May 14th, 2008: We Get Letters Issue #122 May, 2008

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Cover Page

The Staff and S w ord Ministry

May 14, 2008

WE GET LETTERS Hugs and Kisses --

Sticks and Stones


B : Chuck-JOHNEL

Charles A. On April 1, 2008 . (Quote) "Chuck-JOHN EL and Nancy-TONI and NOP, Greetings in Jesus Christ's Name. In accordance with Deut. 16: 16 and events related to Passover I am sending a special tithe to the NOP. Thank you both and all in the NOP who have been praying for me and other soldiers engaged in Iraq and around the world. On the 27 ` " of March the insurgents cut loose pretty good. It was interesting to say the least, However our prayers and JESUS CHRIST's grace protected me and my crews on that day from the arrows that flyeth by day. On departing the hospital heli-pad in the Green Zone, three rockets (arrows) were aimed at me and my two aircraft (we travel in pairs). They impacted the ground in front of us, having to turn to avoid the blast on each occasion. If we would have been just a few seconds faster we would have been in their path. (Jesus' Angels out in front and surrounding us). The 27 t " was the busiest day for our Med Evac company since we have been here. On another trip into the Bag Dad CASH (hospital) shortly after we departed several rockets hit the pad. Depending on our patient's status we have to land at the Hospital there even when they are under attack. Fun, fun. Again, thank you ALL for your prayers. Also looking for discernment of whether I should remain in the Army or resign. Being deployed in itself is bearable but the in between times back in the states we are so busy; I have not really had the opportunity to prepare for future events. Would love to hear any discernment on this. May the Lord Bless and Keep you all. P.S. Many of you have written and sent emails and I sure appreciate it. I have about 15 letters I still need to reply to. Sometimes get too wrapped up in events here to take ti me to get responses back out. However it always brings a smile to a soldier's face when he receives mail. GOD BLESS. Charles Andrews. In Iraq. (Unquote)

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters

May 14, 2008

Note by Chuck-JOHNEL : Please remember to pray for our soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. If you'd like to send Charles Andrews a letter or card his address is.

CW4 Charles Andrews Cco 213 AVN REGT Unit 5011-0011 APO, AE 09378

Charles Andrews, A Net of Prayer Intercessor, pilots a Medical Evacuation •

Helicopter. His e-mail address is: charesarzdi ews"ni y.intl

"My grandmother's ninety. She's dating, He's ninety-three. They're very happy. They never argue. They can't hear each other." Cathy Ladman. Dick M. On November 12007. (Quote) "Dear Chuck, I want you to know that I

look forward to receiving and being fed by your letters and teachings. I am 8I years old now and it is more difficult for me to read. My eye sight is not as good as it was. Therefore it is getting harder for me to read and work on my computer. Although I am still hearing from the Lord I am having more difficulties putting it down on paper. I regret that I am not more helpful in the ministry and the Lord's work.. Thank you for your continued service and may the Lord bless you and your ministry." (Unquote) Reply by Chuck-JOHNEL: Thank you for your loving letter, we are happy to he able

to serve in this way. As far as receiving a Word froth Jesus - if writing is difficult, get a tape recorder and make tapes of His Word and keep it that way. Just a suggestion. God bless. Kermit: Fozzie, where did you learn to drive? Fozzie: I took a correspond ence cours e. Eliezer A. On November 2, 2007 (Quote) "...1. Do you think 2008, (Dec. 14) will be the year of the accidental nuclear attack? If so, why? 2. Will you come to southern California some time in the future? If so, when?" (Unquote) Repl y by Chuck-JOHNEL : At this point in time I do not believe it will happen in 2008; but again "if" the monster ffurr • icane hits the Gulf Coast in the month of September, 2008 - its time to get ready for fallout if you are anywhere near to one of the cities to be hit and downwind of same. No plan at present to come to southern California.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters

May 18, 2008

What do you call the owner of an American-made car? A pedestrian. Erna R. Onz no date ( Quote) "To Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI: I am Erna and I

live with my daughter Bonnie and John, my son-in-law. They are very good to me. We are not farmers, but we are sitting on 33 acres, wooded and fenced, with a 5 acre lake full of fish. In the middle it is 28 feet deep. I have the following questions: 1. In the case of a fallout, would the water and the fish be contaminated? 2. What makes the generator run? A machine? 3. What should I purchase for food — how about flour and other items?

4. Would the chickens survive? 5. What should I understand by a "root cellar"? John and Bonnie have 4 children and I I grandchildren, 2 girls and 9 boys. They are all believers. When a bomb falls, they will all be running to John and rightly so! In this big split-level house there is room. The grand piano invites all who love music. Bonnie was a pianist in church for 40 years, and now she is into flower gardening. We don't have a basement, but a walk-out family room, right into the beautiful garden. P.S. About 5 years ago, I had a stroke. It affected my whole right side. I cannot write nor talk properly. But my mind is clear and for that I thank God. Next year I will be 90 years old."


Reply b y Chuck-JOHNEL: That

is a parcel of questions but let me try and answer them

as you gave them: 1. Standing water would become radioactive from both alpha and beta particles and the fish likewise would become radioactive in the case of fallout. If the radioactivity is high enough it would kill the fish in the pond. This is why it is an excellent idea to have a radmeter on hand to check to see if the fish (caught later) arc still radioactive_

2. A generator is a machine that runs on either, gasoline, diesel or propane fuel and when it is operating it will generate electricity which is its main function. 3. You should have enough food on hand to feed yourself and your family for a minimum of three weeks for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and some extra to help others in need. You should also be able to grow your own food for longer term. 4. if the radioactivity is high enough to make people sick or to kill people it will also make chickens sick or kill them unless they are in a shelter safe from radiation. 5. A root cellar is basically an underground room deep enough to store fruit and vegetables at ground temperature (about 40 to 50 degrees) which serves to preserve food items without refrigeration. A fall out shelter could also double as a "root cellar."

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters

May 19, 2008

What has a hundred and seventy-five legs and five teeth?

The front row of a Willie Nelson concert. Paul R. On November 5, 2047. (Quote) "Nancy-TONI, ...I'd also like more information about the revelation that North America is spiritual Jerusalem. How does this fit with

biblical prophecy? Blessings and honor and glory and power to Him who sits on the throne." (Unquote) Replyby JOHNEL : When North America was invaded 'In The Spirit in 1981 by a demon army aiming to trigger Nuclear World War .Ill by August of 1982 JESUS called inc and the Net of Prayer to take on the whole Armor of God and to move `In The Spirit' to do

battle, to destroy this demon army before it triggered Nuclear World War III. That revelation alone was boggling and yet we undertook to do His Will. In years earlier JESUS had referred to North America as an "Israel "- and I'd come to understand that the so called "lost ten tribes of Israel " had in fact migrated from Europe to North America, to the place p r omised to them by GOD through the Old Testament Prophets. Before the battle engaged in 1981 with that massive demon army, I moved in The Spirit' with the First Legion of JESUS' Warring Angels (all on horse back) to do a reconnaissance of the areas around the demon army that was marching into North America from the west. In doing this I carne upon an ancient wall that bounded the U.S. and Canada, a wall of huge stone blocks. The demon army had broken through this wall at a point and were advancing into North America through that ancient wall. What was it? Frankly, I didn't know! But I could see it plain as day in The Spirit' and it had been there for some time. Richard-DANIEL, then the Captain and p r ayer leader of the newly formed Nehemiah Prayer Group, was assigned the task of battling and driving the demons back through and out of the breach in this ancient wall and then to repair the breach and so rebuild that wall. In doing this he came upon a huge gate and knew by the Spirit of'God that it was "Sheep Gate" - one of the gates in Jerusalem. That revelation was both intriguing and mystifying, but we were quite busy in pressing the battle with that massive demon army and had no opportunity to ponder these insights nor what they meant at the tine. Years earlier JESUS had shewn me that Ezekiel 38 spoke of both Israel in the Middle East and North America (Canada and the U.S.). Ezekiel 38: 8-9 specifically speaks of'little Israel in the Middle East, but that Ezekiel 38: 10-16 speaks specifically ofNorth America (Canada and the U.S.). When we completed the destruction of that demon army (the fierce battle in The Spirit'

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Th e Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters

May 19, 2008

Repl y b y JOHNEL (continued) : ran from November 1981 to January of 1982) JESUS instructed me to go out across North America to extend the Seal o_f'the Living God to His

people eve'ywhere. JESUS led me to Ezekiel 9 and Revelation 7. I noted, at that time, that the Lord 's instructions in Ezekiel 9 to the "man clothed with linen, which had the writer's inkhorn by his side" was to: "Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem ..." (Ez 9: 4 a) Well that is the heart of what the Lord sheaved us over the years - it came in small pieces and parts but began to come together in 1981-1982. Hope this answers your question.

Adults are always asking little kids what they want to be when they grow up `cause they're looking for ideas. Andrew and Faith F. On November 13, 2007. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-J0HNEL, NancyTONI, Jim-RAPHAEL, and Leith: Hi. Last April we became aware of (for the first time) miniature cows - real live ones that are only about four feet tall. I want to pass this on to you and anyone who is wanting to produce their own beef or dairy products on a small scale. Miniature cows can be categorized as beef, dairy or dual purpose. Some are small because God made them that way, and some are small because they have been bred small. Some obvious advantages to miniature cows are thatthey require less land, less feed, and less freezer space at butcher time than their full-size counterparts. I have read that they are gentle (some people keep them as pets) and that even the bulls are friendly. Miniature dairy cows produce 1-2 gallons of milk each day, more manageable for a family household or small farm. We especially have been interested in the miniature Jersey for milk, the Scottish Highlander for beef, and the Dexter as a dual purpose breed. Presently, we are waiting for the Lord's direction and provision to acquire one or more for our own." ( Unquote) Children are a great comfort in your old age - and they help you to reach it faster, too. Lionel M. Kauffman

Lance T. On November- 22, 2007 (Quote) "Dear Chuck: Concerning your report on the Southern California fires accompanying your newsletter #1 19: is God encouraging people to move from the areas that will experience the most severe loss of life? You mentioned the fires of love, or something to that effect. Is it possible that this thought or principle is applicable not just for California? Note that New Orleans, where Katrina struck, is set to be washed into the Gulf. Southern Florida, where there are also many fires, will go underwater. The New Madrid area and St. Louis will be flooded by the Mississippi when the Great Lakes are dumped into them.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters

May 19, 2008

Hopefully, you see what I am Lance T. On November 22, 2007 Quote continued) getting at, or perhaps you have already seen this." (Unquote)

Repl y by Chuck-JOHNEL: The Lord JESUS wants His people to be praying to know what is His Will for them - to stay or move, and if to move, to pray to know where to move to and when, and then to have the patience and faith to know that the Lord JESUS will reveal all you need to know when you need to know it. There is no time like the present to be praying about all of this and being open to doing whatsoever the Lord JESUS or the HOLY SPIRIT leads you to do. Amen.

Ah, the patter of littlefeet around the house. There's nothing like having a midgetfor a butler. W.C. Fields (attributed) Angus-JONATHAN and Eula-VICTORIA H. On November 18, 2007. (Quote) "Dear JOHNEL and TONI, Greetings to both you in Our Wonderful Lord and Savior CHRIST JESUS! We pray that you are well and prospering always in Our Lord Jesus Christ. We hope that you had a wonderful second honeymoon to Hawaii and that you both had a wonderful relaxing time! You both so much deserve it! I was listening to the series on "Unconditional Love" and on one of the tapes you were talking about Father God promising you both a trip to Hawaii. Is this the same trip after many years later Father God promised`' Just a thought. Angus and I are doing well. We are staying steadfast in Christ Jesus. It has not been easy financially and has felt the weight of it at times. These have been the times when we have been encouraged by the Holy Spirit to stay steadfast in Christ Jesus and keep looking to Jesus, the Author and finisher of our faith. The past three weekends we experienced tumultuous weather. Post Tropical Storm 3rd 2007 and it brought a lot of flooding in some areas Noel hit Nova Scotia on November especially on the costal areas and low lying areas. We had hurricane strength winds of up to 135 knVh that brought down trees and knocked out power and in some areas power was not restored until up to a week. We were without power for a day and a half but thankfully, we also had a generator. It felt like an earthquake hit without the actual effect of it. I felt the house shook! I asked Angus if he felt anything and didn't notice. This was during the early morning after 2 am when the power went out. I heard someone on the radio said the same thing of what I felt. After the storm was over, there was no damage to our property. Even the Chicken house that is almost stilts was untouched. Our property, home and everything else was untouched! There was a tree on the front lawn area that was uprooted but it was that way for a while and the storm only did us a favor. It wasn't fruitful in being there anyhow and Angus cut it down. We give thanks and praise to Heavenly Father and Our Lord Jesus Christ for protecting us and keeping us safe. I have seen the results of the ZONE PRAYER and CARE AND KEEPING PRAYER that we pray in our Daily Prayer Sheet come to pass. All Praises to Heavenly Father and Christ Jesus! We sure are

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Lette rs

May 19, 2008

Angus-JONATHAN & Eula-VICTORIA M November 18, 2007. ( uote continued] overcoming in Christ Jesus and HE gave us the Victory Amen! The following weekend which was November 9, 2007, we got hit by a Nor'easter storm. Winds were not as intense as Noel but brought rain and snow with high winds. The third weekend which is this weekend of November l 6 t '', we had a rain storm and again with high winds. (Letter continued writing on November 23, 2007). The Canadian dollar has been experiencing a high which is working against our economy. Oil per barrel has hit almost 100 dollars US per barrel. At current today, we are paying 1.14/litre for gas. It is getting quite expensive to travel and we have to get second jobs. We're praying and socking Father God on going to the Northwest Territories on short term work assignment for a couple of months, at least Angus is anyway. I don't think I can handle that kind of isolation. He is applying for his license there right now. The money made in a couple of months would help alleviate much of the financial strain right now. In the meantime, he is getting extra work through an agency. Through this all, we are truly staying encouraged in the Lord Jesus. I must admit that there were days in passing it seemed difficult and that's because for a moment I especially allowed myself to see the problems, but thank God for HIS Holy Spirit who is ever so loving and gentle to keep us on the straight and narrow way. Things are looking up and we are staying close to Jesus and growing and dying to ourselves daily. I use this experience as growth and preparation for what is ahead of us. We give Heavenly Father thanks and praise for you all and for the abundance of His Unconditional Love towards us all. He is ever faithful and loving and kind. I don't think that I can really describe His goodness in words but my spirit man knows it well. Again, I'm sorry for not keeping in touch by mail till now but you are always in our prayers. Each day that we check the mail, we're looking to see if there is any letters from you. We anxiously and lovingly wait to hear from you. Our Heavenly Father richly blesses and keeps you always. With lots of love in Our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST. Please find enclose a love offering. God Bless." (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL Reps': Thank you for the lovely letter. Judgment is entering in

everywhere and everyone is feeling it; but as you reflect, the Lord gives us the strength to

come through it all. Those without Christ will sink in a sea of troubles with no hope or help - how sad. Yes, we believe the recent trip to Hawaii is the one Father promised us years earlier (1986) - little by little all He revealed then is coning to pass. Very little is left to happen. God bless. Ask your child what he wants for dinner only if he's buying. Fran Lebowitz Jinr W. On November 25 2007. (Quote) "...It is raining? The Governor said today

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters

May 20, 2008

Jim W. On November 25 2007,(Quote continued Georgia's in the worst drought in its history. The fanners did get some rain - cut hay only once - at most two times. Could soon be back to normal - seems to be the talk and thinking however the Governor did call for and lead prayer for rain this past week. Jim and Margaret's garden did very good with much less water. We do not water. Only thank Him for open skies. Praise Jesus. . Re: "We Get Letters". Alyce F. on May 8, 2007 page 4 thinks she is old and useless. I wish she could see in the spirit. There she could ride a white horse with the best. Our God is going to use many Alyce's age and beyond..." (Unquote) Any kid'II run an errand for you if you ask at bedtime. Red Skelton

Wayne H. On March 9, 2008 . (Quote) "Dear Chuck and Nancy, I am hesitant to write this letter as I know not how it will be received. It is all meant well and in love. I realize you are busy people. Perhaps you should consider adding some additional help to your staff. I believe you made mention of a word to you last Fall of 2007 of finding someone to help Nancy and perhaps others. I was reading the last newsletter (0ct._21, 2005) that I received before moving to the Ukraine in Nov. 2005. There is a section headed `Ministry website coming' where you stated Yeshua's angel to you stated the Messiah wants you to establish a website for ministry purposes. You dated that Word on Aug. 6, 2005. You also stated you knew not how to do this personally. The Messiah knows this. But He also knows you are capable of finding someone who can bring the project to completion. That directive was given 31 months ago. Back in the corporate world from which you came did you have this much leeway in completing assigned tasks? ..." (Unquote) Reply by Chuck-JOHNEL : The question is fair enough. I didn 't realize it 's been 31 months, but then I've been so busy the time has just vaporized. nish a Newsletter, there is the space of about 3 weeks (window of From the time Ifinish opportunity) to work on other tasks before it is time to begin assembling data . for the next Newsletter. JESUS gave me the little book to he entitled: " PROPHETIC WARNING SIGNS " as a p r iority ahead of'the Website and I've worked hard on that book in those "windows of opportunity" (3 weeks). Along the way I have had to devote time to the Net of Prayer, writing reports, issuing new p r ayer sheets and then there are all the other duties (budgeting, paying bills, addressing the urgent or emergency needs of brethren...) Well, I could go on and on but the overall work that I'in immersed in is fairly intense. Along the way I need to get some rest - now and then. Now and then I experience a physical collapse - unable to work and MUST

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The Staff & S word Ministry/We Get Letters

May 20, 2008

Re pl y by Chuck-JOHNEL (continued : rest. Then we have visitors, and an end of the month meeting which usually takes 2-3 days to prepare for (prayer and data assembly) to say nothing of meals and work around this 20 acre farm. My usual day starts at about 9 a.m. and goes on to near 5a.m. to 6a.m. the next day (yup, it is about a 19 hour day and it is 7 days a week). Of late I have had to reduce it to a 16 hour day because to work so long constantly results in illness and a worsening of the diabetes I have - gotten by working this pace for too many years.

"If" I was working in the corporate world I'd work from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. five days a week and have two days off each weekend. More, "if' I was in the corporate world I'd be retired for a year and a half (I will be 67 this year). I'm not in the corporate world nor is it likely that the Lord JESUS is going to lay me off for poor performance. I'm already giving it all I've got. Both Leith and Jinn-REPHEAL help me as much as they can; but the simple truth is when it comes to issues like Jesus' Word and Revelations given to me, it is strictly my duty to make sure it is correct and done right. I cannot delegate that. We already have all the help we will need to actually set-up the Ministry Webs1te once I can do that work which only I can do. I 'm the bottle neck, JESUS knows it and Ifigure that I will get this website set-up in the time He wants it set -up, not before. Right now I'm working on the May Newsletter. It has already taken a week and a half

to gather the revelation and history on certain matters to be able to write it. The actual writing takes about two weeks. JESUS told me to limit this WE GET LETTERS to 12 pages, in order to bring my , focus to the main part of the Newsletter dealing with problems res ultin gfr om the renting (fracturing) of the earth's mantle. I came down with a cold last week and pressed ahead with the work outside ('physical labor) and work inside at night and into the morning (Winistty stuff . I was working upwards of 18 hours a day. It caught up to me yesterday, in the afternoon I fell quite ill, weak and unable to work - I had to lay down and sleep. Ifeel somewhat better and am back at it. Right now it is near 1 a.m. May 21 S ` and I will work for another two hours or until I can 't work anymore. Sometimes the Lord "pulls the plug on me" and I can 't work and must rest. One thing I will say and that is that "if"" I were back in the corporate world, that

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters

May 21, 2008

Repl y by Chuck-JOHNEL (continued. : kind of work would be a breeze, like a summer picnic. In an y event, when I complete this May Newsletter and see it mailed, I will turn with whatever energy I have to try and complete the book, "PROPHETIC WARNING SIGNS " so I can work on the Website. The diabetes tiling: I'm inclined to say a bit more about this. My family has a history of diabetes, so the inclination was there by birth. Nonetheless, I enjoyed Divine Health for some time. JESUS made me pr etty tough and so the raging storm of hellish accusers and haters did not cause me to wither and fade away, but at the same time I was not impervious. In the very early 1980's the HOL YSPIRIT gave me to over hear Lucifer speaking to his demons about me, telling them to strike at me until I bled to death. I remember hearing that quite clearly by the SPIRIT OF GOD. Although I did not learn this until many years later, after coming down with diabetes, and that was that lack of sleep (minimum of 8 hours a night) combined with intense stress can cause the onset of diabetes. Christians believing the lies about me added to the attacks on me personally and it became a constant barrage of hate, threats,

and false accusations. That kind of wounding causes intense stress - the long hours of work and constant pressure to pei form (complete tasks) added to the stress level already in the 'red zone'. It took 24 years of such stress and abuse before it suifaced - I came down with diabetes in 1994. Fundamentally, diabetes is a blood disorder. Today I will push hard to complete projects but if I reach the point where it is too much, Is/ow down and rest. That is all. God bless. Chuck-JOHNEL. Don't believe in superstition—it brings bad luck. Joanne M. On November 25, 2007. (Quote)". . .1 just wanted to share some info that a

company in Mesquite, Texas, sells tasty canned meats, canned cheese, and canned butter for long-term storage. These items are not normally offered or if so, not very tasty. This outfit seems to be reasonably priced (comparatively) and provides worthy products. The website is , so check them out if you wish. Also wanted to tell you of some really amazing events that have happened here. A friend and I went to an absolutely awesome worship seminar where the speaker was Jacob Toback of Worship The Living God Ministries. He was mentioned in one of Rosie

Page 11 The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters May 21, 2008 Joanne M. On November 25 2007. (Quote continued) Lovejoy's visions, so I checked out his website and called him to order some things. It was definitely a divine appointment! He started prophesying over me on the phone, and then the Holy Spirit gave me a word of knowledge for him, so it was quite a conversation! Don't you just love it when God hooks up these divine appointments? The seminar was so filled with God's glory and love, it was truly an experience not to be missed. Any materials from this ministry you get will change your life forever and teach you how to fulfill your role as His priest. Next thing - I have a friend who was married at 16 to a man who remained a staunch conservative Baptist all his life and died unexpectedly of a heart attack about a year ago. My friend went on into the fullness of the Holy Spirit, so they attended different churches. She is 65 now and free to travel attending all kinds of conferences and seminars and Holy Spirit meetings. At one of the meetings she attended, Jeff Jansen was ministering in worship. He said at previous meetings that two angels were traveling around the U.S. one named Emma and one named Grace, and they were handing out gemstones to people at the meetings. Apparently Patricia King received one which then grew bigger. I was told there is a man from the Houston area who received a 500 carat ruby from one of these angels. Anyway, my friend received a gemstone at one of these meetings, it was in her hotel room on the table. A total of 10 people at that meeting received such gemstones. I got to see my friend's a couple weeks ago. I turned it under a bright light and there in the middle of it was an etched cross! I just stand amazed. How very compassionate of the Lord to provide such a gesture of love to my friend who had recently lost her husband. A person taking stock of all that is needed to prepare for what's coming as compared to the finances required to obtain it would quickly despair of having all that's needed. In addition to that, how about those among us that are elderly, widowed, not in good health, and don't have the physical strength and stamina to keep up with a self-sufficient farm and all that it requires. So many of us do not know how to garden, save seeds, cook from storage, preserve and can, make soap, make candles, wash clothes with a washboard, collect rainwater, etc. We're woefully unprepared in terms of practical skills for everyday life without technology. Steve and I have long since figured out it's absolutely going to be the Lord providing what is needed. We're doing the most we can, but we're a LONG way from the ideal. I think the Lord is going to strategically place us. Steve (and I) have long felt that our gathering of "stuff' is not primarily for us but also for other Christians who will come upon it and need it after we're gone. What that means I don't know, but I think we need to also be prepared that it may be the Lord's will that He takes us home and that possibly not every one of us will live through the judgment. Our lives and times are in His hands, and each of us has an appointed time to die, and when that time comes, we're out of here. Whether we live or whether we die (bodily), we are the Lord's. Thanks again so much for your ministry and all you do." (Unquote) The rotten kid next door isn't completely useless-at least ten parents use him as a bad example.

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The St aff & S word Ministry/We Get Letters

May 21, 2008

Michael C. On (no dated (Quote) "Dear Youngbrandts I consider it a privilege to pray daily in unity with other prayer warriors from the N.G.P.! I feel part of a team and that I am being counted on to maintain my responsibility in ushering in God's Kingdom. Consequently, I have not missed a day since August (which, if you knew my prayer history prior to joining your ranks, you would realize what a miracle this is). Thanks again for such a great opportunity to do what we should be doing anyway. ...PRAYING. God Bless." (Unquote) He's so popular, when he was in Vietnam they were shooting at him from both sides. Don Rickles, about Bob Hope.

Michael S On November 29 2007. (Quote) "Dear Youngbrandts, I am writing you to tell you about God's divine protector during a recent tornado. On October 18, we had a bad tornado cut a path 20 miles long through an F3 storm. Here it desolated many homes and businesses in town and by that time it was 1/3 mile wide. We live in the woods and was directly in the middle of the path. We were in bed and had no warning it was coming at 10: 15 at night. By the time we got to the basement it was over. When we got out, our woods were totally destroyed, tree limbs everywhere. Our house had ver y minimal damage. Four vehicles sitting in the yard - only my truck had a small dent in the bed. The three cars were untouched. Every tree around the house and cars that went down, laid down as if guided by angels to miss the house and cars. Everyone who has been back here has just been amazed at the damage yet none to the house or cars." (Unquote) Pollution is so bad that when I put air in my tires, two of them died. Lee Tully

Georgia H. On December 3L2007. (Quote) "P.S. On the "17" 1 feel you are right that the Midwest quake will happen in 2010. If this be so, then it probably will not be part of the "great quake, so great that it is the greatest since men were upon the earth, so great a quake" in the book of Revelation. That quake will be global and the Midwest quake, if it happens in 2010 probably will be too soon for it to be part of the "greatest quake of all ti me." But as you say, timing is difficult. We do our best but in the final analysis, God is the only one who knows the day or the hour. Also, I wish to comment on your quarrelsome "inquirer" Jerry which you quoted in your last letter. I found him very boring. It is obvious he is a "scoffer" and there will be nothing you can ever say that will satisfy him as he does not believe - so don't waste your valuable time on such scoffers. It is his mission to be a "fly on your nose" and to distract you. Pay him no mind. Scoffers abound in this day and I don't know what is going to happen to them but I' m sure glad I'm not one of them!!" (Unquote) Nothing in life is "fun for the whole family." Jerry Seinfeld

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