October 2012

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This is a picture of the maiden flight of Garry’s new Bird of Time glider. It has a 10’ wingspan and is flown using an Aurora 9 Tx by Hitec. Launch method was a hand launch. Picture was taken at the HCRCC Field October 20th, 2012 Owner: Garry Brett Launcher: Lyle Mudd Photo by: Kevin Bates


EDITOR: Neil Nordquist

Vice President Brian Korchinsky 477-1639

Good day to all!

President Colten Edwards 493-8239

Secretary/Treasurer Greg Lock 343-8445

Website Editor Colten Edwards 493-8239

Field Chairman Lyle Mudd 384-7916

Wings and Safety Duncan Campbelli 374-6917

Publicity Garry Brett 260-9543

Flightline Editor Neil Nordquist 244-4211

Flightline Artwork by Garry Brett

MAAC SK Deputy Zone Director Duncan Campbell 374-6917

ARTWORK: Garry Brett


Welcome to our brand new FLightline. As you can see extensive changes have been made to the layout and the general format of the FLightline. Our Publicity Guy, Garry Brett has volunteered his company to do the layouts for upcoming issues based on the information and pictures that I provide him. To put together each issue software such as CorelDraw 16, Adobe CS5.5 and Quark 9 are used extensively. It is the hopes of this editor to make each issue of the Flightline as interesting and as up to date as I can. I want to add a few more features to each issue so I am for any suggestions that all of you who read the Flightline might have for regular coloumns.

I am hoping to have coloumns on such things as Helicopters, Planes, Gliders, Electrics, along with How To Hints ‘N’ Tips plus anything else that might be of interest to our members. In this issue you will find


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.Kaelen’s Twist . . .Soaring article . . . . .Jack Malone link . . . . . . .Mosquito Rebuilt . . . . . . . . .Terry’s Tips . . . . . . . . . . .Zone Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . .Meeting Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Events Schedule


Update on Caelan’s Electric Twist - Part 1

by Brian Korchinski, V.P.

You may recall a report last August of Juan Serra's generous gift to Caelan of a new-in-the-box Hangar9 Twist 40. At the outset it was declared this model was to be electric powered.

Since that time Caelan raised money from lemonade stands and other ventures to afford the motor, lipo batteries, servo's, ESC, and receiver.

Juan assembled the plane and installed the electrical to a point where a trial flight was made late September. It flew well but needed more work to finish it. It was then handed off to Caelan for completion.

In early October I took Caelan's Twist home to figure out what else it needed.From the following photos you will see I have gone off the deep end. My objective was to come up with a battery installation that would allow quick battery changes. I also executed modifications that would promote airflow for battery and ESC cool.

The next several photographs will show you if I was successful or not. ....

The Objective: Install a battery tray for 3300 mah 4S lipo battery. Juan Serra has completed the bulk of the work with airframe assy and motor installation


I trace an outline for the hatch and pull back the covering...

I now have access to full tank compartment. To promote airflow for ESC and battery cooling I remove covering at a lightening hole (arrow). Cross member will have to be cut out to accommodate ESC installation (arrow)

1/8" plywood framing for cradle is installed (arrows).

I was concerned that once the battery is installed there will be no passage area left in the bulkhead to allow cooling airflow down the fuselage.

I epoxied 3/32" plywood filler into the lightening hole to accommodate installation of the arming switch.

THE HCRCC FLIGHTLINE View of battery tray with battery. I'm ready to glue in the tray.

View of ESC and arming switch installation. Arming switch was donated by Terry Jones. Thanks, Terry!.

Tray and battery installed and all wiring connected. It's tight but should work.

Bottom view of fuselage. With ESC positioned over cooling hole it should stay nice and cool (arrow). Note battery tray protruding past bulkhead (arrow).

3/32" plywood hatch with holes to promote airflow (arrow). I know it's not pretty but it's necessary. Note plug-in style arming switch (arrow).

Another view of battery tray protruding aft of bulkhead. Tray has to clear wing once it is installed.


Jack was 16 when his father, caught up in the western migration fever, took a trip out to Saskatchewan to check the prospects. On his return he enthusiastically informed his family that he had purchased a farm five miles north of Regina, where they moved the following year.

In Saskatchewan Jack became totally fascinated with cars and, in fact, he earned money as an automobile demonstrator with one of the local franchises. His knowledge and persuasiveness helped the company's sales and in turn enabled Jack Malone, now the second eldest of eight children, to assist with the family's expenses and still have a little left to save. Jack Malone, the Auto Demonstrator, Regina, Saskatchewan 1915

Terry’s Tips

For the full story please read:



http://www.inlandsloperebels.com/Calc/cgcalc.html .... 5/8" Chair Swivel Glides

.... Remove plastic insides to let it swivel freely

.... 5/8" Dowel drill hole in top so the glide will swivel freely

.... Dill hole so a coat hanger fits snug in the dowel, for the guides wires to set the distance

.... Glue rubber on the swivels so the wing doesn't slid

I have used this with success.


THE HCRCC FLIGHTLINE de Havilland Mosquito FB 26

This is such a great story. The aircraft was rebuilt (KA 114 ex Canadian Airforce) over a period of 7 years. A meticulous rebuild done entirely in NZ by a handful of highly skilled engineers including wood craftsmen (the fuselage and wings are all wood). The two links below will tell you about the rebuild and some interesting facts about the Aircraft:

http://www.warbirdrestoration.co.nz/current.html#ka1 14 http://www.mosquitorestoration.com/history.shtml

It's a fabulous success story. The aircraft first flew on thursday last and then was displayed at Ardmore Aerodrome yesterday (Sat 28th Sept) in front of 23,000 spectators. If performed faultlessly (Retired Air NZ Capt Keith Skilling was the display pilot) and is a source of much pride to the owner and all involved.

One of the highlights of my day apart from seeing the Aircraft fly was to talk to ex WW2 Mosquito Pilots who are now in their 90's about those days and the aircraft. These Veterans were guest of honour on

the day and also at a spectacular dinner hosted with the Mosquito as the star in the centre of the dinner floor. I hope you enjoy these photos.

The Grass has been growing well this spring making all the farmers smile and the countryside look even more stunning!


Two De Havilland's . Last of the prop era first of the jet. A unique sight.

V12 Rolls Royce Merlin as the last two exhausts on either side Siamese to fit the engine housing. Merlins in formation. Spitfire, Mustang and Mosquito. What an evocative sound.

My Favorite Picture

THE HCRCC FLIGHTLINE Saskatchewan Annual Zone Meeting Minutes Saskatchewan Annual Zone Meeting Minutes

Sunday October 14, 2012

Saskatoon - Hub City Radio Control Club

1. Registration and coffee. 2. Pre Meeting Presentation. -Heinz Pantel 42484L presented Duncan Campbell 11516L with a MAAC jacket. The jacket was greatly appreciated by Duncan. -Meeting was called to order and introductions were made. 3. Ensure Quorum exists ( at least 16 members and proxies required ) - 18 MAAC members in attendance. 29 proxy votes were received. 4. Approval of / Additions / Changes to the Agenda. -The agenda was approved as distributed. -Moved Riel Bouvien 08949 Moose Jaw -Seconded Mike Dolan 64570 Saskatoon -Motion passed unanimously. 5. Review and approval of October 1, 2011 AZM Meeting Minutes. This meeting was held at the Regina Windy Flyers Radio Control Club. - Moved Colten Edwards 43005 Saskatoon Seconded Glen Chase 16997L Swift Current Motion passed unanimously. 6 Business arising from the minutes. Rotating Provincial Fun Fly. 6. Will be held in Regina on the weekend of July 13, 14. Ryan Braaten 76900 will be in charge of this event. 7. Zone Director’s Report Report was given by the Zone Director Heinz Pantel. (a) Heinz mentioned that he visited fewer clubs this year than he normally does. He visited: Saskatoon, Swift Current, Moose Jaw, North Battleford, and Regina.

(b) He reported that alterations were being made to the MAAC website and that the site should be easier to use in the future. (c) Many of the RC Canada postings are wildly out of date. (d) Heinz urged Saskatchewan members to attend the AGM being held in Saskatoon (e) Some details of the AGM

planning were given to the members. 8. Committee Reports. (a) There was a short summary of the new safety policies being written. (b) There were questions about Indoor Flying Rules. (c) There was some discussion about insurance coverage. 9. New Business There was a lengthy discussion about shared facilities for helicopter and fixed wing aircraft. The discussion finally emphasized the need for mutual respect and the need to demonstrate common courtesy. 10. Recommendations. None. 11. Resolutions. None. 12a. Nominations. Heinz Pantel his acceptance was unanimous. 12b, Volunteers for various committees. Safety Duncan Campbell 11516 L Pylon Henry Redekop 8242 Giant Scale Glen Chase 16997 Indoor Colten Edwards 43005 RC Helicopter Kevin Bates 26603 12c. Leader members 12c. No nominations. 12d. Hall of Fame nominations. 12d. No nominations. 13. Venue for the 2013 Annual Zone Meeting: Regina Windy Flyers Club House, October 6, 2013,

14. -

Door Prizes. Rick Reic 24786L MAAC Jacket. Henry Grandel 24345L MAAC membership. Stuart Meeklah 33101 MAAC hat. Mike Dolan 64570 MAAC hat.

15. -

Adjournment of the meeting. Moved Henry Grendel 24345L Seconded Mike Dolan 64570

THE HCRCC FLIGHTLINE HCRCC Executive Meeting October 3, 2012

Members in attendance: Phil Broten, Garry Brett, Lyle Mudd, Colten Edwards, Brian Korchinski, Greg Lock. Start time: 7:10pm

Funfly – Brian

The funfly went pretty good, the day flew by. We had a few activities. People seemed to like the format and the events. Food on the line was good, it kept people there. It was a good starting point and we should do it again next year.

Perhaps this weekend? We want to get something going. Peters Excavating has no dirt for us at this time. Move clubhouse? Majority of members seem to be in favour of moving the clubhouse closer to the flightline.

Estimated cost to move clubhouse 210 feet: Professionally, $5,000.00 We could move it ourselves. Jack it up, put it on skids, tow it with a couple of 4x4 trucks. Lots of discussion. There are many pros to having it relocated, and only a few cons. Lyle will bring this up at the AGM and bring a motion forward.

Wings and safety – Brian

Shut off water. Will drain sprinklers. Colten will make some new round tables for use at the flightline and we will get rid of the rickety ones.

Training – the right equipment is really important. Analyzing what equipment to suggest.

Will put together a plan for next ex meeting of items we can profit on. T-shirts, decals, jackets, coffee.

There has been redirection on the blades program.

Publicity - Garry

Park the idea of a flight simulator for now.

End time: 9:15pm

We have people running for most executive positions.

Wednesday Oct 10, 2012 Members in Attendance: 20 The meeting came to order at 7:10pm Motion by Garry Brett 2nd by Jim Smith: move to waive the reading of the minutes from last general meeting and accept as posted on the website. Voted – passed. Presidents Report – Colten Edwards What did we do this year? Colten gave a rundown on some of the events and activities such as: - Saskatoon Helicopter Annual Gathering - Did a bunch of indoor flys at the Golf Dome - Static displays at Bruno, Defo, and the Canada Remembers Air Show - Pylon races Wings & Safety Report – Brian Korchinski - Attempted to get the news helicopter blades program in place, but it ended up being scrapped.


Website – Colten

Juan suggested writing a new website – discussed pros & cons – show us a storybook. Facebook discussion. A new website would be an advantage to us if it were done right.

Indoor fun flys – Colten Dates have been set. Field Report - Lyle

Darren from Blue Collar Excavating may be doing our roadway for a good price. He said he was going to start this week, but nothing has happened yet.

HCRCC Annual General Meeting

THE HCRCC FLIGHTLINE Field Report – Lyle Mudd

-From the beginning of the year the road was closed down. We used a temporary road thanks to Bob Richardt. We are trying to get some forward motion on building up the main roadway. We have run into - Also, I mowed the hay that the farmer did not mow this year.

MAAC Report – Duncan Campbell -The MAAC Zone Meeting is this Sunday at our clubhouse at the field at 1:30pm. If not attending, please sign this proxy form tonight. - I have been on the safety committee for a few years, and in July, we started discussing indoor flying safety ideas. - The MAAC safety code is being re-written

Financial Report - No report at this time. The year end financial report will be presented at the next general meeting. The Election of Officers - Phil Broten called for nominations for the elected positions. Motion by Phil Broten, 2nd by Duncan Campbell: nominate Colten Edwards for President. Colten Edwards accepted the nomination. There were no further nominations. - Motion by Duncan Campbell, 2nd by Lyle Mudd: Cease nominations. Voted, passed.Colten Edwards elected as President -Motion by Phil Broten, 2nd by Duncan Campbell: nominate Brian Korchinski for Vice President. Brian Korchinski accepted the nomination. There were no further nominations. -Motion by Ron Prokopchuk, 2nd by Ken Wanner: Cease nominations. Voted, passed. Brian Korchinski elected as Vice President. - Motion by Phil Broten, 2nd by Duncan Campbell, nominate Greg Lock as Secretary/Treasurer. Greg Lock accepted the nomination. There were no further nominations. - Motion by Art Cey, 2nd by Brian Korchinski: Cease nomination. Voted, passed. Greg Lock elected as Secretary/Treasurer.

Appointments for executive positions and chairs were made and accepted as follows: Field Chairman – Lyle Mudd Flightline Editor – Neil Nordquist

Wings & Safety – Duncan Campbell P.R. – Garry Brett Webmaster – Colten Edwards Concession Chairman – vacant Motion by Orville Olm, 2nd by Ron Prokopchuk: to accept the appointments above. Voted, Passed. Motion by Orville Olm, 2nd by Jim Smith Sr.: Move that Colten Edwards the President, Brian Korchinski the Vice President and Greg Lock the Secretary/Treasurer have signing authority for the club for banking purposes, and that two signatures are required. Voted, passed.

Old Business - The club membership has been growing the last few years. We have 94 members. - Duncan – the winner of the sportsman and scale contest are decided by the winners from the last three years. These people need to get together, decide the recipients for this year, and get the information to me! New Business -Lyle Mudd – last meeting there was a discussion about possibly moving the clubhouse closer to the flightline. Lyle then put this topic to the floor for discussion. A lengthy and spirited discussion ensued. On the Pro side, more use year round due to proximity. It would provide shade in the summer and a place to warm up in the winter. It would be a gathering place. On the Con side, it is in the trees to keep it out of sight of vandals, the cost to move is possibly quite high, difficulty in moving as the building in not reinforced, we would have to run new electrical lines, concern that the RM of Corman Park would take to it negatively. And that’s just the highlights. Alternate ideas generated were to instead of spending money to move the clubhouse, use the money to add another structure in the desired location.

-Motion by Phil Broten, 2nd by Ken Wanner: move that a committee be formed to come up with recommendations on the above topic to bring to the club. Voted, passed. The committee consists of Phil Broten, Lyle Mudd, Art Cey, and Jim Smith Jr. Motion to adjourn by Duncan Campbell and 2nd by Brian Korchinski. Voted, passed. The meeting adjourned at 8:25pm





Hobby World Indoor Fun-Fly – Ramada Golf Dome Saturday, November 10th , 6:308:00PM.......Please note that this fun-fly is open to the public.


HCRCC Indoor Funfly – Ramada Golf Dome Saturday, November 17th , 6:30-8:00PM.......Please note that you must be a MAAC member in good standing to attend this indoor fun fly.


HCRCC Indoor Funfly – Ramada Golf Dome Saturday, December 15th, 6:30-8:00PM.......Please note that you must be a MAAC member in good standing to attend this indoor fun fly.


HCRCC Indoor Funfly – Ramada Golf Dome Saturday, January 19th, 8:30 - 10AM.......Please note this is a morning funfly. Also note that you must be a MAAC member in good standing to attend this indoor fun fly.


Once again The Hub City Radio Control Club is holding it’s annual Awards Night & Banquet. It will be held at the Park Town Hotel once again. The date will be announced soon

Article Submissions: Please submit your articles and pictures to be used in the next issue of the flightline by no later than the 20th of each month. Thank you.

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