147 >
New American Paintings
Northeast CT, DE, MA, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT
was founded
in 1993 as an experiment in art publishing. With over five thousand artists reviewed annually, it has become
America’s largest and most important series of artist
competitions. Each competition is catalogued in a unique
volume: Northeast, South, Midwest, West, Pacific Coast,
and MFA Annual. Featured artists are selected on the
basis of artistic merit and provided space for free.
Pacific Coast AK, CA, HI, OR, WA
147 April/May 2020 Volume 25, Issue 2 ISSN 1066-2235 $20
Recent Jurors: Nora Burnett Abrams
Toby Kamps
Museum of Contemporary Art Denver
The Menil Collection
Bill Arning
Miranda Lash
Contemporary Arts Museum Houston
New Orleans Museum of Art
Janet Bishop
Al Miner
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Staci Boris
Dominic Molon
Elmhurst Art Museum
RISD Museum of Art
Nina Bozicnik
Sarah Montross
Henry Art Gallery
deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum
Dan Cameron
René Morales
Orange County Museum of Art
Pérez Art Museum Miami
Cassandra Coblentz
Barbara O’Brien
Independent curator
Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art
Eric Crosby
Raphaela Platow
Walker Art Center
Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati
Dina Deitsch
Monica Ramirez-Montagut
deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum
San Jose Museum of Art
Apsara Diquinzio
Lawrence Rinder
UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific
UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific
Film Archive
Film Archive
Lisa Dorin
Veronica Roberts
Williams College Museum of Art
Blanton Museum of Art
Anne Ellegood
Michael Rooks
Send address changes to:
Hammer Museum
High Museum of Art
The Open Studios Press
Lisa D. Freiman
Alma Ruiz
Institute for Contemporary Art,
The Museum of Contemporary Art,
Virginia Commonwealth University
Los Angeles
Evan Garza
Kelly Shindler
Blanton Museum of Art
Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis
Michelle Grabner
Anna Stothart
2014 Whitney Biennial, Whitney Museum
Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston
of American Art
Catherine Taft
Randi Hopkins
Copyright © 2020. The Open Studios Press. All rights reserved. No part of this publication
Independent curator
Julie Rodriguez Widholm
may be reproduced in any way without written permission from the publisher.
Laura Hoptman
Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago
Editor/Publisher: Steven T. Zevitas Associate Publisher: Andrew Katz Operations Manager: Alexandra Simpson Design/Production Manager: Alexandra Simpson Marketing Manager: Liz Morlock Copy Editor: Lucy Flint Advertising Inquiries please contact Alexandra Simpson: 617.778.5265 x26 New American Paintings is published bimonthly by: The Open Studios Press, 450 Harrison Avenue #47, Boston, MA 02118 617.778.5265 / www.newamericanpaintings.com Subscriptions: $89 per year (Canada + $50/Non-North American + $100) Periodical Postage paid at Boston, MA and additional mailing offices
450 Harrison Avenue #47 Boston, MA 02118 New American Paintings is distributed as a periodical by CMG Retailers looking to carry New American Paintings: 888.235.2783
PRINTED IN KOREA All rights in each work of art reproduced herein are retained by the artist. Front cover: Nkoth, p112
Back cover: Royce, p134
The Museum of Modern Art, New York
New Art Dealers Alliance (NADA) newartdealers.org
Wilde p146
Contents 10
Editor’s Comments: An Interview with Beth Rudin DeWoody, Art Patron, Collector, and Philanthropist Steven Zevitas
Noteworthy Juror’s and Editor’s Picks
MFA Annual Competition 2019
MFA Annual Competition 2019
Winners: Juror’s Selections Winners: Editor’s Selections Pricing Asking prices for selected works
147 April/May 2020
Susan M B Chen
Juror’s Pick p32
Our current juror, Beth Rudin DeWoody, spent a lot of time considering her Noteworthy selection. There were several artists under consideration, and they are indicated throughout the publication. Ultimately, she was struck by Chen’s strong imagery and compositional sense. The recent Columbia MFA recipient is one of many artists whose final year of school was negatively impacted by COVID-19. (Her thesis exhibition will now take place in 2021.) This has not stopped Chen from moving forward, and she is the subject of a much-discussed solo show at Meredith Rosen Gallery in New York that opened this summer. n
Kirk Henriques
Editor’s Pick p50
Henriques’s richly layered paintings explore connections between the figure and landscape and, ultimately, how the two affect each other. His figures simultaneously exist in their environment and are subsumed by it. On a formal level, Henriques’s aggressive layering and treatment of surface generate a space that is constantly in flux. On a psychological level, his paintings speak to the complexities of identity and ask the viewer to consider the visible that is obscure and the visible that is perceptible. n
Winners: MFA Annual Competition 2019 Juror: Beth Rudin Dewoody, art patron, collector, and philanthropist
Juror’s Selections: Katie
Katie Croft Michelle
| Santiago Galeas | Spencer Harris | Kirk Henriques | L. Hensens
Maria Christina Jimenez | Clare Kambhu | Jessica Frances Grégoire Lancaster | Ian Lotto Violet
Ludovic Nkoth | Ricardo Partida | Na’ye Perez | Kate Pincus-Whitney | Michael Royce Josh
Michael Ward-Rosenbaum | Faye
Wheeler | Ryan Wilde | MIkey Yates | Yuri Yuan
Editor’s Selections: Jacob Todd Broussard | Avner Chaim | Isabelle McCormick | Sumire Skye Taniai | Miko Veldkamp
Editor’s Comments: An Interview with
Beth Rudin DeWoody
Art patron, Collector, and Philanthropist
Since the inception of
Beth considered the work of hundreds of artists. Her final
New American Paintings,
selections are diverse and give a strong overview of many of
we have worked
the prevailing trends that make up the landscape of current
almost exclusively
painting. Given the amount of visual information that Beth
with museum curators
consumes, I was amused, but not surprised, to find that some of
to select the artists
the applicants were already on her radar.
featured in the publication. The two
Upon completion of the jurying process, Beth and I spent close
exceptions were art dealer Ivan Karp and art critic Jerry Saltz,
to two hours discussing her life in the arts. I wanted to get a
who served as juror for our previous issue. For this issue, our
sense as to how her journey began, how she maintains her
2020 MFA annual, we turned to philanthropist and art collector
enormous appetite for contemporary art, and how she manages
Beth Rudin DeWoody, who has been recognized as one of the
to seem like she is everywhere at once.
most important collectors of contemporary art for more than twenty years.
STEVEN ZEVITAS: Almost without exception, I have found that people with a passion for the arts had strong early exposure.
I have had the pleasure of knowing Beth for a number of those
Was that the case for you?
years and, in the art dealer sphere of my life, we have worked together on numerous occasions. I have met very few people
BETH RUDIN DEWOODY: My parents had art at home, but not
in my life who are as passionate and knowledgeable about
great art. I went to the Rudolph Steiner School, which placed a
contemporary art. Beth seems to have an insatiable appetite for
heavy emphasis on the arts, so you were always creating there.
looking, learning, and acquiring. This has placed her at the apex
In every subject, you had to make what they called a “Good
of international collectors and made her collection one of the
Book,” which would have drawings on one side and writing on
most significant repositories of contemporary art in the world.
the other. We learned other forms of making, such as sewing
If you are a gallerist, you want to work with Beth; if you are an
and knitting—we even learned how to make wax candles. And
artist, you want your work in her collection . . . It is that simple.
dance was very important. Around age thirteen, I started to take Saturday classes at the Art Student’s League.
In making decisions for this issue of New American Paintings,
“I have always had a collector’s mentality, even when I was young.” SZ: Were you drawing from life? How would you rate your artistic
an artist the other day. He is so under-recognized. What year
was that? Do you remember what you paid?
BRD: I’m not bad. I have always been able to copy, but I don’t
BRD: I acquired the work in 1969 for $100. I still have it. Later
have the “creative” gene you need to be able to look at a blank
on, I acquired two paintings of his.
canvas and take it somewhere. I have a strong visual sense and intuitively know how to place things. I am good at photography,
SZ: So you became a collector at seventeen.
and I suppose that skill set has been very useful for my curating projects.
BRD: I have always had a collector’s mentality, even when I was young. Before I got interested in art, it was Beatles memorabilia,
SZ: Were there teachers who made a particular impression on
magazines, and other ephemera that I found interesting. My life
as a collector really began in 1975 when I moved to Tribeca with my first husband. We became friendly with a number of artists
BRD: In high school I attended the Riverdale Country School,
and art world people. . . . We immersed ourselves in that world.
where I had a very classical art teacher. Then a young Sohobased artist came to teach art history, and he sent us to see
SZ: What were your collecting interests at that point?
Henry Geldzahler’s exhibition New York Painting and Sculpture: 1940–1970 at the Metropolitan Museum. This was a seminal
BRD: Mostly prints.
moment for me, really opening up my eyes to what was happen-
We became close with
ing in the contemporary art scene. Also, I took a art class with
David Kiehl, who went
Benny Andrews at the New School when I was in the eleventh
on to become Curator
grade. Benny was amazing. The first work I ever acquired was a
of Prints at the Whitney.
drawing by him.
He took us around . . . educated us . . . and we
SZ: That’s funny . . . I was just talking about Benny’s work with
bought a lot of American
Croft p39
prints and some by
SZ: For someone who is passionate about supporting emerging
English artists like
artists, you certainly have plenty to consider at this point, and
Mary Ryan and Sylvan
plenty of ways to discover them.
Cole. Things develLancaster p86
oped organically. By
BRD: Yes, the art world has obviously grown substantially since
the early 1980s, my focus had shifted more to painting.
the 1980s. There is a lot to consider.
SZ: It must have been an exciting time to live there as the down-
SZ: I’ve never understand how you do it. Every time that I have
town scene burgeoned.
ever sent you a PDF of an exhibition, you invariably respond. And I have never been at an art fair that you have not attended.
BRD: It was. I became increasingly involved. There were more and more galleries opening . . . more and more artists . . . and I
BRD: I really love taking it all in, and I suppose that I see more
spent a lot of time running around and seeing as much as I could
than many curators, but it is never tiring. I inevitably receive
with friends. My formal involvement with museums started as
dozens of exhibition PDFs in a given month, I see a lot of
well, and then in 1985 I joined the board of the Whitney. By that
exhibitions, and then there are the art fairs.
time, I had really begun to voraciously collect. . . . I started going “crazy.”
SZ: You’ve said that when you enter an art fair a secret message goes out: Beth is in the house. Do you enjoy the fairs?
SZ: Was there a particular focus to your collecting habits then? BRD: I don’t mind the accelerated pace of looking that art fairs BRD: I am a sponge and I am always learning. . . . My interests
demand, but they can
have always been broad. There is one part of me that is ob-
be distracting. I would
sessed with emerging artists and with helping to support their
much rather be able
careers by buying their work. But I also love the historical side,
to walk around an
and I love discovering artists that were overlooked, for whatever
empty fair. I really love
reason. I think those impulses continue to this day. Over time, of
smaller fairs. . . .There
course, I started to see patterns in the works I was collecting. . .
is usually something
. Certain themes became evident. When those realizations hap-
to discover. Not too
pened, I started curating shows as well.
long ago I was at a fair Ward-Rosenbaum p155
with a lot of bad stuff, but Claire Oliver was there with works by
point between
Bisa Butler, who is amazing . . . so you never know.
$25,000 and $50,000 was considered “mid-
A number of years ago, I walked around an art fair with Bob and
career” territory, but
Meryl Metzler, and they kept stopping because everyone was
now it is not uncom-
saying hello. I said, “My God, you know everybody,” and Bob said,
mon to see “hot” emerging artists with a price point in that
“Yeah, that’s because we’re old and we’ve been doing this a long
range and above. Is that dangerous?
Perez p124
time.” Now I find myself in the same place. BRD: That’s hard to say. That is why I like to find artists early, SZ: I think we all end up in that place eventually, one way or
because at some point I definitely think “hmmmm.” There are
another. Do your acquisitions tend to happen more through
some artists I will pay a little more for. For example, I acquired
exhibitions or at art fairs?
an Arcmanoro Niles painting early on, but then I ended up paying substantially more for another one not long after that. There are
BRD: That is tough to say. A lot happens in both environments.
definitely times when the pricing gets really crazy. . . . I bought
I generally know when I am really excited about something. I
an Amy Sherald painting for $30,000, and now I think they are
respond to objects quickly, but I also like to think about things.
$350,000 . . . and there are many more examples of that type of
There can be a pressure at art fairs that does not allow that
thing. I think that dealers have to carefully advise their artists,
process to occur, so I have lost out on things over the years.
and they need to work together and keep things in a reasonable area. I think it’s more important to place work in the right collec-
SZ: Does anything immediately come to mind . . . the one that
tions, and that it be accessible. Then, of course, there is the sec-
got away?
ondary market, and dealers don’t have much control over that.
BRD: There are so many, but the first things that pop in my mind
SZ: I guess that heat is heat and it tends to focus on certain art-
are early drawings by Ed Ruscha and, later, Bridget Riley that I
ists in certain defined moments. You mentioned two much-
could have had for next to nothing when they were first on the
lauded African American artists, which is one part of the art
market, but were sold by the time I made up my mind.
market that is seeing a lot of attention, and then, of course, there is a lot of focus on female painters and a sort of quasi-sur-
SZ: Do you have any thoughts about how younger artists are
real imagery, à la Nicole Eisenman, right now. . . . I am thinking
priced these day? When I first entered the art world, a price
of Julie Curtiss, Robin F Williams, Emily Mae Smith, and others.
“Starting a collection can be intimidating, and many people feel that they simply can’t afford to, but the truth is you can find good things for $100 if you put in the work. It is a rewarding activity...art is important...it connects the world.” Do you find that your collecting habits are affected by trends?
was a painting by Allen Ruppersberg. I had never heard of Allen at the time, but I ran over, and there was this amazing painting,
BRD: No, not particularly. I have always collected a wide range of
and I thought, “Oh, God, this would be great for the Whitney!” I
work—in terms of painting, both representational and abstract
had the work placed on hold and quickly found a Whitney curator
work. I have always collected work by African American artists
and contacted some board members
and women. It’s all about what I like. At some point, my step-
. . . and we collectively acquired it for the museum. A similar
mother decided that she was getting rid of all of her figurative
thing happened at another fair when Donna De Salvo introduced
works and was just doing abstract. She got rid of some really
me to Adrian Piper’s work, and I ended up buying it for the
good stuff. . . . I thought it was crazy.
SZ: You obviously trust your own gut, but I am curious if there is
SZ: Those are great stories. Let’s talk a bit about The Bunker
anyone who can influence you with regard to an acquisition—can
[a private art space in West Palm Beach, Florida, housing Beth
they talk you into or out of buying something?
Rudin DeWoody’s art collection]. How did that space come to be?
BRD: I have never had
BRD: My collection has become massive over the years, and
a consultant, but sure,
I have no interest in things just sitting in a warehouse. I don’t
I can be influenced
look at The Bunker as being a museum. . . . In the end, much
by the right people. A
of the collection will be donated to museums and my family. I
number of years ago
have always actively loaned work from my collection because
I ran into a private
I believe it should be out there and shared. The Bunker allows
dealer I trust at an art
the collection to be seen by many and, by working with amazing
fair and he told me that
curators, we can contextualize it in different ways.
the sleeper of the fair
Nkoth p113
SZ: It must be great to see exhibitions drawn from this wealth of material, collected over so many years, organized by other people. I would imagine you discover something about yourself and your collecting habits at the same time. BRD: Yes, it is incredible. There was a point in collecting when I began to see certain patterns and themes in my collection. That is when I began curating shows, which I continue to do. There have also been a number of exhibitions drawn from my collection over the years, which I love.
Wilde p163
SZ: Lastly, Beth, what would you say to individuals who are just beginning to collect? BRD: There are many different motivations to becoming a collector. Some people collect solely for investment and only look for trophy works. I am simply addicted to art. Take in as much information as you can. . . . Visit exhibitions and art fairs, and learn. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Go to places like the Affordable Art Fair and smaller galleries. I know so may people who only go to the larger galleries. They are missing a lot. Starting a collection can be intimidating, and many people feel that they simply can’t afford to, but the truth is you can find good things for $100 if you put in the work. It is a rewarding activity. . . . Art is important. . . . It connects the world. n Enjoy the issue. Steven Zevitas Editor/Publisher
Juror’s Selections
The following section is presented in alphabetical order. Biographical information has been edited. Prices for available work may be found on p204.
Katie Barrie Sink Back with the Relaxed Burble of Unrushed Conversation | High Load acrylic, pumice, and molding paste on canvas, 60 x 48 inches
Katie Barrie The Very Definition of a Beach Paradise | High Load acrylic on canvas, 30 x 24 inches
Katie Barrie Being Poolside Is an Experience That Shimmers with Sun-Soaked Fun | High Load acrylic and artificial sand on canvas, 24 x 36 inches
Katie Barrie Richmond, VA katie.barrie@gmail.com / www.katiebarrie.com / @girlchewinggum
b. 1987 Toledo, OH
MFA, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
BFA, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Villa Lena, Palaia, Italy
The Mudhouse, Agios Ioannis, Crete, Greece
Pocoapoco, Oaxaca, Mexico
The Sam and Adele Golden Foundation for the Arts,
New Berlin, NY
Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, VT
Solo Exhibitions
On Vacation, Reynolds Gallery, Richmond, VA
The Committee on Taste and Leisure, Anderson Gallery,
My work examines the aesthetics of leisure, the implications of good and bad taste, and what it means to live one’s best life. The idea of the beach or poolside getaway is a relatively new concept, only practiced for a handful of generations. And yet most individuals seek out these experiences in particular locations because we are led to believe that we will be happier, more fulfilled people if we do so. My paintings unabashedly pay homage to cultural products that signify the optimism and illusion of vacation mentality. I am intrigued by the space vacations occupy in our collective imagination. They are not true necessities, but rather they are evocative and transportive. They encourage us to dream big. They are fantasies. What they represent is their purpose: they are symbols of the so-called good life. By being entirely serious about the unserious, my work aims to question the value we assign to play, and why tastefulness rarely aligns with fun.
Richmond, VA 2019
Group Exhibitions Phone Home, Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts Project Space, New York, NY
New Waves, Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art,
Virginia Beach, VA
Convergence, Mattatuck Museum, Waterbury, CT
Cool and Collected, Kenise Barnes Fine Art,
Larchmont, NY
I Had a Flashback of Something That Never Existed,
candidacy exhibition, The John Marshall, Richmond, VA
Mid Atlantic New Painting, Ridderhof Martin Gallery,
University of Mary Washington Galleries,
Fredericksburg, VA
Represented by
Reynolds Gallery, Richmond, Virginia
Barrie | Virginia Commonwealth University
Jessica Bremehr Warped Identity | acrylic and gouache on wood panel, 12 x 9 inches
Jessica Bremehr In the Shadows | acrylic and gouache on wood panel, 12 x 9 inches
Jessica Bremehr I think I’ll just stay home tonight | acrylic and gouache on wood panel, 14 x 14 inches
Jessica Bremehr St. Louis, MO jbremehr@wustl.edu / www.jbremehr.com / @JBremehr
b. 1991 Decatur, IL
MFA, Washington University, St. Louis, MO
BFA, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
Fine Arts Work Center, Provincetown, MA
Solo Exhibition
Headless, Reese Gallery, St. Louis, MO
Group Exhibitions
Parabola, Des Lee Gallery, St. Louis, MO
Queens Pleasure, UrbArts, St. Louis, MO
My work investigates the psychological binds within the female experience through surreal environments. I am looking to the social expectations of women and the resulting feeling of shame women experience when we do not live up to these social norms. The female bodies within my work are surrounded by patterning to evoke the overwhelming feelings of shame and the fragmentation of the self.
Bremehr | Washington University
Jessica Bremher | I think I’ll just stay home tonight (detail)
Kevin Brisco Jr. It Was a Good Day on St Claude | oil and acrylic on canvas, 72 x 72 inches
Kevin Brisco Jr. No Diving | oil on canvas, 48 x 48 inches
Kevin Brisco Jr. Here, There, and Everywhere | oil and acrylic on canvas, 72 x 72 inches
Kevin Brisco Jr. New Haven, CT kibriscojr@gmail.com / www.kevinbrisco.com / @kbrisco
b. 1990 Memphis, TN
MFA, Yale School of Art, New Haven, CT
BA, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT
Solo Exhibitions
(For) What Is(s) Worth, Good Children Gallery,
New Orleans, LA
Y’all Don’t Wanna Hear Us, You Just Wanna Dance,
Good Children Gallery, New Orleans, LA
Build, BA thesis exhibition, Zilkha Gallery, Wesleyan
University, Middletown, CT
Group Exhibitions
ONLY WHEN YOU ARE CALLED: Painting/Printmaking MFA Thesis Show, Green Hall Gallery, Yale School of Art,
New Haven, CT
Run What You Brung, Green Halle Gallery, Yale School of
My work is concerned with issues of place and representation, more specifically the dubious nature of home and belonging for African Americans in the Southern US. Figures are depicted with backs turned, in extremely low light, or backlit so the details of their appearance are cast in shadow. This approach was largely influenced by Édouard Glissant’s essay “Right to Opacity,” in which he argues marginalized bodies do not need to explicate themselves to validate their humanity, and that the context of Western globalism is not a space capable of fully understanding them in the first place. This work has been made in conjunction with a body of “landscape portraits” that depict “semi-indigenous” plants of Southern Louisiana. The plants are central to the area’s culture but are not actually native species. Their presence is meant to act as an allegory for colonization and the migration of bodies across the Atlantic, and how this history is still visible in the mundane viewing of nature.
Art, New Haven, CT 2017 2016
When We Were Boys, The Front Gallery, New Orleans, LA A Building with a View: Experiments in Anarchitecture, Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans, LA
Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant
Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant
Vermont Studio Center Fellowship
Brisco Jr. | Yale School of Art
Susan M B Chen Mama Dreams of Central Park | oil on linen, 30 x 24 inches
Susan M B Chen Tenzin & Her Cactus Garden | oil on linen, 40 x 30 inches
Susan M B Chen Claudia & Chris | oil on linen, 30 x 40 inches
Susan M B Chen New York, NY   susanmbchen@gmail.com / www.susanmbchen.com / @susanmbchen
b. 1992 Hong Kong SAR
MFA, Columbia University, New York, NY
BA, Brown University, Providence, RI
Group Exhibitions
Art Toronto, Toronto, Canada
Fact and Fiction, SPRING/BREAK Art Show, New York, NY
Whams of Summer, Ki Smith Gallery, New York, NY
Finalist, AXA Art Prize, New York, NY
New American Paintings, no. 141
Questioning the idea of visibility, my paintings respond to the lack of Asian representation in portraiture within our contemporary Western art institutions. My sitters are usually strangers whom I find on the internet. Because I have no preconceived notions of the individual, my interpretation of them comes directly from painting, which allows for much surprise in my creative process. In the studio, I informally survey my sitters on the psychology of race and their varying viewpoints regarding home, immigration, prejudice, family, longing, love, and loss.
Chen | Columbia University
First Last Title | medium, X x X inches
Susan M B Chen | Mama Dreams of Central Park (detail) 37
Katie Croft Sue Bonnet Sue | oil on paper, 22 x 30 inches
Katie Croft Value | oil and gold leaf on paper, 22 x 30 inches
Katie Croft At Heart | oil on linen, 36 x 36 inches
Katie Croft Brooklyn, NY   kc_croft@yahoo.com / www.katiecroftart.com / @katiecroftart
b. 1979 Columbus, OH
MFA, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY
Professional Experience
2010-14 Curator of Events and Exhibitions,
I focus on painting figures who are simultaneously revealed and veiled. Missing pieces, hidden images, and vacancies confront the ongoing behavior of dismissing female identity and perspective. As a mother, I am confronted by my own matrilineal misinformation, and my work engages myths of femininity, medicine, motherhood, and religion to expose the historical subjugation of women by imposing absurd ideals of beauty and behavior.
Cultural Arts of Waco, Waco, TX Curator of Events and Exhibitions, The Croft Art Gallery, Waco, TX
Curator of Events and Exhibitions, The Lions Nest Gallery, Austin, TX
Group Exhibitions
Pratt in Venice 35th Anniversary Exhibition, Steuben
Gallery, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY
Pratt MFA: Straight from the Studio, Brooklyn, NY (online)
Welcome Back, Steuben Gallery, Pratt Institute,
Brooklyn, NY
BinFest PrintExpo, w/ PrintAustin, Canopy, Austin, TX
Finalist, AXA Art Prize, New York Academy of Art,
New York, NY; San Francisco Art Institute,
San Francisco, CA; Richard Gray Gallery, Chicago, IL
Croft | Pratt Institute
Santiago Galeas Alicia | oil on canvas, 34.5 x 34.5 inches
Santiago Galeas Como la Flor | oil on canvas, 40 x 36 inches
Santiago Galeas Cuyr Vision | oil on canvas, 24 x 30 inches
Santiago Galeas Queens, NY santiagogaleas@gmail.com / www.santiagogaleas.com / @santiagogaleas
b. 1991 Silver Spring, MD
MFA candidate, New York Academy of Art, New York, NY
BFA, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts,
Philadelphia, PA
TrueQué Residencia Artística, Playas, Ecuador
40th Street Artist-in-Residency Program, University of
I am a first-generation son of immigrants. My mother is from Peru, my father from El Salvador. I was born in Maryland. My work mixes traditional figure painting with abstract elements. I paint from the intersection of having undergone atelier training but also having grown up in and been formed by communities that don’t take up significant space in the world of figurative painting. Subject matter is the driving force for me; I now exclusively paint queer people of color. I feel a responsibility to use this medium to elevate and celebrate images of my communities.
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Solo Exhibition
Subsurface, Rodger LaPelle Galleries, Philadelphia, PA
Group Exhibitions
Queer in Public, William Way LGBT Community Center,
Up until the 2016 elections I made subtle work. Just as Americans are radicalizing in either direction, I feel myself and my work following suit. I’ve found that there’s no room for subtlety. I feel emboldened to make my work as loud, as visible, as queer as possible.
Philadelphia, PA 2017
Summer of Love: Reflections on Pulse, Albin Polasek
Museum, Winter Park, FL
Sight Unseen, Abend Gallery, Denver, CO
Chévere, Sirona Fine Art, Hallandale Beach, FL
John Seed, Disrupted Realism (Schiffer Publishing)
Create! Magazine, no. 11
International Painting Annual 7 (Manifest Gallery)
Review of Chévere, Poets and Artists, vol. 77
Galeas | New York Academy of Art
Spencer Harris Desktop Demons | acrylic, wax crayon, graphite, and collage on canvas, 50 x 45 inches
Spencer Harris Icons | acrylic, colored paper, and collage on panel, 50 x 45 inches
Spencer Harris Garfield Olympia | inkjet print, tape, and airbrush on canvas, 50 x 45 inches
Spencer Harris Brooklyn, NY 210.240.6266 harris.spencer@yahoo.com / www.harrisspencer.com / @spencerharris63
b. 1993 San Antonio, TX
MFA, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY
BFA, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX
Group Exhibitions
I Know You Would Never Laugh at Me, Baby Blue Gallery,
Chicago, IL
My works are about symbolic language and engrained memories. Imagery is rooted in my experience growing up in the South, boyhood and coming of age, pop culture, and family influences. Through a process of associative memory recollection I recreate imagery that references both nostalgic and unsettling times on bare surfaces, using personal storytelling, found imagery, cultural icons, and corporate marketing tools from TV and internet culture. The works combine joy and grief in order to question my memory and what might have been fabricated with time.
Kunst Program, Carlsberg Byens Galleri, Copenhagen, Denmark
Half-Life, Dekalb Gallery, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY
Queer Autonomy, 630 Flushing, Brooklyn, NY
Homelife, Inman Gallery, Houston, TX
Short for Magazine, Corporate Studio/Blue Star,
San Antonio, TX
Quaff, Dahlia Woods Gallery, San Marcos, TX
Lime Green Oranges, Texas State University Gallery,
San Marcos, TX
Harris | Pratt Institute
Kirk Henriques The world leaves a bitter taste in my mouth | oil and mixed media on wood, 22 x 22 inches
Kirk Henriques Portrait of Marlon | oil paint and mixed media on wood, 22 x 22 inches
Kirk Henriques Defending the curse | oil and paper on wood, 48 x 32 inches
Kirk Henriques Ithaca, NY  kirkhenriques@gmail.com / www.kirkhenriques.com / @kirkaworks
b. 1982 Brooklyn, NY
MFA candidate, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
BFA, Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah, GA
Solo Exhibitions
Negroland, Olive Tjaden Gallery, Cornell University,
Ithaca, NY
Group Exhibitions
Cornell MFA, Jack Hanley Gallery, New York, NY
Twelve, Random Access Gallery, Syracuse University,
Syracuse, NY
Pure Wobble, Olive Tjaden Gallery, Cornell University,
As a painter I explore the connections between figures and landscapes, and how they both impact each other. I paint figures that are at odds with their surroundings and simultaneously integral to them. These multilayered portrayals speak to the complexity of a person, exploring the visible that is obscure and the visible that is perceptible. My method of ripping, incising, painting, drawing, and incorporating mixed media creates a new figure that is meant to jolt the viewer out of their comforting perceptions, assumptions, and perspectives.
Ithaca, NY 2018
Bombay Sapphire Artisan Series, ZuCot Gallery,
Atlanta, GA
Destroy and Rebuild, Future Gallery, Atlanta, GA
Bombay Sapphire Artisan Series, Mason Fine Art, Atlanta, GA
Bombay Sapphire Artisan Series, Mason Fine Art,
Atlanta, GA
Henriques | Cornell University
First Last Title | medium, X x X inches
Kirk Henriques | Defending the Curse (detail) 55
L. Hensens A Soft Journey Through Rigid Terrain | oil on canvas, 60 x 48 inches
L. Hensens Ventral to the Verdant Void | oil on canvas, 72 x 72 inches
L. Hensens Howling | oil on canvas, 46 x 38 inches
L. Hensens Portland, OR lmhensens@gmail.com / www.lhensens.com / @lhensens
b. 1991 Denton, TX
MFA, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
BFA, University of North Texas, Denton, TX
In 2018, I blissfully and briefly fled the constraints of societal bounds and hiked hundreds of miles through the landscape of the American West on the Pacific Crest Trail. Equipped with a full backpack and an isolated consciousness, my flimsy, temporal body traversed a vast, enduring ground propelling me forward, rising and falling with the horizon. My blistered and calloused feet repeatedly rooting and lifting; colliding against the trail’s surface. Our bodies moved in unison, the Earth’s rigid flesh churning beneath my soft soles, scarring and healing; eroding and rebuilding. As turbulent as the rushing falls of snow melt, a fluid feeling; I was uncaged.
Hensens | Virginia Commonwealth University
Michelle Lisa Herman Untitled (The Treachery of Images) 1 | acrylic on canvas, 40 x 30 inches
Michelle Lisa Herman Untitled (The Treachery of Images) 3 | acrylic on canvas, 40 x 30 inches
Michelle Lisa Herman Untitled (The Treachery of Images) 2 | acrylic on canvas, 40 x 30 inches
Michelle Lisa Herman Washington, DC 202.556.4244 michellehermanart@gmail.com / www.michellelisaherman.com / @michellelisaherman
b. 1985 Huntington, NY
MFA, Maryland Institute College of Art
BFA, Maryland Institute College of Art
As humans, we are limited. My work focuses on the limitations of human ability and the ways in which we construct devices— often using technology or other proxies—to extend our limits: particularly the limits of perception, attention, connection, and categorization. Through painting, installation, sculpture, and video I explore the ways in which we negotiate and push these boundaries every day.
Student Exchange Residency, Maryland Institute College of Art and University of the Arts/Bremen, Bremen, Germany
Solo Exhibitions
MFA in Studio Art Thesis Exhibition, Maryland Institute
College of Art, Baltimore, MD
I Just Want to Know You’re There, Hillyer Art Space,
Washington, DC
Inter-Net, Washington Project for the Arts,
Washington, DC
Group Exhibitions
Interact + Integrate, VisArts, Rockville, MD
Click Here, Arlington Art Center, Arlington, VA
Washington Produced Artists, Washington Project for the Arts, Washington, DC
(inter)Related, a Sparkplug Exhibition, DC Arts Center, Washington, DC
Experimental Media 2012: D.O.L.L: DIWO OPNSRC LMFAO
LHOOQ, Artisphere, Arlington, VA 2010
Revealing Culture, Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, DC
Top Prize, Artist Fellowship Award, DC Commission on the Art and Humanities, Washington, DC
Artist Fellowship Award, DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities, Washington, DC
The District of Columbia, Washington, DC 63
Herman | Maryland Institute College of Art
Stephanie Mei Huang erasure v | video, sound, and bulk overhead grain feeder
Stephanie Mei Huang erasure iii | video, sound
Stephanie Mei Huang seven self-portraits as cowboy | oil on linen, sisal, and horseshoes, 36 x 48 inches
Stephanie Mei Huang Los Angeles, CA stephaniehuang@alum.calarts.edu / www.stephaniemei.com / @stephaniemeihuang
b. 1994 Wausau, WI
MFA, California Institute of the Arts, Valencia, CA
BA, Scripps College, Claremont, CA
Millay Colony Artists Residency, Austerlitz, NY
ACRE Artist Residency Program, Steuben, WI
Professional Experience
Graduate Teaching Assistant, California Institute of the
Arts, Valencia, CA 2016-18 Teaching Artist, Marfa Studio of Arts, Marfa, TX 2015
Teaching Mentor, Venice Arts, Venice, CA
Solo Exhibitions
4th Ward Project Space, Chicago, IL
California Institute of the Arts, Valencia, CA
self-armature, California Institute of the Arts,
Valencia, CA
presence/absence V, Marfa Film Festival, Marfa, TX
Group Exhibitions
Over the Structures 2020, Czong Institute for Contemporary
Within the first six years of my life, I moved from Wisconsin to Indiana, then to Yokohama, Japan, and to Shanghai, China. Through this diasporic upbringing, my work finds its roots in globalization and the role of cultural fragmentation and displacement in changing perceptions of nationhood, loss, and identity. Through research and practice, I aim to erode the mythologies that perpetuate exceptionalist narratives, in the hopes of excavating erased histories. I yearn to locate sites of emergence from which we can perhaps fabulate adjacent histories. As a Chinese American artist, I dialogue with and challenge the affective racialized, gendered constructions that codify my body and identity “harmless” within the hegemonic West. I am interested in how my presence has the capacity to disarrange systems of prediction based on otherness and threat. I see slippery, chameleonic identity as a form of infiltration: a soft reversal within hard architectures of power. I explore these subjects through a diverse range of media and strategies including film/video, installation, social interventions, sculpture, writing, and painting.
Art (CICA) Museum, Gimpo, Republic of Korea
Reflections on Exile, Root Division, San Francisco, CA
SoCal MFA ’19, Millard Sheets Art Center, Pomona, CA
New Genres Library, University of California
Los Angeles, CA
Huang | California Institute of the Arts
Loc Huynh Wish You Were Here (American Vacation) | acrylic on canvas over panel, 36 x 30 inches
Loc Huynh Late Night Console | acrylic on canvas, 48 x 36 inches
Loc Huynh The Embrace (Electric Blue) | acrylic on canvas, 48 x 48 inches
Loc Huynh Denton, TX  lochuynh32792@gmail.com / www.lochuynhart.com / @locxhuynh
b. 1992 Austin, TX
MFA, University of North Texas, Denton, TX
BFA, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX
Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, VT
Solo Exhibitions
Americana Vulgaris, 500X Gallery, Dallas, TX
Politically Incoherent, Clamp Light Gallery,
San Antonio, TX
Group Exhibitions
Cold Sweat, Inpost Artspace, Albuquerque, NM
All My Love, Baby Blue Gallery, Chicago, IL
Innocent Pleasures, Tugboat Gallery, Lincoln, NE
Draft Motor, UNT on the Square, Denton, TX
The language of ubiquitous imagery, cartoons, and computer graphics informs my work. Flatness and space provide a dynamic visual element in an otherwise predicated genre painting. The juxtaposition of illusion, garish colors, and hard edges creates a visual tension, with the intention of calling attention to the underlying jarring anxiety of the circumstances portrayed in these paintings. The arbitrary nature of these formal elements also accentuates the irrationality of human perception and alludes to an alternate reality of sorts, which functions as a fractured mirror version of the tangible world. Humor plays a role in making the work disarming, while trivializing the exchanges taking place in the paintings. The interactions between characters are clumsy and ungraceful, but it’s through acknowledgment of shortcomings that moments of sincerity reveal themselves. Although established on particular occurrences, these vignettes are left open-ended and ambiguous, allowing the viewer to fill in the blanks for the situations being presented.
Voertman-Ardoin Fellowship, University of North Texas, Denton, TX
Faesthetic, no. 15
New American Paintings, no. 132
Huynh | University of North Texas
Jin Jeong Stop Smoking | acrylic on canvas, 52 x 42 inches
Jin Jeong Breathing Out | acrylic on canvas, 40 x 30 inches
Jin Jeong Two random Asians on somewhere around British Museum | acrylic on canvas, 48 x 36 inches
Jin Jeong New York, NY jinjeong1120@gmail.com / www.jin-jeong.com / @jinjeong_art
b. 1993 Seoul, Republic of Korea
MFA candidate, Hunter College, New York, NY
BFA, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Two-Person Exhibition
Jeong Jin Young & Choi Young Bin, Art Works Paris Seoul, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Group Exhibitions
Art Jeju, Art Works Paris Seoul, Jeju, Republic of Korea
Daegu Art Fair, Art Works Paris Seoul, Daegu,
Republic of Korea
Art Busan, Art Works Paris Seoul, Busan,
Republic of Korea
Second Semester Show, Hunter MFA, 205 Hudson Gallery,
New York, NY 2018
The Chicago Show, pop-up exhibition, Brooklyn, NY
Ten x Ten, Young Space, Hortonville, WI
Send Your Location, 33 Orchard, New York, NY
Wake Me Up, Hidden M Gallery, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Would my subjects’ identities be exposed if I were to describe how they are grounded? I felt it safe to assume that the way my subject matter would sit or lay down would inevitably reveal their natural charm, which contributes to intimating the abstract sensation of calmness. Especially, those of the legs are likely to expose one’s true sentiments. Throughout the day, one would often resort to their most natural positions in the process of reaction. My works are a culmination of the recollection of oneself and their subconscious choice of posture pertaining to their legs. Strangers with whom I do not interact but with whom I share the same space. The layers of translucent paints corresponding to the unification of formal elements will merge as one in works to represent the complexity of oneself and existence altogether in life. I try to follow the belief that life can only coexist. Illustrating my shared time and space with people, I examine groundedness and individual subliminal properties by delineating body movement in exclusive color palettes.
Caroline Goldstein, “Plunge Into the Madcap Delirium of Chicago Imagists at a Brooklyn Brownstone,” Artnet News
(online), May 16
“Meet Jin Young Jeong of Jin Jeong,” Voyage Chicago
(online), May
Jeong | Hunter College
First Last Title | medium, X x X inches
Jin Jeong | Two random asians somewhere around British Museum (detail) 77
Maria Christina Jimenez The Gaze | oil on canvas, 22 x 15 inches
Maria Christina Jimenez Black Box | oil on canvas, 26 x 16 inches
Maria Christina Jimenez The Shawl | oil on canvas, 23 x 19 inches
Maria Christina Jimenez New York, NY www.mariajimenezartist.com / @mariacjimenez01 / @mariacjimenezartist
b. 1963 New York, NY
MFA, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts,
Philadelphia, PA
Solo Exhibition
w/ Manhattan Neighborhood Network, Luisa Capetillo
Gallery, New York , NY
Group Exhibitions
123nd Annual Open Juried Exhibition, Catherine Lorillard
My work is about young adults. I try to find that arresting moment when they display vulnerability or inner strength, and authenticity is revealed. I look for the nuances in body language and physiognomy. My work engages with young adults by illustrating specific gestures, introverted moments, and/or genre settings in a struggle to find their place in the world. I continue to investigate this subject and its validity through my compositions.
Wolfe Art Club, New York, NY 2019
2019 NTD 5th International Oil Painting Competition
Exhibition, Salmagundi Club, New York, NY
Richeson75 Figure/Portrait Exhibition, Richeson School of Art & Gallery, Kimberly, WI
“Resonance” Alumni Exhibition, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
Spring Online Juried Show, American Women Artists
Anna Hyatt Huntington Bronze Medal, 123nd Annual Open Juried Exhibition, Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club,
New York, NY
Finalist, Richeson75 Figure/Portrait Exhibition
Finalist, 14th International Art Renewal Center
Salon Competition
Finalist, Lethbridge 20000 Small Scale Art Awards
2nd Place, 6th Annual Shades of Gray Competition,
Artists Network
“Art and About in New York,” Wall Street International
Magazine 2018
“Maria Jimenez—Art That Highlights Cell Phone Addiction, What’s Hamptoning (online) 81
Jimenez | Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Clare Kambhu Ball in Drawer | oil on panel, 14 x 18 inches
Clare Kambhu Studio Art | oil on panel, 16 x 16 inches
Clare Kambhu Legs in the air | oil on panel, 36 x 24 inches
Clare Kambhu Queens, NY ckambhu@gmail.com / www.clarekambhu.com / @clarekambhu
b. 1988 New York, NY
MFA, Yale School of Art, New Haven, CT
MA, New York University, New York, NY
BFA, New York University, New York, NY
apexart International Travel Fellowship, Bratislava,
Bronx Museum AIM Fellowship, Bronx, NY
Art & Law Program Fellowship, New York, NY
Prattsville Art Center Residency, Prattsville, NY
Professional Experience
Teaching Fellow, Yale Prison Education Initiative,
Cheshire, CT
2017-18 Teaching Fellow, Yale University, New Haven, CT
At a moment in which public education is highly contested, both threatened and threatening, we often see school furniture as a stand-in for student bodies. I make observational paintings in public schools, teachers unions, and other bureaucratic spaces. The corners of desks, floor tiles, papers, and chairs are the focus of my attention. The slippery, textural paint application that I use to depict hard surfaces alludes to the ways in which our idiosyncratic humanness can break through within the constraints of educational institutions. The brushstrokes evoke the smudges and wear that the constant movement of people through these spaces creates. I hope to engage a politics of attention through my concentration on the overlooked interior architecture and furniture. How can institutions, ostensibly designed to foster human development, become more fluid and responsive to those who inhabit them? What do we notice? What do we ignore? Where do we find margins, cuts, dents, or holes to operate within as humans?
2011-20 Art Teacher, New York City Department of Education,
New York, NY
Group Exhibitions
Un-Museo de Raices Movedizas / A-Museum of Quickroots, House 6B, Nolan Park, Governors Island, New York, NY
Reading Painting, Treasure Town, Brooklyn, NY
Tails, Next to Nothing Gallery, New York, NY
Signal, Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah, NY
Way Out Now, Diane Rosenstein, Los Angeles, CA
First Prize, Signal, Katonah Museum of Art
Kambhu | Yale School of Art
Jessica Frances GrĂŠgoire Lancaster Perpetuity | reverse oil painting on tempered glass, 14 x 14 inches
Jessica Frances GrĂŠgoire Lancaster Cerement | reverse oil painting on tempered glass, 14 x 11 inches
Jessica Frances GrĂŠgoire Lancaster Keep This | reverse oil painting on tempered glass, 20 x 20 inches
Jessica Frances Grégoire Lancaster New York, NY jfglancaster@gmail.com / www.jfglancaster.com / @_jfgl
b. 1991 Detroit, MI
MFA, New York University, New York, NY
BFA, Corcoran College of Art + Design, Washington, DC
The Studios of Key West, Key West, FL
Summer Residency, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
Professional Experience
2017-18 Adjunct Photography Faculty, New York University,
New York, NY
Solo Exhibition
502 Sugarbush Road, 80WSE Gallery, New York, NY
Group Exhibitions
Hoarders House, Field Projects Gallery, New York, NY 2019
Art Olympia 2019, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum,
Tokyo, Japan
Uprooted, International Arts & Artists at Hillyer,
Washington, DC
NEXT at the Corcoran: Class of 2013, Corcoran Gallery of Art,
I cannot stand to watch sheets of paper run through printers, plotting ink. It is ink on paper. Call it a print but not a photograph. There is light in the decisive moment; however, there is no light in its final conception. It is incomplete. I do not want to participate in such a process, so I paint. I work with glass as it is remnant of my former photographic practice. Glass acts as a vehicle on which to make photographs, and it serves as their container, protecting the finished print. On occasion, I still make photographs. I travel between black rooms, knowing exactly where my pencil, my scissors, and the enlarger’s timer are, but in this darkness I have managed to find the light switch. The photographs come out of the processor, stained. Chalky white, like ghosts. It is a reminder of the blow I felt before I began painting. It will only worsen, so I continue to paint. To put it simply, to put it short, I just paint to mourn.
Washington, DC 2012
Idée fixe, Le Pavé d’Orsay, Paris, France
Grant, FST StudioProject Fund, New York, NY
The Photographer’s Playbook (Aperture Foundation)
Lancaster | New York University
Ian Lotto The Cube Stackers | oil on canvas, 30 x 24 inches
Ian Lotto The Hole Diggers | oil on canvas, 30 x 24 inches
Ian Lotto The Baiting Crowd | oil on canvas, 48 x 60 inches
Ian Lotto New York, NY ianlotto@gmail.com / www.ianlotto.com / @ianlotto
b. 1984 White Plains, NY
MFA, New York Academy of Art, New York, NY
BFA, Parsons School of Design, New York, NY
Group Exhibitions
Milieu, New York Academy of Art, New York, NY
Beneath Notice, New York Academy of Art, New York, NY
Summer Exhibition 2019, New York Academy of Art,
New York, NY
The Waskowmium
These works deal with a variety of subject matter—groups of people interacting in specific ways, our desire and ability to alter the greater landscape, and how me might be perceived by an intelligence that was unaware of us as individuals with desires, hopes, and fears.
Lotto | New York Academy of Art
First Last Title | medium, X x X inches
Ian Lotto | The Hole Diggers (detail) 95
Violet Luczak Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk | acrylic on wooden panel, 30 x 30 inches
Violet Luczak Drink Milk or Your Arms Will Fall Off | acrylic on wooden panel, 48 x 48 inches
Violet Luczak Milk It for All It’s Worth | acrylic on wooden panel, 30 x 30 inches
Violet Luczak Chicago, IL luczak.violet@gmail.com / www.violetluczak.com / @violet_luczak_design
b. 1995 Chicago, IL
MFA, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, MI
BA, Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, IL
Group Exhibitions
Detroit Artist Market Annual Scholarship Awards and
Exhibition, Detroit, MI 2019-20 Curiosity, Old Courthouse Arts Center, Woodstock, IL 2019
Experiencing Perspectives, Mercedes-Benz Financial
Services, Farmington Hills, MI
Second Year Students Exhibition, Cranbrook Academy of
Art, Bloomfield Hills, MI
15th Annual Alumni Art Exhibition, Elmhurst College,
Elmhurst, IL
Works in Progress, Ann Arbor Art Center, Ann Arbor, MI
Thesis Show, Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, IL
Summer Art Series, Marriott W Hotel, Chicago, IL
Connection, Fulton Street Collective, Chicago, IL
My current series, Your Ass Sucks Buttermilk. I Herd It Through The Bovine. Feat. Big Dairy and Nestlé, explores issues concerning big dairy, capitalism, nutrition, and social awareness through a surrealist tradition. By integrating surrealist strategies, this work exposes contemporary social issues through dreamlike, strange, and satirical narratives. Reflecting on surrealism’s power to uncover the subconscious, my work investigates the subconscious mind of the contemporary consumer, as well as the influence of mass media on our behaviors, thoughts, and actions. As seen throughout this series, my work utilizes type and language as a tool to convey emotions and provocative messages. Through the use of humor, soft tones, whimsical characters, pastel tones, and often comical visuals, my paintings create a familiar and comfortable entry point into an otherwise disturbing topic of violence, pain, and injustice.
Alif Ibrahim, “Your Ass Sucks Buttermilk! Violet Luczak mixes graphic design and painting to take on the dairy
industry!,” It’s Nice That, December 3 2018
The MiddleWestern Voice (Elmhurst, IL)
Luczak | Cranbrook Academy of Art
Luis Maldonado Easy Goer | acrylic and charcoal on canvas, 38 x 34 inches
Luis Maldonado Sylvester’s Eyes | acrylic and charcoal on canvas, 48 x 60 inches
Luis Maldonado Palm from Boca de Camarioca | ink on unprimed canvas, 100 x 88 inches
Luis Maldonado New York, NY 347.480.0074 luismaldonado.studio@gmail.com / www.luis-maldonado.com / @copayy
b. 1991 Glen Cove, NY
MFA, Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ
BFA, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, New York, NY
TAAK Summer Residency, Marfa, TX
Professional Experience
2017-19 Photography Instructor, Rutgers, The State University of
New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ 2019-
Artist Instructor, Studio in a School, New York, NY
Solo Exhibitions
Like a Day, 21 Ludlow St., New York, NY
Se Vende: Gran Colombia, Mason Gross Galleries, Rutgers,
My paintings are positioned between an image and its double. In the same way that an illuminated object casts a shadow, a re-rendered image casts a semiotic shadow. My decision to work in monochrome speaks to the desire to depict the energy of these moving shadows. The drip, the blot, the smear, and the quotational nature of my images gesture toward abstract expressionism and the graphic novel. They acknowledge the hybrid nature of printed and digital imagery (specifically, television screens, advertising, and logos). In the same way that signage in commercial spaces choreographs gazes through strategic placement, the frontality of the paintings is a nod to the signs I encounter while walking in the street. The architect Rem Koolhaas characterizes the structure of cities as a roulette of symbols/signs. My works share a similar architecture. At once subliminal and frontal, these images (in the form of cartoons, landscapes, and Yankee fitted caps, among others) play interference with the facsimiles of these subjects, and others like them, that exist prior to their creation.
The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ 2017
MFA First-Year Exhibition, New Brunswick, NJ
Group Exhibitions
Spring Show, Ken Allen Studios, Brooklyn, NY
Checkpoint to the Stars, El Paisano Hotel, Marfa, TX
Teaching Fellowship, Rutgers, The State University of
New Jersey
Cooper Union Alumni Association Award
Giza Daniels-Endesha Award
Maldonado | Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers
Julia Medyńska The Morning (after Rubens)) | oil on linen, 16 x 16 inches
Julia Medyńska The Witch | oil on linen, 54 x 54 inches
Julia Medyńska Chin Strap | oil on linen, 16 x 20 inches
Julia Medyńska New York, NY juliamedynskastudio@gmail.com / www.juliamedynska.com / @julia_medynska
b. 1981 Gdańsk, Poland
MFA, Columbia University, New York, NY
BA, Columbia University, New York, NY
Group Exhibitions
The Visible Light, Menier Gallery, London, England
Finished Goods Warehouse, 630 Flushing Avenue,
Brooklyn, NY
Floating Point, Judith Charles Gallery, New York, NY
People Who Need People, 7 Dunham, Brooklyn, NY
Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant
Medyńska | Columbia University
My painting explores the psychology of the individual. The characters engage in violent acts, while apathetic bystanders witness the macabre scene. Since childhood, I have faced the struggle between the private drama versus the public persona. My family escaped Poland when I was five years old. We all lived in a single room in Berlin. To blend in at a very prestigious private school, I learned to “put on a mask” and hide the embarrassing reality of my home life. Similar to a film director, I compose narratives to develop an uncanny dramatic scene. I search for my “actors” and my “settings” in vintage photography, in nineteenthcentury landscape paintings, and in film stills. Then I invent their story. What attracts me to an image is lurid color temperatures and contrasting lighting scenarios. I intentionally keep facial features and expressions minimal to resist describing an identity. Instead, the actors become archetypes and their physical activity an allegory for a psychopathological world. Each painting is a horrid secret where I can choose to lift the curtain.
Ellie Kayu Ng Lost in Flowers | oil on canvas, 40 x 32 inches
Ellie Kayu Ng Lost in Flowers II | oil on canvas, 40 x 32 inches
Ellie Kayu Ng Behind the Door | oil on canvas, 56 x 32 inches
Ellie Kayu Ng Brooklyn, NY ellie.kayu@gmail.com / www.elliekayu.com / @ellie_
b. 1998 Hong Kong SAR
MFA, New York Academy of Art, New York, NY
BFA, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
Group Exhibitions
Deck the Walls, New York Academy of Art,
New York, NY
Tales from the Crit #3, SVA Gramercy Gallery,
New York, NY
The Haves and Have Nots, SVA Chelsea Gallery,
New York, NY
Constellations, SVA Chelsea Gallery, New York, NY
Winner, Fine Art: Professional, Creative Quarterly 58
New York Academy of Art Scholar Award
Rhodes Family Award for Outstanding Achievement in
Illustration, School of Visual Arts
Merit, Professional Show, 3x3, International Illustration
My paintings are currently about possession and my obsession with beautiful outfits. I’m interested in fashion and obsessed with detailed-pattern dresses. But sometimes social norms could stop me from buying and wearing fancy dresses on an everyday basis. For example, I’m not going to wear a wedding dress and go grocery shopping, because of my lack of confidence; but what if I could paint myself in the dress and place myself in a beautiful setting? So I can wear and own it permanently on a canvas. That’s when I started borrowing bits and pieces of jewelry that I wished I could own, styling and painting myself so that I can possess it in some way. Painting my glamorous fantasy satisfies me. I usually construct my painting compositions based on the dress I want to paint, instead of sketching a scenario and then putting the dress in it, because I want the dress to be the main subject of my painting.
Annual, no. 16
Honorable Mention, Student Show, 3x3, International
Illustration Annual, no.16
Friend of the Artist 11
3x3, no. 16
Visual Opinion 25
Ng | New York Academy of Art
Ludovic Nkoth Paul Biya (The Fall of a Republic) | acrylic on canvas, 60 x 48 inches
Ludovic Nkoth Identity of the Moment | acrylic on canvas, 84 x 62 inches
Ludovic Nkoth A Black Man’s Portrait | acrylic on canvas, 72 x 48 inches
Ludovic Nkoth
New York, NY studio@lnkoth.com / www.lnkoth.com / @lnkoth
b. 1994 Yaoundé, Cameroon
MFA, Hunter College, New York, NY
BA, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
Solo Exhibitions
Vicinity and Surroundings, East Project Gallery Upper
I was fourteen when it happened. Awoken one morning by the smell of my biological mother’s cooking in Cameroon (to this day, still the best breakfast of my life), then falling asleep that evening in a foreign land as an “African American.” Suddenly, everything was unfamiliar. The classification of bodies based on skin was not discussed in Cameroon—we were just humans in spaces. It was the first time the color of my skin affected the color of my suit.
East Side, New York, NY
Inheritance, UUU Gallery, Rochester, NY
Roots, Spartanburg Artist Co-op, Spartanburg, SC
Unfailingly and unceasingly, every time I lay my brush in paint I remember those first disorienting days. Severed from my homeland, my identity is shaken.
Group Exhibitions
“Where am I from?”
Labor of Love, Superposition Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Knock on Wood, Hunter College, New York, NY
Mostly Fine Adults, Pratt MFA Pfizer Building,
Brooklyn, NY
MEWE, Ozaneaux ArtSpace, New York, NY
Family Portrait, Hunter College, New York, NY
Parallels and Peripheries, Visart Center, Rockville, MD
“Where do I belong?” My work explores the displacement of Black bodies within alienating spaces, with a focus on pre- and postcolonial Africa. Painting in the land that took my people’s power, I reclaim it. Existing in a culture that seeks to erase mine, I struggle to hold onto it. As I continue my journey, the unknown shows me new truths about myself and my roots.
Nkoth | Hunter College
First Last Title | medium, X x X inches
Ludovic Nkoth | Identity of the Moment (detail) 117
Ricardo Partida Midnight Sabbath | oil on canvas, 72 x 60 inches
Ricardo Partida Dusty Rogue | oil on canvas, 72 x 60 inches
Ricardo Partida Baby’s Breath | oil on canvas, 38 x 27 inches
Ricardo Partida Chicago, IL ric.partida@gmail.com / www.ricardopartida.com / @babyboypaintings
b. 1991 Mexico City, Mexico
MFA, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
BFA, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley,
Edinburg, TX
Solo Exhibition
Brave New World, Hinovations Art Gallery, McAllen, TX
Group Exhibitions
The Future of Our Plans, The Green Gallery,
Milwaukee, WI
Evil and Shivering, Baby Blue Gallery, Chicago, IL
Halo-Halo, Pintô International, New York, NY
With a Capital P: Selections by Six Painters, Elmhurst Art
Growing up queer and brown in the borderlands of South Texas, I have always felt a desire to represent unconventional ideas of sexuality and gender performance through visual art. Living in Chicago as a queer man navigating heteronormative spaces, I have learned to utilize my queerness as both an arming and disarming mechanism. Whether it means ensuring my safety on a walk home or evading police harassment as a brown man, I use my gaze as a tool for informing myself of danger and safety in my surroundings. My work deals with the push and pull of the gaze through means of desire and menace. Bodies painted in oil on canvas present themselves to the viewer as enticing and seductive but are often armed or in a ravaging stance. My objective is to further deconstruct tools of desire and seduction through decoding body language and the viewer’s relationship to circulated images, antiquity, and canonized painting tropes in history.
Museum, Elmhurst, IL
GIFC Worldwide, Western Exhibitions, Chicago, IL
MariconX: San Antonio, Galeria E. V. A., San Antonio, TX
Oso Bay Biennial XX—Realism Redux: Refining
Representational Painting, Weil Gallery and Islander
Gallery, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi,
Corpus Christi, TX
Dr. Michael Jacobs
Represented by
Julius Caesar Gallery
Partida | School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Na’ye Perez Sunny Duet / 2AM in Brownsville | acrylic, spray paint, Backwoods leaf wrappers, Swisher Sweets cigarellos, newsprint, stone lithography, BFK Rives, MTA cards, and gel transfers on canvas, 48 x 52 inches
Na’ye Perez (Tired / Reflections) Bronx Blues | acrylic, spray paint, ink, Backwoods tobacco leaves, Swisher Sweets cigarillos, gel transfers, and newsprint on canvas, 36 x 36 inches
Na’ye Perez South Side Dreamer | acrylic, spray paint, Swishers Sweets, newsprint, COTA bus passes, and gel transfers on canvas, 48 x 50 inches
Na’ye Perez Brooklyn, NY nayedavinci1914@gmail.com / @naye_davinci / @nayedavinci1914
b.1992 Columbus, OH
MFA, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY
BFA, The University of Toledo, Toledo, OH
Project Third Residency, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY
My artistic practice is influenced by hip-hop music and personal experiences growing up in Columbus, Ohio, LA, and Camden, New Jersey. I consider my process as a type of remixing, similar to how a sound engineer or producer would sample hooks, beats, or choruses to create new music. I collage materials such as Backwoods, Swishers Sweets, magazines, historical archives, and personal memorabilia in conjunction with symbols, colors, and patterns to framework my art.
2018-19 DIS OBEY, The Shed, New York, NY 2019
Solo Exhibition Still I Rise, Community Folks Arts Center Gallery, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
Group Exhibitions
Call of Wilds, Van Der Plas Gallery, New York, NY
The Renegades of Renaissance X, Vanderelli Room,
Columbus, OH
Book of Life, 219 Gallery, Columbus, OH
Play Like Hell, Garden Theater, Detroit, MI
By navigating through personal experience and memory, the importance of intimacy within my community and my Blackness helps establish my narrative and modes of accessibility. My work uses everyday interactions such playing cards in gallery spaces, riding bikes through the hood, and embracing friends I ain’t seen in a minute. These moments are juxtaposed between hidden symbolism of music, fashion, and Black history. By shifting the narratives to one of embrace and empowerment, without a reliance on trauma. Noting these importances, they become intertwined with resistance and the Black presence.
2019-20 Gelman Endowed Scholarship, Brooklyn, NY 2014
Finalist, Photographer’s Forum College and High School Photography Contest
Perez | Pratt Institute
First Last Title | medium, X x X inches
Na’Ye Perez | South Side Dreamer (detail) 127
Kate Pincus-Whitney Persephone’s Garden: Picnic in the Thistles | acrylic and Polycolor on canvas, and steel, 80 x 125 x 24 inches overall
Kate Pincus-Whitney Slice of Life Stacked | acrylic and Polycolor on wooden doors, 90 x 78 inches overall
Kate Pincus-Whitney La Colombe d’Or | acrylic and Polycolor on wooden door with carving, 28 x 78 inches
Kate Pincus-Whitney Providence, RI 805.453.8282 kpincusw@risd.edu / www.katepincuswhitney.com / @katepw
b. 1993 Santa Monica, CA
MFA, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI
BA, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY
Yale Norfolk Summer School of Art, Norfolk, CT
Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, VT
Professional Experience
Artist talk, Hunter Museum of American Art,
Chattanooga, TN
Solo Exhibitions
Feast in the Neon Jungle, Mural Project, Los Angeles, CA
Juego de Mesa / Table Play, Oficina Proyectista,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hunting Season, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY
Group Exhibitions
Black, Gelman Gallery, Rhode Island School of Design
Through the female lens, my works revolve around the theater of the dinner table, synthesizing mythology and contemporary life. Exploring and expanding identity in response to Jane Bennett’s ideology of “vibrant matter,” and tapping into Donna Harraway’s concept of “open-circuit identity,” these works focus on the relationship between body, object, gender, narrative, and affect. We all must eat. How do the objects we consume and surround ourselves with become a part of our cultural and psychological understanding of self? For me, nothing is more intimate than sharing a meal. Feminist, maximalist, and unapologetically colorful, I navigate the collective unconscious, the human spirit, and personal memoir of self. Shape-shifting between satirical images of advertising, intimate table memento moris, resilience, narrative portraiture, and food, I am interested in unpacking the roles we play and the masks we wear. Created by an artistanthropologist armed with a visual vocabulary, the works span materials, from large-scale mixed media installations to handpoured metal busts and shamanic sculptures—expanding on my deep dedication to the medium of paint.
Museum, Providence, RI
Three-Year Group Show, U.S. Embassy, Kabul, Afghanistan
Interwoven, Kravet Wehby Gallery, New York, NY
2016-17 (Re) Invention: Art + Innovation + Disability + Design,
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts (sponsor),
traveled to Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester,
NY; Hunter Museum of American Art, Chattanooga, TN
2018-20 Rhode Island School of Design Fellow 2016-18 Artist Ambassador for the Kennedy Center,
Washington, DC
2012-16 Presidential Scholarship, Sarah Lawrence College
Pincus-Whitney | Rhode Island School of Design
Michael Royce He Commandeth | acrylic on canvas over panel, 60 x 48 inches
Michael Royce Oh, But | acrylic on canvas over panel, 49 x 38 inches
Michael Royce Annunciation (Backwards) | acrylic on canvas over panel, 60 x 85 inches
Michael Royce Richmond, VA 703.608.9790 mchlroyce@gmail.com / www.michaelseanroyce.com / @emroyse
b. 1988 Alexandria, VA
MFA, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
BFA, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Yale Summer School of Music and Art, Norfolk, CT
Sam & Adele Golden Foundation for the Arts,
New Berlin, NY
David Wurtzel Memorial Residency, Montespertoli, Italy
Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture,
Skowhegan, ME
Group Exhibitions
Sponge Exchange: Hope Ginsburg, University of South
“Tell us what you mean! Tell us what you mean!” I imagine they chant. My work deals with the notion of queerness broadly and my personal experience of being gay in a white male body specifically; it deals with wanting to be loved; it deals with the shame I felt for a long time for wanting to be loved by a person whose body resembled mine. It has something to do with feeling like a pervert. It has to do with thinking through what consciousness is to a moth and to a dog; it has to do with the confusion of being wrapped in a body that can do things that I will never be able to fathom. It has to do with the tantalizing idea that we exist forever, in different forms. It has to do with the idea that I might live again as a rooster or a hen; it has to do with the idea that my cat could have been my mother in another life.
Florida Contemporary Art Museum, Tampa, FL
Made in Paint, Sam & Adele Golden Foundation for
the Arts, New Berlin, NY
Eight Emerging Artists, Steven Zevitas Gallery, Boston, MA
Phone Home, The Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts,
New York, NY
Solar Vortex, Geoffrey Young Gallery,
Great Barrington, MA
New American Paintings, no. 141
David Wurtzel Travel Fellowship, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
Graduate Thesis Grant, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
Investing in Professional Artists: Creative Development Grant, The Pittsburgh Foundation and Heinz Endowments,
Pittsburgh, PA 2010
Ellen Batell Stoeckel Fellowship, Yale University,
New Haven, CT 135
Royce | Virignia Commonwealth University
Josh Storer Bo knows | acrylic, gouache, skateboard decks, painter’s tape, and cardboard on panel, 56.5 x 45.5 inches
Josh Storer American Psycho | acrylic, spray paint, colored pencil, packaging tape, McDonald’s packaging and receipt, paper, and cardboard on panel, 41 x 36.5 inches
Josh Storer Caregiving in the Past, Present and Post-Apocalyptic Future | Amazon packaging, thread, and deconstructed metal cigar box, 53 x 70 inches
Josh Storer Commerce, MI joshstorer@gmail.com / www.joshstorer.art / @the_age_of_rage
b. 1984 Houston, TX
MFA, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, MI
BFA, Utah Valley University, Orem, UT
Group Exhibitions
Experiencing Perspectives, Mercedes-Benz Financial
Services, Farmington Hills, MI
94th Annual Utah Spring Salon, Springville Museum of Art, Springville, UT
Consumer culture and visual culture are two parts of the same runaway train that’s moving faster than ever before. Branding, advertising, and fashion are constantly changing course in an effort to keep up with what’s new, innovative, and hot. Because of my background in graphic design, I’ve witnessed firsthand the inner workings of this corporate-driven gold rush for what’s trending, and my artwork is, in large part, a byproduct of it. My intent is to rethink and repurpose the discarded visuals and tangible remains of our society as a way of recognizing, documenting, and understanding their impact on personal and family identities. Familiar imagery, typography, patterns, and iconography are present in the work to communicate my associations with them while simultaneously referencing their socially established meanings. I also employ a varied range of mediums and found materials in each piece to address our physical interactions with consumer/visual culture as well.
Storer | Cranbrook Academy of Art
Warith Taha Jamal, Jimar, Jovan and 13 Other ‘J’ Names Microsoft Word Does Not Recognize | enamel on canvas with found photographs, 72 x 72 inches
Warith Taha Chair with Black Legs Sitting on a Black and White Floor Sitting on Chairs | acrylic and graphite on canvas, 72 x 68 inches
Warith Taha Form/Formlessness | enamel on nylon with found glove, 60 x 73 inches
Warith Taha Oakland, CA 415.323.9302 warithtaha@gmail.com / @warithtaha
b. 1987 Oakland, CA
MFA, Tyler School of Art and Architecture,
Philadelphia, PA
BS, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA
Professional Experience
2017-19 Teaching Artist, Crissy Field Center, San Francisco, CA 2016-19 Teaching Artist, Imagine Bus Project, San Francisco, CA
Solo Exhibition
Two Bottoms Make a Top, Temple Contemporary,
Philadelphia, PA
Group Exhibition
Young Painters Competition, Hiestand Galleries, Miami
Paintings are records of touch across a surface. To touch is to be touched. To make is to allow yourself to be unmade. This is how I have come to understand the tethered relationship between painting and intimacy in my practice. Through their interaction my body and material make each other visible. Are you looking? A toe dipped into a still pool of water causes a ripple of concentric circles across its surface. Are you looking? A Las Vegas hotel drained their pool when the Black singer Dorothy Dandridge stuck her toe in its water. Does that mean what I touch is made Black? Is made queer? Is made me? Everything I make is a selfportrait. Are you looking?
University, Oxford, OH
Taha | Tyler School of Art and Architecture
Raelis Vasquez Si Dios Quiere | oil, acrylic, transfer, and graphite on canvas, 36 x 48 inches
Raelis Vasquez The One That Will Lose Her Accent and the One Who Never Will | oil on canvas, 36 x 36 inches
Raelis Vasquez YĂŠndonos | oil on canvas, 30 x 48 inches
Raelis Vasquez New York, NY   vasquezraelis@gmail.com / www.raelisvasquez.com /@raelis
b. 1995 Mao, Dominican Republic
MFA, Columbia University, New York, NY
BFA, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Mare Residency, SunSpot Studios with MICA,
Baltimore, MD
Group Exhibitions
The Living Room Kitchen, The Andrew Freedman Home,
New York, NY 2019
Contemporary Arts, Grand Rapids, MI
Both at Once, LatchKey Gallery, New York, NY
Stateless, Baby Blue Gallery, Chicago, IL
Don’t Be Scurred: Pathways to Liberation,
Hairpin Arts Center, Chicago, IL
XL Catlin Art Prize, New York Academy of Art,
New York, NY
Interiors, Happy Gallery, Chicago, IL
SAIC BFA Show, Sullivan Galleries, School of the Art
Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Contemporary Native American Art & Journey to America,
I paint using oils in a naturalistic manner as a means to give clarity to the subjects I present. While painting, I am always cognizant of the history of the Western style of representation that I am involved in. To be represented is to say that the subject is worthy of representation and that the subject exists as an essential element of societal life. My devotion is to the accurate representation of the convoluted histories of the Dominican Republic. I am aiming to highlight an allegorical narrative that presents the psychological states of the figures in my work while presenting a window to the viewer of their daily lives.
The Art Center, Highland Park, IL 2018
Awards Odyssey Travel Grant, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Breaching the Margins, Urban Institute for
Drawing on historical, political, and personal narratives, my paintings are figurative compositions that conjure the complexity of the Afro-Latinx experience. The figures in my work inhabit a state of vulnerability that often encourages the viewer to question their positions on class, race, and geography. I immigrated to the United States in 2002 from the Dominican Republic.
John W. Kurtich Foundation Scholarship, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Vasquez | Columbia University
First Last Title | medium, X x X inches
Raelis Vasquez | YĂŠndonos (detail) 149
Zhaozhao Wang “ . . . “ | oil on canvas mounted on wood panel,16 x 12 inches
Zhaozhao Wang Gemini | oil and balsa wood sheets on canvas, 36 x 36 inches
Zhaozhao Wang You don’t like it? | oil on canvas, 40 x 50 inches
Zhaozhao Wang Pontiac, MI zhaozhao.wang.art@gmail.com / www.zhaozhaowangart.com / @zhaozhaowangart
b. 1993 Shanghai, China
MFA, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, MI
BA, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Group Exhibitions
Fruit Punch, Forum Gallery, Bloomfield Hills, MI
Plenum, Forum Gallery, Bloomfield Hills, MI
My work focuses on psychedelic dreamscapes generated from the disorientation between physiological space and physical space, specifically through children’s eyes and bodies. I inject my paintings with autobiographical narratives through the use of anthropomorphic animals, fractured bodies, and other signifiers in undefined spaces. These juxtapositions represent the discordance caused by isolation and disconnection. As mental cognition separates itself from physical cognition (social reality), it creates a system of logic in an alternate reality that the brain would rather accept and receive as the truth. This disconnection is depicted as the consequence of escapism from the real world caused by mental illness, existential crisis, personality disorders, and trauma, thus inducing confrontation and antagonism between outer and inner space, which also resulted in the dehumanization of ego. The surreal quality of the imagery raises the question of what is real, what is unreal, and into which side do we choose to immerse ourselves. My paintings explore how microcosms of accumulated causes aggregate into unpredictable and dramatic consequences within macrocosms.
Wang | Cranbrook Academy of Art
Michael Ward-Rosenbaum Untitled | select pine and Masonite, 26.5 x 19 x 3.5 inches
Michael Ward-Rosenbaum Untitled | select pine and Masonite, 31 x 31 x 3.5 inches
Michael Ward-Rosenbaum Untitled installation | select pine and Masonite, dimensions variable
Michael Ward-Rosenbaum Philadelphia, PA 215.939.5845 mwardrosenbaum@mica.edu / www.mwardrosenbaum.com / @m.wardrosenbaum
b. 1994 Philadelphia, PA
MFA, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts,
Philadelphia, PA
BFA, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD
Group Exhibitions
Poetics of Re-presentation, Woodmere Art Museum,
Philadelphia, PA
Proximity, Anna Zorina Gallery, New York City, NY
The Inliquid Beneft, Inliquid Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
Without Roots We Are Nothing, Esther Klein Gallery,
Philadelphia, PA
Two Cents, Some Change, PAFA Annenberg Gallery,
Philadelphia, PA
Michael Ward-Rosenbaum’s sculptural wall pieces deal with the absence of image, the deconstruction of the painting surface, and the psychology of art-viewing spaces. His art-making process is intuitive and influenced by repetition, chance, and a longing for resolution. The works are often shown in multiples and attempt to create immersive experiences.
Ward-Rosenbaum | Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Faye Wheeler Blood | graphite and colored pencil, 19 x 24 inches
Faye Wheeler Double Vision | graphite and colored pencil, 20 x 17 inches
Faye Wheeler Window | printed muslin, 36 x 24 inches
Faye Wheeler Iowa City, IA efwheeler93@gmail.com / www.fayewheelerart.com / @fayewheel
b. 1993 Oakland, CA
MFA, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
BFA, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA
Professional Experience
2017-20 Instructor of Record, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 2019
Solo Exhibition Where the Shadow Falls, MA exhibition, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Group Exhibitions
Ornament and Camouflage, Levitt Gallery, Iowa City, IA
Made in America, Levitt Gallery, Iowa City, IA
Shadows emote, checkered grids undulate, and space collapses. The table sits awkwardly, unaware of its significance. An ambiguous memory shapes their meaning. Images of grid, shadow, table, and space are made to replicate moments in memory and of consciousness. There is familiarity with ambiguity. These objects are created by thought and memory of my family and my home. Memory that took place in a gridded space: spilling orange juice on my grandmother’s formica tile floor, baths in the pink-tile bathroom, ghosts in the kitchen, becoming friends with my shadow. These are memories of spaces, these are physical spaces, and these are abstractions of spaces. These are headspaces, flat spaces, deep spaces, twisting, gridded, warped, unstable, dark and light spaces. This is a world inside our world, a place for emotions and memories to linger and manifest. Sadness, anxiety, and pain live here and have created their own consciousness. This world has room for growth and room for change. There is hope in the shadows.
2017-20 Mildred Pelzer Lynch Fellowship, University of Iowa
Studio Visit Magazine 45
Wheeler | University of Iowa
Ryan Wilde Class Act | oil on linen, 20 x 16 inches
Ryan Wilde Kinkster | oil on linen, 48 x 36 inches
Ryan Wilde Venus Su Misura | oil on canvas, 36 x 72 inches
Ryan Wilde Maspeth, NY info@ryanwilde.com / www.ryanwilde.com / @ryanwildenyc
b. 1980 New York, NY
MFA, Queens College, Queens, NY
BFA, Syracuse University, Syracuse NY
Solo Exhibitions
Pretty as a Picture: Womanliness as Masquerade,
Public Swim, New York, NY
Soft, Pink and Warm, w/ Sarah Slappey, Deanna Evans
Projects, Brooklyn, NY
Group Exhibitions
Queen’s College Thesis Exhibition, Field Projects Gallery,
New York, NY 2019
You haven’t started wondering about yet . . ., Halsey McKay Gallery, East Hampton, NY
Body of Work, Jane Lombard Gallery, New York, NY
Surreality, Crush Curatorial, New York, NY
Go Give Get, Marinaro Gallery, New York, NY
Cheeky: Summer Butts, Marinaro Gallery, New York, NY
Room after Room, SPRING/BREAK Art Show,
New York, NY
Nasty Women Exhibition, Knockdown Center, Queens, NY
Claire Landsbaum, “The Cut—Hundreds of ‘Nasty Women’ Artists Sold Their Work to Support Planned Parenthood,”
New York Magazine 2014
Ryan Wilde is a painter and sculptor who explores the strategies used by women to navigate patriarchal systems. Building on her previous career as a hat designer, Wilde repurposes her technical skills to invite public dialogues on the theatricality of gender. Constructed with materials and color associated with female ideals, her work manifests the uncanny extreme that is identified with the sexuality, fetishization, or objectification of women in our culture. By highlighting the semiotic mechanism of the cultural expression, Wilde’s work creates a platform to reconsider the purpose of the conventional system of signification.
Alicia Adamczyk, “The Mod Hatter: Milliner Ryan Wilde On Her Over-the-Top Creations,” Forbes
Wilde | Queens College
Mikey Yates Tekken Teg | oil on canvas, 60 x 56 inches
Mikey Yates Hoop Dreams | oil on canvas, 72 x 60 inches
Mikey Yates Cortez Cleaner | oil on canvas, 36 x 22 inches
Mikey Yates Boulder, CO  miya8143@colorado.edu / www.mikeyyates.net / @mikey_yates
b. 1992 Sulzbach-Rosenberg, Germany
MFA candidate, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
BFA, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO
Group Exhibitions
As Inside, So Outside, yngspc (online)
I paint my personal and familial mythology. Working from memory, family photos, and observation, my pictures are diaristic and deal with the construction of identity, the Filipino American experience, and contemporary life in the USA. I populate the environments with traces of my disparate experiences, allowing them to conflict and converse to express a specific hybridity, building a mosaic with the remnants of cultural collisions.
un(welcome), Maybe Blue, Boulder, CO
When Does the Individual Stop and the Collective Begin?, Charles Adams Studio Project, Lubbock, TX
My Country, Sala de Exposiciones, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Leticia, Colombia
The Denver Collage Club, Alto Gallery, Denver, CO
ArtMix, Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art,
Boulder, CO
Art & Art History Graduate Fellowship, University of
Colorado, Boulder, CO
Nancy Lumpee Pate Scholarship, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO
Featured artist, interview, YoungSpace (yngspc)
Filipino/American Artist Directory
Yates | University of Colorado
Mikey Yates | Tekken Teg (detail)
Yuri Yuan Moth | oil on canvas, 22 x 28 inches
Yuri Yuan Mercury Retrograde | oil on canvas, 22 x 28 inches
Yuri Yuan Time and Again | oil on canvas, 48 x 36 inches
Yuri Yuan New York, NY 312.874.4209 yuriyuanart@gmail.com / www.yuriyuan.com / @yuri_hatake
b. 1996 Harbin, China
MFA candidate, Columbia University, New York, NY
BFA, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
International Center for the Arts, Monte Castello di
Vibio, Italy
Professional Experience
My paintings provide a space for both myself and the viewer to process the experience of alienation in a strange world. I explore existentialist themes of loneliness, life, and death through painting from memory. Instead of a faithful representation, images are filtered, distorted, and exaggerated, highlighting the psychological and emotional space they occupy. The absurd narratives explore the helplessness and fragility one feels when confronting fate and death. The different senses of self and time in the paintings teleport the viewer into memories of alienation and grief.
Board Member, Interdisciplinary Arts Council, Columbia University, New York, NY
2018-19 Chair, Residence Hall Exhibitions Committee, Siragusa
Gallery, Chicago, IL
Group Exhibitions
Senior Expo, School of the Art Institute of Chicago,
Chicago, IL
BFA Thesis Exhibition, Sullivan Galleries, School of the
Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Arte Contemporanea, International Center for the Arts,
Monte Castello di Vibio, Italy
Teaching Assistant Fellowship, Columbia University
Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant
Fellowship, Interdisciplinary Arts Council, Columbia
Excellence in Leadership Award, School of the Art
Institute of Chicago
Merit Scholarship, Columbia University School of the Arts
Merit Scholarship, Columbia University School of the Arts
SAIC Travel Scholarship, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Yuan | Columbia University
Editor’s Selections
The following section is presented in alphabetical order. Biographical information has been edited. Prices for available work may be found on p204.
Jacob Todd Broussard Witnesses of the Feu Follet | acrylic, oil, pastel, sand, molding paste, clay, and pumice on canvas, 72 x 60 inches
Jacob Todd Broussard Islander, Colinda | acrylic, oil, pastel, pumice, clay, sand, charcoal, and ink on muslin, 72 x 48 inches
Jacob Todd Broussard Vagabond | acrylic, oil, watercolor, ink, pastel, molding paste, sand, glass beads, and pumice on muslin, 24 x 18 inches
Jacob Todd Broussard New Haven, CT jacobbroussardartist@gmail.com / www.jacobtoddbroussard.com / @jacobtoddbroussard
b. 1992 Lafayette, LA
MFA, Yale School of Art, New Haven, CT
BFA, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA
Santa Reparata International School of Art, Florence, Italy
Atlantic Center for the Arts (master artist Sanford Biggers), New Smyrna Beach, FL
Chalk Hill Artist Residency, Healdsburg, CA
League Residency at Vyt, The Art Students League of
New York, Sparkill, NY
Summer Studio Program, Virginia Commonwealth
University, Richmond, VA
Solo Exhibitions
Feu Follet, Steven Zevitas Gallery, Boston, MA
Sideways Hot Tub, Basin Arts, Lafayette, LA
Group Exhibitions
Yale MFA Painting & Printmaking 2019, New Release,
New York, NY
Again, Always: MFA Painting Thesis Exhibition, Green
Gallery, Yale School of Art, New Haven, CT
Afterwardsness, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation Grant
I make paintings and objects that represent figures as geological and psychological extensions of landscape. My paintings depict hermits, wanderers, ramblers—a visual trope of a performative body susceptible to the elements. Through narrative frameworks, I mine vernacular narratives, fantasy, folkloric geographies, and a discourse on representation. Folklore is a register for renegotiating the nature of perception, sacrificing realism in order to gain a new truth. Denaturalizing a subject through the carnivalesque exposes the underbelly of sensation and perception. I use specific painting devices to challenge a fixed perception of self, queerness, landscape, and desire. How does the impulsive private self, in a space rendered abundant and strange, reshape our understanding of public persona? There is a constant interstitial dance between myth and reality, an experimentation with romanticism, all fleshed-out against a backdrop of a dangerously alluring landscape on its last leg.
Nominee, Schickle–Collingwood Prize, Yale School of Art, New Haven, CT
Alfred McDougal Scholarship, Yale School of Art,
New Haven, CT
Broussard | Yale School of Art
First Last Title | medium, X x X inches
Jacob Todd Broussard | Vagabond (detail) 183
Avner Chaim A DEEPER HORIZONTAL DEEP, 2018 | acrylic on canvas, 100 x 140 inches
Avner Chaim THE HYPOCRITE, 2019 | acrylic on canvas, 100 x 140 inches
Avner Chaim THE MIRACLE (A REVELATION AT PAPADUM BAY), 2019 | acrylic on canvas, 100 x 140 inches
Avner Chaim Brooklyn, NY   www.avnerchaim.com / @avnerchaim
b. 1992 Haifa, Israel
MFA, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
BFA, Shenkar College of Engineering, Design and Art,
Tel Aviv, Israel
Group Exhibitions
DOWNSTAIRS, BEYOND, AsofNow Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Portable Modernism, Life Lessons Garage, Queens, NY
An Opera of Canaries, Garrison Art Center, Garrison, NY
Elephant and Castle, 2025 Art and Culture,
Hamburg, Germany
Cognitive Dissidence, Ray Smith Studio, Brooklyn, NY
Landing, The Convent at the Church of St. Michael,
New York, NY
Artificial Frills, The Cloying Parlor, New York, NY
Finals, RawArt Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel
Derive, Museum of Bat Yam, Bat Yam, Israel
Hurvitz Grant for Emerging Artist, America-Israel
Cultural Foundation
Ein Harod Museum of Art, Ein Harod, Israel
In the past few years, I’ve focused on painting and drawing conflicts and battles between two or three formations. These formations are hybrids that are made out of many different sources. Some of these sources are rooted in the natural world, like invertebrates, reptiles, fossils, and carnivorous plants. Others might be more culturally related, like the composition on an Egyptian hieroglyph or like a megabattle between monsters in a sci-f movie. These fighting formations are always depicted before they touch each other; they are in position, just like wrestlers, waiting for the cue. It is the moment before aggression and rage turn into a cloud of dust.
Chaim | School of Visual Arts
Isabelle McCormick #selfie III, Rome | oil on linen, 23.5 x 20 inches
Isabelle McCormick Picture in a picture in a picture in a picture | oil on canvas, 38 x 30 inches
Isabelle McCormick Farnesina Filter | oil on canvas, 47 x 39.5 inches
Isabelle McCormick St. Paul, MN isabelle.claire.mccormick@gmail.com / www.isabellemccormick.com / @izzabot3000
b. 1992 St. Paul, MN
MFA candidate, Cranbrook Academy of Art,
Bloomfield Hills, MI
BA / BFA, Brown University / Rhode Island School of Design Dual Degree Program, Providence, RI
ArtHub Residency, Kingman, AZ
Professional Experience
2016-17 Public Programs, The San Diego Museum of Art,
San Diego, CA
Museum Education, Peggy Guggenheim Collection,
Venice, Italy
Group Exhibitions
Detroit Artists Market Annual Scholarship Awards and
Born just after the launch of the World Wide Web, I paint as a way to digest digital zeitgeist through the handmade. Still, I question whether modern technologies have ushered in an era of empowered self-expression for women or reinforce patriarchal motifs. I am struck by the centrality of the Venus figure throughout the complicated history of Western art. The influence of the Venus pudica tradition endures even today across the landscape of social media, where selfhood operates as currency. In the age of the nude #selfie, I revisit the bathing goddess’s gestures and the implicit presence of the voyeuristic gaze. A hollow, standalone avatar emerges across my work. Plastic and malleable, seductively painted. She is glued to the screen, her iPhone a phantom limb. There is a reverence for “techne” in my formal approach, which seesaws between digital and painterly. I paint to slow down, filter the good of online spectacle, and consider what it means to be a woman and artist in our hyperbolic world of retouching apps and reality TV.
Exhibition, Detroit, MI 2019
Now and Forward: Emerging Artists in Rome, Gallery of Art at Temple University, Rome, Italy
Medley, Palazzetto Cenci | RISD European Honors
Program, Rome, Italy
Yeah Maybe #18, Yeah Maybe Gallery, Minneapolis, MN
New Contemporaries: Selected works from the class of
2015, Gellman Student Exhibitions Gallery, Providence, RI
Hello Future! Talent’s Archive, Onassis Cultural Centre, Athens, Greece
McCormick | Cranbook Academy of Art
Sumire Skye Taniai Baby with Bicycle | acrylic gouache, graphite, and colored pencil on Yupo paper, 16 x 12 inches
Sumire Skye Taniai Postcard to the Future | acrylic, colored pencil, contĂŠ crayon, graphite, oil, and found materials on Yupo paper, 60 x 45 inches
Sumire Skye Taniai Fountain of Youth | acrylic and plastic on canvas, 36 x 36 inches
Sumire Skye Taniai Chicago, IL taniaisumi@gmail.com / www.sumiretaniai.com / @skyeatspaint
b. 1991 Yamaguchi, Japan
MFA, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
BFA, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
Professional Experience
Contributing writer, Aoyama Design Forum, Tokyo, Japan
Graduate Noontime Lecturer, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Summer intern, Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art,
My practice challenges the linearity of time. Taking care of a family member with Alzheimer’s, I would often wonder about the impermanence of life. At the same time, she taught me that time is not linear but fluid. Memories bring back time, and different states of mind can make things skip and stop. In my paintings, there is never a single thing happening at the moment but rather many things at the same time. Fleeting moments are portrayed by adding and subtracting paint and lines made by graphite. Mundane activities and things seen on the internet show up in my paintings, and multiple events and different perspectives are merged into one. All seemingly familiar yet strange.
Kansas City, MO
Solo Exhibition
Imaginative Play, Craft Studio Gallery, Columbia, MO
Group Exhibitions
Time Stamp, Parlour and Ramp, Chicago, IL
Homesick Remedy, JAW Gallery, Yamaguchi, Japan
(participating artist and guest curator)
The Turf, The Research House for Asian Art, Chicago, IL
With a Capital P: Selections by Six Painters, Elmhurst Art Museum, Elmhurst, IL
Restraint and Limitation, Elder Gallery, Lincoln, NE
Evoke, Imago Gallery, Columbia, MO
Friend of the Artist, Spring
Yuji Kumon, “Homesick Remedy–JAW in Japan,” ADF
Webmagazine, October 23
Taniai | School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Miko Veldkamp Awkward pool reflection after Beckmann | oil on cotton, 48 x 30 inches
Miko Veldkamp Two Fishermen | oil on canvas, 36 x 24 inches
Miko Veldkamp Spring Runner | oil on cardboard, 10.75 x 12 inches
Miko Veldkamp New York, NY mikoveldkamp@gmail.com / www.mikoveldkamp.com / @mikoveldkamp
b. 1982 Paramaribo, Surinam
MFA candidate, Hunter College, New York NY
2014-15 The Hodder Fellowship, Lewis Center for the Arts,
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
CCA Andratx, Mallorca, Spain
Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam,
Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam,
Solo Exhibitions
2016 2015
Passing Through the Garden State, Lucas Gallery, Lewis
Painting largely wet on wet, and with light dry brushwork, I create a fogginess, a blur, in which things can recede and come forward into specificity and loss, while maintaining the visibility of the mark and the directness of painting. I combine literary narrative figuration with abstract gesture to question modernist value systems by means of highly staged scenes that complicate space, horizons, and perspective, and emphasize the artificiality and interdependence of our psyches and identities with our environment.
Center for the Arts, Princeton, NJ
Group Exhibitions
Floor to Ceiling: Off-White Columns Anniversary Show,
pop-up exhibition, Off-White Columns, New York, NY 2017
Arte Concordia, Avenue Concordia, Rotterdam,
Poppositions, w/ Galerie Rianne Groen, ING Art Center,
Brussels, Belgium
van Bommel van Dam Prize Exhibition, Museum van
Bommel van Dam, Venlo, Netherlands
Photography: Before & After, Lucas Gallery, Lewis Center
for the Arts, Princeton, NJ
How to Win Friends and Influence People, Galerie Rianne Groen, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Through Jungian metaphors like shadows, reflections, projections, and windows into other worlds I dive into my own psychology and traumas, and visit personal narratives and family histories from Surinam, the Netherlands, and the US, as if in one magic realist place. The work raises questions about representation, belonging, and aspiration, as I look for where the edges of my identity are, as supposed to a fixed center which is absent, or at least ambiguous.
Awards Nomination, van Bommel van Dam Prize, Museum van Bommel van Dam, Venlo, Netherlands
Veldkamp | Hunter College
First Last Title | medium, X x X inches
Miko Veldkamp | Awkward pool reflection after Beckmann (detail) 201
Sarah Lee Orange sculpture | acrylic on canvas, 30 x 32 inches
Sarah Lee New York, NY 312.859.6520 sarahsrlee@gmail.com / www.sulhwalee.com / @sarahsrlee
Erratum Due to a production error in issue #141, Sarah Lee’s headshot was incorrectly printed. Her headshot and bio information are corrected here.
b. 1988 Seoul, Republic of Korea
MFA, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
BFA, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Solo and Two-Person Exhibitions
Unoriginal sublime, THE MISSION, IN THE OFFICE,
Chicago, IL
Control & Contrast, w/ Nosh Singer, The Mission Project,
I am interested in the fine line between surreal and real, the representation of a plausible world, the exploration of the familiar, and the emotional subject of nature, such as wintry scenes, dark water, fireworks, the night sky, auroras, and sunset/sunrise. By using this subject matter, I depict a psychological space that activates both personal and collective nostalgia.
Chicago, IL 2014
Playing the Field, Won Gallery, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Group Exhibition
Critical Point, Artnutri Gallery, Sanyi, Taiwan
Falling Through ’n’ Going After, One Eyed Studios,
Brooklyn, NY
Silent Night, Artnutri Gallery, Sanyi, Taiwan
Art Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
EXPO Chicago, Chicago, IL
Presence Interrupted, Julius Caesar, Chicago, IL
New American Paintings, no. 141
Featured artist, KNACK Magazine, no. 52 (online)
Lee | School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Prices published here, for the most part, represent the current price for a work established by the artist or his/her gallery. If a work has been sold prior to publication and a price is shown here, it represents the price the work would command if it were available at the time this book is produced.
Katie Barrie p18 $6,000 p19 $2,000 p20 NFS
Clare Kambhu p82 $1,920 p83 $1,920 p84 3,600
Raelis Vasquez p144 NFS p145 NFS p146 NFS
Jessica Bremehr p22 NFS p23 NFS p24 NFS
Jessica Frances Grégoire Lancaster p86 POR p87 POR p88 POR
Zhaozhao Wang p150 NFS p151 NFS p152 NFS
Kevin Brisco Jr. p28 NFS p29 NFS p30 NFS
Ian Lotto p90 POR p91 POR p92 POR
Michael Ward-Rosenbaum p154 $2,000 p155 $2,000 p156 NFS
Susan M B Chen p32 NFS p33 NFS p34 POR
Violet Luczak p96 NFS p97 NFS p98 NFS
Faye Wheeler p158 POR p159 POR p160 POR
Katie Croft p38 $1,800 p39 $600 p40 $1,200
Luis Maldonado p100 $2,000 p101 POR p102 POR
Ryan Wilde p162 $950 p163 NFS p164 $7,500
Santiago Galeas p42 $2,400 p43 NFS p44 $1,500
Julia Medyńska p104 $1,500 p105 $4,500 p106 $1,500
Mikey Yates p166 POR p167 POR p168 POR
Spencer Harris p46 $5,000 p47 $5,000 p48 $5,000
Ellie Kayu Ng p108 $1,200 p109 $1,200 p110 $1,500
Yuri Yuan p172 NFS p173 NFS p174 NFS
Kirk Henriques p50 NFS p51 NFS p52 NFS
Ludovic Nkoth p112 NFS p113 NFS p114 NFS
L. Hensens p56 $6,500 p57 $6,500 p58 $5,000
Ricardo Partida p118 NFS p119 NFS p120 $1,200
Michelle Lisa Herman p60 $2,000 p61 $2,000 p62 $2,000
Na’ye Perez p122 $6,000 p123 $4,500 p124 NFS
Stephanie Mei Huang p64 POR p65 POR p66 POR
Kate Pincus-Whitney p128 NFS p129 NFS p130 $7,800
Loc Huynh p68 NFS p69 NFS p70 NFS
Michael Royce p132 $4,000 p133 $1,500 p134 $6,000
Jin Jeong p72 $3,500 p73 $2,000 p74 $3,000
Josh Storer p136 NFS p137 NFS p138 NFS
Maria Christina Jimenez p78 $1,650 p79 $2,000 p80 $2,000
Warith Taha p140 $2,500 p141 $3,000 p142 $3,000
Jacob Todd Broussard p178 NFS p179 $6,500 p180 $3,000 Avner Chaim p184 POR p185 POR p186 POR Isabelle McCormick p188 NFS p189 NFS p190 NFS Sumire Skye Taniai p192 $120 p193 $890 p194 $650 Miko Veldkamp p196 NFS p197 NFS p198 NFS
Sarah Lee p202 $5,000