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phase 3.1
Develop a deep understanding of human use and experience as drivers of the organizational, material, and energy-consuming systems, and document the associated programmatic requirements (e.g. codes, standards). Rigorously engage future uncertainty to develop multiple alternative future contexts for your project. Develop a flexible long-term plan adaptable to many futures. Although you will draw and model different versions of the building’s “future self,” these are particular built manifestations of the design strategy, not three different buildings, nor even in three “test fit” layouts in a single generic building.


Societal / Population growth
Societal / Migration towards cities
Environmental / Climate change: sea level rise, pollution, heat island eect
Institutional / Lower college enrollment rates
Societal / More frequent pandemics
Governmental / Gentrification
The Healthy City The Lonely City Extreme Outcomes Climate Change Maximum Growth: if not handled well: Sea level rising, smog (poisonous air), extreme temperatures, natural disasters Maximum Recession: if handled well: More sustainable buildings, dierent societal living Pandemics Maximum Growth: if not handled well: Complete isolation, population decrease, robots used to do “errands” or “live” vicariously through, no more public trans?, enhanced personal transportation, virtual life/entertainment/education Maximum Recession: if handled well: Great access to healthcare, ensured government funding for health care, increased sanitation (diicult with growing pop)
The Tenacious City The Petrified City
LO-LO / More sustainable living/building vs. Increased healthcare, increased pop
In this more utopian scenario our building becomes an urban, tree-house living, holistic residential space.
Performance Requirements: Sitework Structure Fire Protection HVAC/Plumbing Interior Construction (Partitions/Doors) Roofing Enclosure Foundation Flexibility 1=low 3=high 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 LO-HI / More sustainable living/building vs. Complete isolation, population decrease, robots and virtual living
In this scenario our building is a sanctuary for artists. Individual studio spaces, gallery spaces, etc. Allowing people to still be creative in their more isolated lives. Art/performance + fabrication. Flexibility 1=low 3=high Performance Requirements: 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 Sitework Structure Fire Protection HVAC/Plumbing Interior Construction (Partitions/Doors) Roofing Enclosure Foundation HI-LO / Sea level rising, smog, xtreme temp, natural disasters vs. Increased healthcare, increased pop
In this scenario our building is a mix of oice, living, cafe/etc. People don’t want to leave their houses and interact with too many people, Mixed-use.
Performance Requirements: Sitework Structure Fire Protection HVAC/Plumbing Interior Construction (Partitions/Doors) Roofing Enclosure Foundation Flexibility 1=low 3=high 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 HI-HI / Sea level rising, smog, xtreme temp, natural disasters vs. Complete isolation, population decrease, robots and virtual living
In this scenario our building provides more isolated living. Balconies are glazed, or completely covered. Residential.
Performance Requirements: Sitework Structure Fire Protection HVAC/Plumbing Interior Construction (Partitions/Doors) Roofing Enclosure Foundation Flexibility 1=low 3=high 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 1