Alejandra Piot netcom-alejandra@aegee.org A Coruña, Alicante, Barcelona, Bilbao, Burgos, Castelló, Las Palmas, León, Lisboa, Madrid, Málaga, Oviedo, Porto - Invicta, Santander, Tarragona, Tenerife, Toulouse, Valencia, Valladolid, Vigo, Zaragoza Subcommissioners:
Adrián Guerrero, Borja Torres, Celia Riveres, Javier Ramírez, Juan García, Juragis García
Work with NetCom ●
Attended all the KT meetings
Attended all the weekly meetings
Attended locals distribution meeting
Attended hosting locals selection meeting
Attended NCM
Prepare the schedule for NCM
Attended Speaker Team KT
Attended Speaker Team weekly meetings
Launched and choose hosting local for Renove VII
Work with Locals ●
Chat with locals
Skype with locals
Skype with AEGEE-León for Activity Report
Help locals with different issues
SubCom Activity Report
Chat and Skype with locals
Prepare and launched "Connecting people" project
Helped me with the selection of Renove VII hosting local
Helped me with the selection of Autumn NWM local
Mareike Ritter netcom-mareike.r@aegee.org Aachen, Bamberg, Berlin, Dresden, Düsseldorf, Erfurt, Hamburg, København, Köln, Maastricht, München, Osnabrück, Passau, Tartu SubCommissioners:
Matthias Felder, Martin Klassen, Svenja Kupke, Svenja van der Tol, Mareike Wegener
Work with NetCom ●
locals KT for new NetCommies
Partly attending KT meetings
NWM hosting locals selection meeting
NCM Brussels ○
Preparation of schedule
attending 2/3 of the meeting
attending Skype meeting with HRC and CD55
elected vice speaker of NetCom
KT Speaker Team meeting
weekly speaker team meeting
Work with Locals ●
Activity Report and Plan meeting with AEGEE-Mannheim (together with their NetCommie Laura), -Bamberg and -Aachen
Introduction mails to new locals
regular info flow with locals via Facebook and mail
SubCom Activity Report
chose new SubCommies
Skype meeting with former, staying and new SubCommies
Gabriele Scollo netcom-gasko@aegee.org Agrigento, Bari, Bergamo, Bologna, Brescia, Cagliari, Catania, Cosenza, Firenze, Genova, Messina, Milano, Napoli, Palermo, Pisa, Reggio Calabria, Roma, Salerno, Siena, Torino
Giulia Melis, Zubiz DAvide, Francesca Zorcolo, Gabriele Antonio Nicotra, Lorenzo Ligas, Stefano Dal Farra, Marella Amorini, Carolina Alfano
Work with NetCom ● ● ● ●
1 KT meeting with the old and new ST 1 KT meeting with the new team X Weekly meetings 2 days of NCM in Brussels
Work with Locals ● ● ●
Keeping in touch with AEGEE-Napoli for their upcoming NWM (via facebook and telephone calls) Keeping in touch with people that want to start 3 possible contacts. Started writing to the locals what they have to do in order to fulfill criteria before Agora Catania.
SubCom Activity Report ●
● ●
The subcom team changed with 3 members leaving and 3 new ones starting. We had a KT meeting where we discussed the plans for the upcoming months and what was done so far. The new SubCommies introduced themselves to their assigned locals. One subcommie went to the LTC in Rome and took advantage to check how the local's situation is. The last part of the T4Rainbow webinar was held and succeeded. It received very good feedback. What follows is a report by my subcommie who organized it: "Last week the Webinar T4Rainbow came to end. The idea of having an online T4T came to the trainer Giancarlo and it was realized thanks to support of the Netwcom Gabriele and the trainer Stefano. It has been an amazing experience for everyone, both participants and organizers. The online Webinar T4Rainbow is the first experience ever in AEGEE, and it turned out to be a success. We had 7 participants, with an overage of 3-4 participants per sessions. The webinar was structured in 5 sessions distributed in two months. The topics that have been addressed were: how to formulate the learning goals of a training, how to identify the different learning goals, how to design a training session following the format, how to deliver a trainer and how o conduct a debriefing. Multimedia and technology have been used to interact with participants during the sessions throughout the Webinar. A new experience, a new way of delivering a training that has been interesting and very positive. We would like to thank with this post all the people who participated in the Webinar. Thanks for your participation, your curiosity and your energy during the sessions. This is not the end, we are already planning in fact a second edition of this Webinar later on this year in Autumn, so stay tuned and don’t miss the chance of having a T4T delivered at your home without even having to go out of your room!" We need a graphic designer to finalize our booklet (in Italian) that locals can use with partners to present AEGEE.
Elena Efremova netcom-efremova@aegee.org Grodno, Helsinki, Minsk, Riga, Ryazan, Samara, Sankt Petersburg, Tallinn, Tbilisi, Tyumen, Voronezh, Yerevan SubCommissioners:
Work with NetCom ●
local distribution meeting
Work with Locals
reminders for reports
prepearing members from AEGEE Debrecen for the AGORA
Evrim Emiroglu netcom-evrim@aegee.org Adana, Ankara, Antalya, Çanakkale, Eskişehir, Gaziantep, Hatay, Istanbul, Naxçivan, Sumqayit, Tekirdağ SubCommissioners:
Arda Özkuşaksız
Work with NetCom ●
Local distribution meeting after Agora
All KT meetings
Hosting local selection meeting for NWM
Locals KT from Spyros and partly from Kristina
Fully attended NCM
Join the Erasmus+/ funding and İnternal Education Projects of NetCom
Skype meeting with E.Q.A.C
Live meeting with my current CD couple
Work with Locals ●
Having Skype Meeting with board members from my locals
Appointed a Subcomie for NWM organization and one for thematic part of NWM
Skype with AEGEE-Gaziantep for NWM preparations and create a chat for faster communication
Skype with Contact in Antalya in order to explain how to become contact antenna
Skype with AEGEE-Sumgayit about EU4youth grant and conflict with Armenia and Azerbaijan
Chat with AEGEE-Tekirdağ in order to understand their situation
Create a whatsapp chat and FB group for communication with my locals
Help with EU4youth grant- Skype meeting with the team and communication with AEGEE-Sumgayit and AEGEE-Naxçivan
SubCom Activity Report ●
Arda attended the skype with Gaziantep for NWM and he is following them closely and helping if they need anything
Alin Andrei Georgescu netcom-alingeorgescu@aegee.org Bratislava, Brno, București, Budapest, Chişinău, Cluj-Napoca, Debrecen, Iaşi, Pécs, Ploieşti, Plzen, Praha, Sibiu, Wien SubCommissioners: Mihaela Tataru, Florinel Tudor, Ioan-Daniel Tufeanu, Violeta Vasile
Work with NetCom ●
2 Knowledge Transfer Meetings
Choosing autumn NWMs
Joining 2 sessions during NCM via Skype
Work with Locals
Contacting locals for LSO.
Contacting locals for open calls and deadlines
Support for questions
Permanent contact with AEGEE Cluj Napoca for Autumn NWM
Marina Klanjčić netcom-marina@aegee.org Banja-Luka, Beograd, Ferrara, Kragujevac, Ljubljana, Maribor, Niš, Novi Sad, Padova, Podgorica, Skopje, Sofia, Treviso, Udina, Verona, Zadar, Zagreb SubCommissioners:
Bratislav Bojic, Anna Bortoletto, Zvonimir Cajuga, Aljaz Hericko, Nika Krnjak, Cristina de la Parte, Tomislav Popovic, Novak Simin, Sonja Starcevic, Miljana Vulevic
Work with NetCom ●
Locals distribution meeting in Agora Enschede
two KT Skype meetings with Aleksandra and one with Gabriele
KT Skype meetings (except the one about finalizing local distribution - available just on chat)
NetCom Meeting in Brussels
joined NetCom projects: Mentorship Project, Toolkit for Contacts and Internal Education
Work with Locals ●
introduction e-mail to locals with an invite to have a get-to-know-each-other Skype call
created new Facebook group for the locals as the old one had technical issues + regular information flow with locals via that Facebook group
Individual Facebook chat with all my contact people from locals in order to start bonding
Skype call with Udine (with other locals after summer break)
open call for SubCommies for specific fields
Skype call with possible new Contact in Rijeka, Croatia (where AEGEE existed as an antenna before)
FB chat about mini-T4T in Udine in December/ January with skilled trainers Stefano and Giancarlo
FB chat with Žarko from Banja Luka about the NWM
FB chat with one girl from AEGEE-Zadar that wants to go to an SU and Agora Catania (possible saviour of Zadar?)
SubCom Activity Report
Stanislav Mahula
netcom-stas@aegee.org Białystok, Dnipropetrovsk, Gdańs k, Gliwice, Katowice, Kharkiv, Kraków, Kyiv, Lublin, L'viv, Odessa, Poznań , Rostov-Na-Donu, Toruń , Vinnytsia, Warszawa, Wrocław, Zielona-Góra SubCommissioners:
Anna Atamas, Elina Borkovska, Katarzyna Bujak, Patrycja Figarska, Natalia Ivleva, Krzysztof Karlinska, Anita Weglicka
Work with NetCom ●
weekly meetings
KT meetings with newbies
live meeting in Brussels (Skypes with EB and sessions)
Work with Locals ●
Action Agenda workshop in Kyiv (together with my ACT couple)
Communication via FB and Gmail
FB group reforming
SubCom activity report
Drafting the work plan for the half-year
Appointing a new SubCommie
Spyridon Papadatos netcom-spyridon@aegee.org Athina, Bakı, Heraklio, Ioannina, Izmir, Kastoria, Mağusa, Muğla, Nicosia, Pátra, Peiraiás, Thessaloniki, Tiranë
Work with NetCom ●
Taking care of new NetCommies KT with the rest of speaker team
Attending all Skype meetings
Taking care of new speaker team elections
Taking care of new speaker team KT
Autumn NWMs 2017 and checking applications
Locals distribution finalizing meeting
NetCom meeting at CD house
Skype with EQAC responsible of my distribution area
Cooperation with CD couple, Reka Salamon
Work with Locals
Continuous info flow to the locals, especially through Facebook group
Reminders to the locals
Skype meetings with 2 locals
Skype meeting about EU4Youth grant
Laura Pérez netcom-laura@aegee.org Ankara, Athina, Bakı, Çanakkale, Gəncə, Hatay, Heraklio, Ioannina, Istanbul, Izmir, Kastoria, Lənkəran, Mağusa, Naxçıvan, Pátra, Peiraiás, Sumqayit, Thessaloniki, Tiranë
Work with NetCom ●
Locals' distribution meeting in Enschede ○
All KT meetings with NetCom team
All weekly meetings of the team
NetCom meeting in Brussels
Skype with CD couple: Katarzyna Sokołowska
Skyped with EQAC couple: Mauro Bellani
Worked on the reform of the MR submission form
Followed and finished all the Podio KT tasks and readings
Started to work on the E+ project of NetCom
Work with Locals ●
Introduction to all locals
Creation of Facebook group for members of locals and Fb group only for board members
Posted about reminders, OCs and more opportunities
Created chats/groups with different locals
Meetings with the following locals: ○
AEGEE-Mannheim (together with NetCommie Mareike)
Maria Zwartkruis netcom-maria@aegee.org Amsterdam, Delft, Eindhoven, Enschede, Groningen, Leiden, London, Manchester, Nijmegen, Sheffield, Tilburg, Utrecht
Work with NetCom ●
Locals distribution meeting at Agora Enschede
General KT Skype meetings with the team
NWM hosting locals selection meeting
Specific KT Skype meeting with Loes about locals
NetCom Meeting in Brussels
Started working on the NetCom Projects "Internal Education" and "Toolkit for Contacts"
Work with Locals
Updated Nedertop mailing list
Introduction to locals
Reminders to locals
Attended Nedertop meeting in Groningen
Updated the existing Nedertop facebook group for members
Created a new facebook group for Nedertop board members
Open Call and selection of SubCommies
Communication with AEGEE-Utrecht about the Autumn NWM