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New Athletic Center on Track



With the new Susan Haigh Carver ’51 Dining Hall & Commonscomplete, the next phase of the school’s long-range campus masterplan calls for the construction of a new Athletics and WellnessCenter to appropriately serve students at all grade levels in a PreK–9school and to serve as an additional marquee community space.

While Country School offers a robust and developmentallyappropriate PE and athletics program, the physical space islacking. Due to this lack of space, many sports teams must traveloff campus to practice, which cuts into valuable class time.

A new Athletics Center will alleviate off-campus travel andallow for increased sports options, including squash courtsto accommodate growing interest. It will also provide muchneededspectator seating so that parents, alumni and friendscan come and cheer on our student athletes.

The upper-level main entrance will lead to 4 squash courts, atwo-court gymnasium to serve basketball and volleyball (the twocompetition basketball courts can also be configured to enablefour practice courts) with retractable bleachers for spectator

seating. The new complex will also include improved student and faculty locker rooms, an expanded fitness center, two multipurpose spaces for health and wellness programs as well as other program needs, sufficient storage for indoor and outdoor athletic equipment, and new facilities offices. The upper level will be accessed from the Lower School circle, while the locker rooms and lower level will open onto the athletic fields. Horizons will be building a new and improved pool closer to the Lower School.

In addition, the plan calls for reseeding and regrading all of the athletic fields, with the potential addition of a turf playing field. The baseball diamond will be relocated further south to relieve the football field and allow more space, and the east drive will be reconfigured to add convenient and dedicated parking for athletic events.

The space will accommodate the entire school community and provide a bright and open space for community events such as the Annual Meeting & Dinner, PA’s Deal Days, and academic events such as the fifth grade Medieval Faire.


Thanks to the generosity of twoNew Canaan Country School families,the school will acquire approximatelyeight acres contiguous to the school’sexisting 75-acre campus.

The purchase of 579 FrogtownRoad was made possible by a $1 millionleadership gift from an NCCS familywho wishes to remain anonymous aswell as a gift from the Moore family —the current property owner and anNCCS legacy family.

“I offer my deepest thanks to thegenerous Country School donor family,

who wishes to remain anonymous, formaking this purchase possible,” saidBoard President Randy Salvatore in aletter announcing the purchase to theschool community.

To show appreciation and thanks forthe Moore family’s gift, one of the squashcourts in the new Athletics and WellnessCenter will be named for the late GeorgeMoore Sr., who attended NCCS in the ’40sand was the father of Tanya MooreJessop ’86 and George Moore Jr. ’83.

“With this significant acquisition, wewill have additional opportunities toenhance existing NCCS programs andprovide new programmatic opportunitiesin the future,” said Salvatore.

The property at 579 Frogtown Roadwas part of the original 150-acreproperty purchased by New CanaanCountry School from Grace Church in1936, but was sold shortly thereafterto the Moore family.

Read more: www.countryschool.net/futurecampus For updates on the Long-Range Campus Master Plan

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