4 minute read
from SCLV13I3 V3
by kn creative
By Marietta McClure, Head Trainer, McClure Fitness The Weight Trap
On March 15th, I closed the doors of McClure Fitness due to COVID-19. It was heartbreaking for me as a small business owner. But our no excuses fitness mantra kicked in as the brick and mortar was closed. We found new ways to exercise and started advertising our online classes that we have been streaming since 2017 to all of our local customers. Our online classes feature many of the favorite McClure Fitness instructors so our clients still felt connected, even though apart.
Technology has been a godsend during the quarantine, keeping us in touch with loved ones, colleagues, teacher and students, and providing us with so many online services, including workouts.
(even when not quarantined):
• Most online workouts are minimal equipment for maximum flexibility. If you’ve got access to a screen and an Internet connection, you can get a workout in. It can’t get any more convenient than that. • Most online programs are ondemand, meaning you can work out whenever you’re ready. Not a morning person? Don’t worry about missing that 5 AM class. As long as you can carve out enough time to put on your gym clothes and commit 20-50 minutes of your day, you can work toward your fitness goals. • Many of the online programs are guided by a fitness professional. Access to that level of instruction would cost a lot more if you were paying in person. Mass distribution keeps the cost low, so it fits in the tightest budgets.
So how do you get in a workout with killer calorie burn all by yourself? And how do you keep it up to get the results you’re after? I’ll tell you exactly what it takes.
Find a distraction-free time that you can turn into a schedule, and commit yourself. You have to establish a routine you can build on. This starts with a solid plan. The plan should make sense for your goals, and last long enough to get you into a groove.
Track Progress
Take a moment to check yourself and see how far you’ve come. Are
the workouts getting easier? Is your confidence building? Don’t forget about non-scale victories, either. If you’re making progress but not there yet, keep going and trust the process.
Just because you’re working out at home doesn’t mean you have to be alone. Find an accountability group online and share your highs and lows. If you’ve never experienced the power that comes from other people cheering you on, you’re missing out.
Reward Yourself
Set milestones and reward yourself for progress. I’m all about 80/20, so don’t hate yourself for having a special dinner. Or don’t even think about food and “cheat meals” but reward yourself with something else like a cute workout top.
Convenience Gives You An Edge
Your fitness journey can get littered with all kinds of excuses. Working out at home can eliminate some excuses but has its own set of risks if you do it wrong. I say capitalize on the convenience while you are spending more time at home.
My Head Space
During quarantine with my four small children I went through every emotion/mood/feeling. The only thing that kept me sane was exercise.
The days I worked out were good days and I was a better mom, wife, person. The days I procrastinated or just didn’t exercise, I was definitely not the best version of myself.
At a time when we are isolated and depression and mood swings come and go daily, exercise is more important than ever to build into your day. Exercise is a natural anti-depressant. It will relieve anxiety and stress, boost brain function and build confidence. Never underestimate the non-scale reasons to move your body daily.

After eight long weeks, McClure Fitness re-opened with new guidelines: participants must exercise 12 feet apart and masks must be worn when not exercising. Even with these restrictions, we are grateful the Governor allowed us to re-open. Exercise is vital to overall health. It keeps our immune system strong, our lungs healthy and our attitudes positive.
We will continue to move forward as we will have to problem solve in the days ahead.

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KAREN CROWSON Broker, ABR, CRS, GRI C: 501.860.3000 O: 501.315.3000 Karen@KarenCrowson.com ANGIE JOHNSON Executive Broker , CRS, GRI, SRES C: 501.529.1584 O: 501.315.3000 Angie.Johnson@crye-leike.com