Many books outline what makes a leader great. I am sure you’ve read
many of them. Tonight is our opportunity to show you what great leaders do, what they look like and who they are in our industry. Leadership is what the Network’s CPG Retail Diversity Hall of Fame awards are all about. The 10 leaders receiving the 2011 William J. Grize Diversity Hall of Fame Award have done more than just practice diversity and inclusion in their organizations; they have led the way for an entire industry. Tonight we recognize their outstanding achievement promoting diversity and inclusion in the consumer products and retail industry and their passionate support of the Network and its mission. Bill Grize kept it simple: He believed that when you give people the opportunity to excel, they’ll succeed and so will you. Bill was a driving force behind diversity and inclusion at Ahold USA, he was an early and earnest supporter of the Network and he served as a powerful example for an entire industry. We are grateful to have known him, appreciative of his support and proud to honor him and our other Hall of Fame awardees tonight. Now it’s our turn. To not just live the change that Bill and our honorees have started, but to lead the change into the next generation. It won’t always be easy – standing for change rarely is. Fortunately, we have great leaders like tonight’s honorees to inspire us. Enjoy,
Michelle Gloeckler Board Chair, Network of Executive Women Senior Vice President, Home, Walmart US P.S. Learn more about tonight’s honorees and the first 10 years of the Network at You can view photos and videos from tonight’s celebration, download valuable content to share with your team and more. © Copyright 2011 by the Network of Executive Women. All rights reserved. The distinctive Network of Executive Women Logo is a service mark of Network of Executive Women, Inc. For more information visit
NEW CPG Retail Diversity Hall of Fame 2011
of executive women
consumer products & retail
celebrating a decade of leadership... Ahold USA and its divisions congratulate the Network of Executive Women on 10 years of excellence.
Ahold USA, the parent company of:
Bill Grize
He inspired an industry and mentored a Network
Ahold USA Bill Grize, the late president and CEO of Ahold USA, was a grocery industry legend and diversity champion. He died in 2010, leaving an enormous void in a field where women still rarely reach the top ranks. “He always believed that people were a company’s greatest asset and he was passionately committed to fostering their talents and strengths,” says Lynne Grize, his widow. Bill Grize began his career at Stop & Shop in 1967 as a part-time clerk. Rising through the ranks, he was named chief operating officer in 1994 and president in 1996. Under his leadership, the chain established diversity initiatives to ensure jobs were open to all members of the community. Grize, raised in Waterbury, Conn., entered the food industry as a teenager, working for five years at a Connecticut beef company doing casework and cutting meat. He began working for Stop & Shop in 1967 as a front-end manager on the swing shift. There he learned “hard work and perseverance is what sustains you,” Lynne Grize recalls. Rising through the ranks of the grocery business for the next four decades, he was named Stop & Shop’s chief operating officer in 1994 and, in 1997 at age 51, president and CEO. He was named president and CEO of Ahold USA in 2000, and the next year he was appointed to the Royal Ahold corporate executive board. “Bill Grize was the first major retail CEO to support the Network,” notes NEW President and CEO Joan Toth. “His heartfelt passion for people and talent development led to his constant drive to champion diversity both in his organization and throughout the cpg/retail industry. He was a vocal supporter of NEW and thanks to him the Network was exposed to c-suite leaders who immediately modeled Bill’s activism. He was a personal mentor to many of us and is sorely missed by the industry and the Network.” He and Lynne attended Southern Connecticut State University. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in economics, he supported Lynne’s pursuit of an advanced degree and her work as an educator in the Waterbury, Conn., public school system. Their mutual support enabled both to be successful in their careers, Lynne Grize says. Bill Grize, the oldest of three children in his family, had two of his own: a daughter, Dara, and a son, Bill, who works at Stop & Shop. Reading and fishing were favorite pastimes. Grize believed, “You can pursue a diverse strategy for your company because it is the law, because it is the right thing to do or because it is good for your business. If you don’t get it on those levels, at least you should get it on the business level.” Widely recognized for his passion for people, Grize was convinced corporate management had both a civic and business obligation to provide a diverse workplace. “When you demonstrate good leadership, encourage and develop people, and give them the freedom to do the things they do well, then you find yourself in a great company,” Grize said in an interview with the Network in 2004. Grize was a recipient of the Food Marketing Institute Sydney R. Rabb Award and was honored with the NEW Outstanding Champion Award in 2004. “As the CEO of Ahold USA, Bill connected me and the Network to all of the top retail leaders in the country and advocated for their participation in NEW,” remembers NEW Board member emeritus Bobbie O’Hare, vice president, business development for JOH. “The Network would not be as strong as it is today without Bill’s support and passion for diversity.”
Top photo: Bill Grize (right) and Ahold USA’s Bob Tobin championed charities like The Jimmy Fund. Center: Ahold USA’s Marc Smith (left), Bill Grize and Bob Tobin were early Network supporters. Bottom: Lynne Grize said her husband “believed people were a company’s greatest asset.”
NEW CPG Retail Diversity Hall of Fame 2011
A pioneer in technology, a pioneer in diversity
Top photo: Indiana native Linda Dillman (second from left) is an ardent Colts fan. Center: Dillman enjoys spending time with emerging leaders and mentors many of them. Bottom: The former Walmart executive was named one of the “50 Most Powerful Women in Business” each year from 2003 to 2007.
Linda Dillman Hewlett-Packard When Linda Dillman was in the fourth grade, growing up in Fort Wayne, Ind., she watched a family close to hers suffer the loss of their father and sole breadwinner. “They were a very traditional family – four kids and Jean, a stay-at-home mom,” Dillman recalls. “Jean was faced with raising her children on her own. I watched her make some unfortunate choices just to be able to support her children. It made me decide that I would always be self-sufficient and able to support myself and my family.” Dillman’s first job – at a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant at age 16 – also taught her to aim high. “I learned that I did not want to fry and serve chicken as a career,” she says. Instead, she made information technology her life’s work. Her contributions at Walmart were nothing short of revolutionary. In 2003, when serving as the retail giant’s executive vice president and chief information officer, Dillman announced the chain’s 100 biggest suppliers would be required to adopt its radio-frequency ID tag system on all case and pallet shipments. The result? A paradigm change in supply-chain management. Today, as Hewlett-Packard’s senior vice president of global information technology, Dillman manages the IT team responsible for the company’s outsourcing services business and a group that supports global functions such as corporate administration and human resources. Named to Fortune’s “50 Most Powerful Women in Business” each year from 2003 to 2007, Dillman continues her efforts to move other women up the corporate ladder. In 2005, the diversity advocate was recognized for her unwavering support of the Network and its mission, joining Jeri Dunn and Kay Palmer in receiving the NEW Outstanding Champion Award. Speaking about the value of gender diversity in the workplace, she remains adamant: “Leveraging the unique strengths and experiences of every different type of individual makes a company stronger, more competitive, more able to deal with change,” she states. “The majority of decision makers on consumer products are women – how critical it is to have our customers represented in our teams.” Dillman lives in Austin, Texas, with her nontraditional family. She and her brother share a home and the responsibility of raising a great-niece and great-nephew, adopted by Dillman and her brother, along with her brother’s two children and three dogs. At home and at work, her philosophy mirrors the Serenity Prayer: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.” She adds, “It’s easy to spend a lot of energy on things you can’t change and not step up on those that you can.” Dillman calls her father her favorite leader and source of inspiration: “He lived true to his values his entire life and took joy in every day,” she says. “Every person he met was a friend.” His influence may be one reason Dillman dislikes someone “who looks at the reasons something is difficult, instead of what it will take to succeed.”
NEW CPG Retail Diversity Hall of Fame 2011
She’s learned to never say never
Top photo: Dunn grew up in Girard, Pa. Center: As a youngster, the future CIO never imagined she’d have a career involving math or science. Bottom: Dunn calls her mother “my personal mentor.”
Jeri Dunn Formerly of Bacardi International You won’t hear Jeri Dunn use the word “never” – not since a difficult grade school experience taught her a valuable life lesson in what is possible to achieve. As a third grader, Dunn moved with her parents from Girard, Pa., to Anaheim, Calif. Because the California school system’s curriculum was more than a year behind the one she left back East, Dunn was forced to repeat the school lessons she had just learned and “was bored beyond belief,” she says. The family was miserable, too, and after a year, they returned to Pennsylvania. The move put her a year behind her peers in the school system. Frustrated and struggling to catch up in math and science, Dunn grew up believing she’d never choose a career that required skills in mathematics. Dunn would swallow that “never” word when she graduated from Edinboro State University in Edinboro, Pa., with a degree in computer technology. “I had to let that myth go,” she states. Three consumer products companies benefited from that decision: Tyson Foods, Nestlé USA and Bacardi Limited, where the recently retired Dunn last served as vice president and global chief information officer. Dunn calls Nestlé USA’s CEO Joe Weller “the best CEO I ever worked for,” saying, “he listened, was patient and had vision. He truly led the company. I think it is a rare combination to have a CEO who has the ability to set a strategy and then execute. Joe could do both – with strength, grace and style.” Dunn credits her mother for personal mentoring. “Even if she never understood what I did for a living, she was always there for me,” she says. “For over 32 years, she was my biggest cheerleader and supporter. I couldn’t have done it without her.” In the workplace, Dunn has been mentored by Jean Claude Dispaux, an IT executive at Nestlé. “When I first moved to Switzerland in 1991, he gave me all the advice I needed about taking an international assignment,” she recalls, “and the advice has not stopped since.” Throughout her career, Dunn learned the value of reaching beyond one’s comfort zone. Her favorite quote, by William Shedd, is: “A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.” She continues to be inspired by “the everyday things,” including her grandchildren’s “still naïve wonder that they can do anything!” She also draws inspiration from a friend who beat breast cancer and “gets up every morning determined it will not come back,” as well as from her niece, Sydney, an athlete “who will never be a ‘star,’ but always gives 100 percent.” Dunn, married to Nasser Farshchian, is proud of her two daughters, Emily and Allison, who have “managed to marry, have children and have very successful careers.” Regarding women in the cpg/retail industry, Dunn is frustrated by the statistics. “Women make 80 percent of the purchasing decisions about consumer products,” she says, “but look at the percentage of females on the executive committees of cpg companies. At most, it is less than 20 percent. If you look further down the ranks, at mid-management, you can find 40 percent.” A recipient of the Network of Executive Women Outstanding Champion Award in 2005, Dunn wonders why females are still not being promoted in the industry. “It is important to me because I feel a very important asset base is not being utilized wisely.”
NEW CPG Retail Diversity Hall of Fame 2011
We proudly support the Network of Executive Women for a decade of advancing women and building business
“Diverse work groups are more effective (and fun)”
Top photo: Tom Greco says his wife Corrine “inspires me more than anyone.” Center: Greco believes in fun at home and the workplace. Bottom: The PepsiCo executive’s favorite hobbies are “any and all activities with my family.”
Tom Greco PepsiCo
Two women top Tom Greco’s personal “most influential” people list: his wife, Corrine, who “certainly inspires me more than anyone,” and his company’s leader, Indra Nooyi, chairman and CEO of PepsiCo. The Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, native began his career with PepsiCo in Canada in 1986. After serving in a variety of positions in sales, marketing and general management, he was named president, global sales in 2006. In this role, he was responsible for driving PepsiCo’s successful “Power of One” strategy, leveraging the company’s strengths under a unified customer approach. Most recently, he was appointed to executive vice president and chief commercial officer for PepsiCo Americas Beverages, based in Purchase, N.Y. Outside the corporate offices, Greco serves on the board of the St. Mark’s Hockey Association and is co-chair of the Food Marketing Institute’s associate member advisory board. According to Greco, he has had many mentors, whose teachings he has recorded for safekeeping. “I have made it a habit to write down the unique lessons I have learned from various leaders throughout my career,” he says. An early lesson, gleaned from his very first job delivering newspapers at the age of 12, was “good service equals good tips.” But if he had to choose one lesson that sums up his life’s philosophy, Greco would point to the “golden” one he learned very early on: “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” His primary pet peeve, “insincerity,” breaks that rule. Family is a priority for Greco; he and Corrine have three boys: Michael, 23, Jarrett, 20, and Jonathan, 18. The Westport, Conn., resident says his hobbies are “any and all activities with my family,” including vacations to the Cayman Islands. Greco earned an honors bachelor of commerce degree from Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, and his master of business administration from The Richard Ivey School of Business in London, Ontario. His academic life goes beyond fond memories, however. If he weren’t in the cpg/retail industry, Greco says he’d most likely be teaching at a large university. When he accepted the Network of Executive Women’s Outstanding Champion Award in 2006, Greco credited NEW for helping Frito-Lay North America redesign key jobs and attract a more diverse pool of candidates. The strategy worked, increasing diverse representation among field sales executives from 33 percent to 52 percent and tripling the number of women in this group. From a professional standpoint, “a diverse work group makes me and my company more effective,” Greco notes. Besides, he says, “having a diverse work group makes for more fun and rewarding work.”
NEW CPG Retail Diversity Hall of Fame 2011
Š2011 Accenture. All rights reserved.
For high performance and great achievements, Accenture salutes the Network of Executive Women. As a founding member of NEW, we applaud the 10 years of developing programs that create positive change for women in the retail and consumer products industries. Here’s to NEW’s continued efforts in helping women achieve high performance.
His daughter brought new motivation
Top photo: Ballplayer Don Knauss is a fan of the barrier-breaking legend Jackie Robinson. CENTER: Knauss served as an officer in the Marine Corps. BOTTOM: Knauss says the birth of his daughter motivated him to step up his support of opportunities for women.
Don Knauss
The Clorox Company You can learn a great deal about a person from the people they admire. Don Knauss’ heroes are two men noted for their selflessness. One, Gen. George C. Marshall, known for his leadership in World War II and his post-war Marshall Plan, was famous for putting service above self-interest. “I always admired his lack of ego,” says Knauss, who served as an officer in the United States Marine Corps. “He was always focused on the mission and on other people, not himself.” Knauss also praises the selfless outlook of baseball great Jackie Robinson, who was famously quoted as saying: “A life is not important except in the impact it has on others.” Robinson’s words have become Knauss’ motto. That humble outlook has followed the Indiana native and Indiana University graduate through his own leadership roles, including president and CEO of The Minute Maid Company and president and CEO of Coca-Cola North America. Knauss considers Don Keough, former president and current board member of The Coca-Cola Company, his mentor. During his tenure at Coca-Cola, Knauss provided seed money to a small group of women and men creating a new organization for industry women — the Network of Executive Women. Knauss, who received the Network’s Outstanding Champion Award in 2002, carried his commitment to promoting workplace diversity and equity to Clorox, where social responsibility tops the corporate priority list. In 2006, Knauss was named chairman and CEO of The Clorox Company. He now serves on the boards of the Kellogg Company and URS Corporation; Indiana University’s College of Arts & Sciences’ dean’s advisory board; and the board of trustees of University of San Diego, Morehouse College and the Marine Corps University Foundation. His working life started, however, as a very young man with a job that instilled in him a valuable skill, never to be forgotten. “I had a paper route,” he explains. “I learned to be on time, and that has stayed with me to this day.” Indeed, his pet peeve is “people being late.” Knauss and his wife Ellie reside in Oakland, Calif., frequenting Hawaii, their favorite vacation spot. The father of four – Jack, 23; Mickey, 22; Alec, 20; and Kara, 17 – says the birth of his daughter motivated him to step up his support of educational and professional opportunities for women. Knauss has always believed that diversity is a business imperative, not a human resources initiative. “You cannot win in today’s marketplace and deliver true value to consumers if you don’t have people on the team who understand and relate to the consumer,” he states. “Women are the primary decision makers when it comes to purchasing household products, and we need to get to know them at a deep and meaningful level,” he says. “This is one of the reasons our industry has been seeing more and more women in marketing.”
NEW CPG Retail Diversity Hall of Fame 2011
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Jeff Noddle
“If you preach it long enough, it happens”
Formerly of SUPERVALU It might seem fitting that Jeff Noddle, retired chairman and CEO of SUPERVALU, took his first job at a locally owned grocery store in his hometown of Omaha when he was 15 years old. “The irony is I didn’t want to be in the grocery business back then, it was too hard and the hours were bad,” he remembers. After graduating with a degree in marketing and general business at University of Iowa – working summers in a grocery warehouse – he planned to go to graduate school. “But it was the height of the Vietnam War and I had a bad lottery number, so I entered the Army reserves,” he says. When his service responsibility was completed, Noddle parlayed his grocery background – the only work experience he had – into a career. “I figured I should do some interviewing in the field I was already on the path of,” he says. And the rest is history. Noddle was fortunate to have two outstanding mentors: his SUPERVALU CEO predecessors. “Jack Crocker was CEO of the company when I was very young in my career and he took an interest in me,” Noddle explains. “Having that kind of mentorship at that stage really helped.” Mike Wright, who was CEO of SUPERVALU for 20 years following Crocker, “mentored me in the latter stages before I became CEO,” the retail leader recalls. As his career advanced, Noddle took inspiration from Warren Buffet – “a guy I know, personally, growing up in Omaha,” Noddle says. “I am fortunate to spend time with him on both social and business occasions, and every time I see him he tells me, ‘Everyone I meet says they’re from Omaha, but I know you’re an original.’” Noddle also is a fan of Indra Nooyi, chairman and CEO of PepsiCo. “I think she’s a terrific leader; I came to know her through the business, as SUPERVALU is one of Pepsi’s largest customers.” Noddle is not too fond, however, of people who don’t return phone calls “or use that as some kind of business strategy,” he says. “I tried to set an example with that. A lot of people would call me for various reasons throughout the day, and the day would not end before they got a call back. It may be my assistant, but there was a response.” Noddle’s personal life is anchored by his 43-year marriage to Linda. They have two daughters, 38 and 35, and five grandchildren. The couple split their time between Minnetonka, Minn., and Rancho Mirage, Calif. With a wife and two daughters, diversity was always “quite important at home,” Noddle says. At work, he was active in placing women on SUPERVALU’s board of directors and in senior leadership roles. “What reason is there in the world why women shouldn’t be treated the same? There is none,” Noddle affirms. “I always told our employees that when they’re assessing people, not to let the ‘good ol’ boys club’ take over. If you preach it long enough, it happens.” Noddle’s commitment to inclusion was recognized with the Network of Executive Women Outstanding Champion Award in 2009. “I knew some of the old ways of evaluating people had to be pushed along to break old customs,” he says. “I decided to be an advocate in that regard.”
Top photo: After graduating school and serving in the Army reserves, Noddle pursued a career in the grocery business. Center: Noddle and wife Linda have been married for 43 years. Bottom: The diversity champion has won many awards.
NEW CPG Retail Diversity Hall of Fame 2011
Reach for the stars Deloitte is proud to be a member and sponsor of the Network of Executive Women. We honor your 10-year commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion within the retail and consumer products industries and congratulate the Network’s Diversity Hall of Fame inductees for their outstanding achievements. For nearly two decades, Deloitte has been leading from the front with our award-winning Initiative for the Retention and Advancement of Women. The result? A cultural revolution that has had an impact not only on the women and men at Deloitte, but also beyond our four walls. It is a source of opportunity, enrichment, and new thinking, and is central to lasting success. To see how we help our people reach their own unique stars, visit
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Kay Palmer
“Life is a daring adventure, or nothing”
J.B. Hunt Transport Services Too few women. That’s what Kay Palmer sees. Palmer, the executive vice president of engineering and technology and CIO of J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc., is taking on one of the most significant challenges in the field of information technology: Making sure more women and people of color are represented in IT. As a member of the executive board of directors for the Information Technology and Research Institute at the University of Arkansas, Palmer is working with the university’s Technology Awareness Program to expose under-represented populations to the field while they’re still in high school. Palmer, a native of Newport, Ark., continues to use the skills and life lessons she learned in high school. From age 14 to 17 she worked summers at her father’s construction business. “I enjoyed the financial freedom the income provided me and liked the nature of the work, in that progress was immediately visible,” she says. The Network of Executive Women named Palmer an Outstanding Champion in 2005. She was recognized for her efforts to promote executive diversity, especially in the fast-growing Northwest Arkansas region. Her vision has helped push J.B. Hunt’s engineering and technology department to be named a “Top Place to Work in IT” and helped earn the company’s place on lists such as “Forbes 400 Best Big Companies,” “Forbes Global 2000” and “The 100 Best Mid-Caps in America” for years. She joined the company in 1988 as a program analyst. Palmer says she has benefited from two mentors – Emmet Logan, J.B. Hunt’s first CIO and her former boss, and the late John Lewis, a local businessman. “Emmet always provided me with sage advice and strong support in my business and personal life,” she notes. “While he no longer lives in the area, he and his wife remain close friends. John Lewis’ love of community, giving spirit and ability to positively influence so many people have long served as an inspiration to me.” A magna cum laude graduate of Harding University with a degree in computer science, Dunn lives in Fayetteville, Ark., with her partner Jay Lewis. Outside of work, she often combines two loves – cycling and traveling. She has cycled across Italy, Spain, France, Belgium, parts of South America and much of the United States. She also enjoys white water rafting, kayaking, running, sailing, art, literature, gardening, wine collecting and astronomy. All fitting for a woman who lives by the words of Helen Keller: “Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.”
Top photo: Kay Palmer is the youngest of three sisters. Center: Palmer was recognized as a “premier leader” by ComputerWorld magazine. Bottom: Palmer, the sailing buff, believes life is an adventure.
NEW CPG Retail Diversity Hall of Fame 2011
Judith Spires Kings Super Markets Judy Spires may not have built her career in grocery retailing if it hadn’t been for her father. “A strong memory is my father’s work ethic and dedication to his employer, Acme Markets,” the native of Cherry Hills, N.J., says. “He never missed a day of work and jumped at the chance to work overtime, whenever needed. Whenever I thanked my dad for a gift or treat, he would say, ‘Thank the good Lord, and thank Acme Markets.’” While still in high school, Spires started working at the Acme Markets store her father managed. “I have no desire to be in any other industry,” she says. “I was fortunate enough to find my passion at the Acme in Westmont, N.J., when I was 17 years old and have never lost it. I tell everyone I have never ‘worked’ a day in my life.” That passion has served Spires well. After holding a variety of roles at Acme Markets and Albertsons Inc., she was named president of Acme Markets in February 2006. She now serves as CEO for Angelo, Gordon Supermarket Holdings, operator of Kings Super Markets. Her very first job was as a 15-year-old lifeguard and swim instructor at a CYO day camp in Blackwood, N.J. “To get hired, the first summer you had to work for free as an intern,” she remembers. “I never missed a day. I showed up early and stayed late to make sure everything was perfect. At the end of the summer, they actually ended up paying me! What a great lifelong learning experience.” Today, Spires resides in Morristown, N.J., with her husband and college sweetheart, Bob. They have one son, Robert, who works in the food business as a financial analyst for the Campbell Soup Company. Spires is inspired by industry leader Jim Demme, chairman of Kings Super Markets, and the company’s dedicated employees. “They come to work every single day committed to doing whatever it takes to provide our customers with exactly what they want,” she notes. “They are absolutely awesome and I am so humbled and honored to work with this incredible team.” Spires continues to be touched and mentored by “so many people,” she says. “I observe, listen and use every situation I am in as a chance to learn and grow. It is amazing how many people truly want to help and support you. My advice is ‘Never pass up an opportunity to grow.’” Spires has been widely lauded for providing opportunities for women in the food industry, including sponsoring company-based diversity groups, mentoring associates and developing Acme Market’s Women’s Initiative Network. She played a key role in the Network’s 2006 expansion in Greater Philadelphia. In recognition of her efforts, she was named NEW Outstanding Champion in 2007. “Diversity is critical to the success of our industry,” she says. “Look at the research. The numbers tell the story all the way to the bottom line. Let’s get this moving faster.” In her down time, Spires reads at least a book a week. With a life that has revolved around food, she names Napa Valley as a favorite destination and loves to create recipes and menus. “If you come to my house for dinner, prepare to be a guinea pig,” she says. Spires, whose pet peeve is “any sense of entitlement,” lives by the philosophy: “Don’t get even. Get better!” 11.5 " Bleed
11.0 " Trim
10.5 " Live
She’s right where she wants to be
Top photo: Judy Spires grew up in Cherry Hills, N.J., the daughter of a grocery store manager. CENTER: Spires has been running supermarkets most of her life. BOTTOM: Spires is inspired by the commitment of her company’s dedicated employees.
NEW CPG Retail Diversity Hall of Fame 2011
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NEW CPG Retail Diversity Hall of Fame 2011
The women in his life drive his passion for diversity
Top photo: James White helped launch the Network Northern California region as a senior vice president at Safeway. Center: White, pictured here with NEW Scholarship Chair Joy Nicholas of Balance Innovations, was awarded the Network’s Outstanding Champion Award in 2008. Bottom: The Jamba Inc. chairman and CEO is passionate about creating an inclusive workplace.
James White Jamba Inc. When retail giant Safeway was creating Mom to Mom — its line of more than 80 baby products — James White, then the chain’s senior vice president of consumer brands, manufacturing and commercial sales, did what he did best: He listened. Tapping into the philosophy that “Mother knows best,” Safeway queried moms about their babies and how products could make their lives easier. This feedback resulted in merchandise that makes sense, such as baby wipes sporting a flip-top that’s a cinch to open. An uncanny ability to assess input and gauge needs may be why White is as successful at forging teams at work as he was at building private-label business. His ability to create diverse, high-performing work teams and establish a workplace where all employees can develop their talents to the fullest has been widely hailed. Now chairman, president and CEO of Jamba Inc., White was a key player in the launch of NEW Northern California, encouraging dozens of colleagues at Safeway to become active in the group and attend its 2007 launch event. He was also instrumental in the establishment of the NEW Executive Leaders Forum for senior industry leaders in 2007. His support of gender diversity in the cpg/retail industry was recognized with the Network’s Outstanding Champion Award in 2008. “My passion for helping create a more inclusive environment and even playing field for women in the industry is driven by the women in my life – my wife, mom, sister, grandmothers and daughters,” White says, “and by my own journey as a leader as I sought to find a level playing field that allows me to execute at full potential.” Growing up in St. Louis, White was greatly influenced by his parents’ tireless work ethic. “They had a passion for my sister and I to develop into good human beings who truly could believe that anything was possible with a healthy work ethic, a true passion for learning and a great respect for all people,” he notes. White’s first job, at age 16, was in a restaurant. “I learned to work hard, respect all people and do more than asked for in every job,” he says. He finds inspiration in his grandmother, Mary Ward, who taught him to always help others and to give without expectation of anything in return. The best career advice he ever received, he says, is “Trust yourself, and trust your own judgment.” Early in his career, he looked outside the workplace for leadership role models. “One of my favorite leaders was Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi,” he says. “He has such a tremendous history of winning and fielding great teams. I was a great reader of Vince Lombardi quotes.” A graduate of University of Missouri with a degree in marketing and a master of business administration from Fontbonne University, White has held senior positions at Gillette Company, Nestlé Purina PetCare Company and The Coca-Cola Company. A resident of Pleasanton, Calif., White and his wife of 24 years, Lisa, have two daughters, Krista, 19, and Jasmine, 11. He lives by the words of WNBA star Alana Beard, a former Jamba Juice intern: “When they say I can’t, I will!”
NEW CPG Retail Diversity Hall of Fame 2011
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commitment to
A retailer that walks the talk
Delhaize America The team at Delhaize America is strongly committed to developing an inclusive workplace, striving to make the company a retail diversity leader. The grocery operator, which received the Network of Executive Women Outstanding Champion Award in 2010, has a strong representation of women among its senior leadership team, with three of its four operating banners led by women. “Throughout our history, we’ve looked for opportunities to locate our stores in urban, rural and developing markets,” Eric Watson, Delhaize America’s vice president of diversity and inclusion, says. “A diverse market presence requires a level of connectivity and strong relationship building with community, civic and local leaders, as well as an associate base reflective of the communities we serve.” Delhaize America is a member of the Brussels-based Delhaize Group and one of the largest supermarket chains in the United States, operating under the names of Food Lion, Bloom, Bottom Dollar Food, Hannaford, Harveys, Reid’s and Sweetbay. Cathy Green Burns, president of the Food Lion, Harveys and Reid’s banners, and a member of the Network’s board of directors, was instrumental in the creation of NEW Carolinas. Hannaford was an early supporter of the Network’s first regional chapter in New England, while President and CEO Mike Vail and the Sweetbay Supermarket team took the lead initiating NEW Florida. Delhaize America’s continuing commitment to professional development is exhibited by Food Lion’s “Women and Women of Color” strategy, which focuses on attracting, retaining and developing diverse talent. To this end, five women from Food Lion completed the ASCENT professional development program, which includes studies in management acumen, strategic thinking, organizational awareness and personal development.
A focus on people
Procter & Gamble Through its portfolio of brands, Procter & Gamble estimates it touches people’s lives around the world 2 billion times a day. The executive team is every bit as proud of how this company touches the lives of its own employees. Under the leadership of CEO and Chairman Robert McDonald, diversity and inclusion are deeply rooted in the company’s purpose, values and principles. P&G management works to bring together individuals from different backgrounds, cultures and thinking styles who provide different talents, perspectives and life and career experiences. The cpg giant’s D&I mission statement sums up the company’s vision: “Everyone valued. Everyone included. Everyone performing at their peak.” The company’s leaders are committed to creating a winning culture where colleagues and managers demonstrate sincere care for each other, extending a personal touch to each individual and genuinely getting to know each other. Everyone’s full engagement is expected to ensure that P&G delivers on its mission in every part of its business. The management team fully recognizes that diversity and inclusion give the company a sustained competitive advantage for continued growth. The company’s focus on D&I has enabled it to hire, engage and retain the best talent from around the world, reflecting the markets and consumers it serves. Rob Steele, the company’s recently retired vice chair, modeled P&G’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, which led to his recognition as the Network’s 2003 Outstanding Champion.
NEW CPG Retail Diversity Hall of Fame 2011
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