, I will not knock it down and who are you to tell me so?" Well, it was a disguised fallen angel which shed its angelic appearance after which I drove it off in Jesus' Name. What stunned me most was to find myself saying what I said, especially in that I'd prayed so long and hard for a date with that woman. I then knew what was the perfect Will of God

for one - she was not in His plan for me and would not even allow me to date her. Indeed, I've learned that when `In the Spirit' I would say things out of a knowing, out of truths in

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REFLECTIONS FROM THE RECORD OF 1981(Continued) Quote from November 1981 continued plain and simply language that was well beyond what my conscious/carnal mind knew. BATTLES IN THE SPIRIT. Years back I found myself confronting demons In The Spirit' wearing the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6: 13-18) including sword and shield. In those early years I've often faced bad odds, but almost always saw results in other's lives as a result of waging such warfare against demonic influence. After some years at this, a purely faith activity, I came face to face with a person who had a derrion manifest, take the person over - the facial features were terrible, distorted as an evil horrible being glared at me directly in that moment, ignoring the other two ministers present, and said "I hate you ".

Since then I've learned much more. In the Spirit' I've seen demons fight often in formations, lined up - and have come to see that the demon up front has its strength multiplied by the demons backing it up. Yet the Lord's Angels do battle in single line, God backs them up. Demons fight with varying degrees of strength, some seem to panic and run, others are much tougher and they almost always have a commander who is very powerful. Yet in battling them, a chop of the sword or thrust into the body area and they fall like a balloon that's punctured. I've come to realize that when struck with the sword of the Word that while their power or strength is broken, they do not die but I seem to know it takes a time for them to recover. I've never seen an Angel of the Lord struck down, nor a Christian - but I have seen that the enemy's main strategy is to overwhelm them to the point where they are surrounded, and by passed. In other words neutralized, so the enemy can get to an objective. It's occurred to me that `In The Spirit', demons which in great numbers mean demonic force, move to places in this sea of time and space, windows if you will, into the carnal world and once in this world they move to empower human agents that Satan's will be done. Generally speaking, demonic force once it reaches a human agent or men is a whole different ball game. Once situated with or in a man or men, that demonic power thru free will co-operation is manifest in the world - then we are looking at, say, a Hitler. With Christians, the presence of the Holy Spirit in a man's life is the manifestation of God's Will on earth. It's been the consistent leading of the Holy Spirit to engage such demonic force `In the Spirit' BEFORE they reach the human agents, and the November 2, 1981 "A CALL TO ARMS" is just such a major effort. Here a massive column of demons having three prongs (like a broken cross) is pressing into the nation, the Church. The demonic power of hell is backing that column, so anyone who confronts the prongs will be fighting the collective power of the whole and that would be one stiff fight. Thus our strategy is to cut that column off, then chop it to pieces. Once


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REFLECTIONS FROM THE RECORD OF 1981 (Continued) ( Quote from November 9, 1981 continued) it is cut (ZION GAP) the total power of the enemy will only diminish as the attack develops against them." (Unquote) Comment by Chuck-J0HNEL on January 28 2006: This was written for the 100 volunteer intercessors of the Net of Prayer of that November,, 1981. W hat I also wrote that November, 1981 was to both edify and equip the Net of Prayer Intercessors and to ensure that they were as fully informed as possible. Why? It is i mportant that God's people be as fully informed of a situation as possible and thus equipped to make the "decisions" they will make that often determine life or death by how they decide. 1 wrote this in that November, 1981: (Quote NOVEMBER 2, 1981) "More than a year ago Jesus told me that He had set me

on a high wall to see afar and near and to warn His people. I see afar, and what's coming is distant but it's very deadly. From Jesus's Word, I see that just now no one is aware of what's happening. Some may discern something by the Spirit of God but it will be distant and vague;however I see it and I've prayed assessed the situation. WHAT HAPPENED: As you know, I was worn out, near to a frazzle, near death. On account of the fact that the major portion of the Church has turned a deaf car to God's Word, this rebellion has led to a judgment... Satan in the form of an angel of death would then move thru, break thru and into the church system. Jesus told me to step aside, rest and recover. I thought it would be for a considerable period oftime...But even before August 15 th Jesus began to speak to me about the possibility of having to go back into the ministry to do a work, but again, I wondered, ' ` What work?" THE WALL IS BROKEN THRU - SATAN HAS BROKEN THROUGH : Then Jesus

ordered me to be ready for an urgent work. I listened to many Christian reactions to the fact the ministry fell (all the prophets resigned the Ministry by September, 1981), words like "sense of darkness", "shock and dismay", "Satan has broken thru", "perplexed", but a blessed letter from a prayer warriors in Indiana was the strongest, they wrote, (Quote) "... The Prayer Net is very important to our nation just now with the threat of nuclear war hanging over us. About a week ago God gave me a prophesy concerning our nation and in it He said that His judgment had already begun, saying: "MY JUDGMENT HAS GONE FORTH, THE PALE HORSE IS EVEN NOW RIDING THE SKIES. I HAVE ORDAINED IT SO AND I WILL NOT RECALL IT, THE PALE HORSE SHALL RIDE UNTIL MY JUDGMENT IS FINISHED." I thought at the time the pale horse was famine but upon looking it up found it to be death. The things that your have predicted are about to happen, just when we do not know but God is angry and He is not going to hold back much longer". (Unquote) In the June 18, 1981 prophecy to President Reagan, Jesus, in part, said: "...THE DESTROYING ANGEL WILL BE LOOSED UPON THIS PEOPLE IN EVER INCREASING MEASURE UNTIL THE DEAD LIE IN THIS NATION'S STREETS UNTENDED. MY PATIENCE WITH THIS EVIL GENERATION IS AT AN END..." My



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REFLECTIONS FROM THE RECORD OF 1981 (Continued) (Quote from November 2 1981 continued dear friends, the Destroying Angel, and Pale Horse - both are DEATH. SATAN'S OBJECTIVES: Satan is spreading in every direction just now, he's broken into the church and will cause terrible confusion and feuds among brethren, but his objective is now clear, lie's moving to cause a massive World War, he's moving to precipitate the Armagedon. The devil's attack is two fold, he is aiming to destroy the

Chosen Elect, and he has a segment of them captive. He is also moving to murder off hundreds of millions of others, most of whom do not know Jesus as Lord and Savior. To understand the devil's purpose, we need understand the Plan of God in NET OF PRAYER, GREEN PASTURES and OPEN DOOR JOURNEY. Yes I'm wounded too, but I've still got fight left in me, we are in a position from which we can do the enemy the most harm, and with God's help we are going to see the sun rise on this dark night and view the shattered remains of Satan's army. THE NET OF PRAYER is like a tank - what's happened has knocked it out. For us it's not unlike coming under a military attack - there is confusion, doubt and fear, and that's what has disabled us. But I'm counting on seasoned prayer warriors and young on-fire prayer warriors who are up front to pull together in the Love of Christ and ATTACK. Let me draw a picture, to illustrate what's going on. I will explain below. This is to help you get a visual grasp of what's going on In the Spirit' right now. The shaded area represents Satan's kingdom, the arrows (also shaded) represents this invasion (see sketch of page 10 of this report), the wall is broken thru, the enemy is pouring in. In where? God's people which is the Church, which is a Nation, a Spiritual Kingdom under God - that's what's been invaded. Every person that discerned, "darkness, perplexity, Satan broke thru, Angel of Death riding the skies" has discerned in varying degrees of intensity this invasion. The white arrows (Deborah, Gideon, Joshua, etc.) are us. THE PROBLEM: Satan has momentum, like a truck moving at 100 M.P.H. - those arrow points represent the direction of his momentum, when .l UDAH, DAVID, and DEBORAH P/G's make contact it's going to be a hard fight. Right now, it may happen that these PIG's will only slow down the enemy advance, confuse it, weaken it bit by bit. As time passes, many Christians who hear the sounds of battle (by the Spirit) will join in the fight - but the key here is the captives, that segment of the Chosen Elect. From what Jesus told me, we can save many, and do much to deter Satan but in large part, these Chosen Elect hold the key. Once freed, they will repent of rebellion and join the fight - then Satan's entire invasion force is likely to be entirely destroyed. Of 450 Million living souls facing death, I'd estimate that we by concerted prayer - spiritual warfare can reduce the number some 50% or to 225,000,000 roughly. We are to be LED BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD THROUGH JESUS WHILE UNITED IN LOVE ONE FOR ANOTHER, ESPECIALLY JESUS, AND

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uote from November 2 1981 continued) MOVE BY FAITH WITH COURAGE AND CONFIDENCE. We are ve ry few, perhaps only so many will respond, and the enemy is huge, strong, and is going to be hard to deal with because he has grounds - the free will rebellion of brethren in Christ. This enemy is like a towering, man-eating grizzly bear - we don't have the strength to wrestle it down or the time for that matter - better to simply get a 30.6 rifle and put a slug between its ugly eyes and hang its hide on the wall. It's a David verses Goliath situation, but we have the help of God - that's our edge, a considerable one!

We can't go running into this battle - it must be an organized effo rt - we have just so much strength, we cannot waste effort - thus why Jesus asked me to co-ordinate. SATAN DOESN'T KNOW. Jesus revealed this to me yesterday, the Holy Spirit is blinded him, for the Devil thinks we have been neutralized - like that Israel tank in the Yom Kippur war, disabled and left behind for dead. We are not dead. Satan won't know what we are doing until we have attacked with God's help, and even then he won't know there will be so much confusion in his ranks, they will think a whole army of Christians attacked. By the time he knows we are only a few, he will attack back, but here I'm counting on seasoned prayer warriors to hold their own, and feisty young on-fire prayer warriors to stand their ground out of zeal for Christ. When the devil finds out who has coordinated the attack on him, and Jesus showed me this today, he will come at me as never before with intent to kill. Remember, the Devil only bothers those who bother him - and by the Lord our God, with His help, we are going to do more than bother him!

OUR JUMP OFF DATE IS NOVEMBER 12, 1.981 OK - Our Jump Off Date is November 12 t", 1981. Prior to that date let your prayers be for preparation, asking to be led by the Spirit of God, avoid any kind of condemnations, be united in Love in Christ one for another. Come the mo rn ing of November 12, in your area or objective, ask to he united in concert in this and you will be, (1) Plead the Blood of Jesus Christ, (2) Bind Satan and his legions of demons, (3) Pray and ask that DARKNESS and CONFUSION come to them one and all, (4) Ask God's help, and leading by the Holy Spirit in Jesus Christ's Name, and command the Lord's Angels at your disposal to attack, and beginning with prayer, fasting and however the Spirit of God leads Begin. Remember to note what you know - revelations etc, seek confirmation, and advise in writing your Captains." (Unquote) fSpecial .Note: this is Th ou^ the Holy Spirit led us to pray in 1.991 under yard's Commission - ds^ . JD presume to pray this way, especially (2) and (31, on your own - which would be very dangerous apart from being in [ion's Sovereign lViillfounnission.]

THE COUNTER ATTACK STARTS NOVEMBER 12, 1981 Here are my notes from November 12, 1981 as we all gathered 1n The Spirit' being in unity and agreement with each other to the ends of engaging and destroying this vast demon army that aimed to trigger Nuclear World War III in 1982.

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REFLECTIONS FROM THE RECORD OF 1981 ( Continued I arose and prayed, put on the Armor of God, drove (Quote from November 12 1.98I to work. Then I was taken up and found myself in the Spirit', here at Spring of Harod was gathered the GIDEON Prayer Group. Myself and six others plus some thousands of Jesus' waning Angels were all on white horses and praying. Ahead of us was the massive sea of demons moving in solid column to the east. The demons did not see us, they did not know we were there. We were located on what looked like a mountain top and below us in a valley I watched the demon army marching by with both resolve and determination. I held the First Legion of Jesus' warring Angels in reserve (The Lambs Legion) all the rest of us were in a long single line, we prayed, asking the Father for the victory, pled the blood of Jesus Christ, asking darkness be cast on them and that they be bound. With this I heard GOD THE FATHER speak saying "GO, DO VALIANTLY IN MY SON'S NAME" - so I stood up the my saddle raising the Sword (of the Word) saying "In Jesus Christ's Name attack!!!" Our whole line moved as one and we charged down the mountainside towards the flank of the demon army. The thunder of the hooves of the white horses shook the ground beneath us and I heard a distinct thunder and roar shake the earth. As we moved swiftly in a charge I suddenly saw darkness come on the demons, then bolts of lightning fall from above in their ranks, they are bound, many fall and confusion filled them. I could see that they both felt and heard the thunder and shaking of the earth but nonetheless they didn't see us until we hit them broadly all at once. As we closed in on them the demons noticed us, their eyes grew wide, they were obviously startled and terrified. Every Net of Prayer Prayer Group was perfectly co-ordinated by the Spirit of God. On contact the very force of movement hurled demons in the air, there was terrible crunch and clatter as demon armor was shattered by the force of our impact. The air was now filled with the sounds of

battle as we hacked into them and pressed ahead. The fight was on! It was real, close and personal and the fighting was fierce. I would later coin the phrase "bash and slash" as we pressed right into the demons face to face, bashed them with the Shield of Faith and then cut them down with the Sword of the Word. The power of Christ was in us and when we struck with the Sword of the Word, the demons were shattered, crushed and fell to our feet. Often the demons would dissolve into ash right then and there and during battle we often had ash cover us from sandals to knees. As we advanced, they fought back furiously, it was the toughest battle I've ever been in. We pressed into them and walked over their broken forms, for as we fell demons with the sword, their power is broken and they crumple like punctured balloons . I looked back and could see several hundreds of yards with the fallen forms of those we had broken and destroyed. I looked ahead and it was like a sea of the. I knew by the Spirit of God that Joshua (5 Prayer Warriors and Angels) were also pressing from the south, but there was

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ONS FROM THE RE CORD OF 1981 (Continued)

cote from November 12. 1981) a lot of distance between us. Note: Unknown to us for some days until we received news articles - on November 12, 1981 in a clear, cloudless sky a loud thundering was heard over 300 miles of the Pacific Northwest (Seattle, Washington to Portland, Oregon) which also literally shook the earth. There were no weather systems and it was not an earthquake scientists had no explanation. On reflecting and praying about this event y discerned and knew that our attack of November 12, 1981 had erall lit surfaced

`In This World'. This only told me that this battle was close, very close to being `In This World.' SPOTTED AND RESPONSE: Suddenly the Holy Spirit quickened me and I noticed two demon commanders deep in the demon ranks talking to each other; one asked "What's going on here, where did they come f • om? " The other said "Look there! "(pointing to me) - then the other asked "Who is he?" "Trouble, real trouble, I'm going to report this!" With that, knowing one had identified me and was about to report this to Lucifer/Satan, I drew a golden bow and arrow from the saddle and flung an arrow at the demon. The arrow struck it in the chest area - (these arrows burst into consuming fire on contact) the demon was shocked and had an expression of terror as it was consumed in a burst of fire - it was gone. I don't know where it went, but it wouldn't be reporting anything today. The Lambs Legion (1200 strong) of Jesus' warring Angels had been firing waves of these golden arrows into the enemy formations ahead of us, walls of fire sprung up consuming hundreds and thousands of demons, cutting off those in front of us from those behind the walls of fire. Strange thing, in the midst of this a Christian `In the Spirit' walks up to me, (I believe he was praying...and was drawn by the Spirit of God) and he asks: "What's going on here?" Here I am in the midst of a furious battle so I said "Look! What do you see? " He looked and was shocked: "What are they doing here? " ( Speaking of the demons present in the Nation-Church). Then he prayed and took on the armor of God and joined the fight - now we were eight here plus Angels*. * Note : In 1984, some three years later, I met a brother in the Lord named Steve up in

Minnesota who asked to be Sealed with the Seal of the Living God. He joined the Ministry and asked for back issues of our Newsletters. He read of this account given above and was stunned and noted that in his diary on that day he found himself in a furious battle, everything around him seemed to be warring. He noted in his diary on that day, "What is going on here!"- the exact wording I heard from him in 1981 'In The Spirit.' All day I was in and out of the Spirit, praying and battling - the fight went on and on. I knew by the Spirit of God that there were some 5 Intercessors in JOSHUA Prayer Group. 8 Intercessors in GIDEON Prayer Group, 3 Prophets in JUDAH Prayer Group, 15

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THE RECORD O F 1981 (Contin Intercessors in DAVID Prayer Group and some 21lntercessors in DEBORAH Prayer Group. Randy was leading the fight in Deborah Prayer Group From what I knew, I drew this sketch (below) at about 2:45 PM of the advance towards ZION GAP.

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At 4:05 PM an Angel reported to me saying: "Randy has them on the run, hard going all morning, a stiff frontal battle but as GIDEON and JOSHUA cut into their column they diverted strength towards you (GIDEON) and JOSHUA Prayer Group... Randy turned them. The enemy fell back to RAMAH, many in panic fled before him. Randy and Deborah Prayer Group are pursuing but the enemy will re-group and counter attack this evening. RAMAH will be in dispute (it was in enemy hands)." I was now very tired in the flesh, and prayed asking the Father to put up a pillar of fire between Lis and the demons when we must rest. Been fasting all day. It is now 6 PM and I see the wall of fire up In The Spirit', we see the demons on the other side (they can't see us) and their eyes reflect weariness. I set back to rest. We are gathered in a big camp - then JESUS comes, we talk, the Lord tells me to take nourishment, then to attack again tonight. From what JESUS shows me I realize clearly that all the numbers in this long massive column of demons is being directed against DEBORAH Prayer Group and unless we distract and cut it off from here. they will push DEBORAH Prayer Group back. We re-mount the white horses, form up, pray. Then JESUS faces them and a blinding light pours from Him - the demons are blinded and terrified. In JESUS' Name we charge, the wall of fire disappears and we trample over the first fifteen ranks and re-engage. I know Randy is fighting for RAMAH - all Prayer Groups are attacking again. As GIDEON Prayer Group advances, fighting our way thru them, cutting demons down left and right, I see in the distance ahead what looks like a fort - a stronghold, don't know what it is. I ask that some golden arrows be fired against it, they are but it's not consumed - which tells me it's substance. Jesus speaks to me "1T'S AN ABOMINATION IN THE EYES OF GOD THE FATHER, CLEAR AWAY FORCES FROM AROUND IT, AND DEAL WITH IT IN THE MORNING." I now recognize a Prophet I know along side of me, quite a surprise, who says "Been with you since morning - this is really something!" It is now 10 PM and the fight is stilt going on -

this is a major effort. I' m physically exhausted and go to sleep.


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REFLECTIONS FROM THE RECORD OF 1981 Continued PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION: After being `In The Spirit' and in battle all day the exhaustion we experience `In The Spirit' from the heavy fighting and constant exertion filters through our soul and affects our bodies - it is as if we had been physically engaged all day in battle. I would later realize it was exhaustion on a soul level , not our spirit in Christ.

THE LEADERSHIP and INTERCESSORS: Many of those who were Prayer Captains in this Army of God named "The Net of Prayer*" are still with us today,

many have gone home to be with Jesus. Of the many Intercessors then in the Net of Prayer some are Prayer Leaders today, these being: *Note- JESUS gave us this name back in 1976. Gar y and Muriel Wilson - Sue-CHAD (Muriel) is Lord's General of "BEAUTIFUL

BRANCH" Prayer Group. Stan and Rachel Fjgora - Rachel is Lord's General of "LI V ING WATERS" Prayer Group Frances Fenstermacher - Today, Frances is a Major in "FLAMING FIRE" Prayer Group. Michael Isnzon - Michael is Lord's General of "GOD'S GLORY" Prayer Group. James Humberd - Today, James is a Captain in "'IMMANUEL" Prayer Group. Cathy Stolz - Cathy-MARTHA is the Fourth Prophet of this Ministry in Christ.

Elaine Carroll - Has continued as a N.Q.P. Intercessor. Gary and Linda Carlson - Have continued as a N.Q.P. Intercessor. Gretel F. Lawler - Gretel-RAPHAEL is Lord's General of "BEAUTIFUL BRANCH" Prayer Group. William Weaver (Nancy-TQNI's dad) - Has continued as a N.Q.P. Intercessor. L y nne M. Martin - Lyn-ELIZABETH (Martin) Grimes is the Second Prophet of this Ministry in Christ. Adele Sydor - Dr. Adele-SARAH is Lord's General of "FLAMING FIRE" Prayer Group.

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THE LEADERSHIP and INTERCESSORS (continued): Albert E. Egner - Al is Lord's General of "JOSHUA" Prayer Group. (In 1981 Al was

Captain of "JOSHUA " Prayer Group, later Captain of "ABRAM" prayer group) Sister Mar ueriteMontalto - In 1981 Marguerite was Captain of 'DA YID"PrayerGroup and today, continues as an Intercessors in the Net of Prayer. Ricitard S >


Richard-DANIEL is the Third Prophet of this Ministry in Christ. (In 1981

Richard was Captain of"IVEHEMI'IH" Prayer Group.)

THE WALL When scouting around the nation the demon army had invaded I found a massive stone wall (several stories high) that bounded this nation and North America (which encompassed both the United States and Canada). Just then, past being very aware of this wall (having seen it `In The Spirit') and that the invading demon army had broken through it I had no clear idea of just what it was and what it meant. However, intercessors in the Net of Prayer did have some insight and shared this: A letter from Ka , and Lucille, (Captains of Deborah I rayer Group in 1981) dated November 12, 1981: (Quote) "Your picture of the broken wall (see cover of this report) brought to me very vividly what the Lord showed me some time ago. Someone asked me why we were not getting more answers, why God's people were being so afflicted, so held back by finances, etc. so we made it a matter of prayer. And the Lord sheaved me a wall but the people or watchmen rather were spaced very far apart and the hordes of Satan were pouring over the wall and attacking God's people, our nation, the world and the prayer warriors were so few that the victories were not coming as they should. Prayer warriors of my generation, 70's and up, were slowly being called home and the next generation was not taking up the prayer banner so the enemy was gaining ground that he should not have which meant that many times an intercessor had to walk out on Satan's ground and literally take it by force." (Unquote) 7 Adele (Dr. Adele-SARAH S dor wrote me on November 23 1981 sharing: (Quote) "Upon reading the "A Call to Arms" to the Captains, an extra copy which you sent to Dick, I thought maybe the following may be of interest to you. You mentioned that the attack at Zion's Gap maybe in the area of Seattle. May I propose from the following that there may be more than one place. Enclosed is a copy of a letter written to a friend of ours...There are a number of Gates where there are watchmen to guide His people. I propose that since watchmen and gates are associated with walls, that there is more than one Zion's Gap (or Gate). I would like to present several definitions and ideas on the meanings of several words.

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REFLECTIONS FROM THE RECORD OF 1981 (Continued) Quoting Dr. Adele-SARAH S • dor'.s November 23 1 98.1 letter continued

Gate - A structure that may be swung down or lowered to block and entrance or passageway. Watchman - This may be a word which you could define better than I. Basically from Strong's Concordance, there appear to be two watchmen - #6822 is the one commonly seen in Ezekiel 3: 17. That is one who stands by the roof of the gate by the wall (2 Samuel 9: 23-24). This is one who sets his spirit on watch (Isa 21: 6).He is appointed and is possibly a prophet. (Ezekiel 33: 2). He sees the sword coming and warns (Jeremiah 6: 17), He shall sound the Trumpet. This person waits, watches, warns. #8104 This person is more of the Guardsman or Protector. He is asked what hour of the

night it is (Isaiah 21: 11-12) so he is believed to have some concept of time. The "Watchman" seems to be more a Policeman or Guardsman. Also they seem ve ry much involved with prayer intercession. (Isaiah 62: 6)... (Unquote) Then I received this letter1 dated November 2 5 1981 from Dick S o dor (Richard-

DANIEL) ( Quote:) "We may be seeing 2 things of note - (1) There is a literal "hole" or "gap" in ZION'S or Jerusalem's wall at this time - I have a ce rtain a mo unt of witness to the fact that the Pacific Northwest may well be where the hole 'In the Spirit' realm actually exists. To me - it would seem reasonable, because here we see the legions of demons

moving into the nation from the West to the East. From the scriptures, we always found thatthe movement of good events always moved from east to the west. (2) The letter from Kay and Lucille plus the prophesy excerpt given to a friend talks about gates. The books of Ezekiel and Revelation talk about the gates of the New Jerusalem. I have an equally strong witness to the gates and watchmen spoken of in the vision/prophesy. Whatwe may be seeing in the spirit are the actual definition or identification of the gates of the New Jerusalem. I see no problem with ZION'S GAP actually being in Washington state. I am a watchman unto the Christians who are the latter day house of Israel." (Unquote) huck-JOHNEL's notes of November 13, 1981 : 1 see a connection between Bethel `In The Spirit' and the Middle-East, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Israel. Captain Richard Sydor would a month later make a connection between the wall and the gate seen `In The Spirit' as being "Sheep Gate" - one of the twelve gates of Jerusalem. At this time we were overwhelmed by the richness and diversity of revelation coming out of the battling In The Spirit' but it became clear a time later that the Word JESUS CHRIST was making it clear to us that North America, encompassing both the United States and Canada, was a "Spiritual Jerusalem" if not a "Spiritual Israel." In Part 3 to come with the next Newsletter will be more accounts from the on-going battling `In The Spirit' of 1981-1982, encountering a demonic stronghold and what was seen and much more. End of Part 2. God bless. .Zt l arts^ ^

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