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President ial Musings

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Presidential Musings? .Presidential Musings, what?s a Presidential Musing?


I don? t feel very Presidential. I?m just me. Husband, Father, Porschephile, car nut, ex-racer, fat old me. But I guess the name badge says President, so I suppose you all expect me to wax on lyrically about some such unique experience afforded me by the Porsche Angels and the planetary alignment that ensures galactical recognition of the title of President, First Settlers Region, Porsche Club of America.

Reality is a little different, being mostly consumed with the club's business and chewing my fingernails to the nub while anticipating what punch-in-the-gut the pandemic will deliver next and how this may impact the schedule of events we have been working to develop. Don? t get me wrong; I am honored to have been elected, and am steadfast in my goal of serving our membership while advancing and perpetuating the love of all things Porsche. Since I am not yet cowering in the corner having been reduced to a gelatinous goo, I thought I would share a few updates and plans.

Having just passing the 100-day mark of 2021, I thought I would share a quick glimpse into a few areas we have been focusing on during myriad Zoom calls.

At the risk of stating the obvious, membership is the life blood of our club. Knowing that the majority of membership does not tend to participate in many events each year, we are putting aggressive efforts behind offering more events, more frequency, more diversity (type and location) and more offerings available on Sundays. Our upcoming slate of events include.

-Monthly Breakfasts -Fun Runs, including some overnight trips -Car Shows & Concours related events -Charity oriented events -FSRactivities at Treffen, Parade and select Zone 2 events

To get the greatest value from your membership, we hope you will consider participating, but please keep in mind that all of the upcoming events are pandemic-dependent. Latest updates and all requisite registrations will be posted:https://fsrpca.motorsportreg.com.

Ken Thomas our membership chair has been building out a new program I am excited about. The Member Ambassador program can team you up with a more seasoned member to help guide you through event selection, participation, planning and general Porsche related advice. Even if you have been semi-involved, who couldn? t benefit from Porsche big brother or sister? If you are new member, please expect to be contacted by one or our ambassadors and please take advantage of their knowledge and enthusiasm.

Ken has also introduced a Member Renewal Contest to incent on time renewals. No special actions are taken, just renew membership as you normally would. The Q2 Contest is already underway.

Eligibility: Any current member who renews their membership in April, May or June 2021.

What do you I have to do? Just renew your membership. PCA?s monthly reports will provide FSRwith all the member renewals. What will I win: One lucky member will win a Griot?s Concours Lawn Kit valued at $99.00 (more than twice the value of your renewal).

What if my membership doesn? t expire during the contest period?Don? t worry. If the contest is popular, we? ll plan future contests and make sure we cover all our member renewals.

Chances of Winning: Approximately 1 in 140 (pretty good odds!) - Good Luck!!

Hopefully Editor Bob will consider this a musing and I can get away from my keyboard and off for a drive. Next issue I promise to provide that lyrical waxing.

HO Edit or/ Advert ising Bob Weber 113 W Landing Williamsburg,, Va 23185 757.880.3396 bobweber@cox.net

2021 Board Mem bers President Erik Apot heker 203.733.1470 eapotheker@comcast.net

Eastern Vice President Jim Ham el 908.329.5845 hamels@cox.net

Western Vice President Mike Ball 804.240.9296 mjohnball@comcast.net

Activities Officer Greg Kahles 757.802.1890 kahles68@gmail.com

Secretary & Archivist John Greene 757.663.8249 greenie4720@yahoo.com

Treasurer Jerry Kent 757.971.7849 jerrykent1@aol.com

Horizontally Opposed (HO) is the official publication of First Settlers Region (FSR), Porsche Club of America (PCA). All opinions, views and information appearing in the HO are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the PCA, FSR, its Officers, or the Editor. The HO Editor reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Permission is granted to reprint any material provided that full credit is given to the author and to Horizontally Opposed.

This publication, and all previous publications of Horizontally Opposed, is available to view on-line at www.fsrpca.org.

Advertising rates, schedules and commercial partner marketing support is available to all parties interested in engaging the members of the First Settlers Region of the Porsche Club of America. Please contact the Editor, Bob Weber at bobweber@cox.net or call 757.880.3396 for more information.

FSR members may place free classified advertising in HO. Classified advertising is subject to review by the Editor prior to placement. Contact the Editor for more information.



President ial Musings Tech Corner Clear Your Calendar! Page 3 Page 6 Page 8

You Need To Meet DRIVEN! 2021 Cayenne GTS Page 10 Page 13

Michelin & Porsche!

Page 17 Perform ance Tire Q&A Page 20 Mot orsport s Royalt y: Kevin Jeanet t e Page 23 FSR Mot orsport s Royalt y: Mark Leuzinger Page 28 When Pigs Fly! Page 30 First Set t lers Classifieds Page 34

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