The Staff and Sword Ministry
Cover Page
October 3, 2004
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Introduction: This is by design and intent meant to be instructive and informative. Many young prophets are demolished when the Word they receive is not realized immediately and often time young prophets (and some more matured prophets) easily mistaken the i mminency of things `in The Spirit' as speaking of imminent events `in this world'- - the two are not the same, not even close. g Visions, Words from the Lord GOD, Revelations , HOLY SPIRIT Insi hts all come to us by the Spirit of God and in and out of `In The Spirit where time as we know it does not exist. In plain terms, the Past, the Present and the Future are all one 'In The Spirit' - a concept we can accept but not understand. So the time frame of God's revelations that come to us may seem "imminent" and we may be stirred to "believe" it is imminent, but in fact the actual timing is not revealed, unless the Lord God does something He rarely does, which is to give an earthly time frame with the vision.
Soul static - Another problem area for prophets, especially young prophets, is what I like to call "soul static." A prophet receives a Word by the Spirit of God but it comes to us through our soul life and, being carnal, the soul will add to God's Word. The first time we see this is in Genesis 3: 3. Here Eve adds to God's Word and this is an action that leads to the woman being deceived by the Devil. One of the disciplines a prophet needs is to be able
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October 3, 2004
to die to self to the place they cease being subject to their own soul static. Again, this discipline is a learned thing gained through trial and error where the prophet acquires this discipline of the soul by hard knocks. Most young prophets are destroyed for a lack of patience, compassion and understanding among brethren in the church. What do I mean by "destroyed"? The most common church reaction to young prophets that speak timing which fails or who sonIishly add to God's Word (which leads to failure
of that Word) is out and out condemnation. The young prophet who fails is called a "false prophet" in a heart beat, condemned and is often required to repent of being deceived by the Devil. The instant the young prophet repents of JESUS' Word and calls Him Satan, the bond they had with the HOLY SPIRIT is broken - they are destroyed! Some slink off, head lowered in shame, while some get heady and resist correction slipping into pride which destroys them. Others submit to man's authority in the church to the place that they are no longer able to hear JESUS speak to them. The point of being "destroyed" is that this prophet is no longer able to serve Jesus, no longer able or willing to hear Him or is so devastated by condemnations that they slip into sin or outright rebellion against God. What is a "False P ro phet"? The most common definition at work in the body of Christ
today is that a prophet which prophecies something which does not come to pass is a "false prophet." However, prophetic accuracy is not the way "false prophets" are measured or found out. We see in the Book of Jonah, chapter 3, verses 4-5 that on the Lord's bidding Jonah prophesied that Nineveh would be overthrown in forty days. It reads, " So the people of Nineveh believed God" (verse 5a). God then spared Nineveh. Was Jonah a "false prophet"? Of course not Rather Jonah was true to the Lord. A "false prophet" is someone who is not true to the Lord Jesus Christ. We are talking about an inward condition that is not visible to carnal eyes, but is only visible to and by the Spirit of God. How long does it take the Lord to train a prophet? In my own experience it was a
period of 14 years (1975 to 1989) and more. The Lord drew me to Him through His written Word and prayer starting in 1968, but in this time kept me away from the church up until 1975, a period of 7 years. In that seven year period (1968-1975) I was firmly grounded in Christ and developed a sound, deep and resilient living relationship with the Father, Jesus
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October 3, 2004
and the Holy Spirit. Only after I was established in Him did He send me to the church. Except I was grounded in Christ from 1968 to 1975 1 question if I would have survived as sii rr4R I j c His prophet to this clay. [ d
A Special Report Th
Today I can look back to 1980 and see current events that spring from the judgment patterns obser v ed some 24 years ago, some from 12 years ago. Some of the things JESUS told me in 1979 have come to a degree of fulfillment in 2001, 22 years later! What amazes me is the time that can pass from the date of a revelation to the day we see some level of
RESOLVING A REVELATION (continuedi fulfillment. Sometimes it is shortly, only a matter of days or weeks. Sometimes it is a year or more. Sometimes it is ten years or more. Most young prophets are condemned if the Word they give does not come to pass inside of a few days, sometimes weeks if some brethren are feeling generous. However, I can point to the Word and revelations of 1983 where the Lord God revealed a coming accidental nuclear attack and that the U.S. would have an anti-ballistic missile defense system, that Iran would launch a nuclear-tipped missile atU.S. troops in the Persian Gulf region wiping our army out in one blow, and that North Korea would invade South Korea in some future day. Today, some 21 years later, that U.S. anti-ballistic missile defense system is no longer a
vision but a reality and more, and it works just the way the Lord God spewed me it would in 1983. Iran is building nuclear weapons and has threatened to launch a preemptive strike against the U.S. if they feel threatened - exactly what the Lord shewed me they would do in 1983. Today North Korea is likewise rattling the war sword. The revelations of 1983 are today headline news - but it has been 21 years! Here is another revelation to take a look at (below). Since 1968 I have made a habit of writing down everything JESUS tells me and also noting not on]y the date and time but the circumstances under which the Word came. This recording of His Word has helped me
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October 3, 2004
RESOLVING A REVELATION (continued) learn to sort out "soulish input" from His Word and to be more yielded to His Spirit.
Here are my notes from JESUS' WORD Record dated March 23, 2003
JESUS to Chuck-JOHNEL Sunday March 23 2003 10 P.M. We (Nancy-TONI and I) are at the 24 Hour Fitness club(working out) and briefly watching TV news about the war in Iraq. "Valley of death" comes to mind and I perceive the U.S. military is about to face a megabattle then this Word comes:
"The 3 rd Motorized Infantry Division will enter the valley of death. The battle will be fierce with heavy loss on all sides. The U.S. will break through at the last."
At this time the 3 rd Motorized Infantry Division was entering Baghdad, Iraq - I expected that they would run into a fierce house to house fight based on this Word. Was I sure that this Word was the Lord's Word? Actually, no. I was not certain that this was His Word, but was careful to pray about it and then to see how it played out. What made me cautious was the way in which this Word came. I was watching the battle reports and seeing U.S. forces advance rapidly into Iraq with little or no resistance. At some point I expected the Iraqi's to make a last stand and fight a bloody house to house battle. Because I had these expectations I was not sure that my own soul had not gotten involved and that it may have fed me something I expected to see happen. I believe I shared this Word at an end-of-month meeting in Spokane and discussed the uncertainty that dogged me as well. It was one of those situations where I could not say it was the Lord and could not say it was not the Lord. The revelation came as a knowing more than anything else and in that knowing this Word came - not the usual experience. I finally settled on the position that this was the Lord's Word - it was now a "wait and see how it unfolds." Today it is some 18 months later (from March 23, 2003) and what did and has happened is worth taking a look at. The 3 Motorized Infantry Division entered Baghdad and met no fierce resistance, instead U.S. troops were greeted as liberators. It was not long after March 23rd, 2003 that the U.S.
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October 3, 2004
RESOLVING A REVELATION continued forces pulled down a statue of Saddam Hussein in central Baghdad and Iraqi's went wild with joy! Hardly the thing I understood would happen based on the Word I received on March 23, 2003! Again, by His Word I expected to see street to street, house to house fighting.
THE WAR: MARCH 19, 2003 to APRIL 30, 2003 By April 30, 2003 Iraq had been overrun and the fighting stopped. The war was over or so it seemed.
NIGHTMARE IN THE SUNNI TRIANGLE The "VALLEY OF DEATH" the U.S. military entered on March 23, 2003 was the Baghdad area of Iraq - and this area became better known as the "Sunni Triangle"(Sunni is the name of a religious branch of Islam). The "Sunni Triangle" consisted of the cities of Baghdad, Samarra, Tikrit, Ramadi and Fallujah. Attacks on U.S. forces from the "Sunni Triangle" began to escalate by Moslem fanatics with increasing numbers of car bombs, roadside bombs and outright battles.
17 MONTHS FROM APRIL 30, 2003 September 8, 2004
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Towards the end of September 2004 the total loss of American life in Iraq came to 1,052 some 914 dead "after" the war was technically ended (April 30, 2003). The loss of American life to overrun Iraq (March 19, 2003 to April 30, 2003) came to 138 dead.
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EPTEMBER 28, 2004
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By Kim Hausego ir..+ ri^ f n^
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As we draw nearer to the November 2, 2004 Presidential Election the attacks in Iraq have intensified with loss of Iraqi's and Americans killed by Moslem fanatics on the increase. It was obvious to me that Al Qaeda is casting their bullets in favor of John Ken-y.
The photo on the next page ('taken from the September 20, 2004 TIME MAGAZINE) shows the devastation in Najaf, Iraq after heavy fighting by U.S. forces to drive out insurgents (Moslem murderers) - it shows the kind of destruction I expected to see following JESUS' Word to me of March 23, 2003. It is in house to house fighting like this that U.S. forces will suffer high loss and the enemy even greater loss. Indeed, as JESUS told me on March 23, 2003, "THE BATTLE WILL BE FIERCE WITH HEAVY LOSS ON ALL SIDES." Tt is only now, some 1 R months after having received JESUS' Word March 23, 2003 can we see what He was revealing - something that would unfold and become visible over a period of many months, not in a period of a few days. So while m y understanding of His Word was correct, the timing was way off it was not something that one could see immediately, but it is now visible to everyone.
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Na'af. Iraq after heavy tighting in the month of August, 2004
Again, this picture (above) shows what I expected to see happen following the Word of March 23, 2003. [Photos and map used in this report were drawn from TIME MAGAZINE of September 24, 2404 and October 4, 2004]
REVELATION AND SOME DETAILS It has been my singular experience that whenever JESUS tells me something that appears to be topical or can be applied to current events, I find that this is rarely the case. It seems that whenever my focus falls on a given area that in those times the Lord can and often speaks to me within the context of that focus and outlines things to me that are almost always for some distant day. As my thoughts were focused on the war on March 23, 2003 I was truly uncertain if it was
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RESOLVING A REVELATION (continued) for now or if it was the Lord and not my own soul feeding me what I "thought" might happen. It is when you have a strong opinion about something that one needs to be especially careful that the Word you receive is not out of your own soul. Thus my caution on March 23, 2003. 1 concluded after about a week of praying about it that it was the Lord's Word and then the war just came to an end - seemingly. At that point I figured I'd let it sort out as the Lord JESUS willed. Well, it is now 18 months later and it has sorted out, it was and is as Jesus said.
THE WAR TRAP ASPECT OF THIS JESUS began issuing warnings of a WAR TRAP coming on America in 1979 and when President George H. Bush led America to war with Iraq in 1990-91 I knew then that the war trap had been snapped on our country. I knew that this war would go on and on, seemingly without end. President George W. Bush sincerely struggled to get America out of this war trap but like the proverbial hare caught in the tar, the more we struggled the more entangled in the tar trap we get.
How do we get out? The problem lies with the church more than anything else not with the military, not the Moslems, not the political parties in America. On January 23, 1991 JESUS told me this: "IN THE EYES OF FATHER GOD IT IS AMERICA WHO SOUGHT AND STARTED THIS WAR. PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH* OPENED THE DOOR TO ANTICHRIST, NO ONE CAN SHUT THIS DOOR UNTIL ALL HE BRINGS COMES IN FULL MEASURE." (I asked "Lord JESUS, what comes?" JESUS replied:) "WAR AND GREATER WAR FOLLOWED BY WORLD WAR, THIS WHAT GEORGE BUSH HAS TRULY UNLEASHED IN THIS WORLD, YET BEFORE HE DID, MY CHURCH DID." *Note - JESUS speaks of George H. Bush here, not the current President but his dad. Ultimately the solution to escaping this war trap lies in the church. How the Lord might have me give counsel to President George W. Bush is not known or to what extent it might lessen the effect of the war trap or if it is even possible to escape the war trap without the church repenting. What I do know from JESUS' Word of March 23, 2003 is that the U.S. will break through at the last - meaning to me we will triumph over the Moslem murderers. But t at will not mean that we will escape the war trap - that is a different issue. God bless.
Page 1 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The Staff and Sword Ministry â&#x20AC;&#x201D; November 1 4 2004
SOME MAIL from our own N.O.P. Major Charles Andrews of LIVING WATERS prayer Group who is also a Warrant Officer-3 in the United States Army (he pilots helicopters). Charles was deployed to Iraq this past March of 2004. Letterfrom CliarlesAndrews irz Iraq dated Se tember 5 2404 (Quote) "Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI, Greetings in Jesus Christ's Name. Thank you for your prayer support and putting my name out to the NOP for prayer support. The last couple of weeks have been less stressful. I thank God for that. The military has been pretty active around here and of course we support them by providing Medevac suppo rt from Mosul down to Sam ara. We fly patient transfers as far south as Baghdad. That trip is always fun. I am pretty sure my protective Angels are definitely keeping me safe. The other night they got me into a landing zone that was extremely tricky. The most challenging landing I have had here.
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During the day this would be challenging. Wearing night vision goggles is a bit hairy. I aborted the first attempt. On the second attempt I do believe the Lord's Angel pushed the tail wheel down to the ground at which point I planted the aircraft on the ground. Also got a brief glimpse of the ground. Landing like this we like to touch the ground before the dust cloud envelopes us. Did not have the room for that. Also landing into the wind is preferred. We were able to get the soldier out and that's what counts. Our Medic later told me that if we where not picking up a patient there is no way he would let us land. I tend to agree. Our
unit has about 5 months left on this deployment. I do look forward to getting back to the States. I just got the updated prayer sheets, thank you. I think it is possible our military will lose a lot of experienced pilots after this Iraq war. I know many senior pilots who are getting out. I know several pilots that are getting out after their initial 6 year commitment is up. Same kind of thing happened in 1995 (the Clinton years) except the military was pushing them out then.
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I prayed a lot for God's Perfect Will to be done during the hurricanes that hit Florida. Praise God the death toll was lessened! I pray that the two of you are well and blessed. Again, thank you for your prayers. Sincerely in Jesus Christ's Name, Charles Andrews. [freebird 1 Ous ] P.S. I hope you got my absentee vote through Captain Dee F. She has been blessed by her appointment to Captain. Just mailed my physical absentee vote as well." ( Unquote) Letter from Charles Andrews in Iraq August.. 2004 (Quote) "Hello and Greetings in Christ Jesus Name. Currently located in Talafar. Moved from Baqula to Tikrit to Mosul. Took two weeks leave to be with my family. Then back to Mosul then Tikrit and now Talafar. I agree with some of those in the NOP that things have been tough in certain areas. I personally request prayer for stress and depression. At last here in Talafar it is kinda quiet. Almost like an old west outpost. About six months to go. We have already been told to expect to return here a year or so after we get back to the US. It may be time to find a new profession. Most days I am able to pray the regular NOP Prayers as well as my deployment prayers. Mail is still a bit slow and do not have access to a phone here. Prayers from the NOP and others have helped the soldiers here and we appreciate it. Tell everyone THANK YOU! God bless. Charles Andrews, NOP Major and U.S. Army helicopter pilot. (Unquote)
Photo (above) taken after a mission and lunch. Left to right: Sgt Cobb (Flight Medic), myself, 1st Lt. Blue (Copilot) and SPC Taylor (Crew Chief). Sgt Hubbard (Flight Medic) took this photo.