Issue 83 final web

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Issue 83

A Peach and a Pillbox

Exploring the Whangarei Heads

Stunning Nelson Lakes

Proudly supported by:

The ABC of Wilderness River Journeying - the Alpine Beginning Clarence

Kayak Fishing Keeping it Simple

NZ $7.50 AUS $7.50


Issue 83 Christmas 2016


Contents adventure equipment

Sea Kayaking 6. A Peach and a Pillbox 10. Nelson Lakes 28. Blue Skies and Calm Seas 32. KASK Kayak Fest 2017 Fishing 20. Kayak Fishing - Keep it Simple White Water 14. The ABC of Wilderness River Journeying 47. Nuie Waters General 34. Osteopathy fo Kayakers 35. Kayaks of Alaska - Book Review Product 25. Hiko - In Water We Live 36. Titan Kayaks 43. Rhino-Rack 40. Christmas Gifts for Kayakers 46. Kayak listings

Tommahawk Dry Cag

Junga Semi-dry Cag

Adventure Touring Cag

Xipe Touring PFD

EDITOR: Peter Townend, PUBLISHER: New Zealand Kayak Magazine is published four times per year by Canoe & Kayak Ltd. PRINTING: MHP Print Pricing: At the time of printing the prices in this magazine were accurate. However they may change at any time. Copyright: The opinions expressed by contributors and the information stated in advertisements/articles are not necessarily agreed to by the editors or publisher of New Zealand Kayak Magazine. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Go to: CONTRIBUTORS: We welcome contributors’ articles and photos. Refer to for more details. ALL CONTRIBUTIONS TO: James Fitness, New Zealand Kayak Magazine Front cover photo: Lake Rotoiti, Nelson Lakes Photo by: Ruth E. Henderson

Rakau White water PFD

Sladek Recreational Cag

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4/02/2016 10:14

Editorial Plucking the last Golden Goose Since the first human stood on these shores it has been a seen as a Golden Goose. Limitless golden eggs in the way of land, resources, flora and fauna and stunning vistas. The taking of these Golden Eggs has had a massive cost over the years with the demise of many species only found in New Zealand and many places thought to be unrivalled for their wilderness beauty now tainted by urban development. To me NZ is beautiful forests, beaches, rivers and lakes filled with the abundant wildlife and great huge hearted people. The call of the grey warbler transports me back to my youth playing in the bush behind our home. The feel of a wave building under my kayak and the rush towards a white sand beach with nothing to be seen but nature. Going to Long Bay as a kid and being in the wilderness with only the homestead and ranger station hidden behind the trees. Going to Dacre Cottage with the family and playing on the beach. Going surfing as a teenager at Te Arai Point or Omaha. Camping at Matauri Bay. These places are now removed from my favourite places to go, in fact it brings a tear to my eye to visit them knowing what they were like and what has happened or is in store for them. When will it stop, just look at Okura, it has been protected by councils for decades through clever thoughtful planning, huge dedication and guardianship by community groups, two Judges have heard all the evidence and said “no” to urbanisation over two decades and yet here we are again with developers frothing at the mouth to get their bulldozers onto the hills and make a fortune. Don’t get me wrong, we all need somewhere to live and so developments are required, but not in the last few areas of stunning wilderness that can be accessed by so many people for their health and wellbeing. If you are thinking what I say here mirrors your thoughts, then please help us win this battle for our next generations.

Photo by: Meghan Walker

What Can You Do To Help? •

We need to be able to pay for our legal team and specialists to ensure that during the Environment Court hearing all pertinent evidence is put before the judge.

To do this, we need to raise $300,000 very quickly.

We appeal to you for your support in raising these funds by making a donation.

Donations can be made by


cheque made out to the Long Bay-Okura Great Park Society, posted to PO Box 35-348, Browns Bay, Auckland


direct bank payment to the Long Bay - Okura Great Park Society, bank account 12-3053-0467134-00


Givealittle/save okura

Donations over $5.00 are tax-deductible.

Cheers and get out and enjoy a paddle or twenty this summer. Peter Townend Editor and Deputy Convenor of Long Bay Okura Great Park Society

Do you want this... or this?

Issue 83 Christmas 2016


A Peach and a Pillbox By Ruth E. Henderson

Channel marker buoy on the ‘expressway’

Yakity Yak Kayak Club Trip

Ukulele Mags.

A ukulele fits nicely up the snout of a kayak; personally I think a wine bottle a better fit, but as I was doing the FebFast challenge that was out and this was Mag’s boat, not mine that was getting packed. A Frisbee went in next. This trip was guaranteed to be entertaining and full of surprises. We had been trying for ages to get days off to coincide with tides and tidal currents for a recce overnight trip to Peach Cove, Whangarei Heads. Shoving off from Manganese Point we set off in a south easterly direction to hug the coast and explore for a couple of hours before the tide turned and we could then use the current to whisk us out of the harbour and around Busby Head to our destination. Leaving Motukiore Island and its hilltop pa site behind us, we scooted past Reserve Point, across McLeod Bay and into the shelter of Reotahi Bay for a morning tea break. Marsden Points oil refinery towers, tanks and ships were a colourful if not pretty backdrop.

Departing Manganese Point, Motukiore Is in the foreground – Bream Head beckoning McGregors, Taurikura, McKenzie and finally Urquharts Bay changed from pohutukawa fringed to lawns and bachs, to grass and cows, the peaceful pastoral scene broken by a remnant of World War II. The Home Point pillbox took me by surprise, but shouldn’t have as I have paddled past many such military bunkers and gun emplacements, positioned on prominent points and harbour entrances. Stopping at Urquharts Bay for yes, more food, and being our last road head and vehicular escape route, I also wanted to check the weather. Satisfied that we could handle the conditions we left the shelter of Home Point. Heading due south we hit the rocking and rolling ocean swells, quickly swapping chat for concentration to round Busby Head. It wasn’t exactly a picnic outside of the harbour; Smugglers Bay with piles of driftwood looked inviting, but on this trip we were not camping. We had a booking with DOC for the hut at Peach Cove. Finding it was not easy! Looking at the map and working out distance and time, it had to be here somewhere or else we’d be around Bream Head and onto Ocean Beach. This was not a happy thought, so we paddled in to an almost non-existent small sandy beach. A sign “Bream Head Scenic Reserve” coyly hid behind some bushes and a track lead away. And there in the dappled sunlight was the cutest wee hut. A real peach! PAGE 8

Issue 83 Christmas 2016

Sleeping bags, cooker, food lugged up the track, boats hauled up and tied to a tree, there was still plenty of time and sunshine for a swim, and with more beach appearing, Frisbee practice. Just when I thought it time for a rest and a read, out popped the Uke! And a songbook! “Away, I’d rather sail away, like a swan that’s here and gone.” Mags was like a strict schoolmarm, adamant that anyone could play, and persuasive. Leaving me to strum and sing “El Condor Pasa” she then left me, took a head-torch and headed uphill towards the Te Whara / Bream Head track to “rather feel the earth beneath her feet”. I’d read, feel guilty about neglecting my music practise and strum for a bit, then as darkness approached sing loudly. Shucks, where was that woman? Apparently she could hear me for miles...was this the latest cunning homing device? Next morning, up and away before the sun was over the peculiar rocky protrusions of the Bream Head skyline we soon hit the channel and the ingoing current. Locals had told me it ran at 4 knots. I believe them. Adding in paddle power, we shot along at double our normal speed. Wanting a tea and wee stop near Reotahi Bay we found it hard to exit the expressway!

A rest near Reotahi Bay

The marker buoys around the Motukaroro Island Marine Reserve were like rocks in a river with water surging past them. Ferry gliding felt less like gliding across a current and more like trying to rein in a runaway racehorse, but once in the lee of the island we rested. Back to base, we figured we’d clocked up 22 kms on the outward coastal hugging trip and on the highway home covered 15 kms. And next time? Candles for card games, another ukulele…or two…the hut sleeps eight, so maybe we could form a ukulele band? “Yes I would, if I only could, I surely would…”

Multi Purpose Accessory Leach Great price, and designed for salt water with a solid brass fitting

Don’t lose stuff, secure paddles, fishing rods, fish bags, dry bags, fish gaff, your lunch, anything you can think of! Pill box on Home Point at Whangarei Harbour entrance.

Brass attachment for long life Unclip for easy separation

Distributed by Great Stuff. email

Issue 83 Christmas 2016



Nelson Lakes

By Neil Thompson

What can you say? ‘stunning’ ‘awesome’ ‘beautiful’ should cover it.

Heading off on the Wellington to Picton ferry early Thursday morning the weather forecast was looking pretty good for most of our trip, with little wind and a bit of rain on the last day. As it turned out it was pretty much spot on. With a full van of paddlers and two others meeting us down there we had a total of 12 people for the start of the trip. A good crew. Arriving in St Arnaud later in the afternoon we settled into our accommodation at the Alpine Lodge backpackers then off we went to the DOC office to get the hut passes for Sabine and Coldwater huts. Early on Friday morning our first leg of the paddling journey was to kayak down the eastern side of Lake Rotoroa to Sabine hut, a distance of 14 km. The morning was crisp and once the sun had come up over the mountains it was a beautiful still day with mirror images of the snow-capped mountains in the water. A truly spectacular sight. Paddling toward Sabine hut we saw that there was someone already there and the closer we got we discovered it was another kayaker. This guy had paddled down the day before and was the advance party for a group of seven Nelson kayakers. It was nice he was there as he had already started a fire and gathered wood for the night (we added to the collection so there was plenty to stoke the fire). He was expecting the group to show

up later that evening. As it turned out they got there around 9 pm and had had a lovely night paddle. Luckily the hut sleeps up to 32 people so we weren’t pushed for space. Before it got dark some of our group did the walk up to Sabine gorge which is a nice round trip of a couple of hours and filled in the afternoon nicely. An evening in a warm hut, a couple of quiet ones, and a small competition of ‘guess the TV theme tune’ downloaded from Spotify, resulting in a lot of laughs and a trip down memory lane. Stu, you must have watched to much TV in the past. Saturday morning with the prospect of another nice day we headed away to continue paddling around the lake with a distance of 18 km to cover. More of the same paddling with stunning views and laughter along the way. Off the water and then a drive back to St Arnaud to the lodge for the night. Once settled in again it was over to a busy restauraunt for dinner and for the fans of the game to watch the AB’s dish out a hidding to the Aussies. A nice way to finish off an awesome day. Sunday saw us up and about on yet another sunny morning but unfortunately we ended up with a man down as Jim, who had been battling a bad case of man flu for some time, decided he needed to stay behind



P ACOURSES G E 1 0Sep 2016 QTR I s sLND.indd u e 8 31 C h r i s t m a s 2 0 1 6

FOR INFO SEE: CANOEANDKAYAK.CO.NZ/COURSES OR PHONE: 09 476 7066 w w w . k28/11/2016 a y a k n z11:31:41 . c o . nAMz

Yakity Yak Kayak Club Trip

to rest up. With Kevin and Gill leaving us for their skiing holiday further south we were now a group of nine. Still with no wind we started our paddle with 14 km to cover. We stuck close to the shore and made our way past the outlet of Lake Rotoiti which is the start of the Buller River and then onto a lunch spot that gave us a chance to grab some dry manuka for the nights fire. Everyone made a small pile of wood on top of their kayaks so when we got to Coldwater hut if there was no dry wood there (as has happened in the past) we were good to go. We had also bought some dry firewood from home and split it amongst all of the boats. After lunch it was back on the water and at this stage we had a slight breeze but no worries as it was a nice tailwind to make our paddling even easier. We had a quick stop to check out Whiskey Falls and then onto Coldwater hut. Still with some daylight left, some went for a walk Some good dry manuka for the fire

up the valley while others got onto lighting the fire. We had to hold Arne back from lighting it too early but a compromise was meet and he was a happy camper. By this stage rain had started to fall and we hunkered down inside with a nice open fire roaring away and filled our bellies with dinner. Due to our later ferry being cancelled we needed to get on the water earlier. So with breakfast done it was off we paddled. The day started with overcast conditions and the odd shower but got better as it went on. With just a short 9 km paddle we had one stop for a stretch and got off the water about 11am. With a quick stop at the lodge for a shower we where off to Picton and then ‘home sweet home’. The trip was awsome with a great group of people and weather that, for the most part, was excellent. Till next time…


Issue 83 Christmas 2016

Paddling with this view in front of you is good for the soul

The ABC of Wilderness River Journeying - the Alpine Beginning Clarence’

By Nathan Fa’avae

Nepal -10 day expedition 2008

Rafting, canoeing, kayaking, even sup-ping … the Clarence River must surely be New Zealand’s number one wilderness river for multiday trips, combining its length, absence of roads, phone coverage, wifi, any development except the occasional farm that reaches the river bank and every so often, a D.O.C hut. In late January I was in Central Otago with my family awaiting a weather window to helicopter into a river in Mount Aspiring National Park for a multiday river trip. It was to be the last big trip of the school holidays. The weather though was not allowing passage and forecasts were not holding much hope. A glance around the island’s weather map and it was obvious where the best weather was, Marlborough. Abracadabra. Bingo. Clarence. After a day of driving we arrived at the classic put in for the trip at the Acheron confluence. Planning for five to six days, we knew we could expect a day of rain early on and then a clear spell following. As we ate breakfast on the river bank between inflating and loading the kayaks, the alpine clear water was appealing, meandering downstream through the tussocks with towering mountains shaping the valley majestically. After being on the busy roads and hustling school holidays it was time for some seclusion, an adventure into the wilds. The Clarence River squeezes its way between the Inland and Seaward Kaikouras, starting near Hanmer Springs and finishing on the Kaikoura Coast is approximately 180 km of picturesque paddling (230 km if you start at Lake Tennyson), regular Grade Two rapids and a couple of Grade Three’s to keep it real. The start has frequent gorges and canyons, the river is relatively small but its beauty is massive. As you travel along comfortably PAGE 14

Issue 83 Christmas 2016



you can’t help let go of the busy life and absorb life on the water, that’s all you can focus on for the next few days, simple living, finding campsites, cooking food. Waiau-toa is the Māori name for the Clarence River, and is cosmologically linked with the Waiau-ua River, commonly known as the Waiau River that drains to North Canterbury, both rivers have their headwaters either side of the same ridge line, the Waiau-toa river refers to the male river,and the Waiau-ua river as the female river. After a short drought period through New Year the river was running nicely for January and we were treated to deep water and a favourable wind. With three youngsters along (9, 11, 13), these conditions were appreciated. Amazing paddling through amazing pools and navigating through the rapids for the day was plenty of fun, swimming spots with rock jumps, counting eels (three points), goats (two points) and ducks (one point). My youngest daughter won day one with 47 points. As the day neared the end we couldn’t help but note the change in the weather. The frontal system had clearly moved in early and in the space of an hour our bluebird day had turned into a blackbird. The temperature dropped and then the rain came. We decked everyone out in the all-weather gear and started to look for a campsite. Having an old map with us we were delighted to round a corner where we had identified a flat area that should provide camping options, to see a relatively new D.O.C hut, awesome! How divine it was to be smugly toasty in the hut while the storm lashed outside, rain pelting on the roof like stones.

Didymo – Protect our waterways

When paddling on any freshwater lake and river help stop the spread of ‘rock-snot’ or Didymo by following these rules –

Check – all gear, and that includes your reef shoes or booties, throw bag etc before you leave a waterway and leave any debris at the site.

Clean - wash boats and paddles down and

soak until saturated all gear in a 5% solution of dish washing detergent


Dry – make sure all gear is completely dry for at least 48 hours before using in another waterway.

Waking in the morning to only river noise and bright sunshine we knew that was the bad weather passed. Sipping coffee on the deck we could see the river had risen and was discolouring, no water shortage for us. Boats rigged and underway we could feel the fresh top up in water speed, the terrain started to pass by quickly and we were essentially just drifting, occasional adding steering strokes. Floating down a remote river on a glorious day we took in the scenery, environment and special time as a family, chatting and snacking the kilometres passing quietly by, gazing up at the mighty Mount Tapuae-oUenuku commanding the skyline at nearly 3000 metres. After a lunch stop we returned to our boats and felt grateful for them still being there. We’d pulled them onto the river bank and made some rock anchors to secure them to. But we didn’t expect the river to rise that much but it was a good educational opportunity to show the kids. Well, it turned out to be really good, as the boats were now in strong current but held safely by the anchors. For the rest of the day the river rose at an alarming rate, and went from a flat white colour to hot chocolate. We were zooming and ended up much further down river on day two than we had planned for, we wanted to take our time but the river had a different idea. It was actually



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Issue 83 Christmas 2016

1-person deck optional

optional 2-person deck

Nathan Fa’avae and Sophie Hart during 1st Niue circumnavigation

ultimate versatility • 1, 2 or 3 person kayak in a bag

Nathan Fa’avae: “The Seawave enabled myself and paddling partner to be to the first people to circumnavigate Niue by kayak, in June 2016. I rate the boat 5 out of 5, full marks, I couldn't fault it.” KAYAKER Limited, NZ distributor of GUMOTEX inflatable boats

Ph: 021 066 2956 • Email: • Web:

Issue 83 Christmas 2016



Issue 83 Christmas 2016

difficult to fathom where all the water was coming from, it didn’t feel like it had rained that much, obviously it fell high in the headwaters. The speed of the river was even a little crazy and some rapids started to appear where normally there isn’t any. In fact, perhaps the most difficult rapid wasn’t a known one and in a sense appeared out of nowhere, it was all good fun though. Our challenge was slowing down, we wanted to paddle but we also wanted to spend at least five days in the valley, so on day three we made camp at lunchtime and enjoyed life on the river bank, blue skies and sunshine. The only other people we saw on the whole trip was three pack rafters that were doing the voyage in three days. Clarence campsites are pleasantly varied, you can nestle into native bush, set up your tent on a river beach, scratch a pad in a stand of kanuka, or roll your sleeping bag out on a bunk in a hut. Unlike many rivers that peter out once close to the ocean, the Clarence is the exact opposite, it loses a chunk of elevation in the last few hours with a fun gradient and bouncy rapids, all the way to the ocean, making it a wonderful way to end an absolutely awesome trip. My children have paddled most of the major low grade rivers in the South Island, either in inflatable kayaks, rafts or pack rafts. We have such special memories of river trips as a family into incredible places, they’re so worth the effort and each trip motivates us to go and explore more. If people don’t feel like they have skills to take on such trips without support, there is always a local rafting operator or kayak club that are willing to help out, it’s just how paddlers are.


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A Comfortable Entry Level Sea Kayak • • • • • • • • •

Two Large Storage Compartments Two Large Hatches Comfortable Foam Padded Seat Easy to use Rudder System Stable and Comfortable to Paddle New Zealand Made with Top Quality UV Stabilized Plastic Orange Fade - A Stunning, Safe Colour Two Year Warranty Exclusive to Canoe & Kayak

All this at an affordable price w wMatariki w . k av5.indd y a k n1 z . c o . n z

11:29:57 I s s u e 8 3 C h r i s t m a s 2 0 20/01/2014 16 P A G Ea.m. 19

Kayak Fishing - KEEP it Simple By Jason Walker

When looking at some of the kayak fishing rigs of the hard-core kayak anglers they seem to have all the bells and whistles, multiple appendages sticking out all over the kayak, pieces of rope and bungee everywhere, hatches spotted all over the kayak, enough electronics to require a small power station to supply enough power, and so many rods they start to resemble hedgehogs or a rod storage system rather than a kayak that one man is taking out for a spot of fishing, No, don’t get me wrong there’s nothing wrong with these set ups and you’ll often find me paddling kayaks rigged just like this but it doesn’t have to be like that, you can strip them back to basics. So don’t let these full on rigs put you off giving kayak fishing a go, you don’t need to take more gear than your local tackle store stocks just to head out for a feed gathering mission – keep it simple.

27 Flemington Place4— 

Fishos are all very attracted to all the shiny new tackle and over time many of us end up with lots of rods, reels, and tackle for every possible occasion, species, and fishing technique - but does it all need to go out with us each and every time we go fishing? For many fishing out of boats – and some on kayaks - do take it all out, you never know when that jigging rod, that lightweight softbait rod, your new slow pitch combo, or even that old glass trolling rod will be needed. So when you head off for a days fishing out it all comes and gets loaded on to the boat, a couple of large tackle boxes, with at least half a dozen rods and reels as a minimum! Where are you heading? Just to those worm beds less than 1000 m from the ramp for a spot of bait fishing on anchor targeting snapper for the dinner plate. Yes you are way over armed, but hey why not take all your toys with you on every trip – you know, just in case? PAGE 20

Issue 83 Christmas 2016

This scenario is all well and good when fishing on a boat but how do you do it on a tiny little fishing platform like a kayak? The quick answer is you can't, it’s not possible to take all of that with you as there simply isn't room. So cut it all back and go back to simple, but how simple can you make it, what is the bare minimum for kayak fishing?

The Kayak Let’s start off by looking at the kayak itself, there are many many kayaks on the market, and choices have increased exponentially in recent years in particular with the strength of the NZ dollar meaning we are seeing a lot of imported kayaks that are made in China.

NZ Made Fortunately in little old New Zealand we have several of our own companies manufacturing kayaks that are not only made in NZ but also they have been designed specifically for the open ocean fishing that we do here. This is unlike many of the overseas designed kayaks that were created with more flat water use and fishing in mind. It’s not only the kayak design but, the materials that are used for manufacturing the kayak are chosen for New Zealand conditions. New Zealand manufacturers ensure that they use plastic that is UV stable to ensure you have a product that will last you a lifetime rather than only seasons of use. Where possible please try to support our local businesses.

Fishing kayak only? If you intend on doing lots of kayak fishing then you can probably justify the investment in a dedicated fishing kayak with all the bells and whistles but

protect yourself from the elements For the full range go to º+}8² µ ¢ noO 8


Issue 83 Christmas 2016


if your budget, or bank manager won’t stretch that far what are the options? You can fish from many recreational kayaks that were initially designed for family use. You need something with enough space for you, a couple of rod holders and somewhere to store your catch if you intend on taking it home for a feed. Ensure you check on the suitability of the kayak for fishing and the weight capacity of the kayak with the salesperson before you purchase, or hit the Internet to see if others have successfully used the kayak for fishing. Another option is to purchase yourself an older model secondhand off the likes of TradeMe, with so many people wanting the latest and greatest kayak there is a good supply of used kayaks on the market, so even on a limited budget you may be able to get your hands on a dedicated fishing kayak.


Issue 83 Christmas 2016

Safety Whatever you do you must ensure you are safe when out on the water in a kayak, being so close to the water and on what is in reality a very narrow

watercraft it is very easy to find yourself in the water so you MUST always wear a lifejacket or PFD (Personal Floatation Device) that correctly fits, and is designed to be used by the wearer. Kids PFDs don’t fit adults and adult PFDs aren’t suitable for kids either so please ensure each person using the kayak gets the correct PFD.

Communications Whenever you take out any vessel, be it boat or kayak, on the ocean you must ensure you have at least one form of communication and one that is suitable for the area you are fishing in. Whilst a mobile phone should be the absolute minimum they don’t always work on the water. The by far better option is a handheld VHF radio, which you can purchase for under $100. A VHF will operate virtually around the entire coast of New Zealand. A VHF will not let you contact your better half to let her know you are running late but it will put you in contact with the Coastguard when everything may not be going to plan. Contact your local Coastguard for information, training, and what channels to use in your region.

Leash it or Lose it! Drop anything in the ocean and most of the time it’s going to be lost forever. To stop this happening to your brand new rod and reel or more importantly your means of propulsion – your paddle – then ensure it is attached to your kayak with a leash! Leashes come in many different forms but they all serve the same purpose and operate in a similar manner, normally you will find a loop at one end and a clip at the other, the loop attaches to your rod, paddle, etc and the clip is attached to your kayak, use a saddle, grab rope, or seat strap. Using a leash will ensure that anything dropped over the side isn’t lost.

Catch Storage If your intention is to go out and bring back a feed for family and friends then you need to think where you will keep your catch on the kayak. There are the options from the kayak manufacturers and accessory suppliers

Issue 83 Christmas 2016


to take a whole tackle shop out with you. One of the most common techniques amongst kayak angers is softbaiting not only because it is very successful but also because it’s clean and tidy compared to fishing with traditional baits such as pilchards and you can do it with a minimal amount of gear. For a softbait session all you need to take out with you is a spool of leader, jigheads, braid scissors, and of course a few packs of softbaits, that’s it! You can easily fit all your gear in a small plastic box or may be even your PFD pockets – it doesn’t get much more simple than that.


that fall into three categories; insulated cover, insulated catch bag, moulded chilly pod / box. All of these products will help keep your catch fresh before you return to shore. There are other options, insulated food bags, the common chilly bin, or even the classic wet hessian sack, they all work, to add to their efficiency add some cooling, either using salt ice or cooler blocks. The quicker you chill your catch the better, if you have gone to all the effort and expense of catching your fish you want to look after it the best you can.

Drift chute Drift fishing has become more popular since the advent of softbait fishing, as it allows you to cover more ground and prospect an area looking for fish. An ideal size drift chute or sea anchor for a kayak is 36”; too small and it will be ineffective, too large and it will be simply cumbersome. Also look for a kayak drift chute that has some method of floatation built into or attached to the chute, this is to ensure the chute is not allowed to sink below the surface, a sunken chute on a kayak can easily see your kayak flipped and you ending up in the water. The best way to attach a drift chute to your kayak is with a running rig or anchor trolley, these are effectively a loop of rope that runs bow to stern with an attachment point for your drift chute. This enables you to set the chute in a position that will allow you to drift in the direction you wish to fish.

Something that should always be part of your standard kayak fishing gear is a knife. It will come in useful in so many ways, you can use it to dispatch your catch by using it to iki your fish, if you drop your braid scissors over the side, and as a safety device should you become entangled in your kayak if you fall overboard. Find a place where you can attach it to your kayak or your PFD, always put it in the same place then if you do need it in an emergency you’ll instinctively know exactly where to find it.

Keep it simple All of this equipment will get you safely on the water, on your kayak, and hopefully catching fish, of course when you next walk into your local tackle shop to tell the store owner how successful your last trip out on your kayak was he’ll very quickly hook you with the latest and greatest shiny fisherman catching product, that you just must buy and take out on your next fishing trip – welcome to the slippery slope!


Fishing Technique We are talking about keeping it simple so keep your fishing simple too, pick one technique that you are familiar with, one that doesn’t need you

Kayak racks, plus racks for surfboards & SUPs, bikes, fishing and ski gear, skateboards and more. For the full range go to Rack-It-Up racks: • Great looking & durable, don’t rust, fade or corrode • Made from engineering reinforced glass-filled nylon resin • Easily mounted and complete with all fittings required (except screws) • Cater for different lengths of boards /gear • Can be used indoors or outdoors

Go to or Canoe & Kayak stores! PAGE 24

Issue 83 Christmas 2016



- 4-layered material AirFour light - anatomically shaped hood with 3D adjustment - inner neoprene collar Ͳ ŶĞŽƉƌĞŶĞ ǁƌŝƐƚ ŐĂƐŬĞƚƐ Θ ǀĞůĐƌŽ ĐƵīƐ - two zipper pockets & two vents Ͳ ƌĞŇĞĐƟǀĞ ĚĞƚĂŝůƐ

- board shorts - inner shorts made of 0.5mm neoprene - generous length & high back for warmth Ͳ ŶĞŽƉƌĞŶĞ ǁĂŝƐƚ ǁŝƚŚ ůĂĐĞ ƟŐŚƚĞŶŝŶŐ Ͳ ŐƌĞĂƚ ĨŽƌ ŬĂLJĂŬ͕ ƌĂŌ͕ ^hW ĂŶĚ ƐƵƌĨ $199.00


Hiko CINCH HARNESS - buoyancy aid for river and seakayak - front entry - adjustable shoulders & sides - two + two pockets on the front - folding pocket for towline in the back

Hiko CONE+

Hiko PADDLE BAG - protects from sun, cracks and scratches - one paddle or two paddle version - also for split paddles

- rescue throw bag Ͳ ƉůĂƐƟĐ ĞLJĞůĞƚ ĨŽƌ ĐĂƌĂďŝŶĞƌ - 15m / 8mm / 8,000N - or 20m / 10mm / 10,000N



from $79.00

Distributed by KAYAKER Limited. ǀĂŝůĂďůĞ ƚƌŽƵŐŚ ƐƉĞĐŝĂůŝnjĞĚ ŬĂLJĂŬ ƐƚŽƌĞƐ ŶĂƟŽŶǁŝĚĞ͘



4 O 2


4-layered material AirFour light. Latex neck gasket with neoprene collar. >ĂƚĞdž ǁƌŝƐƚ ŐĂƐŬĞƚƐ Θ ǀĞůĐƌŽ ĐƵīƐ͘


Double waist.


Double pull waist adjustment. Colours:

Distributed by KAYAKER Limited.



Issue 83 Christmas 2016 COURSES Sep 2016 QTR SOT FSH PORT.indd 1

PAGE 25 6/09/2016 2:53:48 PM

Join Join the the Yakity Yakity Yak Yak Kayak Kayak Club Club n n Come and join us on one of these activities or trips • • • • • • • • • • • •

Skills Practice Day Surf Management Course Tutukaka Urupukapuka Abel Tasman Mangakino & the Waikato River Northland Explore (Whangaroa Harbour, Cavalli Islands, Black Rocks) Whangaehu / Manganui-a-te-ao - two day weekend trip Kaituna / Wairoa - two day weekend trip Rangitikei Gorge Section Lake Karapiro & Pokaiwhenua Stream Waihi Beach Coastline

Yakity Yak trip to Lake Waikaremoana Photo by Estelle Leyshon

Enrol at /join email:

now, and let the adventures begin. WHY JOIN? • Meet New Friends • Lots of Great Trips • Discover the Great Outdoors • Safety Minded • Opportunities to Improve Your Skills • and much more...

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Blue Skies and Calm Seas Outer Marlborough Sounds Labour Weekend 2016

The dawn chorus of bird song on Blumine Is was too loud to sleep through. That was a shame as we had only gone to bed at 4 am! We were late to bed as we had taken the evening ferry from Wellington to Picton then loaded our kayaks onto the launch “Second Chance”. This big boat belongs to tripleader Andy’s brother Dave and could carry our six singles and a double. So, on Friday evening, we were able to reach the outer Marlborough Sounds saving us a day’s paddle. We slept in after the birds settled down. The island is a reserve and the bush and bird populations have flourished. After a mid-morning breakfast, we set off in sunny conditions across Queen Charlotte Sound to Endeavour Inlet. Lunch was haute cuisine at Punga Lodge where we met trampers and cyclists coming off the Queen Charlotte walkway. At 3 pm, we paddled away NE to Resolution Bay and the charming Schoolhouse Bay campsite. All our three campsites were in spectacular

by Chris Mercer

places, well maintained, and, we had them to ourselves. Weka were a constant challenge and we could never leave our tents open or kayaks uncovered when away from them. The first two night’s temperatures were just above frost level but we loved the sunny days under the anticyclone. One fresh morning, our Scotsman, Ian, said “But this isn’t cold, Chris!” On Sunday morning on the way to Ship Cove, we paddled around the headland to the outer part of Queen Charlotte Sound for a view of the North Island. Here, the Department of Conservation has put up topquality interpretation boards which give the Cove’s history from Kupe through to Cook and later European explorers. The bridge over the river is my favourite memorial with its ship’s rigging at the N end and its Maori carvings at the other end, symbolising links between cultures. We lay in the shade and relished the warm, sunny conditions, the peace, and the company, which all put us a bit behind schedule, but that was OK on this holiday weekend.



‘Auckland’s Best Kept Secret’ LEADING THE MARKET SINCE 1994

P ATOURS G E 2Sep 8 2016 QTRILND s s uOKR.indd e 8 3 1C h r i s t m a s 2 0 1 6


PMz w w w . k 22/11/2016 a y a k n z 3:32:04 .co.n

Yakity Yak Kayak Club Trip

Across the water we could see Motuara Island and paddled there in 40 mins. We left the kayaks on the beach and walked to the top. The island feels like a giant aviary and I found the best way to experience the bird life was to stop walking every few minutes and simply look around. I was once a metre from a family of saddlebacks as they noisily sought insects from the kanuka bark.

The view from the lookout tower on Motuara Island ranged from

Kapiti Island around to the snow-covered Tapuae-o-Uenuku in the Inland Kaikoura ranges. After lunch on the beach, we paddled past the S end

of Motuara Island and the N end of Long Island - we felt we were in the ocean here as the sea was now an intense blue and we could feel a slight swell, exciting! We travelled SE to Wharehunga Bay on Arapawa Island, another sheltered site with a sea view but the site was spoiled by recent pig rooting; never mind, there was still lots of room. The high-tide mark was covered with dry driftwood and leader Andy could easily fuel his stove. Now I rarely have equipment envy but I admired this twig-burning, fan-forced, electricity generating pot that Andy cooked on while charging his cell phone.


SUBSCRIPTION THREE EARLIER ISSUES PLUS 12 MONTHS SUBSCRIPTION FOR $25 w wSubscriptions w . k a y ahalf k nPage z . cTIMBER o . n z1602.indd


GO TO: www.kayaknz/deal FOR DETAILS I s s u e 8 3 C h r i s t m a s 2 0 110/02/2016 6 P10:52:03 A G E AM 29


The Ultimate Kayak & Canoe Trolley

Versatile, Easy-to-Use Mounting Systems & Accessories for Leisure & Adventure Sports on and off the Water

The RAILBLAZA StarPort is a unique and versatile mount used in a huge number of applications. The StarPort allows users to fit and swap out our full range of RAILBLAZA accessories. Made from high grade engineering plastics, the StarPort is easy to fit and stylish. It can be surface or recess mounted on power boats, inflatables, sail boats, kayaks, ATVs, garages and many other applications...

C-Tug Trolley The New Zealand made C-TUG is the best, most versatile and durable kayak trolley on the market. It carries up to 120 kg (300 lbs), dismantles in under 20 seconds to fit into a 250 mm hatch & won’t corrode.

Made in New Zealand PAGE 30

Issue 83 Christmas 2016

On Labour Day, we paddled off the beach and chatted to those on the motor sailer “Vagabond�, it turned out to be owned by a friend of Kett in our party, so they had a chat for a bit while we asked about the 1926built kauri boat. We set off SW down the E side of Blumine Is. with Robbie using his sail. The rest of us went closer in than Robbie so we could hear the birds again. We crossed Queen Charlotte Sound in choppy conditions to rest on a beach on The Snout. Then, at a sheltered jetty nearby we loaded the kayaks onto the Second Chance and motored to Picton for our ferry. The trip was a trial run to test the feasibility of launch transport at night to the outer Marlborough Sounds. It proved to be eminently practicable due in large part to the hospitality of Andy, Dave, and Judy. Thank you team for a super three days - we all look forward to future trips to this spectacular group of island bird reserves.

KASK Kayak Fest 2017 Ponui Island 3 – 5 March

On the water instruction - at a past KASK event

As at mid-November I can report that the program is fleshing out nicely and that one of our instructors not seen before at a KASK event will be Rob Howarth. After 15 years with Canoe & Kayak North Shore he’s stopped juggling the balls of retail, coaching school kids, training multi-sporters, Yakity Yak sea kayak leaders etc... and has entered the world of Life Insurance with Futureproof Life. He intends keeping up his multi-sport interest and will be one of the sponsors for The Rodney Coast Challenge. When I asked him to be one of our instructors at the KASK Kayak Fest 2017 at Ponui Island – he leapt in booties and all. He’ll be running a session titled “Hips, hips, hips – steering and turns”, and one on Rolling, and another on the Wing Paddle. Another maestro at Rolling from the North Shore is Peter Brooks – recently he boasted to me that he can have anyone up in less than an hour and that the best was within 19 minutes. You’ll get two chances to do his session - “Introduction to kayak basic rolling techniques starting with a confidence routine and building through old school techniques starting with Pawlata roll and on to many interesting variations as fitness and conditions allow”. A couple of familiar faces from the USA and Gisborne will be Deb Volturno and Paula Renouf. They’ll be running two sessions on Ocean White Water. “Introduction to kayak handling skills and strokes in moving water along a nearshore coastal environment - one of the most fun places to play and explore in a kayak! Learn how to read the moving water, develop judgement skills, and practice controlled kayak manoeuvring. Learn to identify safe zones, play zones, transition zones, and hazard zones. We’ll be looking PAGE 32

Issue 83 Christmas 2016

to utilize training opportunities in rock gardens, waves, surge channels, pour-overs, and more…!” And of course, what would a KASK fun and training weekend be without Canterbury’s John Kirk-Anderson? He tells me he is happy to be worked to the bone! This is what he has to say about his sessions “Mayhem Management - We've all practised rescues and got paddlers back in their boats. This class will now consider the other issues that surround that event. Areas covered will include avoidance through planning and leadership, group management, treatment of injuries, and calling for outside assistance. Body, Boat, Blade - A holistic-approach to kayak control, this class will check paddler's connection to their craft, emphasise good body mechanics to maximise efficiency, and develop awareness of the blade. This session is suitable for all levels and will be free-flowing across a wide range of techniques. Shoulder Survival: Keeping these crucial joints safe, smooth, & strong. R18: May contain nudity, graphic descriptions of injury and gentle mocking of participants. Disclaimer: John Kirk-Anderson is NOT a medical professional! Exercise-nut John Kirk-Anderson will discuss paddling techniques to protect our shoulders, drills to keep them functioning efficiently, and exercises to get and keep them strong.” But wait there is more... yes, we have a dozen other instructors including this magazine’s editor Pete Townend! There will be something for everyone... wet and dry...humorous and serious, but you’d better be quick, there is only a few spaces left. See kaskkayakfest2017/ and I’ll see you there. Ruth E. Henderson

John Kirk-Anderson – giving Renee Olivier some instruction at a past KASK event

Make loading kayaks easy Easy quick mounting and dismounting boat roller. No need for a heavy permanently mounted system that effects handling and fuel consumption. 2 mounting positions to fit most vehicle. Just apply to clean glass or paintwork when needed. Then use roller to roll kayak onto your vehicle.

Phone your closest kayak retailer or for further information email Great Stuff Ltd Distributed by Great Stuff.

Issue 83 Christmas 2016



Osteopathy for Kayakers By Gracela Gregorio

I’ve been into sports for many years including marathon and triathlon. I’ve loved every minute of it; wouldn’t change a thing. For most of those years I was lucky enough to remain injury free but today my body is quietly but surely reminding me of the mileage it has endured. I’ve recently taken up kayaking and plan to compete in the 2017 Kathmandu Coast to Coast. Like the other sports, kayaking is most efficient and therefore more enjoyable when done with proper technique. As an Osteopath I understand the biomechanics of the body, which muscles do what function and how little niggles can grow into physical pain and dysfunction. However as an athlete it is so much easier to just muscle through it. Right? Wrong. That usually results in slower training times, more injuries and a lot less fun which I’ve come to experience as I work on correcting my technique. While I try to reinforce torso rotation in my head and encrypt it into muscle memory, my right wrist hurts because I'm only using my arms. Kayaking involves using your legs to help you drive your rotation. I never knew your legs helped you kayak faster! My neck and shoulders get stiffer as the training distances increase and my lower back gets tight from prolonged torso rotation. Also, after a long kayak session, I sometimes feel like I’m still on the water. But boy am I ever loving it!!!! Again, I wouldn’t change a thing!

The one constant throughout my years of training is that not only do I respect the distances that my body endures but I respect my body… period. I strategically include Osteopathic treatments into my training schedule. My sporting equipment gets regular servicing to ensure optimal performance; the most important piece of equipment, my body, should too. Osteopathy helps me do that. Osteopathy is a hands-on therapy that addresses the body as one functioning unit rather than isolated segments. I find the most enjoyable paddles are those when my body is moving freely. When my right wrist is aching, that’s inside my head for three - four hours. In my case, the Osteopath would look at my right wrist and address the muscular tension coming from my neck, shoulders and forearm that may be preventing a free flow of my arms and upper body; my entire spine would be assessed to identify and release restrictions that might be preventing optimal torso rotation; my pelvis and legs would be checked to ensure that my seated posture in the kayak is free from any strain preventing a solid base from which to rotate; and Cranial Osteopathy would address the feeling of still being on the water hours after my workout. Regardless of whether you are a novice or veteran kayaker, Osteopathy can address a myriad of physical conditions to help you achieve goals or simply enjoy your paddles. For an appointment contact me, Gracela Gregorio, at Parnell Natural Health, 532 Parnell Road, Parnell, 09 529 5533.

SUPPORT LONG BAY GREAT PARKS $24.99 A Magpie Collection by Liliane Parkinson

The interactive bird book you have been waiting for. Beautiful photos, quirky art and QR-codes set this book apart. Available in dyslexic font. LBGPS receives $10 from every copy they sell. Go to to purchase. P AMagpie G E collection.indd 34 I1 s s u e 8 3 C h r i s t m a s 2 0 1 6

w w w . k a8/09/2016 y a k n z4:03:32 . c o . PM nz

Kayaks of Alaska - Book review

By Paul Caffyn

Author: Harvey Golden Published: 2015 Publisher: Author Website: Contents: 560 pp, figures & photos throughout, bibliography, index Cover: soft cover Size: A4, 215 x 280 mms Price: US$ 59 plus p&p of $60 ISBN: 978-0-9787221-2-8 Availability: author: Over the years my interest in the historical development of skin boats has grown, how, why and where the first kayaks and umiaks were built in the Arctic and why so many different styles of kayaks evolved for different conditions from Siberia eastwards to East Greenland. Perhaps I will start with brief descriptions of the earlier books devoted to skin boats. The very first authoritative work was published in 1964, The Bark and Skin Boats of North America, by Tappan Adney and Howard Chapelle. The bulk of the 241 page hardback is based on Adney’s research into the building of bark canoes however Chapelle wrote a chapter on Arctic skin boats, the umiak and the kayak. The book, which was reprinted in 1983, is well illustrated with historical photos and detailed paddlecraft surveys. An appendix on ‘The Kayak Roll’ was written by John Heath. In 1986 three significant books were published; H.C. Petersen’s Skinboats of Greenland and David Zimmerley’s Qayaq Kayaks of Siberia and Alaska. Both these books are really well illustrated with photos of the old days of paddling and diagrams of the lines of the boats. George Dyson authored a history and development of the Aleut skin kayaks titled Baidarka. In three parts, the first covers the history of the Aleut baidarkas, the second voyages that George carried out on the coast of British Columbia and SE Alaska, and the third much about how to build the baidarkas with an aluminium frame and modern technology skin – also a beautifully illustrated book with historical black and white pics and gorgeous colour. In 2005 Eastern Arctic Kayaks – History, Design, Technique was published. A lovely landscape format hardback, it was written by two skin boat historians, John Heath and Eugene Arima. Part I is devoted to the kayaks of Greenland, while Part II describes the kayaks of eastern Arctic Canada. Then in 2006 Harvey Golden self-published a ground-breaking book Kayaks of Greenland - The History and Development of the Greenlandic Hunting Kayak 1600 – 2000. Although not a book easily read in bed, the 580 page A4 size softcover title documents the broad diversity of Greenland kayaks, as well as their history, development, construction and how the various types relate to each other. For paddlers interested in the art and skill of building and paddling Greenland style kayaks, this without doubt is the ‘bible’. Harvey is not a dry non-paddling academic scholar – he built

and paddled 18 full size replicas, thus supplementing his understanding of how the kayaks were built and how they feel on the water (see review in New Zealand Sea Canoeist No. 130 page 15, Septembere 2007). Now nine years later Harvey has self published a colossal study on the history and development of skin kayaks in Alaska. Part of the draw-card for me to undertake my kayak trip around the Alaskan coast in 1989 was to paddle through Bering Strait where the ancestral skin boats came across from Siberia over 10,000 years ago, and to experience local sea and weather conditions to understand why the very different skin kayak designs had evolved in different areas of Alaska. Harvey’s new book is a tad too big and heavy for me to take paddling, 2.25 kgs (5 pounds) but it would bend enough to load through an 8” hatch opening. But I am so impressed by the amount of research that has gone to create this scholarly work. It is hard to find a single page without photos, diagrams or kayak surveys. As with his earlier book, Harvey ‘tank’ tested many of the designs and used 17 full size replicas. He notes the book ‘represents his on-going efforts to document the form and structure of these historical and cultural treasures’. After an introductory chapter, Harvey introduces a new typology (family tree) with some groups I will have to re-learn. He uses Unangan Kayaks for what I (and George Dyson) have always termed Aleut baidarkas. Six chapters then describe skin boats from various regions with heaps of historical photos and accurate surveys taken on museum kayaks. Chapter 10 is devoted to kayak construction, the next to kayak equipment and the last to kayak paddles. An extensive bibliography and index complete this massive research undertaking. Postage from the USA is a killer at US$61.95, more than the cost of the book at $59. Harvey advises a total price in US$ of 119 including p&p. He will accept a cheque in US$, or he can take a PayPal payment to If you need help to source a copy, let me know. I brought in 10 copies of Harvey’s early book and sold to Kiwi paddlers including just the cost of postage and the book. I believe this is a pivotal work in understanding how skin boats evolved from the cradle of paddling (Bering Strait) and why such different kayaks evolved for different regions around Alaska. My only quibble is the photos would have stood out better from the pages with a 0.25mm border surround. Issue 83 Christmas 2016


The Titan Kayak project has been a dream in the making. Founded by professional athlete and designer Anthony Yap back in 2009 Titan Kayaks has been built from the ground up by athletes and paddlers themselves. From humble beginnings working in the back yards of friends places, to renting their first small factory space, to now establishing the Titan Fantasy Factory equipped with their very own custom built oven. The Titan journey has been one of determination and perseverance all driven by passion and love for the paddling lifestyle. With an emphasis on evolving design the team at Titan Kayaks consists entirely of paddlers. When not in their fantasy factory the team is spread across the world exploring new rivers, pushing new limits and always testing new and innovative designs. PAGE 36

Issue 83 Christmas 2016

One of the latest creations to come out of the Titan Kayaks factory is the world first Sit-on-Top Freestyle River Runner called The MIX. Developed to help introduce more people into kayaking the MIX being a Sit-on-Top eliminates any fears beginners may have of entrapment inside a kayak, while at the same time allowing beginners to learn almost every aspect of kayaking. From flat water paddling, to surfing your first ocean wave, to learning how to read and run white water, to even learning how to eskimo roll. From children right through to adults this revolutionary new design has brought a whole new level of performance and versatility to the humble Sit-on-Top Kayak. For a more in depth look into the Titan Fantasy Factory and it’s birth visit the Titan crew at:


LOOKING FOR THE ULTIMATE TOY THIS SUMMER!? The MIX is it! The Worlds first plastic Sit-on-Top to be developed around a high performance white water freestyle hull! The result is a Sit-on-Top that surfs and handles unlike anything else out there, opening you up to a whole new world of fun on the water.

Length: Width: Weight: Capacity:

FEATURES: » Advanced planing hull with secondary carving rails » Draining divets to drain water while surfing

1.84 m 700 mm 13 kg 85 kg

Colours available:

» Raised side rails increase control and stablity » Drain plug to empty collected water

Red Fade

» Wide high-volume tail for stability & to make catching waves even easier


Sky Blue






» Three point thigh braces to give even more control


» Flat mid section for standing or kneeling


» Hatch to hold all your goodies


» Heel and toe foot pods for more control whatever your size


Whether it’s on a wave or in a hole the Genesis is pushing the limits. A unique secondary rail system at the nose and tail lets you ride your edge to the peak of your bounce giving the Genesis a huge pop. While when river running these same rails give a sensation of surfing down stream as the hull picks up and carves through the rapids. Short, loose and super forgiving, the Genesis allows for looping bigger, popping higher, carving harder & releasing easier.

$1750 Specifications V1

FEATURES: » Advanced planing hull with secondary carving rails » Draining divets to drain water while surfing

Length: Width: Weight: Capacity:

» Drain plug to empty collected water » Wide high-volume tail for stability & to make catching waves even easier

1.71 m 650 mm 13.5 kg 75 kg

» Easily modified hip pads » Hipflex system » 2 x Gear Loop Attatchment Points » Comfortable, Simple, Solid!

V3 1.84 m 700 mm 15 kg 120 kg

Colours available:


» Reactor seating system » Integrated thigh braces

V2 1.76 m 670 mm 14 kg 80 kg


Orange Yellow EXCELLENT

Stability Speed Manoeuverability Tracking Versatility

Issue 83 Christmas 2016


The Yantra is a cruising machine designed with today’s eclectic paddler in mind. With a forgivingly rounded nose and tail the Yantra stays on top of the water whether you’re punching a hole or searching for that crucial back ferry. It’s semi-flat planning hull centre equipped with a new staggered double railed system maintains forgiving side walls while doubling the carving surface area helping you to track easier and carve harder while feeling even more stable and confident on edge.

$1850 Specifications 7’9”

FEATURES: » Semi flat planing hull with staggered double rails » Draining divets to drain water while surfing

Length: Width: Weight: Capacity:


2.36 m 630 mm 18 kg 80 kg

2.53 m 650 mm 20 kg 95 kg

Colours available:

» Drain plug to empty collected water Red

» Reactor seating system » Integrated thigh braces » Easily modified hip pads » Hipflex system » 2 x Gear Loop Attatchment Points » Comfortable, Simple, Solid!


Orange Yellow EXCELLENT

Stability Speed Manoeuverability Tracking Versatility

From extended expeditions to the steepest of creeks, the Exile does it all. Its displacement-hull nose blends through the continuous rocker to soft chines leading down the tail making the Exile fast and forgiving, while still turning on a dime and boofing effortlessly. Its upturned nose has been designed to shed water downwards while also directing it backwards around the boat helping to punch through holes and to re-surface with forward speed.

$1850 Specifications 8’6” Length: Width: Weight: Capacity:

FEATURES: » Semi flat planing hull with staggered double rails » Draining divets to drain water while surfing

2.55 m 680 mm 25 kg 110 kg

Colours available:

» Drain plug to empty collected water Red

» Reactor seating system » Integrated thigh braces » Easily modified hip pads » Hipflex system » 4 x Gear Loop Attatchment Points » Comfortable, Simple, Solid!


Issue 83 Christmas 2016


Orange Yellow EXCELLENT

Stability Speed Manoeuverability Tracking Versatility Ph: 0800 866322 Recreational and commercial roof rack systems to fit all vehicles and a huge range of accessories including:

Kayak Carriers Boat Loaders Fishing Rod Holders Luggage Boxes Awnings

Contact for more information or visit your local Roof Rack Centre.

The World’s Most USEFUL Roof Rack Systems

Cruiser 4 Bike Carrier This latest addition to the Rhino-Rack bike carrier range has flexible anti-sway cradles and locking straps to tightly secure bike frames preventing in-transit damage. The powder coated steel frame and UV stabilised rubber cradle and straps reducing rust and weather damage while increasing durability. Also, featuring a built-in 8mm locking cable for security allowing for more freedom when travelling. The two lever hinge joints allow the rack to fold down for effortless rear vehicle access and compact storage.

RRP $429

Pioneer Platforms & Trays With summer upon us, the Pioneer range is designed for rapid use when loading and unloading equipment, adventure gear or tools. The flat platform creates the extra space you need to load up your camping or leisure accessories including kayak carriers, bike carriers, luggage boxes and more. The versatility of the Rhino-Rack Pioneer Platform is what makes it stand out amongst any competition. Available in different options - as a tray, a flat platform or trade platform (with welded side rails) these innovative products allow full use of your vehicle’s roof to get your gear to where you want to go.

Issue 83 Christmas 2016


Christmas gifts for kayakers

We’ve had a festive trawl through and for the latest gear and picked the best presents. Tidy & compact

Issue 82

French Polynesia Seven days circumnavigating and Taha’a Islands


Trip Planning - Plan B & C

What to do when Plan A is impossible.

Solo Kayak Fishing and Staying


Proudly supported by:

Great for any kayaker If you’re stuck for a gift idea for anyone who kayaks, get them the New Zealand Kayak Magazine. We’ll deliver a neat package of great kayaking stories, news and advice four times a year. Price $25 including postage within New Zealand $60 inluding postage overseas

This nifty Hiko Paddle Leash comes with its own storage pouch.The flexi twist cord leash is for paddles, rods and anything else you want to secure to your kayak or watercraft. Wraps up inside the attached bag for a compact fit. Choose from: Red, Green or Yellow Price $29.00

A simple solution when fitting a fishfinder

Railblaza Starport Sounder & Transducer Mount Kit has been developed for kayak anglers needing an easy way to install and remove fish finders or sounders. With this kit you can install and uninstall your fishfinder/sounder in a matter of seconds, no messy adhesives or excessive drilling for fittings required. With our extensive selection of mounts this kit can be adapted to fit any Price $89.95 kayak or canoe.


Issue 83 Christmas 2016

Make loading kayaks easy

The Sherpak Boat Roller is an easy quick mounting and dismounting boat roller system. No need for a heavy, permanently mounted system that effects handling and fuel consumption.Two mounting positions to fit most vehicles. Just apply to clean glass or paintwork when needed. Then use the roller to roll the kayak onto your vehicle. Price $99.95

A family favourite Canoe & Kayak have teamed up with leading NZ kayak manufacturer Mission, to bring you their most popular models at an affordable price! The Tamariki is the ideal family kayak for the beach this summer! Easily manoeuvrable and so stable, this is the kayak to start your kids off in. Or grab one for yourself to get out and explore. You could even grab two when the price is this good!

The Soft Top paddleboard is a must have.

It provides the ultimate in stand up paddleboard fun and safety for first time riders and enthusaists alike. Polyethylene deck and slick skin bottom designed to take a beating, giving the ultimate performance for this affordable all-purpose SUP. It’s something the whole family can use, and you don’t have to worry about the kids wrecking it. Price $999

Price $399 Saving $100

Nathan Fa’avae: Adventurer at Heart In this book, world champion adventure racer Nathan Fa’avae, considered by many to be the best in the history of the sport, shares his life story and provides a unique insight into this remarkable pursuit. Part-Samoan, Nathan was raised in Nelson, and it was as a wayward adolescent that he discovered outdoor adventure. Since then he has never looked back and has been a full-time adventurer working as an outdoor educator, the owner of multiple adventure-based businesses, and a professional athlete.

A deck bag AND a backpack all in one Water-proof deck bag for items that you need easy access to. Fastens to deck with elastics with plastic carabiners. Roll top design makes it versatile to fit many different items and has elastic webbing on top for extra storage. The design of the Hiko Rolly Deck Bag protects it from water when it is open on the deck and backpack straps on the reverse make it super easy to take from water to land.

Price $39.99

Price $109.90

Easy to use Built to last, the C-TUG is made of non-corroding engineering polymers, with stainless steel reinforced axles, this trolley is designed for all terrains to get you paddling in places you never dreamed of. C-TUG requires no tools and assembles in seconds. Assembly and lacing instructions are simple and easy to follow.

Be safe - be seen This high performance, breathable cap has removable fold down side flaps for extra protection against the sun and bright colours for visibility on the ocean. Colours: Orange/Black, Red/Black, White/Black and Black Price $49.00

Price $179.95

Issue 83 Christmas 2016


More Christmas gi Neoprene Shorts We never leave home without these as they are the comfiest option for all paddling. Comfortable and warm 2mm neoprene paddle shorts. These shorts have a high back specifically for the seated position in kayaking. Great for flatwater or whitewater kayaking. Price $99.00

Kayak Cradles The Nautic 580 is the next generation in side loading kayak cradle design and technology. These carriers come complete with 4 santoprene rubber pads designed to cushion your kayak and for ease of side mounting. Compatible with all current roof rack systems that feature a bar channel. Price $259

Insulated Catch Bag

A fully insulated fish bag keeps your catch cool and in great eating condition. Add salt flake ice to extend your fishing time on the water. Fits the rear well of your kayak. Made from durable PVC with sturdy zips. Price $99.95

Visibility Kit We all know that the more visible you are on the water, the safer you are, especially in rough conditions or in a shipping lane. Now you can buy everything in one kit to give day and night visibility when on the water in your kayak or canoe. The TelePole can also be retasked to carry a GoPro camera or similar on top during daylight hours. Price $139.95

Sunglass Strap Wall Storage Storage of a wide range of watercraft including SUPs, canoes, windsurfers and kayaks just got quicker and easier with the RAILBLAZA StarPort Wall Sling. The StarPort Wall Sling will free up space in your garage, shed or yard by allowing you to hang your craft on the wall.

The elastic and soft Brillenband fabric reliably prevents your glasses unexpectedly slipping from the head. The ends are pushed onto the eyeglass temples, thus different sizes can be set. Price $11.90

Price $54.95

Fishing Rod Storage Rack The Rack-It-Up Fishing Rod Storage Rack is designed to allow the storage of fishing rods and reels on an angled downslope utilizing space more efficiently and has also been designed to accommodate a shelf for extra storage if needed for fishing accessories. Price $52.95

Res-Q-Link PLB Small and mighty, the ResQLink™ Personal Locator Beacon (or PLB) is a full-powered, GPSenabled rescue beacon designed for anglers, pilots and backcountry adventurers, including kayakers.

Price $499 after $50 cashback

Issue 83 Christmas 2016


fts for kayakers Inflatable Paddle Float

Can be fixed to a paddle with one-hand with the easy to use buckle. This paddle float has two valves, a small one to inflate and a big one to deflate. It has reflective strips to increase visiblity and is easy to handle.

Price $79.00

SUP Storage

The Rack-It-Up Stand Up Paddle Storage Rack is uniquely designed to allow the stand up paddle board to be kept close against the wall and show off its style with minimal visual interference from the rack. The rack also provides perfect storage for your paddle. Price $59.95

Rapid Dry Top This extremely fast drying top has some secrets! The Sharkskin Rapid Dry Top’s prewoven yarn is infused with a water repellent treatment (WRT). This not only ensures maximum water repellency and super fast drying, but also means the WRT treatment lasts a very, very long time.

Value PFD If you’re simply looking to get out paddling and have a great time on the water, the Blaze has it all in one neat package. Front zipped for ease of entry and with adjustable shoulders plus a high cut design for all round movement, it’s a cleanly efficient, elegant solution.

Price $79 Price $89.95

Roof Boxes

Boater Trousers A lightweight, waterproof and breathable pant for general paddling use. Keeps spray and splash off with neoprene waist and ankle closures.

Price $239

Thule roof boxes have an optimized design for best space efficiency. With pre-installed Power-Click quick mounting system with integrated torque indicator for easy and secure mounting with a single-handed grip, the Thule Motion roofbox can be opened from both sides, for convenient fitting, loading and unloading. Price $1449

4-bike Bike Rack This affordable hitch mount bike carrier has a 4-bike capacity that accommodates many hitch receivers out of the box. It’s ideal for riders with a lot of friends or the family bikes.

Price $399

Thermo Top The unique combination of Polyester & Spandex of Adrenalin 2P Thermo Shield provides great insulation wet or dry. And with its 170% +4 way Superstretch it not only feels extremely comfortable it allows you to perform with it acting just like a second skin. Perfect for any activity, wet or dry, wherever you need protection, without restriction.

Price $69.99

Issue 83 Christmas 2016


More Christmas gi Baggy Paddle Shorts

Gift Voucher

Can’t decide what they may like?

Chasing the endless summer? The cool surf inspired Horizon shorts hide some clever features. Under the windproof shell is a warm, comfortable fleece liner, ideal for warm or cold weather. A neoprene waistband and lace-up closure keep the shorts in place while a roomy thigh pocket holds your keys

Take the guess work aout of it and grab a Canoe & Kayak gift voucher. Available in $20, $50 and $100 denominations

close at hand. Price $175

Touring PFD The Bahia Tour features a mesh back panel to maximize airflow against high back seats. Ideal for kayak fishing, the vest’s multiple adjustable side and shoulder straps give a complete custom fit and its various pockets provide plenty of space to stash gear. Price $220

Keep Your Head Warm The Hiko Beanie cap is made of of extremely thin elastic neoprene. Warm and comfortable. Flattering design and style. Nice and functional! Sizes available: S/M, L/XL

Dry Back Pack A heavy-duty 3-roll closure system and adjustable, padded shoulder straps make the Omni Dry Backpack a true multi-purpose watersports workhorse. Perfect for extended adventures or consolidating several smaller loads into one bag. Also great for transporting wet kayaking gear in the car. Size: 140 Litre Price $99.90

Phone Case Thanks to a transparent front and LENZFLEX back for ultra clear photos, you can browse, chat or snap away while our 100% waterproof Slide Seal System™ ensures your phone is fully protected inside the waterproof phone pouch. Price $49.95

Price $39.90

Bike Storage The Rack-It-Up Bike Storage Rack is designed to enable you to safely and neatly store your bike, whether indoors or outdoors.

Price $89.95

Throw Rope An amazingly versatile throwbag in an absolute minimum size. The Weasel even fits in the smallest kayak or can be fixed and carried on a throw line belt.

Price $91.00

fts for kayakers Bike Rack

The Thule Proride upright bike carrier is one of the quickest, most convenient mountings – for bikes up to 20 kg It automatically positions your bike when you secure it, thanks to the uniquely designed frame holder and wheel tray. With quick and easy bike securing – the torque limiter dial controls the force going into the bike frame with a clear sign of correct mounting. Price $329.00

The interactive bird book you have been waiting for. Beautiful photos, quirky art and QR-codes set this book apart. Long Bay Great Parks receives $10 for every copy of this book sold at Canoe & Kayak or by Long Bay Okura Great Parks Society.

Drift Chute The Viking Drift Chute based on Stephen Tapp’s extensive experience and design. It has relatively stiff material that maintains its shape and efficiency.With its stiff 8-10mm rim rope, the drogue “inflates” to shape in the water the stiff rope helps hold the mouth open as the kayak swings and chop batters at the sides. It is approx 1m across the mouth measured flat, the larger size being more efficient at controlling drift speed.

Very strong material, flexible even in low temperatures, extremely compact in weld wiring and highly abrasion resistant. Dimensions when rolled: 200mm x 150mm x 70mm Colours available: Blue, Red

Hi Vis Sun Protection The Kalahari Hat is a lightweight, adjustable head covering that can be worn in a number of ways to protect the wearer from harmful UV rays.

Price $51.65

Rescue Belt A padded belt for carrying the Palm React 18 throwline or the hf Weasel and Alpine throwbags around the waist. With quick-release buckle and durable materials for river rescue and professional use.

Price $79.00

Price $119

Bow/Stern Tie Downs This innovative ratchet pulley quickly secures the bow and the stern of your boat without tying any pesky knots. (Sorry to those of you who earned advanced knot-tying merit badges and really wanted to show it off.) And to those of you who never got past granny knots - you’re welcome. Price $59.00

Waterproof camera bag made of stronger nylon fabric with TPU coating.

Price $45.00

Support Long Bay Okura Great Parks Society

Price $24.99

Camera Storage

Leader PFD Our PFD designed for organisers & trip leaders. The Leader PFD has padded shoulder straps to make carrying your kayak comfortable, while the side and waist adjustments give you the perfect fit so that it won’t move when rolling or swimming. The 38mm quick release towline with carabiner is perfect for paddlers who want to be rescue capable. There is a large front pocket allowing plenty of storage for all your kayaking essentials so that you can take whatever you need to out on the water. Price $229


Available through Sit-on-Top Sit-on-Top Family Tamariki Moana Double Rua

Sea Kayaks Matariki Wainui

Family Squirt Flow Glide 390 Xstream 420 Fishing Catch 290 Catch 390 Catch 420 Double Surge

Recreational Sit-In Family

Sit-on-Top Mix

White Water Genesis V1 Genesis V2 Genesis V3 Yantra 8’5” Yantra 9’6” Excile Rival

Access 280 Fishing Line 280 Doubles Access 480 Line 480

Sea Kayaks Family Matariki Contour 480 Touring Ecobezhig 540

Sit-on-Top Family Lagoon Ozzie Nemo Espri Replay Fishing Espri Angler Profish GT Profish 400 Profish 440 Profish Reload Double Viking 2+1

Doubles Contour 480 Eco niizh 565

Sea Kayaks Family Kekeno Touring Waitoa Breaksea Doubles SeaBear II Packhorse

Sit-on-Top Family Firefly Whizz Escapee Escapade Swift Double Delta Escapade II

River Kayaks K30 Explore/ Sally K37 Mohaka

Sea Kayaks K40 Tasman Double K50 Pacific


Doubles Sprite 2 Wanderer

Sea Kayaks Family Tui Excel

Sea Kayaks Single Beachcomber Ultra Light Interface Enigma Double AR Duo

Touring Penguin Shearwater Skua Tasman Express Ta s m a n E x p r e s s Elite Foveaux Express Southern Skua Torres Maximus Doubles Wanderer Excel Dusky Bay Classic Southern Endeavour Dusky Bay II

Single Twist 1 Safari Double Twist 2 Solar 2 Solar 3

Recreational Sit-In Single Helios 1 Swing 1

Recreational Sit-In Sprite 1 Kiwi Tui


Double Helios 2 Swing 2

Sea Kayaks Framura Seawave

Canoe Baraka Scout

White Water K1 K2

Sit-on-Top Family Frenzy Mysto Scrambler 11 Tetra 12 Fishing Tetra 12 Angler Trident Ultra 4.1 Trident Ultra 4.3 Trident Ultra 4.7 Prowler Big Game II Double Malibu Two Malibu Two XL Malibu Two XL Angler

Sit-on-Top Family Play Escape Explorer Tourer Fishing Navigator Fish n Dive Marauder Double Tandem SLS Tandem Long Reach

For all these and more go to:

Great Advice / Great Brands / Great Service


By Nathan Fa’avae

Warm water. What else needs to be said? How about warm crystal clear water?

Niue Island, one of the smallest countries in the world is a raised coral atoll, rising up to nearly 70 metres above sea level. Known fondly as the ‘Rock of the Pacific’, that’s a fair title for the chunk of rock in the expanse of ocean. The inland is a mixture of rain forest and plantations, taro, bananas, paw paw, as you’d expect. For land dwellers there is plenty of adventures, excellent cycling blending jungle trails and the quiet road network, coastal walks and the town life, cafes, craft shops, bars and restaurants. But where Niue rises to the surface with what it has to offer is on and in the water. A typical day for me in Niue when I visited there in April was to either go for a trail run or bike ride in the morning, it was nice enough, a pleasant and quiet place to exercise in a tropical climate. My afternoons were spent

either drifting about on a kayak, or snorkelling in the deep, and that was exceptionally incredible. That’s the part where you’re constantly saying to yourself ‘OMG!’. The snorkelling, diving and fishing is world class. Because there are virtually no rivers flowing into the ocean, there is no sediment and the water amazingly clear, deceptively making objects appear a lot closer than they are, until you start swimming towards them. The marine life and underwater activity is extremely rich and diverse, with thousands of fish and varieties, of all shapes and sizes. With an abundance of water and coastline there is ample opportunity to explore Niue with a paddle. There are rental plastic and inflatable kayaks, stand up paddle boards and for those wishing to experience a local canoe, any fisherman will be more than happy to see you have a go!


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Issue 83 Christmas 2016

Issue 83 Christmas 2016


Niue is rugged though, it’s not a place for the tourists who want the sanctuary of a resort. It’s a place for adventurers, people who want to explore and experience island life in pure form. It’s an excellent destination for families too, ones that wish to escape the ‘children’s coral clubs’ of the big resorts. Kids can creep into caves, hunt for crabs, go underwater scootering, ride bikes and play in many

of the coves with deep pools, natures aquariums with kaleidoscopes of coloured creatures. Depending on the time of year you’re in Niue, in a canoe or kayak, keep an eye out for turtles, friendly sharks, flying fish, dolphins and whales. I rate it a 5-star destination, you’ll love it, but don’t tell too many people.

We can fit a rack to almost anything!


BAY OF PLENTY 07 574 7415

TAUPO 07 378 1003 WELLINGTON 04 477 6911

TARANAKI 06 751 2340

MANUKAU 09 262 0209

WAIKATO 07 850 1002

NORTH SHORE 09 479 1002

AUCKLAND 09 815 2072



Was $499

Was $949

Now only



Was $1149

Canoe & Kayak Auckland 502 Sandringham Rd, Sandringham, Auckland 1025 09 815 2073

Canoe & Kayak Bay of Plenty 49 Totara St, Mount Maunganui, Tauranga, 3116 07 574 7415

Canoe & Kayak Waikato 545 Te Rapa Rd Hamilton, 3200 07 850 1002

Canoe & Kayak North Shore 2/20 Constellation Dr Mairangi Bay, Auckland, 0632 09 479 1002

Canoe & Kayak Taranaki 468 St Aubyn St, Moturoa, New Plymouth, 4310 06 751 2340

Canoe & Kayak Wellington Unit F 2 Centennial Highway Ngauranga, Wellington, 6035 04 477 6911

Canoe & Kayak Manukau 605A Great South Rd Manukau, 2104 09 262 0209

Canoe & Kayak Taupo 54 Spa Rd Taupo, 3330 07 378 1003

Canoe & Kayak Christchurch (Agency) 03 377 6161 027 376 6161


Issue 83 Christmas 2016

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