New Buffalo City Council discusses business license, rental fees
he City of New Buffalo’s finances are in good shape, according to the 2021 year-end financial report. In a review during the city council’s Dec. 20 meeting, Joe Verlin of Gabridge and Co., explained the general, water and sewer and pension funds are all well covered and overall revenues exceeded expenses. Verlin did caution that some balances will likely go down in the upcoming year as capital improvement projects that were delayed due to Covid 19 restrictions are expected to resume. He thanked city staff for “a very smooth audit process,” noting all requested information was provided remotely. He also told the council that the city received a “clean opinion” on its financial statements as of June 30, 2021. Following the auditor’s report, treasurer Kate Vyskocil told the council that several large projects are coming up for the city, which would require amendments to the city’s budget. Following Vyskocil’s update, the council approved budget amendments for the 2022 fiscal year. Later in the meeting, the council addressed issues in the short-term rental limits. City Manager Darwin Watson told the council that some property owners are circumventing the short-term rental restrictions by entering one-month rental agreements, which the tenants cancel after a brief stay. Watson said the new fee schedule is needed because the city needs to better monitor houses registered as longterm rentals. He also said the fee schedule will ensure that long-term tenants are being treated fairly. Among the fees included are a $1,000 city administration fee and an annual inspection fee of $150. Properties in violation could face compliance inspection fees. Due to limited manpower at the New Buffalo Fire Department, the city has a Fire Service Agreement with New Buffalo Township to provide supplemental fire services for emergency calls in the city. Under terms of the renewed agreement, the township will provide coverage in 2022 for $60,000. Either party can terminate the
agreement with 30 days’ notice. The council approved the renewed agreement, but noted it is a short-term solution to the issue. Watson informed the council that the dump truck had several issues and Duneland Custom Repair Center had performed necessary repairs for $6,704.49. The council approved the charges. The council tabled an easement request for a residence at 307 N. Whittaker Street. Watson said Abonmarche Engineering had recently been contracted by the property owner to provide design services for repair and renovation work on a seawall. During their survey, Abonmarche determined a portion of the house’s deck and entry stairs had been built on the public right-of-way. Watson told the council the deck and stairs predated the current owners and are the main access to the house. Under the proposed agreement, the owner would pay the city $2,500 consideration for a 480 square foot easement, plus any associated legal fees, and agree not to build beyond the current footprint inside the easement. The council discussed the request and tabled the matter until further information could be made available. The council did approve Watson’s recommendation to purchase a payment kiosk for the city boat launch. Watson said the purchase would make the launch consistent with other fee collection locations in the city, including the public beach parking lot. The city will purchase a kiosk for $7945 from Total Parking Solutions, which provides the city’s other kiosks. Due to extenuating circumstances, the council approved a one-time vacation payout for New Buffalo Police Department Officer Nate Voytovick. While city policy is that unused vacation time cannot be carried over from one calendar year to the next, police chief Rich Killips requested the council approve the payout for $1573.76, explaining that Voytovick had been unable to use his vacation time due in part to a need for coverage. Prior to adjourning, the council approved reappointed Vanessa Thun, Jack Kennedy and Juli Westergren to the Board of Review, and approved the 2022 meeting calendar.