July 10th, 2011: Tell Me When The judgment

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July 10, 2011 - Issue #139 Nancy-TONI Youngbrandt - Editor Chuck-JOHNEL & Nancy-TONI Youngbrandt 558-B Knapp Road Colville, WA. 99114 Tele # 1-509-684-4135 "(JESUS said:) LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP, AND LET DOWN YOUR NETS FOR A DEAUGHT...and when they had this done, they enclosed a great multitudes of fishes: and their net brake. And they beckoned unto their partners... and they came, and filled both ships..."

(Luke 5: 5,6,7).

Could you tell me when the judgment is going to start? We have received a few letters like this, and while the answer is obvious in one sense, it is not obvious in every respect. We will share the obvious and take a close look at the finer points of judgment that are not so obvious. Chuck-JOHNEL

Fire experts say that illegal aliens started these fires, the worse in Arizona history, which have now spread to New Mexico. The loss and cost is in the $Billions. According to the Obarna Administration, all is well on the border, no problems.

June 28, 2011

The Staff and Sword Ministry

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This headline of the June 8, 2011 USA TODAY newspaper (below) tells it all judgment across the boards hitting just about everywhere with deadly and costly effect.





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`Wild and weird' weather pattern leaves its mark across the USA

pulsion Laborator y i n Pasadena. Calif. in more technical terms. weather forecasters searching For a unifying expianation point to the Monster tornadoes• historic floods, massive La Nina climate pattern, .I phenomenon horn far wiidfres and widespread drought Springtime out in the Pacific Ocean that shapes weather has delivered a wallop of weather- re lated de- across the globe, in combination with other struction and misery across much of the nation atmospheric anomalies Lhis vear. Anti it ma y aI1 be relater. that leave altered the jet COVER STORY Never mind the debate over global warming• stream fl ow of air across 25% of flig#tis were its possible causes and effects, We've got "global North America. wee ti than n" late in Anril. iB Lpcs By Dovie Rice and William M. Welch USA TODAY

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

June 28, 2011


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More than 100 dead: A storm moves in Monday in Joplin. Mo.. where a powerful tornado hit Sunday night.

Shock, grief, relief in a Missouri city torn apart by one of the deadliest twisters in U.S. history Weeks before the City of Tuscaloosa, Alabama was torn to pieces by a monster tornado, then violent storms swept Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, then Joplin, Missouri, and then a tornado slammed into Massachusetts. Judgment is raging and the spiritual implications (sin and the need of repentance) are not considered. These events are distinctly triggered, empowered and directed by demon power

working through God's Law, who are also acting as executors of judgments under His Law.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

June 28, 2011

The chart (below) shows the past history of numbers of tornadoes in 2010 compared to 2011, as of April, 2011. The massive leap in numbers of tornadoes in April dwarfs anything seen previously. Again, we are looking a judgment face to face and it's scarey to say the least. The point of these photos and chart in the first pages of this Newsletter? A picture is

worth a thousand words - and the word, over and over, is "judgment."

Path of death and destruction 5 :vcrc weather tore through the South from Wednesday to Thursday, leaving hundreds dead and prompting sor ti e gove rn ors to ask far federal aid. !'resident Obama pians to visit hard-hit Alabama today. •


Origins of Wednesday's massive tornado outbreak

wind scale

1' rr culprit behind the storms was an urnlsally potent storm system th0[ merged lmm he Arkansas. Louisiana and Texas n • ycrnn, reports a+Cru Wea[hCr srmar me[enmlohis[ I nstlna I • ydynuwski. How it occur Feel and where at least 290 deaths have brrn reported: L

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ncaths- 1 Reported [omadoer Nome W v- mvve lkshear asked for a pres[demral disaster drei ration l ia r he state. Andrew Washiniton, 10, an off-duty officer w it h the Masleld. Ky.. Ebhcc Departmerit. died alter his car hr[ a pool

Deaths: 33 Reported tornadoes: 14 between

p.[ a m, to 10:50 p-m. Wednesday.

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said Thursday


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Fib in Guoehland Caun[v. s[atc police Sgr. Thomas Molnar said.

Deaths 14

Reported [orwadoes:15 between 5.40 p.m Wedncsdav to 1:30 a.m. Thursday

Lov- Nathan Deal toured t[orm-




ravaged auras Thursda y and

declared a state of cmcrgencv rr 10 counties.


Alabama J











he will ask President Ohama For the




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8randc Davis, 21. of Greene Coun ty said her mobile home was picked up and hurled across the street into her ne[ghhors back yard. She was at a Fnerid s Iwuse whets it luypcuc^ier_;

i of wa tet and he s€a torn co I n[n a is pots. state prolice said.

Dtathr. 33

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Deathsed t Re pored tomadnet: 65 fmm

I i s Z9 a.rn- to 9:33 p.m WedPsesday-

; State emergency rnanagemrnl alhria€S predicted the death tot wavtd grow as rescue warkrrs searched deb ri s. The White House said Fresldeer Ohama will Veer the state today to view the damage and meet affe ct ed families. David H n[on. a doctor at DCH Regiortsal Mid i. al Ce nt er. said Lc nn0 hi+w,le helped poll rhrre unovervry of Alabama 51.1(3550 110111 he rabbis. One was dead.

Average number of tornadoes ii it s

USA, 79





157 ^

So far this year


227 ! ^! 1{}9 85

115 95


March April



July , Aug.






67 a^^

28 Dec.


Feb. •. March


2011 actual (pretifninary)

The Staff and Sword Ministry

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June 28, 2011


Disaster recovery

Projects at nsk FEMA funding too low, legislators say M a y 7 20 1

By Thomas Frank USA TODAY


WASHINGTON — The federal government could run out of money to help communities such as Joplin. Mo., rebuild from the recent devastating tornadoes and flooding. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has $2.4 billion in its Disaster Relief Fund to last

through Sept. 30 and is seeking $1.8 billion for the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1. Lawmakers from both parties say those sums are not enough to pay for the billions in damage caused by the extraordina ry string of weather disasters. "FEMA will have to stop recove ry effo rts in 50 states in ythe spring of 2012" without additional money, en. Ma ry Landrieu. D-la.. wrote in a

letter to her colleagues. She heads the Senate panel that oversees FEMA finances. The administration acknowledged Thursday that FEMA could run out of disaster-relief money. 'That will depend on the summer storm season and other factors." said Meg Reilly. spokeswom-


JESUS to Chuck on February 3. 1979.

We know through JESUS' Word in those years that there will be a warning earthquake (deep rumbling) on or about September 13`'' - days before the major earthquake slams the Chicago-St. Louis areas. What I point out here is that due to the massive debt this nation has, that even now there is a "lack of funds" (FUNDING PROBLEMS). Back in 1979 it was inconceivable that there would be "FUNDING PROBLEMS" for a major city like Chicago, We are alread y at that point and it is only going to get worse with time (the

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

June 30, 2011

SOME ADDED NEWS ITEMS AND COMMENTS( continued) : financial strength of America).

Vicious blaze swells near Los Alamos nuclear lab UyDrettDorell IJSR 1 QiIAY

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thosestandards and t11e threat is extremely low."

The anti-nuclear watchdog group Concerned Citizens For Nuclear Safety said the fire appear-rd

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Most of the people in I.os Alamos, N.M.. led Tuesday as a growing wild[ire threatened the city, but a government nuclear facility was safe. a spokesman said. Non-essential ertmployecs were told to stay away from the 36 . square-mile Los Namos Na-

to he about 3.5 1nilci Icui n a sits who a as many

tional i zhoratory, where nuclear tests and it-

search have been done since World War Il, but the site's erneigencv operations ream and other workers essential to keeping the 2.000-hr1Idrng complex nntning reinainetl at Ilse site, said Kevrn Roark the lab spokes 111.1U. Ilse wildfire has destroyed 30 structuies south and west of Lit Alamos, stirring memories nF devasratiitg blaze in May 2000 that destroved hundreds of homes and buildings. l wa-thirds of the city's population of 18,000 Ief. according to Jane Voiz, a spokeswoman fur tire Los Alamos County joint inl'ormatioitcenter A small fire of less than l acre booed at the laboratory site Monday aiid was exthrguished.


311,000 55-gallon drums of plutar nm contarnnalesl waste were sturt • d in (ahrit Lents above ground The group said the drunn were awaiting transport to a sift-ti southerl: New Mexico. Vole said R.00t.J Los Alamos homes were evacuated, as well as 2.000-3,000 ht nearby Vn/htl a Rack Many fled to a hotel in Santa Fe or

HutspoufireflglItei ChrisTetersofPortland, Ow. mops up Pa , jarito Moiuuaiu ski airs in N.M.

and no fire readied Site site "fuesday. iioaik said. Nurlear material and nuclear waste are stored itt

concrete acid steel bujhlings and above-ground vaults that are designed to withstand wild ires. and are in areas stripped of vegetation. he said. "All of our nuclear facilities meet exnrntely strict standards and safety analysis•" Roark said. "We're mnhpletely confident lfu y tore[ ar excel d




Espanola. Tire Cre covered 60.740 acres and was with jn -i in lies of rile city. The Forecast was Ito high temperattnes and high winds, and the winds have been capricious, "blowing in three different direcric+lss;' Vole said durjug a noon press conference. ilie great fear, she said, is that this week's fire, which broke out 5unday, would fallow the path of one that desirnyed mitt' western 1 Pali r,l town ii years ago. Con t ribnt i ng t he Assrxis red press

The monstrous fires that ravaged Arizona, started by illegal aliens, have spread into New Mexico and now threatens to engulf the Los Alamos Nuclear Labs and, most worrisome, an area where nuclear waste is stored in drums in the open, "If' the fires engulf that area, the drums would explode and spew highly intense radiation into the winds and spread over a vast area of the U.S.. How many would be irradiated? How many would perish? It is a nightmare scenario? As of today the raging fires are being driven by 40+mph winds and are burning only a few miles from Los Alamos. Hopefully it may he a little too soon for such a massive loss of life and property, hopefully God's Grace and Mercy will cover us one more time. IN SUM The articles shared from page one to here have had one point - the judgment is here, it is now, it is unfolding and it is becoming both deadlier and more destructive than anything seen in our history. I have entertained the question, "Could you tell me when the judgment is going to start?", because I know that this judgment has several different layers to it. I will now work to address the layers of this judgment that the question may be addressed.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

June 30, 2011

THE JUDGMENT: THREE YEARS, THEN THIRTY MONTHS. By the end of July, 2001 the CHURCH DECISION was final, the utter rejection of JESUS' WORD was plain, which in turn loosed the judgment. We knew then, as we had to prophetically ' `stand aside '',that this would mean a terrible event would happen, buildings would collapse, people would die in large numbers. We expected this to happen sometime after August 28, 2001. Although we did not have His Word

of 1979 in view at that moment, we did later on September 1 I ` h when a terrorist attack resulted in buildings burning and collapsing, Ieading to the Ioss ofnearly 3,000 lives. JESUS' WORD of August 14, 1979 (published in 1979) stated: "...THERE WILL BE JUDGMENTS...SEPTEMBER 9, 10, 1.I ARE DANGEROUS - THE MOST TERRIBLE IS THE 11 TU ...TERRIBLE TIMES ARE UPON THIS NATION AND TERROR IS NOT AFAR OFF..." What happened September 11, 2001 was only a partial fulfillment of His Word of 1979. It will come back around in the not-so-distant future and will be a much greater disaster than seen 9/11/2001.

During the 1977 Thirty Day Journe y to o Washington, DC In this walk (Des Plaines, Illinois to Washington, DC) JESUS revealed through Scripture that the judgment itself would be fulfilled within a three year period of li me. He later revealed that the last thirty months of this three year period would be the worst time of that judgment. On April 21, 1977 JESUS gave me a detailed account of events to happen in this three year period tinge. This was published in full in the book, THE SLAIN in 1979. It will be fully published in the upcoming second Volume of, JESUS, HIS ANGEL AND ME. In a brief and abbreviated overview of the first year of judgment JESUS revealed the following: The First Year of a Three Year Judgment Severe weather, very hot.

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June 30, 2011

men Fuel shortages. Summer heat with gas shortages. The Dollar begins to slide in July, for this reason crude oil imported to the U.S. will increase sharply. Temperatures begin to rise June 9". No rain of any significance from mid June and on. Japan and Red China draw close to each other with secret agreement aimed at the U.S. This year many will lose jobs, and city and state governments will fail suddenly. There will be serious economic crumbling. Disease will start from California.... From Georgia a plague to kill thousands... Food riots will break out in August. Panic and fear will grip the nation...want for food, starvation begins...heat unbearable, no rain...Power outs caused by heat. Fuel shortage grows worse. Riots (in the cities) to where Federal troops will have to be called out to quell the violence. (JESUS to Chuck April 21, 1977.)

This is a revelation of only a portion of what will happen in the first year of "The Judgment." At that time JESUS made it clear that "SEVERE WEATHER" would be a key event in the emerging judgment. We are seeing that now, today, this year. When we consider what He said about the judgment some 32 years ago and look at what is happening now we can see that much of what He said 32 years ago is happening now, and while it has not reached fulfillment, it is at the door and moving in before our eyes.

While I do not believe that we have fully entered the first year of judgment, it is apparent that we are seeing it develop before our eyes. While just "when" it will start in earnest is not known, however it is obvious that it is now very clove to

happening and to be fulfilled. SOME KEY EVENTS THAT SIGNAL THE START OF JUDGMENT While there are many certain specific events that are part of the "start of judgment" there are just a few that we have looked for over the years, these being:

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

June 30, 2011

SOME KEY EVENTS THAT SIGNAL THE START OF JUDGMENT (cont'd) We have known by 1979, through JESUS' Word, that the serious judgments would start with major earthquakes in southern California that would then spread north to San Francisco and across the U.S. and would hit the Midwest with deadly quakes. "WATCH OCTOBER 15 r 'H ...CALIFORNIA IS LAST AS YOU THOUGHT BUT FIRST IN THE BEGINNING OF THE BEGINNING." (JESUS to Chuck on October 9, 1979) On October 15, 1979 a 6.5 Magnitude earthquake struck Calexico, California, a town on the Mexican border. That event in 1979 told us that JESUS' Word was a key to the "BEGINNING OF THE BEGINNING" of judgment and that it would start in southern California, Los Angeles. When you read the enclosed special report on a VISION and REVELATION in southern California this April/May, 2011, you will understand that we are looking at a very possible major event in southern California this year. I say "very possible" because, as explained in the report, the forces unleashed deep under the Los Angeles area could as easily surface hundreds, even thousands of miles away in almost any direction. Past experience tells me this earthquake is likely to surface in the vicinity of Los Angeles and at the least in southern California. I "believe" it will surface under or very near Los Angeles and what surfaces will be a "warning earthquake" of something much bigger following. I will share an update later in this Newsletter. CHICAGO A KEY AREA A major earthquake in the Chicago area on a September 19th, the one JESUS revealed would come back in 1979, ranging from a 6.7 magnitude to 7.6 magnitude earthquake, would set the stage for the initiation of the major judgments to commence. Connected to this earthquake that would hit both St Louis, Missouri and Chicago, Illinois are events like a monster hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico and the "accidental nuclear attack"- events that would lead to Nuclear World War III inside of two years time of those events. These are two key events that will signal the entering into a much more dangerous phase of judgment than we have seen to date. But, first is CALIFORNIA - this is the key starting point after which the Midwest is next.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

July 1, 2011

The Rhythm of Judgment The Book, 'TI-IF STAFF AND THE SWORD*" , Page 63.. ( Quote) January, 1975

the archangel Ancarnnen returned a number of times and imparted by word and visions a number ofjudgment-related events. I saw a vision of corn fields; the corn stood about four feet high iii the baked dry earth under a scorching sun. The crop was dead. Farmers who had enough water to irrigate had iio fuel to run their water pumps. Another time, 1 saw imiasses of unemployed people in cities standing in soup-lines, four to five people wide and two blocks long. Vaguely I could see the bodies of the dead lying in the streets and left to rot. It was a dreary scene, dark and ,nisery .-ridden. Tlien the Lord's Angel told Inc something quite revealing about approaching judgment. It would coine gradually, little by little, and their it would ease off for a while, returning later with greater force and then easing off again. Sonic will look for the famine, but they will be lulled into a false sense of security, for it will he dry, their rani will come at vital times and save ntuclx of the crop. TI, en suddenly all will vanish; the wealth will be eroded and food will disappear, until those who do not trust in Jesus Christ will be in desperate need, with no one to help

therm. Again, I was shown a very hot sun and energy shortages, electrical failure and the collapse of the industrial system; dearl people lying in the streets,

starvation and immense suffering throughout large areas. The weather would become more and more violent. Yet there would be periods wlien all would be well. Many shill think it ` over'—but it won't be. We understood that this would be a world-wide problem; however, the Lord had us concentrate on our own nation." (Unquote) *Note: This book was published in 1979 and has since sold out.

The Rhythm of Judgment : What JESUS' Angel shewed me in 1975 was that judgment would sweep in, cause loss of life and destructions, then it would fade away and would seem that all was well. After a "lull" when things seemed okay, judgment would sweep in again and in each cycle of sweeping in and going to a lull, the judgments would grow steadily more and more intense, deadlier and destructive. Why the "Lulls"? I believe it is two fold in purpose. In each 1LI11 the Church has the opportunity to repent and pray for God's help and mercy. For those who resist God and His Word, the "lulls" end up giving them a false sense of security and make it certain that they will be caught up and swept away by the judgment.

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Jul 1, LUl l

The Rhythm of Judgment (continued) "The weather would become m ore and snore violent" In the last years we have seen an increase in severe weather but this year we have seen it go ballistic, more violent than any previous time.

This winter we saw freezes destroy crops in California and Florida while, the floods this year have wiped out well over one million acres of crops (estimated at a $4 Billion loss) and swept away top soil as well (will take 10 years to recover) in five states (Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas and Missouri)*. The food stocks in America are being "eroded" and one day we will awake and find the food store shelves half filled, even empty. *Note: May 17, 201! Fox TV News Report.

As I knew by the Spirit of God in 1975, this "severe weather" would be a world wide problem. Indeed, severe weather is impacting crops across the planet.






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JESUS had us wa rn the Church repeatedly, calling them to repent, pray and stand-in Christ to withstand the coming demonic attack. We knew what was going on from

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

July I, 2011

the start, the lack of prayer in the Church and willful resistance to His Word and Help would lead to disaster in time. Those who were praying could withstand and contain the judgments and did for many years, but the storm of judgment coming would gradually come through. The Church was sowing and it would reap, no getting away from that. There is absolutely no doubt that the primary forces directing these storms at this ti me, and the other natural disasters, is demonic - demon power working through God's Law to execute judgments on a nation that has not only rejected JESUS and

His warnings but has also forgotten God. The price of sin is death, and death is now on the scene and taking a harvest among those in the Church and those outside the Church (unbelievers). Plainly, to reject, resist and ignore JESUS' WORD by His Prophets is to literally turn those who do this over to the enemy who would bring the horrors JESUS warned them against.

THE SUM OF IT ALL - ANSWERING THE QUESTION The judgment began on September 11, 2001 after the Church finally and resolutely rejected JESUS' Word and call to Repentance and Prayer. It has been unfolding, taking form and shape ever since. Along the way JESUS intervened to spare. Here is one Word of the Lord: JESUS' WORD to Chuck-JOHNEL, Tuesday, May 23 2006 WRITE A SPECIAL PRAYER SHEET FOR THIS WORK OF PRAYER ASKING THE HOLY SPIRIT, IN MY NAME, TO RESTRAIN THE DESTROYER AND TO GRANT AMERICAAND THE WORLD A SHORT SPACE OF TIME IN WHICH MY MERCY WILL OVERFLOW TO SPARE MUCH AND MANY. YET KNOW THAT THIS JUDGMENT IS ONLY BEING DEFERRED, NOT PREVENTED. ONLY IF THE NATION IS CALLED TO PRAY AND FAST, AND ONLY IF THE NATION RESPONDS AND PRAYS AND FASTS, THEN AND ONLY THEN CAN THIS JUDGMENT BE AVERTED.." The Net of Prayer (made up of 535 Christian Intercessors) prayed and fasted 21 days as JESUS asked, ending June 23, 2006. We witnessed immediate answers in many areas

with terror plots being uncovered in Canada, in Florida, in New York and in Great Britain in this period of time.


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THE SUM OF IT ALL - ANSWERING THE QUESTION(Cont'd) But then JESUS set a specific time within which the nation might pray and fast to seek His help. The President was asked to call the nation to fast and pray for God's help against the judgments. If he did (the President) and if they did (the Church in America) the outcome would have been favorable and an opportunity to escape the judgments was possible. It was a last minute reprieve being offered by FATHER GOD out of His Love and Compassion for His people in America. This was JESUS' Word on September 7, 2006:




WILL PREVENT THIS FROM CULMINATION." Thus saith the Lord. On April 1 2007 1 asked JESUS a question conce rn ing a personal matter and He spoke to me saying this: "MAY 16 TH THINGS WILL START TO HAPPEN." I immediately understood He spoke of this issue, not mitre, and asked, "Lord, what will happen?" JESUS replied simply saying: "WATCH AND WAIT." 1 watched the TV and Printed Media News of May 16, 2007 according to JESUS' WORD and found twenty news repo rt s of interest of these eight stand out, these being:

1.) STORMS heading east to Massachusetts and New York (possible to rn adoes). 2.) FIRE STORM in NEW JERSEY - 2,500 homes evacuated as 13,000 acres of forest burn. 3.) Home prices hit bottom - The housing market has been in decline for a time now; it hit its lowest point today (thus far). 4.) Fires raging in Florida, Georgia, New Jersey, California and Arizona.

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YUI U 1!lilil,Li V

July Gy


THE SUM OF IT ALL - ANSWERING THE UESTION Cont'd 5.) F.E.M.A. - revised disaster plan not finished. 6.) Gold sells at S673/ounce.

7.) GAS PRICES - Government report shows the U.S. families paid $1,000 more for gas last year (2006) than in 2001. 8.) A brother in the Lord named Benning learned/reported that on this day Iran succeeded in enriching Uranium into Plutonium - the material needed fora nuclear bomb. 1

JESUS, in His \VORD of April 10` , states that on May 16 " "TH INGS WILL BEGIN TO HAPPEN" - this clearly points to more than one event and so these events are painting a much bigger picture than a focus on any one event.

In 2008

Judgment Begins in Earnest

At that time (May 16, 2007) the financial condition of Bear Stearns began to deteriorate and it would collapse by early 2008. The leading factor in a succession of major banking institutions collapsing was the collapse of the housing market. Al! this led to a massive government inte rv ention, spending trillions of dollars to unde r gird the economic system ofAmerica. Millions upon millions ofAmericans lost

their jobs ( unemployed stands at 9.1% today). The housing market continues to decline . Total collapse is not far off- this is exactly what JESUS said would happen without the nation praying and fasting for His help. They didn't (and would not have even if President Bush called for pray and fasting) and this is why we face the economic nightmare we have today. JESUS; Word of Septembe r

2006 is final:



Regarding all that JESUS has said (and it is significant), with what we have seen happen, it is clear that we are at the threshold of the first year of the three years of judgment.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

July 3, 2011

Gotta Love our kids in the Military! These photo's (one is below) were forwarded to me by Susan F. of the Net of Prayer. They show the hijinks of our men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan who maintain a sense of but-nor in a deadly environment. I will work to share a photo at the end of each article

through the rest of this Newsletter. God bless. Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI.

These quotes are drawn from Donald S. McAlvany's "Intelligence Advisor" of May, 2011. (The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, P. 0. Box 84904, Phoenix, AZ 85071). It is a very well written article that is easy to understand giving a sum of where we are economically as a nation. The title for his article is: "AMERICA'S DAY OF ECONOMIC RECKONING XS NOW." (Quote) " In America, the Congress (including Republicans) have again proved they are as useless as the Roman Senate just before the collapse of Rome, as the former avoided shutdown of the US government by cutting the budget S38 billion a 2.3% cut in the estimated 2011 deficit of S 1.545 trillion (or, .0026% of the total $14.3 trillion Federal debt). The $1.65 trillion deficit for this year (which will undoubtedly be much higher) is 17 times more than the government projected just two years ago! [ED. NOTE: On one day in late March, the US House voted to cut spending by S6 billion. On that same day, the US debt jumped by S72 billion. What is wrong

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The Staff and Sword Ministry r

July 3, 2011 y

otes from the McAIvanv littetlic ence Advisor of Ma . 201 with that picture? In March alone, the federal government spent eight times more

money than it took in. (The US collected $128 billion and spent more than $1.1 trillion.) What is wrong with this picture ?] No wonder the US government (including Obama and the Congress) and the Fed are becoming the Iaughing stock of the entire world, and are no longer taken seriously - except by the US media and about half of the US public. (Illustrating the fact that no government statements or numbers can be trusted, the CBO [Congressional Budget Office] said recently that Obama is understating the Federal deficits for the next 10 years by $2.3 trillion.) And no wonder the US dollar remains under heavy selling pressure (i.e., down 14% in the last 10 months and 37.5% over the past ii years) and recently broke major support at 75 on the dollar index. And no wonder gold recently surpassed $1495 (on its way to $1650— probably before year-end) and silver has moved above $43 (on its way to $50, and then $100, and then $150). In spite of the bullish propaganda from Wall Street, the Fed and government, the economy continues to sink into deeper recession even as bankruptcies proliferate, housing prices continue to fall, foreclosures are again accelerating, and unemployment remains at post-Depression highs (near 22%) — government lies of 8.8% notwithstanding. Travel around the US (anywhere) and ask anyone (i.e. homeowners, taxi drivers, store clerks, real estate agents - anyone) what the economy is like in their area and you will get the same answer -AWFUL. Walk through shopping malls and you will see empty stores and almost 10% vacancies - now to be further exacerbated by the bankruptcy of Borders Bookstores and the closure of over 200 stores. Blockbuster has disappeared, Harry and David's is in bankruptcy - and the list goes on and on. Meanwhile, inflation resulting from the Fed's creation of trillions of dollars of new Iiquidity) is exploding and putting huge pressure on the hurting American

middle class, which is already seeing its incomes drop sharply. (The Fed announced on March 23 that the average American household's net worth declined 23% between 2007 and 2009.) Consider the rapidly rising prices of food, fuel, energy, medical supplies, drugs, schooling, insurance, airline tickets — ofvirtually everything. Real world inflation is running at 10- 15% — and the Fed and government are looking more and more like fools (and blatant liars) as they keep telling the public that inflation is only 2 or 3% — and that we don't need to count food or energy inflation because they are not important. It seems that the Fed's, government's, Wall Street's, and media's main argument for a "recovery and economic rebound" is the rising US stock market. But




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Quotes from the McA Ivan y Intelligence Advisor of Ma,X, 2011 (continued) here again, their manipulation is distorting reality. The Fed is pumping $100 billion a month into the financial system (the greatest injection of liquidity in US or world history) to prop up the big banks and Wall Street, and most of that is flowing into the US stock market — which (aided and abetted by massive, non stop, 24 -7 media-hype) is giving a false impression of economic strength that does not really exist. At the end of QETI in June, if the Fed does not begin QEIT1(it probably will), the manipulated, Fed-supported stock market is likely to collapse. I. AMERICA'S DAY OF ECONOMIC RECKONING IS NOW. Consider the following realities as you prepare for the coming financial storm: A. INFLATION IS SOARING. "By buying hundreds of billions in US Treasury debt, the Fed has helped the Democrat-led Congress hike spending levels over the past three years. It did so with a ` quantitative easing' program, under which the Fed has snapped up $1. 7 trillion of 'government issued debts, creating money out of thin air. No doubt about it, the Fed has sown the seeds of inflation riot just here, but around the world. Meanwhile, the White House and Democrats in Congress not only refuse to stop spending, but continue their regulatory and tax assault on the economy — creating uncertainty and confusion for businesses. " Investor's Business, Daily March 17, 2011 Through late March, prices of many essentials were rising as follows (year-todate): crude oil (+13.8%); heating oil (+20%); unleaded gas (+22.5%); coffee (+ 13.7%); cotton (+42.4%); and orange j uice (--9.2%). Rents are forecast to rise 10% this year. Crude oil is actually up over 50% over the past seven months; copper was up 61% in the same period; wheat was up 94%; sugar was up 137%; and corn was up 120%. Prices for diapers, bathroom tissues, baby wipes, toothpaste, razors, and other consumer products are up 7% so far this year. Fed Ex rates are up 11 %. Airline prices are rising rapidly. Import prices are rising at an 18% annualized rate, while wholesale prices arc rising at over a 19% annualized rate. The engine for US inflation, of course, is the US Federal Reserve and the insane Congressional Federal deficits. From September 2008 till March 2010, the Bernanke Fed increased the nation's monetary base from $850 billion to $2.1 trillion — a 2.5-fold increase in just 18 months. Then the Fed launched its second great money printing binge — the $600 billion QEII program — which is scheduled to run through June of this year. Overall, since the financial crisis erupted in the credit default markets in 2007, the Fed has created close to $4 trillion out of thin air, and flooded the world with these dollars. This is the primary source of America's and the world's rapidly rising inflation.

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Quotes fromp The McA lvanvIntelligence A dvior of a

July 3, zu I t 1 (con till ued

B. THE US DOLLAR IS COLLAPSING. Over the past six months, this writer has traveled in over 10 countries, and the one common denominator in all of them is that no one wants to hold dollars. The whole world seems to be aware

that the US is printing dollars like there is no tomorrow. Bill Gross, CEO of Pimco, the world's largest bond money manager, recently announced that they were selling out ALL of their US government bonds. Central banks, hedge funds, and large dollar holders all over the world are also reducing their US Treasury holdings, and that exodus could turn at some point into a flood. Hyperinflation of the US dollar would follow immediately. There is growing awareness all over the world that the US government is bankrupt and likely to default on its approximately $13 trillion in foreign dollar holdings — mostly in treasuries. But their method of default will not be outright repudiation of the debt, but intentional destruction of the debt through massive inflating. Bill Gross calls it "debt default by inflation". However, the rest of the world was not born yesterday, and as they come to understand how the Fed and US government are defaulting by "stealth," the stampede from the dollar will begin. If your net worth is primarily denominated in dollar based assets i.e. stocks bonds, or real estate) you will be wiped out . This is why this writer has been practically begging our readers and clients for years to buy gold and silver, or foreign currencies, and to move some assets abroad — out of the US dollar pool. When the hyperinflation begins, the first action the government is likely to take is to block the exit of all funds from the US via foreign exchange controls. They may even block further trading in gold and silver. At that point, Americans who did not take evasive action in advance will be trapped in their collapsing dollars and wiped out. Sadly, the great majority of American investors today are blissfully unaware of the collapsing US dollar and its implications. As the US dollar collapses, we are certain to lose our world reserve currency status that we have enjoyed since 1944, and which has helped us to amass our great wealth over the past 67 years. A growing number of countries including China, India, Brazil, Russia, and the Middle East oil producers and many more are beginning to circumvent using the dollar in international transactions. With that change in reserve cur r ency status, America will lose much of the economic clout it has enjoyed since the end of World War II. [ED. NOTE: The Fed is printing money at Weimar Germany rates and holding interest rates at artificial lows near 0% — both of which are guaranteed to crater the US dollar and end its reserve currency status. Can they be so dumb that they don't see these inevitable consequences of their actions? This is doubtful. So, is it possible

Page 19 The Staff and Sword Ministry July 3, 2011 y Quotes from the McAlvany Intelligence Advisor Q[ Ma , 2011 (coiltinrred) that the powers that be, that rule and call the shots for Obama, Bernanke, and our political establishment, really do want to destroy the dollar and bring America down (that this is the real plan and goal) — so we can be more comfortably merged into the New World Order advocated for so long by Henry Kissinger, George Bush Sr., David Rockefeller, George Soros, etc? Think about it!] ... C. AMERICA'S GOVERNMENT DEBT DISASTER IS NOW. "If we continue down the path on which the fiscal authorities have put us, we will become insolvent. The question is when?"— Dallas Federal Reserve Bank President Richard Fisher, 3/23/11 Consider this: every of tax revenue that is collected in the US is consumed by just five programs: Social Security, We] fare, Medicare, gg and Medicaid. But what about education the milita a in overnment workers infrastructure, Obarnacare,aid to states, interest on the national debt (over $400 billion in 2010), etc., etc.? That is all paid for b y deficit spending! The scary fact is that even if the government dramatically cuts expenses and programs (it won't), and raises taxes on all Americans ( it will tr y ), and confiscates ALL the income of the so-called wealthy (i.e., people making over $250,000— and it will do its best under Obama to seize the wealth of the so-called rich), it cannot balance the budget, or keep the spiraling debt from growing. As our socialist government taxes the productive class more and more, it will choke to death the US economy, productivity, and any chance for economic

recovery. (Didn't they teach Barack Obama that in his Marxism 101 class? Come to think of it. maybe they did!) If the US government were a business, even a first grader could tell you it was bankrupt. The only thing keeping it afloat is the government/Fed printing presses. ...D. GOD CAN RESTORE BROKEN PEOPLE AND NATI ONS. William Wilberforce, a young member of the British parliament, spoke of the moral decay, the slave trade, and the breakdown in English morality. He said, "The time is /hst approaching when Christianity will almost as openly be disavowed in the language, as it is already supposed to have disappeared fYoin the conduct of me ►r, when infidelity will be held to be the necessary appendage to a man of fashion and to believe will be deemed to be the indication of a , feeble mind. " VI. FINAL THOUGHT: THE CONSEQUENCES OF FORGETTING GOD. America is in deep trouble toda y because as a people we have forgotten God. Our founding fathers warned us that if we ever forgot God, evil men would take our freedom and enslave us in the count! y they had bequeathed to us. Alexandr

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Quotes from the McAlvany Intelli„ ?ce Advisor of May, 2011 (con till ued)

Solzhenitsyn once said that the Russian people had lost their freedom because they forgot God, and after living in exile in America for 25 years and upon being asked how he would portray present-day America, he replied, "as a country which has

forgotten God. " The powers that be have taken God out of the public schools, out of vi rt ually

all public places; they ridicule Him on television, in movies, and even in some popular music. Bible believing Christians are ridiculed, denigrated on television, and po rt rayed as nar r ow minded bigots for being against homosexuality and baby killing via abortion; as child abusers for disciplining their children; and as exclusivists for believing there is only one way to God, via Jesus Christ. But the evil, corruption, deception, and immorality that Washington, Wall Street, the Fed. Hollywood, and the mainline media manifest and are forcing on the people could only be happening to a people who have lost their moral and spiritual compass. Joseph Stalin was right when he said that America was like a healthy body, whose resistance was three-fold: its patriotism; its morality; and its spiritual life. The Marxists knew that, if they could undermine these three areas of American life, America would ` fa11 like a ripe plum into their hands. " Using the

model ofObama's mentors Antonio Grarnsci and Saul Alinsky, they could conquer a weakened, demoralized America from within, and even place one of their own in the Oval Office. All that is now a fait accompli, but it couldn't have happened if the American people had not forgotten God." (Unquote)

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

July 3, 2011

"IN MANY PLACES GOD IS TOUCHING EARTH AND HIS PEOPLE" written by: Dr. Daniel E. Bohler (permission to quote granted) (Quote) "Philippians 2:6-8, "Who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a servant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross."

John 5:19, 30, "Then Jesus answered and said to them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner." V30: "I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me." Our experience and testimony should parallel that of our Lord Jesus Christ. There is a particular quality of spiritual life and experience that our Lord expects to find both resident and developing within each one of us. Please read the above Scriptures carefully and often? Now that I have said this, we all need to come to grip with the following. Heaven is touching Earth in many places and it is going to increase! Like the burning bush— many in the church that I know are shining with the glory of God. Even though the bush was merely an inanimate plant impregnated with God's glory, I know many in the body that are experiencing the glory of God beyond description. Daily, as I am alone with our Lord, praising Him and thanking Him for His mercy, His presence fills my body and the very room that I'm in. Healing is flowing like a river and I am getting stronger and stronger; others are telling me the same thing is happening to them. I believe this is the holy "radiation" of God—driving out all sickness in me; and it is happening in many places I go. I believe this glory, I am seeing and experiencing, will be the number one cure for cancers, aids, and all kinds of diseases and communicable diseases! The Lord is now doing things that are unprecedented, things which are different from anything He has ever done before in our lifetime. The Spirit of God is mighty upon people who want Hire more than life itself`! This attitude toward God is bringing extended life and health and wisdom. Truly the Lord has prepared great and mighty things for His people: things which eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, and which have not entered into the heart of man. The things God has prepared for those who love Him. (I Cor. 2:9). If God's true children would only believe this one Scripture with all their hearts, how greatly it would help to release the riches ofheaven, and unlock the flood gates of glory! Go for it with you whole heart." (Unquote)

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

Jul 3, 2011

CORRECTIONS For the NET OF PRAYER Intercessors: Concerning the new "Added Prayers" dated June 20, 2011 (on purple paper) - just sent to you. It was printed BEFORE we met the Beast's champion In The Spirit' 011.1Une 2 I y ` so there is no need to pray this (cross it off) in that we met and dealt with the Beast's champion - it's done! Thank you and PTL. I've managed to give the wrong Scripture on this two times now (the last during the end of month meeting this June 26 th ). The correct Scripture is Haggai 1: 1I which simply states that nature itself reflects divinejudgmcnts when the Will ofGod is ignored. In the last Newsletter I quoted a story about Captain Kangaroo and Mr. Rogers. A reader checked "snopes" and found that both of these stories were completely false. The story about Lee Marvin was true. My apology. It sounded too good to be true and it was.

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