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October 16, 2010 - Issue #135 Nancy-TONI Youngbrandt - Editor Chuck-JOHNEL & Nancy-TONI Youngbrandt

558-6 Knapp Road Colville, WA. 99114 Tele # 1-509-684-4135

"(JESUS said:) LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP, AND LET DOWN YOUR NETS FOR A DR.AUGHT...and when they had this done, they enclosed a great multitudes of fishes: and their net brake. And they beckoned unto their partners... and they came, and filled both ships..." ( Luke 5: 5,6,7) .


APRIL, 25, 1982

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

October 14, 2010

The Beast of AntiChrist and Judgment (Continued) Back in 1977, upon considering all that JESUS had revealed about the coming judgment, both Cliff and I were of this same opinion: America had such an abundance ofresources and is so wealthy and powerful that it was difficult to see just "how" this nation could be brought so low in anything less than a century or more, if at all. It was NOT that I doubted what JESUS shewed me, rather I could not i magine "how" it could happen in my lifetime. JESUS had revealed an America that wanted for energy on a scale that was mind boggling - Americans would be freezing to death in winter for Iack of heat; Americans would he starving to death and farmers lacking fuel could not plant, cultivate or harvest crops, much less operate pumps to irrigate areas that needed irrigation. In 1986 the Church made a "decision" to reject JESUS' Word and so loosed the beastmen of antiChrist to come through the GAP - empowering these same in such a way that they'd seize the office of President and begin the utter destruction of America itself with hellish spiritual direction in accomplishing that. What was seen in the GAP in 1987 was a pattern of things to come. Quite literally, the "script" of America's future was written by that church decision of 1986 which would unleash a floodgate of hellish demons on America, the very power that would and is utterly destroying Americans and America. In Nazi Germany, a Minister (Reverend Dietrich Bonhoeffer) that resisted Hitler and his regime wrote, (Quote) "Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold its guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. " (Unquote)

When JESUS had me call for prayer to withstand the enemy in the GAP in 1986, the church rejected JESUS' Word, rejected the call to pray and did nothing. In doing nothing they came into agreement with hell itself against God's people and God's purposes. Even among the Elect of Christ there was a split: 77% stood for Christ and in Christ,

and 23% stood for antiChrist and came into league with the Devil. The decisions of the Elect determined the lines in the GAP. When JESUS placed us in the GAP in 1987 (Nancy-TONI, Richard-DANIEL and myself), we had sufficient Angelic


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The Staff and Sword Ministry

October 14, 2010

The Beast of AntiChrist and Judgment (Continued)

numbers to cover 77% of the width of the GAP so one end was wide open and became the focus of the enemy attack when it began. There were four beastmen in the GAP but in 1987 we only saw the first one, a man whom Richard-DANIEL identified in March of 1987 as then Governor of Arkansas William Jefferson Clinton. In a see-saw battle in the GAP, on JESUS' direction Richard-DANIEL and I launched a surprise counter-attack and cutting through heavy demon cover we fell on the first beastman, Clinton, and did battle with him personally. We unhorsed him, shattered his war sword and wounded him severely. This would manifest in this world in many ways. The antiChrist spirit told beastman Clinton that he would not be able to become president in 1988 because we withstood him, but he would run and become president in 1992. Beastman Clinton would become the president in 1992 and held that office for 8 years. Beastman Clinton did a lot of damage to America economically, in defense and in international dealings; but he lacked the power to really do serious harm although he laid down the ground work for the next beastman to come. After wounding beastman Clinton in the GAP, he was replaced by a new beastman, a tall, thin, black man riding a black horse (economy) who would later transfer to a red horse (war). We did not know who he was, but JESUS revealed that he would surface in the political race for president in 21 years or by 2008.

This was the situation of February 14, 1987 which is parallel to 2011 as shown at the top of the next page. By this time, we were surrounded on three sides with an i mpassable mountain to our backs. t

The enemy attack to come starting February 14 " (parallel to the year 2011) was fierce beyond description - the demon armies hurled themselves at us from every side with all they had and the attack was overwhelming. We were unable to meet every focal point of their attack which was virtually 100% of the front. Then Richard-DANIEL ceased resisting and began to look to JESUS, we did the same, as a Christ's empowerment strengthened the angels with us to the place where we not only withstood their attacks, we began to beat them back and then to hurl them back and it became a rout, the enemy was losing ground everywhere! Praise JESUS CHRIST!

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

October 14, 2010

The Beast of AntiChrist and Judgment (Continued) THE FEBRUARY 14, 1987 (Saturda y ) ATTACK (Seen February 1 7th as I drive West) .

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The battle strategy of this second heastman (Obama) was different from the first beastman (Clinton). He unlike beastinan Clinton, attacked everywhere at one time working to overwhelm and wear down all who resisted him. Looking to JESUS CHRIST we would not only withstand his attacks but did overwhelm him and hurled him backwards. We had the enemy on the run and were in hot pursuit when JESUS spoke to us saying: "THAT THESE PREVAIL IS MAN'S WILL NOT MY WILL. YET NOW ...LET THESE PASS THROUGH, IT IS SUFFICIENT FOR NOW." So stopped the pursuit and withdrew to our lilies.

WE WERE A CHOKE POINT While we held our ground, we occupied 77% of the width of the GAP and that meant that the demon power entering into this world was reduced to 23% of its potential. To understand this you need think of the flow of demons through the GAP like the fl ow of water - we blocked 77% of that flow so the demonic pressure in this world was reduced to about 1/4th of its potential. That meant lives would be spared. destruction limited and we would have more time to he prepared.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

October 14, 2010

The Beast of AntiChrist and Judgment (Continued) The concerted demonic attack to crush us also represented a primary objective of the beastman of antichrist, to crush the Christians in America. He would try, he would

fail but narrowly. At first it would look like he was succeeding, then his fortunes would reverse. These events seen in the GAP and `In The Spirit' on February 14, 1987 will parallel this coming 2011. We can expect this beastman to launch an all-out offensive against

God's people, the faithful-obedient, the Elect, the Sealed, the Innocent Lambs of God and the tithe of the church system of man. The beastman's attack will be overwhelming, he will gain ground in many areas; but then God's people, looking to JESUS CHRIST, will find empowerment in Christ to stop his attack, to hurl him back and put his forces to flight (run away). The pattern set-down by our actions in Christ in the GAP in 1987 will surface in 201 1 and in this world in many ways. Like I've stated, "The Script" has already been written, we are simply seeing it unfold according to what was done `In The Spirit' and in The GAP in 1987. At this point I see this much: February 14, 1987 = the year 2011 -major enemy attacks are met, beaten back. February 15, 1987 = the year 2012 - a lull. 2013*

enemy plans a massive attack this day, JESUS February 16,1987 = the year has us exodus from the GAP taking masses of God's people with us to safety. February 17, 1987 = the year 2014 - enemy consolidates its forces after occupying the whole GAP area readying to enter this world in force. February 18, 1987 = the year 2015 - we fire the Elijah missile as demons begin blasts** hit the demon moving out of the GAP to enter this world, three nuclear armies causing severe disorganization_ It takes them a full day to regain their footing (one year) and they exit the GAP with 100% demon power the next day. February 19, 1987 = the year 2016.

*Note - The beastman is clearly seen being in charge of the demon armies after we evacuate the GAP. In that this is parallel to 2013, it tells me that beastman Obama is back in the White House after winning a second term as president in 2012. This suggests to me that the "lull" of February 15, 1987/2012 is because the focus of the enemy is on getting Obama re-elected that year.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

October I5, 2010

The Beast of AntiChrist and Judgment (Continued) **Note - We believe this is the time of the accidental nuclear attack by Russia, nuking three U.S. Cities. THERE IS A DIFFICULTY: Revelations of the GAP battle of 1987 came as I drove from Chicago to Mount Vernon, Washington to marry Nancy-TONI. Towards the end of the trip I was exhausted and so JESUS shewed me events in advance but in that I lost a clear time line. I'm not sure if the last dates I have (February 17-19, 1987) are consecutive. I may have lost a day in my figures and my notes towards the end of the trip tended to be sketchy. I kept track of details but often concerning ti ming I was a bit mushy.

THE POISON OF THE ANTICHRIST BEASTMAN When FATHER GOD placed me and Nancy-TONI with the Angels assigned to us (96,000) in the GAP in 1982 He told us that we were to stand and withstand the coming flood of demon power, "FOR THE SAKE OF MY CHILDREN." Ahead of us outside the GAP and in the 5" dimension we could see the gathering storm of demons that would shortly march into the GAP under the leadership of the first Beastman (G. Hart). When they saw our line, they attacked and we cut them to pieces in a head-on battle `In The Spirit' that lasted just over 70 days. In that it took them just over 70 days to break through the GAP and into this world, they were for the most part "toast" by then. Why? Each day in the GAP was equal to ONE YEAR `In This World', therefore the beastmen of 1982 would not live Iong enough to gain power. In this time we learned quite a bit about these beastmen and what objectives they had. It was simple - they were coming to utterly destroy Christian America, to tear it to shreds, massacre God's children and to establish the devil's kingdom in America. The beastmen themselves aimed to become president of the United States and from that place of power, to direct the downfall of America. The destruction they aimed to accomplish would be physical, spiritual, economic, industrial, emotional and political. Here are just a few things that beastman Obania has said or done in his first 24

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The Staff and Sword Ministr y October 15, 2010

The Beast of Antichrist and Judgment (Continued)

months in the

office of President. Obama has banned all drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico and elsewhere. He has also ordered the permanent sealing of 3,500 oil wells in the Gulf and at the same time is giving Mexico $billions so they can start drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico. Operators in Alaska have stated the government is going to shut down the Alaskan Oil Pipeline. Added to this, beastman Obama has targeted coal producers, aiming to shut them down as well. Keep in mind that literally 50% of America's electrical energy is created by coal burning electric plants. I've just heard that Red China has purchased mineral rights to mine oil from shale in Texas; oil that they will then ship to China. However, the government will. NOT allow Americans to mine oil from shale. This nation has vast deposits of oil in shale some say we have billions of barrels of oil under our feet. While beastman Obama is undermining America's vast energy resources he has run this government and nation into more debt than any president in history. We are nearing a $14 Trillion deficit and the value of the U.S. Dollar is declining as the debit rises. The Obama Administration is talking about deliberately inflating the dollar to help pay off our debts - hyper-inflation would demolish America's economy, wipe out the savings of every American and lead to a financial collapse. People will not be able to believe all of this (and much more) asking, "It makes no sense! Why would he do that? " Once you understand that he is driven by an antiChrist spirit that wants to destroy America and that he is the vessel that would do that, the answer is both simple and obvious. Back in 2006 beastman Obama stated, "Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation." He said it again later in 2006, "We 're no longer a Christian nation. " After becoming president, beastman Obama told the Muslim world, "We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation. "Nonetheless polls indicate that well over 80% of the people in this nation state that they are Christians, and beastman Obama is among them, claiming to be a Christian. Is he? No, he is not a Christian, not even close. The god he worships is he himself, anything else he says or does is a showcase to deceive onlookers.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

October 15, 2010

The Beast of Antichrist and Judgment (Continued) To some being that blunt about beastman Obama may seem a bit harsh, but you have not seen him as I've seen him in the GAP. At one point the antiChrist spirit told beastman Obama that people will think he is a god and that in time he will come to believe that he is god.

COLLECTIVE SALVATION In watching the Glenn Beck TV program he showed a number of times beastman Obama making a bizarre statement that his salvation only counted (was real) if it was a collective salvation. Obama stated that several times before audiences. As a Christian that is not only bizarre, it is wholly contrary to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are saved by Grace through JESUS CHRIST, we believe on Him and we are saved. Beastman Obama was saying that until America pays for its sins of stealing from other nations by paying back all we have stolen (?), that we are not saved. Only when we all give back what we took can we be saved. This thinking springs from Black Liberation Theology which has its foundations in Marxism and Marxism has its roots in Satan

Obama. the N.E.A. and Lucifer The White House under beastman Obama has made the reading of "Rules for Radicals" priority reading for the N.E.A. (National Education Association). Every teacher in the U.S. is now encouraged to read and apply the principles of Alinsky's murderous, Marxist, God-and America-hating book. In this beastman Obama is paying homage to none other than Lucifer himself. That is no surprise because in the GAP in 1987 we saw a close connection and cooperation between that beastman and Lucifer. Now we see a dimension of that in this world. For those who may have forgotten what was shared in the July, 2010 Newsletter, this is what we shared in that report: (Quote) "Amongst his far-left associates, Obama has recommended all read Saul Alinsky's book, "Rules for Radicals" (almost required reading in the White House (now among the N. E.A.) among far-left staffers).

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

October 15, 2010

The Beast of Antichrist and Judgment (Continued) n

This is just a little quote front one part of that book (it is the "dedication ' ), and it is very telling about who Obama looks up to: Rules for Radicals (Saul Alinsky): (Quote) "Lest we forget at least an over-theshoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is it that knows where mythology leaves off and history begins—or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom—Lucifer." (Unquote)

"BERNANKE TELLS THE TRUTH: THE U.S. IS ON THE BRINK OF FINANCIAL DISASTER" [ Richard-DANIEL sent me these articles written in The Economic Policy Journal dated October S, 2010.] (Quote) "Yesterday (October 4, 2010), Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke delivered a speech.. .in which he warned about the current state of the government finances, the conclusion, the situation is dire and "unsustainable." It is remarkable that mainstream media has given this speech no coverage__.Bernanke said: "The budgetary position of the federal government has deteriorated substantially during the past two fiscal years.. .The same underlying trends affecting federal finances will also put substantial pressures on state and local budgets..." (Unquote) Bernanke's speech painted a very grim picture for America's financial and economic future. If (a big "if") Congress engaged in sound fiscal policies, sharply cutting spending and raising taxes to help reduce the deficit and interest on the debt, the problem would be that in raising taxes one depresses the economy and income declines. In another article sent by Richard-DANIEL, the writer listed 11 long term trends that are absolutely destroying the U.S. economy. (Quote) "One was the "deindustrialization of America." - The United States is being deindustrialized at a pace that is almost impossible to believe. Now that millio ns

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

October 15, 2010

The Beast of AntiChrist and Judgment (Quote Continued) upon millions have lost their jobs, more Americans are starting to wake up and believe it. So why have Americans lost faith in "free trade"? It turns out that the current system is neither "free trade" nor "fair trade". Many other nations impose extremely high tariffs on U.S. goods and put up ridiculous barriers to American products and yet the U.S. has generally let everyone else openly manipulate currency rates and flood our shores with whatever cheap products they want. The United States has lost approximately 42,400 factories * since 2001. Approximately 75 % of those factories employed over 500 workers while they were still in operation.

*Note: Note that it is 42,400 FACTORIES not 42,400 workers! Another is the ongoing devaluation of the U.S. Dollar....An item that cost $20 in 1970 would cost you $112.35 today. An item that cost $20 in 1913 would cost you $440.33 today. Inflation is like a hidden tax. The value of the dollars you are holding right now will decline a little bit more each and every month. (Unquote).

OI AMA & THE RE-DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH When beastman Obama was running for president in 2008 he spoke of redistributing the wealth. Some of the poor thought he meant to give them money. Perhaps in part, but he really had a bigger plan. He was speaking of America as evil because we have "so much" and the world has "so little", so it is his plan to give our wealth to poor nations to even it out - make us all poor that way we will have our "collective salvation." Beastman Obama shuts down all oil production in the Gulf of Mexico then gives Sbillions of our tax dollars to Mexico, Brazil and other nations so they can drill for oil. Americans are put out of work, our wealth is reduced, and other nations get the benefit at our expense in every way imaginable. This whole program of redistribution of wealth did not start with beastman Obama, it began with the progressive movement back at the turn of the century with Teddy Roosevelt and carried forward significantly by Woodrow Wilson so a lot of

The Staff and S wo rd Ministry


October 15, 2010

The Beast of AntiChrist and Judgment (Continued) preparation has been done over the years laying ground work for this beastman to emerge and finish the job that they have begun. This full page ad (see left)

USA TODAY January 12, 1987 DRUGS • A.l.a.s. • rOVErrr MASS STARVAT1cTh


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THE CHRIST IS IN THE WORLD n. A Freat 'world TeArhler for people of every relt9non and no religio

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25, 1982. In that battle `In

One of the things this "Christ" would do is redistribution of wealth. This is what was stated in the

He loves ALL humaruty.


the second wave of beastmen of antiChrist as done on April

The Spirit' and in the GAP, beastmen Clinton and Obama appeared and came through.

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that appeared in the January 12, 1987 USA newspaper was heralding the coming of

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1982 heralding and the 1987 heralding: (Quote) "My friends, for it requires only the acceptance of sharing. How can you be content with


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the modes within which you now live, when millions starve and die in squalor.., allow me to show

you the way forward... (Unquote)

In that this so-ca! led "Christ" is heralded as a savior of mankind, it does not take a great deal of thought to recognize the connection and that beastman Obama was being referred to as a "messiah" when he ran for president and was seen as a "god." When we look a t j ust some of the things happening with this bcastman in the White

House, I go next to what JESUS revealed was coming on America .

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

October 15, 2010

The Beast of Antichrist and Judgment( Continued) The April 21, 1977 WORD/REVELATION I The following is a literal reprinting of the revelations of 1977 as recorded in the book "The Slain "(now out of print) back in 1979.] On JESUS' direction I undertook a thirty day journey walking from Des Plaines, Illinois to Washington. D.G. from March to April of 1977. During this journey JESUS revealed in explicit detail the judgment to come on America. On returning home from Washington, D.C. on April 8, 1977, 1 was emotionally drained and sick in my spirit over all that the Lord had shown me. I spent much time sleeping in bed for some weeks, and could easily relate to Daniel's experience (Daniel 8:27). On April 21, 1977, after morning prayers, the Lord by the Holy Spirit began to speak to me. After awhile, I was led to pray and read the Bible, after which I was led by the Holy Spirit to listen to the Lord. Jesus spoke to me in a gentle, loving voice - telling me to make notes as He spoke to me. I got some paper and pen, settled down and began writing as the Lord spoke to my heart. When the Lord was giving the events on April 21,1977, 1 was receiving from Jesus a steady flow of understanding concerning "events" coming within what seemed to be a three-year time frame that covered a judgment of the United States up to the defeat and occupation of the land. Beyond this, I had no concept of time. When the Lord speaks to one's heart, often it comes to us as an "understanding"; we, in turn, apply those words which to us seem to best "fit" the understanding from the Lord. In this instance, the Lord also gave me a series of visual impressions and the Holy Spirit red me to use some key words that I might not have otherwise used. It is a highly cooperative experience with God, where one's uncertainty with the Lord's message is easily increased where it touches on subjects or details with which one had little or no familiarity. As it would turn out, much of the Lord's message contained those "events" that I had seen in the chapel in Pittsburgh (April 2, 1977) when Jesus appeared to us and revealed the judgment of the United States so vividly. God, in His mercy, might or could enter in and give us more time, or He might or could enter in and bring it on us all the quicker.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

October 15, 2010

The Beast of AntiChrist and Judgment - The April 21, 1 977 WORD/REVELATION(Continued) As time has passed since April 21, 1977, we have seen any number of the judgments He revealed start and develop at varying rates. These are the EVENTS as given by the Lord Jesus Christ on April 21, 1977: - IN THE FIRST YEAR OF THE JUDGMENT 1) Do not buy an air conditioner - get used to the heat. [note: In 1977 this was a rnysteiy but today I understand better. Here JESUS is making it clear that in the first year ojjudgment that electrical power will not be available or will be so expensive one cannot afford it.]

2) Do buy gas cans and store white gas. [note: Again JESUS refers to energy shortages. "White gas " is kerosene, a fuel used in lighting and heaters.] 3) Spring rain will be followed by summer heat and gas shortages. [note: Again JESUS refers to energy shortages.] 4) The dollar will begin to slide in July. For this reason, crude oil imported to the United States will increase sharply and there will be gold value problems. 5) Temperatures rise will begin in early June. (I asked the Lord: "> ren in early June?'9 Jesus answered: "June 9th - and climb in temperature reaching peak high temperatures in July and this will hold all thru July, August, and September followed by sudden and drastic temperature drop in October." 6) There will be no rain of any significance from mid-June and on. (The President) will be in serious trouble by December. 7) Japan and China will become friends through economic agreements this year and arrange certain defense agreements that will seem aimed at Russia but secretly aimed initially at the United States. This will be a great deception. The United States will fall for it. Japanese government will change character drastically in a visible way. 8) Trinity Lutheran Church* will continue as before. The angel of death awaits

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

October 15, 2010

The Beast of AntiChrist and Judgment - The April 21 1977 WORDIREVELATION(Continued) through this year. Unexpected events will shake them this year. Church leaders are the key - a closed door who can receive, but won't. Continue in faith. The Net of Prayer will grow steadily and then [*note: unexpectedly - be ready! In the 1970: JESUS made it plain that Trinity Lutheran Church was a microcosm of the whole church in America. Thus a reference to Trinity Lutheran Church was a reference to the church in America as a whole.] 9) Do not fear. This year many will lose jobs, and city and state governments will fail suddenly. There will be serious economic crumbling. "The salvation of the righteous is from the Lord; He is their refuge in the time of trouble." Psalm 37:39 NAS 10) Disease will start from California and move east. Many left incapacitated. 11) From Georgia a plague to kill thousands as it spreads. Panic and fear will grip the nation. Food riots will break out in August in many major cities. 12) Food costs to soar, availability declines, quality poor, hoarding magnifies the problems. Government tries, but fails to instill confidence. Those who rebel against God will also rebel against government and hundreds of thousands will want for food and starvation begins. u

i have been young and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging bread." Psalm 37:25 NAS 13) Heat is unbearable. No rain. Multitudes curse God but those touched by the love

of Christ will repent and God will spare them.

"The fool says in his heart 'There is no God', they are corrupt, doing abominable iniquity; there is none that does good." Psalm 53:1 NAS 14) Power-outs caused by heat. Fuel shortage grows worse. Riots and deliberate destruction by enraged individuals and extremist groups aiming at overthrow of the government. [note: The seeds of destruction sown by beastman Obama are now bearing deadly

The Staff and Sword Ministry

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October 15, 2010

The Beast of AntiChrist and Judgment - The April 21 1977 WORD/REVELATION Continued _fruit, America is dying a slow and painful death.] "Do not be afraid of sudden panic or of the ruin of the wicked when it comes for the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught." Proverbs 3:25, 26 RSV

15) Local police will fail to deal with violence and State troops will be called out and in some areas, the violence will be so severe that Federal troops and tanks will have to be called out.

" As the mountains are around about Jerusalem so the Lord is round about his people." Psalm 125: 2 RSV -


1) January, northern Iowa will be struck by a strong tremor. 2) Thirty (30) days later a massive quake will strike the Boston area followed by a wave of quakes leveling blows clear across the nation. "My Prophets will be sent out across the Nation with My Call to repent in late spring," says the Lord!

"Depart from evil and do good; so shall you abide forever. For the Lord loves justice; He will not forsake his saints." Psalm 37: 27, 28 RSV 3) Little winter snow, but intense cold and little heat in most American homes. In some places too much snow - in others, none. Severe winds add to cold. 4) Power diverted to major institutions, hospitals, entertainment centers. 5) Food lines and economy near collapse. 6) United States crude oil imports cut off by most oil producers. 7) Japan becomes China's ally.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

October 15, 2010

The Beast of AntiChrist and Judgment - The April 21, 1977 WORD/REVELATION (Continued) TI

Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no help." Psalm 156:3 RSV 8) Chicago temperatures -40 degrees to -46 degrees below zero during coldest temperatures of winter. 9) Upwards of 80% of homes in area will be without heat after a month of intense cold. Many will freeze to death with little food. Intense cold and fear everywhere, life will be intolerable to those who do not know Jesus. 10) Suicide will be common. ... aver half the nation's employed will be without work and the dollar will be worthless...." (Unquote selections of the April 21, 1977 Word) When I sat in the chapel in Pittsburgh, and after that JESUS appeared and shewed me the whole judgment I made notes of what I saw and was able to remember at the time (April 2, 1977). This is what I noted: (Quote) "First I saw a good deal of rain in the spring followed by summer heat and then gasoline shortage, energy shortages, power stations failing or blowing up because of the intense heat. Everything Congress does to correct the situation will backfire and fail. Money is inflated, everything goes wrong because God's Hand is against the land and the nation. Meager crops and starvation for Americans. Economic failure and money becomes worthless. Riots and violence by the end of (the first year of judgment) ... (Unquote) Even before this, in January of 1975 revelations* came by word and visions of judgment related events. I saw a vision of corn fields; the corn stood about four feet high under a scorching sun and baked dry earth. The crop was dead. Farmers who had water to irrigate with, had no fuel to run their water pumps...(Quote from page 20 of "The Slain ") *Note: Published in the book " The Slain" in 1979 and in " The Staff and Sword" book - both have been sold out and are out of print.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

October 15, 2010

FREEING THE CAPTIVES OF ISLAM - A REPORT In 2001 we began to pray daily, asking FATHER GOD for His Commission and anointing to move `In The Spirit' to attack and demolish the spiritual foundations of

the Islamic Empire. Our purpose was to free one and one half billion living souls from the dominion of death and hell. Almost immediately (2001) we would see answers to our prayers, even before obtaining God's Commission and anointing to do this work as reports surfaced of Moslems suddenly being drawn by the Lord JESUS to salvation through Him directly. We received God's Commission and anointing and twice destroyed the demonic foundations of Islam `In The Spirit.' Even though we would not see the full fruit of this undertaking in prayer and prayer-warfare, we began hearing stories of amazing results - Moslems coming to Christ in ever increasing numbers. Having completed the work of warfare `In The Spirit' we hold to a maintenance prayer, praying into `this world' what was obtained `In The Spirit.' Below is our daily prayer and following that a special report. It is a "Praise the Lord" report to be sure - Praise GOD in the Highest!

The Net of Prayers Dail y Prayer dated June 15, 2010. Heavenly Father GOD, in JESUS CHRIST's Name and under the Blood of JESUS CHRIST, we thank You for Your Commission, Anointing and Empowerment whereby we have engaged and demolished the evil spiritual foundations of the Islamic Empire. Father GOD, we ASK in JESUS CHRIST'S Name and under the Blood of JESUS CHRIST, that You continue to draw all Moslems and unbelievers by Your HOLY SPIRIT to the saving knowledge of JESUS CHRIST as their Lord and Savior. JESUS, we ask that You reveal Yourself to them, speak to their hearts, open their hearts and minds to You, Your Word and Your Salvation. Enable each and every Moslem to see the truth and to be able to embrace the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST with all their heart, mind, will and soul. THE ISLAMIC PRAYER: Oh

Starting on the next page is a report on the results of this prayer work - again P.T.L.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

October 16, 2010

Evangelists Say Muslims Coming to Christ at Historic Rate . August 20, 2010 Charisma News Online. ( Quote) Christians ministering quietly in the Middle East say Muslims are coming to Christ at an unprecedented pace despite intense persecution of those who leave Islam. "Probably in the last 10 years, more Muslims have come to faith in Christ than in the last 15 centuries of Islam," said Tom Doyle, Middle East-Central Asia director for e3 Partners, a Texas-based missions agency. A former pastor, Doyle has been to the Middle East around 80 times and last week returned to the U.S. from a trip to Jerusalem, where he said both Muslims and Jews are turning to Christianity. Earlier this month, more than 200 former Muslims were baptized during a training conference in Europe led by Iran-born evangelist Lazarus Yeghnazar. Brenda Ajamian, a former missionary to the Middle East who partners with Yeghnazar's 222 Ministries International, said the event was unlike anything she'd seen during her years ministering in Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan. "That many Muslims who converted to Christ in one place boggled my mind because missionaries who have worked in the Arab world and Muslim world would generally work for years and without much fruit," Ajamian said. "God is at work among Muslims." Ajamian said she was told at the conference that drug addiction and depression run rampant in many nations, particularly in Iran, where the cleric-led government has attempted to squash pro-democracy movements. "People are so fed up with the kinds of lives they lead. _ ..They're turning to Christ even in spite of the very real possibility of persecution and death and imprisonment," she said. Desperation is also a big factor in bringing many Jews to Christ, Doyle said. "In the last 20 years, more Jews [also] have become followers of Jesus than in the last 2,000 years of Christianity," he said.

Radio, television and Internet-based Christian programming have been key in evangelizing Muslim nations. Yeghnazar claims more than 3,000 Iranians are converted each month through his Farsi-language television and Internet broadcasts. And Doyle said Father Zakaria Botross, a born-again Coptic priest, reaches about 60 million people through his television program's broadcast across the Middle East. "The apostle Paul to the Muslims is no question, Father Zakaria," Doyle said. But many Muslim-background believers have said they came to Christ after having dreams and visions of Jesus. "I can't tell you how many Muslims I've met who say: I was content. I was

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October 16, 2010

Evangelists Sa yMuslims Coming to Christ at Historic Rate (continued) a Muslim, and all of a sudden I get this dream about Jesus and He loved me and said come follow Me," Doyle said. Doyle notes that the supernatural is an important part of the Islamic faith. Through the course of his life, Mohammed claimed to have had visions and encounters, particularly of the angel Gabriel. "God is going into their context," said Doyle. But instead of finding guidance from AIlah, Muslims are finding Jesus. Haytham Abi Haydar, pastor of the Arabic Fellowship Alliance Church in Dearborn, Mich., a heavily Islamic Detroit suburb, said dreams and the supernatural are important to Muslims. "They're so powerful and real. They do consider that as a channel to speak to God and see something important," said Abi Haydar, who's also heard of Jesus coming to Muslims in dreams. Ajamian said churches of Muslim-background believers are growing "like wildfire" both in the Middle East and in Europe, which has seen a boom in immigration from Muslim nations. "The Muslims that are saved. ..it's like they can't tell the story fast enough," Ajamian said. Doyle said though the harvest is ripe in Middle Eastern nations, the spiritual warfare also has ramped up. "People feel it. It just feels more intense," he said. The stress, he said, is particularly high right now during Ramadan, the time Muslims fast and pray in commemoration of the time they believe Mohammed divinely received the first verses of the Quran. He said people are getting sick and even having nightmares. "When Ramadan comes, you really sense the war in the heavenlies," he said. Christians in many Muslim nations can be imprisoned or killed for converting from Islam. But Ajamian said the persecution is a sign that God is answering prayers for the Muslim world. "There's a move of God," she said. ..The devil doesn't like it, but there is a huge move." (Unquote) Note b JOHNEL: When JESUS sent me to the church starting in 1974. calling them to pray for revival in the church, I met massive resistance, hatred and a barrage offalse accusations. JESUS made it plain that it was SatanlLucifer leading the resistance. Having seen the results of a little bit of p r ayer b y a mere handful of Christians praying agreeing on Holy Spirit direction, it is obvious why the enemy resisted and resists prayer in the church with such ferocity. A handful of Christians moving in The Spirit', having obtained God 's Commission, taking on the armor of God, literally demolished the foundations of Islam and set free one and one half

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

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Evangelists Sa y Muslims Coming to Christ at Historic Ratejcontinuedi billion souls who are now in ever increasing numbers coming to Christ.

"Like A Mighty Wind" book by Mel Tari as told to Cliff Dudley: (Quote) "Black Magic, White Magic: There are two kinds of magic power:

black magic and white magic. Black magic is where you use the power to kill someone. I don't think America has very much of this. However, when I read your newspapers, I think this too is coming to America. White magic is what is affecting America today. By white magic I mean the demonic power you use for something good-like healing people or having fortune tellers tell good things. Most Americans are so blind to demonic powers that they think they are hearing God, when it is really Satan. We can't blame most of the people. For if sheep do not have green grass they will eat dry leaves. The pastors in America must make sure they feed their sheep the green grass. Why do people go to fortunetellers and look at their horoscope? It is because the church has lost the gift of prophecy. So the church member finds out about the future from the demons. All this demon power is a counterfeit of the spiritual gifts. The only way to save ourselves from this is to see God's power in action in our lives. That's the only way. People today are tired of words and preaching. Most would prefer the preacher to preach only five minutes. People today want something to hold on to. The world is falling apart, and they need truth. They need a stronghold, and that stronghold is Jesus and His power. Two things happen when people read the horoscopes. First, they have committed sin because God said, "Don't do it!" Second, a demon blinds them. For this bondage they don't need forgiveness, they need deliverance. These two things are totally different. Today we often pray about the sin, but rarely do we pray for deliverance. We need to put into practice Matthew 18:18: "Verily I say unto you, whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." We should pray, and if we have ten bondages, we should renounce them one by one in the Name of Jesus. By renouncing them, we set ourselves free. As Christians, we have this authority over demonic power. This is a position in Christ, as we read in Ephesians 2:6: "And bath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus." We sit above demonic power. We must, as Christians, use this authority. If we don't, our brothers just suffer." (Pages 90 . 91) (Unquote)

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

October 18, 2010

" Like A Might Wind" - Comment by JOHNEL: The book I quoted by Me] Tan on the previous page was written in the 1970's, since then black magic has arrived in America and more. I wanted to share this small part of his book, an excellent and informative read.

REPORT ON Chuck-JOHNEL'S HEALTH "A Praise the Lord Report" Written for the Ministry Prayer Leaders on October 2,200: (Quote) "Towards the end of August I saw my foot doctor (annual check-up) and she told me that I'd lost a lot of sensitivity in my feet (diabetes effect), compared to last year. On August 30", I had my annual eye doctor check-up (good report last year). He found that I had the beginnings of macular degeneration in my right eye (that leads to blindness), and blood under the lense of my left eye—which could also lead to eyesight loss and require eye surgery. He sent me to see an eye specialist in Spokane for a thorough exam, ostensibly to find out if eye surgery would help. Spokane eye clinic is reputed to be one of the best in the U.S. On September 2 n `', JESUS called me up to Him in IIis garden place in Heaven and He Iaid hands on my eyes, on my right foot, then my left foot, and told me this: "YOU MUST NEED TO DO THE WORK I SET BEFORE YOU WITHOUT I MPEDIMENT, LEST MULTITUDES PERISH." Then, speaking of the Staff, He said: "BE CAREFUL WITH THE STAFF, MUCH POWER IS VESTED IN YOU BY ITS EXERCISE." Again on September 3, and again on September 4 th , He called me up to Himself and laid hands on my eyes and feet, as He did September 2^ d . JESUS made it plain that this healing would surface in my body over the next many weeks. This past Tuesday, October 28th, 1 had an appointment with the eye specialist in Spokane; it was a three hour exam, quite thorough. The doctor told me that my eyesight was okay, no macular degeneration, also no blood under the tense of my left eye; and, I should enjoy good eyesight for many years. There was some fl uid seepage in both eyes (normal for diabetics)—nothing serious, but he wants to check my eyes every six months to keep a tab on things. More, I have noticed increased feeling in my feet, where before, it was a general numbness. Now I can feel more when walking, when before I could not. It is a definite PRAISE THE LORD. He has clearly healed me and the healing process is ongoing. The serious condition that was there August 30 th is gone. Glo ry

to GOD through JESUS CHRIST. On November 4` x ,1 will have the colon probe (lower GI is wha t it's called), and

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

October 18, 2010

REPORT ON Chuck-JOHNEL'S HEALTH - "A Praise the .Lord

Report" (continued) an upper GI (camera down my throat). I will be put under for that. When I came to after the surgery in June, I felt a distinct indifference to everything around me, a strange reaction on my part that got me wondering why. Some days ago, Jesus told me that when I was under (in surgery 6-8 hours), He took me into Heaven and I spent that time with Him. He blocked my memory of that time, as it can create a strong desire to be with Him, to leave this world; something He does not want working on me. I have heard/read that many who die and come back do not live long afterwards because their Heavenly experience is so wonderful they cannot bear to remain in this world anymore." (Unquote) Comment by Chuck-JOHNEL: A dear sister-in-Christ and friend, Beth, who

underwent major surgery, recently wrote me a nice letter explaining that it takes at least a year to fully recovery from major surgery (her experience). The anesthesia really knocked me for a loop - my sense of balance is not quite in full tune yet. This is something that is slowly returning to normal. I've been working 16-18 hours a day, but at times I cannot keep up that pace. I need to find a happy medium between rest and work, not all that easy to do with the press of all the ministry work at hand. JESUS' caution to me about "The Staff' and the "empowerment" is difficult to grasp because there is no "feeling" connected with this empowerment, so sense of it being real, and yet I "know" by the Spirit of God that it is very, very real. That kind of dichotomy is difficult to grasp. The range of The Staff is increasing exponentially. Just a few days ago I saw a planet about 40% larger than the earth, one of what appeared to be two planets around a sun - it appeared to have life, it was green and blue from biological life. The range of the Staff was so swift that I only had a glance and then it was far behind me. Fascinating! If you ask me what this all means, I cannot say; however, it is one fantastic experience. SURVIVAL - b y Jim-REPHEAL Grandon. This short report is enclosed for your edification and information. PETE'S INVASION VISION: This was sent to me and I found it of interest. Pete

would mention me by name at the end of his report. The part I re-print has a focus on the invasion as there is only just so much room in this Newsletter. .-r . r N^@ ► i •


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