The Bulletin Winter 2021

Page 53

In Memoriam We offer the deepest condolences to the family and friends of the following members of our extended school community. To read more, please visit You may also submit a notice on the website or contact Director of Alumni Affairs Holly Donaldson Casella ’04 directly at or (203) 801-5687.


Juliet “Judy” Delafield Fiske Harding ’39,

Eleanor “Nell” Lloyd Helm ’43,

focused on providing relief to abused

91, died May 12,

instrumental in starting a women’s tennis

93, died Dec. 12,

2020, in Hanover,

program at the Weston High School. The

2018, in Seattle.

NH. Following

family later moved to Philadelphia where

Country School,

Nell was an assistant first grade teacher

Country School,

she attended

at the Germantown Friends School,

she attended

Choate Rosemary

and later volunteered as a hospice case


women and children. She also was

The Chapin School in Manhattan and

Hall. Subsequent studies at the Child

worker for the Wissahickon Hospice,

Vassar College. She is predeceased by

Education Foundation and as a volun-

one of the first hospice care programs in

her husband of 70 years, John McMillan

teer with the Frontier Nursing Service in

the Philadelphia area. Additionally, she

Harding. Together, they had seven chil-

Kentucky, where she acted as a courier

worked as an RN at Foulkeways, a retire-

dren and attended St. Therese Parish for

assisting midwives and caring for their

ment community in Gwynedd, PA, where

43 years. In the community, Judy used

horses, led her to enter the Children’s

her mother lived.

her considerable energy as a passionate

Hospital School of Nursing, graduating

Summers were spent at her grandpar-

humanitarian and social justice advocate.

as an RN in 1951.

ents’ summer place on Lake Chocorua,

She visited senior centers, advocated for

In 1952, she married Bill Helm ’38 and

and in 2003 she and Bill moved there

the poor, and engaged in political discus-

continued to practice nursing, including

year-round before retiring to Kendal

sions and volunteered at church. Along

specializing in respiratory care during

at Hanover.

with three others, Judy formed a local

the polio epidemic of the 1950s. As a

She is survived by husband Bill;

chapter of the Panel of American Women

resident of Weston, MA, where she raised

daughter Pam; sons Peter, David and

and shared experiences of growing up in

her family, she served as a board member

Lloyd, six grandchildren and two great-

their respective religions with organiza-

of the Weston Visiting Nurse Association

grandchildren. In lieu of flowers, the

tions and schools. Condolences, photos,

and as a founding board member of

family asks that donations be made in

or stories may be sent to Judy’s family at

the Parents’ and Children’s Services in

Nell’s memory to the Chocorua Lake

Boston, at that time, a landmark program


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