Cover Page
The Staff and Sword Ministry
March 10, 2009
WE GET LETTERS Hugs and Kisses -- Sticks
and Stones
By: Chuck-JOHNEL Leonard S. on December, 2008 (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL, I would like to
share my 'opinion" with you concerning (9- 1-1). At first I believed it was a terrorist attack by Al Qaeda (Islamic Plan) and this seemed to be right, but after watching some videos.., on this subject I was shocked and challenged. There is too much evidence that proves a cover-up (deception) was taking place concerning events of that day so much so I must conclude that it was an inside job. But if then by whom? ... Then I realized that the Illuminati ...planned this all along. JESUS calls them "moles". Yes, 9-1-1 was a terrible day, a day of terror, a devastating terrorist attack against the American people but it was not an Islamic terrorist attack. It was much worse. It was a Luciferian./Illuminati terrorist attack designed to prepare for their Luciferian age of blessing, the New World Order..." (Unquote) Response bi' Chuck-JOHNEL : I read the whole
of Leonard's letter (5 pages) and in
.1 ubsraince I agree but in focus I disagree.
The Illuminati is the physical, in the world, carnal organization of'men and women that do the will of Satan/Lucifer; but they are hardly as organized as they were back in the 18''' century when they first surfaced as an organized body. In fact, the Illuminati is discordant and has no visible human structure that can be found or identified; but it is nonetheless a real force and quite dangerous. It 's organizer, it's leader is Lucifer/Satan, a spirit that guides and directs those under his influence (men/women who lust for power, wealth, possessions, glor y , etc.) This need be kept in mind when one hears of "conspiracy revelation, " that the true conspiracy is demonic and has a spiritual foundation that is neither visible or detectable in human terms.
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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters
March 10, 2009
Response b y Chuck-JOHNEL (continued) :
As Scripture says, "The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;" (11 Corinthians 10: 4). The "strong holds "Scripture speaks of are demonic, spiritual not carnal, not human, not visible. The moment we begin to see or look for some human interaction/involvement in the 9111 attack we start getting off track of what and who is the real source - Lucifer- and Satan.
When we come to believe that their objective is a Luciferian age of blessing and the New World Order we start getting off track again. From encounters and confrontations with Lucifer over the years it became crystal clear that his primary objective was to prevent JESUS' SECOND COMING. The obliteration of the human race was much on his mind and in his plans and by this end he sought above all to assure that objective - preventing JESUS' Return. Was 9111 an "inside job "? Was our government involved in making it possible, did our government reall y plan 9111 ? Were explosive charges planted in the Twin Towers in New York City by the government? The answers are simple: No, no, no and no!
Was there a "cover-up "? 1 believe that was obvious. The 9111 Commission Report presented several things that needed to be done to protect America from other attacks and, as . far as I know, none were implemented or . funded nor did Congress act on them. When you have people investigating the 9111 attack who . fundamentally were responsible for the attack by their policies and actions, don 't expect them to say, "Yah, I did it!" This was the extent of'the cover-up which is best stated as being, "butt-covering ", but not necessarily some devious conspiracy. Beastman Clinton 's_failure to respond to deter further Islamic attacks only encouraged the Moslems to get bolder - thus 9111. Policies put in place by Clinton people put a wall between the CIA and FBI to where they could not share information/intelligence. After 9111 it was recognized that this was a primacy cause whereby our government was blindsided from knowing what the terrorists were up to. Now it was no mystery to us just who and what President Clinton was and is - a Beastman of' who came through the GAP in 1987. His people did things that made it easy for an Islamic terrorist attack and while the 9111 Commission saw bits and pieces of this gross stupidity/negligence and malfeasance, they did not connect the dots - after all the Democrats were protecting Clinton and themselves from being exposed as culprits in this nightmare. That is the extent of the human conspiracy.
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March 1 0, 2009
esnonse The real conspiracy was at a spiritual level not human, and directly connected with Satan and Lucifer, the prime movers in this "war trap ". And that is what 9111 was all about, to draw America deeper into the "war trap "in order to destroy this great nation in the wars that would/hi/ow. Now we know that it took the final rejection by the church system of man to loose the judgments on America that Lucifer wanted to level on our nation. The rejection had to do with rejecting Jesus Christ, His Word, His Help and Counsel. We had warned o Jrwell over 27 years and the response of the church was a sound rejection. That rejection of JESUS became final in early July, 2001 at which time JESUS required that we observe the "Church Decision " to loose judgment on itself, so we had to prophetically stand-aside and so loose what the Church had loosed. At the time we wrote and stated openly that sometime after August 28, 2001 judgment would fall on America as a result ofthe Church Decision, that buildings would he collapsing, people would be dying and it would impact the whole nation. When the complicity of "the church system of man " is seen in true form which is an unholy alliance with Lucifer, the notion of a conspiracy in the government . fades into obscurity and is seen as a piece of f ction. In past Newsletters I've asserted that one central governing fact is that this government
reflects the attitudes and beliefs that are dominant in the church system of man. For example: When JESUS' Word comes to His people in the church system of man, the leadership, more often than not, works to prevent God 's peoplefrom hearing what JESUS is saying and/or they ridicule and dispute the authenticity of His Word. JESUS isnften extending His help/mercy to prevent judgments and to spare lives and property. This is rejected and so loss of life and property is the result. A glance at the circumstances in our government prior to 9111 is that discovery by the FBI
and CIA of an Islamic terrorist plot was blocked f r om reaching the people who could have stopped it. In other words, it was prevented from being seen or heard by those who could have worked a difference and stopped it. In principle what is happening and happened in our government is a mirror reflection of what was/is going on in the church system of man. Why does this f ction of a conspiracy in the government emerge and then persist? Well, to be straightforward, it keeps our attention in the wrong direction. We do not see the real source of trouble nor the presence of Lucifer and Satan lurking behind the scenes working
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March 10, 2009
bt u Chuck-JOHNEL fcontinued^ : to destroy Christian America, to raze it to the
ground and to murder off its people. I look at the two most recent Beastmen (Bill Clinton and Barack Ohama) and point out that they could NEVER have made it to the White House if there had been enough Christians praying to "make up the hedge" (Ezekiel 22: 30) and stop them from coining through the GAP. That was a "Church Decision " of 1987. When this second Beasiman (Obuma) showed on the scene, did the church system of roan "discern" who and what he was? Nope! Did they heed any of the warnings about him? Nope! Then a majority of Christians voted . for him putting him into the White ]-louse. With this kind of "church " co-operation with hell who needs a conspiracy in government?! Everything the enemy needs to be able to destroy the church and America is being handed to them on a silver platter by the church system of man. I believe this answers the question raised by brother Leonard. God bless. Mrs. Swindon declined to serve on the jury because she was not a believer in capital
punishment and didn't want her beliefs to get in the way of the trial." Thomas L. On November 25, 2008 . (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOUNEL, I praise the Living
GOD! I write to you to volunteer for this next prayer campaign. My arms are fairly long for my body. I should be about 4 inches taller for my `wingspan'. When I was a boy I was teased greatly for being so skinny and different. One day after joining the Net of Prayer I was remembering those days and asked the LORD JESUS why did GOD THE FATHER make inc this way? He gently said to reach into the very gates of hell'. I was also given to know that a further purpose in my life was to humble me and to make me useful. My so rrow is now my gratitude. I perceive that this may be one of the last prayer campaigns and would like to make a difference as much as possible in this world for the will of my FATHER and the love of EMMANUEL—GOD WITH US! I am not the greatest of prayer warriors but would like to do a small part for which I was sent. It would be my privilege to be so used of my GOD! THANK YOU LORD JESUS!" (Unquote) Repl y by C JOHNEL: Thank you_ for volunteering, we are quite honored to have you pray
with us. When I was a boy, I was told anybody could become president. !'m now beginning to believe it! Bernie E. On March 6, 2008. (Quote) "Dear Chuck & Nancy, When I read your last
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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters
March 10 2009
Bernie E. On March 6, 2008JOuote continued newsletter, I was trying to understand the reason a person would want to know when to sell their gold. If our paper currency is not going to be worth anything, what would you sell your gold for? I mean what would you get in exchange? I admit, I am not too savvy when it comes to investing, but I do realize that our current monetary system is in big trouble, and that a wise person would be smart to invest in gold. That has always been the wealth of kings since ancient times. But I just do not understand the reason for selling. Maybe other people do not either. Why would Jesus have you sell it? What would you sell it for? Of course, if Jesus tells you to sell, you sell, but do you have any clues as to why and what for? Do you sell it back to the people you bought it from? However, please put me on the ! i st of the people that want to know when you are told to sell. I was wondering what to do regarding the upcoming elections. Since none of the candidates meets my criteria, do you think I should write in Mike Huckabee? John McCain at least is pro-life, but he supports embryonic stem cell research, and I believe he is pro gay marriage. That is a bi g no in my book. I worry about his decisions to pick the right supreme court justices, but would he be better than Hillary or Obama? I'm at a loss. When surfing the net, I found that Stan Johnson has a DVD out promoting himself as the one to find the oil in Israel. He also has another DVD ... where he mentions two Prophets regarding the largest earthquakes and disasters to hit America. I wonder if you are one of the prophets? See enclosed copy. If you do come through Humboldt/Dakota City, when you head east, remember you have lodging and meals will be provided. Some of my friends want to meet you and Nancy. Thank you for all your work for the Lord, and for alI the insights that you share with us. I'm enclosing some information on molecular manufacturing. Pretty scary stuff." (Unquote) Comments by C-JOHNEL: On the gold question. We are heading into a time of inflation where the value of the dollar is going to start to sink. Having money in the bank will only see the value of your dollars decline until they will become worthless. Having gold and/or silver and/or platinum (and/or any commodity having value in itself) will mean that your money (in gold etc.) will hold its value. If you buy gold now (at $91 I an ounce Feb 6"
2009) and the value of gold rises to $2,000 an ounce, you will inake money, if the dollar is losing value, the value of your gold will only increase. Eventually the dollar will have no value, so the issue becomes one of selling your gold fora nice profit and then investing into something that has long term value (clothing, food, etc.), things that you will need down the road of time. Having some gold on hand is also advisable, in that people will always value gold no matter what.
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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters
Mirch 10, 2009
Comments bj C- JOHNEL (continued)
Jim-REPHEAL reminded me that during the collapse of the South Vietnamese government people were fleeing the country and no amount of paper money (then worthless) could buy them a ticket on an airplane or boat to escape the communists. However, those who had gold got passage immediately. The real issue is WHEN to sell your gold to buy something useful oJrthe long term as opposed to holding onto it until the dollar is worthless - then what do you trade the gold for? That is not so easy to answer. For me it was simple. JESUS led me to buy gold at times and then to sell it at other times
when there was a need. If you buy gold then pray to know when to sell it. If you see you can make a profit, a nice profit, then sell it if you need the money for something. Concerning Stan Johnson and oil in Israel. Stan was hawking that oil thing when I did the tour with him in 1999 and he is still doing that today some 10 years later. I didn 't have a witness to it in 1999, I still don 't, but he may f nd it or he may not - I don 't know. He may be talking about me (quake) but he is not likely to mention inc by name. We have 35 million laws to enforce the ten commandments.
Helen S. On January 27, 2009 (Quote) "Dear JOHNEL, Thank you kindly for once again publishing movie reviews. I've had qualms about being too attached to movies. I love the black and white Turner Classic movies and consider the present the lost generation as far as culture goes! Thanks again and God Bless." (Unquote)
What's the difference between baseball and politics? In baseball you're out if you're caught stealing.
Alice K. On January 26, 2009 (Quote)". . . My husband and I were wondering what advice you would give to a person in regards to buying gold at this time? Is that a wise investment? Is there going to be a time when gold is worthless? Also, when the new money comes in after the banks collapse, are the investments one has in a money market fund going to be any good? What about bank loans? Do you know how they will work after the market meltdown? What has the Lord shown/told you about any of this, if anything? ..." (Unquote) Repl y by Cliuck-JOHNEL: (P.S. I'm writing this reply on February 7`'' when gold is selling at $911/ounce). Gold is a wise investment when you consider that paper money is going to be worthless first. In fact, with the so-called "bail out plan " (over a Trillion dollars so far) we are
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h , Chuck-JOHNEL co â–ş itinued : already seeing a sharp rise in the level of paper money in circulation - ten times what it was in October 2008 - so far. At some point INFLATION is going to surface big time and then HYPER INFLA TION. Just how close we are to the day when the U.S. Dollar will he worthless is not known, but we are definitely crossing the threshold and heading to that kind of outcome. Re 1
In the longer run even gold/silver won 't hold its value, but for the time being it is the safest place for your money. A money market is still dealing in dollars (paper money,, cash in hand, cash in the bank, cash in the money market are essentially all the same thing. Stock Market? I repeat my counsel on this - get out, stay out, stay away from the Stock Market. What about bank loans? I don 't know; but 1 do know that during the depression people lost their homes to the banks when they lost theirjobs, even though FDR (President Roosevelt) declared a "hank holiday " (closed all banks). Obama is , fundamentally a Marxist, which was obvious tome in that his former pastor (Rev. Wright) and buddy/terrorist (Bill Ayers) were/are both Marxists. Ohama 's behavior is that of a budding Marxist and that means the government will end up taking over everything and dictating what we can and cannot do. Did you know Mozart had no arms and no legs? I've seen statues of him on people's pianos. Victor Borge
George R. On March 14, 2008 . ( Quote) "Dear Prophet Youngbrandt. I hope I'm not understanding you correctly when I read in your newsletter Adam/Satan. To my understanding that means they are one and the same, but are being called by different names. Please tell me at some point either in a letter or in the Newsletter how (if I'm understanding what you mean corr ectly) that can be possible in the light of what the scripture reads in l y` Corinthians chapter 15: verses 45 and 47. If you mean Adam and Satan are the same person, Satan was never of the earth earthly. He has always been a spirit being. Please check this out or correct me. Thanks. P.S. No animosity intended as you should be able to tell by this contribution to your very informative ministry. I just want you to be right!" (Unquote)
Repl y.' by Chuck-JOHNEL : 1m asking Nancy-TONI to have you sent our cassette tape on "Adam is Satan "you have the whole picture. I did not address that Scripture in that tape, but it does not disagree with what the HOLY
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The St aff & S word Ministry /We Get Letters
March 10, 2009
Reply by Chuck-JOHNEL (continued] : SPIRIT revealed to me back in 1983. Actually, I do not take your comments as being adversarial, it is well to dialogue on this
issue because it is quite involved. I Corinthians 15: 45-4 6 reads: "And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual." In Genesis 1: 27 we read: "So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him, male and female created He them." Here we see the divine nature of man, in God 's image, and God is a Spirit. Yet we find mention of the soul, a living soul in Genesis 2: 7. A bit further on we read (Gen 2: 2) that God made woman who was taken from man. John 1: 13 reads: "Which were born, not of blood (the physical body) nor of the will of the flesh (soullwoman) nor of the will of man (man's spirit) but of God (God's Spirit)." The insight the Lord gave me years ago was straightforward and pretty simple. MAN is a spirit-being made in God 's likeness and image, the earthly life he (Adam) had was through his soul, Eve, the woman who was taken from him. Thus the meaning of: "Adam was made a living soul" is that God made Adam a soul life, Eve. So when George R. writes: "Satan was never of the earth earthly" I agree, Adam/Satan was never of the earth earthly, he was a spirit being who had expression in the natural world through his soul life, Eve. The moment we have it in view that Adam was made in God 's likeness and image we KNOW with a certainty that he was never in this natural world because Scripture plainly
tells us that no one in this world has seen God. Life was a lot simpler when what we honored was father and mother rather than all the major credit cards. Robert Orben
Roger 0. On April 15, 2008 . ( Quote) "Dear Chuck: 1 come to the NOP by way of the HOLY SPIRIT; the second time He called. You see this man isn't much of a man of God seeking Him; He however has been seeking me for years! And it took the sudden death of
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March 10, 2009
Roger 0. On April 15, 2008.fQuote continued my wife to break through my hardened heart. Jesus met me, redeemed me and set this old guy on the path. Who is faithful ? When my sister, Nita G., sent the NOP information with instructions to pray for the Spirit's confirmation you were and still are witnessed by the Spirit in my heart so there is no doubt who you represent, "Jesus Christ our Lord." So you see all the how to be's are quite handy for those of us who need that helping hand at how to live the life. Grew up in the church, had a good foundation, great parents still living and at 15 took the plunge however being me and with my earthly father's leading went my own way. You know looking back at all the sin I can still see Jesus
blessing me. Have a hard time understanding why He loves me when I didn't show Him any. I just took and did what I wanted. I was preparing to pray the NOP about the time your first package arrive and my Lord showed me a steeled face and asks me to choose heaven or hell, I choose heaven and He turned His head in triumph, the sound of a great choir was singing and I am forever changed. I don't think there are words from me that could express the moment but am filled with love for Him, abundant bear hug, humble looking around, still wondering about His great love for me, nobody. Pray for me but remember I am a fighter, will have to redirect this effort for His Glory. I want Jesus to meet me at my heart; He making the changes, me obeying in repentance, the day by day failures make me wonder if, as a prayer warrior, am I effective or left in the valley not able to climb the hill? I pray for Him not myself. He is everything! Amen." (Unquote) CJ Note: Thank you . for sharing Roger. University: an institution for the postponement of experience. John S. On (no date) . (Quote) "...I am writing to ask you a question. I wrote you earlier, about 2 years ago, as the Lord directed me to ask if you were in fact the man with the "writer's ink horn"? J believed in my "spirit" that you were but the Lord wanted me to ask so that you would tell the people that you were indeed that man since I know you were modest and would not say so unless asked. Just as the Lord asked "Adam where are you?" in Genesis, the Lord knew where Adam was. He did not have to ask Adam. He asked to expose the truth! Anyway, what I am asking (on my own this time) is in Ezekiel after the sealing was completed—the other men with the slaughter weapons went out to destroy those that were not sealed. This happened according to scriptural "After he (you) reported that the sealing was completed". (A)When will the sealing be completed? And (B)What will happen at that point and will we (elect/sealed) still be here or where will we be? Apparently there will be a point and time when your mission to "seal" those will be completed.. ." (Unquote)
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March 10, 2009
J0HNEL's Rep11 , to John S.: It was my Commission to "initiate" the Seal of the Living God and in that to Commission many brethren to be able to do the same. The work of Sealing is on-going, but my Commission was completed by 1989. After we completed the major battle `In The Spirit' (by January, 1982) destroying the demon army that aimed to trigger Nuclear World War III in 1982 - this is when JESUS gave me my name , "JOHNEL" and revealed that He wanted me to go out and extend the Seal of the Living God to His people across North America. JESUS directed me to Ezekiel chapter 9 and Revelation chapter 7 verses 1-3 for the Scriptural basis for this work. He also revealed the deeper function of the Sealing. JESUS told me that I was to initiate the Seal of the Living God in a "pattern time" and so I came to view this work as a "pattern", a pattern to the real to follow. JESUS corrected me in this assumption and told me plainly that while I would begin this work in a pattern time that the Sealing was no pattern, it was real, the real thing as given in Ezekiel 9 and Revelation 7. That stunned me and I was very uneasy with this work He presented me with. Why? First, it is easy to "receive" God's Word when you have an established relationship with the Lord JESUS, however, to "accept" His Word into yourself is another matter. In order to receive His Word to oneself, you need to go through a metamorphous - that is to come to terms with your own unworthiness (I did see and was very aware of my faults, shortcomings and sins) before you can even begin to accept God's call in your life. In coming to know JESUS, He corrected me more than once that I was in "no position" to judge anyone and that included myself: If we have any worth it is because of CHRIST in us not because of anything of our self. Knowing this helped but embracing the reality of that was no simple thing. I found myself struggling with this issue for days and weeks. I submitted the whole revelation to those on the mailing list seeking their discernment and received a wave of confirmation that did not settle it for me. I'd hoped to hear some write or say, "You have got to be kidding, this can 't be you!" None said or wrote that. This was not comforting but disconcerting as I secretly hoped I'd receive a lot of "Nays", but what I got were 100% "Yeahs". I dialogued with JESUS asking Him questions, presenting my issues, my unworthiness, my faults, shortcomings, inclination to sin and on and on, but each time JESUS said the same thing, "MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR YOU." I ran out of questions, arguments, and issues. Lastly, I set aside several days in which I'd pray and fast to know inwardly if my spirit agreed with God's Spirit that this was His call in my life. I knew by 1982 that having a ton of confirmation would mean nothing the moment I ran into troubles. I would not stand
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March 10, 2009
JOHNEL's Reply to John S. (Continued): unless I had this knowing deep within. I had to KNOW by the SPIRIT OF GOD that this was from HIM and to know that my spirit agreed with HIM. In that time of prayer and fasting (1982) I came to KNOW with a BLESSED ASSURANCE by the SPIRIT OF GOD that my spirit agreed with GOD'S SPIRIT in this Seal of the Living God work. When I KNEW this I yielded to GOD'S Will and said, "Yes, Lord. "
In that instant I "accepted" that I was a fulfilment of what is given in Ezekiel 9, that I was the "man clothed with linen, with a writer's inkhorn by his side." (Ez 9: 2d,e). I lastly asked JESUS this question, "Lord JESUS, what am Ito say if any one asks me if "I'm the man clothed with linen with the writers inkhorn by his side "? JESUS simply replied, "TELL THEM I AM SAYS YOU ARE! " In the years I worked to extend the
Seal of the Living God (1982-1989) no one ever asked that question. Driving across North America, starting in March of 1982, I witnessed an endless array of miracles, lives saved, the body of Christ being strengthened to overcome the beast of antichrist and to enter into a deeper relationship with JESUS. I understood that this was part of laying foundation stones for JESUS' Return and I noted how the leadership in the church system of man both hated and resisted the Sealing with all their might. I was aware of Ezekiel chapter 10 but made no attempt to realize that or even imagine how that might happen. Even so, in late 2003 JESUS' Angels began to flock around me pouring Heavenly Christ Light into me day by day until I glowed. I was told by God's Angels that I was being "Prepared." Then JESUS gave me instructions in December, 2003 that He would ca]l me Heavenward, to the Mount of the Most High God, me and my Godly wife Nancy-TONI and we were to take "The Staff' with us. On January 21, 2004 I fulfilled what is given in Ezekiel chapter 10 by the direction and commission of GOD THE FATHER through JESUS CHRIST. My job was to initiate and establish the Seal of the Living God under God's Law. That was accomplished by the year 1989. Yet the work of Sealing is on-going. I have no idea as to when it will be completed or what follows. My Commission and Assignment was to do what He sent me to do. That's been done. I wait on JESUS for further direction. The Lord JESUS knows, I do not. I pray this answers your questions.
Q: April showers bring May flowers, but what do May flowers bring? A: Pilgrims.
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March 10, 2009
Rick W. On Mat , 20, 2008 . ( Quote)". .This is a special "Praise Jesus" report today. A
couple of months ago it started raining/reigning the presence of God in my house, and especially during my praise and worship time. The glory ofGod grew stronger and stronger around me. and so many miracles began to take place that it's beyond my ability to even record it all. And a lot of what I began to experience wasn't even anything you can write about or put in words, things happening on the inside. Jesus said He was working in my heart to prepare me for His glory coming. Then one day Jesus asked me to repent for and release over to Him any soul-ties, strongholds, mind-sets, and opinions that ]night be a problem, and so I yielded all that there is left of me over to Him in prayer, not exactly sure what to expect? And now, the rest of the story is history. What a shock that turned out to be! Jesus asked me to share this with you because He said those who He has placed in authority over me are responsible for interceding on my behalf and have carried a heavy burden for a long time over Illy sins. I knew He was speaking mainly of JOHN EL, TONI, AND RA11HAEL, and some others of the NOP. So I humbly and very thankfully share this good news with all of you, wishing you to know my heart is very grateful to you for your faithfulness to Jesus in on-going prayer, and the burdens you have carried for so long on my behalf. Words of `thank you' are not enough! God bless you all for your part in this release from yet another big deception in my life. Breakthrough came, and then Jesus began to reveal to me what it was He released me from - a very strong soul-tie stronghold that I had developed since my early calling. This soul condition effectively worked to blind me to many of my promises, and had to do with the original prophecies I revealed over my godly-wife to be. There was a mixture of both Godly true prophecy about my godly-wife to be, and another batch of dark-side prophecy that worked to blind my seeing the truth of the matter. I see now that Jesus originally gave me certain true Words about this, and then the devil immediately inserted his version of how to recognize who this lady was. (Oops.) In the long run. I had no problems finding the lady the devil set-up as an almost exact copy decoy. Once my mind was set that I had found my godly-wife to be, well, as you already know, nothing short of Jesus Himself can break such a strong tie. I had placed all of my faith in the false prophecy mixture, (which came true) and you know that when you place your faith in something, true or false, it empowers it. I can tell you right now that I believed so strongly in these prophecies, that you could not have talked me out of any of it! It could ONLY be done by prayer, and directly through Jesus! There was no other way. I've since learned that one ofthe biggest seducing deceptions going is the idea most Christians have that `false prophecy' means it won't come true. WRONG! This great deception I just carne through was completely facilitated by false prophecy that sLibstantially came forth true in almost every detail I was given? I learned the hard way that the terms TRUE or FALSE prophecy most accurately refers to its ORIGIN, either of God or the devil. The most deceptive form of `false prophecy' is the kind that actually comes true! I'm not so sure this is a lesson that can be learned so well by listening to the
Page 13 The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters March 10, 2009 Rick W. On Ma y 20, 2008. t Ouote continued) testimony of others quite the same as walking it out personally! When Jesus revealed to me that I had been blinded to His truth about this matter for the last many years, I was very embarrassed, to say the least. It turned out that the lady I thought was my godly-wife to be was an almost exact duplicate-appearing copy oft the lady who Jesus told me about! When Jesus began to open my eyes to see what had happened, I discovered the lady HE had been talking about had been sitting right in front of me in church for many years! In fact, she had been coming up and giving me hugs on Sundays for the last 6 or so years! I just couldn't `see' her! How sad and funny! When you're blinded, you can't see how dark it is! The lesson here seems to revolve around the most quickened scripture in my life for the last 7 years. For morning after morning after morning, week after week, month in and month out, year after year. I would wake up and look at, or walk by, and glance at the clock at EXACTLY 3:5-7, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; Lean not on your own understanding..." I then saw that the Lord had been warning me about his for years! And more, when I went on the Internet to see what I could discover about this new godly-wife to be, I found a web page with her "personal profile" posted on a Christian Bible study site_ Guess which scripture she listed as her favorite verse? " Pro. 3:5-7 "! Talk about rubbing it in! This being the very verse that when I did not carefully adhere to, effectively blinded me from seeing who she was for the last 6 or so years! Absolutely amazing! How embarrassed can one be!? As you can imagine, when I discovered how so very blinded I had been, I i mmediately repented deeply for my folly. After a few days, Jesus asked me to stop repenting, that I was not hurting Him deeply. He said to just "Tell ME you're sorry and move on." (My summary). I agreed, and so went back into prayer one more time, and just for good measure, pleaded the Blood of Jesus over my entire body, soul, and spirit. To my amazement, Jesus graced me with a very blessed miracle experience! I tangibly felt a blanket of Jesus' Blood- His great love, completely covered my entire body, and run down over my face, and down the sides of my cheeks? It flowed completely through me on the inside, and felt like fire burning all over and throughout my entire being! But it was not the kind of fire that consumes, but rather felt cool to my skin! It felt a lot like alcohol when applied to your arms, and like there were flames burning, but with no heat or pain. As soon as I experienced this, I immediately remembered the word Richard-DANIEL shared with JOHNEL about how his clothes would not be burned in the coming fires. He was right! if' you're on the right side, these fires are for purifying. I give the praise and glory of this breakthrough in my life to Jesus, and thank all of you for the heavy burdens you have so faithfully carried in His great love. Thank you so C-J: Thank you for sharing Rick! very much! ..." (Unquote)
I don't want to say that I live in a bad neighborhood, but the criminals are so tough that they attack people with chewed-off shotguns.
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March 10, 2009
Bill M. On June 8, 2008 . (Quote) "In a previous note I brought up the question I am again
throwing out. While you saw Gary Hart, 011ie North, Bill Clinton and now possibly Barack Obama as represented by anti-Christ spirits in the previous gap battles, does that mean these men were the same as the spirit-beings or that Lucifer had these men tagged to be controlled by these spirits? This question comes about from some issues starting with your mention of your counter part "fallen" guardian angel and the point you made that Nancy-TONI helped you realize the deception which in part saved you from falling into deception. The second portion of this question is spurted on after listening to John Bevier in a 2 part interview with Jim Bakker on his "new Jim Bakker show!" Those shows took place in May and are archived on his website. The basic subject ofthese programs was the theme "Honors Rewards". Mention was made that at one time Bill Clinton had slipped into an Evangelical service incognito only to hear the preacher attacking him. He walked out and was observed crying. Another si milar incident concerned President Jimmy Carter. The Evangelical church has been very vocal in attacking anyone they disagree about and have found it very hard to pray for leaders in these circumstances and instead have potentially cursed them with their words. Jesus prayed and warned Judas prior to his fall and yielding to Satan. Saul of Tarsus was on a similar track and yet Jesus came to Him in the midst of his planned destruction of believers and turned him into God's point-man to lead the Body of Christ and stand against Lucifer's plan. Is it possible for Lucifer's chosen human vessel to not cooperate but instead join with the true Messiah and upset Lucifer's applecart? It seems to me this is a possibility. If it is then the question is, how should we go about this?" (Unquote) Replyby Chuck-JOHNEL: On the first question: These men were the same as the
creatures seen in the GAP. If you would Iike a Scriptural name for them, they are, "sons of perdition. " Concerning the `story' that Bill Clinton was seen leaving a church crying - I have never heard of that and don 't have any info as to `when 'this happened. While he was President? Or while he was Governor of Arkansas or Attorney General of Arkansas? Beastman Clinton has a long history (well known and documented) of ' drug abuse, corruption and even has involvement in raping women. In his political history he has left behind a trail of dead bodies in his wake. Understand that the beastinen we confronted in the GAP in1982 and 1987 were already decided for Satan and Lucifer; inore, they were leading a massive demon army out of hell -
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March 10, 2009
Repl yby Chuck-JOHNEL continued : LEADING - not following, they were the "point men " for hell, death and destruction. More, they were all involved with the church and spent time with and a round ministers and had been abundantly exposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They also did NOT believe nor accept nor were willing to accept JESUS as their Lord and Savior. How do I know this? I heard what they said in the GAP when I was made keenly aware
their innermost posture concerning Christ and His Church and His people - they hated JESUS, the Church and God's people and were commissioned by the Devil to kill and destroy Christian America, to bring this nation and its people to utter destruction.
In the rebellion that took place in Heaven, at the beginning of all this mess, there were three types ofcreated sons of God: (I) Those who remained faithful to FATHER GOD and resisted the rebellion; (2) Those who were taken captive by the fallen ones (about 1l3rd of God 's created sons) - except for TONI I would have been one of those taken captive; and (3) Those who willingly and in full awareness joined Lucifer in his rebellion against FATHER GOD - these are the "sons of perdition. " Lastly, you ask: "Is it possible for Lucifer's chosen human vessel to not cooperate but instead join with the true Messiah and upset Lucifer's applecart? " In that with God all things are possible, I'd say it is possible, but given their innermost predisposition to resist GOD I'd have to say. "unlikely". Hope this answers your questions. God bless. Traffic Jam: a substance for spreading on streets at five o'clock.
Jeanne 0. On February 1 3, 2009. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL and NancyTONI, Greetings in the Name of our wonderful Lord and me in Alaska. This last year has been a rough year for me as in Nov. 2007 1 suffered and survived a stroke and brain hemorrhage. I'm doing much better now and praise God daily for those who
lifted prayer in my behalf. I'm sti]l recovering but believe I'm healed, just waiting for manifestation. I believe I would have died if I hadn't been sealed April 9, 2007. Rose Untersinger sealed me and I have been commissioned to seal other also. I don't drive and am housebound most of the time. I've devised my own therapy for recovery and I believe it was and is given by the Lord. I enjoy being part of the prayer campaigns
and look forward to the new prayers and newsletters. Reading aloud is part of my therapy. My question is things don't seem to be open for me to move elsewhere (to greener pastures) and Fm beginning to think I am where God wants me to be, due to a dream I had years ago. I know my husband and I have been called into Ministry and God has given us a name for the Retreat. It's the Haven of Renewed Hope. One other thing I'd like to
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The Staff & Sword Ministr y /We Get Letters
March 14. 2009
Jeanne 0. On February 13, 2009. uote continued) share with you is I have watched the Lord answer many prayers and I think it's awesome the way some of the answers come. May the Lord bless and keep you safe from all evil and harm. Oh, my husband reads the newsletters also." (Unquote) JOHNEL: It is quite possible that you are at the place the Lord God has . for you or He has not yet revealed what He has for you. I'd encourage you to read JESUS' Word to Richard-DANIEL (See the enclosed "A COLLECTION OF PROPHECY" Pages P2-P4) Here JESUS is encouraging Richard-DANIEL (and all of us), to be patient, looking to and waiting on the Lord. JESUS will keep us and if we need to move, He will make it clear when it is time and He will also make it possible. Until then, look to JESUS and pray for patience. I ordered a hot chocolate and the waiter brought me a Hershey bar and a match. Marvin B. On December 22, 2007. (Quote) "Dear Chuck and Nancy, are the dates (given
in the last Newsletter) an extension of the time one can relocate? I realize it is a time of darkness. Your last newsletter addressed this. Is there hope for us to still buy a home in a green pasture area or a safe area during these dates? Is that what your mean? Is it something else? P.S. I am praying about moving to Mt. Carroll, Illinois about 10-15 miles from the Mississippi off of route 64. It is close to a Blackwater Base (in the news recently) in hilly country. Do you have any witness to this scenario?" (Unquote) JOHNEL: Be praying about this to know "if" the Lord would have you move there. When the Great Earthquake hits the Midwest that area will be well within the zone of maximum shock effect and when the Great Lakes spill into the Mississippi River, a tidal wave of
water will flood east and west of the banks of that river all the way down to New Orleans. To be 10-15 miles from the banks of the Mississippi may be too close, even on high ground, as you could find yourself on an island surrounded by putrid mud. Something to pray about for sure. Did you know that five out of three people have trouble with fractions? Glad ys K On MT 9..2008 . (Quote) "Thank you for your faithfulness in seeking the Lord, warning the people which so many Pastors fail to do. We're enjoying the wanner weather and have a garden started. The Lord provides but we have to do our part too." (Unquote) Wife: John, what becomes of a ball player when his eyesight starts to fail? John: They make an umpire out of him.
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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters
March 10, 2009
Rachel R. On Ma y 6 2008. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI, congrats
on your new car!! I'm so happy for you. Thank you for your hard work keeping all of us informed of what's to come & how to be prepared. I praise God that you are willing to do His work!" (Unquote) C=.7: Your welcome - thanks for the note. Q: How do you make a glowworm happy? A: Cut off its tail. It'll be delighted. Brian H. On February 10, 2009. (Quote) "Greetings in the name of Jesus, I wanted to
share an incident that happened after the prayer operation "Free Our Brethren". During the prayer operation I really felt the anointing and power of the proclamations, throughout the whole prayer operation. I just knew people were being set free in a big way! This is a story about one such person. My neighbor, Tanya Golden (she said I could use her name), and her family live right next to our house. She is the mom of her family. They have lived there for a few years. They are from the Virgin Islands and have settled in the United States. They are Jamaican in heritage. She goes to church once in a while and had some spiritual discernment, but she seemed, how would you say, carnal in her thinking. Now, we had not talked for a while, sometimes she borrows sugar and visits our family, stuff like that. I knew there was a good chance she voted for Obama because of her background. I saw her and her daughter a day after the election at the grocery store and asked her what she thought of the election. She said it was okay, and that she was ready for "change". I knew right then that she had voted for Obama. Probably her whole family did. But I did not say anything at the time, I just talked a little more and left. Later however, the day of the inauguration, she came over to my house, and I asked her again what she thought of the whole thing. She said it was good, but she did not seem overly excited. I said to her, "Well, I would be happy for you, except that I know too much about the situation." And she answered back, "Oh I know, isn't it terrible, the economy." I said, "Yeah, but that is not what I'm talking about. I know too much about Obama." She then had this concerned look on her face. I said, "Yeah, Obama is not who you think he is. There is another side to him that is not good. This is what I know about him. I want to word this correctly. He is one of the Bea snnen of the anti-Christ and he rides a red horse. "I went on to explain how he
will retaliate against Russia after an accidental nuclear attack on the USA and would start World War III. I also then said to her, "And all those that voted for him, he will give over to death." That really shocked her, but she agreed with me and seemed to understand. She was looking down to the floor and dejected. I then told her I knew something that could help her; the Seal of the Living God. She looked up and listened carefully. I said that this was the only thing that could undo what she had done in voting that way. She agreed with me and said that she wanted the Sealing. I told her that i would have a Bible study and that she could come over and I would pray for her. So, two weeks later on Saturday night at 7:00 pin, she came over, my kids were upstairs at the time. I wanted some other people
Page 18 The Staff & Sword Ministr y/We Get Letters March 10, 2009 Brian H. On February 10, 2009. (Quote continued) there, but they were busy. So, we had a little Bible study and I explained more about related issues, how God was setting people free of the Church System of Man, and about the Sealing. I gave her a copy of the Sealing Report. At this point I thought it was a good idea for her to pray about making Jesus, Savior and Lord, so I had her pray the prayer "knowing that we are sons" that is in the daily prayer sheet. Then I prayed for her and sealed her with anointing oil. She said she wanted the commission too, so I prayed for her to receive that also. She said after I prayed for her that she had this warn feeling come over her and that she felt this burden being lifted from her. I said, "I know what that is all about and what the burden was." She was very grateful and gracious and she went back home. She was anxious to read the report I had given her, I guess we spent an hour talking, studying and praying. I was very happy about what happened. Please include her and her family in the NOP prayers..." (Unquote) The hold-up guy walks into a Chinese restaurant and says, "Give me all your money." The man behind the counter says, "To take out?" Henny Youngman Jo S. On (no date) (Quote) "Dear CJ & NT, I have had this question since Obama came
on the scene. Does he know or is aware of who he is? I see his followers are as committed as is he, those he has chosen in offices to help him are left from Clinton administration. Did Clinton know? Judas realized his betrayal too late. Yet he knew he had betrayed Jesus. It would seem Clinton has no remorse. Would love your thoughts on this." (Unquote)
JOHNEL: When Gary Hart f rst Beastnzan of 1982) ran for the Democratic Party ticket foi- President in 1984 there was a flurry of news reports and magazine articles about him (he was the darling of the press and very popular at the time). One magazine article quoted Ifart as saying, "I will never reveal who I am!" In the GAP these Beastmen know exactly who and what they are, but in this world they may not have the same clarity; nonetheless, I'd say that they all KNOW who and what they are in some measure. I
I hate women because they always know where things are. James Thurber Jo S. On (no date) (Quote) "Just taking some time to thank you both. The newsletter is
such a blessing to me—being a part of the Net Of Prayer, the answers to our prayers are amazing. Just knowing how He answers prayers has made me aware of His love, how i mpo rt ant our prayers are. Thank you for the many hours you spend in His presence, and your faithfulness in answering His calling. Your letters have enriched my spiritual life." (Unquote) What does PMS stand for?
Probably moving to the sofa. End of "WE GET LETTERS." ^^R^
The Staff and Sword Ministry - March, 2009 Newsletter ** *NEWSLETTER (Please print) YOUR NAME
CASSETTE TAPES (Audio) AVAILABLE: We offer the following at what it basically costs us to produce and send to you. Costs for some reports are rounded up. Please check-off items (below) that you would like to receive.
I cannot afford the cost, but please send the following to me.. Thank you.
CASSETTE TAPES: Discussing Survival taped on March 12 2009. Nancy-TONI, Jim-REPHEAL, Leith and Chuck-JOHNEL sat down and made this cassette tape that ran nearly 3 hours where we discussed the various aspects of surviving (overcoming) the troubles that lie ahead. We made reference and quoted selections from the book, The Survivors Club " written by Ben Sherwood. We recommend this book as it is quite broad in what it addresses and is quite helpful. 2 x 90 minute tapes*. Cost $7.00 ppd . *Note: As this was a group discussion (tapes noted above) and we had only one microphone we were unable to make a CD of this, so it is only available on cassette tape.
REPORT/Review of Barack Obam's Inaugural Address of January 20,
u 2009 . Nancy-TONI, Leith, Jim-REPHEAL and Chuck-JOHNEL sat down at the end of February, 2009 and reviewed Obama's inaugural aiming to decode certain mysterious terms and statements. As this report will not be written until the completion of this Newsletter the number of pages is unknown. Cost $2.00 PPD.
Side #2
The Staff and Sword Ministry
March, 2009 Newsletter
for Cassette Tapes - Discussing Survival. March 12 2009 (2x90 minutes tapes) Cost $7.00ppd .
for Report/Review of Barak Obama's Inaugural Address. Pages. COST: $2.00 ppd.
for ongoing support of this Ministry work in Christ.
TOTAL for all of the lines above
Mail to:
Nancy-TON] Youngbrandt 558-B Knapp Road Colville, WA. 99114
Please makes checks payable to: Nancy-TONI Youngbrandt. Thank you and God bless.