New Age Pregnancy - Pregnancy Development Guide

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pregnancy W e e k

B y

W e e k


Editor’s Note


Trimester 1 Week 1 – 12


Trimester 2 Week 13 – 27


Trimester 3 Week 28 – 40


Editorial Team

P r e g n a n c y

G u i d e

pregnancy Editor’s Note

Anxious.Overjoyed.Exhausted.Ecstatic. These are some feelings you might be facing as you go through your first pregnancy. Pregnancy can be a whirlwind ride for new parents. It is a time when a woman enters one of her most significant stage in life, where she needs to understand, absorb and apply new knowledge of pregnancy and birth. To all the dads out there, you are not forgotten! We have included a short segment for dads in our guide, to make first time fathers feel more included about their partner’s pregnancy process and the development of their new baby. With this guide, we hope it will help to give you some reassurance and shed some light on the changes you will come to experience for the next 40 weeks. Let the countdown begin!

Disclaimer: Please keep in mind the information provided in this guide is approximate. Each pregnancy is different and growth rates vary. If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to contact your gynaecologist.


Pregnancy Guide

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Maternal Changes

The first week of the pregnancy is normally a Nothing unusual will happen in your body non-pregnant week. You will still have your peas you are still not pregnant. However, if riod this week. But if you conceive during this you are trying to conceive, now will be a menstrual cycle, the first day of your period good time for you to review your lifestyle will count as the first day and to begin healthy of your pregnancy. Coneating habits. Your Just 25 per cent of couples ception has not occurred pregnancy diet should actively trying to conceive yet, but you already can become pregnant in the first consist plenty of fresh get to start counting. For fruits and vegetables. monthly cycle. women with a 28 day cyIt is also best to stop cle, ovulation occurs around 14 days after the smoking and drinking alcohol. Refrain start of your menstrual cycle. This is day one of from contact with toxic materials such as your period. If you are trying to conceive durpesticides, paints, thinners, varnish and ing this menstrual cycle, take note of this very aerosol products. Most importantly, have important date! sufficient rest!


Pregnancy Guide

A Matter of Fact Just 25 per cent of couples actively trying to conceive become pregnant in the first monthly cycle. For 60 per cent of couples, it takes around nine months. So don’t be too disappointed if you do not conceive straightaway.

Tips for daddy Daddies, your diet counts too! If you wish to become a dad you should start eating healthily and review your lifestyle habits at least three months before conception. This will be further explained in Week 3.

A quote for mummy-to-be Whether your pregnancy was meticulously planned, medically coaxed, or happened by surprise, one thing is certain - your life will never be the same - Catherine Jones


YOUR FERTILE WINDOW IS APPROACHING What’s happening inside Your uterus is now preparing a new bed of blood rich tissue, after shedding its lining though your period. Towards the end of this week, one of the eggs in your ovaries is likely to have reached full maturity. Ovulation occurs as the egg emerges out of its follicle under the influence of hormones. If it meets a sperm, you may become pregnant!

Maternal Changes Still, nothing unusual will happen in your

body as you are still not pregnant. However, some signs of ovulating may include: lower abdominal pain, feeling slightly hotter when you wake up (this is due to the increase in your basal body temperature), and cervical mucus.

Tips for daddy

A Matter of Fact

To be pregnant is to be vitally alive, thoroughly woman, and undoubtedly inhabited ~Anne Buchanan & Debra Klingsporn

Being stressed can affect your ability to conceive. Take a breather, go for a short getaway, or learn to meditate. Don’t be afraid to seek help from others if you need to.

If you and your wife are trying to conceive, now is the time to enjoy lots of love making sessions with her, so go for it and please your lady!

A quote for mummy-to-be


YOUR BABY IS CONCEIVED What’s happening inside

A Matter of Fact

You are most likely to have ovulated and your unfertilized egg will be swept up by one of your fallopian tubes. Moving in the direction of the uterus, the egg will only come to rest in the widest portion of the tube, waiting for fertilization.

Three days is all it takes for a single fertilized egg to divide into a ball of 58 cells, known as a blastocyst.

Maternal Changes When your egg has been fertilized, hormonal changes will naturally happen to stop your normal menstrual cycle. Vital cell divisions are now taking place as the fertilized egg begins its journey towards implantation on the lining of your uterus.


Pregnancy Guide

The hormones responsible for the production of sperms are released every 60 to 90 minutes. A male is always fertile but it a sperm takes 72 days to fully develop.

Tips for daddy Did you know that you are constantly producing sperm cells? The hormones responsible for the production of sperms are released every 60 to 90 minutes. A male is always fertile but it a sperm takes 72 days to fully develop. If you lead an unhealthy lifestyle during this period, it will affect the quality of your sperm. This is why it is also crucial for daddies to embark on a healthy lifestyle.

A quote for mummy-to-be Making a decision to have a child--it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body - Elizabeth Stone


HAVE A LITTLE PATIENCE AND FAITH What’s happening inside If your egg and your partner’s sperm have joined successfully, your soon-to-be-embryo will be securely implanted in the lining of your uterus and will start to develop. Although it is very small (about a size of a pin head), it consist of two layer of cells the epiblast and the hypoblast. These cells will eventually develop into all of your baby's organs and body parts.

Maternal Changes As the fertilized egg becomes completely embedded in your uterus, some women may experience some bleeding. Do not be alarmed as this is normal. Pregnancy hormones are also being produced during this time, but it may be difficult to detect them accurately. So it is best to wait before you do a pregnancy test.

A quote for mummy-to-be Everything grows rounder and wider and weirder, and I sit here in the middle of it all and wonder who in the world you will turn out to be. -Carrie Fisher

A Matter of Fact There are around 30 chemicals in a cigarette smoke that can affect fertility. Not smoking during your pregnancy can reduce the risk of miscarriage, still birth, premature birth, low birth weight and sudden infant death.

Tips for daddy This period can be emotional for your partner as she is anxiously waiting to see if she will miss her period. Be there for her to ease her fears or anxieties.

Pregnancy Guide



NO PERIOD AND A POSITIVE TEST? YOU ARE PREGNANT! What’s happening inside By the end of this week, individual elements that form the embryo will start to develop. A neural tube, which will eventually develop into the spinal cord and brain, starts to develop from the top to the bottom of the embryo. Your baby’s heart, in the centre of the embryo, will begin to develop. The placenta, which is the structure that will become your unborn baby’s lifeline, also starts to take form during this stage.

Maternal Changes You won’t look pregnant yet but you may experience some early symptoms such as nausea (also known as morning sickness). You may also feel a tingling soreness in your breasts and feel more tired than usual. Your metabolic rate will also be slightly higher during your pregnancy, so do not be afraid to do some moderate aerobic exercise such as walking or jogging. These exercises will not affect your baby’s development.

A Matter of Fact Pregnant women often try to connect their baby through dreams. One common dream in pregnant mothers is that they are swimming. This is thought to be a way of “reaching out” to your baby, who will soon be formed in the fluid inside you.


Pregnancy Guide

Tips for daddy Most couples decide not to tell people until after the 12-week scan when the

Pregnant women often try to connect their baby through dreams. One common dream in pregnant mothers is that they are swimming.

miscarriage risk is significantly lower, but do confide in close relatives and friends (seek your partner’s consent first) as they will give you a much-needed outlet to pour out your feelings. Schedule a visit to a gynaecologist as soon as you suspect your wife is pregnant. Good prenatal care is one of the best assurances of a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby.

A quote for mummy-to-be Life is always a rich and steady time when you are waiting for something to happen or to hatch. - By E.B. Whitew



This is a crucial time for your developing baby as the neural tube is forming. This tube will later become the brain and spinal cord. This week is also your baby’s first heartbeat! By the end of this week, your baby’s heart is rapidly developing and circulating blood. The umbilical cord develops and the eyes and ears begin to form as well. Protruding buds that will later develop into arms and legs are also noticeable.

Maternal Changes The first change you will most likely notice is your chest. Your breast may increase in size quite rapidly, looking bigger and feeling heavier. The skin around the nipples wills also become darker and you may notice blue veins appearing around your breasts. Feeling emotional one minute and happy the next minute? Craving for chocolate, durian or laksa? Experience dizziness in the morning or any time of the day? All these cravings and experiences are normal due to the fluctuating oestrogen hormone in your body.

A Matter of Fact It’s time to shop for new lingerie! Each of your breasts will increase on average, by 5 cm and 1.4kg during pregnancy. It is important to find the right fit of bra, even in the early stages of your pregnancy.

Tips for daddy If your partner is already experiencing morning sickness, try to keep smells that

make her queasy away from her as certain smells can trigger nausea. Give her some ginger biscuits to nibble on before she gets out of her bed. Or brew some ginger ale or ginger tea.Ginger contains properties that help to ease nausea.

A quote for mummy-to-be A mother's joy begins when new life is stirring inside... when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time, and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone. -Unknown


Maternal Changes You may be trying very hard to locate it, but it could be a few weeks before you can find your baby bump. The most you will notice now is a rounder abdomen. Besides going to the mirror to try and spot your baby bump, you may also notice your need to urinate more. This is due to your developing baby in your uterus pressing on your bladder, and the work of hormones in your body. You may also start to experience heavier doses of dizziness and morning sickness. All these changes and symptoms are all part of your body and brain adjusting to the pregnancy. The dizziness and constant trips to the toilet will slowly diminish as your pregnancy continues.

A Matter of Fact Country to what people think, during the first trimester, it’s safe to do an abdominal exercises lying on your back (do get the green light from your gynae first). Exercises that strengthen your muscles (i.e. abdominal exercise to strengthen core muscles) will help you to deal with the additional demands of pregnancy and to cope better during labour and birth.

Tips for daddy Help to get mummy fit and strong! Why not be her ‘personal trainer’? You may do some functional movement exercises such as bicep curls, side and forward lunges. Remember to do some warm up before each exercise.


Pregnancy Guide

What’s happening inside: Still tiny but growing very fast, the baby inside of you is now the size of a grain of rice. Your baby’s arm and legs continue to grow. The brain is rapidly developing, and your baby’s vital organs such as the lungs, gut, eyes, nostrils, intestines starts to form as well.

A quote for mummy-to-be Pregnancy seems designed to prepare you for life as a mother. You start making sacrifices nine months before the child is born, so by the time they put in an appearance you are used to giving things up for them. - Brett Kiellerop


AN EMOTIONAL AND HOMRMONAL ROLLERCOASTER RIDE What’s happening inside Your baby’s head is quite large at this stage of development due to the underlying brain expansion. His vital organs such as muscles and nerves begin to function. In his brain, nerve cells connections are starting to develop, forming neural pathways. Elbows begin to grow and fingers start to develop. Your baby’s facial features are also starting to develop and will become more defined over the next few weeks. His ears and nose are starting to develop, and his eyes are getting larger and darker. You may even hear a fluttering heartbeat when you go for your next ultrasound scan!

Maternal Changes It’s puberty all over again! You may start to feel sudden pangs of sadness for no reason, or even be irritated over the smallest things. Sometimes, mixed feelings about being pregnant may start to creep in as well. This is largely attributed to the changing

hormones in your body. Your current clothes may start to feel ‘smaller’ as your body shape is changing; larger breasts and an expanding waistline.

A Matter of Fact According to one study, eating apples during pregnancy could reduce the risk of your child developing asthma. Research has also found that six-month olds whose mothers had consumed high amounts of fish during pregnancy scored

better in mental development tests. However, do take note of the mercury content in the various types of fish before eating them in high amounts.

Tips for daddy Mood swings may be tough to handle but hang in there! You may get scolded at for the smallest things or for something you did not even do wrong. Give her more time off and she time to realize she is in the wrong. Reassure her of all the good things she is doing right when she is scared and insecure. The most helpful thing you can do is not to argue back, even when she’s at her worst. Help her feel as good as she feels big.

A quote for mummy-to-be Feeling fat for the last nine months, but the joy of becoming a mom lasts forever. -Nikki Dalton


YOUR BABY IS GROWING…AND MOVING What’s happening inside During this week, you may not be able to feel it but your baby is starting to make tiny movements! Your baby is now able to move her elbows. A size of a peanut, her facial features are also starting to take form. The bones are beginning to form and although it is not possible to tell from ultrasound yet, your baby’s genitals have also begun to develop. By the end of the ninth week, the digestive system will be developing rapidly.

Another common side effect of pregnancy is headaches. Looking at a computer screen for long periods can worsen headaches.

Maternal Changes You may experience heavy bouts of nausea and morning sickness during this week, or the frequencies may decrease. You are missing your second period this week and you will start to notice fuller breasts, which may feel very sensitive. You may also notice a bigger waistline, as your uterus is continuing to grow. As your body adjusts to pregnancy hormones, you may also experience some heartburn, bloating and indigestion. Another common side effect of pregnancy is headaches. Looking at a computer screen for long periods can worsen headaches. Remember to take regular breaks and drink plenty of water as being dehydrated can aggravate headaches.

A Matter of Fact About 70 to 80 per cent of pregnant women suffer from nausea and vomiting. If you are


Pregnancy Guide

one of the rare few who don’t experience this symptom, don’t worry and count yourself lucky!

Tips for daddy Your wife may start to have sudden and random food cravings. Normally, these are unhealthy food cravings and will ‘coincidentally’ occur when all the stores are closed. She may want to finish that whole tub of ice cream or finish the whole box of chocolates. You can help curb her cravings by preparing

some healthier snacks ahead of time. Chances are, if you present her with healthy food lovingly prepared by you, she may be less likely to reach for any of the unhealthy food she craves. If she still insists on her ice cream, monitor her intake and cut some fresh fruits to go with it, for a ‘healthier’ combination.

A quote for mummy-to-be Life is tough enough without having someone kick you from the inside. ~ Rita Rudne


FROM EMBRYO TO FETUS What’s happening inside This week marks the end of a major stage in development of your baby as he develops to a fetus. Mummies may not feel it yet but your baby has already begun to move inside your womb! Vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, intestines, brains and lungs are fully formed and functional. Your baby now begins to bend her wrists and the bones of the front of the skill are starting to develop over the baby’s forehead. This is also the time where you may find out that you are having twins or multi-babies.

Maternal Changes If you start to feel a little uncomfortable

wearing your usual bras, it’s time to buy bigger bras. Your breasts will continue to grow very quickly and will stabilize around the end of the first trimester. You may experience more breast growth later in your third trimester and after birth. Your uterus, which was the size of your fist, has now expanded to the size of a grapefruit! You may still continue to feel tired and moody but don’t take to heart, these symptoms should subside soon. Pregnant women have a greater risk of urinary infections, so be on the lookout for any signs of urinary infection. Some of the signs include, stinging or discomfort when you pass urine, abdominal pain or blood in your urine.

A Matter of Fact Some harmful substances can seep into the placenta. Therefore, it is important that you protect your baby by seeking any medical advice from you doctor before taking any medication during pregnancy.

Tips for daddy You may be surprised or shocked at how big your partner’s breasts has become. The last thing you can do is to be rough and mishandle your wife’s breasts as they are really big and sore! Your wife may be feeling insecure or uneasy with her newfound cup-size, so be sensitive and treat her with extra tender loving care.

A quote for mummy-to-be There is only one pretty child in the world and every mother has it - Chinese Proverb


YOUR BABY IS NOW A FETUS! What’s happening inside Three key sense organs, the eye, ears and mouth are rapidly developing at during this week and will continue to grow and develop until delivery. Your baby’s limbs are more developed now, enabling more movement in the placenta and his finger and toes have separated. The genitals have also begun to take on their gender characteristics and your baby’s kidneys begin to produce and excrete urine at this stage.

Maternal Changes You may also begin to feel some discomfort around your pelvis as your body begins to accommodate your growing uterus. You may also notice tiny veins

Healthy teeth and gums are essential in pregnancy, so brush thoroughly and go for dental appointments. See your dentist once in your pregnancy. called spider veins. Spider veins are tiny red blood vessels that are caused by increased level of oestrogen during pregnancy. They normally disappear soon after birth.

A Matter of Fact Healthy teeth and gums are essential in pregnancy, so brush thoroughly and go for dental appointments. See your dentist once in your pregnancy. Your


Pregnancy Guide

gums may also bleed more because of pregnancy hormones and increased blood volume. If they do, switch to a softer toothbrush.

Tips for daddy Is this whole pregnancy business eating you up? Going through the endless worries, anxieties, and responsibilities may be taking a toll on you. What’s more, you have to put a brave and strong for your partner. Daddies need a break too! If you are feeling overly anxious and stressed,

treat yourself or do something you like, or hang out buddies to relax and unwind. Don’t forget about mummy though! Come home with a simple surprise gesture (flowers or a sweet hand written note will do) for her and that would perfectly end your day.

A quote for mummy-to-be A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years and in your heart till the day you die. - Mary Mason


flow and high levels of oestrogen. Some women may develop spots or start to have dry and flaky skin. On the other hand, some women may find that their skin is in a better condition than before they were pregnant. This ‘glow’ of pregnancy is due to the increased blood supply that occurs in pregnancy, which gives off a rosy, healthy-looking complexion. By the end of this trimester, many of the pregnancy symptoms you faced at the beginning is likely to have passed. Nausea may have begun to lessen and the tiredness you felt in the early months is likely to have passed. You may not need to urinate so often as before because your uterus is now moving up the abdominal cavity, placing less pressure on your bladder.

A Matter of Fact Did you know, some fathers-to-be also experience pregnancy symptoms, known as couvade or couvade syndrome. Also known as ‘hatching’ or ‘sympathetic pregnancy’, this normally happens during the third month or at delivery. Some believe it may have biological causes while others believe it could be a psychosomatic condition.

THE END OF THE FIRST TRIMESTER What’s happening inside All your baby’s organs, and limbs are now fully formed, but her head is still disproportionately large. Your baby can now open and close her mouth, and her eyes are developing behind closed lids. Your baby’s heart is beating rapidly at about 160

Tips for daddy

beats per minute, and the umbilical cord is fully developed.

The first trimester is almost over! It’s normal for you and your wife to wonder all the time if your baby is okay and desperate to hear that all is well. The first scan may come as a shock to you as for the first time, you are confronted with physical evidence that your baby really exists.

Maternal Changes

A quote for mummy-to-be

Have sudden acne outbreak and oily skin? Your skin is likely to change during pregnancy due to the increased blood

You never understand life until it grows inside of you. - Sandra Chami Kassis

Pregnancy Guide


T H E se c o n d T R I M E S T E R W E E K 1 3

MOVING ON TO THE NEXT TRIMESTER What’s happening inside Your baby is now the size of an egg and is growing quickly everyday! His eyes are moving into position and his eyelids are now fused together to protect the eyes as they develop. His ankles and wrist also begin to take form. Your baby may also be able to put his thumb in his mouth this week, although his sucking muscles are not fully developed yet.

Maternal Changes You have survived the first trimester! Now that the high-risk period is over, you probably want to make some pregnancy annoucnemnts to


Pregnancy Guide

the people around you. Now is also the time to let the soon-to-be big brothers and sisters in the house about their new sibling. While some pregnancy symptoms fade with time, some don't. During this period, you'll still need to take plenty of trips to the bathroom as your growing baby puts pressure on your bladder. You will also feel tired (something which might be constant during your pregnancy), so do give yourself a break from time to time.

and minerals for your baby’s growth and development. You may want to talk to your gynae or nutritionist on what is the best way to take these vitamin supplements.

A Matter of Fact

We have a secret in our culture, it's not that birth is painful, it's that women are strong. - Laura Stavoe Harm

Vitamins and minerals such as folic acid, zinc, iron and calcium are some necessary vitamins

Tips for daddy Follow mummy down to the check-up with the gyane. You might get the chance to hear the baby’s heartbeat!

A quote for mummy-to-be

T H E se c o n d T R I M E S T E R W E E K 1 4

Eating Together What’s happening inside Smooth-skinned no more! This week, hair begins to grow on your baby’s head and eyebrows. There’s also a furry coating of body hair forming, called lanugo, which will keep him warm in your womb for the time being, as baby fat only accumulates in the later part of pregnancy.

Maternal Changes At the start of the second trimester, the nausea and vomitting generally decreases and stops for most women (although for a few, morning sickness may continue throughout the nine months of pregnancy), which should leave you feeling more like your usual pre-pregnancy self, albeit with a growing tummy and increasing appetite.

A Matter of Fact Beginning this week, fetuses start growing at varying paces. However rest assured, despite these differences, all babies in utero follow the same developmental path.

Tips for daddy If your wife’s morning sickness has abated, you’re probably heaving a huge sigh of relief ! But if it hasn’t, continue to be that strong pillar of support for her and encourage her to eat healthily and exercise regularly to keep gastric, constipation and fatigue at bay.

A quote for mummy-to-be A moment in my tummy, a lifetime in my heart. - Unknown

Pregnancy Guide


T H E se c o n d T R I M E S T E R W E E K 1 5

WORKOUT IN YOUR WOMB What’s happening inside While full muscle control is a long way off, your little one is now starting to get the hang of his motor coordination and flexing his fingers and toes! And even though you probably can’t feel it yet, baby’s also practising his punches and kicks safe within the cushiony walls of your tummy. Don’t worry, you’ll begin to feel those movements soon enough!

Maternal Changes Your emotions may often take you for a roller coaster ride, not just this week but throughout your pregnancy! Irritability, excitement, apprehension, and an inexplicable tendency to weep are all part and parcel of

the journey, thanks in part to hormonal changes as your body prepares for birth. Don’t suppress these feelings or ignore them – surround yourself with family or friends whom you can count on to be there and to listen.

A Matter of Fact All expectant mums are prone to iron-deficient anaemia, because your body gives priority to fetal nutritional needs. Women who have experienced severe morning sickness, are undernourished, have babies in quick succession, or who have an existing predisposing condition like thalessemia minor are especially susceptible. Daily iron supplementation, as prescribed by your gynaecologist,

will help to prevent or relieve anaemia.

Tips for daddy Your wife’s mood swings may throw you for a loop at first, but what every expectant mum needs is a supportive husband who will be there for her to ride out the storm, to stand by her side through the tears and tantrums, elation and fears.

A quote for mummy-to-be Before you were born I carried you under my heart. From the moment you arrived in this world until the moment I leave it, I will always carry you in my heart. - Mandy Harrison

T H E se c o n d T R I M E S T E R W E E K 1 6

What’s happening inside Your baby’s face is looking especially adorable this week, now that his eyes and ears have moved to their correct positions. Bet you didn’t know that his ears were formerly in the neck, and his eyes were on the sides of his face! Well, now you know.

Maternal Changes As your belly grows, you might find yourself short of breath at times. This is partly due to pregnancy hormones, which affect the rate and depth of your respiration, and your growing uterus, pushing up against your diaphragm and lungs. So take it easy – slow down your pace a little and put your feet up when you can.

A Matter of Fact Between this week and the 20th week, your gynae will probably be able to tell you if you’re having a little boy or a little girl. Sometimes though, your baby’s position will keep you and your husband guessing at the gender for a little while more!

Tips for daddy


While mummy-to-be needs her rest, that doesn’t mean she’s just supposed to sit about all day either. A little fresh air and simple exercise will do her a world of good, minimize pregnancy aches and pains, and promote post-partum recovery. So don’t just sit there; invite your wife out for a walk around your neighbourhood, or head on down to the pool for a swim. Also a great excuse for precious couple time together before baby makes three.

A quote for mummy-to-be There is no friendship, no love, like that of a mother for her child. - Henry Ward Beecher

Pregnancy Guide


T H E se c o n d T R I M E S T E R W E E K 1 7

Outgrowing Your Clothes What’s happening inside This week, baby’s busy practising his sucking and swallowing skills, which will come in handy for getting the milk he needs once he’s born. The squirming and kicking actions continue, and you might even begin to feel some of those ‘butterfly’ movements inside you, especially if you’re particularly attuned to your body or if this isn’t your first child.

Maternal Changes Your expanding uterus is beginning to make itself felt and seen. By the end of the week, you should be able to feel the top of it about two inches below your belly button! And, with your growing tummy comes a shrinking wardrobe, as you’ll find yourself outgrowing your regular clothes (and sometimes shoes). Don’t fret about your increasing waistline, instead cherish this season of your


Pregnancy Guide

life and preserve the memory of your new shape on film – one day, your child might want to see what mummy looked like! Of course, there is healthy weight gain (which is highly necessary for baby’s and your nutritional needs) and there is unhealthy over-eating. Check with your gynae if you are unsure.

A Matter of Fact Now that your pregnant belly is a bit more obvious, you’ll find that family, friends, and even strangers, may inevitably ask if they can touch your tummy. You might love the extra attention – if so, soak it all in! If not, don’t hesitate to politely but firmly make your preferences known. After all, its your belly we’re talking about here.

Tips for daddy Just about this time, your wife is probably feeling at least a little wistful for

the days when she could easily slip into her favourite pair of jeans or that slinky cocktail dress. She might feel self conscious or even a little depressed about her weight gain, and anxious about being less attractive to you. Your constant support and well-timed compliments will go a long way towards giving her a sense of confidence and ease about her new body, and helping her feel good about herself. In case you were wondering, she’s most likely to shed all those extra kilos within months after the baby is born, especially if she’s intending to breastfeed.

A quote for mummy-to-be You're gonna miss this, you're gonna want this back. You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast. These are some good times, so take a good look around. You may not know it now, but you're gonna miss this. - Trace Atkins

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For Pregnant and Breastfeeding Mothers

T H E se c o n d T R I M E S T E R W E E K 1 8

Renewed Vigour What’s happening inside Hot on the tails of his sucking and swallowing skills come baby’s ability to yawn and hiccup! You’ll probaby begin to feel those hiccups as slight twinges happening repeatedly in the same spot inside you. The downside is you can’t drink water to stop these hiccups – you’ve just got to wait it out till those little twinges subside on their own… And pretty soon, if you haven’t already, you should be feeling every other movement baby is making too!

Maternal Changes By now, the nausea and vomiting of the first trimester are (hopefully) things of the past, and you may find yourself bursting with a sudden shot of energy, ready and willing to tackle all that needs to be done before baby arrives! Grab the gift of this renewed vigour with both hands and milk it for all its worth – of course, exercising appropriate discretion and caution. Make full use of the time you have in these few weeks to organize and settle all that can be done, such as the buying and setting up of big ticket items like the crib and preparation of baby’s room. You’ll find it harder and more cumbersome to get down to things once you hit the last trimester.

A Matter of Fact Now you can blame your forgetfulness on the pregnancy hormones with a clear conscience! Studies prove that a woman’s brain cell volume decreases during pregnancy, which can leave you with a lowered capacity to handle life in general. Even women who are known to be highly efficient and organized can wind up feeling like they’re in a foggy daze at times, and incapable to keeping up with their usual


Pregnancy Guide

appointments and tasks. Don’t worry – the fog will eventually lift, by a few months after giving birth.

Tips for daddy It’s common for pregnant women to experience backaches, thanks in part to the growing belly, and also due to pelvic shifts as the body prepares itself for

the delivery. Your wife will definitely appreciate the gift of an occasional back or foot massage, or the luxury of a warm bath!

A quote for mummy-to-be The thing that's nice about pregnancy is that in the end, you have a baby. - Ann Romney

T H E se c o n d T R I M E S T E R W E E K 1 9

THICKER HAIR, LONGER NAILS What’s happening inside Vernix caseosa, a greasy white substance, forms a protective layer over baby’s sensitive skin, so he doesn’t get all wrinkled up from being immersed in nine months of amniotic fluid. This cheese-like coating will be gradually shed as your due date approaches.

Maternal Changes

Just about every pregnant woman’s belly button ‘pops’ sometime during her nine months of pregnancy, as the growing uterus pushes outward. This is popularly referred to as an “outie” (versus “innie”). Your belly button should revert back to its regular po-

sition by a few months after delivery, albeit with a slightly stretched-out look to it.

A Matter of Fact Those pregnancy hormones raging through you will trigger your metabolism to nourish your hair and nails these nine months, making them grow faster and healthier than ever before! Many pregnant women find that their hair is thicker and more lustrous than it used to be – one of the definite perks of pregnancy! But, unfortunately, all good things must come to and end – these happy side-effects only last until your delivery date. In fact, you’ll have

to contend with a few months of increased hair loss post-partum.

Tips for daddy While your wife’s sexual interest may have slowed down in the first trimester, things tend to get better during the second trimester for most women, as early pregnancy symptoms subside and she gains a fresh burst of energy. In any case, any woman would be warmed by a man who doesn’t ‘force’ her into being ready, but sensitively waits until she is ready for love-making. Enjoy these few weeks, as her huge abdomen may make sex in the last trimester quite challenging.

A quote for mummy-to-be There is such a special sweetness in being able to participate in creation. - Pamela S. Nadav

T H E se c o n d T R I M E S T E R W E E K 2 0

JET, SET, AND AWAY What’s happening inside If you’re expecting a princess, her uterus is now fully formed, and her tiny ovaries house about 7 million eggs at the moment! If you’re having a prince, his testicles are moving down from his abdomen, and will eventually drop into the scrotum, which is still at works in progress at this stage.

Maternal Changes Aches and pains are a common companion to most expectant mums, and at this stage, you might be feeling some on the sides of your lower abdomen. This is caused by the stretching of your muscles and ligaments to accommodate your growing uterus. As long as the pain is occasional and isn’t ac-


Pregnancy Guide

companied by any fever, bleeding or dizziness, it’s perfectly normal and nothing to be concerned about.

holiday plans, destinations and itineraries are going to look very different for at least a few years…

A Matter of Fact

Tips for daddy

With the turbulence of first-trimester morning sickness and the heavy weight of the last trimester, the second trimester is undoubtedly your best bet for a sweet vacation. Do check that you have the green light to travel – which shouldn’t be an issue in most cases. Most major airlines would need a letter from your gynaecologist that certifies you as fit to travel. Seize the opportunity to have some precious alone time with just hubby and you, before Junior makes three. Once baby is born, your

When planning your getaway (sometimes referred to as a baby-moon), keep in mind your wife’s fluctuating energy levels, and don’t aim to cover too much ground. Try to keep the pace flexible and relaxed, and you’ll be set for a really splendid time – a special trip to remember.

A quote for mummy-to-be Feeling fat lasts nine months but the joy of becoming a mom lasts forever. - Nicki Dalton

T H E se c o n d T R I M E S T E R W E E K 2 1

WHAT’S IN A NAME? What’s happening inside

Millions of neurons now form those very important connections between baby’s brain and muscles, so he’s all set for the journey of life long learning. This also means more coordinated punches and kicks inside you in the months ahead.

Maternal Changes You can thank your hormones and increased pregnancy metabolism for the

in Chinese families, your parents may request that a certain character be used as part of the child’s name, based on your family’s lineage. heatwave you feel like you’re living in. Add to that the hot and humid climate that is Singapore weather, and you’re probably covered in a layer of sweat most of the time. Seek out an air-con, stay hydrated throughout the day, and escape to the pool whenever you can for some exercise and refreshment.

A Matter of Fact It would be wise to consult the older generation when choosing a name for your child. Although you definitely have the final say in the decision (he’s your child, after all),

your parents may have certain perspectives that you would want to respect. For example, in Chinese families, your parents may request that a certain character be used as part of the child’s name, based on your family’s lineage.

Tips for daddy Now’s a good time to begin thinking about names, if you haven’t already. In Singapore, there’s a grace period of 14 days given from the date of birth for you to register your child’s name, but you’ll have your hands pretty full adjusting to a newborn during that time, so don’t leave this to the last minute.

A quote for mummyto-be The name we give to something shapes our attitude to it.
 - Katherine Patterson

T H E se c o n d T R I M E S T E R W E E K 2 2

SENSITIVE SKIN What’s happening inside All of your baby’s senses are fast developing as the fifth month ends. Shine a flashlight over your tummy, and you might feel your baby responding to the bright light, even though its faintly perceived through their fused eyelids. And be mindful of whatever you’re putting into your mouth these days, because what mummy eats, baby is tasting too!

Maternal Changes As your pregnancy progresses, there are a number of possible skin changes your body might go through starting in the second trimester. For example, the linea nigra is that darkened line on your belly from around your navel going downwards. It’s


Pregnancy Guide

a phenomenon that affects most women, and is generally more visible on darkskinned ladies. While it should fade a few months after delivery, it will probably never completely disappear. Another common skin change is chloasma, a skin discolouration on parts of the face that may give you a mottled appearance. Again, this will fade a few months after delivery. In the meantime, a little concealer should cover up nicely.

A Matter of Fact Research shows that pregnant women attract twice as many mosquitoes as nonpregnant women, due to your higher body temperature and faster rate of breathing.

So stick on a mosquito patch to ward those pesky bugs off!

Tips for daddy Look out for baby fairs or good deals when scouting for the big ticket items like a cot, pram and car seat. There are sales all year round, so you shouldn’t have a problem finding a good deal if you look early enough! Do check out various parenting forums and/or magazines for tips and product comparisons if you’re unsure which brands or models to buy.

A quote for mummy-to-be Pregnancy is getting company inside one's skin. - Maggie Scarf

T H E se c o n d T R I M E S T E R W E E K 2 3

Baby Fat What’s happening inside

Beginning this week, your baby is beginning to make those all-important fat deposits that will transform him from a saggy bundle of skin and bones into the chubby cherub of your imagination. In fact, within the next few weeks, baby’s weight will likely be doubled!

Maternal Changes As baby grows, your belly has to grow to keep up, and this rapid stretching of the skin can make your tummy feel itchy

and uncomfortable. Apply moisturizer liberally and frequently for temporary relief from the discomfort.

A Matter of Fact Did you know that up till this week, your baby has been practically translucent? If you could take a peek inside, you would be able to see his organs and skeleton through the skin. That’s because his skin is growing faster than fats can develop. But starting this week, as your baby begins to pack on the kilos, he will soon be transparent no more.

Tips for daddy It’ perfectly normal for you and your wife to be feeling some (or even a lot of) apprehension and nervousness about becoming parents, especially if you are expecting your first child. Arm yourself with knowledge, prepare as much as you can to gain confidence about your new role. Signing up for prenatal classes with your hospital of choice would be an obvious first step in the right direction.

A quote for mummy-to-be If you have a mom, there is nowhere you are likely to go where a prayer has not already been. - Robert Brault

Pregnancy Guide


T H E se c o n d T R I M E S T E R W E E K 2 4

overhwelmed with all sorts of emotions at different times, such as excitement, fear, anxiety and joy.

A Matter of Fact Fetal activity is related to what you do, feel and take in. For example, if you’re on your feet and on the go most of the day, your baby is likely to be ‘rocked’ throughout that time, and therefore lulled to sleep. But as soon as you sit down for a rest, he is bound to suddenly become more active. This is why many mums-to-be find it hard to get good rest at night! Your emotions and diet also affect fetal activity.

Tips for daddy The truth is, baby often seems to mysteriously stop kicking every time you put your hands on your wife’s tummy in hopes of

KICKING UP A STORM What’s happening inside Most babies are most active between 24 to 28 weeks, when they’re still small enough to practice all their moves within the stillrelatively-roomy confines of your womb. Some days, baby may be kicking almost nonstop, it would seem, and other days he may be so still you worry whether he’s still alive! But you can put those fears to rest, for the most part, since fetuses, like us adults, have more energy some days than others. Furthermore, fetal activity varies from in-


Pregnancy Guide

dividual to individual, so don’t compare. You’ll only need to count those kicks from week 28.

Maternal Changes With those kicks coming more often these days, many women find themselves feeling more connected to the new life that’s growing within them. It’s as though these movements are a clear confirmation and assurance that baby is really and truly there, and doing ok. You may find yourself

With those kicks coming more often these days, many women find themselves feeling more connected to the new life that’s growing within them. feeling him move. But don’t give up. Keep those hands there, talk to your unborn child, tap your wife’s tummy… eventually your patience will be rewarded, and you will have the priceless opportunity to feel your baby moving for yourself.

A quote for mummy-to-be I begin to love this creature, and to anticipate her birth
as a fresh twist to a knot, which I do not wish to untie.
 - Mary Wollstonecraft

T H E se c o n d T R I M E S T E R W E E K 2 5

TALK TO BABY What’s happening inside

Your baby’s vocal cords are fully operational now, getting ready to let out that lusty cry you’ll soon be all too familiar with! He will probably have the occasional series of hiccups, which may feel strangely ticklish at first, and take a while to stop.

Maternal Changes With with the hiccups and kicks, and the whirlwind of thoughts and emotions swirling round in your head, it’s not easy for mum-tobe to have a solid night’s rest. And that’s not even including other possible symptoms such as heartburn, frequent bathroom visits, leg cramps and the general sense of heating up.

Ironically, while everyone is advising you to ‘rest while you can’, you may find it’s extra challenging to find that rest these days.

A Matter of Fact Too much food just before bed-time can cause discomfort and heartburn. On the other hand, too little food may result in midnight wakings to satisfy a rumbling tummy. Don’t eat a full dinner late in the night, but do treat yourself to a light protein snack just before bed, such as a glass of warm milk, or some fruit and cheese.

Tips for daddy While the jury is out as to whether playing Mozart to your baby in-utero will produce a

music prodigy, it’s proven that babies can begin to sense what is happening in the world outside the womb and recognize voices or songs that they hear once they come out. Make time to talk to baby – you could even make it part of your bedtime routine – to begin that special parent-child bond. If you don’t know what to say, try reading a book, poem, or simply singing a song to baby.

A quote for mummy-to-be Loving a baby is a circular business, a kind of feedback loop. The more you give the more you get and the more you get the more you feel like giving. – Penelope Leach

Pregnancy Guide


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The Weight Of It All What’s happening inside

Baby should be reaching the 1kg mark about now. That said, rates of growth vary from person to person, so don’t be alarmed if your darling is weighing in at slightly more or less than that!

Maternal Changes Your uterus is about the size of a basketball now, and you’re probably feeling the effects of the added weight. That bulging belly can cause other discomforts like severe backaches, leg cramps and hemarrhoids. Do remember to check with your doctor before getting any medicine or trying out home remedies to ease the pain.

A Matter of Fact While cramps, aches and pains are all part and parcel of any normal pregnancy, you should definitely check with your gynae if you are worried about a particular pain in your back or pelvic floor, or experience any bleeding. These symptoms could very well be a early sign of premature labour or indicate other pregnancy complications. Better to be safe than sorry.

Tips for daddy If you’re taking the bus or train with your wife and no kind soul offers her a seat, be her knight in shining armour and politely request someone to vacate their seat so she can sit and take the weight off her legs.

A quote for mummy-to-be Babies are bits of star-dust blown from the hand of God. Lucky the woman who knows the pangs of birth for she has held a star. - Larry Barretto


Pregnancy Guide

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T H E se c o n d T R I M E S T E R W E E K 2 7

OH, CLEAVAGE! What’s happening inside Even though there are still a few more months to go, your body is beginning to prepare for your motherly duties of breastfeeding. Your breasts are likely to grow bigger as milk glands prepare for that first feed, especially if this is your second or subsequent pregnancy.

Maternal Changes Enlarged breasts also mean a change in your bra size! For the already wellendowed, this comes as a challenge. Do take the effort to invest in new bras that fit, so that you get ample support and maximum comfort. And be sure to


Pregnancy Guide

check yourself out in the mirror before leaving the house – you don’t want to be spilling more cleavage than is decent!

A Matter of Fact Too much food just before bed-time can cause discomfort and heartburn. On the other hand, too little food may result in midnight wakings to satisfy a rumbling tummy. Don’t eat a full dinner late in the night, but do treat yourself to a light protein snack just before bed, such as a glass of warm milk, or some fruit and cheese.

Tips for daddy One of the best ways you can help your

wife stay healthy but not hungry is to always offer a gentle reminder about the kind of healthy snacks she can and should be eating during pregnancy. (She’s bound to forget, thanks to sudden cravings and pregnancy ‘amnesia’. ) You can even take it a step further by lovingly preparing a light bedtime snack for her and serving her in bed! Of course, its perfectly fine, once in a while, to drive out for supper and satisfy her hankering for roti prata!

A quote for mummy-to-be There are three reasons for breast-feeding: the milk is always at the right temperature; it comes in attractive containers; and the cat can't get it. - Irena Chalmers

T H E t h ir d T R I M E S T E R W E E K 2 8


What’s happening inside Rapid eye movement, or REM, is a term all new parents soon learn in the first few months of parenthood (see below), but did you know baby has already begun getting REM sleep in your tummy? Which also means you can now truly say “sweet dreams” to him each night.

Maternal Changes As the third trimester begins, you may find yourself losing steam. This fatigue hardly comes as a surprise, all thanks to

your heavy belly, baby-loaded mind, lack of sound sleep and aching body. It’s a good time to take stock of what’s really important and begin to streamline your life.

A Matter of Fact Rapid eye movement sleep (REM sleep) is a normal stage of sleep characterized by the quick, random movement of the eyes, and occurs between the state of being fully awake and that of deep sleep. A newborn baby spends more than 80% of total sleep time in REM. The challenging part, as you will soon discover, is learning to identify when baby is in deep sleep and can be put down in the cot.

Tips for daddy Whatever sleep your wife can get is precious rest indeed. (For that matter, it’s the same for you too.) To help her sleep better, do encourage her to sleep on her side, if she hasn’t started to yet. It’s better for her back and reduces welling from water retention.

A quote for mummy-to-be A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for. - Unknown

Pregnancy Guide


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What’s happening inside Baby is gaining weight very quickly at this stage, and will probably double his weight now by the end of your pregnancy!

Maternal Changes As baby fattens up, there is less and less space for him to move about in your womb. As such, those little twinges and butterf ly sensations will soon seem more like elbow jabs and karate kicks!

A Matter of Fact From this stage onwards, it may be wise to test for fetal movements regularly – for instance, twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. Within any one hour, you should count at least 10 movements of some form (kicks, rolls, tickles). Lack of such regular movements may be a red f lag that requires professional evaluation.

Tips for daddy It might seem like every time you try to feel your child’s kicks, he plays you out and doesn’t move an inch. Don’t despair – try shining a bright torch on your wife’s tummy in a dark room, or lightly tap on her belly to get his attention and rouse him from his slumber.

A quote for mummy-to-be Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart. - Winnie the Pooh


Pregnancy Guide

T H E t h ir d T R I M E S T E R W E E K 3 0

A Matter of Fact To boost baby’s brain growth during this crucial period of development, be sure to include lots of Omega-3 fatty acids in your daily diet, most importantly DHA. It also helps to moderate your mood swings, and ward off preterm labour and postnatal depression. Oily fish, like salmon, walnuts, crab, f laxseed and chicken are all great natural sources of DHA.

Tips for daddy With just a few more months to go, it’s important that you read up as much as you can on all the nitty gritties of parenting so you’re not caught unawares. True,

BRAIN DEVELOPMENT What’s happening inside

Maternal Changes

Baby’s brain is growing bigger by the day, allowing him to better make sense of the environment he is in and preparing him for a lifetime of learning, from helpless infant to curious toddler, and beyond.

It’s fairly common for expectant mums to experience dream-filled nights these days, partly due to hormones, and partly due to your over-active mind that’s consumed with thoughts, plans, worries and anticipation for the baby.

To boost baby’s brain growth during this crucial period of development, be sure to include lots of Omega-3 fatty acids in your daily diet, most importantly DHA. every child is different, and there’s nothing quite like handling the ‘real thing’ in your arms. But being mentally prepared and knowing the options you can choose from can come in real handy when the stress and exhaustion hits.

A quote for mummy-to-be A baby is born with a need to be loved — and never outgrows it. – Frank A. Clark

Pregnancy Guide


T H E t h ir d T R I M E S T E R W E E K 3 1

What’s happening inside Baby’s brain continues its intensive development, making the many complex internal connections it needs to make for him to make sense of the world in due time. Even now, these connections are working to process information and capture signals from all five senses.


Maternal Changes Some days, you may find yourself overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness and apprehension about the impending introduction of a totally dependent newborn infant into your lives. You may seriously doubt your ability to handle it all. These concerns are perfectly normal and should be processed now, before the real challenges come. Setting priorities, realizing that the transition won’t be smooth-sailing, and putting pre-emptive measures in place will all help you to adjust to your new role in life.

A Matter of Fact There is definitely value in thinking through your ideal birth scenario, as well as your preferred ways of dealing with contingencies that might arise. You have the luxury of time now to think through decisions like pain relief and whether or not to extract cord blood. However, the truth is that the best-laid plans often go wrong, and your birth plan is no exception to the norm. Be prepared that you may well be called on to make unexpected split-second decisions during the actual birth.

Tips for daddy Don’t leave it to your wife to sort out the birth plan specifics just because it’s her body. She’ll appreciate the input and advice, and the chance to make certain key decisions together. And do try to make the hospital visit together, so that D-Day is not


Pregnancy Guide

your first encounter with the labour ward.

A quote for mummy-to-be Part of being a parent is rolling with

the punches, so consider an unexpected pregnancy the universe's way of helping you to learn to do that. - Heather Wittenberg

T H E t h ir d T R I M E S T E R W E E K 3 2


What’s happening inside Besides piling on more fats, your baby is busy practicing all the skills he’ll need for life outside the womb, including swallowing, sucking, kicking and breathing. Thankfully there’s one thing he can’t exercise just yet, and that’s his vocal cords!

Maternal Changes Your body is also busy preparing for birth. You might experience the uncomfortable sensation of your stomach hardening and ‘bunching up’ every now and then. These are known as Braxton Hicks contractions, and are part and parcel of your body’s preparations for real

labour. These rehearsal contractions typically feel like your uterus is tightening and hardening, and can last up to a few minutes.

A Matter of Fact Your Braxton Hicks contractions can masquerade as the real thing, but here’s how you can tell the difference. During actual labour, your contractions shouldn’t subside with time, and should get more intense and regular. That said, if you’re experiencing a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions, do contact your gynae just in case it’s the real deal, even if they aren’t coming in at regular intervals yet.

Tips for daddy Familiarize yourself with the criteria for distinguishing a real contraction from a false one to ensure you don’t act on every false alarm. That way, you can feel more assured about when to wait it out and when to head for the hospital.

A quote for mummy-to-be A mother's love is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking, it never fails or falters, even though the heart is breaking. - Helen Rice

Pregnancy Guide


T H E t h ir d T R I M E S T E R W E E K 3 3

Stronger Kicks What’s happening inside Your amniotic fluid has now reached its maximum level, ie there’s no more room for more in your increasingly cramped uterus. Antibodies are being passed from you to your baby as his immune system starts to develop, and they’ll definitely come in useful when he emerges into this germ-filled world!

Maternal Changes While the fluid level has maxed out, baby is


Pregnancy Guide

still growing at a steady rate and kicking as usual. This means those kicks are punches are going to feel a bit stronger these days, as there’s less fluid surrounding his body to cushion the blows.

A Matter of Fact Your amniotic fluid contains proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, phospholipids and urea – all of which are vital for healthy fetal development. The baby breathes the fluid into his lungs constantly. The fluid is

also responsible for creating baby’s urine and meconium.

Tips for daddy If your wife’s water bag breaks, it’s likely that labour will follow within the next 24 hours, either naturally or induced, so don’t wait around at home. Check with your wife’s gynae if she should be admitted to hospital right away, even if she’s not experiencing any contractions yet.

A quote for mummy-to-be Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother. – Lin Yutang

T H E t h ir d T R I M E S T E R W E E K 3 4

TINY FINGERS, TINY TOES What’s happening inside

Maternal Changes

Your baby’s nails have reached the tippy tips of his little fingers and toes. And you’ll be surprised how fast those tiny nails grow once he is born! Better get that nail clipper ready…

Your belly’s not the only thing growing in this pregnancy – up to 75% of women experience swelling of their extremities from water retention at some point during the nine months, and especially in the last

trimester. Your shoes, watch, rings and socks might be feeling a tad tighter than usual, thanks to mild swelling (edema) of your hands, feet and ankles. The swelling generally disappears overnight or after several hours of horizontal rest, so sit and elevate those legs whenever you get the chance. Drinking lots of water also, ironically, help you lose some of that water in your system.

A Matter of Fact Interesting and true: the distance from the top of your pubic bone to the top of your

After a long day of standing and walking around, there’s nothing that says “I love you” louder than a relaxing foot massage for your wife. uterus roughly correlates with the number if weeks you’ve reached – this week, that would be about 34cm.

Tips for daddy After a long day of standing and walking around, there’s nothing that says “I love you” louder than a relaxing foot massage for your wife!

A quote for mummy-to-be There is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one. - Jill Churchill

Pregnancy Guide


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natural vaginal delivery. But don’t give up yet – some babies are constantly on the move and don’t settle into a fixed position until mere days or even hours before birth!

A Matter of Fact There is always the possibility that your baby will be in breech position, and most gynaes and hospitals would recommend that a caesarean is the safest way to go.

Tips for daddy It’s good to have a birth plan, but it’s even more important that you be f lex-

Most babies have settled into a headdown, bottom-up position by now, also called a vertex presentation, all set for their debut into the world.


ible enough to roll with the unique punches labour throws at you. Discuss your options as a couple together with your gynae so you are as prepared as possible for all eventualities on the actual day.

What’s happening inside

Maternal Changes

A quote for mummy-to-be

Brain development is racing ahead, resulting in baby looking rather top heavy on the whole. But even with his ‘big head’, baby’s skull is still soft enough to allow him to squeeze through your birth canal during labour.

Most babies have settled into a headdown, bottom-up position by now, also called a vertex presentation, all set for their debut into the world. If your baby is in breech position, you’re bound to be anxious if you were hoping for a

Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers... strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength. - Barbara Katz Rothman


Pregnancy Guide

T H E t h ir d T R I M E S T E R W E E K 3 6

GETTING READY What’s happening inside

Your uterus is pressing down pretty significantly against your bladder now, which is why you’ve been visiting the toilet more often than usual, which can be rather frustrating at night.

to be persons. Liberation was meant to expand women's opportunities, not to limit them. The self-esteem that has been

found in new pursuits can also be found in mothering. - Elaine Heffner

Maternal Changes During these last few weeks, you may be hit with the urge to get everything ship-shape and in perfect order for the new arrival, from packing the baby’s room to organizing your storeroom to restocking your kitchen! This ‘nesting instinct’ usually signals that D-day is pretty near, and may be a response to the increased adrenaline in your system. Conversely, you may not feel any such burst of energy at all, and instead be perfectly content to slump on the couch in front of the telly the whole day…

A Matter of Fact You’re almost full-term so its best not to be caught unprepared when labour begins. Try to have your hospital bags packed by the end of the week, so that you can quickly whisk it out the door when you need to go to the hospital!

Tips for daddy Labour durations vary from person to person, but are generally longer than a few hours for first-time mothers. If you’re planning to stick it out with your wife in the labour ward during that time, do prepare some materials to keep you both occupied. You might want to bring along a magazine, your i-Pad or a good book.

A quote for mummy-to-be Women do not have to sacrifice personhood if they are mothers. They do not have to sacrifice motherhood in order

Pregnancy Guide


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ALL SYSTEMS GO What’s happening inside Congratulations! Baby is considered full term this week. He’s still gaining weight (mostly fat) over the next few weeks, but his major developmental milestones have been crossed at this stage. In other words, it’s anytime from now, mummy!

Maternal Changes Waiting can be discouraging business. You may find yourself struggling to contain your frustration and restlessness, and longing for baby to be born, especially because you are feeling pretty uncomfortable both day and night this week. Not long now…


Pregnancy Guide

A Matter of Fact In general, labour is a lot faster for second and subsequent pregnancies, so don’t wait around at home if you feel those contractions coming!

Tips for daddy Assuming you don’t work at home, it would be wise to always have your phone on and near you from now on, so your wife or the hospital can contact you easily and quickly when labour begins.

A quote for mummy-to-be Giving birth should be your greatest achievement not your greatest fear. - Jane Weideman

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The Pregnancy New Age Parents Guide


T H E t h ir d T R I M E S T E R W E E K 3 8

BABY DROP What’s happening inside

Baby may be “dropping” into your pelvic cavity this week or soon, or may have done so already. This is referred to as baby being “engaged” that is to say a body part, preferably the head, is fixed in place in the pelvis. However, it is still possible for his body to f loat up again or “undrop” at this stage.

Maternal Changes Unless you were carrying him low to begin with, baby’s dropping should be fairly noticeable to you and others. Your belly will appear lower, you’ll be less breathless


Pregnancy Guide

and able to eat more. However you may also encounter new painful discomforts in the perineal area and on the pelvic floor and have to urinate far more frequently.

A Matter of Fact To help baby get into the optimal position for delivery, always check that your sitting posture is as upright as possible, spend some time on all fours during the day, and do pelvic tilt exercises.

Tips for daddy In case you’re wondering, baby dropping doesn’t mean sex is out the window for

now. In fact, you can continue to make love right up to your wife’s delivery date with no fear of harm to the baby, unless your gynae has specified otherwise. Do treasure whatever time you have for just the two of you – those late night dates and cuddles are going to be few and far between until baby’s sleeping through the night!

A quote for mummy-to-be Motherhood is the only thing in my life that I've really known for sure is something I wanted to do. - Cynthia Nixon

T H E t h ir d T R I M E S T E R W E E K 3 9

What’s happening inside Baby’s growth should be slowing down now, so you might find yourself not gaining any weight, or even losing a little these next couple of weeks. However baby’s brain is still developing rapidly, and will continue to do so for the first three years of his life.

Maternal Changes As your weight stabilizes and it’s evident that the end is near, you’re bound to be feeling a whole range of emotions – from relief, to fear and trepidation, to excitement and awe.

A Matter of Fact Many people will tell you all sorts of ways to get your labour going. It’s been suggested that walking, sex, nipple stimulation, and drinking herbal remedies and coconut water will help kickstart the process – but there’s limited scientific evidence to back up these claims. Furthermore, while nipple stimulation may release oxytoxin in your body, which in turn helps to bring on the contractions, those contractions can end up being very long and strong, making the whole process quite unbearable for some. Our best advice – let nature take its course…

Tips for daddy

Now We Wait…

Sleep more while you can! Video games, jamming sessions and late-night suppers with the guys can be put on hold…

A quote for mummy-to-be When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child. - Sophia Loren

Pregnancy Guide


T H E t h ir d T R I M E S T E R W E E K 4 0

the worst. Your gynae is the best person to advise you on whether to induce labour or to allow baby to wallow in there a bit longer. And just so you know, almost half of first-time mothers give birth after the 40th week!

Do note that contractions may not be as regular as you might expect – if the crampings don’t subside with changes in movement or position over time, they might be the real thing! Tips for daddy

AN END, AND A BEGINNING What’s happening inside

Congratulations on the official end to your nine months of pregnancy, and welcome to the new and exciting journey that is parenthood! Your baby is now fully formed and ready to meet the world, and you!

of cervical effacement and dilation, may be accompanied by one or more of these symptoms: a change in energy levels, bloody show, dropping of the fetus, cramps and joint pain, loss of the mucous plug, intensified Braxton Hicks contractions, and/or diarrhoea.

Maternal Changes

A Matter of Fact

Prelabour, characterized by the start


Pregnancy Guide

If you haven’t popped yet, don’t imagine

Always err on the side of caution. If your wife experiences any of the prelabour symptoms or thinks her water bag may have burst, give a call to your gynae or hospital to check if you should come in. Do note that contractions may not be as regular as you might expect – if the crampings don’t subside with changes in movement or position over time, they might be the real thing!

A quote for mummy-to-be Giving birth is a transformation and it doesn't matter whether you've had eight babies before. It's still a transformation the next time you have another baby, because you are no longer the same woman you were before you had that baby. - Penny Handford

pregnancy Editor: Michelle Ang Contributor: Dorothea Chow

Art & Design Art Director: Elaine Lau

Marketing & Advertising Business Development Manager Elaine Lau

While every care is taken in the production of the magazine, the publisher, editor and its team assume no responsibility for any inaccuracies and omission, which might arise. Opinions by the contributors and advertisers are not necessarily those of the publisher and the editor. The articles in the magazine are for references only. If you have any queries on any health condition for you and your child, you should seek professional medical advice. 2012 | New Age Pregnancy Guide


Pregnancy Guide

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