Netzealous llc banking and financial compliance courses

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NetZealous LLC: Banking and Financial Compliance Courses

The Banking and Financial Services Industry (BFSI) is a highly volatile industry. Billions of dollars or pounds or other currencies get traded globally in the financial markets. It is also known to be the biggest consumer of IT in any given economy.

BFSI is a broad industry in which many subsectors and institutions such as insurance companies, asset management firms, banks, financial institutions, investors, credit managers, credit unions and many other related ones function, either singly or with each other.

Financial services companies, which are part of BFSI, are tasked with helping investors, both individual and organizational, protect their investments, help earn ROI on those, and also stay compliant with regulatory requirements. The last of these tasks has always been a high priority, but has assumed huge proportions of late for a number for reasons which will be explained later.

Lots of money exchanges hands quickly. The advent of technology has hastened the speed of interaction, communication and the transactions that take place every day. Technology in BFSI has also, however, brought in its wake serious risks and dangers. Hacking or breach of the websites on which the transactions take place can send the markets into turmoil.

The role of Banking and Financial Compliance Courses Not being in compliance with the regulatory requirements can have very serious short and long term consequences for financial organizations. Banking and Financial Compliance Courses are a very effective way out of these problems.

Taking these courses from a reputable provider of Banking and Financial Compliance Courses such as NetZealous LLC, a Fremont, CA-based provider of regulatory professional trainings, offers players in the BFSI sector a way of steering clear of the issues relating to compliance and other problems associated with the industry.

The need and criticality of Banking and Financial Compliance Courses from a reliable provider such as NetZealous LLC can be explained in a number of ways:  Banking and Financial Compliance Courses help financial services organizations to stay compliant with the regulatory requirements set out for the industry by the regulatory authorities.

• These regulatory requirements have become stringent following the outbreak of several financial frauds that shook the world, such as WorldCom, Enron and many others. There have been many other such scandals in the other parts of the world, as well.

• Legislations such as Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) have been enacted by the American Congress in the wake of these financial scandals, because the enormity of these scandals exposed the gaping loopholes in the financial markets system.

• Among the biggest challenges the BFSI faces today is being in compliance with these regulations. These of course, are in addition to their other issues such as leveraging their talent and other resources such as technology for optimizing ROI, building relationships, and many others.

In this industry in particular, Banking and Financial Compliance Courses are extremely important because these are needed for staying compliant with the regulatory requirements. A small deviation can cause severe disruption in the business. This is why Banking and Financial Compliance Courses help organizations stay compliant with the laws relating to regulations. These courses help them to avoid all the bad consequences of noncompliance.

Banking and Financial Compliance Courses from NetZealous LLC are comprehensive. Plus, they carry the experience and wisdom of its experts, who are well known in their industry and have had extensive experience of having worked there and helping resolve the compliance issues of their clients over the years.

It has trained professionals in the BFSI sector and has helped them overcome their regulatory challenges. A snapshot of the areas in which NetZealous LLC offers Banking and Financial Compliance Courses is illustrative of the range and scope of their experience:

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Compliance and Risk Insurance industry Investment banking Banking Asset management Banking Regulation Corporate, commercial and business banking • Finance

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Financial Institutions Regulation Personal and retail banking Transaction banking Private Equity Private banking and wealth management

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