The Netcom Times
Agora Alicante
27th of April 2011
by Olimpia Pârje
We all live in a yellow submarine.. a yellow submarine.
Wait, it’s more like a bubble.. we all live in a yellow bubble, a yellow and blue bubble for some, but definitely a European bubble. Despite occasional local conflicts and protests we may have in our ‘neighbourhood’ Europeans are currently very closed up in their little
bubble, where wars are not very likely anymore, conflict areas are forgotten or rather ignored due to convenience. Middle class society who have enough to live a comfortable life, to travel and see some of the world, not enough to enjoy luxuries. Fairly educated, fairly healthy, fairly stable environments. This is who we are. AEGEE is made up of these people and together with the rest of our ‘kind’ we live in a nice yellow bubble, that allows us to think that the world is a very very complicated and wounded place, but we are safe, here in Europe, land of equality, democracy and
freedom as we like to believe. Are we really as free as we perceive ourselves or as democratic and equal? Ask yourself and your friends that, and later on, ask those who are not close to you. But what about our bubble that is so bad in the end? Does it make us blind to the marginalized places at the borders of Europe (wherever they may be, according to each individual’s perspective)? It makes us at least arrogant. Trustful that we have the answers to the questions that parts of the world have not even asked themselves. We have our experiences but it makes us blind to one point
that we see the world through European glasses and are barely able to comprehend realities beyond our borders. Let’s try and look a bit beyond our fences, to what the rest of the world is doing, without trying to impose our ideas or a presumed cultural ‘superiority’, but to learn more about ourselves as Europeans, an undefined entity in the end, and to break the bubble and become connected to the rest of the world. We are all Europeans in a way, as we are all African and Asian, and American and etc. as we are all human, so let’s not forget it and get lost in our bubble.
Words from the Speaker Dear Network, As Europeans are getting more sceptical about Europe and crises are evolving just outside the southern border of Europe, we as AEGEE are focussing during the agora on our internal structure. Changing the CIA, electing new people and making plans for new projects are the main points of discussion in Alicante. Of course we cannot forget about meeting all our dear friends who we haven’t seen in ages! The Netcom Times was also always focused on internal matters. But in this edition we are also turning our eyes to issues of European interest: read for example about the European bubble we could be living in. the question of rising nationalism in Europe or get to know about the forgotten corners of Europe. Are you still wondering where Europe ends? So are we. Of course you will also find information about the network. Check out the brand new page “News from the Network” with gossips from different locals, find out before the plenary which locals will become twins and see what the current twins are doing. While you are reading the Netcom times and discussing which candidates to vote for – we are probably running around to answer all your network related questions and we are of course anxiously awaiting to welcome our new colleagues for the upcoming term! Yours, Yanike Sophie, Speaker of the Network Commission
The AEGEE Bubble...
by Anita Kalmane The “to be or not to be” question about the AEGEE Bubble never crossed my mind before I moved to Brussels for my term in Comite Directeur. Although there we should have been more inside the “AEGEE Bubble”, it was just the opposite. We were often asking each other what were the latest gossips, what was happening in the network etc. Somehow, being back home, we knew much more – or maybe we simply had more time to gossip around. Now, when I hope to say that my active AEGEE life is over, I really see that AEGEE Bubble is not just a myth – it is a reality. No worries, to
make you feel better, I will clarify – it is a reality for those who are so much into AEGEE (or any other organisation, hobby or whatsoever) that there is space for nothing more in their lives. Imagine – a day at the university where you hang out with your course mates who are also AEGEE members. Evening in some AEGEE Skype meeting, planning the next event. Facebook updates from your AEGEE friends all over Europe. Weekend trip to some AEGEE event or destination. No wonder that you are living in a bubble! On the other hand, it is also possible to be AEGEE member and live both lives
without any problems. AEGEE events and friends do not take you away from your non-AEGEE friends, parties with people who have never heard about AEGEE and activities with your loved ones who respect your love for AEGEE as long as you love them as well. It is everybody’s personal choice if (s)he chooses to live in (AEGEE) Bubble or not. Just keep in mind that the life outside the bubble is very, very different. Once you are out of it, it takes some time to adjust yourself – just the same as it took some time to adjust to AEGEE when you just joined us.
Parlez-vous français? by Lucille Rieux What would you say if I told you that one of the best AEGEE jokes ever is about to disappear? Yes, yes, indeed… How many times have I heard, in a semi-amusing/ mocking voice the following “what, you are French?? But there is no AEGEE in France…” Yes, French antennae have gone through a rough path, but here we are, again, ready to take up new challenges! Open your eyes and look around you. Yes, yes, it is indeed the French language that you are hearing in the gym of the Agora! We all know the history of AEGEE, and how France
was the very cradle of our beautiful organisation. Some know how, unfortunately, many French antennae disappeared when Franck Biancheri created his political party (yes, in France, many people like politics)… But very few are aware of the revival of AEGEE in this western part of Europe… Well, maybe, those who attended the very successful Regional Training Course which took place in Lyon in February, noticed the change: 20 euro-enthusiastics have attended the training, exchanged ideas and developed cooperation in order to strengthen the network in our country. French
people want to go OUT of their country, are eager to discover Europe and its culture, and to make YOU discover their cities (Do not miss: TSU Paris-Berlin & TSU Toulouse-Barcelona!) And what about AEGEE in Strasbourg? Haven’t you heard about them yet? Well, stay attentive, because they are energetic and full of new ideas, and you will very soon be invited again to one of our antennae, in order to attend a training, a seminar or a NWM (AEGEE-Lyon is hosting the NWM “Don’t miss the ride” in May)!
LOOKING EAST by Olga Iatsyna Europe is looking East, so are we? In 2009 the European Union initiated one of the first projects in history which not only touched former Soviet Union countries, but directly involved them in its implementation. You already know its name – Eastern Partnership. There are no clear results of it yet, but still this tendency of Europe looking more and more East with each year, is impossible not to notice. So let’s try to look into AEGEE world with the same “Eastern perspective”. We were also kind of maturing to such a big and serious project. And naturally in a short time after starting that “adult” EaP project by EU, AEGEE also initiated the project with the same name and same aims. It’s very natural, that we, as youth, are the reflection of what “big bosses” do somewhere “upstairs”. At the moment we can’t say that a lot of things have totally changed here (in the ‘east’) – we still need to
spend average monthly salary to buy plane ticket and fly to Europe, we still have to apply for visa, and we still are not members of the European Union. But at the same time Erasmus quota for students from Eastern countries is getting bigger, visa process is not looking like lottery anymore, AEGEE locals in this part of Europe are getting bigger and stronger every year, one of the biggest Eastern locals for the first time submitted list with more than 175 members, and the most Eastern AEGEE local will finally make their first international event after a long break. Changes are obvious. We all are exclusively lucky to live in the time when a “bridge” between Europe and Asia is turning into young perspective countries with youth having brilliant ideas and shiny eyes. And the most important is that AEGEE plays here by far not the last role. Europe is looking East, so are we!
Upcoming NWMs Place
Lyon Catania København
13.05-15.05 19.05-22.05 26.05-29.05
Lucille Pierre Evita
News from the network AEGEE-Wien and AEGEE-Piliscsaba, two Antenna situated in the heart of Europe will be together very soon. The excitement is big and everyone from AEGEE-Wien is looking forward to the new relationship. The idea to become “Twins” occurred for the first time at a party in Vienna and from that day, the idea became more and more real and will find now its height in signing the Twin Antenna Contract at the AGORA in Alicante.
Pre - Riga Event The Pre-event for the EBM 2011 in Riga, was an amazing experience, since it challenged AEGEE-Tallinn and AEGEE-Helsinki in hosting a joint event. After getting the feedback from
the participants the organisers were also very flattered because the event was a huge success not only for the two teams, but it was mindblowing for the participants! Jüri Kirpu
is constantly growing and developing. Since Istanbul, the members of this local have been actively working on organizing an unforgettable SU. This is the first time AEGEE-Zadar is working independently on an SU, and it is really shaping up to be a special event!
They bring smile to every Netcommie and you probably wonder why. Because they’re one of those antennas which even without the help of any Netcommies succeed in doing everything: they never miss deadlines, they’re more than active and they spread
their love to everyone! P.S. While you’re reading this article, former president Šuster and board member Korošec (now Šuster) are expecting an AEGEEbaby. Congratulations to the AEGEE - wedding couple and we wish them many AEGEE-kids! Marijana Roscic
“SMALL THINGS THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE” For more than 3 years AEGEE-Beograd has been organising a humanitarian action with the help of many participants of all of our projects who have proven themselves to be people of kind heart and decided to contribute to a greater
cause with “small things”. Namely, every participant was asked to bring some of his/her old things and toys for the children in the oldest orphanage in Serbia. Yet again we have proven that emphaty knows no boundaries and this February put
a smile on faces of so many children offering hope and kindness to those who need it most. Once again, we wish to thank you for being part of this selfless act! Milica Lukovic
For them, 2011 is all about number two. They’re organising two Summer Universities. They’ll become Twin Antenna with AEGEE-Catania and do you know that AEGEE Maribor
is the only antenna in the Network that has two offices? You’re probably wondering where they are. If you’re interested, please approach me and I’ll give you an appropriate answer. Marijana Roscic
News from the network AEGEE-Catania and AEGEE-Maribor will soon officially gather in “one big happy family”, as we like to say. Once upon a time, way back in 2007, the first brave enough members from Maribor survived AEGEE-Catania Summer University and
AEGEE Nova Gorica/ Gorizia
They were ‘’chosen’’ to be the members of the most famous reality show in the world ‘’Ultimate Survivor’’. In that jungle full of unregulated administration, Antenna Criteria and ‘’rats
they have to swallow’, they’ll try to survive and win. TO BE CONTINUED.... P.S. In the next episode of The Netcom Times they’ll face their ultimate challenge: walking on the wire above the Niagara Falls. Marijana Roscic
just organized an incredible European Day of Languages! During 3 days of the local event they were teaching people 5 different languages - Italian, German, Chinese, Albanian and Spanish. Olga Iatsyna
liked it so much that some of them or their friends returned also for the second, third, even fourth time! On the other side, people from Catania have also become regular guests on AEGEE-Maribor Winter University. So from “the beach time” in August in Catania, “to skiing and celebrating New Year” every December in Maribor, we are gathering together for sport, fun and helping each other to organize this two important events. What awaits us in the future ... wait and you will see!
GOOOOOOOOD MORNING, SAMARA! For the first time after a long looong break, the most Eastern AEGEE local - AEGEE-Samara woke up and submitted great European event dedicated to famous music festival in
Eastern Europe. The event is very promising to be the most Eastern, the most musical and the most unusual summer event! Olga Iatsyna
Can you say Dnipropetrovsk AEGEE-Dnipropetrovsk was the first local after Agora Kyiv in the north-eastern region, which submitted an application for host local of such a serious statutory
event as EBM 2012! Even if they didn't get it, it was great achievement for this young and promising local! Olga Iatsyna
Where Does Europe End? by Shushan Khachatryan Yerevan is the capital city of Armenia. It is 2792 years young and 4200km away from Brussels. And yet a modern cosmopolitan city with a unique culture. It is a perfect urban vacation spot with nice restaurants, cozy cafes, active nightlife and active social life. But it’s much more than that.More than 80.000 students study and live here. Before last year a very important thing was missing in Yerevan – AEGEE. Ever since the opening ceremony of AEGEEYerevan in November 2010, there has been a big interest in AEGEE. We have had more than 200 guests from Universities, NGOs, International Organizations
and Embassies. We have received a very big attention from the mass media as well and didn’t even expect to be promoted by more than 40 media channels. Founding AEGEE in Yerevan is supposed to be one step forward for Armenian youth towards integration into European youth environment, exchanging experience and culture. We have also noticed a big interest of Armenian youth in EU in general, which has been observed during our recent event - “EU Awareness Action Day”. There are still some restrictions and difficulties that young people in Armenia face, such as getting Schengen visa, high air fares, etc. that limit the opportuni-
ties of our members to be active on the European Level in AEGEE. But we are ready to address these challenges and to fight for our rights. One initiative to do this is the development of the Eastern Partnership Project (the topic also propsed as Flagship Topic of AEGEEEurope for 2011-2012). We will address the difficulties students overcome in Armenia through local actions and fight to overcome them. So if you’re wondering where Europe ends, and what life is like at the ‘edge’ of Europe, don’t miss out on experiencing the city of Yerevan!
Cooperation: Twins do it better! by Evita Meiere AEGEE is an organization with many locals around Europe that are working independently, organizing their events. All the organizational things, PR, etc. they are doing by themselves. However there also couple of locals within AEGEE network that cooperate with others and thus share the responsibilities for organizing events, knowledge and experiences, help and support each other. Those are AEGEE Twins! Currently there are 6 twin agreements in AEGEE: AEGEE-Valletta & AEGEEKyiv, AEGEE-Tallinn & AEGEE- Groningen, AEGEE-Lund & AEGEEKobenhavn, AEGEE-Wien & AEGEE- Piliscsaba, AEGEE-Riga & AEGEELas Palmas, AEGEEPeiraias & AEGEE-Leon.
And at Agora Alicante new twins will be established.AEGEE-Oviedo & AEGEEBudapest, Catania & Maribor, Wien & Piliscsaba, Enschede & Bratislava. Every cooperation between those twins is a bit different and depends much on various factors like geographical location, travel possibilities, etc. But what is common is that the involved antennae gain a great experience, friendship, and can become stronger thanks to the support of their twins. For example AEGEELund and AEGEEKoenhavn regularly organize different joint trips like bike ride for their members. AEGEE-Tallinn and AEGEE-Groningen have organized reversed cultural nights in each of their cities and cooked the other culture’s traditional meals.
AEGEE-Riga and AEGEELas Palmas showed during EBM 2011 in Riga that even a far distance between antennae is not an issue that would not allow having a close relationship and supporting the twin in its event organization. Of course there are also many exchanges they are organizing together, exchanging their knowlege and experiences as well as helping each other to promote their events in the whole network. By having a twin, you will never feel alone! Furthermore, there are many more possible ways of cooperation that are up to your imagination. It is up to each antenna to choose with which other antenna they want to develop a closer friendship and how to support and cooperate.
Do we live in the European reality?
by Dóra Kocsis It is common knowledge that 2010 was the „European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion”, which may sound really interesting, although maybe a bit theatrical and also distant especially if we do not personally face such problems in our daily life. What do we know in fact about the European reality? What are the results of the thematic year and what do the keywords social inclusion and exclusion mean exactly? We always hear about facing exclusion in Europe, that is, certain groups of people or individuals are wholly or partly excluded from full participation in the society in which they live. The fact is that 80 million EU citizens have such limited resources that they cannot satisfy the demands of their natural needs, moreover, one out of six people considers him/herself to have a disability or a long-term health problem. There are many other groups of people who are particularly at risk to get excluded. These problems encompass the questions of marginalization, migration, identity problems, religious and ethnical problems, participation in democracy and global responsibility.
Social inclusion also means that people take part in decisions that concern their lives. Consequently, social inclusion can be used as a tool for social development. The problem exists but how can we turn it into inclusion? EU is fighting against social exclusion with coordinating and encouraging national governments. They have worked out the “Open Method of Coordination” which contains national action plans as the fight against social exclusion must be done where the people live: in cities, towns and villages in all countries of Europe. There is group of people from our Network brought together by the belief that it is high time for AEGEE to deal with the integration of young people with fewer opportunities in the society. As the biggest youth organisation, we have many advantages and possibilities to have a great effect on social issues. AEGEE is a network, a group of people that decides on its most important issues together, acting as an example of cooperation. Therefore it also has the responsibility to support the building of the future of our continent and act as an example.
Forgotten corners of Europe
NATIONALISM IN EUROPE? by Thomas Leszke Many voices speak of the “resurgence of nationalism” these days. But what does that actually mean? And why is it so dangerous for us? Nationalism, like most words that end in “-ism”, describes an ideology. In this case, it is an ideology that has two imperatives: 1. The identity of the “nation” is sacred and untouchable. 2. The interests of those people that belong to this “nation” always have priority over the interests of other people. So it is all about the “nation”. But what is a nation? According to Wikipedia, a nation is “a community of people who share a common history, language, culture, ancestry and/or territory”. In Europe, this is actually a funny thing to conceive. Because after centuries, even millennia of war, displacement and immigration, it is absolutely hopeless to make an accurate definition of a European “nation”, or of a national identity. Still, this is exactly what nationalists are desperately trying to do: define a “waterproof ” concept of what it means to be a “German” or a “Serbian”, and a waterproof
definition of who belongs to this group of people and who doesn’t. And the next step is to proclaim that this particular group of people is not only an exclusive group, but also deserves exclusive rights - apparently even of divine legitimacy, as the new Hungarian constitution that was recently approved seems to suggest: “God bless the Hungarians!”... It is not the intention of this article to explain why nationalism is “wrong”. But it has to be observed that nationalism is the exact opposite of what we stand for in AEGEE: Nationalism is exclusive, culturally intolerant and makes people think in categories, while we promote inclusion, tolerance and diversity. And most of all, nationalism creates borders in Europe, while we strive exactly for their elimination! In other words, nationalism is a “natural enemy” of AEGEE. So if we take our identity seriously in times like these, we must combat this phenomenon where we have the chance. I am looking forward to any ideas that we could put into practice!
by Yanike Sophie
What is Europe?
You’ll be probably thinking about countries as Belgium, Germany and Italy. Or if you think in more recent terms, you name the Baltic States. And if you are more a crisis-thinker you will mention Ireland or Portugal. This article is not talking about the areas that always get the attention. Now we mention the forgotten corners of Europe; maybe your next destination? Kosovo – After many times being occupied by different powers, they declared themselves independent in 2008. But not even half of the world agrees with them. Even in Europe some countries don’t recognize this little patch of Europe as an independent country. Did you know they use the Euro in Kosovo? Transnistria – Also in this part of Europe you will be checked by the borderpolice. A narrow strip of land between Moldova and Ukraine is inhabited by mainly Moldovans and Russians. After 1990 they declared themselves independent. For tourist
Publisher Network Commission Editor in Chief & Layout Olimpia Pârje Graphic art: Dóra Kocsis
visits: not recommended. Unless you want stay there the rest of your life... Isle of Man – However this island is located centrally in the UK it is not part of the United Kingdom. This means they are not part of the EU and so there is no free movement of services and capital. This fact combined with the fact it is low-tax economy makes this place paradise for rich people. Let’s start an AEGEE-local there! The republic of Užupis (Vilnius) – In 1997 they declared themselves independent with an army of 12 man personnel. When you cross the bridge of the Vilnia River, you are welcomed by a statue of Jesus with a backpack. Next to statue you will find the statutes. AEGEE’s CIA could take these straightforward rules as an example: “People have the right to make mistakes” (art. 4) and “People have the right to be happy” (art. 16) are two examples. Sápmi (Lapland) – Covering the northern parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia this region is a perfect example of crossbor-
der cooperation. The harsher the circumstances get – the more people depend on eachother. Though they are not recognized as a separate nation they have a national anthem and a national day. Cymru (Wales) – As one of the smaller countries of the United Kingdom it is often forgotten next to world leading England and the always brave Scotsman. However also in Wales they have their very own identity. Be sure you will never mix them up with an Englishman. In the Northern parts more people will have Welsh as their first language! Maybe a good thing that AEGEE is not active in Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgoger ychwyrndrowllllantysiliogogogoch – the visual identity team would have difficulties to fit that onto the logo! You can check out some of these forgotten corners through AEGEE with our locals in Kosovo and Wales! They are happy to show you that there is no reason at all to put these areas in the forgotten corners list!
Editors Dóra Kocsis, Milica Luković, Lucille Rieux, Thomas Leszke, Olimpia Pârje, Yanike Sophie, Olga Iatsyna, Evita Meiere, Shushan Khachatryan,
Marijana Roscic, Anita Kalmane, Jüri Kirpu E-Mail