BUILDING A STRONG AND RESILIENT NORTH DURHAM ECONOMY The northern municipalities in Durham Region (Brock, Scugog and Uxbridge) share many similarities when it comes to tackling challenges related to economic growth. The Vibrant North Durham Economic Development Plan 2013-2018 (the Plan) represents an intentionally coordinated approach to economic development that seeks to maximize opportunities to build a strong and resilient economy. The Plan was developed through a coordinated and collaborative approach between the Region of Durham and the Townships of Scugog, Uxbridge and Brock. It is built on the recognition that coordinating resources, eliminating duplication and working together effectively can help build a strong and resilient rural economy. There are four strategies identified in the Plan as the foundations to building a strong and resilient economy: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Be Open for Business Inspire and Support Entrepreneurship Create a Vibrant Future for Young Adults Build a Stronger Rural and Small-Town Identity
Each municipality along with their respective Economic Development Advisory Committees, business organizations and community groups participated in the development of their own specific action plan reflecting the four overarching strategies identified above. Each year, Durham Region Economic Development staff provide an update to each municipal Council on the progress of the Plan and each specific Township action plan. Some of the project highlights achieved over the last five years include: - - - - - - - - - -
Annual Tri- Economic Development Advisory Committee meetings, Annual Building Business Forum event, Annual Council Business Tours, Ongoing support of the Brock Youth Centre, Launch and implementation of Biz-PaL, Development of new business welcome protocols and programs, Two Business Retention and Expansion projects, Successful Rural Economic Development grants, Shop Brock Downtown Revitalization Project, Business development workshops throughout north Durham,
Overall, the Plan can be considered a success and holds vital strategic importance to furthering economic development initiatives throughout north Durham. The Plan will be updated to serve the next five years through further stakeholder consultations. More details will be available in the coming months.