In any organization, continuing professional education is a very high need. In any industry, the adage, “change is the only constant” rings true. Each and every line of business or human activity is prone to change, something no organization can stay exempt or isolated from. The more an organization is open to accepting change; the more it is likely to stay ahead of the race. The opposite is equally true. The more the competition, the greater should be the urge to accept change for the simple reason that if you don’t accept change, your competition will do so more quickly than you!
How do professionals stay in tune with the changing needs of their industry? What is the means by which they can be tuned to the realities and changes taking place in their industry? The most effective answer to this question lies in one word: Continuing professional education.
Continuing professional education is a highly needed and required form of learning for professionals in any industry. As the name suggests, this training is offered to professionals, who have already been in a particular profession for a while. The reason they need trainings is that they need to acclimatize and adjust themselves to the growing changes and needs of their respective industries.
In many industries, change is imperative from the sheer pace of changes that take place in the industry. Technology-driven industries come to mind in this category. As we all know, technology changes at such a pace that it is difficult for any organization to keep pace with it. Having said this, all other industries also change at their own pace; it is just the speed of change varies from one industry to another.
Every organization has to consider offering professional trainings to its staff that are in need of it as an investment that will yield high Return on Investment (ROI). For many reasons, this is one of the most worthwhile investments an organization can make.
The main reasons for this assessment Continuing professional education helps the employees stay in tune with the latest happenings, developments and updates in the regulated industries. This helps them turn out products and services that are compliant with these requirements or guidelines Continuing professional education ensures that the organization’s products and services are of the prescribed quality and meet the required standards, which means that organizations that make such products or services are always living up the customers’ expectations Organizations that are updated with the latest regulatory requirements and business standards find it easier to attract investments
NetZealous LLC, a Fremont, CA-based provider of continuing professional education, is at the forefront of providing professional trainings in all the areas that are particularly prone to change at a high speed, and in which regulations and best practices keep coming up every now and then. The need for professionals in these industries to undergo professional trainings is very strong. ď‚ž The top management at NetZealous LLC has identified the particular areas in which the need for these trainings is very high. It has identified regulatory compliance, human resources, healthcare and IT as the industries that are in need of a high degree and quality of continuing professional education for the millions of professionals in these areas that are located all over the globe. ď‚ž
Being a professional training provider that has a feel of the pulse of the needs of the industry; NetZealous LLC understands that the needs of professionals in particular markets are unique to that locus. It understands that there are particular needs that are localized to that particular community, even if the industry in which they work is global in its reach. This is why NetZealous LLC’s professional trainings are considered highly relevant, appropriate and current to the latest needs and requirements of the respective industries.
This is how NetZealous LLC’s continuing professional education helps professionals in the respective industries
As a premier provider of professional trainings for the regulatory compliance industry; GlobalCompliancePanel has trained over a million professionals and helped them reach their career goals and aspirations. With the help of these trainings, these professionals have been able to ascend in their careers and take them to the desired goals and destination.
GlobalCompliancePanel’s professional trainings are from some of the best known names in the trainings industry. These experts impart trainings of the highest standard and caliber to the professionals, helping them stay updated on the latest happening in their industry in terms of professional developments or regulatory updates. With the help of these trainings, regulatory professionals apply the latest regulations into their work without hassles or complications, because the training imparted from these Experts makes it so.
TrainHR: ď‚ž
TrainHR is another of NetZealous LLC’s premier brands. With this portal, NetZealous LLC offers trainings on all the latest that happens in the human resources industry. Many topics are of critical importance to HR professionals. Organizations’ human resources need to ensure that when implementing any of the stages or steps they need to take, they need to stay compliant with regulatory requirements. An organization, for instance, has to ensure that when it is employing people with disabilities, it has to stay compliant with the conditions and requirements set out by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This is just one of the scenarios in which human resources professionals need to update their knowledge of the happenings in the industry. There are several other relating to workplace safety, termination, discrimination, and umpteen others.
If organizations are not compliant with the regulatory requirements and best practices, which keep changing from time to time at a fast pace; they risk facing severe consequences. Not only are the penalties for noncompliance high; noncompliance also means that the organization risks losing its name, something it can never compensate with anything.
It is to help organizations avoid these scenarios that NetZealous LLC’s trainings through its human resources training portal, TrainHR, works. It helps human resources professionals stay completely updated with all that is required in their industry, thus helping them stay compliant and avoiding hefty penalties that accrue from noncompliance. With TrainHR’s continuing professional education trainings, many of which are certified from the industry’s regulatory bodies such as HRCI; TrainHR is rendering yeomen service to the industry.
Through MentorHealth, NetZealous LLC offers high class professional trainings in all the areas of healthcare. Like it does through its other brands; NetZealous LLC offers top notch professional trainings for the healthcare industry through MentorHealth. Professional trainings of the kind offered by MentorHealth enable healthcare organizations to stay focused on the present situation, as also the changes wrought by new developments. Professional trainings from MentorHealth are critical for the healthcare industry for these reasons: The healthcare industry in the US is the world’s biggest, at close to $ three trillion. Updates and regulatory requirements in such a huge industry have to be relevant and apt, something for which MentorHealth has gained a name
The healthcare industry in the US is in the throes of great developments, whose nature and speed seem to sweep the industry off its feet. The latest in technologies, such as cloud-based service and SaaS have deeply impacted the healthcare industry in the US. In addition, there are also other changes of a sweeping nature that are causing a shakeup in the industry, such as Electronic Health Records and the extensive, almost indispensable use of the social media for patient information. Unless a healthcare organization is up-to-date with these requirements and regulations; its business could take a downswing of the worst kind. It could also suffer reverses in terms of its reputation if it is not compliant with the regulatory requirements.
Compliance4All: Regulatory trainings are indeed considered sine qua non for regulatory professionals. While many professionals need detailed training in a particular area of regulatory compliance; there are many cases in which there is a need for a focused and quick presentation on a thoroughly zeroed-in point of clarification. ď‚ž Compliance4All is meant to offer this kind of training to the regulatory professional. Keeping in mind this requirement, Compliance4All designs its courses in the 60-90 minute tenure, keeping them to the point and as needed. Regulatory professionals in the fields of Corporate Social Responsibility, Quality, Purchasing and Vendor Relation, Project Management, Packaging and Labeling, OSHA Compliance, Operation, Medical and Surgical, IT Security, Healthcare/Hospital, Risk Management, Science and Technology, Retail, Research and Development, Regulatory, Law and Compliance, Intellectual Property Law, PCI Compliance, Leadership, Trade and Logistics, Supply Chain, Sox Compliance, Government, Mining and Geology, General counsel/Accountant, Clinical Compliance, Aerospace Defense, Auditing/Accounting and Tax, Automotive Transport, Banking and Insurance, Construction, Corporate Governance, Documentation/Records, Drugs / Biologics, FDA Compliance, Environmental compliance, Engineering/Science, Energy, Electronics and Semiconductor, Education, Health and Safety (OHSAS 18001), Food and Beverages, Environmental (ISO 14001), Medical Device (ISO 13485), Quality Management (ISO 9001), Automotive (ISO/TS 16949) find these courses very useful. ď‚ž
Additionally, these courses from Compliance4All are quite affordable. NetZealous LLC brings all the Experts for imparting trainings for regulatory professionals through Compliance4All, but at considerably lower price band. ď‚ž Needless to state, these regulatory professionals find these courses from Compliance4All highly useful. It serves all their professional needs, without requiring them to spend a bomb on these trainings. ď‚ž
Information Technology is perhaps the field in which the fastest action takes place, so to speak. Within no time, one technology makes way for another, only for it to be replaced by yet another. This is one industry in which the pace of change is so fast that it usually leaves a gap between the technology and the regulatory authorities. There is always a logjam between the two, because no matter how fast regulatory guidelines take to evolve; technology almost certainly always outpaces them. It is in training professional for industries like this that NetZealous LLC has a strong presence globally. Its IT training brand, ITtrainingCenter helps IT professionals the world over gain trainings that are suited for their professions. While ITTrainingCenter employs the best experts in the field of IT for imparting trainings; where this brand differs from most others in the industry is that they are completely tailored to suit the working needs of professionals in this particular industry.
As most IT professionals have work schedules that are not fixed or rigid; ITTrainingCenter has chalked out training programs that cater to the specific needs of these professionals keeping in mind this aspect of their work schedule. A typical professional training course from ITTrainingCenter starts on the first working day of the week and runs through the entire week. This mode of training is chosen especially for ITTrainingCenter because it knows the exact working needs other IT profession. ď‚ž IT professionals need to keep up with the latest technologies and their development, failing which they are sure to get overrun. This is why ITTrainingCenter offers them professional trainings that are tuned to the latest developments and updates from the industry. ď‚ž
Some of the core areas on which ITTrainingCenter offers professional trainings include Project Management, Agile and Scrum Certification, Quality Management, IT Service and Architecture, Big Data and Analytics, Finance Management, Sales and Marketing, Business Productivity Tools, and many more.