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Chikaming Township Board approves resolution opposing proposed Indiana Michigan Power Transmission Line Rebuild Project


embers of the Chikaming Township Board adopted a resolution in opposition to the proposed Indiana Michigan Power Company New Buffalo to Bridgman Transmission Line Rebuild Project at their Thursday, June 8, meeting.


The resolution will be forwarded to American Electric Power (AEP).

According to a fact sheet, the project will rebuild about 7 miles of power line from New Buffalo Substation, off East Clay Street, to Three Oaks Substation, off Hickory Street; about 6 miles of power line from Three Oaks Substation to Lakeside Substation, off West East Road and about 8 miles of power line from Lakeside Substation to Bridgman Substation, off Red Arrow Highway.

MThe sheet states that the “project strengthens the local electric transmission system by replacing aging poles and wires from the 1950s with modern equipment” and that “company representatives plan to rebuild the power line in the existing rightof-way, which may require acquiring new or updating existing property easements.”

The project involves installing steel poles, with the typical pole height being approximately 85 feet and the typical right-of-way width approximately 60 feet. Per the resolution, the proposed project that has been “presented to date has not been fully explained to Chikaming Township and its residents”. Furthermore, requests for Indian Michigan Power to disclose the “decision making basis for the proposed project” have also not been fulfilled. The resolution also cites that the

“potential impact on the environment, property values and economy” on the township and residents haven’t been “reviewed or communicated” to the township and residents.

Chikaming Township Supervisor David Bunte said he as well as Eric Giffey, AEP project outreach specialist, have received an access of 70 emails regarding lack of communication and concerns over the project.

“I believe it’s important enough for us as a board and township to make a statement regarding what our position is on this project and where it is today,” he said.

Clerk Paula Dudiak added that she thinks they “need to take a stance – especially when we didn’t have any information.”

Board members also approved Bunte setting up a citizen’s committee to work with him on communication and to commit $5,000 to emails and marketing mailings as required and to use Code Red and the Cherry Beach email list to inform residents about the project.

At the last meeting, several residents had expressed concerns over the potential chipping and sealing of Cherry Beach Road. Bunte said that, due to changes at the Berrien County Road Department with regards to scheduling, he’d been unable to meet with Kevin Stack, the road department engineering supervisor, with regards to options to keeping the road maintained or making safety improvements and that the project may be delayed until next year.

Board members approved the hiring of Michel Matrtinak and Khaler Johnsen as part time firefighters/medical first responders.

Board members approved applying for a Michigan fire equipment grant for up to $10,000 for 10 thermal imaging cameras.

Board members approved a fleet change proposal from the fire department for the medical first response (MFR) unit. Fire chief Allen Weich said that they were looking to remove the equipment from the older unit for the purpose of upgrading some of the equipment in the fire department fleet and then selling that and purchasing additional equipment to outfit the pickup truck to have additional responsibilities for first response capabilities. The estimated cost of repairs to the fire station roof and doors was approved. Bunte said they received one bid at an estimated cost of $5,057.11 for the repairs. A resolution for a speed study request for Warren Woods Road from Lakeshore Road to Chikaming Township Park and Preserve was approved.

Board members approved a request for an onpremise tasting room from Eulcra Brewing, LLC at 13400 Red Arrow Highway in Harbert.

Board members approved applying for a state RAP 2.0 grant for the Sawyer Road Streetscape Project with a 20% match, which is $200,000 in the total project cost of $1.2 million.

Board members approved a $12,595.15 Sawyer landscape proposal from Sawyer Home and Garden Center. The proposal includes installing perennial plantings, mulching them and a watering and maintenance program for the rest of the season, which Bunte said will “tide” them over as they work through the rest of the stages of the streetscape project.

Board members approved mending Ordinance 126 to state that permission needs to be given by Bunte and the parks director for heavy machinery or equipment access to the lakefront and beach along the sand.

A proposal from Antero Group for funding in the amount of $7,500 to assist the township in grant writing and the submission for the RAP 2.0 grant as well as a federal one for the Sawyer project was approved.

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