17 minute read

NT Spring 2019: Elevate Entrepreneurs

Bringing Mamas Home

Bridgette Testino Paine


Bridgette Paine is a 22-year-old mom who turned to direct selling to be home with her baby. She joined her company in January 2018 while her husband was deployed. One year later she has built a team that is doing more than $500,000 in monthly sales. Not only is Bridgette living the life she designed, working with people she loves; she was able to retire her husband when he came home from military deployment. Thanks to her home business, they no longer stress about bills and get to enjoy being a full-time family.—J. G.

Bridgette found out she was pregnant while in her sophomore year of college. She stayed on campus, finished up the semester, and then went home to have her baby. She continued taking online classes until her daughter Caroline was four months old. “Caroline started getting mobile very early,” says Bridgette, “which made it hard for me to sit down and study. I was on a track to become a High School math teacher.”

Bridgette decided to take a break from school with a plan to go back when her daughter would start preschool. However, she quickly realized that she didn’t want to be away from her child and work on someone else’s schedule. “I did not want to have to go get a job,” she confides. “I knew in my heart that daycare was not going to work for us. I wanted to be a stayat-home mom, be truly present, and not miss the special moments.”

Bridgette was introduced to network marketing in September 2016, the very month that she decided to take a break from school. “Right away I saw what could be for me,” she says. “Watching other leaders over the course of the next few months, I knew...


Keith & Katie YARBROUGH

Keith and Katie Yarbrough are full-time direct selling entrepreneurs who live in Texas with their children and three dogs. Keith is a gifted speaker and has a memorable ability to motivate teams and spread encouragement. Katie excels in product knowledge and is known for her love of sharing and caring for others.

Each contributing their unique gifts, Keith and Katie complement each other as a power couple in their company and the direct selling space. With a background in automotive management and nursing respectively, Keith and Katie pour a mixture of both expert knowledge and authentic passion into their business as they aim for ever higher levels of achievement.—J. G.

Keith and Katie Yarbrough got started in direct sales over twenty years ago. They fell in love with the benefits of residual income and time freedom, and this is still what drives their commitment today as they continue to work hard and strive for success.

Prior to getting involved in network marketing, Keith was working in the automotive industry where he developed his expertise in speaking, training, and motivating sales teams. With an education in nursing, Katie developed outstanding people skills working in healthcare management.

Over the span of their two decades in direct sales, the Yarbroughs have crossed paths with many accomplished networkers and influential leaders. In March 2017, the couple aligned with Robert Oblon as they connected with his vision and mission for the company he had just launched at the time. This meeting inspired a renewed and heartfelt commitment in the Yarbroughs, as they embarked on their next journey in direct selling...

Direct Selling in the Online Retail & Gig Economy

A conversation with Robert Oblon

Robert Oblon is a multifaceted figure in the world of direct selling. He started out as a graphic artist and home-based entrepreneur who became a meta-search pioneer and online travel expert. When he found network marketing, he fell in love with the business model and tried his hand at building a successful travel MLM.

As a company owner, his #1 priority was to build retention in a climate of veracity and transparency. After years of trial and error, Robert now owns one of the fastest growing direct selling companies in the world. It’s a hybrid model, combining the efficiency of online retail and the perks of the gig economy with the unique benefit of residual income. Leaving behind the stigma of MLM, he calls this next generation of direct selling super affiliate marketing—SAM. Along with his executive team, Robert made a deliberate choice to keep the product business strictly separate from the entrepreneurial opportunity, with an overarching mission to “Elevate health, wealth and happiness.”—J. G.

Robert Oblon

BIG Potential

Shawn Achor

Shawn Achor

After spending 12 years at Harvard University, Shawn Achor has become one of the world’s leading experts on happiness and how it relates to success. His research on mindset and positivity has been featured in Harvard Business Review since 2012. His TED talk is one of the most popular of all time with almost 19 million views, and his lecture series on PBS have been viewed by millions.

Shawn has worked with over one-third of the Fortune 100 companies, as well as with the NFL, the NBA, the Pentagon, and the White House. He has lectured in more than 50 countries, speaking to CEOs in China, doctors in Dubai, schoolchildren in South Africa, and farmers in Zimbabwe. His Happiness Advantage training is one of the largest and most successful positive psychology corporate training programs in the world.

Shawn’s research has been published in a top psychology journal for work he did at UBS (a Swiss multinational investment bank and financial services company) in partnership with Yale University to transform how stress impacts the body. Shawn recently did a two-hour interview with Oprah Winfrey at her house to discuss his mission to bring positive psychology to the world.

Shawn is the author of New York Times bestselling books The Happiness Advantage (2010), Before Happiness (2013), and Big Potential (2018).



Mark and Judy were not looking to build another business—as they are in the fifties— when they were introduced to their direct selling company. As soon as they tried the product, they wanted to share it with others. “We loved the concept of elevating lives in the areas of health, wealth, and, most importantly, happiness. How fitting was it that we could share Shawn Achor’s findings and programs on happiness, while at the same time offering products that actually helped us release happiness hormones!” The business opportunity has helped Mark and Judy create an income beyond their wildest dreams in less than six months, but they say the biggest gift is the family of business partners they have joined.—J. G.

Where were you before you got into this business?

We were introduced to network marketing 24 years ago at a time when we were self-employed in the retail and wholesale furniture industry. While we had a very comfortable income, we lacked the time to really enjoy it. We joined a direct selling company and learned about the power of leverage. We believe it’s the perfect way to share and deliver a product to the end consumer, and with the technology, we have today it has the potential to grow a network of entrepreneur partners and customers much faster and larger than ever before.

What we experienced in the 24 years of being in this profession we love so much was the importance of building relationships with people and meeting them where they were at, regardless of where they came from or who they were. Most people just need someone to believe in them, as they typically question whether they can do something or not, especially when it’s something new. By believing in them and doing it with them, not for them, we lead them to successes and empower them to help others do the same.

We have created an environment where everybody feels comfortable, regardless of who they are. We believe that success is simple and that if you have a great product that works, a vision, and a mission to drive your passion, all you need is the culture to build a business.

Who introduced you to your business and what made you say yes?

A good friend, Rich Cordle, called us to meet Robert Oblon and talk about an investment opportunity. We met for dinner in June 2017. It was a casual dinner that changed the direction of our lives forever. Next, Robert sent us a box with a “healthy coffee” to try. We drank it, it worked, and we didn’t care about food anymore! We got excited when we found out it was a direct selling company, so we became affiliates and started sharing the product.

How do you build your business day to day?...

Let the Tools Do the Work

Brittany & Joseph BECK

Brittany and Joseph Beck live in Arab, a small town in North Alabama. Before finding network marketing, Brittany was an 8 th -grade science teacher and Joseph worked in IT. Shackled by limited income, they had accumulated a lot of credit card debt, to the point where they were considering bankruptcy. Thankfully, learning about network marketing gave them hope. They saw a platform to get paid based on their hard work. Thinking they had found the answer to their prayers, the Becks dove all in and 6 months after joining their first company, they were debt-free. To date, they have achieved the top rank in their current company, building a multi-million dollar business in less than a year. They are now, both full-time network marketers with solid plans and lofty dreams.—J. G.

Who introduced you to network marketing?

JOSEPH: We really got our feet wet in February 2017. We found some products that intrigued us and we knew we could share them with others to earn a little extra income. A few months after joining our first company, we began hearing about this happy coffee through the grapevine. We knew Maria Giambrone had left our company for this new company, so we reached out to ask her for a sample. We tried it and fell in love. We knew right away that we were looking at a game changer— a product that is affordable, gives instant gratification, and is something people are already familiar with!

BRITTANY: We knew we had something special from day one. We spoke to Maria and Judy Willodson for a few weeks and really drilled them with questions before deciding this was it for us. We had to make sure this was the best decision for ourselves, our customers, and the close friends we knew would be transitioning with us. We had to be ready to walk away from a significant income in our prior company and be ready to...

The POWER of Subtle Energy

A conversation with Dr. Yury Kronn

For the past 40 years, Russian physicist Dr. Yury Kronn has been studying the “subtle energy” that fills 96 percent of our universe, yet cannot be seen or measured. Modern scientists call this “dark energy,” while ancient wisdom traditions referred to it as Life force, Prana, or Chi. As Dr. Yury’s research and experiments show, we can now scientifically verify what shamans and energy healers knew all along: that we can use this energy to affect matter; and perhaps more importantly, that we can interact with this energy using our thoughts.

After immigrating to the United States, Dr. Yury started a research and development company to create therapeutic energy tools. The energy patterns he recorded can be infused into any substance and used to enhance the potency of any product—be it nutritionals, skincare, or even jewelry or clothing.

While Dr. Yury is first to admit that we don’t fully understand how it works, his team’s scientific research methods prove that it affects all life forms including humans and animals who are not susceptible to the placebo effect. Dr. Yury and his team are committed to educating the world about the extraordinary healing potential of subtle energy, not only for humans and animals, but for every living system on our planet.—J.G.

Dr. Yury, can you tell us a little about your background and what led you to the work you do today?

I was born in Russia, where I studied physics. After earning my Doctorate specializing in quantum radio-physics, I became a conventional scientist and started working for the Institute of Radiotechnics and Electronics at the Academy of Sciences of Russia. In this Institute, scientists were investigating—clandestinely, because it was contrary to communist ideology—two women who demonstrated the incredible effects they could produce using their energy. They could move objects, and they could read through paper or even metal.

One of them was Nina Kulagina. You can find information about her online. Nina was able to do incredible things, like bend laser beams. She could slow down or speed up a frog’s heartbeat with her thoughts. She could stop the propagation of ultrasounds through a big man-made crystal, which is not possible from a scientific point of view.

Witnessing these experiments totally turned my world upside down. It literally kept me awake at night. I had just defended my Doctoral dissertation, and suddenly I saw something that didn’t jive with my knowledge of physics, yet I had to believe my eyes…

It was the beginning of my lifelong research into “subtle energy.” I decided I needed to understand what that was. Definitely some kind of energy was involved, but it was not the energy known to science. The scientists tried to measure electromagnetic radiation and the magnetic field coming from Nina, but they couldn’t find anything unusual.

We continued our research, but it was difficult. The KGB started persecuting us. As a result I was dismissed from my position as head of the lab. I became involved in political activity and was eventually expelled from the USSR in 1988. I came to the US in 1989 and made my first subtle energy generator. Since then, I developed a technology we call Vital Force Technology. Today we work with health...

MASTER the Basics

Toney Freeman

Based in Atlanta, Toney Freeman has been a top-ranked IFBB professional bodybuilder since 2002. With over 25 years of experience in the health and fitness industry, Toney has been very successful as a personal trainer, coach, and competitor. He was first introduced to network marketing in 1996 and for two decades he experienced the typical ups and downs of building a business. After an injury in early 2016, Toney was faced with the decision whether to continue with competitive bodybuilding or retire from the sport at the early age of 50. Timing was perfect for him to shift his focus and invest in a new direct selling business. Once he realized he had found the right company with the perfect product, he and his wife Kelly started building a community of happy customers. Many have joined Toney as marketing affiliates as he is leading one of the fastest growing teams in the company.—J. G.

Tell us a little about your background.

I started bodybuilding in 1989 and won the Junior Nationals in 1993. I went on to win the super heavyweight and overall champion title of the NPC Nationals in 2002, which propelled me into the professional ranks. With the loving support of my wife Kelly, I continued to advance my career and competed in over 70 pro shows, including seven professional wins, Top 5 placings in Mr. Olympia and Top 3 in the Arnold Classic. Being amongst the elite group of fitness individuals for many years was an incredible experience. Being an ambassador for the sport of bodybuilding allowed me to travel the world, meet many wonderful people, and build powerful relationships. The experiences I have had and the knowledge I gained has prepared me well for the next chapter in my life.

How did you find your company and what made you join direct selling?

Kelly and I have been involved in other network marketing companies in the past, but we were unsuccessful until now. What made the difference is that we have found a company where we feel truly at home. It’s like a family reunion every time we gather at events. Not to mention the products are amazing...


Lori Windham

Based in Florida, Lori Windham is a single mom and successful entrepreneur who is in love with helping other people succeed. Just a few years ago, Lori’s life was ruled by the typical challenges and overhead of the traditional business. Everything changed when she joined her direct selling company one year ago. Today she has time to breathe and develop herself, as well as empower others in their pursuit of health, wealth, and happiness.—J. G.

Where were you before you got into this business?

Since 2005 I had owned a real estate and restaurant business, both of which consumed my days and nights. I had very little time freedom, until I found network marketing about six years ago. I knew about it for many years but never really believed it was an actual opportunity that could provide me with what I was looking for. Boy was I wrong! Once I got started, I got it into my blood and I became addicted to it. I knew that if others could make a substantial residual income in network marketing, I could do the same.

Who introduced you to your current company and what made you say yes?

I actually found the product online, scrolling through my social media posts. I knew of others who had found this “magic coffee.” I was skeptical at first and wanted to try it for myself, so I reached out to Toney Freeman through a friend and placed my first order. Once I started taking it, I was hooked in a matter of days. I also recognized that these products were something everyone could use and afford. What’s even better is they provide instant gratification: when you share a cup of our “healthy coffee” with someone, you can see their face light up within minutes! That’s something not many products offer. Ultimately, I joined my company because I felt something special coming through the people. Some of them I had known from my previous years in network marketing. People in our company have a heart for others and a desire to see everyone succeed. All this is what made me take the plunge of faith and jump all in!

How did you launch your business and how do you build day to day?

I dove in head first because I left a company and a pay check to do this full time and as a single mom. Failure was not an option, so I had faith and took action. I just trusted that it would be all I imagined it to be. We experienced—and still do at times—the...

A Better WAY


When Ricky Durant joined his direct selling company in December 2017, he was wearing many different hats. First and foremost, he was a husband and father, but in order to pay the bills while his wife was finishing college, he was working three different jobs. Ricky explains, “I was a chemical plant operator working 12-hour shifts for a minimum of 60 to 84 hours a week, including night shifts; I was also working as a personal trainer, and I was diligently trying to build a business with another network marketing company for the first time.”

Needless to say, Ricky was ready for a change and looking for a better way. He was introduced to his current company by a couple he knew from his previous network marketing experience. “When they told me I needed to come to Dallas to check out an opportunity that could change my life, I didn’t hesitate,” says Ricky. After meeting with the company owner, Ricky immediately resigned from his previous business venture, because the owner’s vision aligned with Ricky’s key values—integrity, passion, and a desire to help others succeed.—J. G.

“I knew I was being led in this direction on purpose,” says Ricky. “The opportunity of being a direct selling entrepreneur is a blessing—when you are with a company whose vision and goals align with who you are—and this is exactly what happened to me. Were their challenges? Of course! I joined a brand new company that is growing rapidly. The challenges we faced are the best type of challenges to have and every startup in the world has experienced them.”

To get himself through the rough patches, Ricky reminded himself to be thankful rather than feeling frustrated, realizing that without these growing pains, there can be no growth.

To build his business, Ricky engages with people daily wherever he goes. “When I’m out and about, I just start conversations,” he says...



Les Brown is one of the world’s most renowned motivational speakers of all time. A leading authority on achievement and peak performance for Fortune 500 CEOs, small business owners, and nonprofit or community leaders, Les Brown helps people overcome the limitations of their own mind so they can face the challenges of the world around them.

Over 20 years ago, Les won a Chicago-area Emmy® for his unsurpassed fundraising pledge drive for the Public Broadcasting System. This milestone was followed by several bestselling books and hosting popular national talk shows on television and radio. Today, with thousands of followers on social media, Les Brown’s impact goes well beyond the stage and public appearances, meshing traditional and digital media to reach his global audience.

From Denmark to Dubai, Canada to the Caribbean, Les Brown shares his powerful message rooted in his own extraordinary life story, showing why we can’t afford to be complacent. For anyone facing roadblocks or adversity, it is his compassionate heart combined with the depth of his knowledge that creates personal transformation and lasting results.

Les Brown received the National Speakers Association coveted Council of Peers Award of Excellence (CPAE), and ultimately, its most prestigious Golden Gavel Award for achievement and leadership in communication. Toastmasters International also voted him one of the Top Five Outstanding Speakers worldwide.

Les didn’t have an easy start in life. In elementary school, he was mistakenly labeled “educably mentally retarded” by his teachers, who did not recognize his true potential. Using determination and belief in himself, he went from being...

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