June 7th, 2001: The SWORD OF THE LORD Prayer Operation

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(file: Sword Lord June Report)

The "SWORD OF THE LORD" Prayer Operation (Jeremiah 47)

To all Net of Prayer an d Volunteer Intercessors who Prayed in this Prayer Operation a:

There were a few times when the battle `In The Spirit' had a likeness to this sketch (above), which was sent to us by Alicia, Lord's General of Flaming Fire Prayer Group out of Califo rn ia. This seemed an excellent cover for this "Special Report" for the Intercessors of "The Sword of the Lord" Prayer Operation. Indeed, you did a fine job, stood in Christ and leveled severe blows against the enemy of our souls. You have earned a "Well Done!!!"

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"Sword of the Lord" Special Report

June 7, 2001

EARLY EVIDENCES IN VIEW We have already seen a variety of evidences surface that we discern stem from our warfare against the Illuminati `In The Spirit' but this is a very early stage and though the evidence is quite obvious (to us) it is far from over. There is much more coming and I perceive the need to address some issues and questions about what is going on at this time.

"EXPECTATIONS" VERSUS "HOW IT IS" Although we made an attempt to help everyone understand just what to expect "after" this warfare was completed, some brethren apparently have held expectations that are a bit more than what is likely to happen, The purpose of this report is to help bring those expectations into focus with "how it is" as opposed to "how one would like it."

REVIEWING JESUS' WORD on this subiect On April 7, 2001 in speaking of the effect of this Prayer Operation JESUS said: "YE WILL CAUSE MASSIVE DISRUPTIONS TO THE ILLUMINATI AT EVERY LEVEL AND DEGREE OF OPERATION NATIONALLY AND WORLD WIDE. SOME ASPECTS OF ILLUMINATI FUNCTION WILL NEVER RECOVER, OTHERS WILL TAKE YEARS TO RECOVER EVEN 60% OF NORMAL FUNCTION." (JESUS to Chuck-JOHNEL on April 7, 2001) JESUS' Word made it clear that we would have a massive effect on the Illuminati in this warfare but it was on April 14 th that JESUS gave us some idea of the time frame that is involved. He said: "MAIL PRAYER SHEETS APRIL 28' H . PRAYER OPERATION TO BEGIN MAY 8. THIS PRAYER OPERATION WILL RUN THROUGH TO JUNE. FIRST EVIDENCE OF THIS WARFARE WILL BE SEEN TWO WEEKS TO ONE MONTH LATER, THEN ONE YEAR LATER, THEN TEN YEARS LATER, THE CONCLUSION WILL BE SEEN IN THE 12 TH YEAR." (JESUS to Clhuck-JOHNEL on April 14, 2001). In watching how the effect of this warfare did begin to surface we can construct this kind of time table (new and improved): TWO WEEKS: May 8, 2001 to May 21, 2001 ONE MONTH: May 8, 2001 to June 7, 2001 ONE YEAR: May 8, 2001 to May 718, 2002 TEN YEARS: May 8, 2001 to May 718, 2011 TWELVE YEARS: May 8, 2001 to May 718, 2013.

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"Sword o f the Lord" Special Report

June 7, 2001

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RESURGENCE and COUNTER ATTACKS Keep in mind that events or happenings `In The Spirit' tend to appear in a spiritual form that can be both symbolic as well as literal. These events `In The Spirit' form patterns that can and will emerge in this world in a myriad of ways over an extended period of time. In the kind of strategic spiritual warfare we waged this May-June, 2001. It was not against a static enemy that just sat and there is let us roll over them — they fought back. There were surges by demons attempting to reassert themselves, there were some strong counter attacks

from many different quarters, and while we held the day and won the battles, each day was a challenge and we faced all sorts of issues. This is to say that though the moments were brief, there were periods when things ebbed

and flowed in our direction and then in the enemy's direction and lastly it ended in our direction as we prevailed in Christ. In a number ofbattles, involving "HIS TRUTH" Prayer Army (Joshua, God's Glory and Living Water's Prayer Groups), we encountered Illuminati target assembly areas that were so covered in darkness they were not visible. We saw thousands of bolts of Heavenly Lightnings and Fire streak into that pitch black darkness followed by moves by the enemy to recover when it appeared as if that pitch black darkness boiled with a black fire (an attempt to recover against the Light). The enemy was not passive by any means and we had

to move in against them in JESUS' NAME and standing in Christ Jesus' victory we battered and broke that darkness whereby we could destroy the host of demons hiding in that covering blackness.

How would this surface in this world? You might expect to see initial success in some area (uncovering evil doings or bringing hidden evils to public light) followed by moves to cover it up again, followed by renewed moves that exposes the evil. A "back and forth" battle that will turn in our favor over an extended period of time. The enemy is not going to be passive, but from what we saw `In The Spirit' standing in Christ we prevailed over them in the final count. TIME DIFFERENTIAL: Keep in mind that when operating `In The Spirit' and in The GAP in January-February of 1987 the Lord JESUS told us we would see the battle we waged surface in this world March 15 th — and it did TWO YEARS later on March 15, 1989.

Because the warfare we recently waged in "Sword of the Lord" Prayer Operation was `in this world' we can and have seen very early evidences ofthe effect of our warfare; but these are just that "early evidences" —more is to come over an extended period of time.

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"Sword of the Lord" Spec ial Report

June 7, 2041

What is an "Early Evidence?" Our objective in this prayer operation was to do significant damage to Lucifer's capacity to control, command, co-ordinate and communicate through his various Illuminati organs. Early evidence that this was accomplished could be seen in unusual events where things the enemy usually kept under wraps (hidden) reached the public eye and where the enemy proved unable to control or command circumstances as they normally do. An early evidence is just that, a proof that our warfare hit the mark, but the evidence is usually only the tip of the iceberg, meaning the work went deeper than is being seen and that deeper effect will be seen in greater measure as time passes.

Recognizing an "Early Eviden ce" This can be surprisingly easy at times and at other times it takes some prayer and discernment to be sure. The first early evidence appeared in the news of May 8 th the very day this prayer operation began (a day JESUS gave us to start) -- it was something unusual and it involved things that been "concealed or hidden." This was easy and added to that a number of prayer leaders discerned it was an early evidence— of course I'm speaking ofthe discovery of 3,133 documents on the Oklahoma bombing that were found in F.B.I. offices on May 8 `h that were not turned over to the defense lawyers for McVeigh during the trial.

What does an "Earl y Evidence" mean? As an early evidence is only the `tip of the iceberg' in itself it may seem of minor importance and sometimes it is. However, an early evidence is a visible proof that the effect of our warfare hit the mark, that the enemy has lost control of their ability to control, command, co-ordinate and communicate through their various organs in this world. The Illuminati is a very secret organization and because it is so secretive I did not expect that we would see evidence that (for example) the Council of Foreign Relations was in a chaotic mess. If they were, we would be the last to see or hear of it — they would surely work to suppress any such information of having troubles.

Enough has surfaced in the time of this prayer operation to tell me that they are hurting big ti me. And although it is subtle it is also not subtle in other areas — the enemy has been crippled — this is what the early evidence is telling me.

One expected effect of our warfare is "Chaos" Lucifer's forces have been in tight step with each other marching towards a new world order that he would ultimately dominate and be recognized as a "god." Lucifer no longer has the ability to command, co-ordinate, control and communicate to his forces as he did • prior to May 8 th This means that things will start to go awry and his plans will come

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"Sword of the Lord" Special Report

June 7, 2001

One expected effect of our warfare is "Chaos "(continued) unstrung and fall apart. I fully expect that some of his forces will end up fighting each other (something they are inclined to do by their very nature unless the Devil controls them). As time passes these conflicts will grow worse and will surface in this world in many ways. One way it "may" surface (something I perceive will happen) is that our government and society will begin to slip into chaos, be unable to function -- and this will be most true where those portions of government and society have been under the control of Lucifer. However, at the same ti me Christian bodies will become stronger and able to cope with these troubles winning many of the unsaved in the process to Christ. As the power of the Devil and his organs diminish the strength of the Church will increase and take the place of what was once "Devil territory." To be quite blunt, apart from a direct revelation from God it is not possible to anticipate exactly what will happen, except I know it will be to our advantage and to the disadvantage of those who follow Lucifer/Satan. Again, this is why will work to recognize and identify the effect of this warfare.

STRATEGIC SPIRITUAL WARFARE IS LIKE PLANTING A SEED When we move `In The Spirit' under JESUS' Commission and direction we go by faith in Him, we do the work and then we pray and wait with faith in having done His Will. When you plant a seed you won't see anything for a time, when the first buds break through the earth that is still too soon, only after the plant has grown up and bore fruit do we see the harvest. Warfare `In The Spirit' is very like this. If you are in a hurry to see the fruit —well, be patient and you will. Because we waged this warfare in this world (in a spiritual dimension of this world) I did expect that we would see some "early evidence" that the fruit is on the way. Again, keep in mind that JESUS clearly indicated that we would see the effect of this warfare in stages of time up to 12 years later.

OUR PRAYERS We have written prayers to the ends that we operate inside of God's Word in unity and agreement which makes our prayer work very powerful. Apart from that way of praying we would have no where near the effect we have. In our "Operational Prayer" we prayed (JESUS' LIGHT PRAYER) "...bringing Your LIGHT into that darkness, to expose all that is sin, to prevent darkness from returning..." or we also prayed, "cause massive confusion to fill their ranks....Expose all their evil doings and give the people eyes to see and understand the nature and intent of the evil at work among them." In yet another

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"Sword of the Lord" Special Report

June 7, 2001

OUR PRAYERS (continued) prayer (VAULT PRAYERS) we prayed to receive God's blessings, blessings the enemy had stolen from us and that we claim them and take them back. We have early evidences of the effect of our prayer warfare in open view, you have read about them in the Newspapers and/or watched it on your evening TV News — and it is the result of our warfare `In The Spirit' standing in Christ Jesus.



T Ma S, 200 I - 3,133 F.B.I. Documents uncovered related to the Oklahoma City bombing These documents have a lot to do with eyewitnesses to John Doe#2* and indications of there being a broader conspiracy involving more than two men (McVeigh and Nichols). *Note - John Doe #2 was the name given an unidentified suspect (seen with McVeigh by numerous witnesses) who had not yet been located.

Days later another 1,000 documents were located in the Baltimore F.B.I. Office and a document was found whereby all F.B.I. Offices were ordered to cease investigating/searching for John Doe #2 just 30 days after the bombing of the Murray building in Oklahoma.

(2) 4 x F.B.I. AGENTS Come Forward Days later 4 x F.B.T. Agents came forward telling of how the investigation into the Oklahoma City bombing were essentially obstructed by Federal higher-ups. This proved to be a trouble to Attorney General Ashcroft who then delayed the execution of Timothy McVeigh for one month, to June 11, 2001, while these new documents were considered.

(3) An Investigative Journalist from California comes forth... This lady reporter spoke ofher investigation thatproduced (as I recall) 52 eyewitnesses that showed that at least 5 men were seen near the Murray building before it was bombed, one

of them being McVeigh—the others were described as being Middle East types who spoke with foreign accents. This reporter stated that the F.B.I. showed absolutely no interest in her findings and refused her evidence.

Comment by Chuck-JOITNEL: I have known for years that the bombing of the Murray building in Oklahoma City involved many more people than Timothy McVeigh and that

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"Sword of the Lord" Special Report

June S, 2001

WERE R BODE OF THE "EARLY FA DE }©! l RUiCOO€Ki ORIE® 80 FAR.' (Continued] 5TH 1T I1V! 3 findings by various investigators strongly suggest that the Federal Government was implicated in some way. This appears to be the reason why the F.B.I. made the effort to conceal and obstruct findings, findings that would or could show their involvement. For example, all Federal ATF Agents (assigned to work in the Murray building) were told NOT to show up for work that day, the day the building was bombed. A Federal Judge whose offices were across the street from the Murray building received a mysterious telephone call warning him NOT to go to his office that day (he didn't) -- his office was blown to bits. I remember hearing a strange thing the day after the bombing --- that a Federal Government press release speaking of the bombing of the Murray Building was published in an Australian Newspaper THE DAY BEFORE THE BOMB went off. More, a government informant that had penetrated the circle McVeigh traveled in had uncovered the bomb plot and passed this information onto the Federal Agency she worked for (the F.B.I. as I recall) warning of what was planned and when it would happen. Not only did her warning go unheeded, the government falsely accused her of drug trafficking in an attempt to discredit and shut her up. I remember watching a special report on TV about this woman and her government connections (verified by the TV Commentator). A British investigative reporter wrote a book on the subject. In doing just a "minimal investigation" on his own he learned that the F.B.I., C.I.A., A.T.F. and a German Intelligence officer had infiltrated the groups McVeigh worked/traveled with and these knew all about the bomb plot** and did nothing to prevent it. **Note — The crazy thing that this Brit. discovered was that the Federal government by these various agents provided the know-how, leadership, motivation and resources whereby the bomb could be built and used with the effect it had. If this is true, then this is why the Federal government concealed evidence as they did.

IT IS IRRATIONAL!!! Any normal person considering the evidence that surfaced years ago would conclude that this whole matter is irrational, and would ask, "Why would our government conspire with or allow a deadly conspiracy like the Oklahoma City bombing

to happen?! While the extent to which the governmcnt is involved is not clear, one thing is clear — you cannot apply reason or common sense to the actions of the Illuminati for that is who is involved, the Illuminati, who is at the heart of this massacre of Americans. LIKE A SEWER BACKING UP Once we began this prayer operation on May 8 th this filth began to bubble to the surface and all this hidden data came into public view just as we sought in prayer - this was too

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"Sword of the Lord" Special Report

June 8, 2 001


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obvious to not see, we were looking at an early evidence of the effect of our warfare.

(4) REBATES FOR AMERICANS - BLESSINGS RELEASED! President Bush's tax cut* passed both the House and Senate and a provision was made in this tax cut during this prayer operation that we had not heard of before. The U.S. Treasury was going to cut a check for every tax payer and send us a sum of $300 to $1,000 depending on the family size and number of dependants. *Note - President Bush signed this tax cut into law on June 7, 2001.

It was another obvious "early evidence" of the Vault Prayers, where we aimed to take back what the enemy had stolen from us. Since the U.S. Senate has gone over to Democratic control, there is talk that they will try to deny American's this cash rebate and cancel the tax cut. But I see this as only what was shared earlier, the ebb and flow of the battle we waged `in The Spirit' is reflecting in this world and the enemy is trying to prevent us. They won't succeed, we will prevail. How do I know that? Because I saw what happened `In The Spirit' - standing in Christ we won!

(5) SENATOR URGES BUSH TO ORDER A FULL FBI REVIEW Senator Charles Schumer, the ranking Democrat an the Senate Judiciary subcommittee with oversight of the FBI, told CBS his panel had decided to hold hearings into how thousands of pages of documents from the Oklahoma bombing case had only recently been discovered. Senator Charles Grassley, an Iowa Republican and longtime FBI critic, called for immediate congressional hearings. "There is a management culture here that is at fault. I call it a cowboy culture. It is the kind of culture that puts image, public relations and headlines ahead of the fundamental of the FBI, " he told ABC News's "This Week."

A full review of the FBI is long overdue but in spite of Congressional and Senate hearings into the misdeeds of the FBI and other Federal Agencies in regards to Ruby Ridge, Idaho and Waco, Texas in 1996 and 1997 --- nothing was done although it was obvious that these Federal Agencies were "out of control." To see these issues coming back into public view at this time is readily recognized as being another "early evidence" of the effect of our warfare `In The Spirit.' It is really out of the ordinary and stands out like a sore thumb, meaning it is easy to recognize as an early evidence.

June 9, 200 1 "Sword of the Lord" Special Repo rt T IE^ QIENCES ^

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This is yet another obvious example of "early evidences" showing at this time — in fact it is just plain unusual. A year ago a panel of federal judges threw out an attempt to bring FBI Agent Lon T. Horiuchi to trial for killing Vicki Weaver at Ruby Ridge in 1992. That seemed to be the end of it. Now on June 5, 2001, some NINE YEARS after the killing of Vicki Weaver an 11 judge panel of the 9 `h U.S. Circuit Cou rt of Appeals reversed a three judge panel from the same circuit, which ruled in June 2000 that state prosecutors in Idaho could not try agent Lon T. Horiuchi on manslaughter allegations for "actions taken in pursuit of his duties as a federal law enforcement officer." In this June, 2001 reversal the 9 `h U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals stated, "When federal law officers violate the Constitution, either through malice or excessive zeal, they can be held accountable for violating the state's criminal laws. " Judge Alex Kozinski wrote for the court.

Keep in mind that one of the targets in this Prayer Operation was the U.S. Cou rt System we aimed at demons who work to control, command and co-ordinate Lucifer's will in the U.S. and Canadian Cou rt system. This is yet one more example of an "early evidence". It looks like the Weaver family will get their day in court and see the killer of his wife/their mother come to trial for criminal behavior (manslaughter).

(7) WITNESS SAYS CYANIDE KILLER DIDN'T DO IT - AN FBI PLOT IS CHARGED Stella Nickell was convicted in 1988 on federal drug tampering charges and sentenced to 90 years in prison for the cyanide death of her husband. It was made known today that the FBI had worked to remove a vital witness who would have cleared Stella of the charges. Again, the FBI knew she was innocent but worked to convict her and in one move they scared this witness to leave town and not testify, whose testimony would have destroyed the case the FBI had against her.



News reports of just a few days ago indicated that the FBI had taped telephone conversations of Iranian terrorists in which they talked about bombing the World Trade Center FIVE MONTHS before they did it. More, the FBI had infiltrated this terrorist cell and could have prevented the bombing, but didn't.

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"Sword of the Lord" Special Report

June 9, 2001

THAT H VE BEEN Hi E I ©©GN GD 8© 1PAGoa(Continued) (9)) CONGRESSIONAL th


On June 8 a bill got out of committee and onto the floor of Congress where it can be debated and voted on, a bill that would empower the President of the United States to take definitive action to suppress the genocidal nightmare in the Sudan (Moslems have murdered 2 million Christians in the past years). Again, we made "The Illuminati Plan in the Sudan" one of the targets of this prayer operation, to destroy the demon power backing this genocide of Christians in the Sudan. The 9 "early evidences" detailed in the previous pages are current news items of this time period and surfaced from May 8 t ' to the present time. It is clear that the federal agencies that suppressed these facts concerning Ruby Ridge and the Oklahoma City bombing for years are no longer able to do that. I do not think for a second that it is because John

Ashcroft is Attorney General that all this is surfacing — it goes way beyond Ashcroft (though I believe he is decent man). In fact I can imagine that this may be a nightmare for Ashcroft, for while he is not responsible for what happened, he is now saddled with a monstrous mess.

WHAT THIS TELLS US Some of the primary targets in this prayer operation were the antiChrist forces around the President that would do him harm — these we nearly obliterated — while the actions against demon control in the courts was not nearly as powerful an attack. That we see so much of

the effect of our warfare surfacing in relation to the court system or the FBI (also targeted) tells us that the much more secretive demon forces working against the President have been literally crushed. In fact many of the very secretive Illuminati organizations that we hit hard are unlikely to reflect those blows in ways that are easily seen. It is like an "internal injury" — on the outside a person may look healthy and well but they can be all broken up inside to the point of death and still not show it. I perceive that many of the key Illuminati organizations we hit hard are like that, they may not show it but they are all busted up and for all purposes they are dead, dying or crippled. The "early evidences" that we are seeing in such abundance at this time is only the tip of

the iceberg --- much more had been done that is not yet visible. Some may never be visible; but we KNOW it is done. Lastly, I would edify and encourage all those who took part in this prayer operation to know that your effort has had a great impact for good and done much to cripple the enemy.

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"Sword of the Lord" Special Report

June 9, 2001

SOME LETTERS FROM INTERCESSORS Letter from Clint David Y. dated June 1,2001: (Quote) "Thanks for the N. D. P. Never had I heard ofan organized assault in spiritual warfare before. Has this ever happened before? Where so many prayed down the strongholds of Satan's kingdoms? Go in His Peace." (Unquote) C-J'S REPLY: The Lord Jesus equipped this Ministry in 1981 whereby we could do this

kind of warfare which I named, "Strategic Spiritual Warfare" in order to distinguish it from "spiritual warfare" which usually means individual deliverance from demon possession. We have not heard of anyone else waging warfare as we do and by revelation insight in 1989 we came to understand that the Church has not waged this kind of warfare since the first century church some 2,000 years ago. Letter from Scott y dated Ma y 29` h : (Quote) "I really enjoyed reading your update on the Sword of the Lord operation. As you well know this is my first prayer battle like this. I don 't seem to have visions or discernments but do try to keep abreast of the news. Your update brought attention to the start of our prayer battle and the release of the FBI files on McVeigh. Very interesting. I read all of your correspondence as quick as I get it. I find it all very interesting. Thank you and God Bless. Scotty. " ( Unquote) Le tt er from Bill and Kindra M. dated May 31 St :

(Quote) "We just wanted to say thank you for all of the hard work that you do. And thank you for allowing us the privilege to partake in the prayer operations and the Net of Prayer. It is exciting to take part! Up until about a year and half ago, when we first learned of your ministry, we had no idea what spiritual warfare was, but we are learning, Boy-howdy are we learning! Thank you again! In the Lord Jesus Christ who was and is, and is to come! Bill & Kindra, " ( Unquote) Letter from Dave and Carol of Canada dated May 14, 2001: (Quote) "The present N. D.P. "HIS WAY" strategic spiritual warfare is a great blessing and by God's Word of NEW BEGINNING we are encouraged to press on and press in. "But the people who know their God shall be strong and do exploits." Daniel 11: 32b "The Staff and Sword Ministry and NOP is the means by which we've come thus far in our spiritual walk. We thank God on every remembrance of you guys. In Christ's love, Carol and Dave." (Unquote) Letter from Mary B. dated June 1, 2001: (Quote) "From: Mary B. Living Waters Prayer GrouplHis Truth Prayer Army Intercessor. First of all please let me Thank Father GOD, Wonderful Jesus, and the Precious Holy Spirit, for allowing me to be part of this Prayer Operation ("The Sword of The Lord'), we are waging under His commission. I also wish to thank you Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI along with all the other Prophets in this Ministry and the Lords Generals, Colonels, Captains, etc for all your hard work and

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"Sword of the Lord" Special Report

June 9, 2001

Letter from Mary B. dated June 1, 2001 _(Quote continued) "obedience to the Father and

love for us. During this prayer operation, I have had no fear, but a multitude of peace and boldness which I knew came from MY GOD. I know all the leadership in this Ministry have prayed and battled `In The Spirit that the prayer warriors would be safe and WE were and Are safe. Blessed by HaShem Adonai for great things he hath done for us all. Jam already seeing evil thing become unraveled and made public. I will wait upon my Lord for he will be victorious and great is and will be my Praise to Him. During the time I was praying the "Preparation Prayers ", I felt very tired and had a multitude ofproblems with my pets (I old dog and 2 old cats) and lots of pressure at work, but as soon as the Prayer Operation began there was an easing of these kind ofproblems. Once the Prayer Operation started Ifound that some days I seemed to have no problem praying and felt victorious, but other days were like hitting a concrete wall and I had to really bear down to pray. Yes there are opposingforces, but with the help of ourLord Jesus my prayer partner and I will remain firm and press into the battle each day. Praise the Lord Jesus. P.S. My best friend here on earth is Jeanette J (Living Waters Prayer Group, His Truth Prayer Army Prayer Warrior) and we pray everyday on our way to work. We carpool and live 62 miles from San Antonio. We really have church in our car and I know people see our hands in the air and think "What's going on in that car? "I can say with great Joy we have the wonderful presence of the Holy Spirit. There seems to be great strength in coming together in unity with someone with which are agreed." Thanks again, Mary B." (Unquote) Letter from Mary S. dated May 31 : 2001: (Quote) "Dear Nancy-TONI, This intercession had been so wonderful. There are so many facets I've never seen before. Mother's Day

weekend I had company and that Sunday was really booked. I asked the Lord what to do, since I had free time on Saturday, He said, "PRAY THAT DAY, AND ASK THE ANGELS TO HOLD THE PRAYER FOR SUNDAY." There's always a way in Him if we purpose to truly follow Him. Blessings. Mary S. "(Unquote) Letter from Leslie and Maggie K dated June 1, 2001: (Quote) "Dear Chuck and Nancy, We were greatly encouraged to receive your Newsletter ofMay 18, letting us know our prayers in the "Sword of the Lord " are scoring hits, and getting results. You asked us for our own experiences during this time, and we can confirm the Word of David-DANIEL'S Insight Revelation of May 4, 2Q01. We were led by the Spirit to attend a revival in a tiny country town near Springfield. Missouri where we heard a true man of God preach truth and call the church back to the true service of God. God confirms the truth of His inspired Word

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"Sword of the L ord" Special Report

June 9, 2001

Letter from Leslie and Marie K dated June L200 (Quote continued) just exactly as Mark 16: 18-20 says, with healing miracles confirming the Word that has just been preached. I was healed of heart trouble and Hypoglycemia - low blood sugar. My wife received multiple healing from bladder troubles, back pain, and eye problems. But get this: The same week while coming back from the revival (which is continuing) after

a Sunday night service, we were attacked on the road by a demon influenced man who attempted to ram us repeatedly to run us off the road and kill us. This continued over a course of several miles. He even attempted to ram us without regard for his own vehicle. But Praise God, we avoided him each time without a scratch or damage. The nightmare ended when we came to a town where there were localpolice, and he drove off During this episode when he could not ram us successfully, he became enraged, he stopped in front of

us, got out, and by obscene gestures and threats tried to get us to fight him. The wildness and demon possession in his eyes could be seen easily. These events show we are having an effect! In His Service. Leslie and Maggie K. " (Unquote) Letter from David-DANIEL dated June 5 } 2001: (Quote) "I had a vague dream last night where my mind seemed to be on Lucifer. I don 't know why I was thinking about him. It was really before I went to sleep and kind of dozing. In any case what I saw and discerned is that Lucifer is so livid and frantic that he is lashing out randomly. I sense that he had gone just about completely crazy with rage. I have never sensed anything like this. It is like he has completely lost it and gone over the edge. It is also evidence that we have accomplished all we set out to do in this Prayer Operation. We have managed to demolish everything he has set up over the last 225 years and I do mean everything. Praise the Lord! I would tend to expect that we will see some of this type of insane behavior reflected in those he controls. Perhaps some more senseless resistance to prayer as in your last report. Iget the feeling that he does not care anymore if he steps out of bounds. He will be lashing

out to do as much damage as he can with what he has left of his demon armies without any concern for staying within lawful boundaries. It reminds me ofRevelation where it says, "He was wroth with the remnant because he knows he hath but a little time." Therefore I would say that the "watch and wait" period won 't be quiet at all. We better be ready for crazy, illogical attacks. With Lucifer this mad something is bound to happen. As a child might say, "He is really, really, really mad. " In Jesus, David-DANIEL S." (Unquote)

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June 9, 2001

Chuck-JOHNEL's Comment on David-DANIEL's letter: Actually, Lucifer's demon armies are pretty much intact — we didn't attack their fighting formations that are deployed world wide to do his will; rather, we attacked his "Communications, Control, Command, and Coordination system" that works to keep his demon armies in sync with his plans. We know from what JESUS told us months ago that Lucifer is overextended, meaning he has over deployed his demon forces and cannot do everything he wants to do. When we damaged or destroyed much of his "communications, control, command and coordination system" we would greatly diminish the effectiveness of the demon armies he has (making his situation even more difficult if not impossible to control and direct.) As far as Lucifer not caring about "stepping out of bounds" — David-DANIEL discerned this, however Lucifer never cared about lawful boundaries, he was a law breaker from the first instant he rebelled til now. That Lucifer is enraged is pretty obvious, but mostly it is because he has no grounds or opportunity against us (the N.O.P. and volunteer intercessors) as we have operated strictly within the guidelines and commission of God the Father through Jesus Christ, in and out of God's Sovereign Will. In this place we are virtually "untouchable" though he would surely like to do that and more. The experience of Leslie and Maggie (see Pages 12-13) is an example of a manifestation of this "demonic rage" that is equally powerless. Also the three communications or letters from Lucifer delivered by the three women is another example. End of comments.

Letter from Ton y A. dated May, 2001: (Quote) "It has been such a blessing to be in the "Sword of the Lord. "More importantly it is a blessing to do what God wants you to do. Sometimes when all the doors are closed I search around for- a way in (the liberty of God, knowing He took care of the need) but just can 't get the victory. Then Igo away very sad enemy has a legal right to be somewhere and defeated. Ihave learned much from you. If he cannot be wedged out. Now I know at times we must go back four generations (taking

the Blood ofJesus Christ) to get the victory. (Deuteronomy 5:9), (I Timothy 2: 8). Praise the Lord God Jesus Christ who cares so much for us. Tony A. " (Unquote)

Letter from Jack and Rose U. dated Ma 26 2001: (Quote) "...I thank the Lord Jesus Christ that I am able to participate with the Net of Prayer in this "Sword of the Lord " Prayer Operation. Yes, lam going to get my blessings back that have been stolen from me, also my families. We have 7 children, 20 grand, 5 great grand and generations to come. Thankyou Jesus! Thankyou Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI for allowing me to be one in the Spirit, Unity and Agreement with you. God bless. In Christ Jesus. Lord give you strength. With our love, Jack and Rose U. " (Unquote)

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"Sword of the Lord" Special Report

June 9, 2001

Letter from A nes W. dated Ma y30.2001: (Quote) "...I am praying as an intercessor with the "Sword of the Lord "Prayer Operation. I sure did hate to see the Democrats get control of the Senate. I really don't understand why the Lord allowed that after He allowed Bush to win the election, but I guess it's some judgment that Satan had a legal right to do because of the Church lack ofprayer. I appreciate you both a lot. With Christ's love, Agnes W. " (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL Comment: Seeing Senator Jeffords leave the Republican party was , in my view, no great loss and of no real significance. First of all this man voted with the Democrats almost all the time and his political views rightly belong in the radical left category. President George W. Bush himself stands more or less left of center on the political scale and at best he is a moderate conservative with leftist leanings. We voted for Bush because JESUS directed us to do so, so God has a plan at work and that plan is not

going to be overturned. The Democratic Party (which is largely on the radical left side in other words they are Communist-Socialistic Dictatorship inclined) becoming the majority at this point in time may undo them by the election of 2002. Letter from Marilyn B. dated Ma 2001; (Quote) "Dear Nancy-TONI, This warfare

praying has been intense but so rewarding. It was/is a joy being a part and I am still continuing to pray. Blessings and joy in the Lord to you all. Love in Christ, Marilyn B." (Unquote) Mary Lee J's notes during "Sword of the Lord" [various dates] (Quote) Da y One, May 8, 2001 ....Battle orders. It is time for the Lord to work, for the enemy have voided my law. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, "BEHOLD I WILL BRING EVIL UPON THE ILL UMINA TT. BECA USE THEY HA VE FORSAKEN ME, AND HA VE ESTRANGED THIS PLA CE, AND HA VE TURNED TO OTHER gods, AND HA VE FILLED THIS PLA CE WITH THE BLOOD OF THE INNOCENTS. I WILL CA USE THEM TO FALL BY THE S WORD OF THEIR ENEMIES AND BY THE HAND OF THEM THAT SEEK THEIR LIVES; AND THEIR CARCASES WILL I GIVE TO BE MEA T FOR THE FOWLS OF THE HEA VEN AND FOR THE BEASTS OF THE EARTH. I WILL BREAK THE PEOPLE AS ONE THAT BREAKETHA POTTER'S VESSEL, THA T CANNOT BE MADE WHOLE AGAIN."

Da y Two, Ma y 9, 2001. Assigned Targets: Illuminati plan to end President George W. Bush 's life and Illuminati infiltration of the Greek Orthodox Church. Battle Units: We went down to the gates ready tofight...thedemons came, theyfought..their best fought against us. But the intercessors swept them away.

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"Sword of the Lord" Special Report

June 10, 2001

Mary Lee J's notes during "Sword of the Lord"° [various dates Continued We look and all the intercessors were on horses... The horses that we were on started prancing and prancing. The horses were ready far the battle, ready to leap, to run. The Angel to the Lord spoke that was with us! "CURSE YE SAID THE ANGEL OF THE LORD TO THE

DEMON..." This is the day in which the Lord hath delivered the Illuminati plans into our hands. JOHNEL and the intercessors advanced ahead and the Lord discomfited the demons with the sword of JOHNEL. So the demon that was in the people was defeated this day. JOHNEL pursued after other demons, until all fell upon the edge of the sword and there was no demons left. " (Unquote) Letter and notes from Claudia-MARIE [various dates/selections]: (Quote) "Ma y S. 2001. Day I of Warfare. Knew great surprise and consternation and even fear by the enemy when I was praying page 3 in agreement with Jesus commanding demons to disperse until God's Perfect Will and His Appointed Times - for them to not touch God's own — and Father to send them confusion in their ranks. It was as though they were all so busy and suddenly we were upon them. I seemed to see some of them at desks — and then a great confusion was abounding with them. All Glory to God. May

9, 2001_ Today is a bit harder as the element of surprise is lessened - but Jesus Our

Lord says we did well. Ma y10,2001: Very intense -praying especially for family members - am sleeping well, but my husband, Jim, is having weird dreams. Ma 11 2001: Last night I was thinking about the warfare and Jesus said to me: "GO BY FAITH, NOTBYSIGHT "I remembered that this morning and so by trust in Father God,

I am doing what he would have me do. It is almost as though lam not involved at all- but I choose to see that as oppression blockage - I will fight to the finish." Ma y15, 2001: ....know yesterday's battle was ferocious - was called many times by God's Spirit to pray the assignment prayer sheet. Making dinner - my husband prayed for inc -

Isuddenly KNEW" by His Spirit that Jesus Christ had done a mighty thingfor inc. and out of the clear blue I was thanking Him and Praising Him over and over for the mighty thing He had done for inc.. .1 knew the oppression to be lifting and receding - and then all was fine. When we HIS LIFE" Prayer Army gathered back - I knew we were all rejoicing greatly with Jesus. HE WAS THERE WITH US! We praised and sang to Him in thanksgiving and praise—as thought it were our greatest victory so far. Expressing our gladness in Him and with Him was so lovely. Bless His Holy Name. Ma y18, 2001:... Yesterday, a beat up blue green car - sedan - with two men in their

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"Sword of the Lord" Special Report

June 10, 2001

Letter and notes from Claudia-MARIE [various dates/selections]: (Quote continued) 20's...sitting out front of our hedge. Jim left for work and phoned their license number to me. I asked Father how to pray about them as we knew there were not from around here. Ipled the Blood of Jesus over all the demons in our neighborhood who had no grounds to be here - bound them and rebuked them to leave — within 2 seconds a neighbor's car alarm went off [looked through the gate slats and saw one of the men running back to their car — they quickly took off. Later found out that at least one of them was a known thief My husband and I gave praises to God for His protection. Ma y 21, 2001 Sunda y - pancakes, coffee, bathed our dog Socks... heard a woman scream

and then some yelling, but it let up right away so thought afight may have occurred and was over or quieted down — went to Sears...saw gang cars on the way home - unusual for here... someone loudly knocked on our door. ... Our neighbor stood there in tears... She related what happened to her and her husband all day long.....our dear friends who live

right next door had been pistol-whipped and bound with duct tape and electrical cord, had the tape all around their heads and across their faces, he had been cut with a knife which required six stitches, and they both had been this way from the morning until the late afternoon. They were beaten, robbed, had their cars stolen, stabbed and threatened with

death nearly every minute - a very ugly home invasion, Their house was torn up, the water bed sliced, their clothes tossed into the water... ,But their lives were spared - God's Mercy and Grace. There were 2 men and 1 woman involved in this seven hour nightmare. Now we know the scream was from our neighbor when she walked into her house right into the gun muzzle (the home invaders arrived at 7:30 am and left at 3:45 pm) That night after I cut out the duct tape from her hair, and while another detective was

completing the report, she asked me to give her head a blessing because it was hurting so much. Ma y 22: Went to Don and Wendy 's with her brother Steven and his friend who has a permit and a loaded gun to check out their house. Steven and his friend went first to make sure no one was there. One of the thugs had been arrested and one of the vans recovered. Their house was a mess. Realize we must be instant with God in all situations - discerning by His Spirit. I give thanks to God for the huge Angels which he has protecting us and our property - I saw them sort of- and they are very tall. All thanks be to God. May 24 `h : Sat with Wendy and the detective as she picked out photos from the line-up... Very heart breaking to see my friends in such trauma. They sort of know Him. But I KNOW HE is watching over them. Warfare is going on all right, but my attention is drawn here.

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"Sword of the Lord" Special Report

June 11, 2001

Lett er and notes from Claudia-MARIE [various dateslselectionsl: Quote continued) th Ma y 25 : The woman robber is in custody and has taken the fifth amendment against selfincrimination, the man in custody has sung like a canary. The other man was shot and killed by the SWAT team Wednesday night in an apartment complex by the pool. He had been on methamphetamines - speed - for 12 days with no sleep. His viciousness as described by Don and Wendy and his friends appears to be due to the drugs. Our hope is that he repented before he died.

May 3O: Tons of dijzculties at Jim's work - which are completely out of the ordinary. He phoned asking when the warfare was going to end, because there are always great troubles at his work when we are fighting the warfare. June I SM : INTERPOL is on our prayer directives today. As soon as I prayed it, I KNEW many fiery golden arrows from us went towards Interpol and then a great CONFLAGRATION occurred within it. To my surprise, I even made a sound right after praying that prayer which sounded just like arrows whizzing by.

June 2" d : Wendy came over to share Banana Bread I had baked. She is much better. That first day after, even the detectives gun scared her........ lso, have had several near misses of car accidents too!!!!" (Unquote)

Comment by Chuck-JOHNEL: I've elected to quote much (not all) of Lord's General Claudia-MARIE's letter as it gives a broad picture of the warfare. What I `perceived" by th the Spirit of God as I read Claudia's diary was when she prayed May 18 to deal with demons in her neighborhood that didn't belong there (see Pages 16-17 this report) that she unknowingly dealt with a demonic plan to kill people in her neighborhood, specifically Don and Wendy if not others. This demonic plan was already in motion before we began this warfare, and the Lord by circumstance brought Claudia-MARIE and her husband Jim to pray about it BEFORE the enemy had opportunity to strike. Much of the plan was prevented. It is certain to me that these three robbers would have killed Don and Wendy except for Claudia-MARIE'S intervention during the warfare.

We have known since January-February this year that Lucifer and his demon armies were prepared to launch an all out attack against God's people everywhere, killing many in what would have been a demonic bloodbath in America and abroad. We caught this plan midstream and in much the enemy lost power to do all they planned to do. Many intercessors have reported "near accidents" involving cars, trucks, etc. None have been hit or injured but plenty of "near misses." This is not coincidental, it is one effect of our warfare— we pulled the teeth of the killer wolves (demons) before they could bite and when they did bite, no teeth, a gumming (if you will). If we had NOT waged this warfare, there would have been hits, injuries even deaths and much more - we stopped it in time, PTL! ! !

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"Sword of the Lord" Special Report

June 11, 2001

Letter from Edna D. dated June 2, 2001: (Quote) "Nancy--TONI said she saw some intercessors going off on their own during the battle (her notes of May 16 `h) and I hope I wasn 't one of them. I don't remember the exact days, but a couple of times I got carried away going into battle for my children when we came to the part of the prayer sheet on Page #4 where we present our families etc. for protection, because 2 of them aren 't living for the Lord. I'm not an exact journal keeper, but I do make notes... On several days I was excited about what JESUS showed me in The Spirit realm, My notes weren 't dated but I think it was May 10"' as I went into battle I saw the demons running away and as I pursued after them, I held my Sword (Sword of the Spirit, Word of God) straight out towards them and it acted like a machine gun, shooting out fire and the enemy was blowing up as the fire hit them. I was

praying in my prayer language and I even began to make a Rat-a-tat noise over and over like a machine gun. Thought it was cool! Another time (no date comes to mind) I was in a long line of prayer warriors and as we

advanced there was afoul stench or cloud of resistance coming against us and as we each began to pray in tongues a large (I guess a Legion of Angels) army of Angels dressed for battle came down like a curtain in front of us and they waited, and I and one other gave orders, they then went ahead of us and made a path for us. A t first I saw the demon packs

like you described with the tentacles and me and the other warriors told them to cut a pattern of a wedge like a piece of pie and then as they had cut a path through the foul smelling cloud of resistance we went in and destroyed the demons. There were a few other small incidents, enough for me to feel victorious even as things didn 't go well on the job.. .1 was tired quite a lot... but I know where it came from. To God be the Glory] " I do desire to remain as a Net of Prayer member even after this "Sword of the Lord " Prayer Operation is finished.. ..In Jesus Love, Edna D. " (Unquote) Letter from Samuel S. dated Ma 3I 2001: (Quote) "I'm filled with a warmth when reading our new assignments and information. Ipraise Jesus Christ every day for the light that is now in our lives from the Love we've received since we've joined the ranks of the Net of Prayer... This intercessory work is breaking down the evil foundations in this nation and world and like GJ said is bringing the judgments quicker seemingly... God bless you very much with all of my love in CHRIST JESUS, Samuel S. " (Unquote) Letter from Bryn H. dated May,2001: (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JO[YNEL and Nancy-TONI God bless you two! It is such a pleasure and honor to battle with you `1n The Spirit'. As you may remember this is my first prayer operation with the N.O.P. and I must say that it is a battle. I am growing stronger in the LORD as the operation progresses, and the WORD gets more into me, amen. I had a few words, from the LORD in the operation, which I will include in this "report ". I am ready to give it my all in this last phase of operation, as .just

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"Sword of th e Lord" Spe cial Report

June 11, 200 1

Letter from Bryan H. dated May, 2001: (Quote con ti nued got your letters and new

prayer assignments. Wow! Is an understatement of all that the LORD is doing! Praise JESUS! I haven't seen real clear `In The Spirit' yet but am aware of other prayer warriors around me and very fuzzy the formations you talked about. I read your info on moving `In The Spirit' and am sure that I am now and was doing just that. I had the sense of destructions of enemy forces while praying. I even started laughing at times and assumed we had done our works, although I was not sure of the extent. This is what I heard: "THE LORD IS PLEASED WITH YOU, FOR YOU HAVE COME TO FIGHT. YOU HAVE TAKEN UP THE SHIELD AND THE SWORD AND DONE DAMAGE TO THE ENEMY, ACCORDING TO MY WILL. STAY FOCUSED UPON ME AND LOOK TO ME, I WILL BRING YOU FURTHER VICTORIES. ABIDE."(The HOLY SPIRIT to Bryan H. May 10, 2001.) Then Bryan notes that the U.S. and Britain propose lifting Iraq sanctions on food to car part s and stricter sanctions of arms, to reverse the UN sanctions that have starved Iraqi's and caused the death of hundreds of thousands of childrenh for want of medical supplies. Bryan noted, "HIS LIFE"PrayerArmy prayed on May 13` against (demon control) of the U.N. " (Unquote)

Closing notes from Chuck - JOHNEL I came to know that Lucifer's strategic plan was to exploit the new intercessors in the N.O.P. with the view that they'd hack-off, run away and would not stand against his attacks, threats and attempts to dislodge them from prayer intercession. In most of the operation I was on duty with the Rear Guard Battle Unit watching the backs of the Prayer Army as they attacked the enemy. In the first days Lucifer sent a force of hundreds of thousands of demons and tried to attack us (the new N.G.P. Intercessors on Rear Guard duty and me) — the demons crashed into our fighting line and the battle was on, after many minutes the demons turned and ran off - but not in a panic, it was a wellexercised withdrawal. Days later a massive formations of horse-mounted demons came charging against us (I was with a different Battle Unit on Rear Guard duty every day) - the ground rumbled and shook under the weight oftheir attack. I ordered the Legion of JESUS' Angels to fire a volley of golden arrows (our long range artillery) and a wall of fire fell on the front ranks and consumed them. Then we braced for the attack. The demons came to a sudden halt when the fire hit their front ranks and they turned and this time in a panic fled. They concluded we were too resolute for them, we were not going to be scared off by displays or threats and they really did not want to fight us when that was obvious. That's why I say, "WELL DONE" — no matter the enemy did at your end, you stood in Christ and overcame — this is visible in your letters as it was visible In The Spirit' Glad to have you aboard!! 2^l ^E51J^5 ^.[]V^^ ^r,^^ - ^ __--^ - ►_ -_

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