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Efficacy of Acute Caffeine Consumption on Visual Attention and Short-Term Memory in Chinese High School Students
Xuanyu Zhou1 and Yiran Xu1
1Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708 Correspondence should be addressed to xuanyu.zhou@duke.edu
Accepted for Publication: October 21, 2018
The study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of acute caffeine consumption on visual attention and short-term memory in Chinese high school students. A randomized, double-blind, controlled trial was conducted, during which 44 healthy high school students (20 males and 24 females), 16-18 years of age, were randomly assigned to the intervention group (24 cases) and the control group (20 cases). Participants in the intervention group received 2g of caffeinated coffee (containing 60mg of caffeine) while the control group received 2g of decaffeinated coffee. Visual attention, short-term memory, blood pressure and heart rates were measured at baseline and again at 45 min post-coffee consumption. There was a significant decrease in visual attention scores in both the caffeinated coffee group and the decaffeinated coffee group following intervention. Visual attention scores of the caffeinated coffee group decreased more than the decaffeinated coffee group (-16.33 ± 10.31 vs -10.35 ± 12.42, p<0.05). The short-term memory scores increased in both groups after intervention, while the change was not significantly different between the two groups (7.04 ± 6.49 vs 6.95 ± 7.33, p>0.05). There were no statistically significant differences regarding changes in blood pressure and heart rates, before and after intervention or between the two groups. Acute caffeine consumption was associated with improved visual attention performance in adolescent populations. The relationship between acute caffeine consumption and short-term memory performance is still worthy of further research.
Caffeine (1, 3, 7-trimethylxanthine) is the most commonly consumed psychoactive substance throughout the world, with coffee and tea as the two most prominent sources (Heckman et. al, 2010). The history of caffeine dates back to 2737 BC, when Chinese legend describes that the tea discovered by Emperor Shen Nung could produce “vigor of body, contentment of mind, and determination of purpose” (Arab et. al, 2008). Caffeine is a widely used psychoactive stimulant, as it easily crosses the blood–brain barrier and acts primarily by blocking adenosine A1 and A2A receptors, leading to centrally stimulating effects (Fredholm et. al, 2016). Acute caffeine consumption can also activate the sympathetic nervous system (Papakonstantinou et. al, 2016) and increase galvanic skin response (Lyvers et. al, 2013). These stimulant properties may explain the beneficial effects of acute caffeine intake on attention, memory and cardiovascular functions. A substantial body of evidence demonstrated that caffeine consumption can improve attention (Einother et. al, 2013). Andrew P. Smith et. al conducted a trial in an adult population and found that caffeine intake was linked to faster reaction time, fewer long responses, greater detection of targets in the cognitive vigilance task, and faster encoding of new information (Smith et. al, 2013). A double-blind, placebo-controlled study in young adults concluded that acute habitual doses of caffeine can improve sim-
Caffeine Group (24 cases) Age (year, x±s) 17.04±.55 Height (cm, x±s) 171.42±6.96 Weight (kg, x±s) 62.08±9.16 Male (case, %) 14, 58.0% Never Drink (case, %) 8, 33.3% Drink Occasionally (case, %) 9, 37.5%
Drink a Lot (case, %) 7, 29.2%
Table 1: Comparision of Baseline Data Between the Two Groups
ple and sustained attention and executive updating (Lanini et. al, 2016). Studies also considered caffeine as a potential therapeutic approach in treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (Ioannidis et. al, 2014). A growing number of animal experiments have shown that caffeine can improve memory performance and prevent memory impairment (Espinosa et. al, 2013; Han et. al, 2013; Nazario et. al, 2015). However, the beneficial effects of caffeine on human memory performance are still unclear (Warburton et. al, 2001). In China, more and more teenagers drink caffeinated products as relief from the intense stress of studying. However, few studies have investigated the potential effects of acute caffeine consumption on teenagers’ cognitive abilities, specifically attention and memory. This study investigates the relationship between acute caffeine consumption and visual attention, short-term memory performance and cardiovascular function in Chinese high school students. The study protocol was approved by the ethics committee, and the high school affiliated with Renmin University of China. All participants provided written informed consent prior to participation. The trial was conducted and reported according to the principles contained in the CONSORT statement 2010 (Shulz et. al, 2010).
MATERIALS AND METHODS Setting and Participants
This study was conducted in a high school affiliated with Renmin University of China. Participants were recruited from grades 10 and 11. To be eligible, participants had to be healthy high school students, nonsmokers with normal or corrected-to-norDecaffeinate Group (20 cases) 16.30±.47 171.90±6.98 63.80±12.85 10, 50.0% 2, 10.0% 17, 85.0%
1, 5.0% P-value
.001 .82 .62 .58
mal vision, and sleep 6 to 8 hours a night during weekdays without any sleeping problems. Each participant’s general information, including name, sex, age, height and weight was recorded. Their coffee-drinking habits were classified into three categories: never drink (no history of drinking coffee), drink occasionally (drink coffee at least once a week, but not every day) and drink a lot (drink coffee frequently or daily).
Study Design and Treatment
This study was a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial. Participants were randomly assigned to two groups: caffeinated coffee group (intervention group) and decaffeinated coffee group (control group). In this trial, randomization with allocation concealment by opaque sequentially numbered sealed envelopes was conducted. We generated the random allocation sequence, enrolled participants and assigned them to intervention groups. The
Figure 1: Visual Attention Test Questionnaire
researchers and participants were blinded to the types of coffee given to the control and intervention group. As there was no previous study upon which to base a sample size calculation, this study was initiated as an exploratory trial, not intended to be definitive but rather to provide the basis for sample size calculation for any future trials. Participants in the caffeinated coffee group received 2g of caffeinated coffee (Dormans®, containing 60mg caffeine) dissolved in 200ml hot water. Participants in the decaffeinated coffee group received 2g of decaffeinated coffee (Kenco), also dissolved in 200 ml hot water.
Outcomes and Measurement of Visual Attention
A Schulte table from a previous study was modified in this trial to assess visual attention (Schulte et. al, 2001). During the experimental sessions, participants were seated in a bright classroom and faced a piece of paper on a desk. A black ball pen, a timer, and a quiz paper were placed on each desk. Natural numbers 00 to 99 (00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05..., 99) were randomly presented in a 10*10 square frame. Participants were asked to find any 15 continuous natural numbers in the square frame as quickly as possible. The timer recorded the time in which participants completed the task. The visual attention scores, presented in seconds, was a measurement of the time participants took to complete the test, and thus a shorter time indicates better visual attention performance (Figure 1).
Short-Term Memory
The short-term memory test contains both numerical and linguistic terms to mitigate bias caused by students’ preference and ability in memorizing a specific type of term. The linguistic terms test con-
Figure 2: Short-Term Memory Test Questionnaire Figure 3: CONSORT 2010: Diagram for participant flow through the trial

tains 20 terms (two terms with one character each and 18 terms with two characters each). The participants were asked to memorize as many as possible in 30 seconds, then turn over the paper and write down what they memorized. Each correct term was worth one mark, and the sum of the marks was recorded as T1. The numerical terms test contains a number sequence with 30 numbers set randomly (from 0 to 9, with no consecutive repeats). The participants were asked to memorize as many as possible in 40 seconds, in the same order as the numbers were given then turn over the paper to write down what they memorized. N is the nth correct term the participant successfully memorized in the sequence and T2 is the score of the numbers memorizing portion. The total scores were calculated as T1+T2. The total score is a measure of the number of terms the participants memorized correctly, and thus higher score indicates better short-term memory performance (Figure 2).
Blood Pressure and Heart Rates
The differences between the baseline and post-intervention arterial blood pressure (BP) and heart rates (HR) were observed to evaluate the shortterm effect of caffeine on cardiovascular function. BP and HR were measured using a well-validated electronic sphygmomanometer (HEM-8102A) both before and 45 minutes after coffee consumption. Additionally, two measurements were taken at 1-2 min intervals, and the average was recorded as the BP value. BP was presented in mmHg and HR was presented in number of beats per minute (bpm).
The participants were asked to abstain from caf-

Figure 4: Comparisons of Visual Attention Scores and Short-Term Memory Scores in Two Groups Before and After Intervention (Score, x±s)
Figure 5: Comparisons of BP in Two Groups Before and After Intervention (mmHg, x±s)
Table 2: Comparisons of Visual Attention Scores and Short-Term Memory Scores in Two Groups Before and After Intervention (Score, x±s)

feine-containing beverages such as coffee, tea and soft drinks for at least 48 hours prior to the trial. All the tests took place in the morning at a consistent time. At the beginning of the trial, the general information, BP and HR were measured and collected. Then, visual attention and memory tests were conducted. Participants were instructed to complete the questionnaire papers to the best of their abilities, and were not permitted to talk or disturb any other participant in the laboratory. Then, the participants received 2g of decaffeinated coffee or caffeinated coffee from the same brand dissolved in 200ml hot water. Approximately 45 minutes after the participants consumed coffee, when they reached peak plasma caffeine levels (Lorist et. al, 1996), BP and HR were measured again. Meanwhile, another similar visual attention and shortterm memory tests, using questionnaire papers with different but similarly structured questions, were conducted again.
Statistical Analysis
Continuous variables were presented as mean values ± standard deviation (SD) and categorical variables were presented as absolute numbers and percentages. The independent-samples t-test was used to test differences between the two groups and the paired-samples t-test was used to test differences before and after treatment if the variables were normally distributed; otherwise the Mann-Whitney U test was used. The categorical variables were analyzed by χ2 test. All P-values were 2-sided and P-values<0.05 was regarded as statistically significant difference. All the analyses were performed by SPSS17.0 software.
RESULTS Participant Flow and Baseline Data
44 healthy high school students, 20 males and 24 females, between 16 to 18 years of age, with different habits of drinking coffee (8 drink a lot, 26 drink occasionally, and 10 never drink any) were enrolled and randomly assigned (24 to the caffeinated coffee group and 20 to the decaffeinated coffee group). Participant flow through the trial is shown in Fig. 3. There were no significant differences in gender,
Caffeine Group (24 cases) Age (year, x±s) 17.04±.55 Height (cm, x±s) 171.42±6.96 Weight (kg, x±s) 62.08±9.16 Male (case, %) 14, 58.0% Never Drink (case, %) 8, 33.3% Drink Occasionally (case, %) 9, 37.5% Decaffeinate Group (20 cases) 16.30±.47 171.90±6.98 63.80±12.85 10, 50.0% 2, 10.0% 17, 85.0% P-value
.001 .82 .62 .58

Figure 6: Comparisons of HR in Two Groups Before and After Intervention (bpm, x±s)
height or weight between the two groups. There were statistical differences in age (17.04 ± 0.55 vs 16.30 ± 0.47, P<0.01), but this difference had little clinical significance. The coffee-drinking habits also showed statistical differences (P<0.01). The baseline data of the participants is shown in table 1.
Visual Attention Scores and Short-Term Memory Scores
At baseline, there was no significant difference in either visual attention scores or short-term memory scores between the two groups. After intervention, there was a significant decrease in visual attention scores in both caffeinated coffee group and decaffeinated coffee group. Visual attention scores of the caffeinated coffee group decreased more than those of the decaffeinated coffee group (-16.33 ± 10.31 vs -10.35 ± 12.42, p<0.05). The short-term memory scores increased in both groups after intervention. However, the difference was not statistically significant between the two groups (7.04 ± 6.49 vs 6.95 ± 7.33, p>0.05). The results are shown in Table 2 and Fig. 4.
Blood Pressure and Heart Rates
At baseline, there were no significant differences in either systolic BP (SBP) or diastolic BP (DBP) level between the two groups. After intervention, the changes in SBP, DBP and HR were not statistically significant. The results of BP are shown in table 3 and Fig. 5. The results of HR are shown in table 4 and Fig. 6.
DISCUSSION Summary of Main Findings
This study shows that acute caffeine consumption is associated with teenagers’ visual attention performance, as caffeinated coffee does not improve an individuals’ visual attention compared to decaffeinated coffee. However, acute caffeine consumption was not significantly associated with short-term memory performance or cardiovascular function in this trial.
This trial suggested that caffeine may not be a preferable visual attention enhancer for high school students, providing insights into the impact of caffeine consumption on juvenile drinkers. A previous systematic review concluded caffeine can improve performance on both simple and complex attention tasks in healthy adult volunteers (Einother et. al, 2013). One trial showed that in habitual consumers, high doses of caffeine can produce beneficial changes in visual attention and that caffeine can interact with adenosine and dopamine in brain regions mediating visual attention (Brunye et. al, 2010B). A high dose of caffeine can also improve the visual attention in non-habitual caffeine consumers (Ferre, 2008). Because adenosine imposes the pre- and postsynaptic brakes on dopaminergic neurotransmission by acting on different adenosine receptor heteromers localized in different elements of the stratal spine module, releasing the brakes may be a critical mechanism of the psychostimulant effects of caffeine (Caballero et. al, 2011). Another experiment also hypothesized that caffeine might be useful in management of attention deficit during
Table 3: Comparisons of BP in Two Groups Before and After Intervention (mmHg, x±s)
Outcome Group Before Intervention After Intervention Difference
Systolic BP Caffeine (24 cases) 114.38±1301 113.42±14.19 -0.96±7.57
Decaffeinate (20 cases) 113.35±11.31 112.40±17.02 -0.95±11.23
Diastolic BP Caffeine (24 cases) 69.42±10.62 71.54±10.23 2.13±7.80
Decaffeinate (20 cases) 66.20±9.36 72.95±19.55 6.75±18.44
Outcome Group Before Intervention After Intervention Difference
Heart Rate Caffeine (24 cases) 83.17±10.27 80.71±10.96 -2.46±9.73
Decaffeinate (20 cases) 75.80±13.52 78.25±11.27 2.45±8.91
Table 4: Comparisons of HR in Two Groups Before and After Intervention (bpm, x±s)
the prepubertal period of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as caffeine can improve the attention deficits present in 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesioned rats (Heilbronner et. al, 2015). In the present study, acute caffeine consumption was founded to have no effect on cardiovascular functions in adolescents, as the BP and HR showed no significant change in the caffeinated group. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials showed that chronic intake of caffeine increased BP, though the effect was small (Bitar et. al, 2015). Chronic caffeine intake can also increase the HR and acute caffeine intake can increase HR in mice (Bauza et. al, 2015; Waring et. al, 2003). However, there is still no agreement on the actual effect of acute caffeine consumption on peripheral BP and HR. Previous trials found that acute caffeine intake significantly increased central BP but had no effect on peripheral BP in healthy adults, and the effects of caffeine on BP may be significantly underestimated by measurement of BP at the brachial artery [Karatzis et. al, 2005; Kenemans et. al, 1998). In this trial, only measuring BP at the brachial artery may also underestimate the actual effects of caffeine on BP and a more in-depth study should be conducted to offer a thorough conclusion of this issue.
Strengths and Limitations
In accordance with former studies (Koppelstaetter et. al, 2008; Smillie et. al, 2010), this trial found no significant effect of caffeine on short-term memory behavioral performance. However, other studies have reported that caffeine can enhance working memory [Herz et. al, 1999; Noordzij et. al, 2005). These discrepancies might be caused by differences in participants’ characteristics, differences in the testing methods, or varying dosage of caffeine intake. Moreover, the insignificant effect may result from low statistical power due to the small sample size of participants. While most previous studies were conducted in adult populations, this trial enrolled 16-to-18 yearold high school students. Moreover, this trial adopted a relatively traditional method—testing on paper—to assess the effect of caffeine on attention and memory. In past studies, electronic screens (Brunye et. al, 2010B), multi-sync monitors and electronic portable devices (Lanini et. al, 2016) were often used as measurement tools. However, for high school students in China, quizzes and examinations on paper are a relatively more common form, so testing their cognitive abilities on paper in this trial may be a more appropriate method. There were, however, some limitations that should be carefully considered. Firstly, due to time and distance restrictions, this trial only enrolled forty-four participants from one high school. Therefore, it is possible that people from other areas, racial backgrounds or different age groups might have varying baseline cognitive abilities. Additionally, the sample size was not large enough to draw the most unbiased conclusion. Secondly, we failed to find a satisfactory placebo. We used caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee from the same brand, but these two drinks may differ in other unknown ways. Thirdly, though we randomised the participants, age and habits at baseline still showed statistical differences, as the sample size was too small to truly randomise. Nevertheless, further subgroup analyses did not show the impact of drinking habits on visual attention and short-term memory results in the trial. Lastly, despite controlling the amount of caffeine consumption, we did not control the daily dietary routine, which may also influence the effects.
In summary, there was a relationship between acute caffeine consumption and teenagers’ visual attention performance. The present trial provides evidence suggesting that caffeine consumption can improve visual attention in adolescent populations. The relationship between acute caffeine consumption and short-term memory performance and car-
diovascular function in adolescents is still worthy of further research. Well-designed future studies with larger sample sizes are necessary to further evaluate the effects of caffeine on teenagers’ cognitive ability and experimental studies should be conducted to explore the mechanisms underlying the effects. BP and HR were measured using a well-validated electronic sphygmomanometer (HEM-8102A) both before and 45 minutes after coffee consumption. Additionally, two measurements were taken at 1-2 min intervals, and the average was recorded as the BP value. BP was presented in mmHg and HR was presented in number of beats per minute (bpm).
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