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The Staff and Sword Ministry
June 11 2007
Richard-DANIEL on Green Pastures and Preparation Richard-DANIEL Sydor, Third Prophet of this Ministry in Christ, wrote me two letters, nd one on May 28 and the second on June 2 addressing a variety of issues. RichardDANIEL, a long time brother in Christ and friend since the late 1970's, has been sharing his insights and reflections on coming judgment with me for many years. Here are his most recent letters for your edification and prayerful consideration. Chuck-JOHNEL.
Richard—DANIEL's Letter of Ma y28, 2007 And now, I begin The last letter that I wrote you expressed that this green pasture business is a more involved one than one might imagine at the outset. Here's what I have been working on: 1. Reading books about homesteading and related topics that I began buying in 1979, 80-83. Some I bought in Boston, moved to Brunswick, moved to Westfield Center, moved to Seville, and now, by the grace of Jesus Christ I am reading then-m, in Seville. 2. I am following up on "leads" and ideas from my reading. 3. Buying additional books on "know-how". I'm finding them used on the internet listings. I'm finding just about all the books that I'm led to search for. This forms a basic library on how to do things. 4. 1 am led to identify what critical tools that I need to buy now that are absolutely necessary, hard to find and won't be available when the troubles are in full force. I'll try to buy as many as I can. I'm asking the Lord for all of them as 1 identify them and present them to the Lord. 5. We are in the process of identifying what seeds that we need. This will be a function of what grows best in Colville - we are looking at: corn, wheat, rye and beans in addition to winter vegetable crops that will keep in a root cellar. 6. Related to 5 above is contacting the W.S.U, county extension office. They tell me that there are 240 different soil types in Stevens County with rain fall running from 7" to
40" and elevation from 1,700 to 7,000'. Until I know where the Lord leads/provides for us, 1 can't fully use this resource. 7. The studies will define crops and garden produce and required seed and technique for producing this. 8. Like I said - to go from a world where we do essentially nothing to one where we
will do everything is shocking and needs to be taken in small, bite-size pieces. Here's what I see as necessary for a small green pasture set-up:
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Richard--DANK's Letter Rit;^ar^--DANI^^'s ^^tterof ofMay Mai 28, 2007 20 7 ^con^inu^d} (continued) Source of water *crucial. A. Sour^^ Tillable/gardenable land*. B. Tillabielgardenable 10-12 Q- 12acres acrestimber timberfor forwood woodfuel fuel--nice nice wood ^^ood stove stave use. C. 1 D. House set-up so as to be like the Amish long-term. D. If needed, needed, the the ability ability to to catch catch rain rain water in a cistern. E. Ff (Gravity?) water water sys^e^n system recycling. recycling. F. (Gravity?} toilets -- r^o no outhouses. outhouses. G. Composting toilets H. Woodshed. I. Hot water house) house/ wash house. Root cellar. J. Raab ^. Greenhouse/ cold cold frames. K. Greenhouse) L. Toolshedl Toolshed/ ^^ork work shed. building --small small barn. M. Utility out building room --fall-out fall-out shelter. N. Secure room 9. I have enclosed 9.1 en^Iosed some pages in my my notes notes for for your yourinfo. info.So, So,planning planningfln on11-9 ^9 is what on now. now. Y I am am in in the the transition transition out of here. This work work needs needs to to be be done donenflw, now, I' m working on prayed abut aboutnow nowar^d and brought brought into into focus focus now, now, before before we we Leave leave and and before before you you try try to to do da anything. I am asking asking our our Heavenly HeavenlyFather Fatherfvr forall allofofthis thisininJesus JesusChrisE's Christ'sname nameasasper perw^^at what I have been shownlled shown/led by the Holy Spirit. What I am seeing, I am taking as what the Lord is showing the me as what He is doing. And as I am about about what what He He isisdoing doingin inthis thisregard, regard,YI am askinD asking accordingly, accardin^ly, expecting expecting answers, according to His vision and perfect will as shewn and imparted unto me. This is no na small thing. In in fact, green pastures are no small small thing. thing. To go from today to Ta to tomorrow tomorrow through throughthe thejudgment judgmentisisno nosmall smallthing. thin. I can see where, due to the complexity ofthe of theneeds needsof oflife life^n in our world system that millions will die of: lack of water, af: water, food food (famine}, (famine), medicine and shelter. shelter. This does not include disease disease and and pestilence pestilence or or ^iolencelwarfare. violence/warfare. not include As we see what is needed needed to to stay stay pkiysically physically alive alive and how far we fall short of being / able to meet meet^pra^ide provide for for those those needs, needs, we we fall fall down down and and call call out out for for Jesus ]esus Christ's Christ's mercy mercy on a continuous basis, each moment of each day. In fact, fa^^,Adele-SARAH Adele-SARAHand andI are I arenot oatpresuminganything resumin an bin ofof the the Lard. Lord.VVe We are are not taking anything far for granted. We are thankfullylgrat^fully thankfully/gratefully asking for each day's needs. Can't say that I ^ta^ve have been beenininthis thispresent presentmoment momenttype typeofofprayer prayerposture posture- -praying praying without ceasing, continually, before these mast most recent times. Continuing in in the the evening evening (5-Z8-(^7, (5-28-07, 5:35 5:35 pm). pm). I ha^^e have tried triedto^ocapture capturewhat whatI Iam amworking workingon. on.Essentially Essentially aa plan plan is is emerging erncrging on on the homestead that that would would sustain sustain us us against against that that day day when when no na man man q f aa homestead set-up and orientation of
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Richard—DANiEL's 1_etter of Ma y 28, 2007 (continued) can work. I know why people do not want to think about this let alone try to plan for it. I also can understand why some prepare to some degree, but stop short. A project of this scope is necessary. I would not be working on this unless: 1. I knew to so begin thinking, working and planning it through. 2. 1 had the witness of the Spirit to so work. A man working on something of this scope brings him face to face with all the correct and past blessings of the Lord. Beginning to so research, plan and prepare for a world under judgment and warfare brings us to appreciate all of our past blessings and current ones. It's the Lord's intention for us to now work with Him so that He can continue to bless us with the necessities of life. This is a partnership. I am absolutely convinced that if a man doesn't act upon what he knows about the judgment, then he is putting himself at risk of a premature death. If Christians do not at least ask Jesus Christ for knowledge and wisdom in dealing with the Lord's Word of judgment revelation, then they can't receive what they need. If they do not consider the whole picture, then they can't possibly be in a position to ask the Lord for what they will need to live, stay alive and minister. As I see it, the issue isn't money. None of us has enough on our own. But, if we do what we can, acting upon our vision with what we have, going our limit, then we are in a position to be able to pray f'or what the Lord shows us that we need. That is praying in the center of God's perfect will. For the most part, we, as a people don't operate this way in our daily lives. We have a society and cultural infrastructure that works in such a way that we enjoy a very sophisticated and complex division of labour. Psalm 127: Comes into view now. (Psalm 127: "Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. Jr is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so He giveth His beloved sleep. Lo, children
are an heritage of the Lord.- and the fruit of the womb is His reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hash his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall sneak with the enemies in the gate. ") For if the Lord is not involved and leading, this, His green pasture house project, we are doomed. Even if we had the means, knowledge and all resources with which to build-up a green pasture, and the Lord Jesus Christ wasn't the true foundation and very involved with us, we'd still fall, given what is and what will be, shortly. So, what a time — I am working at being led by the Holy Spirit in planning out the green pasture, the threshing floor farm. I am not a gardener, neither am I a fanner. This is an adventure. This planning work, prior to relocation is like Noah - building an ark. Building an
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June I1, 2007
Richard—DANIEL's Letter of Ma y 28, 2007 contintaed )
ark against the day when the USA ceases to exist. This ceasing to exist is akin to the first rainstorm. BeIieving that the USA will cease to exist and planning/acting accordingly is like Noah's ark. That is why few are up to the task. It is not pleasant. How can the USA cease to exist? How can it rain? Prepare for - what? Why prepare for something that has never happened? Yet, we know - don't we? We know that rain is coming, a great storm and a flood. The time to prepare is when the sun is shining and the day looks O.K. Yet, the sun isn't shining, it's getting cloudy/dark. There's the smell of rain in the air in America. So, in conclusion, until the time that the Lord relocates us: 1. We are learning about various skills that we'll need to develop. 2. We are planning the green pasture. 3. We are acquiring what we still need, going our limit. 4. We are praying for all provision and needs in order to redeem the place. We are willing and ready to move into the work the Lord has for us when the way opens up and we are led in. And so wait and pray without ceasing, going our limit, doing what we can in the meantime. The next big step will be to find the seeds most applicable for the soil and climate of Stevens County, WA. Next will be to finish up the key, critical tools. We need seeds that the Lord can multiply. He can't multiply seeds that aren't there. If there are no seeds, then there is a problem. Without the Lord showing me this back in the Y2K time, I might not be as keen about it. Well, all for now - just an update on what we are doing. I see Matthew - Josiah in school for the first year of high school. The next year will lead to much change. I am, with the Lord's way and grace and provision, willing to move into a more full time work along these lines. When He makes it possible, then we'll know and I will so act. In the meantime, this is the conclusion of this update. God Bless you both! I praise Jesus Christ and all glory, honour and praise to our Heavenly Father!
Richard—DAN EL's Letter of June 2, 2007 Back a week ago I made the comment to Adele-SARAH that I was upset at how "few" men there were that were leading their families in preparing. This was based on local experience where in our group, we have 4 women who either do not have a husband or a
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Richard—DANIEL's letter of June 2, 2007 (continued) husband who is not in agreement with them. We have 4 couples where the husband is covering. Adele-SARAH told me to get over it, because that is the way it is. When I mentioned this to Lyn-ELIZABETH she said that our parent's generation is passing away and few men led. Now, the baby boomer generation has few men leading, and they are going to pass away. What the remnant is going to do is to make a way for Matthew's* generation. *Note- Matthew-JOSIAH is Richard-DANIEL and Adele-SARAH's teenage son. Lyn-ELIZABETH also recalled your vision where you saw many women, but virtually no men. Her conclusion was that the non-leading covering men will die and die in the war and violence. So, the conclusion is that the lack of men "leading" is not that unusual in the light of revelation. Here's something that I was shown - I have already mentioned this is my last letter namely these are like the days of Noah. We are called to prepare. We are called to prepare for a series of events that never happened here before. We are called to prepare against a day in which life as we know it will end forever. This is like preparing for an event that never happened before. For Noah's ti me, it had never rained before. So, in our day, to tell someone that America is dying and will cease to exist via war, famine and pestilence is too fantastic. People can't grasp this. And even for people that accept and believe the Lord's Word in the Bible and spoken Words to the last day's prophets it seems to be a very difficult thing to deal with the complete change in lifestyle that is coming closer with the passing of each day. It's like it was for Noah - now I grasp what Jesus said "Between the lines" in Matthew 24: 37-39. Noah was called to prepare for an event that had never happened before. So much for this revelation and observational comments. -...The Lord told me that my life will be totally different a year from now. "Now" being some days ago. The ceasing of the "Rubicon" the time period, April 24 through May 16 has now placed us in a time of great movement and change. There is so much going on that one can't keep up with the Geopolitical developments (Russia, China, Iran). • Economic developments (dollar decline). • • Domestic developments Bush as dictator. I. Illegal aliens. 2. Terrorists, etc. 3.
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June 11, 2007
Richard _DAN1EL's Letter of June 2, 2007 (contined) Bees dying. 4. Drought. 5. Tainted food. 6. Weather prospects for hurricanes. • • FueI prices, etc. Yet, we alread y know where this is going. It's just fulfilling the Lord's Word and revelations. What amazes me is the speed of it all. In my family situation, all of a sudden, we are in a time that keeps moving forward. No return to the way it was, no "Breather". Just a steady move now, into the future without much abatement. Life as we knew it, as it was is over. . Why this focus upon this —? What I know is this — this is telling me that our exit out of Ohio is drawing nigh. ...When the Lord moves us, the ties will most likely be "gone". This going away process tells me that our relocation is on time and is closer than we even think. I am leaving all of this in the Lord's capable hands, praying that His perfect will be done. I didn't seek this, obviously, and I yield whatever is happening here into His Hands. Still, this whole development(s) is such that it leaves me with the impression that we are in the end game seen and for `Boston" and "Home". This is something that one day just shows up, runs its course and that is that. And so it's started ...About V2 of the families that I know/am aware of have the lady of the house being responsive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Going back to "New Feast" — with the exception of Al Egner, the people responding to the Lord's judgment warning that I met were wives and mothers, no men. Now, I realize that there were men there, because I saw them and some spoke. Still, it seems that my perception hasn't changed or the state of affairs hasn't changed. About the Lord's Word and revelation --- even though people are now watching developments and fulfillment that is gaining speed, still there is a quality here -- "it sneaks up on people". In plain sight and plain view, if people who are "watching" closely and those not so closely, but are aware, if these are not seeking to do the Lord's perfect will daily, moment by moment, these aware/watching ones will still be taken by surprise as events unfold and explode upon the scene. My point, the judgment process, while at this stage it's gaining speed, is still moving slower than in the not too distant future. Those who have gone to the prophecy club meetings and have not begun to prepare spiritually and materially 100% will also be caught like the people unawares.
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Richard— DANIFL's
Letter of June 2, 2007 (continued)
June 11, 2007
I see this quality that has a hypnotizing effect upon people who "play" at God's word, not really taking it seriously. There will be people, aware of all of this who are not readying, going their limit, etc. who will not fare much better than the man who is totally unaware of the judgment coming down even as I write this. Just because a man is aware of God's Word in the Bible, His contemporary, spoken word, if he doesn't act on it by faith and love — it does him no good. JOHNEL — there are many now who have heard you speak, but listened like it was some form of entertainment, not acting upon it; these will wail and gnash their teeth shortly when they will not be able to prepare as they could have. And also, in cases, there will be those who delayed, and will not be able to prepare at all This is what I see. As you know — I'm working on what I can as led. You have read some of my comments about what I'm seeing as truly required to prepare a green pasture. There is much to learn, plan and do. We cannot presume upon Jesus Christ to do for us what we can do for ourselves. And so, we are seeking the Lord and walking with Him as never before. We are doing what we can in the material, physical aspects of sustaining physical life. This approach of the two combined spheres, spiritual and physical can be likened to "working - out our salvation with fear and trembling". Without the Lord and His help and total partnership in my endeavors - spirituaI and green pasture-wise I feel and know my vulnerability . This is what I'm getting at. Vulnerability. People do not truly appreciate their vulnerability, for if they did, it would be different. It is this vulnerability and man's lack of faithful (believing) approach to God that will lead to man's premature death, even before the spectre of war, famine and pestilence. I can now see how millions will be totally caught-up in death, even though they could sense something was wrong, could see that something was wrong, and lastly for those who were watching the judgment come in that they didn't realize their vulnerability and lack of faith. Jesus asked in Luke 18 that when He returned would He find faith in the earth? And so, I'm working out my salvation with fear and trembling. And there are days when I feel that I'm scarcely being saved. I am ter r ified for the man that is oblivious to all of this. The Cleveland Roman Catholic diocese is closing 23 Churches. Catholic attendance is falling off, less priests are entering the priesthood. You can easily imagine how ignorant of all of this the average Roman Catholic in Cleveland is, including those who don't go to church any more and those that still do. I can now see boys and men herded onto "work party" trucks by FEMA and
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Richard—DANIFI 's Letter of June 2, 2007 (continued) homeland security in a not too distant day only for mothers and wives and sisters to never see them again. Ending at 10:07 am. Right now, I'm going with the flow and with the Holy Spirit. There's not too much more to say. I spoke with my mom this afternoon, briefly. She wasn't feeling well at all, as can be understood. All for now - at last! Jesus Christ bless you and keep you in His love, grace and 1 mercy — (6:54 pm, 6-3-07).
Comment by Chuck-JOHNEL Richard-DANIEL has spent consider time and effort as well as prayerful thought into the various aspects of "green pastures" and being prepared. In sharing his letter I'm affording all of you a look into what he has learned to the ends of both equipping and edifying all of you to pursue these things with equal and prayerful vigor. Richard-DANIEL's Mom is not well and has ended in the hospital a number of times, please remember her in your prayers for healing and wellness of body. God bless.
Other Notes by Chuck-JOHNEL/Richard-DANIEL Beastman William Clinton as President ordered the destruction of millions of radiation meters located in civil defense shelters across the U.S. (as well as the dismantling of the fall out shelters themselves). Keep in mind we saw him (Beastman Clinton) in the GAP in 1987 as one coming to destroy the United States of America and leave us vulnerable to attack from many different quarters. This Beastman cut the U.S. military in half which has left us with insufficient military power to address the war we are in up to our necks now and with no reserves to face any other threat (like Iran or North Korea or Red China for example). In any event, when the accidental nuclear attack comes it will result in a fall-out that will spread across the world and the U.S. Back in the 1980 when the Soviet nuclear power plant Chernobyl blew-up spewing out radiative materials that filtered across the US. from Siberia and swept the Pacific Northwest U.S.A. at the time. The death toll among children and elderly jumped 100% in that year. Radiation taxes the immune system and so the young and elderly are very vulnerable and many died as a result. We can survive a nuclear war - you can obtain a radiation meter through " " and find info. on shelters and more. God bless. Chuck-JOHNEL