4 minute read
from SCL V13i2 V1
by kn creative
Knowing what to do when your child is sick is one of the biggest concerns for any parent. Luckily, a clinic established to specifically focus on the welfare and health of children, adolescent and teen-aged patients is close by and eager to help. Central Arkansas Pediatric Clinic, located at 2301 Springhill Road, first opened more than 30 years ago on the campus of the former Southwest Hospital in Little Rock. Dr. Allan Stanford started the clinic with minimal staff. Lori Mercer, one of his earliest employees, continues to work for CAPC today. Since then, the clinic has grown from one physician to eight and four Advance Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs). There are currently thirtyone full-time and sixpart-time support staff for CAPC. More than 58,000 visits occurred last year with patients ranging in age from newborn to 19. Cheryl Arnold is the clinic’s administrator. She has seen a shift in recent years. “In addition to dramatic growth, the scope of the practice has changed to meet the changing needs of a pediatric population. More of our time is spent on ‘nonsick visits’ than in the past. Our in-house Asthma Care Clinic, Weight Management Clinic, Headache
Clinic and ADHD clinic provide support for chronic diagnoses that are common in the pediatric population. These clinics support the acute care services and well-child care that are the core services of CAPC. In 2019, the addition of morning and afternoon walk-in clinic options became popular with parents quickly.” Meghan Repp, M.D., has been with CAPC since 2013. “One of my favorite parts about CAPC is that it’s not just the physicians and APRNs who are ‘all in’ for our patients, but our and holidays. When you’re a parent who is worried about your child’s health, it’s nice to know we’ve got many ways we can help you!”
Misty Nolen, M.D., joined the clinic in mid-2005 and is excited about the clinic’s ability to grow and adapt for the benefit of their patients. “We have expanded clinic space and offer a well-child area on a separate floor that is unique to pediatric clinics. This allows us to keep our younger well-child kids separate from the sick kids when
amazing staff as well. We strive for the best patient experience possible, from our front office staff to our experienced nurses. Everyone is focused on giving the best care possible.
Our patients’ parents also love CAPC for the many resources we provide, including our walk-in clinic hours in the mornings and afternoons, Saturday morning clinic hours, and the ability to contact a nurse if needed for triage after-hours, on weekends they are here for a check-up.
As Saline County has grown, we brainstorm constantly on ways to be able to see as many sick children during busy winter months by offering call backs if we get cancellations, and recently adding walk-in hours in the morning and the afternoon. In the summer of 2019, we implemented Saturday back-toschool check-ups. The favorite part of my job has always been being able to interact with my families from

the newborn visit to now entering high school and graduating soon.” Jessica Fox, M.D., has high praise for the staff and the focus of the clinic. “Central AR Pediatric Clinic has been home to me ever since I started in 2008. My colleagues and the employees I get to work with everyday are some of the best people I have had the chance to meet. I have also gotten to be involved in the care of so many patients that I have grown to love. Being entrusted by my patients’ families is such a privilege. It is a joy to see them grow into such wonderful young adults.” David Weed, M.D., is a product of Saline County. “It is a pleasure to see the diverse group of patients that we have at CAPC. Any given day, we might see children from Benton, Malvern, Bryant, Sheridan, Little Rock, as well as many other places. Being from Saline County myself, I particularly enjoy seeing patients from families that I have known since childhood.”
Amanda Merrick, M.D., attributes the success of the clinic to its continuing commitment to the patient. “I love that I can start caring for an infant right after birth and get to know the child and their family as the child grows and develops. all the doctors have the same advice. “We always recommend to parents that they keep up with their children’s yearly wellness visits (yearly physicals) in clinic as their children grow up. Pediatrician visits are necessary when This is the community in which I have chosen to raise my own child, and it is my goal to provide the best medical care for our patients throughout their childhood.”

Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:30pm Saturday 8:00am – 12:00pm Walk-in Hours Morning & Afternoon
[Front Row L-R] Rebecca White, APRN; Jessica Fox, MD; Misty Nolen, MD; Bricin Martin, APRN; Robbie Rhodes, MD [Back Row L-R] Amber McGuire, APRN; R. Allan Stanford, MD; Meghan Repp, MD; Nancy Thomas, APRN; Mindy Pomtree, MD; David Weed, MD; Amanda Merrick, MD