August 14th, 2004: Profile Of The Net Of Prayer Leaders

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August 14, 2004

The Staff and Sword Ministry

Cover Page

Profiles of Net of Pra y er Leaders 1

THI PROP ET CHARDDk EL.. S. b O (With ChuckRD JOHNEL and their son Matthew-JOSIAH)


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Dear Friends of Jesus Christ,

All Praise and Glo ry and Honour unto our Heavenly Father and to Jesus Christ, sent to save us from Adam's fall and curse. For if it wasn't for Jesus Christ's shed blood and the love and grace of God Almighty, I wouldn't be writing this letter to you. Neither would there be you or anyone to read it. Thank you, Jesus Christ for making this possible and for the distinct leading to write Your beloved faithful at this time, Amen.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

August 14, 2004


Profiles of Net of Pra er Leaders Third Prophet Richard-DANIEL Sydor and Lord's General AdeleSARAH Sydor Continued) How should I begin? and what should I cover in this "NOP Leadership Profile" piece? I am led to write it as an individual letter to each of you dear readers, and I will cover the points shown me by the Holy Spirit. In this, will I also include Adele-SARAH. What would you like to know? The Lord sent me into this world in 1949, born to first generation American parents in New England. Attending Mass as a child in an ethnic parish is comething that 1 will never forget. The Roman Catholic church in my early years was faithful to proclaiming that Jesus Christ is God Almighty. In those years, Sunday was a Holy Day. No stores were open. Shops closed down at 6:06 pm on Saturday nite. It was an America that doesn't exist like that anymore. The ethnic parish is slowly giving way to some thing different. Years passed and I had a love of the spirit of truth. I needed to know God_ High school gave way to college and a study of chemistry. The Vietnam war was raging and my draft number was 13. The army and the army reserves became my experience. During college's close, I met Adele-SARAH and we fell in love. Adele-SARAH went on to graduate school and I eventually studied business. We were married in '75_ During business studies, America was at it's height of economic health and power and wealth. As I studied, I intuitively knew that it wouldn't last. I began to see the America of my youth passing away, as the years passed. Adele-SARAH was awarded her Ph.D. in 1976 in Immunology from the State University of NY at Buffalo Medical School. The mid to late 1970's were an unusual time for me, for the need for God was growing more and more. Former religious eduacation didn't help fill the void that ached and ached. Finally in 1975, 1 confessed my sins and lack of faith and love and repented. 1 received Jesus as my Lord and Saviour on a personal and intimate level. This brought me to where I am writing this letter to you. At the outset of my conversion experience, Jesus Christ spoke to me in prayer time. In retrospect, I was called to be who I am in I am that I am at that time. As I said, we were married in 1975 and from that time, being young adults, we wondered about our future. What we saw with our eyes didn't match with what we knew about the true state of affairs. We were living in Detroit in those days. By late 1977, someone sent me a set of tapes that Chuck-JGHNEL had been commissioned to produce entitled, "A Call to Arms" and the "Word" The rest is history, as they say. But let's take a look at the subsequent years as I'm so led. When 1 heard the tapes, I knew that they were of God and true. They left me in an unusal physical and soul state; almost like being sick and knocked for a loop.

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Profiles of Net of Prayer Leaders Third Prophet Richard- DANIEL Sydor and Lord's General AdeleSARAH Sydor_(Continued) By 1978, we were on the mailing list and did attend the "New Feast" in Chicago that Labour Day weekend. There we met Chuck-JOHNEL, Lyn-ELIZABETH, Cathy-MARTHA and Al Egner. We were living in Detroit in those days. By 1979, we were in Boston and I was traveling all over the USA and Canada on business. I came to be able to meet with Chuck-JOHNEL over a number of years, because of my travel to Chicago. By 1982 we were sealed. I knew that this was of God and I wanted it. It was during the early days of the N.O.P_ that my prayer life started. Chuck-JOHNEL's relationship reports started me out correctly. The intense internal spiritual aching was being filled by Jesus Christ, God. in the 1970's through the early 80's, we had found very good spiritual books that were there, but had to be sought out. Time passed. We prayed for mercy, grace and to cancel judgments. It was truly an on the job training course, a school for prophets. Only, the Holy Spirit didn't lead Chuck-JOHNEL to call it such. But we learned by doing over the years. Many, many years passed as we prayed for mercy and as the Church decision process took place and played-out.

We saw/lived mighty answers to prayer. 1992 was another pivotal year. The Lord Jesus Christ showed others that I was the Third prophet in the Ministry. I had known this for over 10 years, but was told by the Lord to keep it to myself until He would reveal it. So I waited. I was officially installed into the place that Jesus has for me in late May 1992. Matthew Josiah was born that November 1992. Adele-SARAH's scientific training was in the tradition of medical ailopathy. In the 90's she began to move towards natural healing and health and herbology. During these days, we were living in Ohio having moved from Boston im 1983. And so, all the years passed swiftly. I had always wondered about what the days of judgment would be like. Our prayers held it all together because this was God's perfect and sovereign will. The decision process wasn't over yet. By faith and works, we prepared for Y2K. By 2001, another time of passage occurred. In July 2001. due to Church decision, Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI were told to step aside. They called us to convey this. We were on vacation. By September, it was 9-11. You know the rest.

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August 14 2UU4

Profiles of Net of Prayer Leaders Third Prophet Richard-DANIEL S y dor and Lord's General SARAH S y dor (Continued)


The world changed in 2001, but still it wasn't over, only we were close to totally uncharted waters, By 2003 and into 2004, the Church decision process was doubled and set. The events of 1/21/04 will only become clearer and clearer and more obvious as the time goes on. Way back in 1979 . 1985, l unsuccessfully tried to figure out the timing without knowing the mind of God in the matter. We now know that prayers to stop judgments, slow them down and modify them have given way to a shift in the Lord's Perfect Will. We have never been here before. Since business school the economic foundations of this nation have rotted away. When Chuck-JOHNEL first received his 1973 revelation, 1 was in business school and America was strong, but at it's zenith.

Since then, in about a generation, we have rotted away beneath a worldly, secular veneer/facade that all is well, peace and safety to our pampered economic lives. Our son, Matthew Josiah is our love and joy. He plays hockey and baseball. We pray as a family and before God's throne and learn about how to live as we are. His spiritual walk is begun in Jesus Christ. We take these days to begin to be readied by God by the Holy Spirit to overcome in Jesus Christ, even as Jesus overcame. No longer do I wonder or seek to know about/of the days/times and seasons of judgment/wrath. For we are now in them. The timing doesn't matter. It will happen as God has it happen. Our calling now is to possess the faith and agape of God that can only come to us from God. For this is the platform of eternal life and to the fulfilling of all of our individual and collective work that we have been given to do while incarnated in these tents, living on earth in ti me and space. AFTERWORD Each one of us has a mystery to solve. For each one, there is the call to the ultimate experience of true reality, Jesus Christ while here on earth. It's experience is hidden yet the call is there in the scriptures and real. Only you can do it; no one can do it for you. It is between you and God and only He can effect it for you by His love and faith. To fully really realize this is our life's calling, work and goal. This is hidden. The world doesn't know about this. Neither do most Christians see this Christ glory. Yet the scriptures speak of our fullness in Christ, something to be experienced and lived on this earth as a witness of Jesus Christ, It can only be accomplished here on earth in this life gi ven to us bounded by physical space

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

August 14, 2004


Third Prophet Richard-DANIEL S y dor and Lord's General AdeleSARAH Sydor (Continued) and time dimensions. We pray for everyone reading this piece that they will lay aside every weight and the sin that easily besets us all and run with patience the race that is set before us. Looking unto Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith. Amen. Richard-DANIEL and Adele-SARAH.






Sister Barbara-RENEE Lovas lives in Glendale, California. She joined the Net of Prayer sometime after 1976. Barbara-RENEE's denominational background: I was born and raised a Roman Catholic. I am now a non-denominational Christian.

Barbara-RENEE is 64+ years old and was born in McKeesport, Pennsylvania. She works as a Teacher's Assistant and Independent Contractor teaching children and adults on Notary Republic.

Hobbies/Interests: Music, sewing, crocheting, crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles and painting.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

Aug ust 14, 2004


t of Pra er Leaders LORD'S â‚Ź NE L BARB R.A-R EN EE LOVA (CoNTINu1D) Children: Debra 43; Joseph, who will be 43; Gina, who will be 41. I had 13 grandchildren, 1 died in January, 2004. Barbara-RENEE writes: (Quote) "Sorry this has taken so long to get to you. I didn't have any pictures of me and so I set up an appointment to have my picture taken. Shortly before I was to take the picture I had a very severe case of pneumonia, due to a class room I had been working in all year. I was almost put in the hospital and was off work one month. It was during this month off, I was recuperating when this picture was taken. So I look a little like death warmed over... As to my life, I moved to California in September 1960. 1 was married and I am now

divorced. I still work and have been employed at this job for 26 years. I have been in education for the past 31 years. I can't think of anything else so I'll end. God bless you all. Barbara-RENEE. (Unquote)



and her husband Lou and their youngest granddaughter Grace Elizabeth.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

August 14, 2004

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Sister Elaine-DEBORAH Sattelmaier lives in Brunswick, Ohio. She joined the Net of Prayer in April of 1993. Elaine-DEBORAH's denominational background: I was saved as a young child in a Baptist Church. I later became a Roman Catholic through my step-dad. Attended three years of Catholic High School. Received the Holy Spirit in 1975. Have been attending a Four Square Gospel Church. Elaine-DEBORAH is 64 years old and was born April 23 in Cleveland, Ohio. She works at Oaks Family Care Center, Brunswick, Ohio. Oaks is a pregnancy crisis center. They give pregnancy tests, give out material goods, do family counseling to men, women, children. Conduct prenatal classes, parenting classes, divorce recovery, abortion recovery and etc., etc. Hobbies/Interests: Bible study, reading, being available for Ministry to God's people and enjoying our grandchildren. Children: Lisa -41, William - 40, Robert - 37, Suzanne - 36, and John - 27. Elaine-DEBORAH shares: (Quote) "My husband Lou, has been racing a jet powered funny car since 1984. We have had many opportunities to minister to God's people all over the different states (and Canada) we have traveled to. The Lord has blessed us abundantly, meeting our needs and protecting us. Our son, Robert, built his own jet powered car and also raced for 14 years along with us. He is having a hard time working full time and racing so has decided to sell his race car. Lou will be retiring also at the end of this season. He has been having a hard time letting go. I told him I will not go with him (as crew chief) after this year. After much prayer I felt I had to act on my belief that it is time to retire. Lou will be 69 on July I and does not fully realize how much he has slowed down. He does not like to go to a race unless I go along, so I have sort of forced the issue. We'll see what happens. I also enjoy being involved with our 10 grandchildren, Jessica 23, Elizabeth 21, Matthew 12, Joshua 12, Andrea 10, Isaiah 8, Christopher 7, Jacob 5, Michael and Grace Elizabeth 1 year. God bless, Elaine-DEBORAH." (Unquote)

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Profiles of Net of Pra y er Leaders

The photo above is our very own N.O.P. Major Charles Andrews of Living Waters Prayer Group who is also a Warrant Officer-3 in the United States Army. Charles was deployed to Iraq in March of 2004 and his base of operations (he is a helicopter pilot) is in Tikrit, Iraq. Charles sent this photo by e-mail which was mailed to us back on April 30, 2004. We have not heard from him in a while and would ask all of you to remember Charles Andrews in your prayers that he completes his tour in Iraq and comes home safe and whole in Christ. End of Profiles for this August, 2004

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