Why is CPE Important and how does NetZealous LLC Provide training in it?

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Why is CPE Important and how does NetZealous LLC Provide training in it?

Imagine being in a job that requires you to keep counting coins from the time you start work till the time you end the working day. All that you need to do is count the number of coins given to you, and nothing else. At the end of the day, you report to your boss how many coins you counted. He will mark the number and allot you a fresh number tomorrow.

Is this a realistic scenario in a job? Is there really such a job in this world? Is there such professions that people choose to count coins for their livelihood? Man has come a long way from doing such jobs. He no longer hunts for a living. Does he? Which is why we are all in professions, which demand a lot from us? Counting coins is certainly not the reason we have chosen our professions.

So, if not counting coins, what are professions expecting people to do? The foremost aspect of professions is that they expect people to grow. The only way by which one grows in one‘s profession is by taking up new tasks and challenges. The greater the variety of jobs and the greater the challenge, the greater the scope for professional growth. A greater variety of tasks can only be handled by upgrading skills from time to time. To go back to the earlier example, if man moved on from hunting to other professions over time, it is because he acquired the skills needed for graduating to higher levels.

Enter, Continuing Professional Trainings Once a person chooses a profession of one’s calling, how does one sharpen the skills, like our ancestor, the hunters and gatherers did? The present day equivalent of sharpening the axe of one’s profession is provided by what is called continuing professional education. Let us try to get to the root of the matter by understanding what continuing professional education means.

Continuing professional education, also called continuing professional development, is a kind of training given to professionals in their respective professions. As can be inferred from this definition, they are called continuing professional education because they get continued into their professions. The learning they had at university would have served as an entry point that brought them where they are. From now on, in the situation of a disconnect from the university in which they studied, professionals need something that takes them forward in their professions by giving them education that they need from now, once they are into their professions.

This is necessary because no education, even if gained from the world’s most prestigious university, is permanent. The academic education given at one’s college or university serves as the basis. Once into a profession, a person has to keep on upgrading skills and knowledge. This is because nothing in a profession is permanent. Take the example of a civil engineer who passed out of a highly reputed engineering college about three decades ago. Will all the tools imparted then and the lessons learnt then hold him in good stead now? Is it not necessary for the civil engineer to keep reengineering his skills, so that he is familiar with all that is happening in his industry from the time he set foot in the profession, fresh out of college 30 years ago? Is it ever possible for any profession to remain static at all times to come? If this were to be the case, there would have been no developments whatsoever in any profession or field. We would still be doing the same things we did centuries ago.

This is what each and every professional needs. These needs are fulfilled by continuing professional education. CPE or CPD is a training meant for professionals who need to upgrade their learning and skills from time to time. These skills can be required purely because changes happen in the industry. These could be required whenever there is a regulatory guideline that needs to be implemented into the practice. There could also be a need for CPE because best practices need to be ingrained into one’s profession.

NetZealous LLC’s Track Record of Having Helped Professionals

As a provider of CPE in the regulatory compliance, human resources, healthcare and IT domains, NetZealous LLC has been a very active promoter of the professional trainings. These trainings are meant for professionals to help them fill their knowledge gap and upgrade their skills. The fact that a million professional in these fields have benefited from NetZealous LLC’s professional trainings is testimony of its ability to choose the right professional trainings for professionals and its relevance to the industry.

Uses of NetZealous LLC’s Trainings • NetZealous LLC has a complete grasp of the learning needs of professionals in the areas in which it offers its professional education. The fact that it offers professional trainings in the modes that professionals find comfortable, plus the fact that these trainings are offered in areas that matter most to them are proof of this fact. • Through its brands, NetZealous LLC helps professionals in the regulatory compliance, human resources, healthcare and IT fields gain fluency in their professions. It helps them gain proficiency in areas that they would put to daily use, because these professional training are relevant and up-to-date. NetZealous LLC helps professionals stay ahead of the curve by offering trainings through well-known experts in the respective professions.

Regulatory Compliance Trainings Through its primary brand GlobalCompliancePanel, NetZealous LLC trains professionals in the regulatory compliance areas meet regulatory requirements. These trainings has helped tens of thousands of professionals to not only meet regulatory guidelines, but to also stay updated with the latest that is happening in their industries. Regulatory Affairs is a huge subject in which regulatory updates and requirements that keep coming up from time to time need professional help to understand and implement. There are updates and best practices that professionals need knowledge of, in areas such as Medical devices, Pharmaceuticals, Biologics, Food and Beverages, Software, Embedded Technologies, Energy and Utility, and Payment Card Industry (PCI), etc.

Human Resources Trainings NetZealous LLC’s next brand is the human resources trainings portal, TrainHR. TrainHR, with the experience it carried of being a NetZealous LLC brand, is a huge success within months of its launch. It prepares present day HR executives with the training they need for their profession, such as Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act), Department of Labor (DOL), Civil Rights Act of 1866, dealing with errant employees, dealing with violence at the workplace and lots, lots more. These trainings have helped organizations overcome many of the problems associated with these issues.

Healthcare Trainings Today’s healthcare professionals need to be on their toes, what with sweeping changes happening in all areas of their profession, ranging from patient outcomes to technology in healthcare. A slew of regulations has become necessary in this industry because of these waves of changes. Healthcare professionals need to be updated with all that is happening in their areas. NetZealous LLC, with its healthcare trainings brand, MentorHealth, has helped professionals do this.

If offers a high degree of professional trainings in the areas of healthcare, such as Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (Obamacare), Anti-kickback statute, HIPAA, HITECH, 21 CFR, Clinical management, Electronic Health Records, FMEA, HHS compliance, Quality Assurance, Risk analysis, Risk evaluation, Medical Necessity, Meaningful Use, Patient Safety and Quality Outcomes, Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel (HITSP), Substance Abuse, Nursing Informatics, Healthcare Disclosure, and Healthcare Information Technology. •

IT Trainings What does one say about the frenetic speed at which IT moves? Is it ever possible for regulation to catch up with the speed of what is perhaps the fastest moving industry? Whether regulation catches up with it or not; one thing is certain –regulation will always be there, so long as IT lives. It is to help professionals in this industry keep up with not only the latest in the technology, but also regulation and best practices that NetZealous LLC offers professional trainings in the field of IT through its brand, ITTrainingCenter.

ITTrainingCenter is a complete provider of professional trainings for IT professionals. Through its flexible approach; ITTrainingCenter has helped thousands of IT professionals reach higher levels of understanding in their professions. With its vast experience of having handled professional trainings, NetZealous LLC imparts professional trainings in IT through some of the world’s renowned names in the industry. It offers trainings in IT Hardware and Networking, Design & Multimedia, OS and Databases, IT Security Management, Business Productivity Tools, Virtualization and Cloud Computing, Android, and AngularJS, and lots more. http://www.netzealous.com/

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