The UNG has been and continues to be a marvelous journey for me. During the breakfasts/lunches and community events representing UNG, I am one among equals. Each one of us shares a goal to be the best we can be in our businesses for our community. UNG provides the opportunity to network with peers and the general community. Annie’s continuing support on my efforts is appreciated. She calls upon me annually to take part in her S.T.E.A.M. day for children of our community. She is a business dynamo and she always has the UNG membership at heart. Stanley R Taylor
Uxbridge Networking Group
I personally think every town needs a networking group. The UNG helped ease my business right into Uxbridge and helped me to network with people I may otherwise have not met. I have made many business connections and a lot of those connections are now great friendships. John Auger seven8creative