2014 1 - Patra-Cagliari

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Work Plans & Activity Reports

Agora- Patra Agora Cagliari

Work Plans

Agora- Patra Agora Cagliari

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra– Agora Cagliari Ljubljana, 7th of June

Work Plan Ana Potočnik Banja Luka, Beograd, Bihać, Kragujevac, Ljubljana, Maribor, Niš, Nova Gorica/Gorizia, Novi Sad, Podgorica, Sarajevo, Skopje, Sofia, Tiranë, Tuzla, Zadar, Zagreb In first half of my term I want to focus on development of my locals and make sure they are performing well locally, so later, in the second half of my term, we can focus on the thematic part of AEGEE’s work and its European level. The work of a Network Commissioner is not a job for one person. For effective and quality work, I have assembled a team of sub-commissioners: Andrea Ugrinoska (AEGEE-Skopje) responsible for Skopje, Sofia, Tirana. Jovana Trajković (AEGEE-Beograd) responsible for Tuzla, Beograd, Banja Luka, Novi Sad. Miljana Vulević (AEGEE-Beograd) responsible for Kragujevac, Niš, Sarajevo. Silvija Perić (AEGEE-Zagreb) responsible for Zadar, Zagreb, Bihać. Individual skype meetings I believe personal connection is very important for efficient work and good cooperation. Trough skype meetings I want to get to know my locals and their representatives, identify their needs, answer the questions they have and help them find solutions to the problems they are facing. Implement use of AEGEE Identity, Visual Identity and Members portal In last year a lot of changes were introduced in AEGEE which still haven’t been properly implemented and adopted by locals. I want to make locals aware of AEGEE Identity, AEGEE Visual identity how to use them and their benefits. I also want locals to be more familiar with Members portal and materials offered there. Organise monthly skype meetings for all locals On Members portal we can find a lot of toolkits which can help locals with their everyday life. I want to initiate monthly discussions on topics introduced in toolkits their practical application.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra– Agora Cagliari

Reviving Presidents list and creating Boards list To increase collaboration between my locals, and to facilitate exchange of best practises, I want to revive the existing Presidents mailing list. Furthermore, I want to create a list for all Board members so the various responsibles in each Board can exchange their experience and ideas as well. Organise Štafeta Some locals expressed a need for more social interaction and integration. Taking into account the reform of Network Meetings, I believe it would be good to also organise an informal event with a combination of fun activities, trainings and knowledge transfer. This would be an opportunity for various generations of all my locals to come together and keep their spirits up, and to motivate members to be active on both their local level and the European level of our organisation. I aim to organise ‘Štafeta’ in October, before the Autumn Agora in Cagliari. Organise NWM I’m planning on organising the first Network Meeting somewhere in the end of November or the beginning of December. The final date will be decided on together with the hosting local, which I am already looking for. NetCom trip Together with my sub-commissioners I will try to visit all my locals before the Autumn Agora in Cagliari.

You can contact me individually at netcom-ana@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari Thessaloniki, 4th of June

Working Plan Arsenios Tselengidis

Athina, Hereklio, Ioannina, Kastoria, Patra, Peiraias, Thessaloniki

Subcommissioner: Danae Matakou Dear Network, In my upcoming term I plan to work on the following goals:

 Organize a NWM after the Agora Cagliari

The reason “after” is due to the fact that the end of August I will be living in Finland and after the Agora a new NetCom will replace me. Thus, it will better for the locals to have this NWM with their new NetCom and plan together their year.

Create and agenda together with the boards in order the content to be more close to their needs.

Reform the team of the Subcommies 

Two of the former subcommies joined Balazs because they need to remain close to their locals and the third one is now a part the NetCom Team.

A new OC will be launched in order to found new members be activated at a level upper the local one

Share the knowledge to the new subcommies and also part of the NetCom, in order to be more prepared if they apply for NetCom in Cagliari Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari  Activate more members at European Level

At the previous semester we recorded all the active members of each local at European Level. This semester will put internal goals for each local to increase this amount of people till Agora Cagliari

 Restructure the communication lines 

Last semester, I focused on the communication between the NetCom and the locals (was succeeded by implementing the representatives group). Now it must build a better line between the locals themselves.

Already some discussions started including some ideas as Facebook group and newsletters.

 Improve the “Calendar GRMC” 

At this Calendar was only Netcommie’s activities. This semester we will also add locals’ activities in order everyone to have a better view in the network.

 Improve the contribution of the locals at the Action Agenda and Strategic Plan 

I will focus on each board in order to improve their orientation and make them more focused on the AA/SP than last year.

 Preparation about the Agora-Cagliari 

Improving the communication line

Starting earlier the discussions

Building the timeline for the locals

You can contact me individually at netcom-arsenis@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

European Students’ Forum Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l’Europe

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari Debrecen, 25th of June, 2014

Work Plan Balázs Kovács

Bratislava, Brno, Bucureşti, Budapest, Chişinău, Cluj-Napoca, Debrecen, Iaşi, Pécs, Piliscsaba, Ploieşti, Plzen, Praha, Sibiu, Timişoara, Wien In the upcoming period, till Agora Cagliari, I intend to thoroughly familiarize myself with the current state of my antennae via on- and offline interactions. After getting to know each other and the individual locals’ current situations online, I also plan to personally visit my locals in September. All these plans serve to boost setting up a trust-based future cooperation among us delivering fruitful results.

Sub-Commissioners As of now, my Sub-Commissioners’ Team consists of: Dimitra Paraskeui Amorgianou (AEGEE-Kastoria) responsible for Bucureşti, Chişinău, Iaşi, Ploieşti Eva Miriam Bujanovschi (AEGEE-Ploieşti) responsible for Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu, Timişoara

On-line interactions: By regular, at least once per month, Skype meetings, and through e-mails and social media a firm foundation for a safe environment where questions are answered will be created. By September I would like to have a clear picture of who needs what and I also would like them to become more aware of what means are available to reach the locals their goals. Visual Identity and Available Resources: I will be reminding locals on how to make the best possible use of the available unified visual identity templates of AEGEE as well as the association’s precious resources, toolkits, cross-organizational, cross-antennae and cross-border partnerships. Mentorship System: Since inter-generational bonds within antennae can greatly contribute to bettering the wellfunctioning and the sustainable continuity of each local, a unified system of having mentors

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe E-mail: network@aegee.org

European Students’ Forum Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l’Europe

from the older generations of one’s antenna based on clearly defined principles could be a valuable treat on the long run and it is worth of trying, I believe. (Re-)Founding AEGEE Locals: I will seek for ways and look for willing enthusiasts to start out with (re)establishing AEGEE antennae in large university cities where there is no local existing currently. AEGEE-Szeged could be one of the ideas. Network Commission Visits: Ideally in September, but at least preferably before Autumn Agora Cagliari 2014 I will visit as many locals as possible. Network Meeting (NWM): The first NWM shall be organized after setting up the atmosphere among the members in the area to make sure it would be as overly popular as possible. The date is planned to be late November.

You can contact me individually at netcom-balazs@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe E-mail: network@aegee.org

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari Eskişehir, 24th of June

Working Plan Burak Topaloğlu Adana, Ankara, Baki, Çanakkale, Erzincan, Eskişehir, Hatay, Istanbul, Izmir, Kayseri, Mağusa, Nicosia, Tekirdağ, Tbilisi, Sumqayit, Gəncə, Naxçivan Subcommissioners: Ozan İşgör, Hulusi Kilim , Cerem Çavdar, Vasif Huseynzade

Dear Network, In my upcoming term I plan to work on the following goals,

Organize a NWM after AGORA Cagliari  I think it is way better to have a NWM after Agorae because it is for sure there are going to be some changes in the network so NWMs are the best way to share all updates with the locals.It will also help locals to contribute to Action Agenda and Strategic plan.

Activate more members in the network to European level bodies/projects  It is possible to inform local boards about all possibilities to join European level,mailing lists or their official facebook pages/profiles or groups are the best way to spread the information.  I believe the improvement of network is mostly based on how much active members locals have on European level,so it gives the possibility to locals itself to promote European bodies.It also takes the workload of boards in this topic.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari

 As much as active members in European level means “feeling more AEGEEan in my strategy.Local level is important however it is a great step to work on European level to learn/practise AEGEE.

Support the cooperation/partnership between locals in my network  As I have Mağusa and Nicosia together in my network,I see it as a great opportunity to bridge both sides by the AEGEE discipline,work and culture.Plus one of my subcoms,Hulusi Kilim,who also made a presentation about Mağusa Initiative in AGORA Patra,there can be an event or etc. It is a great possibility to unite and break the borders.  I have some locals which are closer to each other,some locals need KT and support from powerful locals.As long as they make a cooperation,it will help to strengthen the whole network with sharing.

Support the locals to organize RTC  As we all are aware of the situation,some locals don’t have the capacity or capability to organize LTC in their local.RTCs will give the possibility for these locals to learn from strong locals who have capability to organize LTC easily.  LTCs are the most important organizations to recruit new members in my opinion,RTCs are for the whole network so it will result the network to have more than just recruiting new members.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari

Improve the contribution of the locals at the Action Agenda and Strategic Plan  I plan to forward members in the network to AA Coordination Committee and also forward them to EPM.It will also help me to have members from network that are informed about the updates and current Action Agenda,I plan to use them in NWMs to share their knowledge with the rest of Network.  EPMs have a very important in the future of AEGEE.I believe that as much as members from the network have a louder voice in EPMs will have a great effect for the future of network I work in.It will be my duty to promote EPMs specifically.

Organize skype meetings with delegates before Agorae/EPM  As I mentioned in my candidature in AGORA Patra,I care about how members from locals in my network are aware of what they are responsible of,where they are going,which things are waiting them in Agorae or EPM,I completely disagree if delegates are not aware of things they are responsible of.I will try to solve this problem by preparing explanations about upcoming statutory events.In these skype meetings,i will answer their questions and share infos about the statutory event.I want to achieve members who come to the stage and ask questions about proposals,candidatures and etc.

You can contact me individually at netcom-burak@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org. Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Spring Agora Patra – Autumn Agora Cagliari

Murcia, 3th of July, 2014

Working Plan Carmen María

A Coruña, Alicante, Barcelona, Bilbao, Brussel/Bruxelles, Burgos, Castelló, Las Palmas, Lille, León, Lyon, Madeira, Madrid, Nantes, Oviedo, Paris, Porto Invicta, Tarragona, Tenerife, Toulouse, Santander, Sevilla, Valencia, Valladolid, Zaragoza.

Sub-commissioners: Iker Piraizoz, Marta Martínez, Pablo Ruiz and Olga Rivero.

The following work plan has been developed by the Tripulacion 6.1 which is a team of hard workers and motivated people that I would like to introduce you here, along with the locals they will be responsible for: •

Carmen María López Banegas (AEGEE-Alicante): AEGEE-Alicante, AEGEECastelló, AEGEE-Valencia, AEGEE-Sevilla, AEGEE-Toulouse and AEGEE-A Coruña (with Marta)

Iker Iraizoz (AEGEE-Valladolid): AEGEE-Porto Invicta, AEGEE-Madeira, AEGEEValladolid, AEGEE-Lyon and Contact in Nantes.

Marta Martinez (AEGEE-Santander): AEGEE-Lille, AEGEE-León, AEGEEBarcelona, AEGEE-Las Palmas, AEGEE-A Coruña (with CM)

Olga Rivero Menéndez (AEGEE-Oviedo): AEGEE-Bilbao, AEGEE-Madrid, AEGEE-Oviedo, AEGEE-Santander, AEGEE-Tenerife

Pablo Ruiz (AEGEE-Zaragoza): AEGEE-Brussel/Bruxelles, AEGEE-Burgos, AEGEE-Paris, AEGEE-Tarragona and AEGEE-Zaragoza.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

• • • •

Our area events Renove IV Autumn NWM: reform totally and involve more the antennae in the definition of the content. Support RTC and LTC Support organisation of EBM and Agora and the involvement of all the area in these events

Improve the follow up of the antennae and support them more efficiently - encourage the locals to develop their potential by setting up together objectives based on a SWOT analysis and their Activity plan by end of January 2014 with a focus on HR strategy and cooperation with Universities - actively use the monthly report: keep the monthly report of each antenna in separated documents and give the antenna access to their own reports, read carefully the monthly reports in order to be able to give feedback, actively follow their evolution and provide help when needed - give priority to direct contact with the antennae: visits, skype meetings… - make more visible La Tripulación and its work: blog? FB Page? Create a prezzi explanation what is netcom, what is tripu and what is a subcommie and what they do Improve knowledge transfer and knowledge management - Encourage and help antennae to develop a knowledge transfer framework for themselves before Agora Cagliari o Encourage them to use the guidelines prepared by CD and NetCom o Use the network meeting to elaborate a regional strategy (best practices and defining guidelines for next boards) - Keep working on the regional database - Make sure the boards are receiving knowledge transfer and encourage cooperation with the boards with us on this topic. - Encourage the antennae to share their experience on specific topics and write guidelines and tutorial based on these discussions - Reorganise the database of La Tripulación

Prepare actively Agora Cagliari In close cooperation with the Chair team and the CD - organise Workshops in the NWM: voting system, agora for dummies, the right and responsibility of delegates and visitors, explain the proposals... - Encourage the members to make proposals and help them writing them if needed - Encourage the members to candidate for European positions - Make sure the antennae elect their delegates and organise a meeting to discuss candidatures and proposals, as well as preparing questions. - Promote open and healthy discussion about proposals and candidates - organise Skype meetings in order to discuss the proposals and candidatures You can contact me individually at netcom-carmen@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOML@lists.aegee.org Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des États Généraux des Étudiants de l‘Europe Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari

Tychy, 28th of June

Work Plan Mateusz Dokurno

AEGEE-Białystok, AEGEE-Gdańsk, AEGEE-Gliwice, AEGEE-Katowice, AEGEE-Kraków, AEGEE-Lublin, AEGEE-Łódź, AEGEE-Poznań, AEGEE-Toruń, AEGEE-Warszawa, AEGEE-Wrocław, AEGEE-Zielona Góra  Support for projects in my area and improvement its quality:  at least one Local Training Course per year in all locals, contact antennae as well (or at least send them to other local);  find local interested in organizing Regional Training Course and help with content of the project;  more events under collaboration with our Working Groups and Projects (not only Summer Universities);  support for Public Relations European School in Poznań and other potential European Events.  Provide


information about






Subcommissioner only for this purpose:  more information about Strategic Plan, Action Agenda, its implementation and importance – cooperation with Action Agenda Coordination Committee;  encourage people to show their passion, skills and experience at the European Level and to join or candidate for bodies of AEGEE-Europe;  promotion of NetCom initiatives: Twin Antenna Project and Mentorship System, that will allow to know different methods of developing locals – especially those from other areas, in cooperation with Eastern Partnership Project for example;

Network Commission - to serve and protect! e-mail: netcom@aegee.org website: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des États Généraux des Étudiants de l‘Europe Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari

 translation of the Corpus Iuridicum Aegeense into Polish (almost 20% already done).  Strengthening of the Network:  priority for the weaker and smaller locals – support in making long-term plans for them;  upgrade AEGEE-Łódź before the deadline (Agora Cagliari will be fourth Agora after signing Convention d'Adhésion);  support and advise locals in some legal aspects of the organization;  appointment of a common strategy for fundraising and setting up a group dealing with that (from strategic sponsors) for the whole my area – separate Subcommissioner only for this purpose;  establishment of better communication between the locals (so not only with Network Commission) and encourage them to share their knowledge and good practices;  creation a calendar of events (eg. training courses, anniversaries) to avoid conflicts of dates allowing people greater participation in and knowledge of what is happening in our area;  creation of separate groups for Board members responsible for fundraising, human resources, public relations and information technology.  General work:  continuation of regular monthly Skype meetings with Presidents of my locals;  immediate responses to problems before it become even more;  participation in Network Meeting Zielona Góra and choice host local for Spring NWM 2015;  regular work and Skype meetings with my Subcommissioners;  cooperation with appointed CD member;  creation of feedback box about my work for all my locals;  find and introduce my successor. Network Commission - to serve and protect! e-mail: netcom@aegee.org website: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des États Généraux des Étudiants de l‘Europe Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari

You can contact me individually at netcom-mateusz@aegee.org or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect! e-mail: netcom@aegee.org website: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari Thessaloniki, 3rd of June

Work Plan Lia Tuska Amsterdam, Delft, Den Haag, Eindhoven, Enschede, Groningen, Leiden, Leuven, Maastricht, Nijmegen, Rotterdam, Tilburg, Utrecht Communication with locals. As communication with locals is very important for working effectively, I want to make sure this goes well. These are the goals I set up for this term:  Visit (me or one of my subcommissioners) all locals at least once to discuss with the boards face to face how things are going.  Attend (me or one my subcommissioners) at least one activity of each local to also gain awareness among the members.  Promote the use of the Facebook group of active members that was established by the previous NetCom of the area. There is potential for more active use of it. There is also a Facebook group of the boards which is more active the past term.  Have at least one Skype meetings with each local’s board before Agora Cagliari.  Help locals with the preparation for the Agora. I want to make sure that my locals have pre-Agora meetings to discuss about the proposals/candidatures of the Agora. This will motivate the delegates to be more active at the Agora.  Explore the options of implementing the Visual Identity of AEGEE-Europe.  Be present at the Nedertops or have one or both of my subcommissioners represent me. Small/ struggling locals. There are quite a few large and very independent locals in this area. I would like to stimulate those to also take the responsibility of helping other smaller locals. My goals to make that reality:  Implement the Mentorship System so the contacts can be guided properly by experienced members.  Help less strong locals develop a PR strategy (e.g. some experienced members can help them at promoting AEGEE in introduction weeks for new students).  Gather a team of experienced members willing to help weak locals.  Promote collaboration between big and smaller locals for organizing LTCs and/or RTCs together. Youth Council. It is important that the locals are being informed regularly about the possibilities of the Dutch Youth Council (NJR), of which they are a member. This will Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari be done in cooperation with the representative of AEGEE towards the Dutch Youth Council. Information sharing. There are some really strong locals in this area and by sharing and exchanging information; the locals can help each other to become stronger. In order to do this, I want to simulate information sharing between my locals in the following ways:  Stimulate the use of Dropbox and push locals to upload relevant documents. I will upload more relevant documents as well, for example with regard to the Network Meeting (presentations, result booklet).  Create an internal calendar in order to have an overview of what is happening at the area. Cooperation with European Level Bodies. I want to make locals contribute more to the thematic part of AEGEE and make them collaborate with Projects and Working Groups. To make this happen, there are going to be workshops on Action Agenda and Strategic Plan (by me or one of my Subcommissioners) when the team will visit locals and I will inform my locals about possibilities and open calls. I believe by organizing more thematic events, the locals can motivate their members to be active inside the locals and that they can attract new members during their introduction period. Network Meetings. I will organize a Fall NWM. I will continue with the idea of parallel sessions for more and less experienced members. I want to increase the amount of participants of the NWMs, giving a chance to new members to learn more about AEGEE. Maybe the next NWM can be organized in cooperation with another area (e.g. German speaking locals). Subcommissioners. I would like to introduce you my team of subcommissioners, with whom I will be working for the following months:  Svenja van der Tol (svenja.aegee@gmail.com), AEGEE-Nijmegen. She will be responsible for AEGEE-Eindhoven, AEGEE-Enschede, AEGEEMaastricht, AEGEE-Nijmegen, AEGEE-Tilburg and AEGEE-Utrecht.  Boudewijn Steenhof (boudewijnsteenhof@aegee-leiden.nl), AEGEE-Leiden. He will be responsible for AEGEE-Amsterdam, AEGEE-Delft, AEGEE-Den Haag, AEGEE-Groningen, AEGEE-Leiden, AEGEE-Leuven and AEGEERotterdam.

You can contact me individually at netcom-lia@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

European Students’ Forum Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l’Europe

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari Groningen, 27th of May

Work Plan María Arends

Durham, Hamburg, Helsinki, Kaunas, Kiel, Kobenhavn, London, Ogre, Riga, Sankt-Peterburg, Sheffield, Tallinn & Tartu

Dear Network, In my upcoming term I would like to achieve the following goals: 1. Have at least 5 Skype meetings with all the locals together These Skype meetings will be general meetings about a certain topic. The first one will be about getting to know each other, the second one as a preparation for the Network Meeting, and a third one as a preparation for the Agora. Ideally there will be some more to talk about the European level and other things that the locals might face. These meetings are not only for board members, but for all members. 2. Have Skype meetings per local at least twice There will be at least two Skype meetings per local initiated by me, and there can be more upon request. These meetings aim to answer questions that a local might have, share doubts, or simply to get to know each other, stay updated and have more of a personal connection. 3. Involve locals in AEGEE’s European level I will inform locals on the European level bodies. I will make a section about this in the monthly newsletter (8), and also share information that the European level bodies want me to. 4. Focus on individual problems locals might have Together with the subcommissioner I will look into the problems a local might have and help them with it. These can be practical problems (such as the fulfilment of the antennae criteria), but also more abstract things like tackling Euroscepticism. 5. Investigate the options for new contacts I will keep my ears and eyes open for possibilities to establish new locals (e.g. Liverpool, Oulu, Stockholm), and I will create a file where people who move to cities in the Baltics, Scandinavia, or the U.K. can leave their contact details.

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe E-mail: network@aegee.org

European Students’ Forum Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l’Europe

6. Promote trainings I will encourage locals to organise and attend trainings, and stress the importance of them. Besides this, with the help of my subcommie responsible for this, I will promote RTCs and LTCs and explain the locals clearly how to get support and/or Academy trainers for that. I will work on having at least one RTC, because it also increases the cooperation between the locals. 7. Research the involvement of the locals in the national youth councils I will follow up on the research done by former Network Commissioner Karolina Mazetyte about the youth councils there are in the countries of the locals and discover if it is possible for the locals to get involved in that. Furthermore, I will check if there are any who already have contacts or involvement in the national youth councils. 8. Create a monthly newsletter Together with my subcommies I will create a monthly newsletter. Each month, one local will introduce themselves and the agenda for events on European level will be included. Furthermore, locals get the opportunity to promote their events through this newsletter. Besides this, the European level bodies will have the opportunity to promote themselves through this. These entries will also be posted on the yet existing blog, so there is a constant flow, but once a month a compilation will be sent to all the locals. 9. Organise a Network Meeting Together with subcommie Karolina, I will organise a Network Meeting. The Open Call for a hosting local is already sent out, and the location will be picked based on the combination of a strategic place and a good price/quality offer. I will ask the locals for input on the agenda. 10. Do a NetCom Trip in October I want to visit as many locals as possible, but because the area is quite big, I will not manage to do it all in one trip. After the Fall Agora, I plan on doing another NetCom Trip in order to be able to visit all the locals. Also I will research the opportunities to visit cities where AEGEE might have great potential, such as cities where AEGEE recently closed (like Abertawe, Dublin, Lund, Turku) and big student cities.

Besides this I would like to present to you my team of Subcommissioners: 1. Almudena García Gómez (AEGEE-London & AEGEE-Madrid): AEGEE-Durham, AEGEE-London, and AEGEE-Sheffield 2. Dina Sharanova (AEGEE-Sankt-Peterburg): AEGEE-Helsinki, AEGEE-Sankt-Peterburg, and AEGEE-Tallinn 3. Hanna Alajõe (AEGEE-Tartu): AEGEE-Kaunas, AEGEE-Ogre, AEGEE-Riga, and AEGEE-Tartu 4. Sergej Halter (AEGEE-Hamburg): AEGEE-Hamburg, AEGEE-Kiel, and AEGEE-København 5. Karolina Mazetyte (AEGEE-Kaunas & former Network Commissioner): Assistant on LTC, RTC, and NWM organisation

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe E-mail: network@aegee.org

European Students’ Forum Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l’Europe

6. Patricia Anthony (AEGEE-Zaragoza & former Network Commissioner): Advisor 7. Sergio Gómez Oliveros (AEGEE-Valladolid): Assistant on founding new locals You can contact me individually at netcom-maria@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe E-mail: network@aegee.org

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l'Europe

Mattia Abis

Cagliari, 6th of May, 2014

Work Plan Spring Agora Patra – Autumn Agora Cagliari

Agrigento, Bari, Bergamo, Bologna, Brescia, Cagliari, Catania, Cosenza, Ferrara, Firenze, Foggia, Genova,Lugano, Messina, Milano, Napoli, Padova, Palermo, Pisa, Reggio Calabria, Roma, Salerno, Siena, Torino, Treviso, Udine, Valletta, Venezia,Verona.

SubCommie Team 

Try to delegate more task to every subcommie in order to produce more results before the end of the term;

Take a new subcommie to substitute Alessandro Nostro. I want to include in the team a person that would like to take my place during Agora Cagliari;

Start working closely with subcommies that want to candidate in Cagliari;

Try to activate them more on European Level;

Structured Dialogue 

Convince locals and prepare documents to join Italian National Youth Forum;

Work for/with my Locals 

Creation of a new Database where they can share material;

Creation of different Facebook groups per board members’ categories where to share best practices and strategies;

Creation of new tools and toolkits to make them understand better AEGEE progresses;

Try to revive “Twin Antenna” and “Mentorship System” projects, especially using NetCom Website to do it;

Increase more Antenna Criteria fulfillment;

Organize a NWM before Agora Cagliari;

Help them in coordinating pre-events to Agora Cagliari and involve them in the organization of Agora Cagliari;

Try to organize a RTC in Southern Italy, although it might take place after the end of my term. Network Commission – to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l’Europe

Strategic Plan and Action Agenda 

Follow up of Common Project discussed during NWM Salerno on SP and implementation of AA;

Network Development 

Strengthen weakest locals;

Upgrade Contact of AEGEE-Europe in Lugano at Agora Cagliari

Evaluate and maybe create a Contact of AEGEE-Europe in Campobasso, Molise.

You can contact me individually at netcom-mattia@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission – to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra– Agora Cagliari Voronezh, 5th June

Work Plan Natalia Ivleva Dnipropetrovsk, Grodno, Ivano-Frankivs'k, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Lviv, Minsk, Moskva, Odessa, Rostov-na-Donu, Ryazan, Samara, Sevastopol, Voronezh, Yerevan Dear Network, In my upcoming term I plan to work on the following goals:

 Communication: - Use Facebook group for discussion our plans, upcoming events, problems -

and founding the way to solve this problems; Have Skype-meeting with every local board at least twice before Agora Cagliari;

 Involve locals in the European level -

Give locals more information about EL-bodies; Ask those who already working on EL to share their experience;

 Work on Cooperation - Move from LTC to RTC, involve more members from neighbor locals, invite -

AEGEE-Academy Trainers; Use Mentorship system for small & weak antennae;

 Organize NWM -

Choose the best time and place for all locals; Working on agenda together with locals for founding the most needed themes;

 Working with new contacts -

Continue work with people who already started process of opening new contacts (Vinnitsa); Help to start this process for those who interested in opening (Taganrog, Yaroslavl, Ulyanovsk)

 Preparing delegates for Agora-Cagliari -

Use FB for explaining role of delegate, discussing proposals & candidates;

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra– Agora Cagliari

 NetCome trips -

Me or my Subcommie will visit as much locals as possible. In case of my work I cannot visit all locals in one trip.

I would also like to take this opportunity to present to you my Subcommissioners: Olya Marrero (AEGEE-Kyiv) Viktoria Leonenko (AEGEE-Kyiv) They will work on a variety of tasks together with me. Maxim Kovalenko (AEGEE-Kyiv) member of Action Agenda Coordination Committee

You can contact me individually at netcom-natalia@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOML@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Activity Report


Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari Thessaloniki, 4th of June

Monthly Report - May Arsenios Tselengidis

Athina, Bucuresti, Chisinau, Cluj-Napoca, Hereklio, Iasi, Ioannina, Kastoria, Nicosia, Patra, Peiraias, Ploiesti, Rodos, Sibiu, Thessaloniki, Timisoara

Subcommissioners: Danae Matakou, Dimitra Paraskeui Amorgianou, Eva Miriam Bujanovschi, Evangelia Tuska a) Monthly activities as Network Commissioner 

After my return from the Agora, I contacted my locals about the results of the Locals Distribution. I announce them that their new NetCom responsible will be Lia Tuska. I gave all the knowledge transfer I had kept for my locals to Lia and I also informed her about some extra details of the NetCom work (she knew the most of it as my subcommie and as NetCom Assistant the last two months). During the month, I announced that I will be absent for three weekends during May (one for personal reasons and two because I was elected as Election Committee for the Local and E.P. Elections). I contacted a local which was interested in hosting a RTC, but eventually they didn’t apply for it. The reason was that the dates didn’t fit to their program that they were interested in. I had several skype meetings/contacts this month. Almost all of them were with members of the NetCom: Antonija for sharing me her experience at the Speaker Team, Mattia to help me with crisis management (knowledge transfer) and to discuss the locals distribution, with the rest of the team to discuss the feedback from the locals on the distribution, with the Romanian speaking locals to discuss any disagreement on changing NetCom (Balazs would be their new NetCommie), with AEGEE-Iasi for the twin-antennae project (I did this also for AEGEE-Heraklio) and about fundraising, with AEGEE-Bucuresti to discuss their progress the last month, with the new board of AEGEE-Cluj, in order to discuss their first tasks.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari 

This month, also the Speaker Team elections took place for the upcoming semester. I applied for Speaker and I replied to the questions of me colleagues (mostly by Antonija and Pauline).  For second time during the month I gave a knowledge transfer to a successor of mine. This time to Balazs, as a successor of me on the Romanian Speaking locals. I contacted him with the representatives of those locals and with my two subcommies there who will help him the following year.  I shared my upcoming working plan with the Greek speaking locals and I asked for feedback and at the end of the month I launched two open calls: one for hosting locals of the Autumn NWM and one for the new subcommies for the following semester.  Participated in Pavel’s evaluation on YPart and gave my feedback from my side as Network Commissioner. b) Monthly activities as Speaker of NetCom 

 

After the Speaker Team (ST) elections, with the rest of the ST members had an ice-breaking chat and then I proposed also to the former team to focus only on specific topics for the first week. Meanwhile, we had a knowledge transfer skype meeting with the former ST, the Network Director and the upcoming Network Director. An internal ST Skype meeting took place where we shared all the unfinished and the upcoming tasks. We set some of them as priorities and then we built a timeline on each one of them. I also kept the minutes and shared them with the Network Director and the former ST. Later I sent the priorities to the rest of the NetCom team. The last days of the month, I was in contact with the NetCom members: Balazs, Burak, Lia and Kristof for giving them some knowledge transfer on NetCom topics and to help them in some issues (reimbursements, visa invitation letters, ect). Also this month, I had the pleasure to be approached by Olga Iatsyna (former Speaker of the NetCom Team), about some concerns of her related to the Locals’ Distribution announcement. Helped also Maria about how to set some priorities when the time for choosing a hosting local for her NWM will come.

You can contact me individually at netcom-arsenis@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org. Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des États Généraux des Étudiants de l‘Europe Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari

Tychy, 28th of June

Monthly Report - May Mateusz Dokurno

AEGEE-Białystok, AEGEE-Gdańsk, AEGEE-Gliwice, AEGEE-Katowice, AEGEE-Kraków, AEGEE-Lublin, AEGEE-Łódź, AEGEE-Poznań, AEGEE-Toruń, AEGEE-Warszawa, AEGEE-Wrocław, AEGEE-Zielona Góra

Subcommissioners:      

Dorota Jaskólska (AEGEE-Toruń) – Human Resources Responsible, Ewelina Rutkowska (AEGEE-Warszawa) – Projects Responsible, Bartosz Sudorowski (AEGEE-Zielona Góra) – Editor-in-Chief of AEGEE.pl, Paulina Wenta (AEGEE-Toruń) – Public Relations Responsible, Marta Wnuk (AEGEE-Warszawa) – European Level Responsible, Katarzyna Wrześniak (AEGEE-Warszawa) – Fundraising Responsible.

Monthly activities:  Agora Patra:  active participation;  meeting with my locals;  presenting Activity Report;  Network Distribution.  Network Meetings:  draft agenda of NWM Zielona Góra;  draft concept of NWM Zielona Góra;  draft timeline for NWM Zielona Góra;  Open Call for host local of Spring NWM 2015.

Network Commission - to serve and protect! e-mail: netcom@aegee.org website: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des États Généraux des Étudiants de l‘Europe Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari

 Daily work:  Skype meetings didn’t take place because of exam session – reports collected by e-mail anyway;  sharing ideas with Subcommies about work plan for next 2-3 months.  Other:  updating locals about Antennae Criteria;  creation of 3 separate groups for Board members responsible for FR, HR and PR+IT.

You can contact me individually at netcom-mateusz@aegee.org or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect! e-mail: netcom@aegee.org website: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom

Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Spring Agora Patra – Autumn Agora Cagliari

Cagliari, 6th of May, 2014

Activity Report - May Mattia Abis Agrigento, Bari, Bergamo, Bologna, Brescia, Cagliari, Catania, Cosenza, Ferrara, Firenze, Foggia, Genova, Lugano, Messina, Milano, Napoli, Padova, Palermo, Pisa, Reggio Calabria, Roma, Salerno, Siena, Torino, Treviso, Udine, Valletta, Venezia,Verona.

Sub-commissioners: Elisa Bracali, Antonio Carassiti, Antonio Della Ventura, Alberto De Nardi, Nico Donno, Mario Galea, Lisa Gregis, Nicola Guida, Alessandro Mannocci, Michele Minuti.

Monthly activities

NWM Salerno  Collected material of the NWM excepted for the part about Strategic Plan session;  Creating a Booklet Results for the locals;  Prepared the follow-up except for what concernes SP-AA implementation;

Autumn NWM 2014  Launched open call to select the hosting local and received 2 candidacies;  AEGEE-Brescia has been selected as host of next Network Meeting for my locals;  Set NWM dates: it will be form 2nd till 5th of October 2014;

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Work with Sub-Commissioners Team  Had a Skype Meeting with the team;  Decided the realization of: a. Common Database of the locals to share materials (new one); b. Proposals' Working Group for Agora Cagliari to work on common issues we want to change (Michele Minuti); c. Relaunch Twin Antenna and Mentorship System projects; d. Creation of an official newsletter on MailChimp (Lisa Gregis); e. Registered the resignation of Alessandro Nostro as sub-commissioner, launching an open call for a new one; Agora Patra  Took part in the General Assembly;  Organized the follow-up of the Agora Preparation, during the event, thanks also to Erika Bettin (AVenezia);  Organized and held with NetCom the Progress Meeting about “New Concept of Nework Meeting”;  Presented my Activity Report for the previous six months;  Held a meeting with around 40 members from my locals;

General Activities  Participated in a Skype Meeting with NetCom;  Had many Skype Meetings and calls with my subcommies and my locals;  Worked with A-Cagliari for Autumn Agora;  Kept regular communication with NetCom team and CD when needed;

Speaker Team Activities  Candidated and elcted as Vice Speaker of Network Commission;  Took part in the KT Skype Meeting;  Kept constant communication with other members of ST;  Became administrator of NetCom Database and started creating an index;  Had 2 Skype Meetings with my fellow commissioner Mateusz Dokurno and Natalia Ivleva;

You can contact me individually at netcom-mattia@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari Allonnes, 11th of June

ACTIVITY REPORT MAY 2014 A Coruña, Alicante, Barcelona, Bilbao, Brussel/ Bruxelles, Burgos, Castelló, Las Palmas, Lille, León, Lyon, Madeira, Madrid, Nantes, Oviedo, Paris, Porto Invicta, Tarragona, Tenerife, Toulouse, Santander, Sevilla, Valencia, Valladolid, Zaragoza.

Carmen María López Banegas (AEGEE-Alicante): AEGEE-Alicante, AEGEECastelló, AEGEE-Valencia, AEGEE-Sevilla, AEGEE-Toulouse, AEGEE-A Coruña (with Marta)

Iker Iraizoz (AEGEE-Valladolid): AEGEE-Porto Invicta, AEGEE-Madeira, Valladolid, Lyon

Marta Martinez (AEGEE-Santander): AEGEE-Lille, AEGEE-León, AEGEEBarcelona, AEGEE-Las Palmas, AEGEE-A Coruña (with CM)

Olga Rivero Menéndez (AEGEE-Oviedo): AEGEE-Bilbao, AEGEE-Madrid, AEGEE-Oviedo, AEGEE-Santander, AEGEE-Tenerife

Pablo Ruiz (AEGEE-Zaragoza): AEGEE-Brussel/Bruxelles, AEGEE-Burgos, ,AEGEE-Tarragona, AEGEE-Zaragoza

 Empowering our team  Knowledge transfer towards the new members in the team  Physical team meeting in Madrid on the 17th and 18th of May : teambulding, knowledge transfer, drafting the workplan Patra-Cagliari  Follow up Spring NWM Alicante  Analysis of impact measurement survey and evaluation survey  Drafting the booklet  Follow of the antennae  Mediating internal conflicts in AEGEE-A-Coruna and AEGEE- Leon  Supporting the antennae in the organization of their summer events  Open call for Renove and Autumn Network Meeting launched  The Renove is a weekend-event organised by a local of our network, with a big number of participants (about 100). The main idea is to bring together 'newbies' and 'oldies' to share experiences, promote teambuilding, attend to some 'lightweight' workshops/talks and meet new people from your own antenna. This event is about activating the members while having fun. Normally, it includes a team gymkhana and thematic parties.

You can contact the Tripulacion by writing to tripulacionnetcom@gmail.com , or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Activity Report


Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Spring Agora Patra – Autumn Agora Cagliari

Ljubljana, 6th of June, 2014

Activity Report - June Ana Potočnik

Banja Luka, Beograd, Bihad, Kragujevac, Ljubljana, Maribor, Niš, Nova Gorica/Gorizia, Novi Sad, Podgorica, Sarajevo, Skopje, Sofia, Tiranë, Tuzla, Zadar, Zagreb

Subcommissioners: Andrea Ugrinoska, Jovana Trajkovid, Miljana Vulevid, Silvija Perid

This month I was mainly focusing on my Vice-Speaker tasks:  Regular Skype meetings with Speaker Team;  Taking care of the budget of NetCom (travel reimbursements for NCM);  Coordinate writing of NetCom-ACT cooperation agreement;  Organise NetCom meeting in Budapest;  Prepare the Agenda for the NCM and all the materials for the meetings;  With help Beata Matuszka, Balázs Kovács and AEGEE-Budapest arranged the lodging and session rooms for the meeting;  Meeting with Academy to plan trainings and teambuilding during NCM;  Meeting with Academy to coordinate writing of NetCom-Academy cooperation agreement;  Facilitate the discussions during NCM;

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Work with SubCommies and locals:  Work on developing the idea about Štafeta (Renove like event for Balkan locals)  Launched an open call for hosting local for NWM and Štefeta  Finishing the Work Plan for Patra-Cagliari term

You can contact me individually at netcom-ana@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari Thessaloniki, 1th of July

Monthly Report - June Arsenios Tselengidis

Athina, Hereklio, Ioannina, Kastoria, Patra, Peiraias, Thessaloniki

Subcommissioners: Danae Matakou, Aggeliki Achtipi, Fotis Pastrakis, Svenja van der Tol a) Monthly activities as Network Commissioner 

 

  

A new board in Kastoria was elected. I contacted their secretary and I gave her KT about their monthly tasks regarding their relation with NetCom (Activity Reports, annual AR and annual AP) I was contacted by A-Rostov and helped them to find a SU-participant from AEGEE-Peiraias. After an OC I chose Fotis Pastrakis, Aggeliki Achtipi and Danae Matakou as my subcommies. We had a skype meeting about locals’ distribution and later I created a file as a KT for their monthly tasks as subcommies. I contacted my former subcommies regarding their tasks with their new NetCom (Bali) I was contacted by Svenja who announced me that she will be my next ACT subcommie from 1st of August. I resent an OC for a NWM-hosting local.

b) Monthly activities as Speaker of NetCom 

This month I was responsible for the OCs for the NetCom Assistants. After the applications, I promote them to the NetCommies who voted on them. After I announced the results to the network.  I read the ARs and the APs of each of the NetCommies. I contacted some of them for feedback regarding their AP for the upcoming semester.  I subscribed the new Network Commission Assistants to our mailing list and also on our Podio, Google Drive and Intranet Platforms. Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari 

 

  

 

I gave KT to the new NetCommies regarding the changes on Podio & Intranet. I also prepared toolkit on Podio for NetCommies, which will be shared to them soon. I uploaded the pictures of the new boards on our FB group and I informed my teammates to contact them for dealing with the boards’ AR and APs. With the rest of the ST had several skype meetings during the month, in order to organize NetCom’s tasks and to give priorities. Also some of those meetings were related to the content of the NetCom meeting in Budapest and our relations with Academy and the AEGEE bodies. I helped NetCommie Natalia by replying some questions of her regarding the intranet and the Podio. After the task of Mattia to organize our NetCom Database, I gave my input. Two members of the NetCom started a new project in AEGEE. I contacted them to express my concern regarding their NetCom availability at the same time. They certified to me that the project will not affect their NetCom tasks. We faced some problems with intranet and the new NetCommies. I contacted Manos Valasis and Fotis Pastrakis who helped and fixed the problem for us. The previous period the Spring NWMs took place. I sent to the NetCommies and I received their booklets. At the upcoming period I will creat the General Booklet and share it to the Network. After the Agora Patra we had to deal with the local criterion about “Agora attendance”. This topic was put on ice due to the locals’ distribution, so I contacted again Manos Valasis and the Chair team in order to discuss on it the upcoming days.

You can contact me individually at netcom-arsenis@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra-Agora Cagliari Istanbul, 5th of July

Monthly Report - June Burak Topaloğlu

Adana, Ankara, Baki, Çanakkale, Erzincan, Eskişehir, Hatay, Istanbul, Izmir, Kayseri, Mağusa, Nicosia, Tekirdağ, Tbilisi, Sumqayit, Gəncə, Naxçivan Subcommissioners: Ozan İşgör, Hulusi Kilim , Cerem Çavdar, Vasif Huseynzade

Monthly activities    

Contacted people from Karabük to establish a contact of AEGEE-Europe Created a facebook group to contact with my subcommies. Had skype meeting with Meltem Darakcı for Knowledge Transfer period. Participated in Network Commission Meeting of AEGEE-Europe between 25th-30th of June in Budapest.

You can contact me individually at netcom-burak@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Spring Agora Patra – Autumn Agora Cagliari

Murcia, 3th of July, 2014

Activity Report - June Carmen María

A Coruña, Alicante, Barcelona, Bilbao, Brussel/Bruxelles, Burgos, Castelló, Las Palmas, Lille, León, Lyon, Madeira, Madrid, Nantes, Oviedo, Paris, Porto Invicta, Tarragona, Tenerife, Toulouse, Santander, Sevilla, Valencia, Valladolid, Zaragoza.

Sub-commissioners: Iker Piraizoz, Marta Martínez, Pablo Ruiz and Olga Rivero.

Monthly activities

Renove IV Launched open call to select the hosting local and received 3 candidatures. AEGEE-Madrid was selected as host due to their nice project and location. Started the communication with the antenna and brainstorming on the content. Autumn NWM 2014 Launched open call to select the hosting local and received 1 candidatures. AEGEE-Zaragoza was selected as host. Started the communication with the antenna and brainstorming on the content.

Work with La Tripulación (Sub-Commissioners Team) Had a Skype Meeting with the team to select host and discuss Renove and NWM. Divided first tasks regarding these two events, set deadlines and defined aims. Worked on our data base of useful docs. and asking antennae for help regarding board tasks. Communicated AA activities and created docs. to work on this topic.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

General Activities •

Skype Meeting with Speaker from NetCom and former NetCom for KT.

Skype Meeting with AA responsible of our area to start working on the topic.

Communicated with antennae and members to solve doubts and advise them regarding events, tasks, deadlines and procedures.

Started reading documents and communicating with NetCom team when needed.

Mediated in antennae communication problems. Follow up and proposals to change.

Updated the information in Podio and Intranet regarding my antennae.


My work just started but somehow I never stopped since I was already a Subcommisioner of Pauline Létard. She has helped me a lot as well as the NetCom team. I'm just getting used to all issues we deal with but I have loads of motivation and I hope I can do my work properly.

You can contact me individually at netcom-carmen@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des États Généraux des Étudiants de l‘Europe Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari

Tychy, 4th of July

Monthly Report - June Mateusz Dokurno

AEGEE-Białystok, AEGEE-Gdańsk, AEGEE-Gliwice, AEGEE-Katowice, AEGEE-Kraków, AEGEE-Lublin, AEGEE-Łódź, AEGEE-Poznań, AEGEE-Toruń, AEGEE-Warszawa, AEGEE-Wrocław, AEGEE-Zielona Góra

Subcommissioners:      

Dorota Jaskólska (AEGEE-Toruń) – Human Resources Responsible, Ewelina Rutkowska (AEGEE-Warszawa) – Projects Responsible, Bartosz Sudorowski (AEGEE-Zielona Góra) – Editor-in-Chief of AEGEE.pl, Paulina Wenta (AEGEE-Toruń) – Public Relations Responsible, Marta Wnuk (AEGEE-Warszawa) – European Level Responsible, Katarzyna Wrześniak (AEGEE-Warszawa) – Fundraising Responsible.

Monthly activities:  Network Meetings:  work on agenda, concept and content of NWM Zielona Góra;  Skype Meeting with my Subcommies and CD elect Aleksandra Kluczka about NWM Zielona Góra;  locals asked about improvements in concept of NWM;  I asked my locals and CD about exception for NWM Zielona Góra – date 13th-16th of November is recommended from my side (and organization team);  AEGEE Warszawa has been chosen as host local of Spring NWM 2015.

 Daily work:

Network Commission - to serve and protect! e-mail: netcom@aegee.org website: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des États Généraux des Étudiants de l‘Europe Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari

 Skype meetings didn’t take place because of exam session – reports collected by e-mail anyway;  contact with Monika Duda, ACT responsible for my locals.  Other:  participation in local Agora in Gliwice.

You can contact me individually at netcom-mateusz@aegee.org or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect! e-mail: netcom@aegee.org website: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Zaragoza – Agora Patra Mannheim, July 2, 2014

Monthly Report – Julia Fuß Aachen, Berlin, Bamberg, Darmstadt, Dresden, Dusseldorf, Erfurt, Frankfurt, Fribourg, Heidelberg, Kaiserslautern, Karlsruhe, Köln, Konstanz, Leipzig, Mainz-Wiesbaden, Mannheim, München, Osnabrück, Passau und Stuttgart

Subcommissioners: Andrea Schmelz (AEGEE Passau), Marco Muser (AEGEE Köln), Kristina Baitalow (AEGEE Aachen), Benjamin Feyen (AEGEE Düsseldorf), Patrick Scholz (AEGEE Aachen), Martin Kociemba (AEGEE Karlsruhe), Marius Beckermann (AEGEE Mannheim)

Monthly activities •

Received knowledge transfer from my predecessor, Holger Schmitt

Had Skype meetings with PR responsible subcommissioners to discuss strategies how to best assist locals in implementing the visual identity on their websites.

Discussed how to best create a common Google calendar for German-speaking antennae to inform better about upcoming events

Posted and updated on the Facebook page AEGEE:Kraut´s Crowd https://www.facebook.com/krautscrowd?ref=hl

Visited the meeting of all Rhein-Neckar antennae in Stuttgart

Attended the NetCom Meeting in Budapest

Visited AEGEE Munich to discuss the current situation

Had a skype meeting with ACT contact (Katharina Krüll) to discuss our cooperation for the future

In contact with interested members who would like to contribute to a common board manual Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Zaragoza – Agora Patra •

Assisted AEGEE Erfurt in the application to become a hosting local for the Democracy in Practice project

In contact with AEGEE Aachen to find a solution to the accommodation problem for possibly hosting the Fall NWM in October or November

You can contact me individually at netcom-julia@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari Serres, 3rd of July

Monthly Report – June Lia Tuska Amsterdam, Delft, Den Haag, Eindhoven, Enschede, Groningen, Leiden, Leuven, Maastricht, Nijmegen, Rotterdam, Tilburg, Utrecht Subcommissioners: Boudewijn Steenhof (AEGEE-Leiden), Svenja van der Tol (AEGEENijmegen) Monthly activities  Got Knowledge Transfer from former Network Commissioner, Dominique Lenssen.  Launched Open Call for organizing local of Fall Network Meeting (NWM).  Had Skype meeting with my Subcommissioners to decide which local will organize the Fall NWM.  Announced to my locals that the Fall NWM will be organized by AEGEENijmegen.  Attended the NetCom Meeting in Budapest.  My Subcommissioner, Svenja van der Tol, attended the Nedertop in Groningen, where the current and future boards were present. They shared practices about how to deal with board issues and discussed about the idea of having a fun event.

You can contact me individually at netcom-lia@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari Groningen, 6th of July

Monthly Report – June 2014 Maria Arends

Durham, Hamburg, Helsinki, Kaunas, Kiel, København, London, Ogre, Riga, SanktPeterburg, Sheffield, Tallinn, Tartu

Subcommissioners: Almudena García Gómez, Dina Sharanova, Hanna Alajõe, Karolina Mazetyte, Patricia Anthony, Sergej Halter, Sergio Gómez Oliveros Monthly activities Skype meetings   

Had a Skype meeting with the Nordic Stars Had KT sessions with my subcommies through Skype Contact with Monika Duda, the ACT responsible for my antennae

Administrative matters  

Reminding antennae about the need of submitting the monthly Activity Report Added my locals to Podio and on the Intranet

General communication with antennae  

Contact with a former member of AEGEE-Sheffield about reviving the antenna Informal chats on Facebook with members of various antennae

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom-patricia@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari

Events    

Selected AEGEE-Sankt-Peterburg as hosting local for the next Network Meeting Talked about organising an RTC with some locals (and will follow up on this in the next month) Talked to antennae close to Stockholm about helping there with the foundation of that antenna Talked to antennae close to Sheffield about helping there with reviving the antenna

Potential antennae 

Skype meeting with a member who is interested in founding AEGEE-Stockholm

General activities 

Participated in the NetCom Meeting in Budapest

You can contact me individually at netcom-maria@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom-patricia@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Spring Agora Patra – Autumn Agora Cagliari

Cagliari, 6th of June, 2014

Activity Report - June Mattia Abis Agrigento, Bari, Bergamo, Bologna, Brescia, Cagliari, Catania, Cosenza, Ferrara, Firenze, Foggia, Genova, Lugano, Messina, Milano, Napoli, Padova, Palermo, Pisa, Reggio Calabria, Roma, Salerno, Siena, Torino, Treviso, Udine, Valletta, Venezia, Verona.

Sub-commissioners: Elisa Bracali, Antonio Carassiti, Antonio Della Ventura, Alberto De Nardi, Nico Donno, Mario Galea, Lisa Gregis, Nicola Guida, Alessandro Mannocci, Michele Minuti. Monthly activities:

NWM Salerno 

Created the booklet results for NetCom and preparing an Italian version of it to send to my local with related material;

Autumn NWM 2014  

Starting the draft of the sessions of it now that NetCom decided mandatory sessions during NetCom Meeting in Budapest; Planned an organization timing with AEGEE-Brescia organizers: we will try to have everything online on 27th of September;

Work with Sub-Commissioners Team  

Had individual communication with them through calls, skype meetings or social networks; Mario Galea from AEGEE-Valletta communicated me his own will of candidate at Agora Cagliari so I decided: a) To entrust the locals left by Alessandro Nostro to him, this way he can start working on big numbers of locals; b) To give him the responsibility on the creation of the new Database of our locals: the locals are uploading materials;

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

c) Start some knowledge transfer about NetCom related issues to prepared him before elections and make him realizing our work, our role and problems we can face every day;

General Activities 

 

Had many Skype Meetings and calls with my locals solving different problems about every kind of issue: from problems with their Statute till EQAC ones, passing through organization of their pre-events; Worked with A-Cagliari for Autumn Agora 2014; Kept regular communication with NetCom team and CD when needed;

Speaker Team Activities     

Took part in the Skype Meeting of Speaker Team and participated in discussions; Created an Index of the NetCom Database, discussed about the index and the database with NetCommies and planned to end all the modifications requested before 7th of July; Had a Skype Meeting with our new NetCom Assistant Carmen Maria to check her knowledge transfer and give some if needed; Organized next Skype Meeting for NetCommies on Wednesday 9th of July; Other unforeseen tasks to manage;

You can contact me individually at netcom-mattia@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra– Agora Cagliari Voronezh, 6th July

Monthly Report – June Natalia Ivleva Dnipropetrovsk, Grodno, Ivano-Frankivs'k, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Lviv, Minsk, Moskva, Odessa, Rostov-na-Donu, Ryazan, Samara, Sevastopol, Voronezh&Yerevan. Subcommissioners: Olya Marrero (AEGEE-Kyiv), Viktoria Leonenko (AEGEE-Kyiv) ACT-member: Maxim Kovalenko (AEGEE-Kyiv) Monthly activities

        

Got Knowledge Transfer from Vira about situations in locals and general information from Mattia; Contacted with all local boards via FB; Had a Skype-meetings with AEGEE-Minsk, AEGEE-Odessa, AEGEE-Ryazan, AEGEE-Samara, AEGEE-Sevastopol to know the situations in this locals better; Keep our FB-group updated; Made necessaries changes on Podio and Intranet; Contacted with Max Kovalenko (ACT-member) to discuss our plans; Attended NetCom Meeting in Budapest; With my SubCommissioners choose AEGEE-Kharkiv as a host local for Autumn NWM; Had a Skype-meeting with Tetiana Shcherbyna (main coordinator of NWMKharkiv) and start to work about NWM-concept.

You can contact me individually at netcom-natalia@aegee.org , or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOML@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Activity Report


Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra– Agora Cagliari Ljubljana, 7th of August

Monthly Report - July Ana Potočnik Banja Luka, Beograd, Bihać, Kragujevac, Ljubljana, Maribor, Niš, Nova Gorica/Gorizia, Novi Sad, Podgorica, Sarajevo, Skopje, Sofia, Tiranë, Tuzla, Zadar, Zagreb Subcommissioners: Andrea Ugrinoska, Jovana Trajković, Miljana Vulević, Silvija Perić

Work inside the NetCom team: 

Worked on following topics of our WP: o

Common topics for NWM


Establish cooperation with ACT and plan how to implement the Strategic Plan


Translating AEGEE pitch

Sent final proposal about cooperation with Academy to board of Academy

Work with locals: 

Skype meeting with Subcommies

Choosing host locals for NWM (AEGEE-Skopje) and Štafeta (AEGEE-Beograd)

Drafting the program for Štafeta and arranging logistics with AEGEE-Bograd

Visited 2 SUs of my locals - AEGEE-Ljubljana and Su of AEGEE- Zadra, A- Zagreb and A- Beograd

Helped with KT for new board of AEGEE Zadar

Helped AEGEE - Tuzla finding money for registration of the local in their country

You can contact me individually at netcom-ana@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari Thessaloniki, 1th of August

Monthly Report - July Arsenios Tselengidis

Athina, Hereklio, Ioannina, Kastoria, Patra, Peiraias, Thessaloniki

Subcommissioners: Danae Matakou, Aggeliki Achtipi, Fotis Pastrakis, Svenja van der Tol The month of July was a very difficult month for me, because beyond the AEGEE tasks, I had to handle the change of my master studies from Finland to Sweden. This change made me to stay out of my AEGEE related tasks, almost for half of the month. a) Monthly activities as Network Commissioner  

     

A-Zaragoza was looking for another AEGEE local for exchange program. I shared this information to my locals. I discussed with my subcommies the hosting-candidacy of AEGEE Ioannina for the Autumn NWM. We decided to accept their application and started working on it. We announced it to the locals, we sent a form to QAC, created the intranet & Facebook event. With the subcommies and the organizers of the NWM-Ioannina, had a skype meeting where we discussed all of the procedures and shared the tasks. I reminded the locals of A-Kastoria and A-Heraklio to send their ARs and APs of the old and new board. Informed my locals that the “Key to Europe” is looking to share their events at the annual magazine. I had a skype meeting with my CD-mate, Holger, to discuss the general situation in my locals. I had a skype meeting with my subcommie Fotis in order to update me about the locals he supervises. I promoted the FRES of Academy to my locals

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari

b) Monthly activities as Speaker of NetCom  

 

 

  

I helped netcom-Maria to find how the new & old boards fill in the forms from Members Portal I helped at the WP conversations we had at the NetCom team and at the skype meeting I contributed at the selection of the topics which should be included on the WP. I was responsible for the Working Format. I sent all the open topics to the rest of the netcom for feedback and after I sent it to JC to update it at the CiA. I helped netcom assistant Julia, to understand a bit better how the Podio works and specify some rules (of NetCom), regarding how we give some criteria to the locals. With the rest of the Speaker Team had a skype meeting, but also several facebook chat conversations related to our work as a team, but also for updating each other of our progress. I wrote and sent a mail with all the procedures related to the NWMs, that each of the NetCommies must follow the upcoming months (like a general NWMs-KT) I had a skype meeting with netcom assistant Julia. There she updated me about her work with her locals, her CD couple and her work as a NetCom team member. Also, we structured together a WP-task that we working on together. Due to the absence of Lia at several events, I coordinate the rest of the team, in order to share Lia’s tasks among us. Some netcom members haven’t signed the non-disclosure agreement, thus I contacted the responsible netcom member to take care of it. I created the final form of the working plan of the netcom, shared to the netcommies to vote on it and then shared it to the network.

You can contact me individually at netcom-arsenis@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra-Agora Cagliari Istanbul, 7th of August

Monthly Report - July Burak Topaloğlu

Adana, Ankara, Baki, Çanakkale, Erzincan, Eskişehir, Hatay, Istanbul, Izmir, Kayseri, Mağusa, Nicosia, Tekirdağ, Tbilisi, Sumqayit, Gəncə, Naxçivan Subcommissioners: Ozan İşgör, Hulusi Kilim , Cerem Çavdar, Vasif Huseynzade

Monthly activities    

Helped the Organization Team of AEGEE-Eskişehir TSU'14 between 2nd-16th of July 2014 Finished the KT with Meltem Darakcı. Contacted with most of my locals and introduced myself to presidents. Prepared the Open-Call for Autumn NWM

You can contact me individually at netcom-burak@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Spring Agora Patra – Autumn Agora Cagliari

Murcia, 6th of August, 2014

Activity Report - July Carmen María

A Coruña, Alicante, Barcelona, Bilbao, Brussel/Bruxelles, Burgos, Castelló, Las Palmas, Lille, León, Lyon, Madeira, Madrid, Nantes, Oviedo, Paris, Porto Invicta, Tarragona, Tenerife, Toulouse, Santander, Sevilla, Valencia, Valladolid, Zaragoza.

Sub-commissioners: Iker Piraizoz, Marta Martínez, Pablo Ruiz and Olga Rivero.

Monthly activities

Renove IV Communication with the antenna preparing the official open call for participants and application form. Brainstorming on the content with the team. Autumn NWM 2014 Communication with the antenna regarding the creation of the event on the intranet and QAC procedures. Brainstorming on the content with the team.

Work with La Tripulación (Sub-Commissioners Team) Accomplishing tasks regarding these two events, communicating with the organisers, fulfilling deadlines and monitoring the process. Worked on our data base of useful docs. Communicated formative activities/events and other news to the network.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

General Activities •

Skype Meeting with NetCom members regarding the topic of cooperation with ACT.

Skype Meeting with CD members regarding the status of our area.

Communicated with antennae and members to solve doubts and advise them regarding events, tasks, deadlines and procedures.

Revision of documents and communication with NetCom team when needed.

Mediated in antennae communication problems. Follow up.

Visited some antennae in Spain and Portugal speaking about current problems and future solutions.


July has not been a very active month as I was on vacation and most of the antennae were organising their Summer Universities but I was still reachable, available, in regular contact with my team and taking care of deadlines and basic tasks.

You can contact me individually at netcom-carmen@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Zaragoza – Agora Patra Mannheim, June 31, 2014

Monthly Report – Julia Fuß Aachen, Berlin, Bamberg, Darmstadt, Dresden, Dusseldorf, Erfurt, Frankfurt, Fribourg, Heidelberg, Kaiserslautern, Karlsruhe, Köln, Konstanz, Leipzig, Mainz-Wiesbaden, Mannheim, München, Osnabrück, Passau und Stuttgart

Subcommissioners: Andrea Schmelz (AEGEE Passau), Marco Muser (AEGEE Köln), Kristina Baitalow (AEGEE Aachen), Benjamin Feyen (AEGEE Düsseldorf), Patrick Scholz (AEGEE Aachen), Martin Kociemba (AEGEE Karlsruhe), Marius Beckermann (AEGEE Mannheim)

Monthly activities •

Had Skype meetings with all subcommissioners together

Telephone conference with subcommissioners to discuss the situation of AEGEE-Darmstadt, AEGEE-Mainz-Wiesbaden, AEGEE-Frankfurt and AEGEE-Kaiserslautern

Helped press responsible find contact persons in all antennae to establish a Presse-L mailing list and get in touch with them

Updated contact information of all antennae

PR responsibles started their work on updating aegee.de website with the new visual identity

Piloted concept of having a common Google calendar for German-speaking antennae to inform better about upcoming events

Posted and updated on the Facebook page AEGEE:Kraut´s Crowd https://www.facebook.com/krautscrowd?ref=hl

Attended NetCom Skype Meeting

Helped create guidelines for classification of Local Status Overviews Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Zaragoza – Agora Patra •

Started collecting information about knowledge transfers from some antennae for creating a common board manual

Started working on finalizing obligatory sessions for NWMs

Contacted Academy about possible board training workshop

Working in close cooperation with AEGEE-Aachen members to start planning and promoting NWM Aachen

You can contact me individually at netcom-julia@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org. Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari

Sofia, 1st of August Monthly Report - July Lia Tuska Amsterdam, Delft, Den Haag, Eindhoven, Enschede, Groningen, Leiden, Leuven, Maastricht, Nijmegen, Rotterdam, Tilburg, Utrecht Subcommissioners: Boudewijn Steenhof (AEGEE-Leiden), Svenja van der Tol (AEGEE-Nijmegen) Monthly Activities  Started working on manual for the Mentorship System between locals.  Wrote and coordinated NetCom Telegram of July 2014.  Contacted my Subcommissioner, Svenja, for the preparations of NWM Nijmegen. o The accommodation place is arranged.

You can contact me individually at netcom-lia@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOML@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari Groningen, 7th of August

Monthly Report – July 2014 Maria Arends

Durham, Hamburg, Helsinki, Kaunas, Kiel, København, London, Ogre, Riga, SanktPeterburg, Sheffield, Tallinn, Tartu

Subcommissioners: Almudena García Gómez, Dina Sharanova, Hanna Alajõe, Karolina Mazetyte, Patricia Anthony, Sergej Halter, Sergio Gómez Oliveros ACT responsible: Monika Duda Monthly activities Skype meetings      

Skype meeting with AEGEE-London Skype meeting with AEGEE-Durham Skype meeting with Monika Duda, ACT responsible Skype meeting with Patricia Anthony, advisor Skype meeting with Holger Schmitt, Network Director Skype meeting with Sergej Halter, subcommissioner for AEGEE-Hamburg, AEGEEKiel, and AEGEE-København

Administrative matters   

Reminding antennae about the need of submitting the monthly Activity Report Worked on the creation of guidelines for the Local Status Overview criteria Worked on a toolkit for contacts

General communication with antennae Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom-patricia@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari

 

Contact with some people living in the UK about reviving AEGEE-Sheffield Informal chats on Facebook with members of various antennae

Events  

Contact with AEGEE-Sankt-Peterburg about the NWM Created a draft agenda for NWM Sankt-Peterburg

You can contact me individually at netcom-maria@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom-patricia@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Autumn Agora Zaragoza – Spring Agora Patra

Cabras, 8th of August, 2014

Activity Report - July Mattia Abis Agrigento, Bari, Bergamo, Bologna, Brescia, Cagliari, Catania, Cosenza, Ferrara, Firenze, Foggia, Genova, Lugano, Messina, Milano, Napoli, Padova, Palermo, Pisa, Reggio Calabria, Roma, Salerno, Siena, Torino, Treviso, Udine, Valletta, Venezia,Verona.

Sub-commissioners: Elisa Bracali, Antonio Carassiti, Antonio Della Ventura, Alberto De Nardi, Nico Donno, Mario Galea, Lisa Gregis, Nicola Guida, Alessandro Mannocci, Michele Minuti.

Monthly activities

Skype Meeting with subcommissioners team;

Creation of the program of NWM Brescia;

Contacted trainers to hold those sessions;

Discussion about it with my new CD resp. Ivan Bielik;

Creation of the event through EQAC form and Intranet;

Opened application period and started first promotion;

Skype Meeting with NetCom and creation of minutes for not present members;

Rediscussed with NetCom team the Working Plan till Agora Cagliari;

Joined the working groups about “define NWM Concept”, “Relaunch NetCom projects”;

Put in order NetCom Database and finalized the creation of an index;

Took the responsibility of being Agora Coordinator for NetCom;

Had individual calls, skype meetings and chats with 20 of mine locals;

Took part in the discussion of Speaker Team and relative Skype Meetings;

Went to visit AEGEE-Udine during their Summer University with AEGEE-Ljubljana and met board members also from AEGEE-Venezia and AEGEE-Treviso;

Took part as food responsible during TSU of AEGEE-Cagliari and AEGEE-Napoli;

Continued the activities for Autumn Agora Cagliari organization; Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

You can contact me individually at netcom-mattia@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra– Agora Cagliari Voronezh, 3rd August

Monthly Report – July Natalia Ivleva Dnipropetrovsk, Grodno, Ivano-Frankivs'k, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Lviv, Minsk, Moskva, Odessa, Rostov-na-Donu, Ryazan, Samara, Sevastopol, Voronezh&Yerevan. Subcommissioners: Olya Marrero (AEGEE-Kyiv), Viktoria Leonenko (AEGEE-Kyiv) ACT-member: Max Kovalenko (AEGEE-Kyiv) Monthly activities

         

Had a Skype-meeting with new elected President of AEGEE-Samara for some Knowledge Transfer; Contacted with new elected boards of AEGEE-Grodno & AEGEE-Samara to remind them about AR & AP of the old and new board; Contacted with people from Donetsk and Vinnitsa who is interested to open a new Contacts of AEGEE-Europe; Keep our FB-group updated; Started active work on upcoming NWM-Kharkiv in cooperation with local organizers; In cooperation with the main coordinator of NWM-Kharkiv Tetiana we filled EQAC-Form for upcoming event, create events at Intranet and Facebook; Contacted with Max Kovalenko to discuss concept of ACT-Workshop at NWM-Kharkiv; Contacted with my SubCommissioners to start promoting NWM0Kharkiv; Contacted with members of NetCom team with whom I will work on WPtasks to discuss our plans for achievement the best results; Contacted with my CD-mate Mayri to discuss our future plans.

You can contact me individually at netcom-natalia@aegee.org , or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOML@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Activity Report


Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Spring Agora Patra – Autumn Agora Cagliari

Budapest, 6 of September 2014

Activity Report - August Brigitta Puskás Network Commission Assistant Bratislava, Brno, Bucureşti, Budapest, Chişinău, Cluj-Napoca, Debrecen, Iaşi, Pécs, Piliscsaba, Ploieşti, Plzen, Praha, Sibiu, Timişoara, Wien Sub-commissioners: Dimitra Amorgianou, Eva Miriam Bujanovsch

Monthly activities

I was elected Network Commission Assistant on the 20th of August. In the last 2-3 weeks I was trying to catch up quickly and start working as soon as possible. I received KT from Mattia who showed me the different tools NetCom is using and we discussed the most important things to be done by Cagliari. Most of the things are perfectly new to me (for example, Podio) but I was trying to do my best to learn fast. The main problem of my antennae is that we do not know basically anything about what’s happening in them at the moment. Most important things I have done so far: 

I collected information and documents from Kristóf (questionnaire and SWOT analysis from Czech, Slovakian and Hungarian antennae).

I introduced myself to my locals – general welcome was good, more than one antenna expressed that they are glad that someone is finally communicating with them. (Many of them haven’t actually written back to any of my emails – I put 0.5 to their communication status because, in my opinion, not so much time has passed since I have been NCA that they could already be called 0 – but “getting in touch” is still in progress.)

I got in touch with my two SubCommies, Eva and Dimitra – we are planning to have Skype meeting but it unfortunately have not happened yet.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, Website: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Created a Facebook group for the board members (and other relevant leaders and people) of my locals – it currently has 55 members and still growing. It also received great welcome from the local’s side. I am keeping it updated and I find it useful reaching the board members more quickly.

I reminded my locals about coming deadlines regarding AC and the Agora.

I created a “Locals Questionnaire” form asking them about their general situation, AR from the summer and plans for September as well as about Agora preparations, Action Agenda and general plans for the semester. The form can be found here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1CemtnF9_MEnEQs5uMet6WPNPtA84rqnxo JZ7tjxJV80/viewform I am still waiting for responses since only 6 of my antenna filled it in so far (it’s a long form though which was sent to them a week ago, so I think that it is understandable).

I started discussions with AEGEE-Budapest about the NWM to be held in the beginning of September.

I updated LSO of my locals in Podio.

You can contact me individually at Brigitta.Puskas@aegee-budapest.hu individually or write to netcom@aegee.org and our open mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, Website: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari

Istanbul, 04th of September

Monthly Report - August Burak Topaloğlu Adana, Ankara, Baki, Çanakkale, Erzincan, Eskişehir, Hatay, Istanbul, Izmir, Kayseri, Mağusa, Nicosia, Tekirdağ, Tbilisi, Sumqayit, Gəncə, Naxçivan Subcommissioners: Ozan İşgör, Hulusi Kilim , Cerem Çavdar, Vasif Huseynzade

Monthly Activities;

o NWM preparations -Open Call -Hosted local is elected “AEGEE-Mağusa” (Dates are on the process)

o Started to work on LSO(Local Status Overview)

o Informed students in Karabük about how to be a contact of AEGEE and

the whole process.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari

o Informed the locals about how to upload Members Lists before AGORA


o Assisting locals for the applications of AGORA Cagliari.

o Sent a representation report about everything happened in Netcom

Meeting Budapest to my antenna.

o Collected ARs reports of locals for June and July. o Picked the topics I want to work on the mutual Working Plan of Network Commission.

You can contact me individually at netcom-burak@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe Spring Agora Patra – Autumn Agora Cagliari

Murcia, 6th of September, 2014

Activity Report ­ August Carmen María

A Coruña, Alicante, Barcelona, Bilbao, Brussel/Bruxelles, Burgos, Castelló, Las Palmas, Lille, León, Lyon, Madeira, Madrid, Nantes, Oviedo, Paris, Porto Invicta, Tarragona, Tenerife, Toulouse, Santander, Sevilla, Valencia, Valladolid, Zaragoza.


Iker Piraizoz, Marta Martínez, Pablo Ruiz and Olga Rivero.

Monthly activities

Renove IV ● ● ●

Selection participants together with A­Madrid. Communication with the antenna regarding applications, deadlines, groups, programme. Preparing the content with the team and other collaborators.

Autumn NWM 2014 ● ● ● ●

Creation of the event on the intranet, FB page and application form. Launch of the official Open Call for participants. Communication with the antenna regarding the Open Call and spaces for workshops. Brainstorming on the content with the team.

Network Commission ­ to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Work with La Tripulación (Sub­Commissioners Team) ● ● ●

Accomplishing tasks regarding these two events, communicating with the organisers, fulfilling deadlines and monitoring the process. Worked on our data base of useful docs. Communicated formative activities/events, Agora and criteria stuff and other news to the network.

General Activities ●

Skype Meeting with the team regarding RENOVE and zNWM.

Communicated with antennae and members to solve doubts and advise them

regarding tasks, deadlines and procedures. ●

Revision of documents and communication with NetCom team.

Mediated in antennae communication problems. Follow up.


August has been quite an active month as we where dealing with these two events for our network area. Some antennae were still organising their Summer Universities but we manage to be in contact with them and my team . You can contact me individually at netcom­carmen@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM­L@lists.aegee.org. Network Commission ­ to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari Mannheim, September 5, 2014

Monthly Report – Julia Fuß Aachen, Berlin, Bamberg, Darmstadt, Dresden, Dusseldorf, Erfurt, Frankfurt, Fribourg, Heidelberg, Kaiserslautern, Karlsruhe, Köln, Konstanz, Leipzig, Mainz-Wiesbaden, Mannheim, München, Osnabrück, Passau und Stuttgart

Subcommissioners: Andrea Schmelz (AEGEE-Passau), Marco Muser (AEGEE-Köln), Kristina Baitalow (AEGEE-Aachen), Benjamin Feyen (AEGEE-Düsseldorf), Dominik Goldschmidt (AEGEE-Darmstadt), Patrick Scholz (AEGEE-Aachen), Martin Kociemba (AEGEE-Karlsruhe), Marius Beckermann (AEGEE-Mannheim)

Monthly activities •

Had Skype meetings with all subcommissioners together

Working closely with interested students to establish a Contact of AEGEE-Europe in Luxembourg

Contacted former members of AEGEE-Fribourg to try and establish motivation for maintaining the antenna

Supported antennae in Agora preparation process (e.g. application process and members‘ list submission)

Assisted AEGEE-Aachen to become a twin antenna with AEGEEWarszawa

Assisted AEGEE-Europe Contact in Dresden to gather all materials necessary in order to become a Contact Antenna

Renamed Facebook page „AEGEE:Kraut´s Crowd“ into „European News by AEGEE.de“ https://www.facebook.com/AEGEE.de

Finished collecting information and started to create general knowledge transfers to be used for creating a common board manual Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari •

Helped write Agora proposal for defining Network Meetings

Working in close cooperation with AEGEE-Aachen members to plan NWM Aachen

Skype meeting with Network Director to plan the Network Meeting and discuss the situation of antennae

Visited AEGEE-Frankfurt‘s „The Frankfurt Spectacular Art and Culture Festival 2014“

You can contact me individually at netcom-julia@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari Iraklia, 5th of September

Monthly Report - August Lia Tuska

Amsterdam, Delft, Den Haag, Eindhoven, Enschede, Groningen, Leiden, Leuven, Maastricht, Nijmegen, Rotterdam, Tilburg, Utrecht Subcommissioners: Boudewijn Steenhof (AEGEE-Leiden), Svenja van der Tol (AEGEE-Nijmegen) Monthly activities 

Had meeting with Organizing Committee of NWM Nijmegen: Discover Europe the Dutch Way o Discussed about the content of the NWM o Drafted the Program of the NWM

Had meeting with Network Director, Holger Schmitt and my CD-mate Paul Smits to update them about my locals

Pushed locals about being on time with deadlines, fulfilling antenna criteria and giving explanation when necessary (members’ list and fee, delegates/Agora applications)

Coordinated NetCom Telegram of August 2014

Drafted the Mentorship System Manual

You can contact me individually at netcom-lia@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari Sellingen, 13th of September

Monthly Report – August 2014 Maria Arends

Durham, Hamburg, Helsinki, Kaunas, Kiel, København, London, Ogre, Riga, SanktPeterburg, Sheffield, Tallinn, Tartu

Subcommissioners: Almudena García Gómez, Dina Sharanova, Hanna Alajõe, Karolina Mazetyte, Patricia Anthony, Sergej Halter, Sergio Gómez Oliveros ACT responsible: Monika Duda Monthly activities Skype meetings 

Skype meeting with Mayri Tiido about the NWM

Administrative matters  

Reminding antennae about the need of submitting the monthly Activity Report Worked on the ACT session for NWMs

General communication with antennae    

Contact with some people living in the UK about reviving AEGEE-Sheffield Contact with people interested in founding a Contact in Stockholm Contact with people interested in founding a Contact in Newcastle Informal chats on Facebook with members of various antennae

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom-patricia@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari

Events    

Worked on the agenda for NWM Sankt Peterburg Contacted the VFWG for NWM Sankt Peterburg Uploaded the NWM on the intranet Promoted the NWM

You can contact me individually at netcom-maria@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom-patricia@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Spring Agora Patra – Autumn Agora Cagliari

Cagliari, 6th of September, 2014

Activity Report – August Mattia Abis Agrigento, Bari, Bergamo, Bologna, Brescia, Cagliari, Catania, Cosenza, Ferrara, Firenze, Foggia, Genova, Lugano, Messina, Milano, Napoli, Padova, Palermo, Pisa, Reggio Calabria, Roma, Salerno, Siena, Torino, Treviso, Udine, Valletta, Venezia, Verona.

Sub-commissioners: Elisa Bracali, Antonio Carassiti, Antonio Della Ventura, Alberto De Nardi, Nico Donno, Mario Galea, Lisa Gregis, Nicola Guida, Alessandro Mannocci, Michele Minuti.

Monthly activities NWM Brescia: let the Rainbow roar!      

Opened the call for participants; Set deadlines for organization, both for local organizers and trainers; Selected participants, almost 30 of them confirmed their attendance to the event; Selected people from the waiting list to get the last 5 pax confirmations are still in progress; Had several Skype Meetings with the trainers to arrange the sessions that must be ready for 17 th of September; Keeping communication with local organizers for coordination of the event;

Working with the locals:       

Helping local with problems; Sent dozens of reminders to respect deadlines for Agora Cagliari; Started analyzing Antenna Criteria fulfillment and sending communication to locals with problems; Helped locals with EQAC form; Trying to get discounts for transportation from Napoli and Roma pre-event to Agora Cagliari; Helped locals with problems for the members’ list submission; Had around 20 skype meetings or calls with locals to get information about their situation;

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Working with NetCom:       

Took part in the Skype Meeting of NetCom; Had a Skype Meeting with Brigitta Puskàs to introduce her to NetCom tasks; Drafted the proposal about NWM concept with Mateusz and Julia; Modified the Twin Antenna manual and kept working on relaunching NetCom projects with Lia and Natalia; Set deadline for the team waiting for the Agora and started preparing the program for the Agora; All the other mandatory things I have to do; Got sick in August 

You can contact me individually at netcom-mattia@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra– Agora Cagliari Voronezh, 5th September

Monthly Report – August Natalia Ivleva Dnipropetrovsk, Grodno, Ivano-Frankivs'k, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Lviv, Minsk, Moskva, Odessa, Rostov-na-Donu, Ryazan, Samara, Sevastopol, Voronezh&Yerevan. Subcommissioners: Olya Marrero (AEGEE-Kyiv), Victoria Leonenko (AEGEE-Kyiv) ACT-member: Max Kovalenko (AEGEE-Kyiv) Monthly activities

     

Contacted with people from Tyumen and Volgograd who is interested to open a new Contacts of AEGEE-Europe; Keeping FB-group updated; At least every day contacted to AEGEE-Kharkiv to discuss preparations to NWM “AEGEE – your drug from commonness”; Contacted to Eastern Partnership project 2 to discuss possible Workshop at NWM-Kharkiv; Keeping contact with ACTie Max Kovalenko for NWM Workshop & Locals ACTivities; Contacted with my CD-mate Mayri to discuss situation in my locals.

You can contact me individually at netcom-natalia@aegee.org , or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOML@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Activity Report


Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Spring Agora Patra – Autumn Agora Cagliari

Budapest, 9th of September, 2014

Activity Report - September Brigitta Puskás Bratislava, Brno, Bucureşti, Budapest, Chişinău, Cluj-Napoca, Debrecen, Iaşi, Pécs, Piliscsaba, Ploieşti, Plzen, Praha, Sibiu, Timişoara, Wien Monthly activities Skype meetings:  Skype meeting with Network Commission  Skype meeting with Mattia and Ana - asking for feedback on my work as well as NWM preparations  Skype meeting with my CD pair, Ioana Duca about the general situation of my locals as well as starting to discuss sessions at NWM-Budapest General activities  Collected Activity Reports from locals for September, updated the LSO  Reminded my locals of coming deadlines and important issues to be done, upload information to MP etc.  Started checking the antenna criteria fulfillment of my locals (in progress)  Filled in the questionnaire about data privacy policy  Helped locals with smaller issues to be solved  Directed some people who might be interested in refounding AEGEE-Kosice to Holger  Finally signed the Non-Disclodure Agreement  NWM Budapest:  Contacted EQAC  Regular communication with the board of AEGEE-Budapest, as well as the newly elected Core Team of local organizers of the NWM via email  Had a personal meeting with them, updating them on the current situation, dividing tasks and planning  Created a common workspace for all of us on Google Drive  Started preparations: promotion via Facebook, Intranet, invitation to locals  Got in touch with Academy  Got in touch with ACT  Got in touch with potential trainers of the NWM (Bea is planning to take an active role in it too, yay! )  Sent locals a questionnaire asking about their needs and wishes for topics of the NWM in order to involve them more in the preparations

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

You can contact me individually at Brigitta.Puskas@aegee-budapest.hu, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari

Eskişehir, 16th of October

Monthly Report - September Burak Topaloğlu Adana, Ankara, Baki, Çanakkale, Erzincan, Eskişehir, Hatay, Istanbul, Izmir, Kayseri, Mağusa, Nicosia, Tekirdağ, Tbilisi, Sumqayit, Gəncə, Naxçivan Subcommissioners: Ozan İşgör, Hulusi Kilim , Cerem Çavdar, Vasif Huseynzade

Monthly Activities;

o NWM preparations -Hosted local is elected “AEGEE-Mağusa” (Dates are between 20th-23rd of November)

o Informed locals about the AGORA preparatations.

o Assisted locals to give a proper information about AGORA sessions and

compulsory tasks(especially delegates).

o Had skype meeting with NWM Mağusa organizers.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari

o Collected ARs reports of locals for August and September. o Keeping in contact with students from Karabük to be the contact of AEGEEEurope. o Helping NWM organizers in the promotion of event.

You can contact me individually at netcom-burak@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Spring Agora Patra – Autumn Agora Cagliari

Murcia, 3rd of October, 2014

Activity Report - September Carmen María

A Coruña, Alicante, Barcelona, Bilbao, Brussel/Bruxelles, Burgos, Castelló, Las Palmas, Lille, León, Lyon, Madeira, Madrid, Nantes, Oviedo, Paris, Porto Invicta, Tarragona, Tenerife, Toulouse, Santander, Sevilla, Valencia, Valladolid, Zaragoza.

Sub-commissioners: Iker Piraizoz, Marta Martínez, Pablo Ruiz and Olga Rivero.

Monthly activities

Renove IV Communication with the organising antenna regarding logistics, materials and other needs. Preparation of the talks and WS with the team and other helpers. Attending the event and organising some talks. Autumn NWM 2014 Communication with the antenna regarding applications, promotion, logistics and programme. Starting to draft the content. Skype meetings regarding some session with European bodies.

Work with La Tripulación (Sub-Commissioners Team) Accomplishing tasks regarding these two events, communicating with the organisers, fulfilling deadlines and monitoring the process. Worked on our data base of useful docs. Communicated formative activities/events and news regarding Agora and antenna criteria to the network.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

General Activities •

Skype Meeting with CD members regarding the status of our area, antenna criteria, Agora applications and next NWM.

Skype Meeting with La Tripulación regarding Renove applications and workshops.

Skype Meeting with NetCom Team.

Communicated with the team, antennae and members to solve doubts and advise them regarding events, tasks, deadlines and other procedures.

Revision of documents, discussions and communication by email with NetCom team.

Mediated in antennae communication problems. Follow up.


September has been quite an active month as we (La Tripulación) where organising two big event on our area, the NetCom team was also dealing with many topics and Agora Cagliari applications and antenna criteria requested loads of time. As usual, I was available, in regular contact with my team and taking care of deadlines and all the requested tasks. I would like to congratulate my team as well as the whole NetCom team for their hard work.

You can contact me individually at netcom-carmen@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari Mannheim, October 5, 2014

Monthly Report – Julia Fuß Aachen, Berlin, Bamberg, Darmstadt, Dresden, Düsseldorf, Erfurt, Frankfurt, Fribourg, Heidelberg, Kaiserslautern, Karlsruhe, Köln, Konstanz, Leipzig, Mainz-Wiesbaden, Mannheim, München, Osnabrück, Passau und Stuttgart

Subcommissioners: Andrea Schmelz (AEGEE-Passau), Marco Muser (AEGEE-Köln), Kristina Baitalow (AEGEE-Aachen), Benjamin Feyen (AEGEE-Düsseldorf), Dominik Goldschmidt (AEGEE-Darmstadt), Patrick Scholz (AEGEE-Aachen), Martin Kociemba (AEGEE-Karlsruhe), Marius Beckermann (AEGEE-Mannheim)

Monthly activities •

Had Skype meetings with all subcommissioners together

Worked on creating a standardized activity report for all antennae

Established buddy pairs between EQAC members and NetCommies

Supported antennae in applying for travel reimbursements

Started to create general knowledge transfers to be used for creating a common board manual

Assisted AEGEE-Mannheim members in the creation of a ,Guideline for Exchanges‘

Encouraged antennae to participate in ,AEGEE‘s Master of Recruitment‘ competition

Helped antennae prepare for Agora Cagliari

Working in close cooperation with AEGEE-Aachen members to organize NWM Aachen Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari •

Skype meeting with Network Director to plan the Network Meeting and discuss the situation of antennae

You can contact me individually at netcom-julia@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari Nijmegen, 1st of October

Monthly Report - September Lia Tuska Amsterdam, Athina, Delft, Den Haag, Eindhoven, Enschede, Groningen, Herakleio, Ioannina, Kastoria, Leiden, Leuven, Maastricht, Nijmegen, Patra, Peiraias, Rotterdam, Thessaloniki, Tilburg, Utrecht Subcommissioners: Aggeliki Achtypi (AEGEE-Patra), Boudewijn Steenhof (AEGEE-Leiden), Danae Matakou (AEGEE-Athina), Fotis Pastrakis (AEGEE-Kastoria), Svenja van der Tol (AEGEE-Nijmegen)

Monthly activities  Had Knowledge Transfer with Arsenis Tselengidis since I am taking care of his locals after his resignation  Had two meetings with Network Director, Holger Schmitt and my SubCommissioners Fotis and Danae for finalizing the program and preparing the sessions of NWM Ioannina  Had Skype meeting with the Organizing Committee of NWM Nijmegen to discuss about the program  Had personal meeting with AEGEE-Thessaloniki, where we discussed the option of organizing an RTC  Finalized and published introduction of Network Commission Team  Finalized Mentorship System Manual  Wrote and Coordinated the NetCom Telegram of September 2014

You can contact me individually at netcom-lia@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari Brussels, 3rd of October

Monthly Report – September 2014 Maria Arends

Durham, Hamburg, Helsinki, Kaunas, Kiel, København, London, Ogre, Riga, SanktPeterburg, Sheffield, Tallinn, Tartu

Subcommissioners: Almudena García Gómez, Dina Sharanova, Hanna Alajõe, Karolina Mazetyte, Patricia Anthony, Sergej Halter, Sergio Gómez Oliveros ACT responsible: Monika Duda Monthly activities Skype meetings   

Skype meeting with the Network Commission Skype meeting with AEGEE-London Skype meeting with AEGEE-Durham

Administrative matters      

Questionnaire about data privacy Proofreading the NetCom Telegram Helped gathering the members’ lists Being introduced to my Academy buddy  Helped AEGEE-Tallinn resolving the situation with their delegates Reminded all the antennae about the importance of attending the Network Meeting through personal emails

General communication with antennae   

Contact with some people living in the UK about reviving AEGEE-Sheffield Contact with people interested in founding a Contact in Stockholm Contact with people interested in founding a Contact in Newcastle Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom-patricia@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari

   

Contact with AEGEE-London about recruitment strategies Contact AEGEE-Ogre about the situation in the antenna Conact old members of AEGEE-Riga about the situation in the antenna Informal chats on Facebook with members of various antennae

Events    

Worked on the agenda for NWM Sankt Peterburg Promoted the NWM Selected the participants for NWM SPB & gathered visa-info Talked to a girl about the idea of an event in Scotland

You can contact me individually at netcom-maria@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom-patricia@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Spring Agora Patra – Autumn Agora Cagliari

Caglairi, 8th of September, 2014

Activity Report-September Mattia Abis Agrigento, Bari, Bergamo, Bologna, Brescia, Cagliari, Catania, Cosenza, Ferrara, Firenze, Foggia, Genova, Lugano, Messina, Milano, Napoli, Padova, Palermo, Pisa, Reggio Calabria, Roma, Salerno, Siena, Torino, Treviso, Udine, Valletta, Venezia, Verona.

Sub-commissioners: Elisa Bracali, Antonio Carassiti, Antonio Della Ventura, Alberto De Nardi, Nico Donno, Mario Galea, Lisa Gregis, Nicola Guida, Alessandro Mannocci, Michele Minuti.

Monthly activities

NWM Brescia  Finished participants selection by taking some applicants from the waiting list;  Set deadline to get material needed by trainers;  Set deadline to get outline of the sessions from trainers;  Prepared 2 sessions for the NWM Brescia;  Discussed with trainers about their sessions through Skype or individual meetings;  Finalized last issues before NWM started;  Skype Meetings with Ivan Bielik, my CD appointed member; General Activities  Solved some tensions in 3 locals;  Try to avoid the rising of pre-Agora conflicts;  Talked via mails, chat, skype or telephone with about 18 locals;  Gave some knowledge transfer to new boards that didn’t get it from previous ones;  Kept communication with all the locals or bodies via Facebook channels or emails when needed;  Sent general and individual reminders for the most important issues; Speaker Team and Network Commission  Launched elections and other voting sessions;  Got the approval to reform NWMs;  Uncountable things on behalf of NetCom and general admistration of the body;

Network Commission – to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

  

Several Skype meetings with members of the NetCom that needed some help; Many Skype meetings with Ana Potocnik as Speaker Team; Some nice chatting via “What’s Up” with Carmen Marìa;

Agora Cagliari  Assisting the main coordinator in the works;  Checking deadline for NetCom;  Assisting Netcommies organizing activities in Cagliari;

You can contact me individually at netcom-mattia@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra– Agora Cagliari Voronezh, 5th October

Monthly Report – September Natalia Ivleva Dnipropetrovsk, Grodno, Ivano-Frankivs'k, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Lviv, Minsk, Moskva, Odessa, Rostov-na-Donu, Ryazan, Samara, Sevastopol, Voronezh&Yerevan. Subcommissioners: Olya Marrero (AEGEE-Kyiv), Victoria Leonenko (AEGEE-Kyiv) ACT-member: Max Kovalenko (AEGEE-Kyiv) Monthly activities

          

Stay in contact with people from Tyumen and Volgograd who is interested to open a new Contacts of AEGEE-Europe; Keeping FB-group updated; Contacted with AEGEE-Kharkiv to discuss preparations to NWM “AEGEE – your drug from commonness”; Discuss with EaP2 possibility to sent a trainer to NWM-Kharkiv or just prepare presentation; Skype meeting with ACTie Max; Contacted with my CD-mate Mayri for discussing NWM-swssions; Taking part in new board election of AEGEE-Voronezh; Had a Netcom trip and meet boardies from Kyiv, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Odessa and Minsk; Skype meeting with Netcom team; Work on my part of our Work Plan; Helped members who are accepted for Agora-Cagliari with confirmation.

You can contact me individually at netcom-natalia@aegee.org , or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOML@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Activity Report


Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Spring Agora Patra – Autumn Agora Cagliari

Budapest, 14th of October, 2014

Activity Report - October Brigitta Puskás Bratislava, Brno, Bucureşti, Budapest, Chişinău, Cluj-Napoca, Debrecen, Iaşi, Pécs, Piliscsaba, Ploieşti, Plzen, Praha, Sibiu, Timişoara, Wien Monthly activities:          

Collected Activity Reports from locals for October Reminded my locals of coming deadlines and important issues to be done, upload information to Members Portal, checked Agora preparations etc. Helped locals with smaller issues to be solved Communicated with CD about the antenna criteria fulfillment Communicated with the NetCom team regularly. Attended sessions, participated in discussions and participated all the NetCom meetings at Agora Cagliari Met with my locals at Agora Cagliari Contacted dozens of people, had Skype meetings related to the topic of my successor – whom I eventually found in Tekla Had endless meetings, emails, Skype meetings, Facebook messages and communication on all kinds of channels about NWM Budapest – everything is getting more and more clear day by day. Controlled the NetCom Facebook page.

You can contact me individually at Brigitta.Puskas@aegee-budapest.hu, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org. Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Spring Agora Patra – Autumn Agora Cagliari

Murcia, 9th of November, 2014

Activity Report - October Carmen María

A Coruña, Alicante, Barcelona, Bilbao, Brussel/Bruxelles, Burgos, Castelló, Las Palmas, Lille, León, Lyon, Madeira, Madrid, Nantes, Oviedo, Paris, Porto Invicta, Tarragona, Tenerife, Toulouse, Santander, Sevilla, Valencia, Valladolid, Zaragoza.

Sub-commissioners: Iker Piraizoz, Marta Martínez, Pablo Ruiz and Olga Rivero.

Monthly activities

Autumn NWM 2014 Communication with the antenna regarding confirmations, logistics and programme. Developing the programme. Skype meetings regarding some sessions with European bodies. Skype meeting with my team regarding the programme. Meeting in Cagliari with presenters and facilitators to develop and comment all sessions.

Work with La Tripulación (Sub-Commissioners Team) Accomplishing tasks regarding NWM, communicating with the organisers, fulfilling deadlines and monitoring the process. Worked on our data base of useful docs. and promoting its use in FB groups. Communicated formative activities/events and news regarding Agora and antenna criteria to the network.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

General Activities •

Communication with CD members regarding the status of our area, antenna criteria, Agora applications and next NWM.

Communication and help to antennae with some problems.

Skype Meeting with La Tripulación regarding NWM programme.

Communication with NetCom Team.

Communicated with the team, antennae and members to solve doubts and advise them regarding events, tasks, deadlines and other procedures.

Meeting with my antennae in Cagliari.

NetCom meetings, participation plenaries, pritania and the Agora fair in Cagliari.



October was a really active month as we are organising the NWM in our area, in the NetCom team we were dealing with many topics and Agora Cagliari was full of meetings and things to deal with. I was available and in regular contact with my team and taking care of deadlines and all the requested tasks. I would like to congratulate La Tripulación as well as the whole NetCom team for their hard work and thank them for the nice time working together.

You can contact me individually at netcom-carmen@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari Mannheim, November 9, 2014

Monthly Report – Julia Fuß Aachen, Berlin, Bamberg, Darmstadt, Dresden, Düsseldorf, Erfurt, Frankfurt, Fribourg, Heidelberg, Kaiserslautern, Karlsruhe, Köln, Konstanz, Leipzig, Mainz-Wiesbaden, Mannheim, München, Osnabrück, Passau und Stuttgart

Subcommissioners: Andrea Schmelz (AEGEE-Passau), Marco Muser (AEGEE-Köln), Kristina Baitalow (AEGEE-Aachen), Benjamin Feyen (AEGEE-Düsseldorf), Dominik Goldschmidt (AEGEE-Darmstadt), Patrick Scholz (AEGEE-Aachen), Martin Kociemba (AEGEE-Karlsruhe), Marius Beckermann (AEGEE-Mannheim)

Monthly activities •

Network Meeting Aachen „Back to the Bears“ took place from Oct. 9-12

Supported antennae and Network Commission in the final preparations for the Agora

Represented the Network Commission at Agora Cagliari

Started to create general knowledge transfers to be used for creating a common board manual

Skype meeting with president of AEGEE-Kaiserslautern to support them in recruiting new members and organizing the next meeting for Rhein-Neckar antennae

Offering board training to several antennae

You can contact me individually at netcom-julia@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOML@lists.aegee.org. Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari Iraklia, 9th of November

Monthly Report - October Lia Tuska

Amsterdam, Athina, Delft, Den Haag, Enschede, Eindhoven, Groningen, Heraklio, Ioannina, Kastoria, Leiden, Leuven, Maastricht, Nijmegen, Patra, Peiraias, Rotterdam, Tilburg, Thessaloniki, Utrecht Subcommissioners: Aggeliki Achtypi, Boudewijn Steenhof, Danae Matakou, Fotis Pastrakis, Svenja van der Tol Monthly activities  NetCom Trip o Met with all the boards of Dutch-speaking locals o Attended Nedertop in Leiden  Coordinated NetCom Telegram  Created a Facebook group with all the Greek active AEGEEans  Met with Greek participants of Agora Cagliari and discussed about possible RTC for the Greek locals

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari You can contact me individually at netcom-lia@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari Sellingen, 10th of November

Monthly Report – October 2014 Maria Arends

Durham, Hamburg, Helsinki, Kaunas, Kiel, København, London, Ogre, Riga, SanktPeterburg, Sheffield, Tallinn, Tartu

Subcommissioners: Almudena García Gómez, Dina Sharanova, Hanna Alajõe, Sergej Halter ACT responsible: Monika Duda Monthly activities Meetings    

Attended the evaluation meeting during Agora with the Network Commission Attended the network distribution meeting during Agora with the Network Commission Organised a meeting with my locals during Agora with the aim to get to know each other better Had a meeting with Subcommie Hanna Alajõe during Agora

Skype meetings 

Skype meeting with AEGEE-Hamburg

Administrative matters        

Spreading of the evaluate-your-Netcommie survey Proofreading the NetCom Telegram Proofreading other NetCom documents Presented my Activity Report during the Agora Actively searched for NetCom candidates when there were not enough Being introduced to my EQAC buddy  Worked on the planning of my NetCom Trip Spread the open call for SUPS Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom-patricia@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra – Agora Cagliari

General communication with antennae       

Contacted all the locals about the NetCom Trip Contact with some people living in the UK about reviving AEGEE-Sheffield Contact with people interested in founding a Contact in Stockholm Contact with people interested in founding a Contact in Newcastle Contact with people interested in founding a Contact in Manchester Contact with AEGEE-Tallinn about their LTC Informal chats on Facebook with members of various antennae

Events  

Worked on the agenda for NWM Sankt Peterburg Talked to a girl about the idea of an event in Scotland

You can contact me individually at netcom-maria@aegee.org, or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOM-L@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom-patricia@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

Network Commission of AEGEE-Europe Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l‘Europe

Agora Patra– Agora Cagliari Voronezh, 9th November

Monthly Report – October Natalia Ivleva Dnipropetrovsk, Grodno, Ivano-Frankivs'k, Kharkiv, Kyiv, Lviv, Minsk, Moskva, Odessa, Rostov-na-Donu, Ryazan, Samara, Sevastopol, Tyumen, Voronezh&Yerevan. Subcommissioners: Olya Marrero (AEGEE-Kyiv), Victoria Leonenko (AEGEE-Kyiv) ACT-member: Max Kovalenko (AEGEE-Kyiv) Monthly activities

         

Contacted with people from Volgograd who are interested to open a new Contacts of AEGEE-Europe; Helped people from Tyumen with last preparations for opening new contact of AEGEE-Europe; Started to work with contact of AEGEE-Europe in Tyumen on criteria fulfilling for been upgraded to the Contact-Antenna in Oviedo ;-) Keeping FB-group updated; Organized NWM-Kharkiv “AEGEE – your drug from commonness”; Some discussions with my ACTie, EQAC-member, CD-mate, Academy-mate; Skype meeting with Netcom team; Work on my part of our Work Plan; On-line preparations for delegates for Agora-Cagliari; Attended Amazing Autumn Agora-Cagliari.

You can contact me individually at netcom-natalia@aegee.org , or feel free to write to netcom@aegee.org and our open NetCom mailing list NETCOML@lists.aegee.org.

Network Commission - to serve and protect Email: netcom@aegee.org, web site: http://www.commissions.aegee.org/netcom/

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