Oct 13th, 2009: WALKING WITH JESUS

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

October 13, 2009

WALKING WITH JESUS written by: Chuck-JOHNEL artwork by: Roger Augustin Note: An infection and then medication that made me sicker slowed the progress of this Newsletter to a snail 's pace. The stories I will share are true but I've not had

time to research for the exact times and so offer only an approximate time. The best I can do without delaying this Newsletter any further. Sorry. God bless. C-J

ENCOUNTERING THE ENEMY OF OUR SOULS It seems that I've always had an innate awareness of evil at work in this world, but it lacked clear definition until JESUS entered into my life and I began to move `In The Spirit' in prayer-intercession for the sake of others. In and out of prayinginterceding for brethren who had problems, and for illnesses I soon learned it was sometimes more than a cold or a personal issue for I began to run into demons in

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The Spirit' when praying-interceding for others. In this time I learned that "intercession" was standing between the sinner and the consequences of their sin and the consequences were most often a demon or demons who went after the sinner. Therefore "interceding" usually involved doing battle with a demon who tried to get past you as you stood in for another brother or sister in Christ. By this time I'd learned (JESUS taught me this) to put on the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6: 13-18) so I met these hideous creatures dressed in the armor of God.

THE TREE TRUNK DEMON: One time I moved `In The Spirit' to pray-intercede for a brother who I heard was "hard to pray for" from other brethren in my group* and found out why almost immediately. *Note: At this time I belonged to a prayer group called "Solomon's Porch ", an assembly of Holy Spirit filled Charismatic Christians that met in a suburb of Chicago. Praying for this brother I found myself `In The Spirit' being blocked by a huge demon that looked like a tree trunk. I thrust it through with the sword of the Spirit but as I did it seized the hilt of my sword and began to draw me to itself. It didn't seem much bothered by the sword thrust, even in JESUS' Name. Suddenly the sword of the Spirit burst into a brilliant fire and the demon's eyes got wide and it muttered, "Duh,lamingsword!" It now screamed and burst into flame and tried to back away but it couldn't - I held fast. It went up in smoke literally and was gone. I then realized this was a dumb spirit, not terribly intelligent and one that used its mass to smother prayer. While I do not have a clear recall about the outcome for this brother I do seem to remember that his health issue cleared up and he was well thereafter.

SEEING BRETHREN `IN THE SPIRIT' From the time JESUS began taking me into the Heavens to teach me I would readily and easily move `In The Spirit' when ever I'd pray. When praying with my prayer group I'd see them `In The Spirit' as well, although they did not see themselves I did see them. I also noted that few took on the whole armor of God: some had the Helmet of Salvation and the sword of the Spirit and that's all; others had the breastplate of

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righteousness and the helmet but no sword. Generally, the brethren I knew rarely took on the whole armor of God, a simple fact which would limit their effectiveness in warfare and worse, expose them to possible harm. The connection of things seen/experienced `In The Spirit' to things in this world was not clear to me in the early years.


At the Mayslake Monastery the Franciscans had a replica of a beautiful chapel built in Italy on the grounds where they held prayers and services. A time after I "conceived Christ" at that Monastery (March 20, 197 1) I heard that someone had broken onto the property and desecrated the chapel. It was a satanic desecration. A few nights later I had a dream in which I saw this chapel and an ugly serpentine demon that wrapped its tail around the spire of the chapel. It looked at me and said, "I challenge you to come and fight nne!" I replied, "I don't take challenges from your kind. I will come only if JESUS sends me." The dream ended. When I awakened in the morning I realized that this was no dream, that creature was behind the desecration.


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Why didn't I take this demon up on its challenge? First off, it is a temptation to be prideful and that is a demonic trap in itself. Secondly, I go when JESUS sends me on these kind of missions and not on my own. Thirdly, this is not "Gun Smoke" where I' m obliged to respond to every gun slinger that blows into town for a gun fight. Some weeks passed when during a time with JESUS He told me to go to Mayslake, attend a prayer at the chapel and to deal with that demon. I did. During the time of prayer I noted this demon standing over the altar making lewd faces and ugly comments about the worshipers so in JESUS' Name I directed it to be slammed to the wall and boom it hit the wall. Stunned it looked around to see who did it but did not notice me. I did this several times more until it was clearly frightened, shaken and angry. I now moved `In The Spirit' in the whole Armor of God and confronted it head-on saying, "Remember me?!" Seizing its head I thrust it through with the sword of the Word, it burst into flame and screamed whirling around like a spinning fireworks and collapsed in ash. It was gone. I never regarded spiritual warfare `In The Spirit' to be some kind of game or sport, it was all deadly serious as far as I was concerned and I didn't fool around nor was I inclined to play games.


In 1981 Randy (a fellow prophet) and I moved often `In The Spirit' in prayer and began to encounter ever increasing numbers of demons. Standing shoulder to shoulder the demons simple flowed around us like we were to posts, we stopped a

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few in front of us and dealt with them but multitudes of demons flowed around us like a tidal wave of filth. We began to pray asking Father GOD for help. We were thinking of finding other Christians who would move with us `In The Spirit' that could form a fighting line to engage these growing floods of demons. FATHER had other plans. In May of 1981, while driving to work (I had a secular job in those days), I found myself drawn `In The Spirit' to the flat glassy plain which I know today to be the 5th Dimension of God's Creation. A military parade had just begun as I arrived and ranks of warring Angels of God marched by in precision formation with eyes to their right. I looked behind me to see who was reviewing the Angels but no one was there. Over the years I learned to see `In The Spirit' and function normally in this world - I guess that's called multitasking. So I was easily able to drive to work and watch the parade. Legion after Legion of warring Angels of God marched by and then formed up in front of me just behind the parade route. Every Angel held their sword high and shouted, "Praise JESUS CHRIST!" and thrust their sword into the scabbards in one motion. Then it was over. One Angel, who appeared to be a commanding Angel came forward and spoke to me asking, "What are my orders my Lord is General? " I blushed and didn't know what to say at the moment. I remembered how FATHER GOD referred to me as a Field Marshal in His Army back in 1979. That bewildered me at the time, now it is taking a whole new dimension, a Lord's General? I prayed looking to FATHER GOD and asked in JESUS' Name, "Father, what is going on here?" I would not accept anything until I knew from Him. FATHER GOD responded immediately and simply said, "YOU ASKED FOR HELP, I HAVE SENT HELP!" I looked out over the assembly of thousands of Angels of God somewhat stunned, thinking, "HE sent me an Army!"

I questioned the commanding Angels asking: "How many Angels in a Legion?" He said: "Twelve hundred." I asked, "How many Legions? " He said: "Forty" Thinking they might be broken down into regular Angels and special forces Angels I asked: "How many were the best?" The response was: "They are all best!" I noticed that each Legion had a banner - the first had a banner with a blue field and

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a Rock on it, symbolic of Christ. All the others had Biblical symbols on their banners. What do you do with an army of Angels? I had no idea at the moment but then suddenly I had a Holy Spirit insight clear as day that Lucifer was sending a demon army to reinforce Satan's kingdom in Italy and that we should stop that reinforcement. Moving `In The Spirit' is unique in that we tend more to operate with our mind in Christ than with our carnal mind, we know things that normally we would have no way of knowing. In JESUS' Name I commanded the First Legion (the one with the pennant that had a Rock on a Blue field) to come with me. We moved across the open glassy plain until I spotted what looked like a window or hole in the plain. Nearing it I could see the nation of Italy below this window and I knew that this is where the enemy would enter to reinforce Satan's kingdom in our world. In the distance I could see what looked like a large black cloud heading in this direction - this was the demon army reinforcement. I deployed the First Legion of JESUS' warring Angels in a line blocking the way to the window to Italy and stood with them in the middle of the formation. I figured that once the demons saw the Angels they'd turn tail and run away. They didn't! Closing in on our position the demonic army (many hundreds of thousands strong) moved against us with determination and the fight was on! The demons could not break the Angelic line and hurled themselves at us with hitter resolve. These ugly and fierce creatures hurl themselves at you bodily, it is high impact with weapons being brandished at the same time but we'd force them back with the Shield of Faith and slash at them with the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, and they'd fall like a bag of rocks. But then the ones behind rushed in to replace them and they presented a real pressure that was beginning to force us back. The pure weight of every demon in the army was felt at the front, a demon tactic I learned that day. If they pushed us past the window to Italy they'd flood into Italy and obtain their objective. Aware of the over-all action, I called for the Second and Third Legions of JESUS' warring Angels to come on the right and left flanks of the demon army and to hit them hard. In an instant they were on the scene and attacking. The tide of battle

shifted in our favor, the demons began to fall apart and back off - they'd lost the initiative. Suddenly they broke and ran away. I shouted, "In JESUS' Name pursue them and f nish them! " 1 wasn't about to let any of them get away. 1 began to run

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after them when I found myself mounted on this beautiful white horse, as was every Angel so we rode them down and cut them to pieces to the last. The battlefield was strewn with the broken bodies of the demons, some had dissolved into white ash and others just lay there. The Angels gathered the broken demon bodies and weapons and burned them into ash. Do the demons die? No! The demon spirit that animates these demon-like bodies is driven back to where it came from hell, I guess. I don't know where they go but I do know that it takes them some time to come back into our world.

THE HAND IN THE GLOVE CONCEPT A day or so after this battle was fought a half-page article appeared on Page 2 of a Chicago Newspaper reporting on the sudden and unexpected collapse of the Italian Government. Apparently an illegal society (Masons) had penetrated every level of Italian society (government, media, business and military) and had j ust been exposed. One thousand five hundred top Italian leaders had fled the country to escape arrest and prosecution, N.A.T.O. removed Italy from its ranks as a security risk, and the government collapsed. This was no small thing - a mega event at the time. The Masons were a secret society akin to the Illuminati (Satan's kingdom on earth) and had succeeded in past years in covering up exposes like this (those who tried to expose them were murdered). This time an attempted expose' was not stopped, so the Masons lost their nerve and fled. I now understood that the demon army we intercepted, stopped and destroyed was the power needed to cover up the expose' and without it good men prevailed over the evil. From this time I understood that demon power was like a "hand" and men yielded to Satan in this world were like a "glove" - when the demons (the hand) could enter into this world and enter into the glove (man) men are empowered to do evil and are much harder to stop. From this time the whole complexion of spiritual warfare `In The Spirit' moved to a whole new level - I would eventually come to refer to it as "Strategic Spiritual Warfare" because it took place deep `In The Spirit' and was of a strategic nature, having long range effect unlike the other warfare with a focus on individual needs this had a national, even international scope. On thing about walking with Jesus, it is almost always "on the job training", He will

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teach me much; but I learned even more by doing and the doing was quite dramatic.


It happened in the 1984s. The Net of Prayer was deployed `In The Spirit' holding a line against demonic intrusion into this nation. The enemy was attempting to establish a foothold inside the U.S. and we were resisting that move. Static warfare is never pleasant or particularly exciting, i's like trench warfare - you hold the line each day and repel each wave assault of the enemy to break the line. One particular prayer group was formed from an assembly of brethren living in an area of the upper east coast, not far from the border with Canada, near Niagara Falls. A vision was given to me and I could see that prayer group assembled in one place and in their midst was a false prophet, actually a witch, who was leading them to rebel against the prayer directives of the Net of Prayer, calling the prayers deception and evil. The enemy could not defeat us in open battle `In The Spirit' and so turned to Satan who could and did work inside the church undetected. Although I saw this `In The Spirit' I had no way of knowing if that prayer group followed the witch or not. Then I heard of a horrific storm sweeping that part of the country, winds reaching over 160 m.p.h. leveled homes and businesses, the bodies of the dead were

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found in shredded tree limbs, more than one hundred died in that fierce storm. In the years since the first GAP battle (1982) we had learned that when demons break through into this world, that breakthrough often produces a violent reaction in the weather - storms being most common; unusual, even weird storms. That storm was both weird and very violent with an unheard of wind velocity. I thought of the vision of the prayer group being misled but had heard nothing from anyone. About a week later I received a letter from one of the members of that prayer group (numbering about 22) who laid me out as being a "false prophet" and that an anointed prophet had come to them and got them to all secretly quit the Net of Prayer. She had told them NOT to notify me of their resignation but this one person decided to write me a nasty letter anyway. I now knew that Satan had prevailed to eliminate an entire prayer group this way and opened a hole in our line of defense. The Net of Prayer was holding a line that had been broken through, so we needed to re-order ourselves. But first JESUS had me take a trip from Chicago down south to scout to see just what the enemy was doing. On this reconnaissance trip I was shown a lot of demon activity being established across the nation but in St. Louis I saw something that turned my stomach. A huge demon principality was standing under the St. Louis arch which had the body of a man but the head of a bull. The creature was huge, standing stories high. In front of it was what looked like a cattle pen and Iesser demons were bringing men, women and children and tossing them into the cattle pen. At one point this demon prince reached into the cattle pen and seized about 40 men, women and children in its huge clawed hand and began crushing them in its iron-like grip. I heard the scream and cry of people injured and dying and saw blood running from their bodies into a goblet which the demon prince held with its other clawed hand. It then discarded the peoples' bodies like they were trash and drank the blood and seemingly got drunk from this heady drink of human blood. I was filled with a Holy hatred for that creature and what it was doing but my job just then was reconnaissance not action. On the return to Chicago I wrote a report to the Net of Prayer explaining how a prayer group was deceived to quit secretly and allow the enemy to break through and what I'd seen, including the vision at St. Louis. JESUS had given us a Commission to sweep the nation and destroy all these demons shewn to me on the reconnaissance trip so a date was set to jump off and go to battle `In The Spirit'.

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Luuv All told, writing the Net of Prayer Report, printing it and mailing it out and getting it to the N.O.P. Intercessors would take a minimum of 12 days. U.,

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Before we got to our jump off date a story came out of California, near San Diego of a massacre, the worse in American history. A man walked into a McDonalds Restaurant heavily armed and began shooting everyone in sight - when it was over some 40+ men, women and children were dead or severely injured; the McDonalds Restaurant was awash with blood. A few days later a copy-cat killing happened in Texas and then Tennessee where numbers were wounded and killed in a like manner. I didn't need to write the Net of Prayer intercessors, those I heard from by phone i mmediately recognized the connection between the demon prince under the St. Louis Arch and the mass murders under the McDonalds Arch. I "knew" by the SPIRIT OF GOD that when we jumped off In The Spirit' that this demon principality at St. Louis would head for cover and run away so I moved with a few Angels sweeping in behind it to catch it as it fled and did. Mounted on horseback we waited as it came running in our direction and then I saw fear sweep its face when it saw us. We closed in on it and wounded it and then destroyed it out of this world. The killings abruptly stopped, no more copy-cat murders! The Net of Prayer swept North America destroying every demon that could be found, but the damage was done, our capacity to keep demons from infesting our nations (U.S. and Canada) was over. What I learned from this experience was fairly obvious, at least to me. When demons gain access to a place or a nation they lay down patterns `In The Spirit' that gives them power to work through the same patterns and make them happen for real in this world. What that demon principality was doing under the Arch was laying down a pattern `In The Spirit' which initially surfaced in a McDonalds, the McDonalds Arch being the connecting feature to the St. Louis Arch. The key was the demon principality: destroy it and the capacity to continue the killings was broken. Do Christians understand these things or what is possible in prayer ` In The Spirit'? Sadly no, nor do they believe that any of this is true. However, they did believe the false accusations of the witch and so hundreds died. End of report. rN

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