Activity Report
Spyridon Papadatos Ankara, Athina, Bakı, Çanakkale, Gəncə, Hatay, Heraklio, Ioannina, Istanbul, Izmir, Kastoria, Lənkəran, Mağusa, Naxçıvan, Pátra, Peiraiás, Sumqayit, Thessaloniki, Tiranë Subcommissioners:
Evrim Emiroglu, Erifily Evangelou
Work with NetCom ●
All weekly meeting (attending/facilitating/preparing the agenda)
All speaker team meetings (attending/facilitating/preparing the agenda)
NetCom live meeting before Agora Enschede-Evaluation of our term
Meeting with NetCom candidates at Agora Enschede
Antenna Criteria reform proposal
NetCom Activity Report for Agora Eneschede
NetCom at Agora Fair at Agora Enschede
Preparation of the KT for the new NetCommies
Work with Locals ●
Constant communication with the locals
Continuous info flow (less mails, more personal communication and Facebook group in order to reach more people with the Open Calls etc)
LTC Ioannina 2017 (trainer)
Antenna Criteria check and contacting the locals for exceptions
Meeting with my locals in Agora Enschede
Agora Preparation Skypes with some of my locals
SubCom AR ●
Alejandra Piot A Coruña, Alicante, Barcelona, Bilbao, Burgos, Castelló, Las Palmas, León, Lisboa, Lyon, Madrid, Málaga, Oviedo, Paris, Porto - Invicta, Santander, Tarragona, Tenerife, Toulouse, Valencia, Valladolid, Vigo, Zaragoza Subcommissioners:
Adrián Guerrero, Borja Torres, Celia Riveres, Javier Ramírez, Juan García, Juragis García, Laura Pérez
Work with NetCom ●
Attended Weekly meetings and taking minutes in them
Attended all Speaker Team meetings taking minutes in them
Locals distribution project
NetCom Meeting at before Agora Enschede
Locals distribution meeting after Agora Enschede
Send open call to host Autumn Network Meetings
Work with Locals ●
Skype meeting with some locals
Chat with my locals
Agora Preparation for my locals through Skype
SubCom AR ●
Skype meetings with some locals
Chat with locals
Assist me with the Agora preparation for my locals
Me & my subcommies sent open call to host Renove 2017
Aleksandra Mojsova Banja Luka, Beograd, Kragujevac, Maribor, Niš, Novi Sad, Podgorica, Skopje, Sofia, Split, Tiranë, Tuzla, Zadar, Zagreb Subcommissioners:
Andrea Adamović, Dimitar Hristov, Jovana Trajkovic, Ksenija Baković, Marina Klanjcic, Nika Krnjak
Work with NetCom ●
(S)Agora Preparations (Enschede 2017)
Weekly meetings
KT with successor (separate in May/June) and joint with all Netcommies (again May/June)
Work with Locals ●
Autumn Network Meeting Applications (Helping my local(s) with writing the application) --
Netcom Trip to A-Kragujevac (discussing their future and current situation)
Netcom Trip to A-Nis (also on my way to the NWM Novi Sad, interactive workshops and discussing possible achievements we could obtain within AEGEE and for AEGEE)
NWM Novi Sad evaluation with Organisers and Board;
NWM Novi Sad booklet writing, finishing touches and discussions;
SubCom AR
Alin Andrei Georgescu Bratislava, Brno, București, Budapest, Chişinău, Cluj - Napoca, Debrecen, Iaşi, Pécs, Ploiesti, Plzen, Praha, Sibiu, Wien, Skopje Subcommissioners: Mihaela Tataru, Florinel Tudor, Ioan-Daniel Tufeanu, Violeta Vasile
Work with NetCom ●
local distribution meeting
Work with Locals ●
reminders for reports
prepearing members from AEGEE Debrecen for the AGORA
SubCom activity report ●
Gabriele Scollo Agrigento, Bari, Bergamo, Bologna, Brescia, Cagliari, Catania, Ferrara, Firenze, Genova, Messina, Milano, Napoli, Padova, Palermo, Pisa, Roma, Salerno, Siena, Torino, Treviso, Udine, Valletta, Verona Subcommissioners:
Carolina Alfano, Marella Amorini, Fabrizio Bellicano, Anna Bortoletto, Stefano Dal Farra, Marco Daniele, Lorenzo Ligas, Gabriele Antonio Nicotra, Francesca Zorcolo
Work with NetCom ●
3 weekly meetings
Preparation of NWM (contacting trainers, coordinating with the hosting local, preparing sessions)
Writing an internal proposal of locals distribution reform
NetCom trip (contacting locals, preparing questions, organizing the travel and writing the report)
Agora Enschede (help at the Agora fair, NCM, local distribution meeting)
Work with Locals ●
Keeping in touch with locals for antenna criteria fulfillment
Detailed report of my NetCom trip and NWM coming soon
SubCom AR
SubCommies helped me a lot in contacting the locals that were missing criteria
My SubCommie Stefano, together with a member of AEGEE-Udine, organized T4Rainbow (webinar)
Kristina Reshetova Adana, Eskişehir, Gaziantep, Grodno, Moskva, Mugla, Rostov-na-Donu, Ryazan, Samara, Tbilisi, Tekirdağ, Tyumen, Voronezh, Yerevan Subcommissioners:
Efremova Elena, Ekaterina Kalinina, Natalia Ivleva, Sergey Peshkov, Svetlana Merenkova
Work with NetCom ● ● ●
attending Skype meetings (not all) Locals distribution meeting after Agora NWM Yerevan
Work with Locals ● ● ● ●
Netcom trip to Tbilisi Netcom trip to Rostov-na-Donu communication with my locals meeting with the locals at the Agora
Loes Rutten Amsterdam, Brussel - Bruxelles, Delft, Eindhoven, Enschede, Groningen, Leiden, Leuven, Lille, Nijmegen, Tilburg, Utrecht Subcommissioners:
Work with NetCom ●
Work with Locals ●
SubCom AR ●
Casper Renting
Mareike Ritter Aachen, Bamberg, Darmstadt, Düsseldorf, Erfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Heidelberg, Kaiserslautern, Karlsruhe, Köln, Ljubljana, Maastricht, Mainz - Wiesbaden, Mannheim, München, Osnabrück, Passau, Stuttgart Subcommissioners:
Dominic Dimian, Martin Klassen, Alexia Thomas, Mareike Wegener
Work with NetCom ●
attending weekly NetCom meetings
local distribution project
NetCom Meeting before Agora Enschede
Antenna Criteria Reform proposal presentation @Agora Enschede
Network Status Update @Agora Enschede
local distribution meeting @Agora Enschede
finalizing local distribution meeting
Work with Locals ●
Skype meetings with some locals
General info flow with locals on Facebook and via mail
meeting with locals @Agora Enschede
SubCom activity report ●
Pablo Palazon Aberdeen, Berlin, Canterbury, Dresden, Glasgow, Hamburg, Helsinki, Kaunas, London, Manchester, Minsk, Newcastle - upon - Tyne, Rīga, Sankt - Peterburg, Tallinn, Tartu Subcommissioners:
Work with NetCom ●
Work with Locals ●
Stanislav Mahula Ankara, Athina, Bakı, Çanakkale, Gəncə, Hatay, Heraklio, Ioannina, Istanbul, Izmir, Kastoria, Lənkəran, Mağusa, Naxçıvan, Pátra, Peiraiás, Sumqayit, Thessaloniki, Tiranë Subcommissioners:
Białystok, Dnipropetrovsk, Gdańsk, Gliwice, Ivano - Frankivs'k, Katowice, Kharkiv, Kraków, Kyiv, L'viv, Lublin, Odessa, Poznań , Toruń , Vinnytsia, Warszawa, Wrocław, Zielona Góra
Work with NetCom ● ● ● ●
Weekly meetings Evaluation of the team meeting (Enschede) Dinner with Netcom candidates Local distribution (partly facilitating :D)
Work with Locals ●
Network Meeting in Gdansk - meeting with board members and discussing the current situation inside the Network
Visiting AEGEE-Wroclaw, meeting with the board
Visiting AEGEE-Warszawa
Session about being active on European level for members (20 people)
Meeting with the board and discussion current issues + drafting some future activities
Visiting AEGEE-Lublin ○
Meeting with members the board to discuss the situation in general
Facebook communication via PM and Network FB community.
SubCom activity report
Communication via chat on FB
Live meetings during the NWM Gdansk
Live meeting during the Agora Enschede