Issue 80 final

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Issue 80

Lapping the Lakes Part three of a three part series on paddling the Rotorua lakes

Stealth Fishing

Sneaking up on your prey without being detected

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Issue 80 Summer 2016


Contents Sea Kayaking Lapping the Lakes – Okareka, Okataina, Rotoehu, Rotoma and Rerewhakaaitu


Racing Pantanal Brazil - water world


Fishing Stealth Fishing Big Fish on Plastic Boats

20 36

White Water The Kaituna


Health Get back Into It!


Books Adventurer at Heart


Technical Canoe & Kayak’s Okura Sea Kayak Base Summer Kayaking in the Heat Cold Water Survival - Part Two Which Weather App? Trip Card - Omana Beach to Sunkist Bay Trip Card - Lake Maraetai and Mangakino Stream

28 30 32 40 44 45

Puzzles Sudoku Quick Crossword Puzzle Solutions

39 39 41

Product C-TUG SandTrakz Sand Wheels Rhino-Rack StealthBar Kayak listings

42 43 46

Editorial Sitting out the back waiting for a wave; what a way to enjoy a day! Riding the wave in control is the icing on the cake. This last week the waves have been fine, the water tropical and the wind has been low, so we have had many stunning surf sessions. Three nights in a row night paddling with bioluminescence, where the water lights up with thousands of stars at the slightest disturbance. Glow worms found along the foreshore. Watching the variable oystercatcher parent taking on a hawk in an avian dog-fight to draw the hawk away from its young. (How did a fight between planes get labelled a dog fight? Let alone a fight between two birds.) The New Zealand dotterel parents dragging their “broken” wings along the beach leading walkers away who are too close to their chicks. Then when a safe distance is achieved, a miracle of nature, the wing is fixed and off they soar back to their brood. Stingrays cruising around us as we practice skills and one being so nosy that a gentle nudge with a toe was required to move him on his way. Watching a pod of orca hunting rays, tails

EDITOR: Peter Townend Ph: 0274 529 255 Email: PUBLISHER: New Zealand Kayak Magazine is published four times per year by Canoe & Kayak Ltd. PRINTING: MHP Print

Issue 80

in the air and man are they quick. Good size snapper in the frying pan a couple of hours after catching them, yum. You might say I am waxing on a bit much here and maybe I am, but really why not! We all live in paradise and all you have to do is get outside to see it. With summer coming to an end and autumn approaching the good paddling weather is here, so make the most of every opportunity. And while this part of the year traditionally has very settled weather we still need to be aware of it changing. I am suffering from a fat lip from not sun-blocking enough on a sweltering day during a course, and several months ago I was the coldest I have ever been attending a river rescue training. So even with over 30 years of paddling experience in the outdoors, the weather has caught me out twice in the last six months. A friend has a saying “Every instructor is just between swims”. This is a nice way of reminding even the most experienced people that sometimes the day does not go as planned.

Pricing: At the time of printing the prices in this magazine were accurate. However they may change at any time. Copyright: The opinions expressed by contributors and the information stated in advertisements/articles are not necessarily agreed to by the editors or publisher of New Zealand Kayak Magazine. SUBSCRIPTIONS: New Zealand – 4 Issues = $25 Overseas – 4 Issues = $40 Go to:

So while paddling in this stunning paradise we call home; keep your radar up, your sonar on and your eyes and ears wide open. Take the right stuff, paddle with a mate, tell someone where you are going and carry your comms on you and not buried in your kayak. Remember to share your tales of amazing trips with our readers in our next issue. Cheers Peter Townend

CONTRIBUTORS: We welcome contributors’ articles and photos.

Photos: Front page: Okura Estuary

Refer to www.canoeandkayak. New Zealand Kayak Magazine ‘Contributors Guidelines’ for more details.

Photo by: Peter Townend

ALL CONTRIBUTIONS TO: James Fitness Email: New Zealand Kayak Magazine

Lake Rotoiti from Hinehopu.

Contents page: Photo by: Ruth E. Henderson

Lapping the Lakes

– Okareka, Okataina, Rotoehu, Rotoma and Rerewhakaaitu By Ruth E. Henderson

Lake Okareka Photo by Shelley Stuart

After Easter we only had a fist-full of Rotorua lakes to ‘knock-off’ – but life intruded and halted our ‘mission’. With each of the five lakes doable in a day we agreed to have a base camp and radiate out from a central locale. Hinehopu on the eastern shores of Lake Rotoiti fitted the bill – and viola there was a bach to rent at a reasonable rate. Tenting was considered but hot showers, a roof above head-height, an indoor flush loo...won...and with the luxury of a kitchen and with four nights and four people – it was logical to cook a family meal each. Domestic detail sorted, it was time to get paddling...or was it? For the preceding week all eyes had been on the weather forecast, we only needed five days of reasonable winds...but every day was due to be over 20 knots. Then it changed: 22 knots gusting 43 NW looked bad, but it was dropping to 15 – 25, then easing off to 8 – 16...I was itching to just GO - it had taken us months to re-assemble... so at 7am on a Sunday morning we escaped Auckland to tackle the smallest lake in the supposedly worst conditions.

The most interesting craft, we saw anchored: I’d describe them as floating picnic tables. They came complete with BBQ and coolers, and an outboard motor. What a lovely idea... The houses had sweeping lawns, shade trees, dinghies and canoes at the water’s edge...just beautiful and probably half the price of anything vaguely similar in Auckland. Next up was a maze...of reeds and waterlilies. Pretty at first: floating flowers, clouds reflected on the water, lush green hills and Mount Tarawera a presence in the background...but when it was time to get out, menacing. Shelley grabbed a flower for that night’s table decoration. Even with all the meandering we were back at the cars by 2.45 pm and it was time to tackle the maze of aisles at Pack n Save. Shakey joined us for dinner, and regaled us with tales of his past adventures and for our future ones, warned us of where there is spine-tingling stuff... 11.3 km, 4.9 kph average speed, moving time 2 hrs 19 mins

Four hours later, we were reunited with Shakey at the reserve off Millar Road, on the blustery shores of Lake Okareka. After the hugs and handshakes we promptly got a lesson on the correct pronunciation of Okareka – it is ‘care’ not ‘car’ O care wreck a. Setting out in a clockwise direction, for the NW wind to push us down the longest stretch, we were soon immersed in nature. Amongst the reeds and over-hanging ponga it was bird kindergarten...swans had babies, geese had babies...and being late autumn the rewarewa and NZ kamahi were in flower. There were numerous wee caves too small for kayaks, but Richard and Peter kept on trying. Within 45 minutes we were at the Southern end of the lake, and in civilisation - lunching at some picnic tables before heading towards the houses. There were people strolling on the Lake Okareka walkway, on paddle boards, and tourists on the amphibious WW II boat/bus peculiar to the Rotorua Lakes, called a “Duck”. We watched to see if it did a “Check, Clean, Dry” for potentially invasive pests or weeds. It did not.

Richard knocked on the door at 6.15am offering tea! Needless to say we were all up before the alarm clocks and on the road heading for Lake Okataina an hour later. We headed for the Western side, hoping for a tail wind homeward. Mostly the shoreline was bush, clad right to the water’s

Lake Okareka Photo by Ruth E. Henderson PAGE 8

Issue 80 Summer 2016

Lake Okataina Photo by Ruth E. Henderson

edge, with the occasional rocky formation, larva tunnels and then pumicesand beaches. Birds were few, and then only in couples or families – swans, shags, NZ scaup, Canadian geese and one gorgeous blue kingfisher dazzling us in flight. I’d have expected to see and hear numerous tuis amongst the predominant tall and pyramidal rewarewa as they were covered with their spikey red grevillea-like flowers. At Motuwhetero Island, where Shakey had told us there are Maori palisades under water – and the hair goes up on the back of his neck – all was quiet, very peaceful. Gradually the tree canopy changed to mixed

bush to pohutukawa – massive ancient trees, then to spindly regenerated manuka. At Otangimoana Bay, where the track goes through to Lake Tarawera’s Humphries Bay, there is a tangle of fallen and dead trees so we sidled past eyeing up a sandy outcrop for a lunch spot. The backdrop was dead scrubby stuff from changing lake levels, and the chit chat of walkers on the Eastern Okataina walkway. With the end in sight, we didn’t loiter; a welcome gentle cooling breeze in our hair, we glided over the pristine waters and blooming aquatic weed back to our cars, a swim... and an ice cream. But, first a bunch of foxgloves for our table. 29.3 km, 5.6 kph average speed, moving time 5 hr 12 mins

Issue 80 Summer 2016


Lake Rotoehu Photo by Ruth E. Henderson

Palmate Lake Rotoehu was always going to be a big day! We took Shakey’s advice and launched at the second settlement at Otautu Bay. The power pylons were ugly, but once we lost sight of them, we were instantly into solitude and native bush: flowering cabbage trees, tutu, toi toi and rewarewa; weedy yellow lupins and purple and white foxgloves decorated sandy ledges. And birds? The most I’ve heard on any of Rotorua’s lakes! This first ‘finger’ had multiple ‘fingerlings’ and it was two hours and 11 kms before we got back to those pylons. Much like a skyscraper, they proved to be a good landmark throughout the day. The second finger, Wainikau, revealed a house, civilisation! And then around the next bend, what initially appeared to be a shambles...on closer inspection proved to be work-in-progress... a caravan, a calf-shed, a tractor, kayak, tarpaulins, piles of timber... a building platform. Each finger was becoming less native and more exotic with forest then pasture. At the third finger, pine forest gave way to Eucalyptus and some wildling blackwood. Kanuka dusted in white, and flaxes sporting spears of juvenile flowers were fenced off from grazing stock and the lake. At times the fences were in the water, and lots of trees had fallen into the lake, making our coast hugging difficult. Fingerlings upon fingerlings were becoming tedious. Just when you thought you’d explored it all, a narrow passage revealed another darn one. It was 1.00 pm, we’d hit the 25 km mark, and I’d ‘hit the wall’ - it was definitely time for lunch. We stopped at Wharenareke Bay. After that the lake and the landscape opened up, lambs bleated for their mums and for a while the noise from State Highway 30 intruded. With the wind now behind us we whizzed over to Te Waitoa Bay full of mi-mi, swans, geese, and pollution - paddle blades coming up with green slime and sticky black mud. As we turned, for the final leg, the wind beam on... all I could think of was hot pools and ice cream... As we landed, buggared, and plopped ourselves on the grass, to rest for a ‘minute’ it was refreshing to hear peals of laughter, as some skinny boys, reminiscent of a pack of monkeys – joyous, carefree, and youthful – played on a raft. The Waitangi Soda Springs ($3 for seniors) eased out the kinks...and the store just west of the Hinehopu turn-off had the biggest $2 ice-creams I’ve ever animated Maori lady eating fish and chips, introduced herself as Kylie, and then told us about her place, up the lake... she was astonished that we knew exactly where she and her husband were building a home and invited us to call in next time for a cuppa. And to really complete the day the sky turned on a gorgeous sunset. At the Hinehopu jetty a professional photographer with tripod stood for at least 30 minutes braving the westerly...whereas we raced out, ‘pointed and shooted’ and retreated to our cosy bach. 38.9 km, 5.6 kph average speed, moving time 6hrs 58 mins

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the gem, amongst gems. How could it eclipse the first half of Rotoehu or Okataina? We started at Whangaroa Bay next to the Merge Motor Camp. Sticking to circumnavigation rules, we poked our bows up the long reedy inlet... effectively going four kms and going nowhere, but looking down the water was crystal clear, almost as clear as at Hamarama Springs... The water clarity continued from go to whoa! Leaving the rowdy road behind us we headed towards Okopua Point, past some very desirable real estate! At Te Rotoiti Bay it was a surprise to see the ugliness of raw clay and the mess of forestry felling, but pleasing to see the use of weed-mat to reduce sediment run-off. As we approached the next point, Richard suddenly jumped out of his kayak and dragged it. Had he gone nuts? He’d spotted a wee lagoon, a that is taking circumnavigation very seriously. We followed.

I was reporting in to Shakey every day, and after the beauty of the past few days it was hard to believe him when he reckoned Rotoma was

Issue 80 Summer 2016

P A G E 11

Lake Rotoma Photo by Ruth E. Henderson

At the most northern end of the lake, a rock fall gave the “sea-kayakers” in us, something to play amongst. Otherwise there were gorgeous white sandy beaches, everywhere...we were spoilt for choice of a lunch spot but pushed on till Peter’s GPS reached 16 km or what I thought would be two-thirds of the day’s total. This put us next to the Whakarewarewa Lagoon – big enough to be named and on the map! We found a gap in the stunted manuka and portaged through. What a delight! Lush pasture, some specimen sized rewarewa on a hill and thick reeds showing spikey white flowers. The next lagoon was dry and we idled past the last one near the road; it was ‘occupied’ with kids, campers, picnickers... and cars on the thin road in front of it. The forecast tail wind, as it often does at the end of the day, turned; for me, the last three kms were three kms too many... The boys returned with a pile of discarded beer bottles, they’d diligently gathered during the day, whilst I had a few yellow lupins for the vase. Shelley unfortunately had had to whizz back to Auckland, so has yet to see why Shakey and we placed this lake at the top of the leader-board. 27.0 km, average speed 5.3 kph, moving time 5 hrs 5 mins. The last lap was saved for the Southernmost lake, Rerewhakaaitu. We’d learnt how to pronounce this one when on a reconnaissance trip. Say - Re re far kai a to - quickly. Parking at the Guy Roe Reserve, we set off in a clockwise direction into a cacophony. The frogs!! The birds!! There were a few swans circling their babies and many geese honking and hooting overhead, pied stilts red legs picking their way in the shallows then out-stretched trailing behind in flight, and always a surprise on inland lakes, seagulls. The lake level was extremely low, we had to avoid rocks and at times had to punt or portage. The shore was lined with very scrappy willows, lupins and broom golden yellow. There were plenty of camping and picnic spots (with flush loos and picnic tables!) and children at end-of-year school camps swimming, playing and splashing about. In contrast, at the South Eastern end we were back amongst the birds and islands of reeds, mi-mi’s and stinky black mud. We were out of place, disturbing the wildlife, intruding upon their lives and habitat. Under the ever present dominance of Mt Tarawera we stopped for lunch at Halfmoon Bay, then it was just a hop, skip and jump back to the car. Our weather window had held, and our timing was impeccable as a few days later the lake was scheduled for aquatic weed-spraying...not something I’d even considered considering in my trip planning! 20.0 km, average speed 5.3 kph, moving time 3 hr 46 mins Total distance 126.5 km



Issue 80 Summer 2016

Nathan Fa’avae - Adventurer At Heart Title: Nathan Fa’avae Subtitle: Adventurer At Heart Author: Nathan Fa’avae Published: 2015 Publisher: Potton & Burton, Nelson Website: Contents: 280 pp; 16 page colour photo section Cover: paperback Size: 235 x 160 mms Price: $39.99 ISBN: 978 1 927213 62 9 Availability: Canoe & Kayak and other NZ bookshops Review: Paul Caffyn

When the review copy turned up with the rural postie, I had a quick flick through the pages, a slower look at the colour pics, then put the book aside. After all, it was a book about competitive adventure racing and although I take a passing interest in the races, I have no interest in competing in the outdoors. I feel that any form of competitive sea kayaking not only adds an additional level of danger but also it takes away the sheer pleasure of being out on the water, taking time to enjoy the scenery and savour the sensory escape from all the trappings of everyday life. One evening I picked up the book for a skim read, but was quickly drawn in to Nathan’s life story by the rather absorbing and entertaining writing style. Born in Nelson to a Samoan father and a Kiwi mother in 1972, Nathan had a pretty cruisy childhood but started to go off the rails as a teenager, with shoplifting, smoking, drinking and relocating cars that had keys left in the ignition. Experience at Nelson college’s outdoor lodge and later at the Whenua Iti Outdoor Pursuits Centre marked a start to turning his life around, and he found he had better than average endurance for hill running and mountain biking. Short of paddling experience and a kayak for his first Coast to Coast multisport race, he and two mates cycled to Grahame Sisson’s Nelson factory where Nathan put a lean on Grahame to borrow a mould so he could make a race kayak. Met with a ‘tirade of abuse’, Nathan and his mate paid $10 for day hire kayaks from the Nelson Canoe Club, but with the knowledge of where the locked container keys were stashed, they went paddle training three times a week for three months before being found out. He managed to borrow one of Grahame’s kayaks for that first race. Grahame went on to sponsor Nathan with kayaks and even support crewed for him. In many ways, that marked the start of Nathan’s lifelong passion for adventure racing. Jobs at Outward Bound for Nathan and his partner Jodie, allowed a blend of work and racing. By 1999 he was into team multiday races, but problems with a dicky ticker began (atrial fibrillation). Operations and intensive training allowed him to overcome the occasional slowing down issue. Chapters follow with adventure races in New Zealand and around the world, touching on the highlights and hard times of racing; the training

and preparation involved and the vital need for similarly motivated team members. With so much experience behind him, Nathan formed a successful company to run outdoor races, including very popular women only events. Nathan considered the ‘Holy Grail’ of New Zealand sea kayaking was Stewart Island. He and paddling mate Tony Bateup began an anti-clockwise circuit in March 2010, a time of generally settled weather. They surfed the entire northern coast in one afternoon, with a tailwind of 20 knots with a following 2 – 3 metre swell and had a smooth run down the west coast to near the Muttonbird Islands, where a storm hit rather earlier than expected. In gale-force winds, they finally reached the shelter of Easy Harbour, which became their home for the following week. When the savage weather abated, at least the wind had died, Nathan and Tony ‘gunned for South Cape’ anticipating that once around the headland, they were pretty much home and hosed. They hadn’t anticipated that the strong tidal stream and a weather tide created ‘the highest, steepest seas’ that Nathan had ever paddled in. At times it felt like, ‘kayaking down the side of a two-storey building’. This was the first of several attempts to round South Cape, but eventually with no sign of sea conditions easing, they took up an offer of a ride on a crayboat back to Bluff – not before vowing to return some day. It staggers me how much Nathan has crammed into his 43 years, the adventure racing, the sheer amount of vital training almost every day, raising a family, dealing with the recurring issue of his dicky ticker, mentoring and encouraging younger competitors, raising sponsorship and public speaking. And only recently, he and his team won the 2015 AR World Championship race in Brazil. My only gripe with the book is with the publisher. The colour plates lose much of their impact by being surrounded by a sea of white, and not bled out to the page edge. Ed Hillary reckoned that he had modest ability but better than average motivation. In my view, Nathan has not only better than average motivation but he is also superbly skilled outdoor athlete. And Nathan has a better than average way with stringing words together to form an excellent yarn. Buy this book online at: Issue 80 Summer 2016


Pantanal Brazil - Water World By Nathan Fa’avae

ships on a 12 hour journey up river, taking us deep into the Pantanal. Heat was the main talking point amongst the teams pre race as we got our gear organised in 40+ degree highs. The race briefing informed us of what living things we could expect to see, making special mention that the highest concentration of alligators and jaguars is in the Pantanal. Added to that, incredible bird and insect life, fresh water stingrays, piranhas, howler monkeys, deer, pigs, foxes, snakes and spiders plus a whole lot of animals we had never heard of.

When the venue for the 2016 World Adventure Racing Championships was announced my team was excited, it was announced there would be a significant amount of paddling. Racing as team Seagate NZ, myself, Sophie Hart, Stu Lynch and Chris Forne travelled to Brazil as the defending World Champions. The host region was the Pantanal, the worlds largest tropical wetland. It is predominantly in Brazil but spills into Bolivia and Paraguay. Roughly 80% of the Pantanal floodplains are submerged during the rainy seasons, nurturing an astonishing biologically diverse collection of aquatic plants and helping to support a dense array of animal species. We were told we’d see wildlife and we were not disappointed, in fact, it felt like we were racing in a Discovery Channel wildlife programme. The name Pantanal comes from the Portuguese word pântano, meaning wetland or swamp, and that was what we spent over half the race submerged in. 32 teams entered and we spent the night before the race on three navy


Issue 80 Summer 2016

The race lived up to it’s promise and included three kayak stages, two pack rafting stages and one local canoe stage. This served our team well and we broke from the field on the first paddle. On stage two, a trekking stage, we took a route that took us into thick jungle and we lost some time falling to third place, but on stage three, a pack rafting stage, we regained the lead and went on to win the race in convincing fashion. Ironically, given the amount of time we spent in fresh water, one of the hardest parts of the race was when we ran out of water on the trekking stages, which at times took us into high mountains. The intense heat draining us and our drink bottles. We saw an astonishing amount of wildlife and despite being up close to just about everything except the jaguars, we felt safe and sensed a mutual respect from the creatures we encountered. It was an exceptional and unique environment to race through, which for most of the time, felt more of an expedition than a race. Our team was rewarded by being the first team to win the World Championships in consecutive years and in the process lifting our world ranking to number one with maximum points, another first for our sport. Overall, a damn good result and plenty of kayaking enjoyed along the way.

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Issue 80 Summer 2016


20/01/2014 11:29:57 a.m.

Stealth Fishing By Jason Walker

Stealth n. secret, clandestine, or surreptitious procedure. a furtive departure or entrance. the act or characteristic of moving with extreme care and quietness, esp so as to avoid detection. adj. having or providing the ability to prevent detection: stealth technology.


n. secret, clandestine, or surreptitious procedure. a furtive departure or entrance. the act or characteristic of moving with extreme care and quietness, esp so as to avoid detection. adj. having or providing the ability to prevent detection: stealth technology. What could be a better tool to have in your fishing arsenal than that of stealth, what if you could sneak up on your prey without being detected, position yourself to present a bait or lure to the fish without giving away your position or putting any fear into the fish by alerting it to your presence? Well it is possible! No I’m not talking about a flash new boat that been built from some high tech radar blocking material costing millions of dollars or something you would expect to see Batman fishing from, as cool as that would be, I’m actually talking about a kayak, yes your common old garden plastic kayak. Okay may be not the common old garden ones but kayaks specifically designed for fishing from, all set up with one thing in mind - catching fish!

are available if you want to fish with a friend) so don’t need seating for more than one person, you fish sitting down so they don’t need a huge cockpit for walking around, they don’t have an engine to either mount or displace the weight of, and have no fuel storage requirements, all of which require vast amounts of space. The size of the kayak has several benefits; it means you can sneak into small spaces between rocks etc, access shallow water due to the lack of draft, but most of all it means you cast a small shadow due to the small overall footprint of the kayak so fishing shallow (and deeper water on sunny days) you have less chance of spooking fish with your shadow. The second advantage you have when using a kayak over a boat is noise. One thing that will spook fish over anything else is noise so we all want to approach our fishing spot quietly. We all know glass hulled boats are quieter than alloy hulls even when moving slowly, and that if you want

So what is it that makes a kayak the perfect stealth fishing craft, there’s not one single thing that gives the kayak the advantage over other watercraft but a combination of several factors that come with the use of the kayak and some that come with the way that the angler uses the kayak. The most obvious one is the physical size of the kayak: kayaks are by design small craft, they are designed for one person (although doubles PAGE 22

Issue 80 Summer 2016

a quieter outboard motor then you want to get yourself a modern four stroke rather than an old and noisy two stroke motor some of which are capable of waking the dead I’m sure. A plastic kayak moving through the water is very quiet and due to the low freeboard it will have hardly any hull slap from the waves so it allows you to silently glide through the water as you approach your fishing spot. Kayaks don’t have outboards to power them along but rather you are the motor and propel the kayak along with a paddle. Paddles can create a splash, hence noise, if you flail them around but given a little practice and a nice slow paddle stroke you will lose the splash and find yourself being propelled along very quietly allowing you to sneak up on your prey. Windage – the effect of wind on a vessel – an advantage of the kayak’s low profile means that you aren’t pushed around anywhere near as much as you would be in a larger boat. You can use this to great advantage as you will hardly ever need to use a fixed anchor in a kayak thus allowing you to silently drift around while fishing and not dropping any loud heavy anchors to the depths or rattling any noisy chains against your boat, giving away your position to the fish. So we’ve cleared up that using a kayak will give you the stealth edge but what else is there that will help when fishing in the shallows or the wash in a kayak?

Approach Before you just paddle straight into that secluded bay to hook that big moocher that’s been living in there for many years out smarting all those that have tried before you, pull up your kayak outside the bay and sit there for a few minutes and study the environment looking for what else could give you the edge. Look to see where the sun is for shadows, which way the wind is blowing, and if there is any current flowing through the bay. Sun – this relates to the shadows, you want to cast the shadow behind

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Issue 80 Summer 2016


you if possible, what you don’t want is to be casting your lure or softbait into the area where you shadow is being cast as there is a good chance that the shadow would have already spooked the fish, try to approach the bay with the sun in your face. Wind – this relates to how you will drift through or into the bay sitting outside the bay will quickly give you an idea of how and which direction the wind will blow you around in the bay once you head in. Now is also a good time to make the call as to whether you need to use a drift chute / sea anchor to slow down your drift there’s nothing worse than setting yourself up and then find that you just drifted through the whole bay in seconds rather than minutes and all your advantages are lost. The ideal situation is to set yourself up so you are slowly drifting through the bay with the wind on your back so you can cast ahead getting the bait to the bottom before you drift over the top of it. Current – This is one of the more difficult factors to assess and even more so from your lower vantage point in the kayak so it will be hard to see any possible current flowing through the bay. Since you cannot see it you will have to rely on the basics of the tide, is the tide going in or out? Look at where you are sitting and given this which way will the current be flowing? The ideal situation for current is the same as the wind. You want wherever possible to be drifting with the current entering the bay with the current behind you. Now it’s going to be a very special day when all of these come together at the same time but if you try, it will give you an advantage.

Wash Fishing in a Kayak All of the above information was based around fishing in that small sheltered bay for that big moocher snapper but what about fishing the wash in your kayak, can that be done? The quick answer is yes BUT there are some very important safety points to take into consideration when wash fishing in a kayak too. Approach – this is very much the same as was covered in the bay fishing but now you need to take into account two more factors, the swell and the wash. Swell – sitting off the wash just spend a little time observing the direction of the swell. From which direction is it hitting the rocks? You want to approach the wash so you are fishing perpendicular to the swell and not with it directly behind you. If the swell is directly behind your kayak you run the danger of it picking you up and pushing you into the rocks – not a good place to be! Wash – spend some time looking at the wash on the rocks, judging the timing, seeing where it breaks, and what rocks are exposed when the swell pulls back. This will give you an understanding of where you want to cast your bait, and where it will fall. What you don’t want to happen is you cast your bait into the wash and for it to end up stranded on the rocks as you won’t catch anything there and may even result in you snagged on the rocks. What you are aiming for is to cast your bait into the edge of the outgoing wash so your bait is in water that would contain any food, shellfish, etc. that is dragged off the rocks by the wash. That is where the fish will be so if your bait is mixed up in there it will give you the best opportunity to hook up to the fish.

The view you would rather have




Issue 80 Summer 2016

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Safety – this is the critical part, any type of wash fishing always has its dangers but in a kayak you don’t have the protection of a big boat if it starts to go wrong. As mentioned above avoid getting yourself in the position of the swell directly behind you as you always want to see what’s coming: you can’t escape what you can’t see. Paddle position – make sure you keep you paddle handy at all times. If you keep it laid across your lap, if you get too close to the wash you can quickly drop the paddle in the water and do a few back stokes of the paddle to get you out of trouble. DO NOT use your drift chute / sea anchor when wash fishing. A chute in the water will make it near impossible to make a quick escape of the wash plus it can even get picked up by the swell and pull you in.

Issue 80 Summer 2016


Join Join the the Yakity Yakity Yak Yak Kayak Kayak Club Club n n

Enrol at /join email

now, and let the adventures begin. WHY JOIN? • Meet New Friends • Lots of Great Trips • Discover the Great Outdoors • Safety Minded • Opportunities to Improve Your Skills • and much more...

Sea Kayak Skills Course Okura Photo by: Peter Townend

Proudly supported by:

Canoe & Kayak’s Okura Sea Kayak Base ‘Auckland’s Best Kept Secret’ Canoe & Kayak’s Okura Sea Kayak Base offers skills courses that provide the chance to have your cake and eat it too (although who would ever have cake and not eat it?). In Auckland’s East Coast Bays, just 20 minutes drive North of downtown Auckland, lies the Long Bay-Okura Marine Reserve. In this absolute gem of an area we can provide our customers with amazing skill development courses in an ever-changing and dynamic environment, providing us a challenge with tides, weather and wildlife. Our skills course makes sure to allow time to really appreciate the environment we are paddling in. Stingray glide underneath us as we sweep stroke and sometimes mullet will provide an antithesis to the action by jumping through the air as we eskimo roll under the water. Just last week, while on the overnight sea kayak skills course, the entire bay was filled with birds feeding. The group was privileged to the awesome sight of hundreds of shearwaters flying just above the water, not more than a metre from the bows of our kayaks.

They are a little quirky in that they like to lay their eggs in a shallow scratching on the shelly sea shore, camouflaged to blend in with the shells around them, and they do so just above the high tide mark. The problem with this, is that we humans tend to enjoy walking along beaches at high tide and not get our shoes wet. So we stomp right along where the dotterel eggs are. If you are ever on a shelly beach and notice this area is roped off, it’s best to not duck under the rope and carry on, but walk around the area. If you notice someone in the area, we have found a friendly chat and a little education goes a long way. The dotterel forms a monogamous pair, and breeding season is from August to February, so care is needed not to disturb them during these months. The chicks take about a month to hatch, and a month to fledge. We have seen a pair of chicks so far this season, and even as a kiwi bloke I would say they were super adorable. A tiny ball of fluff moving back and

In addition to skills courses, we run tours that have a specific eco-focus on the incredible flora and fauna of the Okura bush and estuary. In fact, on warm summer nights when the tides are high, the water flashes and sparkles as you paddle through it. This spectacular fireworks display is thanks to the millions of bioluminescent plankton that call Okura home. The bioluminescence tour, where we take you out kayaking amongst this natural lightshow, is really one not to miss. We are vocal advocates for protecting the environment we live and work in. All our guides have spent time planting native trees or weeding around them, setting up pest trapping programmes or roping off nesting sites. We actively share our love of the environment in the hope that we can encourage more people to become Kaitiaki or guardians of this amazing place. The area is home to some really rare tūturiwhatu, New Zealand dotterels. With a little over 2000 left in New Zealand, they are considered conservation dependent – stable or declining where unmanaged, increasing where managed. Okura is home to only a handful of these, so the cute little guys really need a helping hand to re-establish.

OKURA KAYAK TOURS ‘Auckland’s Best Kept Secret’


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AMz w w w . k 5/02/2016 a y a k n z11:51:54 .co.n

forth, all over the beach, at a speed the Roadrunner would be proud of, until a protective mum sent it back to the safety of the grasses, with a high pitched warning chirp. So come and join us on an adventure of a lifetime on the Okura Estuary Auckland’s best kept secret.

adventure equipment

Contact Todd Phone:09 476 7066

Photos by Peter Townend

Tommahawk Dry Cag

Junga Semi-dry Cag

Adventure Touring Cag

Xipe Touring PFD

New Zealand dotterel chick in the foreground with a variable oyster catcher and chick behind.

Rakau White water PFD

Sladek Recreational Cag

New Zealand dotterel with her chick.

RFD New Zealand Limited 0800 777 009 Auckland Wellington Nelson Christchurch Filename: SURVITECpos_PMS.eps Colourway:


100% Pantone PMS 158c


100% Process Black

Issue 80 Summer 2016 YAK qtr page 15-08 colour white background.indd 1

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Summer Kayaking in the Heat – More than Sunblock and Water One of the common situations encountered on a long hot day on the water is getting overheated. This is mostly avoided by appropriate clothing choices, adequate hydration, swimming, and stops in shaded areas to refuel, rest, and cool down. If these measures aren’t followed sensibly, or in especially hot weather, there can be a danger of heat cramps, heat exhaustion, or ultimately, heatstroke. Prevention is always the best course of action, as in all health and safety risks. A quick discussion before the paddle to ensure paddlers are aware of the possibility of heat related issues is probably something most groups already perform. Pre-paddle watering and stretching are important, as are frequent rests and continued hydration.

By Susan Lott However, if a paddler does fall prey to hyperthermic conditions, this needs first to be recognised and then to be quickly addressed. The group leaders and fellow paddlers should be observant throughout the trip, and able to recognise changes indicating a paddler is struggling. This may manifest as an unexpected change in behaviour or temperament or responsiveness, or as physical changes such as weakness or fatigue, with a paddler lagging behind or maybe doing ineffective dipping strokes. Muscle cramps following prolonged exercise in hot conditions are usually felt in the calves, but may also occur in arms, fingers and abdominals, and may be quite painful. There may be a feeling of weakness or dizziness. Skin will be warm and clammy. The most important action is balanced rehydration, probably requiring an electrolyte solution. If the cramp is accompanied by nausea, some paddlers may prefer to start with water first, especially if not used to electrolyte drinks, as the taste may cause vomiting. Reasonably fit paddlers will soon recover and be able to continue after a short rest, and possibly some massage of the muscle if they can tolerate this. Heat exhaustion is a mild illness, an acute reaction to a hot environment (temperatures greater than 27°), especially when humidity is high, but can occur at lower temperatures if vigorously exercising. Active exercise in the heat can result in loss of 1-2 litres of water per hour, along with sodium which is vital to body function. Symptoms may include dizziness, nausea, weak pulse, increased heart rate, lowered blood sugar level, diarrhoea, cramps, headache, weakness, and heavy sweating, with skin cool and clammy. Body temperature may be raised but is less than 39°C. A paddler may start to display a mildly altered mental status, perhaps some confusion, or delayed responses. Heat exhaustion can lead to heat stroke if not adequately managed. Once again, immediate fluid replacement is vital, as is cooling and rest. Be prepared for a longer delay to ensure the patient is fit to continue. After fluids, laying the patient down in shade with legs elevated and managing cooling without letting them get cold will often do the trick. Remove excess clothing and fan the patient with a towel. Use a cool wet cloth on the forehead and back of the neck. Be sensible about letting a group member continue if the environmental conditions are such

Kiwi Association of Sea Kayakers N.Z. Inc. (KASK) Annual subscription is $35.00.

Kask PO Box 23, Runanga 7841, West Coast


KASK is a network of sea kayakers throughout New Zealand

KASK publishes a bi-monthly newsletter containing trip reports, events, book reviews, technique/ equipment reviews and a ‘bugger’ file. KASK holds national sea kayaking forums.

Issue 80 Summer 2016

that the issue is likely to recur or to get worse. Heat stroke is a medical emergency and can be fatal, even with younger paddlers. Heat stroke occurs in a hot environment and not necessarily with exertion. The body is exposed to more heat than the body can cope with, as the normal cooling mechanisms are overwhelmed. The core body temperature will usually be 40°C or more, skin will be flushed and hot but usually dry as the body ceases to sweat. The patient may have a severely compromised mental status, often with marked confusion, and an altered level of consciousness as the brain is very sensitive to thermal injury. Breathing rate may change and heart rate may be rapid and then slow down. The patient may have unusual heart rhythms due to metabolic changes. There is a risk of seizure activity. Moving to shade and active rapid cooling are paramount, but only cool to 39°, otherwise the body will initiate shivering to increase temperature, and we risk rebound hypothermia. Remove clothing and cover the patient with a shirt or towel soaked in warm water (not cold). Fan with a towel or hat. Fluid replacement is also important - give an electrolyte drink. The patient should not continue paddling and you may have to call in help to evacuate them to a medical facility. SO… heat can cause serious issues on a paddling trip, but we can avoid discomfort and illness with our usual common sense preparedness. Clothing? The usual story – appropriate for the environment – loose, cool breathable materials, hat with a brim. Fluids? Your usual – water or consider an electrolyte drink, either homemade or a commercial energy drink, mixing one of the sachet products with fewer additives may be a good option. Hydrate before you start and regularly on the paddle. Fitness? – check all group members are fit for the conditions. High heat changes ability to function for non-athletes not used to such conditions.

Encourage paddlers to be realistic and maybe suggest a shorter paddle and change start and finish times to avoid being on the water at the hottest times. Ensure lots of breaks. Rest? Regular beaks in the shade are important. Higher Risk? Those more prone to suffering from heat-related conditions include people who have recently been or are currently unwell, those with existing medical conditions such as diabetes, older people, and young children. Also, certain medications can increase risk of heat stroke, these include diuretics, beta-blockers, and anti-psychotics. Consider also those who may have not been acclimatised to our hot weather, maybe just arrived from a cool climate. ALWAYS have all group members advise of medical conditions, including the leaders. First Aid Kit? – include electrolyte sachets and extra water. Emergency? – as always, your emergency communications (x2) should be checked before the trip. Call for help if the patient is displaying signs and symptoms of heat stroke. Remove the patient from the hot environment – get them into shade. Cool them but not too cold. Give fluids. REFERENCES: Bledsoe, B. E., Porter, R. S., & Cherry, R. A. (2011). Essentials of paramedic care, update (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc. Tintinalli, J. E., & Stapczynski, J. S. (2011). Tintinalli's emergency medicine: A comprehensive study guide (7th ed.) . New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.



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I s s u e 8 0 S u m m e r 2 0 13/02/2016 6 P8:46:41 A G EAM3 1

Cold Water Survival Part Two By Andy Blake

As a mad keen kayaker, the greatest risk factor would have to be that of drowning. I’m not always paddling in flat calm conditions and I sometimes paddle on my own. I’m a reasonable swimmer but I know I can’t swim all day, against a current or while unconscious. So for me, my first rule of kayaking is to always, always ALWAYS wear my buoyancy aid! Conveniently it’s also where I carry all my essentials like muesli bars and chocolate. My daughter calls me the “Antman” for good reason. If I’m out in four metre sea swells and the epinephrine is pumping through my body, my BA makes me feel more confident and in control.

PFDs -

Personal Floatation Device You can check out the New Zealand Coastguard website for loads of valuable PFD information on what you should be wearing, general care and guidelines of their use. There is also have a great app called the Marine Mate app for your phone that gives local marine information on your area, tides, area notices, fishing rules and other boating info. Recently I was on a fishing charter boat and we were fishing up to at least five kilometres offshore. It was a wooden boat and there were about 30 people on board. After a while I realised that I was the only person wearing a PFD. Yes, it was a very flat sea and we had all been told and shown where the PFD’s were. I was wearing my own kayaking BA (buoyancy aid) with the muesli bars, PLB, water bladder, survival kit and of course

What a difference! This is the author, Andy Blake, not wearing a BA then wearing one.


Issue 80 Summer 2016

the chocolates - call me paranoid but I believe that paranoia keeps you alive! I have read in many boating drowning fatalities that usually people do not have the time to grab and put on a PFD before entering the water. We do an exercise on our sea kayak weekend course where we get the participants to try to put on their BA while floating in the pool. Obviously a warm swimming pool is no comparison to the cold, open ocean and yet still people find it extremely hard to get the BA on. Imagine trying this in rough seas with a 25 Kn wind - virtually impossible.

Why people don’t wear their PFD It is interesting reading why so many people choose not to wear a flotation device of some sort while out on the water. Some excuses include that they may be hot and uncomfortable, too expensive, that they could swim well or that the boat was stationary/ not too far from the shore. Funny how all of these reasons would be irrelevant just before the person was in the throes of drowning!

— 

The Canadian statistics on drowning in 2004 concluded that 410 people drowned. 86% weren’t wearing PFD’s, 66 % were less than 15 metres from the shore or from safety (wharf or boat) and most were good swimmers. As a comparison, in New Zealand in 2014, preventable drownings totalled 71 people. 33 drowned in the sea, 16 in rivers, 11 in lakes and 11 in the home and in swimming pools. Although this was the second lowest total since 1980, we also experienced the highest drowning related hospitalisations for over a decade. So there is still a lot to do to bring these preventable drowning figures down. Although a few people have drowned while wearing a PFD, often in river kayaking, you are more likely to survive if you end up in the water and you are correctly wearing a properly secured BA.

Entering cold water Kayaking in New Zealand can be a wonderful pastime, but we should always remember that we are located in what mariners call the “Roaring Forties”. This means that New Zealand is located at around 40° latitude south - in a windy and cold area of the Southern Ocean where winter sea temperatures can be as low as 10° C. Our survival time without any forms of PFD may be as low as 1.5 hours compared to four hours while wearing one. I have paddled on the Rangitikei River in winter where the water temperatures can plummet - it was recorded as 1.4 ° C July 2015 - brrrrr. This is probably why I do more sea kayaking than river kayaking! As homeotherms, we like to keep ourselves at a relatively consistent internal temperature - jumping into very cold water threatens to upset our equilibrium. It can affect us in many ways, firstly it can affect our breathing by making us involuntarily gasp for air, this is called the gasp reflex. It only lasts for about one minute, but the big problem with this is if your head is under water then you can easily take a mouthful of water into the lungs and you can drown in less than a minute. Wearing a PFD will keep you positioned higher in the water and if you have a choice, enter the water slowly and not from a great height. Also ensure your mouth is closed - no yelling for attention. We may also experience hyperventilation where our breathing becomes very rapid. Usual breathing maintains a balance between breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide. Hyperventilation upsets this and can lead to choking, muscle cramps, panic and fainting. At this stage try to calm yourself and relax your breathing otherwise things will only get worse! Prolonged exposure to very cold water (as well as being quite painful) will also cause the body’s arteries to narrow, making it harder for the heart to pump blood around the body. This vasoconstriction is especially dangerous to those with existing heart disease and has been known to bring on cardiac arrest.

protect yourself from the elements For the full range go to º+}8² µ ¢ noO 8


Issue 80 Summer 2016


After 5-15 minutes, cold incapacitation can begin to occur. This is where reduced blood flow to the extremities makes simple tasks like swimming or getting back into your kayak impossible. Try this simple task: Place your hands in ice water for 15 minutes and then try to remove the battery from your torch - yes, very hard. Those not wearing any sort of flotation find it impossible to tread water for extended periods and invariably drown. When the Titanic sank, after 1 hour 50 minutes all 1400 passengers in the water had drowned - this was in 0° C water. When I am kayaking, I prefer to dress for the water temperature and not the air temperature. I’m only a kayaker when I’m in my kayak, if I end up in the water I’m a floater and hopefully not a sinker! Adequate thermal protection consists of: 1. A wicking layer beside my skin to keep me dry 2. A thermal layer appropriate to the water temperature 3. A waterproof and windproof outer shell. Check out your local kayak shop and get the best kayak clothing you can afford. If you find yourself out of your kayak, control your breathing and if in

very cold water, try to get back into your craft as soon as possible. Get others to assist if needed. If you are on your own and this is not achievable then try to get as much of your body on top of your kayak, to minimise heat loss. You are more visible in the water with your kayak than without it. Following this you would get on to your VHF radio and call for help, or set off your PLB - that is why you pay taxes! Chew on some chocolates from your BA pocket and wait for rescue. If you are away from your kayak and you have decided to wait for rescue, get yourself into the HELP position (Heat Escape Lessening Posture). Tightly wrap your arms across the front of your chest and grab your BA. Cross your legs below the knees and draw them up toward your chest as high as you can. This will trap as much heat as possible. This position will conserve body heat which will increase your survival time. If there is a bunch of you, then you can use the HUDDLE position. This is where people who are wearing a BA can form groups of three or four to form a small tight ring facing each other. Link your arms and legs to minimise the heat loss of the group. This is great for morale and enables the group to keep a close eye on the others. Although many in the group may feel less than inclined to huddle in the water, it could save your life. Practice these drills so you can be confident in their use if you ever find yourself in the pickle.

What’s the difference? You’ll notice there are a number of terms used relating to buoyancy aids. So what is the difference? Personal Flotation Device (PFD): A life preserver, life jacket, or other device for keeping a person afloat in the water. Buoyancy Aid (BA): Buoyancy aids are a specialist form of personal flotation device (PFD) used most commonly by kayakers, canoeists and dinghy sailors. They are designed as a flotation aid, rather than a life-saving device and have several key differences to other PFD’s and lifejackets. Life Jacket: A life jacket is designed to keep the wearer vertical in the water, and to hold a person’s mouth and nose uppermost if they are unconscious.




Issue 80 Summer 2016

GO TO: www.kayaknz/deal FOR DETAILS 10/02/2016 10:52:03 AM

Get back Into It! The Work Routine and Having Fun in your Kayak As the holidays fade in the rearview mirror it can be a bitter feeling as you wrap your thoughts around the cooler days that lie ahead and that same work routine beginning again. The summer allowed evaporation of your stringent schedule which meant much more free time for playing in your kayak! In pondering the upcoming work routine, you cringe at the thought of that piercing alarm clock, followed by a body that seems glued to your bed as your mind echoes the thoughts that you already miss the warm summer mornings that invited you to jump in your kayak. So how do you maintain that wonderful summer kayak routine when the bite of colder days feels too sharp? The one thing that will keep you out of your kayak the most is your string of excuses! It’s too cold, it will be too dark by the time I get my kayak ready or when you’re really desperate for an excuse you convince yourself that you might get a chill that will make you sick! I can feel a few heads nodding out there right? It’s only ever your habit of excuses that will keep you for experiencing the magic of an autumn or winter kayak trip. Why not make this a landmark season and be in competition with your excuses to make this the most magical kayak season ever for getting in your kayak and seizing the day?

SO, let’s give you some tools to arm yourself for your excuses. • Know you will have excuses and begin to observe them with quiet curiosity. • As soon as you feel an excuse perk up. Say to yourself “Ah ha” there it is! • Have a personal excuse rebuttal ready. i.e. It’s too cold for a paddle. rebuttal: It’s never too cold for a great paddle, 5 minutes into it I’ll be burning hot. • Be playful and learn to laugh at your string of excuses. You will be amazed at how often you use them, and not just for kayaking, but in so many areas of your life. These tools will guarantee you year round adventures in your kayak. Mastering your excuses will empower you in every area of your life so why not start here and see how great it will feel. You’ll never regret conquering your excuses as once you are out there in your kayak and feeling the bliss of connecting your soul to the sea, you will simply smile and pat yourself on the back for breaking the pattern of excuses and allowing yourself the joy of kayaking all year round. Yours in Loving Health,

WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? 1. Some of the most amazing sunrises and sunsets happen in the autumn. You simply miss out on these if you hide behind those warm curtains. 2. During cooler weather kayak trips you get the sea practically to yourself. No fighting crowds, traffic and missing out on enjoying your favourite spot as someone beat you to it!

Dr. Theresa Dobson One Body – One You for Life!

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3. Kayaking keeps you fit and healthy. Even in the bitter cold, when you are kayaking you are heating up, burning fat and creating healthy happy cells.


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I s s u e 8 0 S u m m e r 2 0 1 63/02/2016P A8:51:31 G E AM 35

Kingfish are always a challenge on any craft, but landing fish this size from a kayak is very doable provided you can give chase

Big Fish on Plastic Boats By Stephen Tapp

Sometimes it’s amazing how a blend of simple ingredients creates the most delicious results. The analogy works with kayak fishing and couldn’t be more appropriate: add a rod, reel, and a handful of lures to a well-designed kayak and it’s

Ask for a Beckson Pump Most kayakers only ever buy one pump. Make it the best kayaker’s bilge pump.

possible to achieve some of the most spectacular angling this country has to offer. In part the tremendous appeal is the size of some of the fish we can target, but it’s also about the locations we can access and the challenge of staying upright while the battle rages. When targeting trophy sized fish it’s important to have a clear understanding of what makes it possible to land monsters from kayaks. Surprisingly it’s not just about stability, a kayak’s nimbleness and mobility also have a huge role to play by allowing us to track and stay over top of our quarry. Of course an appropriate level of stability is still essential (fishing from a K1 is asking for trouble!), but with a little practice and the right kayak we’re capable of making some remarkable captures. Staying on top of a hard fighting fish allows us to keep the line very close to the side of the kayak and considerably reduce the “roll-over force”. In turn this allows for more drag pressure giving the angler greater control. PAGE 36

Issue 80 Summer 2016

Ask other kayakers and checkout what the professionals use. Chances are they will recommend using a Beckson Thirsty Mate. Why? Because Beckson is a trusted brand, been around a long time and they pump alot of water (rated at 30 litres a min). Plus they last for ages. Unrestricted opening allows for great pumping volume

Distributed by Great Stuff Ltd. For additional information, or email


Trolling lures is a classic way of targeting bigger fish – Milkey with an excellent albacore tuna

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Profish “Load & Go” Pods Our Removable Pod system will see you having more time on the water. Rig up the night before and simply load your pods on location and go...

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30 Year Warranty Quality assurance

Issue 80 Summer 2016


Rafting up to get a proper monster on board, Stuart Cooney landed this truly massive kingfish jigging from his Viking Profish 440

Allowing the line to angle away from the kayak (especially out to the side) makes us tippier, and also makes it easier for big fish to run over structure and bust us off. Keeping in mind that following a big fish to stay over top of it is part of the secret, then it’s possible to decide the most appropriate fishing techniques. Much of our fishing is now done with lures rather than natural baits. This eliminates the need to be on anchor in one location (though this is still viable if the anchor is on a float and release so it can be quickly dropped). Casting, paddling on station while lures descend, or trolling means we can even do away with using a drift chute much of the time. When soft baiting, instead of deploying a sea anchor per traditional techniques (casting ahead of a slow drift, letting the lure sink before doing a twitchy retrieve back to the kayak) try leaving the drogue on board and using the kayak’s drift to your advantage. Cast ahead of your drift and put in a couple of back-paddles to pause the kayak while the lure sinks, and then drift in the wind. This time don’t retrieve line, but twitch the lure to lift it before letting out a little more line to get it drop. If there’s no strike after a few of these movements “swim” the lure back to the kayak at a moderate pace. In this mode it’s working much like a trolled lure and it’s surprising how often this lands the biggest snapper or kingfish of the trip! The real key for kayak angling success: don’t be afraid to think outside the square and break a few rules.


Issue 80 Summer 2016




Quick Crossword Test your knowledge of kayaking and kayaking safety. 1


2 4 5




8 9



12 13




17 19

18 21


15. A natural region encompassing the world’s largest tropical wetland area in Brazil. 16. A marine safety organisation saving lives at sea. 18. A combination of building materials. 20. Railblaza’s new trolley wheel. 21. A furtive departure or entrance.

1. Caused by breathing too rapidly. 3. Any resistance to a kayak or other boat’s forward motion. 6. The New Zealand Kingfisher. 7. A group position to conserve heat. 10. An adventure activity providors’ safety qualification. 11. This is the position of the kayak when one end fills with water and the other end sticks up in the air. 14. A common name for the black teal duck. 17. New Zealand Day. 19. The beginning of a trip.

Across 2. One of New Zealand’s most popular sport and table fish. 4. The bay where Dacre Cottage lies. 5. This refers to the degree to which a boat’s sides are exposed to, or tend to catch the wind. 8. Auckland’s kayak trail. 9. New Zealand Recreation Association. 12. Eat chocolate, have lunch. 13. An essential part of your safety gear.

Sudoku 3 7

4 5



1 5


9 3 9

8 6 4

2 3

6 5

7 2


6 3

2 8

7 5

2 9

The objective is to fill the 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 sub-grids that compose the grid contains all of the digits from 1 to 9. Solution on page 41


LEADING THE MARKET SINCE 1994 Issue 80 Summer 2016


Which Weather App?

By James Fitness

Coastguard Devices: Android, iPhone, iPad

As we all become reliant on our smart phones, we are less likely to go to the traditional sources for weather

Cost: US$1.49

information. And with a plethora of apps available, which one do you use? Of course it is important when choosing your weather forecast app that you get a Marine forecast rather than a domestic weather app. So this narrows your choice significantly. As with all informational apps, you need to be confident the information is reliable and correct. While researching this article we found a tide app that still added an hour to the LINZ tide times for daylight saving. LINZ has been adding the hour for over 12 months. This app has only recently been updated. Also, be careful not to swamp yourself with information. Information overload can be as hazardous as no information at all. With all this information out there, you will no doubt get different forecasts and data from different sources. Be sceptical of all apps until you have used them for a while and they have proven themselves as accurate. I have looked at a number of apps, and come up with my pick of the bunch.

Features: •

Actual wind conditions at various locations (peak gust, average, and direction in degrees true)

Latest local recreation marine area forecast

Tide times and heights at various locations

Safety information

The forecast is direct from

metservice and is sometimes hard to read when there is a lot of information. The forecast areas are not separated out or highlighted well. Otherwise a useful tool.

As far as weather information goes – these apps are great tools, and I use a number of these along side each other. But nothing beats personal experience and local knowledge to determine how the weather will affect the area you are paddling. I am an avid fan of the metservice marine app and the Coastgaurd app as they give me the right amount of information from a reliable source that is easily understood. The others I use for planning and to give me an overview of what is happening. As I said - the Predictwind map is great for a visual representaion of what the wind is likely to do. Whatever the weather, planning is paramount and these apps will help you make well informed decisions. Don’t forget that the weather is forever changing, so keep an eye on your forecast. What is valid in the morning, may well be invalid by the afternoon.

Metservice Marine Devices: Android, iPhone Cost: $Free Features: •

Recreational and Coastal marine forecasts

Severe weather information


7.5 minute Rain Radar

3 day rainfall forecast imagery with wind barbs

Surface pressure maps

User selected default location which is saved as the Home screen

You can set a default location to get the information most relevant to you. You can also set favourites for your most-used forecast and tide locations. Generally an easy to use app.


Issue 80 Summer 2016

Predictwind Devices: Android, iPhone, iPad Cost: $Free

Crossword Solution

From page 39

Features: •

Windmap - Direction and strength

6 hr increments

7 day forecast



An array of graphs and tables are available with even more subscribers benefits when you upgrade to a paid subscription. For simplicity, the wind map is my favourite, but again the app goes into too much statistical information for my liking. Also there is no raw weather forecast.

Sudoku Solution From page 39

8 3 7 9 2 4 1 5 6

4 5 1 6 8 3 7 2 9

6 2 9 7 5 1 4 3 8

7 1 5 6 8 2 4 9 3

8 9 2 3 1 4 5 6 7

3 4 6 9 7 5 8 1 2

5 4 9 2 7 1 3 6 8

2 3 8 9 4 6 1 7 5

1 6 7 5 8 3 2 9 4

Swellmap Devices: Android, iPhone, iPad Cost: $Free Features: •

Simple display of all info

6 hr increments

Wind - direction

- strength

- gusts

Wave - period

- Set face

- height

Swell - direction

- height

7 day forecast

Tide state & direction

Sea temperature

I find this a bit clinical and too much data. The graph is easily read even on the smaller phones.


Contact: Peter Townend or phone 0274 529 255

LEADING THE MARKET SINCE 1994 Issue 80 Summer 2016


C-TUG SandTrakz Sand Wheels Longer is better than wider! Half the pull force. When it comes to moving loads over soft sand, wider wheels are not necessarily better. Bulldozers and military tanks use long tracks, reducing the chance of them digging in. SandTrakz puncture free wheels mimic this track system, the flexible spokes mean the outer rim compresses when in use, giving a longer track length. On soft sand this reduces the pull force by more than half compared to standard puncture free Kiwi Wheels! In fact the SandTrakz system is so effective we think it’s better than balloon wheels! ;; Half the effort ;; Puncture free ;; Fits all C-TUGs

Patent pending, C-TUG SandTrakz Wheels are made in New Zealand.


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C-Tug Trolley The New Zealand made C-TUG is the best, most versatile and durable kayak trolley on the market. It carries up to 120 kg (300 lbs), dismantles in under 20 seconds to fit into a 250 mm hatch & won’t corrode.

Made in New Zealand PAGE 42

Issue 80 Summer 2016 Ph: 0800 866322 Recreational and commercial roof rack systems to fit all vehicles and a huge range of accessories including:

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Issue 80 Summer 2016


Trip Card # 029 Omana Beach to Sunkist Bay Return

Omana Regional Park

Omana Beach to Sunkist Bay Return Route card No. 029 Skill level: Beginner Distance: 10 km Start point: Finish Point: Emergency contact: Comms coverage:

Chart: 532

Tidal Port: Auckland

Omana Boat Ramp Omana Boat Ramp Cell phone, VHF or PLB Excellent communications coverage in this area.

Introduction: This is a lovely paddle along the Beachlands foreshore. Plenty of good fishing to be had along the way. The get in point for this paddle is the well hidden Omana Beach. It is an easy paddle west along the coast towards Beachlands and around Motukaraka Island. Description: On the Whitford to Maraetai Road, turn left on to Omana Beach Road and follow this to the boat ramp. Leaving the ramp heading west, paddle towards Sunkist Bay (Also known as Pohutakawa Bay). Watch the shallows immeadiately to the west of the boat ramp. You can include a paddle around Motukaraka Island if conditions permit.

Hazards: • Shallows to the west of Omana Beach boat ramp. • Other vessels when rounding Motukaraka Island. Pine Harbour Marina is just around the corner. • Tides - avoid low tide at the get in and around Motukaraka Island. The portage can be over thick mud.


Bird and wildlife watching



Please note; Every care has been taken to ensure the information contained in this Trip Card is correct at the time of publication, but things change and you will need to confirm the information provided. You will also need to get further information to ensure a safe trip, this will include an up to date, relevant weather forecast and the ability to understand its implications for the area and talking to locals in the area to garner new information on any hazards in the area. It is also expected that an appropriate level of knowledge, skills and equipment are required to safely complete the trip. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are unsure of any information or you find the Trip Card needs updating. Cheers Peter Townend,Yakity Yak Kayak Club. Updated: February 2016

Trip Card # 030 Lake Maraetai and Mangakino Stream

Mangakino Stream

Lake Maraetai and Mangakino Stream Route card No. 030 Skill level: Beginner Distance: 20 - 30 km Start point: Finish Point: Emergency contact: Comms coverage:

Map: BF35

Tidal Port: N/A

Lake Maraetai Domain Lake Maraetai Domain Cell phone or PLB Mobile phone coverage is scetchy at times

Introduction: Another great paddle along the Waikato River. With steep sides, this lake and adjoining river has a remote feel to it. Ideal for bird watching and getting away from it all. The Mangakino Stream is a fun diversion.

Description: Get in at the Lake Maraetai Domain in Mangakino and paddle upstream to the Whakamaru dam (10 km). On the return journey you can go up the Mangakino stream on river left, featuring a sunken forest, with a canyon and towering cliffs, to a waterfall (4km). If time, skill level or energy are limited you could limit yourself to do the stream only. The only grassy lunch spots are on river left, one kilometre past Mangakino Stream or just inside the stream on left.

Hazards: • Avoid the first weekend of May as it is the opening of duck shooting season. • Keep to the sides of lake where possible and keep a good lookout for power boats and water skiiers. • Wind conditions can catch you out.


Bird and wildlife watching



Forestry, bush or cliffs line either side of lake, so get out can be difficult. Please note; Every care has been taken to ensure the information contained in this Trip Card is correct at the time of publication, but things change and you will need to confirm the information provided. You will also need to get further information to ensure a safe trip, this will include an up to date, relevant weather forecast and the ability to understand its implications for the area and talking to locals in the area to garner new information on any hazards in the area. It is also expected that an appropriate level of knowledge, skills and equipment are required to safely complete the trip. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are unsure of any information or you find the Trip Card needs updating. Cheers Peter Townend,Yakity Yak Kayak Club. Updated: February 2016


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The Kaituna By Josh Neilson

Over the summer months, there are a number of events that keep the kayaking community returning to the Kaituna River. Kayaking on the Kaituna is often seen as the lazy person’s kayak run. There is no hike in, no long shuttle to set and no big portages. Over the past few years though, there has been one event that aimed to change that - The Okere Enduro. Based on the mountain bike enduros, event organiser Ben Robson has brought an action packed race to the Kaituna that not only challenges the best athletes but increases participation at all levels. The six hour mixed teams event consists of a 1.5 km kayak down the river, followed by a 1.5 km run back to the transition area. Each team must try to complete as many laps of the course as possible to be crowned the Okere Enduro Champions. This year the leading team completed 25 laps of the course. Over the six hours, teams slowly go from one pod of racers to an even spread rolling through the transition area with one person collapsing as another takes their bib and rushes down to the water to chase down the team ahead of them. The fastest lap of the day went to Jamie Sutton with a time of 12 m 19 s and his team went on to claim victory.

Skip forward a couple of weeks and summer on the Kaituna is in full swing. It’s the last weekend before Christmas and everyone is or really should be on holiday already. What better way to start the festive season than to have an event called X-mas @ the Kaituna? Event organisers Tyler Fox, Brendan Bayly and Louise Urwin kick off the day with a time trial followed by a progressive boater cross and then officially end the event with a team ball race. This is followed by an unofficial event that’s been going since 2006 and has grown from six people to over 60. The Pool Toy Float involves picking up a good sized pool toy from your local Warehouse while Christmas shopping and testing your luck as you make your way down the Kaituna on it. With varying levels of success everyone makes their way back to the store for a nice German beer and a laugh over who’s pool toy survived the best. (Note. The turtle is consistently the best option and the Lochness monster two-person pool is not the best option) Next is the Andy Duff Memorial Race. Organiser Douglas McCormick dedicates his time to pack the most racing into the shortest amount of time in the race calendar. Every event has a mass start at the control gates and goes all the way to the bottom hole. First is the play boat race, followed by

Josh Neilson takes on Matzes Drop Photo by: Dean Treml Josh Neilson - Kaituna Bottom Hole Photo Steven Johanson

The local forces in Thailand came to check out what we were up to.

long boats, then tandem kayaks, rafts and sleds/swimmers. Most people compete in one or two events, but there are a few who aim to be the overall champ and compete in every event with no real rest between races. Andy was a great lover of the Kaituna River and his name lives on in every event held over the afternoon in early January each year. Finally, as if there weren’t already enough ways to race the Kaituna River, Jamie Sutton concocted a race to test them all. There are fast kayakers, fast runners and fast swimmers; but who is the fastest of them all? The Okere Falls Champions Race is a gruelling event that starts at the end

of Te Akau Road on the peninsula. It begins with a sprint across a field to your bike. People are pushing and tripping to be ahead, only to be hit by an uphill bike leg. Once at the top of the hill the bike leg continues down Okere Road, all the way to the control gates where bikes are ditched for a quick run. Over the control gates and into the lake for a swim up the lake, around a buoy and back over the control gates. For safety and ease of organisation, every competitor must wear all their equipment at all times, apart from their spray deck. So over the control gates people climb and splash back into the river for a river swim. With tired arms and legs, racers bob down under the bridge to where their kayaks are waiting

Oscar McBurney Photo Steven Johanson


Issue 80 Summer 2016

Louise Urwin Photo Steven Johanson ready for the kayak leg. Finally, the kayak fit people can rest a bit as they paddle the Kaituna and get some breath back before the final athletic leg of the event. Everyone is now at the take out, but the finish line is at the Okere Falls store. One by one we run up the hill and down to the store where for the 18 and over racers, we are greeted with a cold beer. The under 18s have a coke to finish before they can be crowned the Okere Falls Champion. This final stage is often the hardest and I have heard stories of people walking the final leg of the run, being over taken by runners only to beat them again on the beer drink. Good tactics! So that pretty much rounds up the events on the Kaituna and shows how diverse and entertaining one river and an amazing community can be. So get involved. It’s a great community and there is something for all no matter your skill level.

Oscar McBurney Photo Steven Johanson

Issue 80 Summer 2016


Enduro Photo Steven Johanson

We can fit a rack to almost anything!


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Canoe & Kayak Taranaki 468 St Aubyn St, Moturoa, New Plymouth, 4310 06 751 2340

Canoe & Kayak Wellington Unit F 2 Centennial Highway Ngauranga, Wellington, 6035 04 477 6911

Canoe & Kayak Manukau 605A Great South Rd Manukau, 2104 09 262 0209

Canoe & Kayak Taupo 54 Spa Rd Taupo, 3330 07 378 1003

Canoe & Kayak Christchurch (Agency) 03 377 6161 027 376 6161

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