2 minute read
Collaboration Needed
Working to better understand, respond to and incorporate the diverse voices of the community in which we operate is key to the success of this plan and will ensure the community has the power to address and solve this problem. Initiatives that deserve and require dedicated professionals are:
1. Individual Teens: ensure that teens are trained in decision-making, the development of life planning skills, and that no matter where they turn for information it is medically accurate and age-appropriate. Continuation of district by district advocacy to ensure selection of medicallyaccurate, evidence-based or informed, trauma informed and inclusive programs is a significant undertaking. Marrying the expertise of both Ntarupt and The Texas Campaign in the creation of a regional approach to be used on a local level would help generate more successes such as the one in Dallas ISD
2. Parents and Other Caregivers: While all parents need access to the education and information to support their children delaying pregnancy and parenting, the Dallas community is diverse. Because ultimately, parents are the key health educators of their children and vital partners in effective prevention, Ntarupt proposes funding of community outreach specific to the Black and LatinX communities to understand what information they need, and how they would like this information so that they can be a driving part of the change.
3. Faith Communities: become full partners in this work, acknowledging their role with families and equipping them in a way that works well within their denominations or across ecumenical organizations. Ntarupt proposes funding of an individual to support the faith community effort and response to teen pregnancy, which will include gathering, consensus building and vetting and organizing and designing resources requested by the collaboration.
4. Health Care Providers & Organizations: push for additional teen-friendly health care access points, ensuring that these sites are teen-friendly within many criteria, culturally competent and present all health care and education options to teens. This can be done by in-house dedicated professional as they did in Tulsa, or through local clinic participation in the two year, evidence-based Youth-Friendly Initiative – now successfully coordinated in three cohorts throughout Texas by the Texas Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy.
5. Community Organizations and Businesses: these have key roles in successful public awareness campaigns. Leadership in non-profit or business organizations can help publicize events, inform the public about the importance of finishing school or vocational training before becoming a parent, or play other unique roles. Ntarupt requires more internal personnel dedicated to meeting with City business leaders and organizations to tailor messaging that is effective.
6. Funders: a long-term commitment to this as a need to prioritize this as a key part of broader community improvement and economic development platform. Teen pregnancy prevention is more important than ever during the time of COVID-19, as inequities are enhanced during national economic and health care stresses. Ntarupt looks forward to working with established and potential partners in Dallas to support families and organizations dedicated to creating a healthier, more prosperous community for us