Twin Antennae Manual

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NetCom Project

Twin Antennae

NetCom Project Twin Antennae

PROJECT OUTLINE INTRODUCTION The Twin Antenna project is a concept which is very similar to the twin towns, or sister cities which is present amongst many of the world’s cities. The main idea around the Twin Antenna project is to encourage AEGEE locals to form a mutual partnership for collaboration to work together, on one or various projects, for at least 18 months.

MISSION The Network Commission wants to establish the Twin Antenna project to improve cooperation and communication within the Network. Combining forces and the experience of two different locals offers them the possibility to support each other, solve problems together and organize common activities. It is the Network Commission’s goal to involve more people in constant cross-border cooperation, bring the Network closer together and eventually strengthen our internal structure with this project. The Network Commission believes that AEGEE is a network of friends and establishing friendships is the best way to serve its purpose. Every AEGEE antenna is eligible to become a Twin Antenna. All you need to do is to find a suitable "Twin" who also wants to collaborate with your antenna. But what can be done as a Twin Antenna and why should an antenna embark on this project? The main aim of a Twin Antenna is to create a greater sense of friendship between two antennae. This can be done at any statutory event (Agora or EPM) where you can decide to form a twinning agreement with another antenna. Surely, this will only bring happiness to the Agora, especially to the two antennae involved. Primarily, the main aims of the Twin Project are the following:  Connect different parts of the Network by establishing direct contacts between locals from all over Europe;  Create new possibilities for constant inter-regional cooperation;  Enhance the communication and exchange of best practices and knowledge transfer both within the participating Antennae and within the Network itself;  Provide a framework for locals to help each other with their daily work;  Establish partnerships/friendships that are profound, fruitful and sustainable

NetCom Project Twin Antennae

STRATEGY How can you select your ideal twin antenna? There a lot of factors which can help you to choose ideal partners for your local. You can decide to become a twin antenna after coming back from Summer University of your dream and would like to keep in touch with new friends. Another reason could be that an antenna would like a particular culture so much that they would want to live that culture themselves. One can also like the geographical position of an antenna, and would like to experience the different aspects of the country this antenna is situated in, which include climate, festive traditions and so on. The reasons are endless, so just look up all the antennae present on the AEGEE-Europe map and choose your ideal twin!

IMPLEMENTATION From the signing of the agreement, two locals can start to realize their ideas as Twin Antennae. Since this moment they have to make the most of their partnership and try to exploit every resource and every idea in order to make their twinning agreement a fruitful one. Twin Antennae have to keep really good contact for the best results. Committed Twins will of course visit each other as often as possible and create a special bond of friendship between their members. Twin antennae can assist each other in their daily challenges and exchange ideas for new projects and maybe even organize an event together. A twin antenna should be your real twin who will be the first who can if your local been facing a problem and try to solve problems to each other together. Also as real twins Twin Antennae should know each other better than anybody. That why it's a good opportunity for locals share and promote their own cultures and know a lot about culture of your Twin.

CONCLUSION A Twinning agreement enriches the AEGEE life of two antennae at one go, bringing a new challenge to their members, creating new possibilities and perspectives and most of all create a strong bond of friendship that will not cease to exist when the project is complete.

NetCom Project Twin Antennae

NetCom Project Twin Antennae

PROJECT GUIDELINES INTRODUCTION Following the project outline, this section will be dedicated to the steps that an antenna needs to take to become a twin antenna. A twinning agreement will consist of a set of basic guidelines by which both antennae are asked to comply. These guidelines help the antennae in accomplishing their twinning agreement and make sure that such an agreement reaps the desired fruits by the time the agreement comes to an end.

WHY BECOME A TWIN ANTENNA? Becoming a twin antenna in the AEGEE network will open a whole new perspective to your local and a new world of exciting opportunities. If your antenna:  seeks new friendships with another antenna in which you have a particular interest;  seeks to learn a new exciting culture which is completely different from yours;  needs a close local to exchange know how and best practices;  wants to launch new initiatives across Europe;  has any other creative or valid reason which will be beneficial to your antenna and your twin antenna; then this is the ideal project for you!

NetCom Project Twin Antennae

STARTING OFF YOUR TWINNING AGREEMENT An antenna should always have a number of valid reasons, or starting ideas, as to why they would like to start a twinning agreement with another antenna. The ideas can range from creative to original to serious, depending on the needs of your antennae. Here are a few tips of the general “starting ideas”:  Cultural interest, which may lead to cultural exchange trips;  Knowledge transfer. An Antenna might want to twin with another antenna which has high reputable standards in organizing events especially if related to Action Agenda and AEGEE aims;  Geographical positioning. An antenna might want to twin with another antenna based on their geographical position, e.g. a Finnish antenna twinning with a Spanish antenna;  Problem solving, which is beneficial for both antennae which might be facing certain problems within their local;  Breaking down language barriers. An antenna might have a particular interest in a language from which another antenna hails, therefore creating room for language workshops, European Day of Languages project collaboration and so on. The reasons are endless. Having a twin, you will always have somebody with whom you can share ideas and solve common problems, someone who will be just like a brother or sister for you in your AEGEE activities. All you need to do is think about a valid reason, talk to your target twin antenna and agree on what grounds and when you are going to sign the Twinning agreement.

NetCom Project Twin Antennae

BECOMING A TWIN ANTENNA Every Antenna can be your Twin. It doesn’t matter how near or far the intended twin antenna is, the most important thing is that there should be a concept of partnership. Before your partnership is officially announced, you should take into consideration the following things:  Agree with your Twin Antenna on some common objectives and prepare an activity plan.  Appoint a motivated and active member (maybe even create a post in the executive board, if your statute permits the creation of a post) to coordinate the communication and activities with your Twin Antenna. If you have a number of plans, you can also form a sub-committee or internal working group to help out the Twin Antenna responsible. After this, communicate your plans and proceedings to your NetCommie. S/he will be very glad to help you, give you some useful feedback and most of all arrange the signing of the Twin Antenna ‘contract’ to be signed at an EPM or Agora where one of the two NetCommies (either your own or the one of your Twin Antenna) is present. A Twinning agreement has to have a particular structure, better known as the foundations of the agreement. The Twinning Agreement must be signed at a Statutory meeting (EPM or Agora) in order to make the whole network aware that two antennae have become twins, and share this joy with the whole network. A slot in the EPM or Agora will be dedicated to new twin antennae to present the agreement, usually on the last plenary when AEGEEans use to sign every kind of contract. Subsequently, commemorative certificates, also known as the Twin Antenna ‘contract’, will also be presented by the Comité Directeur to both antennae in order to have a tangible record of your twinning agreement. An antenna can only have one twin antenna for a period of time ranging from 12 to 18 months. Once the Twinning agreement is over, the antennae could either renew their agreement or decide to embark on a new twinning agreement with another antenna.

NetCom Project Twin Antennae

MAINTAINING AN ACTIVE TWINNING AGREEMENT A Twinning agreement must be kept active as much as possible in order to obtain the desired objectives. There are various activities that can be done in order to keep a twinning agreement lively, these are:

Constant Communication  Both antennae must keep constant communication in order to know what new activities are being organized, what problems an antenna is facing and so on.  A special mailing list for you and your twin antenna should be created, where you can inform each other about happenings in your locals, exchange ideas, keep the twin spirit alive and get to know each other better.  You can talk about any common interest topics, from funding opportunities to new thoughts on projects, from nice quotes and jokes in your language to organize the coolest thematic party.  One NetCommie, twin agents from both locals, at least one board member from each local and any member who shows interest in the twin project may subscribe to the mailing list.

Organize Common Events  Being a twin antenna, it is recommendable that as many members as possible from both antennae get in contact and meet each other. Possibilities for members of both antennae to host and visit each other within the twinning agreement should be imperative. Part of your cooperation deal should include organizing a regular exchange, visiting your partner local once a year and hosting them in your local as well.  Besides exchanges, you can also organize a common activity which is held at 2 different events taking place at the same time. An example of this can be a videoconference call that joins both events at the same time, and have an online workshop session of one or two hours discussing various topics which may help both participants in the events as well as the organizers of this activity.  You can also organize an event which runs in parallel in both antennae. For example, your antenna is organizing an Art competition which has a particular theme. If your twin antenna wants to cooperate with you, they can also organize the same event in their antenna and the winners of each competition will have their art works displayed in both antennae and maybe the chance to win a trip to your twin antenna.  If you feel ambitious, twin antennae may also dare to organize a big project together like a big conference or a Summer University. On the other hand, if your antenna has reputable standards of organization, you can help out your twin antenna in the organization of a big event and help the new enthusiastic members of your twin antenna to overcome their initial difficulties and realize their ideas.

NetCom Project Twin Antennae

Facilitate Knowledge Transfer  When a new board is elected or when a local face some problems, a lot of things need to be given the due attention and transfer needs to be given to the new board or active members. Your twin knows you quite well, and they will be able to help in that process. It also gives a lot of motivation to your new board if they get a part of their much needed information from somebody far away, this way they are introduced to the famous AEGEE-Spirit right from the start!

Establish an Identity  You can devise things which make your antennae connected in a visual way. Have your twin get your T-Shirts and get theirs, or even create new T-Shirts to give more meaning to your Twinning agreement. That way, you will support each other in a visible way and promote each other within the network. It also shows that European spirit is something very important in AEGEE, and this can also help you in your PR.

Every other idea you have  We cannot write a complete list of examples, it is also up to you decide what kind of activities and relation you want to build together so…it’s up to your imagination!

EUROPE LIES AT YOUR FEET! You will also get the needed support by a NetCommie who will be the responsible assigned for your twinning. S/he will help you in joint projects; give you new ideas on how to cooperate and answer any questions you may have. You may also receive a welcome package with some goodies you can use to promote the twinning to your members. So what are you waiting for!? Gather all your board members, decide which antenna would be your best twin and propose a twinning agreement and you just might find the ideal sibling you always wanted in your AEGEE experience!

NetCom Project Twin Antennae

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