Antenna Criteria for Dummies

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Antenna Criteria for dummies

Antenna Criteria for Dummies Antenna Criteria are important requirements for every AEGEE local to follow in order to maintain a strong and healthy Network. They are also the basis for downgrading, upgrading and deleting locals. In this booklet you can find all the required criteria for Contact Antenna to remain, to get upgraded to an Antenna and for full Antennae. The list of all the antenna criteria is available in CIA or for easier reading on Members Portal. Antenna criteria are meant to be filled in throughout the year, between Agoras or at a certain point of time, so there shouldn't be that much hassle before the Agora. The criteria for antennae and contact antennae are similar, but there are some differences. In this booklet all the criteria that are not the same for different locals will be color-coded. Criteria that only apply to Contact Antennae will be blue, for Contact Antenna upgrading purple and for Antennae green. Multicolored criteria apply for both statuses of locals. Criteria that are black apply to all locals. PS! There are very many links in this text to help you reach all the necessary webpages – explore them!

1. Have Statutes compatible with the Convention d’Adhésion and the Statutes of AEGEE-Europe in both the original language and English and send them to the Juridical Commission upon modification by the local or upon demand by the Juridical Commission; All of you already have Statutes, because that is one of the requirements to become a contact antenna. Although, bear in mind that they should be available in English (and if you want to or need by law, your national language as well) and they should be sent to the Juridical Commission upon ANY change that is made. That is because they need to check if the changes are suitable with AEGEE's statutes: the CIA. So it is recommended to find your copy of statutes in English and see if they have been updated recently and if not - work on them and send them to JC for approval.

2. Pay membership fees according to the regulations defined in the General Financial Rules Membership fees are paid to the Financial Director upon his request before every Agora (or during the Agora if requested by the local). Membership fees are calculated by the Financial Director according to the Members List submitted by your own local. They are always calculated the same way: 25% of your local's yearly membership fee per individual member (minimum 4€). With it you also pay the fee for any applications sent to Summer Universities: 2.5€ per person.

3. Have organised at least one event Within





within the last year according to the contributed to the Action Agenda by Event Rules, as presented in the either: general rules for Events, of a thematic focus where members of other Antennae were invited to participate; To organise a European event where other antennae are invited you need to make it an event on intranet (unless it is a cultural exchange) and submit a form to EQAC about it and get their approval.

a) 1 Organising a European event, AEGEE event or AEGEE-Europe event according to the Event Rules. 2 The planning and organisation of the event needs to be announced beforehand and needs to be in co-operation with another Organ or Ordinary Member of AEGEE-Europe or outside of AEGEE which has to be approved by the ComitĂŠ Directeur. 3 This partner can give minimum requirements to fulfil in order to have the event counting towards this requirement; b) 1 Organising two local activities. 2 In this case the organisation of local events is to be monitored and approved by the Network Commission, or another Organ or Ordinary Member of AEGEEEurope approved by the ComitĂŠ Directeur; other locals are to be invited to participate, the mode of invitation is set forth in co-operation with the partner; The Contact Antenna must report to the ComitĂŠ Directeur in written form after either event; the partners have to approve the report;

Organise a European event at least once every two years. If this event does not contribute to the Strategic Plan the Antenna will have to contribute with at least two activities that contribute to the Strategic Plan Organising a European event is the easiest way to fulfill this criteria for all locals, because generally every event that is open to all other antennae will be enough to fill this. To organise a European event you need to make it an event on intranet (unless it is a cultural exchange) and submit a form to EQAC about it and get their approval. Once your event is finished, you should submit the evaluation form too.

4. Maintain active communication with the Network Commission and the ComitÊ Directeur, responding to written or other forms of communication; This criteria's evaluation was changed recently. Now it is measured by the monthly activity reports, that NetCommie and/or SubCommies remind you to fill in before the end of every month. The link to the form is always the same, so even when you don’t get reminder from NetCommie and/or SubCommie or there's any other issue, you can still fill it in. You can even set a monthly reminder in your own calendars for this purpose. You get max 1 point for every monthly report. To get max points you need to submit it before the 4th of every month. If you submit it one week late, you will get 0.5 points. If you submit it even later, you get 0.25 points. At every Agora we take the average of your points and if that is over 0.5 you fill in the criteria. The evaluation was changed because before it was very subjective and dependant on the NetCommie. For example your NetCommie could've lowered your points, because you hadn't sent them any emails, but maybe the NetCommie hadn't started any conversations with you. Also, now it is more even throughout the whole network and all the antennae are evaluated equally. So being great friends or enemies with your NetCommie won't make you gain or lose this criteria :)

5. Send envoys to at least one ordinary




Planning Meeting in a period of three



meetings; Basically your local needs to send envoy(s) to at least one Agora or EPM per year. Also, just sending an envoy to the city of the Agora is not enough. An envoy needs to register their local with AEGEE-Europe, pay the membership fee or get the check for the paid fee, attend the plenaries and the prytania (every envoy has to go to a different prytania if there are parallel sessions). In conclusion, an envoy needs to be a full participant at the Agora.

Have sent delegates to two out of the last three Statutory Events, excluding Extraordinary Agorae. Basically you need to send delegates to at least two Agoras or one Agora and one EPM per year. Also, just sending a delegate to the city of the Agora is not enough. Delegate needs to register their local with AEGEE-Europe, pay the membership fee or get the check for the paid fee, register with JC to be able to vote, attend the plenaries and the prytania (every delegate has to go to a different prytania if there are parallel sessions). In conclusion, delegate needs to be a full participant at the Agora.

6. Have a board consisting of at least President, Treasurer and Secretary and organise new board elections at least once a year; Board elections are evaluated through a form, that needs to be filled in directly after elections - but you can also do it after the term beginning date. Also, if you add a picture to this form, your new board will be posted on the Network Commission's Facebook page. ➔ Having a President (legal representative), Treasurer (taking care of finances) and Secretary (taking care of administrative tasks) means that your local is able to handle the process of running an NGO. You can of course have other board members as well to deal with different kind of tasks your local is facing. ➔ Organising Board elections at least once a year ensures that your local is functioning well and all members have the chance to apply for Board ➔ Check out the Board Knowledge Transfer booklet on Members Portal to get to know more about how to run a Board and what kind of positions are recommended

7. Submit an activity report no later than two weeks after the end of each board term. 2 The Comité Directeur can demand a presentation of their projects; Yearly activity reports (don't confuse them with monthly!) are submitted through a form on Members Portal as well. Again, pay attention to the deadline of two weeks! That is counted with data from Board Submission form as well. The yearly activity report should cover the previous boards' time, so if you elect board once a year, you should fill the form once a year etc.

8. Submit an activity plan no later than one month after the start of the board term for the duration of their term; Activity plans are submitted through a form on Members Portal. One month deadline is counted with data from the New Board Submission form, where you have to submit the start of your new board's term. The plan should cover the plan of your new board, so if you elect the board once a year you should fill it once a year, if twice, then twice etc.

9. Have at least ten members who

Submit a list of current members

are not a member of another

before every Agora having at least

Local. The members list has to be

ten members who are not a

sent to the ComitĂŠ Directeur for

member of another Contact


Antenna or Antenna;

This is a very important criteria, because if this is not done, your local loses not one but two different criteria! That is because the membership fee is calculated according to the members list. Also, there are strict deadlines for this criteria, that the Network Director and the Financial Director let you know about, so do this on time!

This is a very important criteria, because if this is not done, your local loses not one but three different criteria! That is because the membership fee is calculated according to the members list and Agora delegates need to appear in at least 2 previous members lists (so they have to be a member before the last Agora) or they have to be a board member for at least 3 months. Also, there are strict deadlines for this criteria, so do this on time!

10. Have a bank account and provide the Financial Director with the account data; Many locals have a bank account, but they have never submitted the data. You can do this through this form. Also, many locals have some issues with this criteria due to the legislation in their country, but then they just have to fulfill the Antenna Criteria Exception form before the Agora.

11. Have sent a financial report, which has to be approved by Audit Commission; The financial report is submitted upon request of the Financial Director and is usually submitted in January or February.

12. Have sent at least one of its

Have sent at least one of its

members to a Network Meeting

boardmembers to a Network

within the last year;

Meeting within the last year; Each local should send its board member(s) to at least one Network Meeting per year. Other members are welcome, but you will get the criterion only if the board member(s) has(have) attended it.

13. (i) Have organised a Local Training Course at least once within the last year. (ii) The organisation of the Local Training Course is monitored and approved by the Network Commission, or another organ or ordinary member of AEGEE-Europe approved by the ComitĂŠ Directeur; To fill this you would have to organise not just a random local training but a training according to the Strategy of Learning and Training of AEGEE. LTC1, LTC2 and RTC content packages are all available on Members Portal. Your NetCommie is responsible for giving you this criteria. There are three forms which have to be submitted. All of them are on Members Portal. You can also get help from the Academy if you need assistance with the sessions or with the trainers by stating your needs in the form. When you submit all three NetCommie can check and give you the criterion if you had all compulsory sessions. Also, you can organize it together with another local or organize it in a series of small events.

Information about getting upgraded or deleted as a Contact Antenna: 1. A Contact Antenna can be deleted no sooner than at the Agora after acquiring this status and should be deleted no later than at the fourth Agora after acquiring this status So if in 2 years after becoming a Contact Antenna your local didn’t yet become an Antenna it will be deleted. In order to avoid that and continue growing, you can be upgraded to antenna! To become an antenna you need to do some extra criteria.

2. The earliest an upgrade can take place is at the second Agora after the Agora during which the decision to upgrade has been approved. This means that there has to be approximately a year between starting as a Contact Antenna and becoming an Antenna.

PS! In special cases, when written explanations are presented, the ComitĂŠ Directeur may decide that the fact of not having fulfilled one or more criteria might not lead to degradation to the status of a Contact Antenna or Antenna.

We hope that this booklet has been helpful for your local! In case of any questions, feel free to contact us at

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