Seminars Cannot Get Better Than This One! The association most of us have of Seminars and conferences is of a staid, nerd-like don coming in at the start of the day and lecturing till evening on the topic of the conference, as if reading out from a textbook. We are not fully wrong in this perception, because many seminars and conferences are done this way. But not the one from NetZealous! Dhaka in Bangladesh bristled and shone with fun and excitement coupled with an amazing learning experience imparted from none other than the global ace of pharmaceutical water systems, Dr. Teri C. Soli. What a seminar it turned out to be! From the start to the finish, it was excitement and fun all the way, with the participants being treated to some of the finest learnings they have ever had on this subject.
The Expert’s magic was at work all along How does one make a topic like pharmaceutical water systems interesting? That is where lay the knack of the presenter. Like music director creating a mellifluous tune out of thin air and like a conductor synchronizing tunes to create unlimited melody, our own Dr. Soli created magic out of the topic of Pharmaceutical Water Systems. The result: an audience floored by his knowledge and oratorical skills, all round excitement and participation from almost every one of them, and a highly gratified organizer!
Dhaka has opened up the floodgates for a real prospect for NetZealous. It tested the waters and found out that what lies underneath is a treasure of well-informed, yet inquisitive minds that want to go to the real depths to quench the thirst of knowledge. The response and the brilliance of the audience have left NetZealous a little dazed, to be honest. Not that the capacity of such a fervid audience was underestimated; it was just a first try. The stepping stone could not have been more welcoming and attractive. A word about what Dr. Soli felt about the seminar… Which is a better testimony to the quality of a seminar than that of the speaker himself? In tune with the excitement generated at this seminar, no less a person than Dr. Solihimself corroborated the fun and thrill that went into this seminar. He says: “It was a great experience for me to conduct this conference. This being the first such seminar I have done in Dhaka, I am greatly excited at the way the seminar went. I look forward to coming back to Dhaka to do more such seminars. I want to come again and again for seminars such as this”. Great words indeed to hear from the speaker, aren’t these?
What the Management at NetZealous feels To say that Satisha Naraharimurthy, CEO of NetZealous, is upbeat is to use a euphemism. He is visibly pleasantly shaken by the enormity of the success this seminar has generated. “What we wanted to try out as a dry run threw up results of the highest magnitude. Aren’t we really pleasantly surprised!” he asks. Ask Shahanshah Manzoor, Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer at NetZealous about his response, and he is equally abashed at the positivity that has sprung up from this two-day seminar. “I have to confide that going into the seminar; I had a few reservations about how it is going to turn out in the end. After all, this is untested territory for us. Now, after two days of sheer excitement that Dr. Soli has generated, all I can say is that I am absolutely thrilled at this kind of response. I want to extend my sincere thanks to the audience, which has given me great hopes of a great partnership in this market. I would like to profusely thank Dr. Soli for having made this conference such a roaring success. We have decided to invest more on this market. Dhaka and the rest of Bangladesh have enormous potential. A heart-filled thanks to the audience and Dr. Soli is what I want to give to everyone. There is a lot more to come from us in the future in Bangladesh. This is a terrific outcome and a great reward for our efforts”, says he. Liju Mathew, Co-Founder and Chief Business DevelopmentOfficer at NetZealous, is elated and excited at the turn of events in Dhaka. He adds with bubbling excitement: “This is a far-out seminar. It was as thrilling and exciting as it was useful. I am very happy that the audience of highly educated and learned professionals found the exchange of knowledge and views at this seminar very interesting.”, He says, brimming
with confidence that this is just the start of a lot more to come from NetZealous in Bangladesh.