VOL . 1 Su m m er 2 0 15
Tabl e of conte nt s Letter from the Editor
Marketing Exhibit
Web Design
Step Up
NISG Inc. The Movement Studio Adrienne Hart Esthetics Bedard Metal Fabrication & Welding
Branding 11 D!Chef
Step Up NISG Inc. Adrienne Hart Esthetics Claybelt Drainage
Print Desig n
De Beers Group of Companies
YPBS/Your Professional Business Solutions Don’s Pizzeria House of Bras...etc Yu Law Office
Natural Health Solutions
Social Media
Fishbowl Restaurant
The Movement Studio
Moorea BodySense Clinique Pick of the Crop The Music Tree LMW
About us
Testimonials 23
$23.99 Medium Pizza & Pound of Wings
$6.99 each · Steak House Burger · 6-inch Meatball Sub · Meatball Buger
· Chicken Burger · 1/2 Club House · Fish Platter
98 Pine St. S, Timmins, ON, P4N2K2
Come Join us! 705.264.1361
Farmers’ Markets TIMMINS
Newbie Media Design
Lett er f rom t he Edi to r
Your brand is the single most important investment you can make in your business. — Steve Forbes
We l com e. I f yo u find your self read ing th is, it me a n s o n e o f t wo t h i n g s : 1 . Yo u ’re a re b e l a n d yo u sk i p ped this s ec tion to go right to th e g o o d s t u f f i n o u r n e w s l e t t e r a n d t h e n t h o u g h t t o yo u rs elf “Wow, this is great wo rk, I n e e d t o k n ow mo re a b o u t t h i s c o mp a ny !” o r 2 . Yo u ’r e a ru l e follow er (no worries, we don’t ju d g e ) a n d yo u re a d t h i n g s f ro m f ro n t t o b a ck , o n e p a g e at a tim e. Either way, we’re glad yo u f o u n d u s . Th i s is the pr emier issue of our newslet t e r. I t w i l l c o me o u t mo re o r l e s s t w i c e a yea r, d e p e nding on how busy we are, and show c a s e a l l t h e f u n a n d e x c i t i n g p ro j e c t s t h a t w e g e t t o wor k on with o u r clien ts. We are p a s s i o n a t e a b o u t wh a t w e d o a n d w e l ove t h a t w e g et to wor k with oth ers wh o are ju s t a s p a s s i o n a t e a b o u t wh a t t h e y d o . To g e t h e r, w e g e t t o do s om e pretty fantastic stu ff. S o n ow what? Well, if you’re a reb el, yo u c a n g o t h ro u g h o u r wo rk a g a i n a n d t h e n g ive u s a call. And if you’re a rule-follower, g e t re a dy t o b e i n s p i re d a n d t h e n t o g ive u s a c a l l . E i t h e r way, this is go ing to en d with you c a l l i n g u s . ; ) E n j oy, N e w bie M edia Design
NMD Vol. 1 SUMMER 2015 | www.newbiemediadesign.com
Marketing Exhibit Hou s e of B ras. . .e tc House of Bras... etc · Black Friday Campaign
We started working with House of Bras…etc in October 2014. Our goal with this established local business was to help the owner, Joanne Gagnon, rebrand her business to reflect the true nature of her services and products and grow the business’ demographic. We wanted new customers to associate House of Bras...etc with great products, excellent service and industry knowledge. We began our work by creating a fresh new modern logo and then developed their new website to support their two store locations. We then began developing the business’ ‘voice’ via social media to show their support of strong female role models and that beauty is not limited to a certain size. We continue to grow their market share with ongoing promotion development and management and maintain their business voice via social media engagement plus regular maintenance of their website to keep it fresh and up to date! We sat down with Joanne to ask her a few questions about her experience working with our agency.
House of Bras... etc · Valentine Day Campaign
House of Bras... etc · Social Media Ad
House of Bras... etc · Social Media Ad
www.newbiemediadesign.com | NMD Vol. 1 SUMMER 2015
Marketing Exhibit Hou s e of B ras. . .e tc W hat concerns did you have bef ore l a u nc h i ng your w ebsite? My concern was that I was taking a gamble by stopping other advertising.
W hat kind of f eedback have you receiv ed r el ated to your social presence f rom your exi sti ng customers? New customers? I have received a great amount of positive feedback from existing and new customers about the site. Generally people are excited about it. It has been very positive for us.
W hat has been the val ue of w orking w i th a marketing & design agency? It has been a relief! Much less stressful not having to worry about what to post and when. The knowledge the agency provides has helped us look and feel like true professionals
W hat w oul d you say to other busines ses w h o a r e hesitant to advertise onl ine? Joanne Gagnon, Owner · House of Bras... etc
Wh at w e r e you l ook i n g t o ach i e v e wh e n co n trac t i n g our ag e n cy ? I contracted the agency because I wanted to expand our social media network.
H o w wa s t h e p r oc e ss of cre at i n g a n e w i mag e f o r your b us i n e s s ? It was quite simple. I was impressed with the quality of service. The process was effortless
Wh at b e n e f i t s h av e you e xpe ri e n ce d wi t h t he re- b ra n d i n g of you r st ore ? I have received great feedback. Having a professional website is definitely important. We were able to reduce the amount of advertising while still achieving our sales goals.
Wh at ave n ue s of a dv e rt i si n g we re you usi n g p ri o r t o our s e rvi c e s? We were advertising on the radio and in the paper.
Wh at, i n your op i n ion , h a s work e d be st for yo u r b us i n e s s ? The website and Facebook advertising has definitely been working best for our business.
NMD Vol. 1 SUMMER 2015 | www.newbiemediadesign.com
Anyone can have a Facebook page. But not anyone can create a page that will generate traffic and actually reach people. I would recommend an online presence to any business that wants to be taken seriously. We’d like to thank Joanne Gagnon for her continued trust in our ideas and execution. It’s a pleasure to work with businesses that are open to allowing us to infuse their marketing strategies with new energy and inspiration!
House of Bras... etc · Logo
House of Bras... etc 路 Social Media Ad
House of Bras... etc 路 Responsive Website
House of Bras... etc 路 Social Media Ads
www.newbiemediadesign.com | NMD Vol. 1 SUMMER 2015
Web D esign
NISG - Mobile Website
A website is an important extension of a modern business. A key marketing tool, it is the number one resource used by prospective customers to determine if the business warrants their attention and patronage. The company website is the outlet for businesses to strengthen their brand and to set themselves as the leader in their industry. Often the first impression for customers, a website should be well thought out, easy to navigate, informative and unique to your business. The only thing worse than not having a website in today’s era of online marketing, is having a bad one.
If you think good design is expensive, you should look at the cost Of bad design. — DR. Ralf Speth, CEO Jaguar
Step Up - Responsive Website
NMD Vol. 1 SUMMER 2015 | www.newbiemediadesign.com
Bedard Metal Fabrication & Welding - Website
The Movement Studio - Website
Adrienne Hart Esthetics - Website
www.newbiemediadesign.com | NMD Vol. 1 SUMMER 2015
NMD Vol. 1 SUMMER 2015 | www.newbiemediadesign.com
B r an d i ng
StepUp - Logo
Branding is more than just the visual identity of your business. Your logo, your advertisements, etc. are only a portion of your business brand. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, hit the nail on the head when he said “Branding is what people say about you when you are not in the room.” Branding is the publics perception of who you are as a business. It’s the combination of your visual identity, your reliability, your customer service, and that feeling your customers get when they walk in your door. Branding is happening, whether you’re conscious of it or not. The businesses who are succeeding at branding are those that actively strategize on what they want their brand to say and then plan accordingly. A business without a brand strategy risks loss of market share. Business inconsistency or being unaware of your branding is akin to being asleep at the wheel. You are leaving your business reputation solely in the hands of your customers. It’s your business, you should be the one driving it in the direction that you want it to go.
NISG - Logo
So, what does your brand say about you?
Claybelt Drainage - Logo
Adrienne Hart Esthetics - Logo
The Movement Studio - Logo
www.newbiemediadesign.com | NMD Vol. 1 SUMMER 2015
B r an d i ng Package A strong and innovative brand strategy will help establish your business as a market leader and build customer loyalty. Done properly, it creates brand equity, generating the ability to set the standard for your market. We worked with Diane Rochefort to develop the D!Chef brand strategy based on an honest and emotional engagement with her business’ target demographic. We made sure to maximize her market share by developing a strong visual identity, supported by all of her marketing tools and sales literature to establish her brand and her business as the benchmark in her field. D!Chef- Logo
D!Chef- Gift Certificates
NMD Vol. 1 SUMMER 2015 | www.newbiemediadesign.com
D!Chef- Banner
D!Chef- Responsive Website
D!Chef- Business Cards
D!Chef- Brochure
www.newbiemediadesign.com | NMD Vol. 1 SUMMER 2015
You wouldn't trust your banking to anyone other than a banker,
why would you trust anyone other than a marketing agency with your buSINESS’ MARKETING STRATEGY?
NMD Vol. 1 SUMMER 2015 | www.newbiemediadesign.com
P r in t D e sign
De Beers 路 Newsletter
YPBS - Business Card
StepUp - Business Card
House of Bras...etc 路 Rewards Card
www.newbiemediadesign.com | NMD Vol. 1 SUMMER 2015
Whether it’s a major producer or a junior exploration play, finding reliable contractors can be as frustrating and time consuming as moving through airport security, until now.
TECHNO METAL POST WORLD LEADER company executives, INMining HELICAL PILES project coordinators, and ma-
jor industries across northern Ontario are throwing most of their business cards in a drawer and keeping one number on speed dial, 705-531-3063. With more than 150 years of TIMMINS DISPOSAL combined industrial service
HANDLING experience, theNORTHERN NISG group of companies hasWASTE quickly estabONTARIO’S lished itself as northern OntarMANAGEMENT FOR io’s leading go-to company.
“The full list of services we provide is extensive,” says COO-CFO Michael Perello. “Our clients and stakeholders know they can solve a number of project objectives with one phone call.”
NISG is an amalgamation of several well-established industrial service brands in northeastern Ontario including: Timmins Disposal, IMS, Heritage Paving, Techno Metal Post, Erocon, Pizzale Gardens, and Fun Swim Pools.
Perello, “Yet the most imposing number is embodied in our people. Our supervisors, project managers, and front-line team members have several hundred years of combined experience in industrial and commercial services.” That expertise includes: waste management, helical piles, industrial vacuuming, hydro excavation, hazardous materials and emergency response services, surface and underground cleaning, hazardous and non-hazardous waste disposal, camera inspections, pipe thawing, water deliveries, water and sewer construction and repairs, dust control, flushing, snow removal, landscaping, fencing, road maintenance, line painting, dam construction, road construction, tailing rehabilitation, and the list goes on. NISG team members touch near every major industrial site in the region. “There’s a lot of exciting projects in the north and our commitment is to deliver best-in-class services with a safety record to match,” says Perello.
One Company. Everything you need.
NISG - Mining Magazine Insert
20 YEARS (705)531-3063
This is only one of dozens of emails that we get. “I just want to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU for the work performed this fall onsite (both NISG employees and supervisors). It surprises me how the extent and amount of work performed can be completed in such a short time frame, especially with some of the worst fall weather conditions seen in Timmins. Your diligence and safety perform– ance has also not gone unnoticed.”
“The individual companies have impressive track records,” says
One company. Everything you need.
IMS 16
NMD Vol. 1 SUMMER 2015 | www.newbiemediadesign.com
Whether it’s a major producer or a junior exploration play, finding reliable contractors can be as frustrating and time consuming as moving through airport security, until now. Mining company executives, project coordinators, and major industries across northern Ontario are throwing most of their business cards in a drawer and keeping one number on speed dial, 705-531-3063. With more than 150 years of combined industrial service experience, the NISG group of companies has quickly established itself as northern Ontario’s leading go-to company. “The full list of services we provide is extensive,” says COO-CFO Michael Perello. “Our clients and stakeholders know they can solve a number of project objectives with one phone call.” NISG is an amalgamation of several well-established industrial service brands in northeastern Ontario including: Timmins Disposal, IMS, Heritage Paving, Techno Metal Post, Erocon, Pizzale Gardens, and Fun Swim Pools. “The individual companies have impressive track records,” says
Perello, “Yet the most imposing number is embodied in our people. Our supervisors, project managers, and front-line team members have several hundred years of combined experience in industrial and commercial services.” That expertise includes: waste management, helical piles, industrial vacuuming, hydro excavation, hazardous materials and emergency response services, surface and underground cleaning, hazardous and non-hazardous waste disposal, camera inspections, pipe thawing, water deliveries, water and sewer construction and repairs, dust control, flushing, snow removal, landscaping, fencing, road maintenance, line painting, dam construction, road construction, tailing rehabilitation, and the list goes on. NISG team members touch near every major industrial site in the region. “There’s a lot of exciting projects in the north and our commitment is to deliver best-in-class services with a safety record to match,” says Perello. One company. Everything you need.
One Company. Everything you need.
NISG - Mining Magazine Insert
This is only one of dozens of emails that we get. “I just want to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU for the work performed this fall onsite (both NISG employees and supervisors). It surprises me how the extent and amount of work performed can be completed in such a short time frame, especially with some of the worst fall weather conditions seen in Timmins. Your diligence and safety perform– ance has also not gone unnoticed.”
IMS www.newbiemediadesign.com | NMD Vol. 1 SUMMER 2015
Natural Health 路 Poster
NMD Vol. 1 SUMMER 2015 | www.newbiemediadesign.com
Yu Law Office 路 Banner
Natural Health Solutions - Banner
www.newbiemediadesign.com | NMD Vol. 1 SUMMER 2015
S oc i al Med i a M aRke ting
Moorea BodySense Clinique · Social Media Ad
With consumers logging into their social media sites an average of 5 times a day, businesses can’t afford to avoid engaging on social media any longer. Social media marketing can seem like a daunting task, especially to those business owners who are already working long hours managing the day to day operations of their business. Unfortunately, some business owners manage their business social media accounts the same as they do their personal pages and spend a lot of time spinning their wheels. Using social media as a marketing tool is a bit of a science; when effectively managed, produce results like no other marketing tool. Social media sites are great avenues for businesses to build customer relationships, develop customer loyalty & help with customer service.
Adrienne Hart Esthetics · Social Media Ad
We develop an integrated online marketing and communication strategy for our clients that takes into consideration their unique goals, audience and platform. Their social media strategy is seamlessly integrated with their overall business marketing strategy. Content Managament Services
The Music Tree · Social Media Ad
Pick of the Crop · Social Media Ad
Moorea BodySense Clinique · Social Media Ad
NMD Vol. 1 SUMMER 2015 | www.newbiemediadesign.com
Fishbowl Restaurant 路 Social Media Ad
The Movement Studio 路 Website Launch Promotional Video
The Movement Studio 路 Facebook Cover Image
LMW 路 Twitter Cover Image
www.newbiemediadesign.com | NMD Vol. 1 SUMMER 2015
A bi t about us N
ewbie Media Design is a professional creative marketing and advertising agency that brings together ad design, brand communications, social connections and content to help northern Ontario businesses thrive.
Our goal is to help you create company and product awareness for the demographic you wish to reach, be it local, regional or national. We help put you on the map and drive clients to your business. We help take your business image and profile to the highest level. We are experienced in creating strong brand recognition that reflects the true nature of your business and products. Our work stands out from the rest because of our distinct style to showcase your core company values- through smart, edgy design and execution. A strategy custom tailored to your business is created to maximize your promotion’s success. We are not your runof-the-mill marketing agency. We are proud to work with small businesses to promote local northern Ontario economic growth. We believe in building community, one successful business at a time.
Rosalia Rivera Cre at i ve D i r e c t or | Own e r Rosalia found her calling in photography at an early age and quickly entered the world of commercial & editorial photography. As a shoot producer & marketing director in New York City, she further developed her design skills. Now working in Timmins, she has combined her skills and experience in marketing with a love and proficiency for graphic design & photography to help clients promote and grow their businesses and organizations. “My focus with Newbie Media Design is to empower entrepreneurs and business owners by creating the necessary marketing materials- online and offline- and strategies that create true results.”
Chantal Warren P ro jec t M an ag e r | CA O As an entrepreneur at heart, Chantal has a strong understanding of business management that is balanced with a passion for branding and corporate identity. Creative and innovative ideas translate in all of her projects; work or otherwise. “As black and white as a project or job appears at the onset, I always seem to find ways to breath colour into the details. Creativity is part of the fabric of which I am made of, it influences all aspects of my life.“ Design that inspires emotion, informs with strategic marketing efforts, and attracts brand loyalty with a strong corporate identity; “that’s what we do, that’s what we excel at.”
Vickey Menard Des i g n e r Growing up, Vickey always had a pencil and paper in hand. “I was drawing everything my eyes could see and mind could dream.” Being born with this creative insight led her to pursue a career that she is very passionate about and allowed her to explore the beauty of different art forms and cultures while traveling to different parts of the world. During her 5 years of study, she participated in many artistic contests and attended interesting design conferences which expanded her knowledge of good design and pushed her to rise above her own expectations.
NMD Vol. 1 SUMMER 2015 | www.newbiemediadesign.com
Rosalia Rivera and her team at Newbie Media Design have helped me create a beautiful, fresh and professional website. It was a true pleasure working with this creative and energetic team! Rosalia’s advice and guidance have helped me transform my vision into a reality and thanks to her, I now feel launched! — Daphne Wallbridge, Step Up
As a new business, having a strong brand and resourceful website were key. Newbie Media Design quickly grasped the essence of my business, creating designs which exceeded my vision and expectations. Working with them was a joy due to their professionalism and enthusiasm as well as their quick turnaround. I look forward to continuing to work with Newbie as I continue to explore the vast array of services they offer! — Christine Fortier, Natural Health Solutions
Inspiration has hit! Thank you Newbie Media Design for the work on the videos for my website today. I have renewed inspiration and some great ideas for blogs and new workshops! Love it! — Lisa Wilson, L.M.W Consultation
Very professional, amazing talent and really friendly!! I am very happy with everything Newbie Media Design has helped me with! — Kimberly Sulatycky, Bliss Beauty Bar
“Our clients don’t like what we do... They LOVE it!”
From my logo to the promotional material and the website, you guys helped me tremendously and made me look superb! In fact, at a recent event, the first thing participants were saying is that I had an awesome website. Newbie Media Design did a fantastic job! Thank you so much!
— Newbie Media Design Team
— Diane Rochefort, D!Chef
It was our absolute pleasure working with Newbie Media Design! From the first phone call to the finished project our collaboration was nothing less than professional and positive. The company goes above and beyond to met the needs of their clients and has a sensitive ear. In other words, they listen to the needs and wants of their clients and do everything they can to fulfill their clients' wishes. If we require more media design work for our business we would not hesitate to use their services in the future. Thank you Newbie Media Design! — The Movement Studio (Timmins)
Increase your brand awareness, search engine ranks, and revenue! Growth you can measure.
705.531.5630 n e wbi e m e d i a d e s i g n . c o m