SUEN 7140 - Master’s Research Studio: Master’s Project

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Land Use + Hurricane Surge phragmites site transportation industrial wetland ocean category 2 hurricane category 4 hurricane category 3 hurricane category 1 hurricane

Anastasia Leopold / Alex Bondi / Kalpana Bhandari ARCH 5115 / LARC 5120 / SUEN 7140 Scott Bishop / Spring 2020

Enclosed Swamp

Higher levels of salt and chemicals in water bodies with no outlet

Abandoned Beaver Dam

Wet Meadow Semi-treated wastewater sludge micro-pollutants (LAS and NPE) dissolved carbon pathogens heavy metal phosphorous nitrogen Water in sludge is evapotranspirated out

Ideal for seed germination


Heavy metals are sequestered to soil banks (easier for removal)

Sludge is dewatered and decreased in volume by 95-99%

Lives 6� above and below the water line

Brackish water

Filtered water

Decreased refuge pools for keystone species Fundulus heteroclitus

Sludge Treatment Reed Bed

Fresh water Roots can live in both saturated and moist soil (dive to fresh groundwater in saline environments)

Salt water

pollutional nitrogen phosphorous macronutrients

Freshwater Wetland Silicon cycling

Dune stabilization

Anastasia Leopold / Alex Bondi / Kalpana Bhandari ARCH 5115 / LARC 5120 / SUEN 7140 Scott Bishop / Spring 2020

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Anastasia Leopold / Alex Bondi / Kalpana Bhandari ARCH 5115 / LARC 5120 / SUEN 7140 Scott Bishop / Spring 2020



Air Compressor and Platform

Airtight Fabric and Zipper Cable Sleeve

Air Supported Double Skin

Air Supported Volume Grow Lights Phragmites Remediation Field Helical Pile Foundation

Anastasia Leopold / Alex Bondi / Kalpana Bhandari ARCH 5115 / LARC 5120 / SUEN 7140 Scott Bishop / Spring 2020



Highway Skrim + Salix/Populus Buffer

Eragrostis spectabilis Calamagrostis canaden Panicum virgatumsis Solidago rugosa

Grow lights maintain Phragmites function in low light conditions; adds intrigue

160’ 60’

Salix alba

Populus Phragmites australis

Phragmites highway skrim catches stormwater runoff and remediates before dispersing into estuary

Populus + Salix bebbiana filter air pollution within 300’ of highway Salix bebbiana Brassica juncea Festuca rubra Inorganic compounds from land use stabilized and removed with hyperaccmulating perennials Amsonia hubrichtii Liastris spicata Scirpus atrovirens

Salix alba and Populus reate petroleum remediation buffer for potential petroleum plumes; future core tetsing site to monitor

Anastasia Leopold / Alex Bondi / Kalpana Bhandari ARCH 5115 / LARC 5120 / SUEN 7140 Scott Bishop / Spring 2020



Step 2

60’ Inflated Remediation Bubble

Phragmites australis Self-Seeding Perennial Garden Hyperaccumulators

Phragmites australis Inflated structures create ideal greenhouse warmth to enhance Phragmites function

Carex praegracilis Festuca rubra Brassica juncea

Hyperaccumulators + mycorrhizal partners sequester heavy metals from soil Rhizomes remove water frm saturated soil, creating marsh margins Mycorrhizal associations degrade organic toxins Anastasia Leopold / Alex Bondi / Kalpana Bhandari ARCH 5115 / LARC 5120 / SUEN 7140 Scott Bishop / Spring 2020

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