Autumn nwm 2015 booklets

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Autumn NWMs 2015

NWM Athina Mediterranean Cooperation

Results Booklet

1|Page NWM Athina: Mediterranean Cooperation Results Booklet


Published February 2016

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3|Page NWM Athina: Mediterranean Cooperation Results Booklet

C ONTENT NWM Athina: Mediterranean Cooperation ...................................................... 5 Sessions ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 1.

What is AEGEE, AEGEE History, AEGEE Identity ................................................ 6


EUth ....................................................................................................................... 6


Strategic Plan ........................................................................................................ 6


Erasmus+ .............................................................................................................. 7


PR/Recruitment Session ...................................................................................... 7


HR & Communication .......................................................................................... 8


SWOT session ....................................................................................................... 9


European Bodies .................................................................................................. 9


Regional Cooperation .......................................................................................... 9


Open Space ......................................................................................................... 10

Materials Used .................................................................................................................................... 13

4|Page NWM Athina: Mediterranean Cooperation Results Booklet


Dear Reader, I would like to present to you the results of the Network Meeting in Athina that took place between October 29th to November 1st. During those days, young Europeans met in the capital of Greece, the city where democracy was born, Athens and they got the chance to exchange knowledge about what is AEGEE, its History and its Identity, the new Project Euth, how Strategic Plan works and many others. First of all, I would like to thank the local organizers for making the event happen and doing their best to accommodate the needs of the Network Meeting. Without them nothing of this would have been possible! Also, I would like to thank the participants who attended the sessions and participated, sharing their opinions and ideas.I sincerely hope that we managed to fulfill our goal and the participants of the event left feeling satisfied and full of motivation and AEGEE spirit. Last but not least, a big thank you to Andrea Schmelz who helped me find material and organize some of my sessions during the NWM and to Lia Tuska, who helped me every step of the way. Thank you girls! I hope this booklet will give the reader a good overview of what transpired during the event. If you have any questions or remarks, or you are interested in any of the sessions and would like more information, you can always contact me at

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by Pablo Hernรกndez Introductory session about the fundamental ideas of AEGEE. The session started with, detailed explanation of What is AEGEE and its history, informing and educating the participants. As a big percentage of the participants were new in AEEGGE, this session was really important in order to give them an overview of our association, its activies and goals. The outcome of the session, was the new members were educated on the subject and even the more experienced participants, left with a more clear view and understanding of our association.

2. EU T H by Pablo Hernรกndez During this session, there was a presentation of this project that AEGEE Europe is involved in. Participants had the chance to know about AEGEE initiatives based on the project, which aims to the improvement of digital active participation and dialogue.

3. S T R AT E G IC P L A N by Pablo Hernรกndez In this session, the Strategic Plan and the Action Agenda were introduced and explained to the participants. We went through the objectives of the Three Year Strategic Plannng in AEGEE and explained the process of drafting of an annual Action Agenda. We introduced the concept of Focus Areas, what they are and why they are needed. Finally the participants were giver examples of how to contribute to the action agenda. The outcome of this session was that the participants learnt and understood what the Stratetic Planning and Action Agenda are, their importance in AEGEE and were given motivation to contribute to them.

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4. E R A S MU S + by Pablo HernĂĄndez Informative session about the possibilities of european funding and useful tips on applying for grants. This session was especially useful for the board members who were attending the event, as it helped understand better how to apply for Erasmus+ grants and help with their local activities.

5. PR/R E C R U IT M E N T S E S SIO N by Danae Matakou This was the first part of a two-part session that attempted to go through the whole process from introducing a new member to AEGEE to making them an active local member. The idea behind this session was that PR and recruitment are linked, and they are part of the HR cycle which was explained in the second part of the session.

The first part of the session began with explaining to the participants what PR is. Public Relations (PR) is something broader than promotion or marketing, and through this session participants became familiar with the PR toolkit and how to incorporate it into their antenna’s recruitment strategy. By referring to the WWWF (Why, Whom, What, How), they understood the basic idea of the communication channels, the classification of the target groups and the reason of adopting them. There was a thorough dialogue upon what makes the AEGEE Brand, meaning how we all identify ourselves and by which means (name, term, design, symbols and colours). We introduced to the new members the Visual Identity Manual and we proposed some communication tips and tricks. Namely, how they should develop their website and social media accounts based on the VI and other techniques that would help them attract new members.

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H O W I S PR L I N K E D T O R E C R U I T M E N T ? This was a big topic that was given focus during the session. Should an antenna adopt different methods of recruiting new methods, regarding each time the different personalities of the potential members? Meaning, is adaptation a necessity and how should be implemented? Through competitor analysis, participants figured why it’s important to build their own unique recruitment strategy. The outcome of the discussion is that we should never recruit just to recruit, but there must be a plan behind that.

6. HR & C O MMU N IC A T I O N by Danae Matakou After the first part which focused on PR and recruitment, this session tried to show what happens after a local manages to recruit new members. During this session, participants had the chance to get to know the fundamentals of Human Resourses through the graphic of HR Cyrcle (Recruitment, Integration, Maintenance, Development+Knowledge Transfer and Alumni) explaining each step of the process and the actions behind them. The introduction to the HR Cycle helped the participants understand the link between recruitment and HR, and how important it is not to just gain new members but to help them become active.

It was pinpointed the necessity of understanding yourself, the reasons you have become a member in AEGEE and the importance of being motivated in order to fulfil your goals through the association.

By understanding the reasons why people want to join in AEGEE, you will be able to understand what draws others to AEGEE and what they want out of their involvement in the association. Some people join for personal or even professional development, for the the funny and joyous atmosphere and of course the journeys. So it is important to understand the reason why somebody joins, in order to be able to find what motivates them and what would lead them to become actively involved.

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By Danae Matakou The SWOT session refers to the technique which helps analyse the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of each local. It is a very useful tool which helps the locals identify their problems and try to find solutions. While usually the SWOT analysis happens in its own session, this time we tried a different way of implementing it by “splitting” it into two parts. Each part followed the PR/Recruitment and Communication/HR session, and focused each time on those aspects of the SWOT analysis. This happened so that the participants would find it easier to identify examples that are less general which would in turn make it easier to pinpoint exact solutions that would be easier to implement.

8. E U R O P E AN B O D I E S by Elena Panagopoulou During this session, there was a presentation of the European Bodies. We explained to the participants the structure of AEGEE. Also we went into details about what is the CD, Commissions and Committees, Working Group Format, Interest Groups and Projects, explaining their areas of interest and the way they are structured, their goals and way of working.

9. R E G IO N A L C O O P E R A T I O N by Danae Matakou and Pablo Hernández Seeing as there was rising debate and talk about the subject about regions and regional co-operation we wanted to introduce this discussion and gain input from out participants. There are many questions, such as what is and what defines a region or area? Is regional co-operation a good thing or is it in contrast with our values in AEGEE? This session was introduced to Agora Kiev by Ola Kluzcka, president of AEGEE-Europe, and during our session we continued the discussion on the topic.

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The topics we focused the discussion and we argued upon were: Should regions be “structured” or should they change periodically? If they are “fixed” we win in continuity and the establishment of tradition between the locals and their co-operation. But does that mean others are excluded? And if so doesn't this contrast with our values? Arguing upon the pros and cons, participants had the chance to reflect upon the cooperation between the antennae in regional level (or even, if such level even exists) and discussed about the possibility of how to cooperate without excluding others. The participants tried to answer to the questions of: Should we promote AEGEE on national level? What are the regions within AEGEE, how can they be “defined”?How should the antennae be divided into regions? Based on geographical aspects? Does this keep the idea AEGEE-Europe and Locals or does it lead to AEGEE-Greece?

The discussion was very fruitful and many people were involved and opinionated on the subject and we believe we gained useful views on the subject.



In this session the participants were asked to provide topics they would like to see discussed. In the end the following topics were included:

1. WGs, Interest Groups, and Projects: What’s the difference and how they are established. How does it feel to be a part of a European Body and how you can get involved in. 2. European Schools. There was explanation about what they are, the different European schools that take place, their content and importance. 3. AEGEE-Academy. The participants were introduced to AEGEE-Academy its work. They were also given information on how to become part of it or how to co-operate with their trainers during events.

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4. Cooperation between locals. We discussed its importance and the positive outcomes that come from different locals working together. We mentioned examples of such co-operations and we came up with ideas for future ones. 5. FR & PR: We gave a little bit more details on the topics of: -Communication. Mainly ways to communicate between board members, as well as between boards and their members. -Recruitment Strategies. Everybody discussed ideas about member recruitment which included :welcome weeks in universities, cooperation with other NGOs,free hugs, baloons, pr material like bracelets, taking part in local events. Also again the importance of setting goals and forming a recruitment statefy beforehand. It was mentioned how gaining many new members when there are no ways to activate them and involve them, might in the end be bad and demotivating for them. It was explained how many members is not the be all end all, and smaller local doesn't equate to weak local. Some expressed their opinion that few and active members is better than many and not active. Again it was stressed that there is no wrong way of recruiting it is just a matter of what fits the need of each local. 6. Board Training. Some of the board members who attended were interested in suggestions about how to better work in their board. Thanks to material on board training, by Andrea Schmelz and Julia Fuss, we explained to them some ways in which boards can function and gave tips of internal HR management and communication.

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M AT E R I AL S U SE D What is AEGEE AEGEE History AEGEE Identity EUth Strategic Planning Erasmus+ HR Cycle

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NWM – Tbilisi Discover.Imagine. Create

Results Booklet

1|Page NWM Tbilisi Results Booklet


Published February 2016

2|Page NWM Tbilisi Results Booklet

C ONTENT NWM-Tbilisi– Discover.Imagine.Create ............................................................. 4 Sessions ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 1. Openning of #AutumnNWMTbilisi2015 ........................................................................................ 5 2. Getting to know each other ............................................................................................................ 5 3. Getting to Know AEGEE ................................................................................................................... 6 4. Getting closer to the Structure ....................................................................................................... 6 5. Strategic Planning............................................................................................................................. 7 6. Manual to be a LOCAL | Manual to be a MEMBER ...................................................................... 7 7. AEGEE Identitiy ................................................................................................................................. 8 8. HR Your Local .................................................................................................................................... 8 9. Communication Chanels ................................................................................................................. 9 10. Erasmus + ........................................................................................................................................ 9 11. EUth................................................................................................................................................ 10 12. Never ending SUs ......................................................................................................................... 10 13. Event Managment ........................................................................................................................ 11 14. After AGORA fever........................................................................................................................ 11 15. Open Space Technology .............................................................................................................. 12 16. Closing, evaluation, tears and hugs ........................................................................................... 12

3|Page NWM Tbilisi Results Booklet

NWM-T BILISI – D ISCOVER .I MAGINE .C REATE Written by TerezaTokmajyan

One of the Network Meetings of Autumn 2015 took place from 5-8 November of 2015 in the capital city of Georgia, Tbilisi and bring 20 AEGEEans together. This NWM was unique as it was organised by 2 Network Commissioners, as the hosting city had a good location to welcome AEGEEans from all over the Europe. After #AutumnAgoraKyiv2015 this Network Meeting became a place to share our knowledge, discuss common problems, dive into AEGEE, start and keep on working on common projects. Discussions and main topics were held arround Strategic Planning, Human Resources, PR, Erasmus+, Sharing best practices, AEGEE structure, Euth for bringing AEGEE more close to its members and for the knowledge trasfer between the locals and it’s experianced members. During these days participants had a great chance to visit one of the beautifule cities in Cacuasus, make new friends, do some networking, learn and share there views about AEGEE and its future, and of course try to find their own key to Europe. If you have any questions or remarks, you can always contact me at

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S ESSIONS 1. O P E N N I N G O F #A U T U MN NWMT BI LI SI 2015 By TerezaTokmajyan (Netcom), OrkhanBabayev (Netcom), Mariana Semenyak (CD), Salome Keshelashvili (AEGEE-Tbilisi) Trainers and organisers introduced themselves, presented the agenda of the NWM and the rules of participation. During this session participants also were playing some games to get to know each other better for the future days.

2. G E T T I N G


By Orkhan Babayev (Netcom) 30 min The session was aimed to improve the communication skills between the participants, to help them to know each other better and improve the skills of working in the group. The bases of this session were ice-breaking games which brings fun and efficient.

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3. G E T T I N G



By Maryana Semenyak (CD) 60 min During this time participants were able to know bases of AEGEE, dive into its history. Presentation was helpful especial for the new AEGEEans, who had a lot of questions to ask, and it was the space for them to raise the topics that they were not sure before or were shy to ask. The outcome of this topic was that the participants feel themselves much closer to the organisation.

4. G E T T I N G



By Tereza Tokmajyan (Netcom) 90 min In the first part of the session the info graphic of AEGEE structure with its bodies were presented, after which Participants were divided into 5 groups and had a task to present AEGEE Committees, Commissions, Interest Groups, Projects, Working Groups. They were able to surf in internet and check “Key to Europe� for the information and better quality of the presentations. Each group had 10 minutes for the short creative presentation and 5 minutes for question/answering.

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5. S T R A T E G I C P L AN N I N G By Maryana Semenyak (CD), Orkhan Babayev (Netcom) 90 min The main idea of this session was bringing closer to the participants the idea of how the strategic planning works in AEGEE and how they can participate. The general concept as well as the timeline of Action Agenda drafting process at the European Planning Meeting was presented. Participants were also interested in the role of the bodies involved in the process, which are Action Agenda Coordination Team (ACT) and four Interest Groups.

6. M A N U AL





By Maryana Semenyak (CD), Tereza Tokmajyan (Netcom) 120 min | 90 min Every member stepping into AEGEE for the first days and even months had the same problem of understanding “what’s going on here”, “who is who”, “why i am getting so much emails”, “what are the meaning of this abbreviations” etc. The first part of the session explained and showed to the participants how big role they all have in AEGEE as ruts of the organisation and answered to the all questions mentioned above. Second part of these sessions was held to highlight that being a good member makes your local be good. To know all the tricks, to be active, to choose a good board members that can represent your organisation and show the face of your local to Europe. The very simple guidelines to antennae criteria fulfilment was presented and discussed with the participants as the main obstacles for the locals for being on top.

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7. AEGEE I D E N T I T I Y By Tereza Tokmajyan (Netcom), Orkhan Babayev (Netcom) 60 min During the session participants were presented with the last updated Vision and Mission of AEGEE, about what exactly we do, what do we base our work on, and which values do we stand for. It was not only formal presentation but the most interesting part of the session was pronunciation of AEGEE abbreviation in the way of “Who can do it faster�.

8. HR Y O U R L O C A L By Tereza Tokmajyan (Netcom), Orkhan Babayev (Netcom) 90 min One of the main problems all over the network are human resources. During this session participants were sharing best practices of their locals, how they are integrating new members, keeping them active, supporting and motivating to feel the AEGEE Spirit.

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9. C O MMU N I C A T I O N C H AN E L S By Maryana Semenyak (CD) 60 min Maryana presented an interesting way of teaching the easy steps to separate the AEGEE communication channels one from another. Sometimes a simply new member can get lost in the mailing lists or in the huge information flow by social networks. Interactive discussion with the quiz in the end made participants to see the difference of the communication ways that we have and of course understand the role of each one and why and for what they were made for.

10. E R A S MU S + By Tereza Tokmajyan (Netcom) 60 min It’s very know that most of the locals use the opportunities presented to the youth members by the Erasmus+ program and so far this topic was most discussed. It had 3 parts: 1. Erasmus+ program presentation 2. Quiz in the format of “who wants to be a millionaire” game 3. Group division and results check

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The idea of the quiz motivated participants to listen the presentation carefully, take an advantage of the moment and discuss different situations addressing the processes of E+ program.

11. EU T H By Maryana Semenyak (CD) 30 min Funded by the Horizon 2020 program the EUth is a project that AEGEE is involved in, and it relies on the participation of its members in active discussions about society. With the help of this session participants got to know one of the new projects of AEGEE, its impact on the organisation and outcomes.

12. N E V E R



By Maryana Semenyak (CD), Tereza Tokmajyan (Netcom), Orkhan Babayev (Netcom), AEGEETbilisi 90 min As the Summer Universities are the most know projects of the AEGEE as short introduction to its structure and working format was presented to the participants. After the introduction participants were able to raise the topics and ask the questions about Sus that they are interested in, suggest what can be changed, what can be more useful for getting more participants at the summer universities? One of the main organisers shared their knowledge of SU organisation and how year by year it can be improved and become closer to the idea of the best SU.

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During the second part of the session, participants were divided into groups and had to present their own concept of the Summer University.

13. E V E N T M AN AG ME N T By Maryana Semenyak (CD), 4 group leaders 150 min Maryana presented to our members a presentation made by her especialy for AEGEE events management, which includes in it the topics like: How to start? Pre-event organisation, goals post-event organisation, event debriefing , handig over the event brief, budget review etc. The team was devided into 4 groups with teamleaders and their task was to write an activity plan of an event managment having a basic information about the fee, number of participants, location and budget.



By Tereza Tokmajyan (Netcom), Orkhan Babayev (Netcom) 30 min After the Agora Kyiv it was important to share the discussed topics, made proposals and elected members to the Network meeting participants with the reason of bringing AGORA and its activities more to the AEGEEans. Some of the participants had chance to be present at the Agora Kyiv both as delegates and as visitors, so we had a big opportunity to see the AGORA from different accepts

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15. O P E N S P AC E T E C HN O L O G Y By Tereza Tokmajyan (Netcom), Orkhan Babayev (Netcom) 90 min During the Network meeting Participants were able every day to share their expectations, fears and personal contributions concerning the upcoming day. If in the end of the day their ideas were realised they were able to tack out the stickers from the wall or change it. On the last day, during the Open Space sessions, we were discussing this process and the final evaluation of the whole Network meeting were done.

16. C L O SI N G ,


By #AutumnNWMTbilisi2015 Forever

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NWM Tartu - City of Good Thoughts

Results Booklet

1|Page NWM Tartu Results Booklet


Published February 2016

2|Page NWM Tartu Results Booklet

C ONTENT NWM Tartu – City of Good Thoughts ................................................................ 4 Sessions ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 1. Sharing Best Practices ..................................................................................................................... 5 2. Introduction to European Bodies ................................................................................................... 6 3. Action Agenda and ideas for the new Strategic Plan 2017-2020 ............................................... 7 4. Means of Communication ............................................................................................................... 8 5. Introduction to BEST ........................................................................................................................ 9 6. Summer University progress meeting......................................................................................... 10 7.

HR session ................................................................................................................................... 11

8. Advocacy and AEGEE projects ...................................................................................................... 12 9. Post Agora session ......................................................................................................................... 13 10. Open Space ................................................................................................................................... 14 11. Personal motivation ..................................................................................................................... 15

3|Page NWM Tartu Results Booklet

NWM T ARTU – C ITY OF G OOD T HOUGHTS Written by Hanna Alajõe Dear reader, I am happy to present to you the results of Network Meeting in Tartu that took place on 5th to 8th November, 2015. Based on the evaluations given by the participants and the feeling left in me and other trainers, I can confidently say that the event was a huge success, showing true AEGEE spirit, educating the participants and trainers alike, creating new connections and motivating everybody involved. First of all, a huge thank you to all the participants that were so active, so involved and so motivated to be a part of this. The evaluation form was filled in by 70% of them giving an overall satisfaction score of 9,1 out of 10. Secondly, the NWM couldn’t have been the same without Mayri Tiido and Svenja van der Tol, the two facilitators/trainers working with me during this whole event. Your sessions were inspiring and our cooperation more than smooth. Thirdly, a huge thank you to Adrien Merlier, guest participant from BEST, for giving everybody an insight to the inner world of another organisation and giving a new and fresh perspective to our work in AEGEE. AEGEE <3 BEST! And last, but definitely not the least, my biggest thanks go to the organisers for helping us make this event come true. Thank you for providing us with amazing logistics, rooms and all the comfort. And we will never forget the humongous portions of food every day!

I hope this results booklet is helpful to all the readers and provides a good overview of the event. All the participants received also detailed minutes of the sessions and presentations. If there is a need or interest for them or any other questions remarks come to mind, please contact me directly at

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S ESSIONS 1. S H A R IN G B E ST P R A C T IC E S By Hanna Alajõe PROCESS Before the Network Meeting participants were given a task to create a SWOT analysis about their local and send it to the trainers. Based on common topics in these analyses the trainer created groups beforehand. When the session started, people split up in these pre-created groups and discussed on given topics. Every group had some members in it who had listed the topic as a strength of their local and some members who had listed it as a weakness or a threat. In total eight topics were discussed, with four groups discussing simultaneously and switching half-way through. Every group had a facilitator. The session lasted for total of 90 minutes with 25+25 minutes for discussion. After the groups had finished discussing, every participant expressed what was the most interesting for them and what will they take back to their local. TOPICS DISCUSSED 1. Knowledge transfer problems; many experience members leaving AEGEE at the same time – facilitated by Hanna Alajõe 2. Locals more focused on social events rather than thematic/educational content – facilitated by Hanna Alajõe 3. Getting and involving new members – facilitated by Kristin Moppel 4. Board problems: lack of motivation and communication; no office space and legal issues – facilitated by Kristin Moppel 5. Cooperation with universities – facilitated by Svenja van der Tol 6. Fundraising – facilitated by Svenja van der Tol 7. Members only active locally – facilitated by Mayri Tiido 8. Cooperation between locals and in AEGEE in general – facilitated by Mayri Tiido COMMON SOLUTIONS Through every participant’s opinion at the end of the session, there were some most useful solutions and ideas found, common for different problems. These were: 1. Mentoring 2. Targeted recruitment 3. Giving small tasks to new members 4. Building teams 5. Sharing experiences

6. Including all members 7. Promotion of all kinds 8. Meetings with nearby locals 5|Page

NWM Tartu Results Booklet

2. I N T R O D U C T I O N



By Mayri Tiido After some ice-breaking games the participants were divided into five groups representing different kinds of European Bodies in AEGEE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Comite Directeur Commissions Committees Working Groups Projects

The groups had to remember or look up from the internet which bodies belong to which groups and what are their tasks. After a while the findings were reported to the whole group and some additional questions were asked.

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3. A C T I O N A G E N D A 2017-2020



By Mayri Tiido and Svenja van der Tol First the structure of AEGEEs current vision, mission, means, statement of principles, strategic plan and action agenda were introduced shortly. Then we discussed the importance and meaning of having a vision, mission and a Strategic Plan. Mostly it was agreed that they are necessary in an organisation. Second part of the session was to collect ideas for the next Strategic plan 2017-2020. Participants were distributed to five groups again and In total ten topics were proposed. C O M M O N T O P I C S F O R T H E S T R A T E G I C P L A N 2 0 1 7 -2 0 2 0 Six topics were found by the group as most popularly mentioned or supported by other participants. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Youth employment Trainings Study and career fairs Cooperation with companies Spreading awareness about cultures and identity Languages

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4. M E AN S



By Svenja van der Tol First different means of communication in AEGEE (e.g. AGORA-L, The AEGEEan, Members Portal etc) were put in different places over the room and participants were distributed different information or communications that they had to locate to the right mean of communication. Secondly different ways of internal and external communication of locals were discussed in groups. In total 30 different ways of communication were proposed.

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5. I N T R O D U C T I O N



By Adrien Merlier One participant in the NWM was a member of BEST and gave a short introduction to what it is and how AEGEE members can benefit from it. Many participants were very interested and had not heard about the possibilities to participate in their Regional Meetings. Also Adrien showed everyone the internal membership system of BEST that impressed members of AEGEE compared to our intranet.

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6. S U M M E R U N I V E R S I T Y


By Svenja van der Tol The session began with a very short introduction to SU project and different types of Summer Universities. But mostly the session consisted of discussion about the Summer Universities: what is missing, what to change, what more could be provided by SUCT, should there be more rules etc. The participants were split up in groups based on if they had or had not organised a Summer University. Most participants had been an organiser. Discussions happened firstly in groups and then presented to the whole room. Then we also discussed the pros and cons of each type of Summer University. Travelling Summer Universities seemed to be the most popular type with this group, although a few people were interested in Summer Course+ for more personal development.

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7. HR


By Hanna Alajõe PROCESS Every participant was given a paper where they were asked to write what were their needs when they joined AEGEE and then what are their needs now when they have been a member of AEGEE for some time. After a few minutes the facilitator asked who would have liked something different from their antenna when they joined and who feels that currently they need something more as a member than is being provided to them. After a little inner reflection the participants were distributed in groups where they presented their thoughts from last questions to their own group. Then the groups found common topics or problems and based on these they were asked to write a “Buzzfeed article” with the headline “5 tips to… *insert common problem”. After 20 minutes the groups presented the results to the whole group. Then the participants joined people from their own locals and discussed what could they take back to their antenna. People alone from their antenna joined each other. “5 T I P S T O … ” Problems discussed during this exercise were: 1. Merging new members 2. Getting new members involved and therefore interested 3. Improving communication 4. Keeping fresh members 5. Getting new members involved Some common “tips” found were: 1. Mentoring 2. Integration of new members 3. Fun events 4. Trainings 5. Giving small tasks to every member 6. Introducing opportunities/informing members

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8. A D VO C AC Y




By Svenja van der Tol PROCESS Firstly the trainer introduced what is Advocacy, how AEGEE lobbies, what are the gains, how it connects to our Focus Areas etc. Secondly the participants were split up in groups and had to organise a local advocacy campaign on a given case study. Points that the campaigns were










communication, potential partners. Third part of the session was introducing AEGEE projects. Firstly there was a longer presentation about EUth and then shorter presentations about Lifestyle in Mobility, GR-EAT project and MY-WAY project. Participants seemed interested of the possibilities of these projects and some they hadn’t even heard of before. CASE STUDY TOPICS Four case study topics were discussed and advocacy campaigns prepared based on them: 1. E-participation in local governments 2. Valuation of internships by universities 3. Recognition of non-formal education 4. Promotion of Europtimism in UK

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9. P O ST A G O R A


By Svenja van der Tol PROCESS Firstly the facilitator presented some proposals to the group that were voted upon at Agora Kyiv and the group had to guess if the proposal had been accepted or not. Only proposals that touch locals and AEGEE members directly were presented. After each proposal there was a short discussion on why or why not it was accepted and participants could express their own opinions. Second part of the session focused on the Agora reform. Participants were split up in groups and had to find problems they thought were wrong with Agora currently and solutions on how to fix them. Very many ideas were brought forward and participants seemed to enjoy the discussion. IDEAS FOR AGORA REFORM Almost 30 different ideas were presented by the participants on how to improve the Agora. Some ideas seemed to be more popular: 1. More preparation online 2. Making the event longer 3. Reducing the amount of total participants or visitors 4. Better food 5. Online elections a. throughout the year for smaller things b. no presentation of candidates at the agora c.

voting with phones/tablets etc instead of roll call

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10. O P E N S P A C E By Hanna Alaj천e PROCESS Throughout the whole NWM an empty poster was on the wall of the session room and participants were encouraged to fill it with topics they wanted to discuss that were not in the program or ideas that had come out of some sessions. In total six topics were proposed and all of them were included in the discussion. Participants were split into groups. Each group had 10 minutes to discuss each of the topics and write their ideas down on a paper. The papers and topics stayed in the same place while groups moved from one topic to another. Afterwards, everything on the paper was presented by the last group discussing that topic. After presentations there was a small round of feedback for what they liked the most. Participants were very happy with this session and expressed a wish for it to have been even longer. It turned into a bigger round of feedback were some useful recommendations were expressed. TOPICS DISCUSSED All topics were well received and gathered a lot of input. 1.

Quality of events


Future cooperations


Weakness of responsibility or just not the right people?


How to reach people after Summer Universities?


Innovative project ideas


Are the Nordic Stars going out?

GENERAL FEEDBACK Feedback was not at first supposed to be in this session in this form, but as the participants had some great ideas and wished to express their opinion, they were given a chance to. Some feedback that was given to NWMs in general: 1.

More time for open space


More discussion of actual problems of locals


Board Training courses would be needed


More NWMs or smaller meetings are needed


Antenna criteria and NWMs are too federal and there is too much top-down approach in AEGEE

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11. P E R SO N A L


By Mayri Tiido The final session was not directly related to AEGEE, but more about the participants own internal motivation. First everybody had to write down 10 values that define themselves. Many example values were presented by the facilitator. One by one we started crossing out the values until we reached the core value that was the most important for us. We discussed if it was easy to find that value or very difficult. Then everybody had to write down a motto or favourite quote guiding them through life. The quotes were put on the table and participants got a chance to read everybody’s quotes and pick one that they liked the most. The session was short but included a lot of self-reflection and brought a happy mood amongst the room.

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NWM – Cluj-Napoca Share Ideas, Share Cluj!

Results Booklet

1|Page NWM Cluj-Napoca Results Booklet


Published February 2016

2|Page NWM Cluj-Napoca Results Booklet

C ONTENT NWM Cluj-Napoca – Share Ideas, Share Cluj!................................................... 4 Sessions ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 1. Opening and Expectations .............................................................................................................. 5 2. What’s AEGEE .................................................................................................................................... 6 3. Agora Follow-up................................................................................................................................ 7 4. Brainstorming ................................................................................................................................... 8 5. Project Planning and Strategy ........................................................................................................ 9 6. Sharing Best Practices ................................................................................................................... 10 7. EUth session .................................................................................................................................... 11 8. Project FR and Budgeting .............................................................................................................. 12 9. Strategic Plan/Action Agenda Session ......................................................................................... 13 10. Project PR ...................................................................................................................................... 14 11. Project HR ...................................................................................................................................... 15 12. Project Management and Case Study ....................................................................................... 16 13. Let’s Get ACTive! ........................................................................................................................... 17 14. Open Space ................................................................................................................................... 18 15. Project Closing and Evaluation ................................................................................................... 19

3|Page NWM Cluj-Napoca Results Booklet

NWM C LUJ -N APOCA – S HARE I DEAS , S HARE C LUJ ! Written by Tekla Hajdu, Network Commission

This Network Meeting took place from 12th November till the 15th November 2015 in Cluj-Napoca and Maguri Ratacau, and gathered 24 participats from various locals of AEGEE. The main topic of the Network Meeing was Project management, so six main sessions were dedicated to the topic (Project Planning and Strategy, Project FR and Budgeting, Project PR, Project HR , Project Management, Project Closing and Evaluation). Also, a wide range of other topics (Agora follow-up,







Plan/Action Agenda, ACT, etc.) were also provided for participants to broaden their knowledge in getting to know AEGEE and lead their locals to success. During these 4 days, a lot of important discussions and progress took place throughout the sessions, and during the evenings participants could explore the city of Cluj-Napoca and the countryside of Maguri Ratacau and get to know each other better by doing some networking between local representatives or making new friendships.

If you have any questions or remarks, you can always contact me at

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By Tekla Hajdu, Network Commission, Lavinia Tole, Network Commission and Emma Dumbravan, AEGEE Cluj-Napoca Duration: 30 minutes In this session, participants were officially greeted by the local organisers and the trainers with a small opening ceremony, and they could share their expectations about the upcoming Network Meeting.

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2. W HA T ’ S AEGEE By Ander Guerrero Ruiz, Comité Directeur Duration: 30 minutes In this session, participants were introduced to AEGEE and the organisation’s milestone points. The changes in the structure after AgorAsturias and the updated map of the Network were shown to the participants as well.

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3. A G O R A F O LL O W - U P By Tekla Hajdu, Network Commission, Lavinia Tole, Network Commission and Ander Guerrero Ruiz, ComitĂŠ Directeur Duration: 60 minutes In the first part of the session, the trainers showed and explained the major decisions and the important changes after Agora Kyiv. In the second part of the session, participants were divided into small groups and they had the task to think about how to improve the Agora. They had several ideas regarding logistics, the programme, selection of participants, preparing delegates and activising participants at the Agora. Each idea was discussed thoroughly.

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4. B R A I N S T O R MIN G By Andrada Pumnea, AEGEE Cluj-Napoca Duration: 60 minutes In the first part of the session, participants had to come up with some project ideas, than they learned about the basics of Brainstorming and the basics of creating a project. In the second part of the session, participants were divided into small groups and each group had a topic to brainstorm on: 1. Young People don’t feel European 2. Reduced youth Mobility 3. Youth Unemployment 4. Stereotypes about young Europeans 5. Lack of Civic Education. They had realtively short time to do the task, and after the excersize, they discussed the effect of the challenge (short time period, feelings) and they got tips on improving the brainstorming process and the mind map technoque was introduced as well. In the third part of the session, the same groups remained, and they had to brainstorm again about the projects given, but this time participants had to use the mind map technique to work on their projects. The results were presented, and the Golden Circle theory (+ other useful tips) were shared with the participants.

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5. P R O JE C T P L A N N IN G



By Tekla Hajdu, Network Commission Duration: 90 minutes In the first part of the session, participants were introduced to the basics of the NAOMIE planning model, and some certain points of the model were discussed. In the second part of the session, participants were divided into small groups and worked on the 5 main topics from Brainstorming session. They had to plan their projects and use the NAOMIE model for the planning part. At the end each group presented their projects and we discussed/evaluated their ideas.

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6. S H A R IN G B E ST P R A C T IC E S By Tekla Hajdu, Network Commission and Lavinia Tole, Network Commission Duration: 120 minutes For this session, each local present had to prepare with a SWOT analysis prior to the Network Meeting. This session started with the individual SWOT analysis of the present locals (16 antennae) through the tWinder form. Based on their individual answers, the following general problems were identified: lack of Knowledge Transfer, HR, how to motivate members, PR, IT In the second part of the session, participants were divided into groups, and each group took turns in brainstorming and suggesting some solutions to the identified problems. In the end, the groups presented the final conclusions about the suggestions, and some discussions also took place.

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7. EU T H


By Ander Guerrero Ruiz, ComitÊ Directeur Duration: 30 minutes In this session, participants were informed about the EUth project, one of AEGEE Europe’s external projects about digital participation. Participants also got to know about how the voting system for statutory events will be reformed in 2016 and about the upcoming testing period. The questions by the participants were also answered by Ander.

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8. P R O JE C T FR



By Ander Guerrero Ruiz, ComitĂŠ Directeur Duration: 90 minutes In the first part of the session, the importance of the budget was sown and some basic guidelines were introduced how to create a simple budget. Two trial budgets were displayed and analysed for a more practical approach. In the second part of the session, the importance of Fundraising was discussed and participants were introduced to the 5 key principles of Fundraising.

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9. S T R A T E G I C P L A N /A C T IO N A G E N D A S E S S I O N By Ander Guerrero Ruiz, ComitÊ Directeur Duration: 90 minutes In this session, participants were introduced to the Strategic Plan and the Action Agenda of AEGEE. The 4 Focus Areas and participants’ questions were discussed and answered during the session.

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10. P R O J E C T PR By Lavinia Tole, Network Commission Duration: 90 minutes In the first part of the session, PR in general (with good examples) and the main role of PR in AEGEE were presented to participants. Lavinia also gave some useful tips and tricks to improve the PR in local level. In the second part of the session, participants were divided into small groups and had to create an advertisement for AEGEE (What is AEGEE and why should participants choose AEGEE instead of other NGO-s) in a creative way. They could use any materials in the session room and the furniture/surroundings as well. At the end all the advertisements were presented and participants could vote about the best one.

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11. P R O J E C T HR By Andrada Pumnea, AEGEE Cluj-Napoca Duration: 90 minutes In the first part of the session, the participants had an exercise: everyone had to fit into a small circle which was made in the session room with any ways possible. After the exercise, the common role of HR and motivation were presented to the participants by Andrada. In the second part of the session, the participants were divided into small groups and had to put themselves in the roles of SU Main Organisers: They had to co-organise a TSU with another local and plan the roles and Human Resources during the SU. At the end, the ideal team size, group work and task division were presented to participants.

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12. P R O J E C T M A N A G E ME N T



By Ander Guerrero Ruiz, ComitĂŠ Directeur Duration: 120 minutes In the first part of the session, the definition and basics of Project management were introduced to participants. The Gantt-chart was also introduced as a useful method to keep track of your project. In the second part of the session, the Summer University project was discussed as a case study for Project management. Participants could discuss and express their opinion about certain points of the project, and some ideas were suggested for improvement.

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13. L E T ’ S G E T ACT I V E ! By Mara Signorelli, ACT Duration: 90 minutes In the first part of the session, Mara introduced ACT and explained the Action Agenda and the Focus Areas’ main aims and goals for participants. In the second part of the session, participants were divided into small groups and each group received an article – based on the article, they had to create a draft of an event related to a Focus Area. At the end of the session, participants presented their ideas and some discussions were made based on them.

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14. O P E N S P A C E By Tekla Hajdu, Network Commission Duration: 90 minutes For this session, participants could suggest topics to discuss during the Open Space period. At the beginning of the session, 3 topics were selected by participants through voting: Trainings in AEGEE, What happened recently in Romania, Refugees in Europe: What can AEGEE do? 3 participants signed up as coordinators for each topic, the rest of the participants could freely move around the topics and decide which one do they want to join. After the discussion part the coordinators summarised the discussions in each topic for all participants.

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15. P R O J E C T C LO S IN G



By Tekla Hajdu, Network Commission and Ander Guerrero Ruiz, ComitÊ Directeur Duration: 90 minutes In the first part of the session, Ander gave some recommendations about how to close a project and do good evaluation for your projects. In the second part of the session participants were given time to think about what they liked and what they didn’t like during the NWM, and the organisers and the trainers left them to leave their opinions anonymously in a flipchart. In the third part of the session, local organisers, trainers and participants were thanked for their participation and contribution through the event, and each participant was rewarded with a personal Certificate of Attendance.

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NWM – Valencia

Results Booklet

1|Page NWM Valencia Results Booklet


Published February 2016

2|Page NWM Valencia Results Booklet

C ONTENT NWM VALENCIA – FALLAS NWM ........................................................................ 4 Sessions ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 1. Sharing best practices ..................................................................................................................... 5 2. Identity and liberation ..................................................................................................................... 6 3. Erasmus+ ........................................................................................................................................... 6 4. Working Groups and Projects ......................................................................................................... 7 5. Strategic Planning in AEGEE ............................................................................................................ 7 6. EUth .................................................................................................................................................... 8 7. Antenna Criteria and how to fill in the Monthly Report .............................................................. 9 8. La Federación .................................................................................................................................. 10 9. Wake up yourself! ........................................................................................................................... 10 10. AEGEE day ..................................................................................................................................... 11 11. Open Space session ..................................................................................................................... 12 Useful links to materials .................................................................................................................... 13

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NWM VALENCIA – FALLAS NWM Written by Olga Rivero Menéndez Dear AEGEE member, It is an outmost pleasure to write this final document, as Netcom of the fall NWM that was organized in collaboration with AEGEE-Valencia. The NWM, being part of the two main organisational events inside of AEGEE, has a very important role: bringing experienced members of a few antennae together to allow them to share their experiences and get to know more about our association, while giving them the possibility to start projects or collaboration with similar or nearby antennae. Of course, Fallas NWM was not the exception. Without going into further details about the sessions here, I would like to thank AEGEE-Valencia for their neat organization, the Comité Directeur representative Pablo Hernández, the Tripulación 7.0 for their work, and all the other trainers to have made this event great. In the next few pages you’ll find a summary of what happened during the event, if you have any questions or remarks, you can always contact me at

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By Olga Rivero The aim of the session Sharing best practices is to put in contact antennae that may have significant differences in the way they work around things, so they can see the perspective from others. This allows them to find solutions to problems that they might have not thought or are not well trained in. You can find the minutes from the session attached. During the session, various topics were risen. First one was institutional support. It is confusing for a local that belongs to a city with more than one University to know if they should try to collaborate with all of them or just focus on one. During the discussion some tips are raised about collaboration with universities: a strong one is the Buddy Program. The next topic was lack of office for the association, in where Esperanza Rodríguez from AEGEE-Las Palmas suggested the creation of a document explaining how every local that has an office got to have it, as this might help others who do not have it yet. Another topic was lack of implication of members. It is indeed a problem, since it does not only cover new members but also old ones. AEGEECastelló praised on the mentor program, which helped them grow very fast. It was also mentioned that the level of implication is up to the members, and they should be encouraged to attend meetings to know more about AEGEE. The next topic was geographical distribution of members. Since some antennae have members that are not from just a single city, and it was suggested that meetings are organized in different places each time. The lack of knowledge transfer from previous board is also an issue for the attending members. This is easily solvable through the creation of an online document that states the whole KT, although members suggest that it is also encouraging to organize a kind of KT-weekend to hand over the baton. The low interest about European Bodies is also a problem. There’s lack of information about them, and their members are not approachable. The key to this might be in the EBs sharing more of their work and talking directly to members.

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Finally, the last topic raised was the lack of visibility and PR strategy in an antenna, as there is not a unified strategy. Members from other antennae can share information of what works in their locals.

2. I D E N T IT Y


By Dr. Skelly and Christian Eichenmüller The session delivered by Dr. James Skelly and his assistant Christian Eichenmüller went round the (apparently simple) question “who am I?”. Starting from this point, Dr. Skelly, following the most pure Socratic doctrine, tried to stimulate chritical thinking from his audience. This way, he eliminated prejudices and false feelings from themselves and fostered a deeper insight about each person. The tone of the debate was light in every moment, and conversation flowed easily conducted by Dr. Skelly and Christian. It was a different session for a NWM that every single attendee enjoyed and saw as a special one.

3. E R A S MU S + By Esperanza Rodríguez Since Erasmus+ became official almost two years ago everybody has tried to decipher its more than 100 page long documents. Thanks to Esperanza, that’s not a problem anymore.

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In this presentation, the basics of Erasmus+ were explained: the key actions, types of mobility, EVS, projects, travel costs and some tips. Everything you need to know for a start is in the presentation, so check it out!

4. W O R K IN G G R O U P S



By Pablo Hernández During this session Pablo introduced Working Groups and the Projects to attendees, so they could get to know more about them. Working Groups specialize their work in the four Focus Areas that AEGEE has, while the Projects focus on something the members can work temporarily while there’s interest in the topic. There also exist Interest Groups, the little siblings of the WGs, not linked to the Focus Areas of AEGEE but made up from the interests of the members. You can find the list of all of them in the presentation.

5. S T R A T E G I C P L A N N I N G



By Marcos Mato and Pablo Hernández This session had the objective of explaining the basics of the strategic planning done in AEGEE, as why we plan, how we do it and which are our terms.

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It relies on the basis of our Vision and Mission and expresses itself through our Means and the Focus Areas that the members decide every three years.

In this session there was the explanation mentioned above and a following discussion about why should AEGEE have an identity and why should members care about it.

6. EU T H The EUth is a project that AEGEE is involved in, and it relies on the participation of its members in active discussions about society. AEGEE is working in collaboration with other organizations, funded by the Horizon 2020 programme.

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In this session, participants could get to know what this project is, why AEGEE is involved in it, and why is it interesting for the future of our organization.

You can check all the information in the presentation attached.




By Sora Chung and Olga Rivero In this very new session, Sora explained thoroughly the process a local has to go through to become an antenna of AEGEE, from the things to achieve to become a contact, to becoming a contact antenna to a full antenna. Finally, the 12 points all the antennae have to fulfil every year to stay an antenna were revised.

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In the second part of the presentation, Olga introduced to participants the correct way Monthly Reports have to be filled in, giving tips and tricks, answering basic questions, and asking for honesty in the answers.

8. L A F E D E R A C IÓ N By Alberto Arroyo This brief session was an update about this structure created among the Spanish locals for having access to national grants and fundraising. For further information, you can contact their former board.

9. W A KE

U P YO U R S E L F !

By Eloi Gómez

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Eloi has founded a startup as CEO, and he gave a session to attendees about how he became interested in the startup world after ending University and finding out that something was missing in his life.

He strongly remarked that nothing is impossible, and that if you want to do something, you can absolutely do it. And that failure is not a bad thing! He encouraged attendees to become part of this entrepreneurship world with examples of his own life and going through some stories and anecdotes about famous entrepreneurs. Finally, there was a brief debate where audience asked him questions and reflected about the right steps to take in order to grow up in this business world from zero.



In this session, Pablo explains to the participants what the concept of the AEGEE day is and asks them for feedback on how it could be implemented. By bringing ideas together, the participants can shape an activity that would be carried on a single day, along with many other activities from other antennae on the same day.

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11. O P E N S P A C E


Many topics were suggested in the Open Space session on Sunday morning. You can find the full record on the minutes of the session, here is just a brief summary. The priorities when electing participants for events, as in why some participants are accepted for events that target a specific type of people, and how is the process done. The pool of experienced members for LTCs workshops, about setting a database with knowledge from the trainers in La Nave, in order to contact them when antennae are independently organizing a local training course. A Buddy Program between very active, and less active locals, as in a kind of mentorship program, where bigger and more active locals would help the smaller and less active to make their situation better. The kind of workshops to deliver in an LTC, with a debate and a brainstorm about what works as a workshop in an LTC and what not. What should be delivered for participants to stay interested while at the same time being fun and educative. The relationship between AEGEE and other student organizations, with a debate and discussion on how can AEGEE collaborate more with other organizations and which ones are good to work with, as well as sharing experiences from their own antennae. The Visual Identity, and how antennae are implementing it. Regional events about the Action Agenda and the collaboration with European Bodies, when organizing events, what can antennae 12 | P a g e NWM Valencia Results Booklet

do to get to know more about this topic and foster this kind of activities. Reports of other local’s activities each month, as in sharing ideas so everybody can implement them. FAQ document, as in questions that all antennae have, and where everybody could discuss and share problems and solutions online, all the time. Economic local status, as in how to get fundraising for activities. Advice on how to get local companies to help and how to present AEGEE. Fear about being seen by AEGEE members as just another Erasmus association, as in what can antennae do to get their members beyond the SU or Erasmus activities interest.



1. Sharing best practises Minutes Presentation 2. Erasmus+ Presentation 3. Working Groups and Projects Presentation 4. Strategic Planning and Action Agenda Presentation 5.

EUth Presentation

6. Antenna criteria + How to fill in the Monthly Report Antenna criteria presentation Monthly Report presentation 7. AEGEE Day Presentation

8. Open Space Session Minutes

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NWM – Berlin – The power of borderless thinking

Results Booklet

1|Page NWM Berlin Results Booklet



Published February 2016

2|Page NWM Berlin Results Booklet

C ONTENT NWM Berlin – The power of borderless thinking ............................................ 4 How can you use this result booklet? .................................................................................................... 5 Sessions ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 0. Online Preparation ........................................................................................................................... 6 1. Best Practice Sharing - SWOT ......................................................................................................... 7 2. Speaker of European Movement Germany ................................................................................ 10 3. Civic Education Working Group .................................................................................................... 12 4. Steglitz-Zehlendorf International ................................................................................................. 14 5. Refugees – What can we do? ........................................................................................................ 15 6. Borderless Europe – from utopia to reality ................................................................................ 17 7. Introducing EUth ............................................................................................................................ 23 8. YOU Don’t have the right to vote! (Parallel session) .................................................................. 24 9. Agora + EPM Reform (Parallel session) ....................................................................................... 26 10. Strategic Planning ........................................................................................................................ 29 11. Open Space ................................................................................................................................... 31

3|Page NWM Berlin Results Booklet

NWM B ERLIN – T HE POWER OF BORDERLE SS THINKING Written by Andrea Schmelz Dear Reader, I am happy to hereby present the documentation of our work and results from Network Meeting Berlin. From the 19th to the 22nd of November 2015, 40 AEGEEans from all over the network came together to shape and discuss the future of Europe and how AEGEEans can take action together. Doing this together is the very essence of our association and a warmhearted thank you goes out to the participants, who have always been on time and showed a dedication to an extent which impressed not only some AEGEE seniors, but also a range of event guests. I also would like to thank the trainers Joanna Pankowska and Julia Krebs for doing a wonderful job at involving everyone, keeping the spirits up and making their sessions highlights of the event. Further thanks go of course to my co-pilot Aleksandra Kluczka with whom the preparation for this event became a fun and a high-quality process. Quite a number of our discussions ended up in rediscussing AEGEE as a whole or in the values of life. I am glad to have found somebody to whom I can turn at 3am in the morning when I feel like discussing gender equality. Finally, of course I will engrave here my thanks to the organizers of whom I am so proud and who ensured the happiness of everyone being there. I am sorry you are stuck with post-its for the rest of your life. Special thanks goes to Damien Latacz, who besides being an inspiring person and being one of the kindest people I know, also took notes throughout the entire NWM which helped me filling gaps in this document. For all those who cannot find themselves mentioned here – I know you are there and that the NWM depends on all those thousand little bits. I appreciate all of you and thank you! Have fun reading! The warmest greetings, Andrea Network Commission 2014-2015 If you have any questions or remarks, you can always contact me at 4|Page NWM Berlin Results Booklet



You may wonder how this result booklet is of use for you and why you should read it – let me give you here some inspirations.

Use for local bodies and members

Use it for inspiration in your strategic planning – are you at the beginning of the semester and need new projects maybe? Find ideas to shape your weekly meetings – you can imitate the sessions or take out parts of it for discussion You will find relevant information about projects happening in AEGEE and affecting you You can find partners for your ideas Pick out the sessions that interest you most and present them to your local – maybe there is something in it for you? Contact us if you want to find people to work with further – we’ll help you forwarding Take initiative and set up first online meetings to discuss further – this is a beginning, not the end Use for European Bodies

You can work with the results and shape your work accordingly – after all we have regularly 22 Network Meetings, which means with all result booklets combined the on-goings of the network are truly represented here Don’t start from scratch and continue your ideas from the basis created here – make it a bottom-up process

Check out the Reader’s Guide to get an overview on all related sessions.

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S ESSIONS 0. O N L IN E P R E P A R A T I O N By Andrea Schmelz Two weeks prior to the Network Meeting, participants received two emails with tasks for online preparation. Tasks were among others:

Discussing activity by Civic Education Working Group for local meetings Survey about the status of CE in your country 2 Skype meetings for newbies: What is AEGEE? Prepare: refugee session, post interesting articles/videos in Facebook group Prepare: What are the 5 most relevant borders currently in Europe? (no matter how you define border) - prepare and bring to session Several links provided further in this document Link to AEGEE Members’ Manual

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1. B E ST P R A C T IC E S H AR IN G - SWOT By Andrea Schmelz


This session kicked off the Network Meeting by giving the participants a chance to reflect on their antennae’ strengths, weaknesses and challenges. Afterwards we regrouped according to topics that have come up and that participants could exchange on more specifically. Keywords: reflecting – sharing – supporting – developing new ideas


Length: 115 min. After a short explanation, group split up in groups. The group members created SWOT analysis for each other’s based on interviewing each other. The groups had 40 minutes for this. Afterwards we collected emerging themes – 10 minutes. The participants regrouped according to their preferred themes, which they discussed for another 30 minutes supported this time by facilitators. The session concluded by every group presenting their results in the plenary and allowing for further input.


Group 1: How to plan your recruitment phase When? Start at the beginning of the semester -> first contact Give a reminder later in the middle of the semester How? buddy program define yourself o what do you offer? o What is your target group? 7|Page NWM Berlin Results Booklet


And what does your target group want? create an effective plan

Group 2: Erasmus cooperation with International Office better: have many little events to show more persons work needs to be divided (not one responsible only) involve also local students ideas for events: different parties, International Night, trips to other cities (cooperation with other locals), movie night

Group 3: Board roles & Members involvement Board have to give the structure vs. support people who have own ideas Board is doing too much work (organising) More power to the members implementing working groups (board members can be a member of a WG)

Members – weekend (LTC) Weekly social meeting “Mama-Papa-Program” mentorship program Teambuilding for board members Big board vs. small board + working groups

Group 4: Sponsorship University support o DAAD o Faculties o ERASMUS Brochures o Students’ Council AEGEE FATF Other options o Think Big (O2 initiative) o Get patronage (city) -> good for fundraising letter o Erasmus Parties o Companies (! Time frame) 8|Page NWM Berlin Results Booklet


Food (outdated e.g.) Ask for things, not for money! Write a thank-you-letter Keep in mind: you are non-profit!

Group 5: Internal Education Friendships -> social meetings/group activities/fun Members weekend/LTC -> compulsory for newbies?? Board manual -> idiot-proof first aid kit KT for board Expectations and evaluation from members -> adjust program according to it Mentorship system -> mainly focus before EU events Send them to EU events (statutory?) and make them report on it for reimbursement election of delegates? Different level of education LTC-> deeper -> internal -> (not readable word)

Group 6: Host meetings discussions on breaking news to promote good relations (education/social) friendly competitions social activities (ice breaking) exchange of knowledge the benefit of the state

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2. S P E A K E R



By Florian Strasser


We invited a representative of European Movement Germany for several reasons. AEGEE-Aachen has been member of this organisation for a while representing other German antennae. However, since the membership was not actively used, the membership was re-evaluated and considered to be deleted. European Movement Germany was able to use NWM Berlin to show its benefits to us and give us room for questions. Furthermore,







International represented by Aleksandra in the board. Keywords: platform for exchange – new opportunities


Length: 90 min. We had a presentation by Florian Strasser which was overlapped and continued by a question and answer session.

European Movement Germany: non-profit association with 249 members provides an umbrella platform to lobby for ideas individually as an association and together main goal: organise a dialogue between society and politics activities: provide and publish infos about topics in EU, foster participation including possibly all interest groups who would otherwise be excluded channels: websites, social media, conferences political demands and further information can be found here:

RESULTS possibilities of cooperation: o they forward position papers of their member organisations in their Telegram -> lobbying 10 | P a g e NWM Berlin Results Booklet

o networking on-site o they publish on their websites o attendance of events important to know: o annual membership fee is 300â‚Ź o however a representative system like the originally intended one by AEGEE-Aachen works o EM Germany needs pro-active participation, they will not wait for you to join o EM Germany is one, if not the, strongest national network under the umbrella of EM International Further information provided by the speaker o EM Germany is heading the selection procedure for College of Europe for German applicants o They encourage to apply as currently they are not too many applicants

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3. C I VIC E D U C A T IO N W O R K I N G G R O U P By Joanna Pankowska


This session was intended to raise awareness about the importance of Civic Education and its role in AEGEE. Participants learnt about the tasks of the Working Groups, in particular CEWG and had opportunity to discuss and share ideas. Keywords: reflecting – sharing – understanding – developing new ideas


Length: 120 min. The session started with a warming up exercise to give a common understanding of Civic Education and awareness of civic education in our own countries. It was followed by a lot of discussion and informative sections, as well as brainstorming ideas.

RESULTS How good was the civic education in school? German people agreed on having received good civic education Portugal and France agreed on having received classes, but lacked being practical Some people (Azerbaijan and Bulgaria) mentioned CE was practically inexistent How much civic education did you get outside of school ? (aegee excluded) nobody stated having received nothing activity in other associations (like Student Council/School journal) Sports and Army are possibilities to learn structure, discipline, respect and rules Who think we should have civic education classes from middle school up until high school? Majority agrees on that Difficulty of topics should increase with age Recognize influence of parents in early years Further ideas

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Ideology/Worldviews/Religion Including the fact that religion and family can be joined Who also need a teacher who can cover all topics/religion → might be difficult to find. How to solve this should be addressed Sexual orientation should be taught at school, also the fact that there are different family structures Present that there are different ways of doing things Worldwide history and comparative history Tolerance and intercultural communication (through teamwork) Sustainable living Teaching about ideologies Teaching about human rights as cultural standards all in all because they are all linked (gender equality/LGBT) Politics Political system explained and compared practical politics classes (with simulation and excursions) Practicalities Bringing children from different countries together already in young age Have practical example, discussions critical thinking and reading Animal rights and environmental topics should maybe not civic education. (it should be discussed be it is not as important as the topics related to humans) Don’t like the word “discipline” Social crisis experiment (teaching by negative examples in progress)

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4. S T E G L I T Z -Z E HL E N D O R F I N T E R N A T I O N A L By Gerold Maelzer


Thankfully to the project Steglitz-Zehlendorf International we have an accommodation and space for session for very little money. To get to know our supporter better, he joined us to tell about his project. Keywords: platform for exchange – new opportunities - inspiration

SUMMARY Length: 40 min. We had a presentation by Gerold Maelzer which was continued by a question and answer session.

RESULTS largest network of its kind in Berlin purpose: addressing the international formation of teenagers and young adults with a special focus on those who cannot afford it otherwise target group: young adults under 27 project evolved by chance in 2013 where it was carried by all political levels several projects going on with France, Ukraine and others example: exchange with German and Peruvian students each staying 3 months in the respective country example: circus project inviting 80 refugee children who fled from East Ukraine to Karkhiv example: program for education with Greece supported by German government offering 13 young Greek people dual apprenticeship since September 2015 benefits to AEGEE? We can approach them with ideas or join into their on-going projects – they have good funding and facilities For further information : For contacts: &

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5. R E F U G E E S – W H AT


By Andrea Schmelz


This session was intended to provide an overview of various opinions and viewpoints of the countries represented by the participants. With this overview participants should realize the diversity of attitudes and issues related to the refugee crisis. This should empower them to a more qualified discussion allowing other opinions and respecting the sensitivity of this particular topic. Due to time running out, the second part of this session was moved to Saturday where we discussed how AEGEE can be involved in the refugee crisis. Keywords: reflecting – understanding – sharing – collecting ideas


Length: 90 min. The session was started with a short introduction on how the refugee crisis evolved and how 2015 became the year of the refugee crisis also taking over European life and society. Afterwards participants took each 2-3 minutes explaining aspects specific to their country in handling refugees. This was followed by a short round of controversial statements where we asked all to show agreement and disagreement by standing up or staying put on their chairs. The session concluded the next day with group discussions on how AEGEE can take its role.


Following suggestions to AEGEE’s role were given (regrouped to umbrella activities). There was also an Open Space about it. Taking on the role of civic educators - educate other citizens about the situation - campaigning about history of refugee from the EU countries - go to school classes to educate children - give Erasmus students a chance to speak honestly 15 | P a g e NWM Berlin Results Booklet


Taking a political stance locally and European level represent youth in Europe and explain finally start acting meeting with politicians and talk with them about what AEGEE wants to do use our partner network to spread our ideas


Interact directly with refugees, support integration organize events humanitarian aid visit of accommodation teaching German running dinner or BBQ welcome refugees in the antennae (membership fee of 0â‚Ź) The summaries of the country presentations are not presented here as it was mingled with personal views and some accounts lacked proof. The main purpose of those was creating sensitivity for the present participants and we suggest undertaking similar activities in your local: Try to debate the refugee crisis by taking up the role of different countries, for example. You can also invite fellow AEGEEans from all over the network to tell you about their situation via skype. The following countries were presented: France, Slovakia, Denmark & Sweden, Greece, Italy, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Belgium & Netherlands, Azerbaijan, UK, Scotland, Latvia, Portugal. If you wish to see the photo protocol, please contact me (

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6. B O R D E R L E S S E U R O P E –


By Aleksandra Kluczka and Andrea Schmelz


This session was part of the overall topic of the Network Meeting and intended to foster discussions on how to advocate for our vision in a practical manner. We especially picked up on our value of “borderless” Europe. The session was kept time pressured to firstly, wake up everybody in the morning, and secondly, to prevent over-thinking of large-scale topics. This way the groups could nail down quickly some concrete ideas. Keywords: reflecting – collect ideas – create ideas


Length: 90 min. Ola started the session by presenting the Vision of AEGEE and a small discussion on the meaning of ‘borderless’.

“AEGEE strives for a democratic, diverse and borderless Europe, which is socially, economically and politically integrated, and values the participation of young people in its construction and development.”

The participants prepared in the weeks before personal lists of five by them perceived borders. We collected them and summed them up and split up groups according to interest. In the first part of the session the groups answered a range of general questions about topic problems, possible solutions and relevance to AEGEE. Afterwards it was time to take action, and the groups used the second part to develop concrete ideas and implementation methods. The session was concluded by 30 minutes of pitching the ideas and 10 minutes for discussing on how to follow up on the ideas.

RESULTS 17 | P a g e NWM Berlin Results Booklet

Group 1: Financial border Problems/Obstacles: no integrated financial system debit of every single state different laws in every country How do we overcome it? freedom of working place unify the financial system entrepreneur initiative, support Is it relevant for us?

What will we do? inform AEGEE members How will we do it? training sessions on a local level knowledge transfer start the discussion When? /Where? during our events Who?

yes, interchangeability no boundaries to place as students

board, trainers cooperation of local and European level

Group 2: Mental borders

AEGEE as living example of a non-national organisation Representation of a network of young people of Europe

Short-term actions (local) Information events schools panel discussions role of the EU/ European union Mid-term actions (local + AEGEE-Europe) position papers Long-term actions (AEGEEEurope) campaign: social media (video e.g.)

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Group 3: Education Borders

Problems/Obstacles: Difference in educational system Not all diplomas are accepted How do we overcome it?

What will we do? Present a statement to government to change current situation

International diplomas at different levels as a requirement to study or work

Group 4: British Islands (Brexit) Problems/Obstacles: Mental border Historical context How do we overcome it? Exchange Trips to European institutions

What will we do? Spread knowledge about Europe Promote exchange Promote student engagements How will we do it? Workshops Lectures Info sessions

Group 5: West-Eastern Block Problems/Obstacles: Visa Capitalism vs. post-communist (cultural & political) Economic situation EU vs. Non-EU Democracy & values Limits to Erasmus How do we overcome it?

What can AEGEE do? Presentation about Eastern countries to pupils & teachers Project activity of Eastern Partnership Project & CEWG & ESN & local schools Guidelines of materials, questionnaires Open Calls for locals & preparations asap Where? Local school

Political pressure to open “borders” of Erasmus Promote EU – enlargement & helping fulfil criteria NWM Berlin Results Booklet Cultural exchange (SU e.g.)

Who? Locals & Erasmus students

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Group 6: Economic borders

-> got completely lost in deep philosophical discussions and concluded the following:

Group 7: Separatism: Example Catalunya & Scotland (Northern Ireland?)


What can AEGEE do? More cooperation (twin antennae, NWMs, Exchanges) –> lead by good example

Theoretical no change because all within borderless EU o More focus on differences than similarities/less solidarity o Maybe growing mental border because of this o Maybe growing language barrier (at least in Catalunya) How do we overcome it?

Stressing similarities (also Europeanwise) Maybe a statement paper of AEGEE-Europe or locals (pro, contra, indifference)

More education effort to have a common language More youth exchanges between separating and “main” country More political freedom (federalism, autonomy)

Group 8: Human Trafficking

Problems/Obstacles: Offences – sexual Crimes – e.g. against humanity, war crimes Threat – e.g. aggression How do we overcome it? UNSC (Chapter VII)/EP/National/NEO Is it relevant for us? Humanitarian Aid Volunteering

NWM Berlin Results Booklet

What will we do? Support, aid, assistance How will we do it? Mutual cooperation When? Times of emergency Who/Where? locals

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Two of 44 posters….

Group 9: EU Borders: Turkey and Syria

What will we do & how will we do it?

Problems/Obstacles Civil war in Syria forces a huge migration of refugees through Turkey to the EU states Don’t have a common strategy how to deal with refugees Most European countries are christocentric Use of right wing groups & populists How do we overcome it? Bruxelles leading EU -> common strategy Better integration/ open mindedness religious courses in school ‘Rethink’ external border policy -> more protection of human rights Is it relevant for us? Affected as young citizens Situation against values of AEGEE

Fight against “mental borders between nationalities -> intercultural cafés, education and so on Influence European politics and share our opinion Focus on exchange with antennae in Turkey & support them + do projects When? Locals: ASAP Next year: Visits to Turkey European level: ASAP Where? Local Turkey Europe Who? AEGEE members with citizens Turkish antennae

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How to follow-up on these ideas?

Create a list during the event with topics and the possibility to put your names and emails next to it Groups can gather and start working during skype meetings Further discussions during Open Space

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7. I N T R O D U C IN G EU T H By Aleksandra Kluczka


This purpose of this session is to inform participants about the upcoming implementation of the EUth project. Keywords: informing - understanding


Length: 30 min. For further information:

Andrea Ferrara

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8. YOU D O N ’ T




By Julia Krebs


The purpose of this session was to create awareness about voting rights and the exclusion of those among certain groups in society. Furthermore the AEGEE Election Observation Project was introduced. Keywords: informing – understanding - debating


Length: 90 min. For further information on AEGEE Election Observation, click here.


Minors Pro: can vote with enough information everyone’s opinion must be voiced have to do own research

Con: No idea what to vote for -> lack of information Easily influenced Might not be mature enough No interest

Compromise A test for those under 18? Voting rights for minors if the topic of the election concerns them (like school reforms)

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Mentally disabled Pro: Respect towards handicapped people as part of the society Hard to define when not able or able to vote -> protect citizen’s rights Depends on special disease Possible abuse by medecins Important part of society –> interests should also be represented in government

Con: (easier to influence/manipulate) people that are not able to vote o still “development stage” of a child o in daily life dependent on others ‘wrong’ knowledge/opinions that work against the state/reality o difficult

Non-nationals Pros: getting citizenship might take a long time/might be restricted dubious rules for citizenship Interest groups with opportunity for participation

Cons: Lack of knowledge (cultural connection) Length of the stay -> students Bureaucracy Can you vote in two countries at the same time? -> European elections Cultural clash -> politician’s point of views


Pro: Morally: additional punishment But: their right of freedom is already limited Utility: less expense

Cons: Morally: it violates human rights But: if crime is minor (e.g. pick pocketing) that it is morally wrong Utility: if government is authoritarian, they can use it to suppress its population More representative if not, all population > democracy

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9. A G O R A + EPM R E F O R M (P A R A LL E L


By Aleksandra Kluczka


In this progress meeting-like session the participants have opportunity to actively contribute with ideas to improving our Statutory Events. The twosplit of the session brought participants back to the basics and reasons of Statutory Events and went afterwards into detailed quality assessment of EPM and Agorae. Keywords:


discussing – improving


Length: 90 min. This session was kicked off with some warm-up questions to get a sense of the experience level among the participants. Afterwards we worked on answering three basic questions before moving on to analysing our Statutory Events. When do we have to act as an association as a whole? when a common opinion on a topic is needed when we officially represent European Youth when we need to vote on statutes or elect in times of crisis when we want to propagate an idea constantly

Why do we have to act as an association as a whole? to re-define/challenge ourselves to define our directions/Strategic Plan because we are democratic collectively working together shows our identity because we are stronger and more visible together we are taken seriously it is by law required to have a General Members’ Assembly as an association to acquire diversity of thinking and getting inspired by other people in order to offer an Open Space for discussion 26 | P a g e NWM Berlin Results Booklet

How can we act as an association as a whole? teach people the mechanisms of GMA thematic work at Statutory Events participatory tools more focused channels of communication intelligent chats communication + engagement between CD and locals “grassroots” participatory inquiry/Design thinking live stream (inclusiveness) through representatives doing everything online two ways: proposals by locals & proposals established together joint actions taking place parallely launching big projects on European level (e.g. SU)

RESULTS During the first part the following general ideas could be taken: AEGEE is very event-focused, but we have to act constantly as an association New technologies should be better included, we are not using those enough which are out there We need more effective and efficient communication channels By having GMAs and EPMs we practice our own values of inclusiveness and democracy (or attempt to do so) Ideas for improvement

Agora Too many objectives for one event Not inclusive when discussing Focusing is shifting from Agora to Agora, e.g. Position Paper Agora as GMA Difference between discussions and decisions It’s a decision-making body, not a discussing body vs. Disagreement: input from members Socializing is important, but more sleeping is needed Cutting down the parties in number Pub instead of cub, so discussion + conversation more possible Visitors currently have no purpose besides learning and socializing EPM

Open Call for Policy Officer and Content Manager Discussing topic with no outcome 27 | P a g e NWM Berlin Results Booklet

Topic and drafting is too much EPM is the only moment where we discuss a political topic at one time Taking outcome and use it for further work

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10. S T R A T E G IC P LA N N IN G By Aleksandra Kluczka


This session had several intentions. First of all, it informed the participants about the upcoming Action Agenda drafting process at the European Planning Meeting as well as the strategic planning in 2016. Secondly, participants had the opportunity to discuss the strategic planning and potential topics to keep in the future Strategic Plan. Keywords: informing – understanding – collecting ideas – preparing for EPM


Length: 105 min. The session started with a presentation on the general concept.

Bodies involved in the Strategic Plan and Action Agenda are the Action Agenda Coordination Team (ACT) and the four Working Groups. It was followed by discussions on several aspects:

Nature of EPM envoys? Should involve experienced, but also fresh members as the latter have new input and actually will work on the objectives. 29 | P a g e NWM Berlin Results Booklet

Approach to the Strategic Plan? rethinking the planning system? More work to WG and involving members?


Discussion results improve communication and awareness → involve members more → explain to the boards → don’t change drastically the structure Brainstorming results Current topic of the strategic plan are good and many group would like to keep some of it Lots mentioned sustainability (environmental, personal, job, lifestyle) Intercultural communication Social Media and Internet Generation

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11. O P E N S P A C E By Andrea Schmelz


The Open Space was the concluding session of this Network Meeting. It provided a space for discussing those ideas that either came up or were still missed by the participants during the event. They were collected on a poster (Open Space Parking Lot) throughout the event and the participants split up in groups to work on their preferred topics. Keywords: sharing - understanding - planning


LENGTH: 90MIN. The groups split up according to topics and debriefed at the end of the session.


Group 1: French attacks – Reactions to the attacks

loosing the feeling of security? Not used to this -> react more strongly France is unlike other countries Key to understand the reasons? What can we do as AEGEE? Integration in suburbs integration of young muslims Educate them Alternative to religion Talk in universities

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Gather both communities Journalists? AEGEE as mediation Street actions & communication Inform: refugees are fleeing the same people Personal stories of refugees

Group 2: EBD Cooperation (European Movement Germany) 300€ Fee o group of antennae should pay that Need of responsibility and coordination o A lot of discussion on who could undertake such a role o Representative system like currently with AEGEE-Aachen? Rotating responsible antennae? o Netcom cannot as it jeopardizes the purpose of a Netcom and poses a lot of further problems in long-term administration Internal (German) antenna platform o Voluntary joint action Someone (elected) to represent Skype meetings to discuss o Organize “Stammtisch” to keep on discussing this

Group 3: SU that matters 10% SUs focused on (appr. 8 SUs): o environmental SUs o active citizenship o human rights o cultural exchange o min. 12 hours/SU on this topic Other cooperation with bodies like WGs, Projects, IGs,… less work for you -> content provided, level of cooperation is up to mutual agreement deadlines for Open Calls are coming up 6.12. hangout with CEWG to focus on a SU that matters Be honest with topic of SU (leisure is allowed) and provide good description so you attract participants YOU want Contact: o website: o e-mail: o SU with CEWG: 32 | P a g e NWM Berlin Results Booklet

Group 4: Refugees – event like Night of 7 Antennae Time: April/May number of antennae doesn’t matter should not be only German Name? Shouldn’t have to be the same activities Try to stay active after Media attention Think big! create a facebook group Ideas for the event: living library “skype with a refugee” Discussions, presentations Presentation of other cities Cooperations Videoproject Games/music project

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NWM – Sofia – Sofisfaction!

Results Booklet

1|Page NWM Sofia Results Booklet


Published February 2016

2|Page NWM Sofia Results Booklet

C ONTENT NWM Sofia – Sofisfaction! ................................................................................... 4 Sessions ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 1. What is AEGEE ................................................................................................................................... 5 2. Strategic Planning + ACT.................................................................................................................. 6 3. The future of SU project .................................................................................................................. 7 4. Introduction to EUth ........................................................................................................................ 8 5. Democracy In Practice - Refugees .................................................................................................. 9 6. How to do a good PR ..................................................................................................................... 10 7. Cooperation on the Regional level ............................................................................................... 11 8. Open Space and Sharing Best Practices ..................................................................................... 12

3|Page NWM Sofia Results Booklet

NWM S OFIA – S OFISFACTION ! Written by Jovana Trajkovic Sessions: What is AEGEE, Strategic planning + ACT, The future of SU project, Introduction to EUth, DiP: Refugees, How to do a good PR, Cooperation on the regional level, Open space and Sharing best practices If you have any questions or remarks, you can always contact me at

4|Page NWM Sofia Results Booklet




By Ander Guerrero Ruiz and Jovana Trajković During this session, the participants had the chance to get to know better organisation and its structure. On the beginning all participants had to write what AEGEE means to them. After it, there was a short presentation about the history of organisation, vision, mission and means. The part about the structure was more interactive. Participants were divided into the groups and each group got the papers with the shortcuts of all the bodies in AEGEE. They were explaining for what the shortcut stands for and what are their responsibilities.

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2. S T R A T E G I C P L A N N I N G + ACT By Ander Guerrero Ruiz and Jovana Trajković The purpose of this session was to give the participants more clear view on what is Strategic Plan and Action Agenda and why they are important for one organisation like ours. During the presentation, participants learnt the Focus Areas of the current Strategic Plan. At the end of presentation they were divided in groups. Each group had to come up with idea of one activity which is related to Action Agenda. When they finished it, they presented it to the judges who have explained why (not) the activity contribute to Action Agenda.

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3. T HE




By Ander Guerrero Ruiz After the short presentation of Summer University, as the biggest AEGEE project, the participants has started a discussion about its future. There were some important questions raised such as: Are the programs represent well the name of the project? If not, how can we improve it? Which are the biggest challenges of organising one SU? The participants had various ideas and interesting answers to them.

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4. I N T R O D U C T I O N



By Andrea Ferrara The participants got to know more about EUth project and why it is important for AEGEE. Also, they got familiar with many technicalities which it brings. The participants got interested to apply their antenna for testing it.

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5. D E MO C R AC Y I N P R A C T I C E - R E F U G E E S By Evangelia Tuska In order to prepare for this session, the participants have visited first the exhibition Welcome to the West. It was created by Spanish photo journalist who was following refugees through Balkan countries. The session has started with short explanation of democracy and the project Democracy in Practice. Next was role play. The participants were divided in 3 groups: border police, refugees and observers. Each group had the paper with the explanations of their role. After the play, the discussion about refugee crisis has started, including personal experiences. Many participants have suggested different solutions to the crisis.

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6. H O W



By Iva Koleva As founder of successful recycling campaign in Bulgaria which helps homeless children, she has shared the secrets of a good PR with participants. Through her own experience she has learnt participants how to get on visibility and which are the best ways to promote their antennae.

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7. C O O P E R AT I O N




By Cafer Saatchi The aim of this session was promotion of regional cooperation and cooperation between different organisations. Firstly, participants were divided in groups and each group has got one logo of some student or youth organisation. Every group had to write its pros and cons, the biggest projects and on which projects they could cooperate with each other. At the end, there was one role play where each group had to present their project to European Parliament in order to get a grant. The participants came to conclusion that if there are more than one organisation working on one project, there is bigger chance to get a grant. There was also a discussion about Umbrella organisation of each country.

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8. O P E N S P A C E



By Jovana Trajković and Tsvetislava Stoycheva These two sessions were combined in one. Firstly, the concept of Open Space was presented to participants. They had time to suggest the topics they would like to discuss. After the topics were submitted, the discussion has started. When the discussion was over, the outcomes were presented. Most of the topics were connected to the work of the locals, so there was given additional time to the participants to share their own experiences and how they deal with it in their own locals.

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13 | P a g e NWM Sofia Results Booklet

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