NCCS Curriculum Guide 2019-2020

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TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 EARLY CHILDHOOD 4 Beginners 5 Kindergarten 7 Co-Curricular


OUR MISSION The mission of New Canaan Country School is to guide students to reach their intellectual, creative, moral and physical potential. We value the imagination and curiosity of children, and respect childhood as an integral part of life. Our teachers set high academic standards and challenge students to question, to think, to collaborate and to act with integrity. The school works in partnership with families to teach personal, social and environmental responsibility and to create

12 Grade 1 14 Grade 2 16 Grade 3 18 Grade 4 20 Co-Curricular


24 Grade 5 26 Grade 6 29 Co-Curricular


34 Grade 7 37 Grade 8 40 Grade 9 43 Co-Curricular

a community that honors diversity and our common humanity. New Canaan Country School inspires students to be lifelong learners with the courage and confidence to make a positive contribution to the world.

Curriculum Guide 2019–2020



Beginners & Kindergarten

INTRODUCTION Learning begins in moments of connection, whether connecting with a friend, a material, an idea or a subject. At Country School, we value time spent on ensuring that children feel connected. We take time to get to know each other and to establish routines and rhythms. Every child is known, seen, heard and valued. When children feel that connection, they feel safe to take risks and navigate into spaces in which they feel less certain. Children in the Early Childhood Program are viewed as competent, capable and creative contributors and seen as active participants in the learning process. Our curriculum is deliberately designed to stretch each student and offer children opportunities to innovate, create and play together within a community of learners. When children are encouraged to explore possibilities in one discipline, such a mindset finds its way into other moments—in language arts, math, science and music. Connecting ideas, possibilities, thoughts and understanding; connecting people, experiences, hopes and dreams—that is what we do in the Early Childhood Program each and every day. This intentional foundation cultivates the dispositions of a future Country School graduate—a creative, curious, resilient risk-taker who is ready to embrace the engaging and challenging curriculum ahead.

Curriculum Guide 2019–2020


Beginners Language Arts

Social Studies


The Beginners’ Language Arts curriculum

Social studies in the Beginners’ classroom

Children are born scientists, driven by

supports the development of emerging

is designed to foster an inclusive learning

their curiosity to explore and discover.

literacy skills, particularly oral language.

community where children develop a

They learn through direct experiences

Literacy develops in young children when

sense of self and an awareness of others.

in which they can form ideas, test them,

they have opportunities to communicate

Teachers facilitate this growth through

see the results, revise their ideas and

and become engaged members of a

read-aloud, discussions and collabora-

try again. In the Exploratory Lab, chil-

classroom. Beginners experience lan-

tive projects. The children explore the

dren interact with blocks, ramps, sand,

guage through authentic and meaningful

workings of their school environment

water and wind. They are encouraged

interactions designed to accommodate

to gain an understanding of their place

to experiment, notice cause and effect,

varying developmental levels. Students

in the broader campus community.

and problem solve. In this way, a foun-

experience a print-rich environment that

dational understanding of the concepts

cultivates interest in language and words.

of force, motion and gravity evolves.

With teacher modeling through charts,


Children are introduced to various

stories, songs, poetry and messages,

The Beginners mathematics curriculum

substances. They observe, question,

students are supported and encouraged

draws upon the child’s natural curios-

hypothesize and learn to classify mate-

to dictate stories as well as to form, draw,

ity about the world. Teachers design

rials by state of matter: solid, liquid or

copy and trace letters of the alphabet.

lessons for children to explore math-

gas. An understanding of the natural

They learn to be part of a respectful

ematical concepts and skills through

world is formed with direct observation

audience by listening to their peers share

relevant and meaningful activities.

and hands-on experiences. Children

personal items, anecdotes and stories.

Using hands-on manipulatives, games

observing mealworms and caterpillars

Oral language is further developed when

and real-life experiences, children are

over time are introduced to the concept

students generate thoughtful questions

introduced to and explore the concepts

of metamorphosis. By interacting and

and answers related to literature and

of numeracy, geometry, measurement

caring for the variety of animals and

suggested topics. To build the underpin-

and algebraic thinking. Problem-solving

plants in our building, children begin to

nings of beginning reading skills, children

and reasoning skills are developed

understand the needs of living things.

develop an ear for discriminating sounds

through questions intended to spark

through rhyme and alliteration, and by

conversation among the children.

exploring letter sounds and symbols

World Languages

through games and direct instruction.

Beginners are introduced to Spanish

Children also listen to a daily interactive

words and phrases in meaningful and

read-aloud, which supports vocabulary

contextual ways through interactive and

development and comprehension skills.

joyful lessons that include songs, books, games, role-play and conversation.




Kindergarten Language Arts

together chorally. In Kindergarten, the

comprehension strategies by focusing

Kindergarten Language Arts fosters a love

teacher first reads the text aloud to

on beginning story elements during their

of literature and supports children as they

model pacing, fluency and inflection. On

guided reading groups. Each child’s read-

grow more confident as readers, writers,

the second reading, the students add

ing progress is carefully monitored both

speakers and listeners. Our curriculum

their voices. Examples of shared reading

informally and formally through bench-

is designed in a systematic and sequen-

in Kindergarten occur daily through the

mark assessments throughout the year.

tial way to develop the foundational

collective reading of the morning meeting

In the print-rich environment of our

skills essential for the child to become

message and working poems. The teacher

classrooms, opportunities for writing

an independent reader. Starting in

uses a pointer to model voice print

abound. Self-expression through writing

Kindergarten, we use a Balanced Reading

match. Over the course of the year, the

is nurtured and encouraged as all stu-

Approach focusing on read-aloud, shared

teacher hands the pointer over to a child

dents learn to use writing as an effective

reading, word work, guided reading,

during the second reading. Additionally

and creative form of communication.

shared writing, and writing workshop.

these mini lessons offer the teacher

Teachers use shared writing to model an

The interactive read-aloud by the

time to focus on the repetition and

experienced writer’s thought process.

teacher exposes children to rich vocabu-

reinforcement of phonics rules, point out

During writing workshop, teachers focus

lary, sophisticated sentence structure and

high-frequency sight words, and model

on developing skills such as left to right

an appreciation for engaging literature.

reading for meaning and information.

orientation, capital and lowercase letters,

During this time, Kindergarteners hear

During our small skills-based groups,

spacing between words, and ending

how a fluent and expressive reader

Kindergarteners engage in word work

punctuation. Children use their develop-

sounds, and develop their phonological

and guided reading. Word work lessons

ing phonics skills to identify beginning

awareness skills by listening to books and

focus on developing phonemic awareness

and ending sounds in words, and repre-

poems read with rhymes and predictable

skills—specifically, identifying rhymes

sent those sounds in their independent

patterns. Additionally, they develop

and syllables, and blending and seg-

writing. Mini lessons also focus on the

listening and comprehension skills by

menting sounds in words. Additionally,

concepts of a story’s beginning, middle

listening to the teacher think out loud

children are explicitly taught the rela-

and end, adding details and using sen-

and connect to previous knowledge

tionship between sounds and letters,

tence starters to “hook” their readers.

while reading aloud to the class. The

and are introduced to high-frequency

read-aloud also provides opportunities

words through interactive games. Guided

for the students to continue to enhance

reading helps Kindergarteners develop

Social Studies

their oral language skills as they share

their phonics skills by providing instruc-

The social studies curriculum focuses on

their own thoughts and predictions,

tion and repeated practice in reading

developing a sense of community and

and make connections to the books.

books at their independent level. Children

an appreciation of the natural world.

Shared reading provides the teacher

also increase their reading accuracy

Children take advantage of the school’s

and students the opportunity to read

and fluency, and develop their reading

surrounding fields, woods and streams to

Curriculum Guide 2019–2020


develop the concept of stewardship. The

all students to develop flexible and

and respect for our environment. In

curriculum is designed to create a commu-

efficient ways of solving problems.

Kindergarten, the children learn about

nity where kindness, respect and empathy

Work Places: Several times a week,

classification through interaction with

are fostered. Children begin to develop a

students visit math stations that offer

vertebrates such as mammals, birds,

deeper understanding of self. Each child

engaging, hands-on, developmen-

reptiles and amphibians and with inverte-

is a valued and contributing member of a

tally appropriate and differentiated

brates—specifically insects and crabs. An

group learning to solve problems, collab-

games that reinforce key math skills.

understanding and appreciation for the

orate, cooperate and take responsibility.

Number Corner: Each day, students

natural world is formed through meaning-

participate in a rich, mathematically

ful and relevant hands-on experiences.

advanced discussion through a variety of


quick-paced activities. Activities involving

The Bridges in Mathematics program

calendar prediction, patterning, num-

World Languages

begins in Kindergarten. The curriculum

ber lines and monthly collections are a

Kindergarten Spanish classes are

builds a strong mathematical foundation

springboard for advanced mathematical

designed to engage the child’s mul-

while instilling an attitude that math

concepts and higher level thinking.

tiple intelligences—visual, musical,

is exciting, relevant, challenging and

spatial, kinesthetic and interpersonal.

accessible. Through direct lessons, open-

Through songs, books, poems, puzzles,

ended exploration and engaging games,


dance, games and artistic media, stu-

students spend time representing and

The Kindergarten curriculum approaches

dents learn to structure and commu-

comparing whole numbers, describing

science through direct experiences in

nicate words and phrases in Spanish.

shapes and space, joining and separat-

which they form ideas, test them, see the

The following topics are introduced:

ing objects to understand addition and

results, revise their ideas and try again.

everyday greetings, colors, numbers,

subtraction, and describing and analyzing

In the Exploratory Lab, children continue

body parts, animals and clothing.

attributes of the shapes they see in their

to work with blocks, ramps, sand, water

daily lives. With the use of manipulatives

and wind to deepen their understanding

and games, children are invested and

of force, motion, speed, momentum and

develop a positive, confident attitude

gravity. They are encouraged to design

toward learning mathematical concepts.

their own experiments, hypothesize,

Problems & Investigations: Each day, the

problem solve and analyze their results.

children are presented with a novel, com-

With a variety of animals in our build-

plex problem and are encouraged to find

ing and our 75-acre campus to explore

their own strategy to solve it. Strategies

with woods and a vernal pond, oppor-

and solutions are shared in a whole

tunities to interact with nature abound.

or small group setting, encouraging

Children learn about protecting habitat,




EARLY CHILDHOOD CO-CURRICULAR: Creative Arts Overview The creative arts program at Country School supports children’s inherent curiosity and need to express themselves and their imaginations. Supporting the school’s mission to educate the whole child, the arts integrate naturally with the classroom experience. The program


is infused with opportunities for students

Music and Movement Early Childhood music and movement

to engage in the arts within a context

Visual Arts

builds upon each child’s natural music abil-

that promotes multiculturalism and a

The Beginners art program promotes

ity. Beginners play with words, sounds and

strong connection to the natural world.

exploration and discovery through

different ways to move. Song games with a

Beginning in our earliest grades, the

the use of various media such as clay,

part for each child give the students prac-

creative arts curriculum offers diverse

wire, string and paint as well as natural

tice in basic rhythm skills and ear training.

programming that encourages self-

objects and recycled materials. Art is

Children sing, chant, play games, dance,

discovery and appeals to a wide range

integrated into all curricular areas and

and move to classical and folk music.

of learning styles. Throughout the

value is placed on the process of the

creative arts program at Country School,

child’s experience. In the classroom,

students actively participate in a rich

children have opportunities to rediscover


and varied curriculum that is not only

familiar materials as they encounter

Dramatics begins in the Early Childhood

developmentally appropriate in design

them in new contexts and in concert

Program with a variety of activities that

but also deeply engaging and inspiring.

with their peers. The voice of the child,

encourage self-expression, character

their questions, collaborations and

observation and improvisation. Puppet

ideas lead these material explorations.

shows, theatrical adaptations of favorite stories and other age-appropriate, group-based activities that respond to the classroom moment help students to make deep connections to curriculum and to their personal learning.

Curriculum Guide 2019–2020


Kindergarten Visual Arts

Music and Movement


In Kindergarten art, children experience

Kindergarteners bring their creative,

Dramatics begins in the Early Childhood

the creative process through the use of

playful spirits to the music curriculum

Program with a variety of activities that

recycled and found materials with an

and are ready for more sophisticated

encourage self-expression, character

emphasis on problem solving, resource-

song games. Their creative ideas come

observation and improvisation. Puppet

fulness and sustainability. Concepts of

to play in reenacting a piece of liter-

shows, theatrical adaptations of favor-

color, space, line, texture and design are

ature or in different ways to move to

ite stories and other age-appropriate,

taught in a manner that encourages indi-

a piece of music. By the end of the

group-based activities that respond to

vidual thinking and freedom of expres-

Kindergarten year, students can iden-

the classroom moment help students

sion. Children work on their own and in

tify the eighth, quarter and half notes

to make deep connections to curricu-

small groups, and the artistic experience

as they match their step to the drum.

lum and to their personal learning.

takes advantage of the wide array of unique workspace environments and opportunities available on the campus.




Physical Education Beginners In a nurturing, positive environment, Beginners receive guidance in developing a basic understanding of gross movement concepts and manipulative skills. The program emphasizes the acquisition of gross-motor skills and basic body management skills. Strength building, balance, coordination, teamwork, jumping, hopping and skipping are emphasized throughout the year.

Kindergarten In Kindergarten, children continue to develop their gross- and fine-motor skills for physical activity such as catching and throwing a ball, performing locomotor movements, and navigating obstacle courses, while building upper body strength. Group games are introduced as children participate in running games while learning to change directions, share equipment, take turns and demonstrate good sportsmanship.

Curriculum Guide 2019–2020



Grades 1–4

INTRODUCTION The Lower School program is carefully and thoughtfully designed to build key foundations for our students, while also igniting a lifelong love of learning. Our first through fourth graders enter school each day with an eagerness and joy that is infectious, knowing that the day ahead will be filled with wonder. Our young scholars spend their time immersed in a learning environment hallmarked by enthusiasm, excellence and a strong sense of community. The Lower School offers a robust and balanced program, designed to broaden horizons, tap into passions and offer meaningful challenges across the curriculum. Rich offerings in art, music, woodshop, athletics, library and Spanish round out our core academic program. Our students are held to high standards in all areas, in a supportive environment that builds confidence and encourages healthy risks. Our exceptional core academic program teaches children essential concepts, while developing and expanding upon their skills in collaboration, creativity, critical thinking and communication. In addition to direct instruction, our students engage in hands-on and project-based learning, delivered by exceptional and talented faculty. When our students enter Lower School each day, they enter a community that is nurturing, joyful and inspiring. This can be seen as students and faculty gather together in weekly assemblies where our students hone their public speaking skills making presentations to the whole community, and for the fourth graders, serving as announcers. It can be seen in the countless interactions each day between students and teachers, and it can be seen in the culture of kindness that exists within the walls of Lower School each day.

Curriculum Guide 2019–2020


Grade 1 Language Arts

Jack Keats and Jan Brett inspire first


The goal of the first grade literacy pro-

graders to use similar writing tech-

The Bridges in Mathematics program

gram is for children to view themselves as

niques. Other units of study include

continues in first grade. Lessons are

competent and joyful readers. All of the

small moments, memoir, poetry and

built on the curiosity and enthusiasm of

elements of a balanced reading approach

nonfiction. Students publish several

children as they explore, create, discuss,

are addressed as students participate in

works of writing throughout the year.

test and apply mathematical concepts

small skills-based reading groups where

with increasing sophistication. Students

they deepen comprehension skills while

develop strategies for understanding the

celebrating their increasing proficiency.

Social Studies

principles of addition and subtraction,

As decoding skills grow and sight vocab-

In first grade, the overarching theme is

learn to recognize place value and the

ulary increases, emphasis is on discussing

“Self and Others.” This year-long study

importance of digit placement within a

and responding to literature. Students

enables students to better understand

number, and study measurement, time,

learn to choose “just right” books at their

themselves and their relationships with

geometry and fractions. They practice

independent reading level whether they

family, friends, members of our school

and apply strategies and skills using

be chapter books or beginning phonics

and the local community. Students

various models, games, and paper and

storybooks. Genres of realistic fiction,

explore the roles and responsibilities

pencil practice. The year culminates in a

fantasy, nonfiction and biography engage

of family and community members.

unit that integrates science and math as

young readers. Teacher read-aloud

This study broadens as they learn

the children collect and analyze data from

continues to be an integral part of first

about another culture. They compare

the flight distances of paper gliders.

grade literacy; vocabulary, story elements

and contrast how their lives relate

and character motives are analyzed and

to the lives of children from another

day, the children are presented

discussed to teach comprehension skills.

country. Students use technology,

with a novel, complex problem and

Daily word work strengthens students’

experience special events and go on

are encouraged to find their own

decoding and spelling skills, through

field trips to enrich their learning.

strategy to solve it. Strategies and

• Problems & Investigations: Each

activities using blends, digraphs and

solutions are shared in a whole or

vowel patterns. Ongoing grade-wide read-

small group setting, encouraging

ing assessments in decoding, fluency and

all students to develop flexible and

comprehension occur three times a year. First graders are naturally eager to

efficient ways of solving problems. • Work Places: Several times a

share their ideas in writing. Through

week, students visit math stations

a workshop model, students learn to

that offer engaging, hands-on,

collect ideas and then craft their own

developmentally appropriate

personal narrative to share with their

and differentiated games that

classmates. Mentor authors such as Ezra

reinforce key math skills.




and magnifying glasses, all the while mea-

World Languages

participate in a rich, mathemati-

suring in metric units and practicing the

First graders build upon the skills, class-

cally advanced discussion through

steps of the Science Circle. The year ends

room phrases and thematic vocabulary

a variety of quick-paced activities.

with a deep study of the classification

from Kindergarten Spanish. Thematic,

Activities involving calendar predic-

process. To develop their skills, students

content-based units are designed to

tion, patterning, number lines and

are challenged to generate various

connect to the interests and experiences

monthly collections are a spring-

criteria for classifying the same group

of the students while providing them with

board for advanced mathematical

of items. They study living and nonliving

the foundation to begin a lifelong process

concepts and higher-level thinking.

things as an example of how scientists

of language learning. For example, stu-

classify things in our world. Our culminat-

dents learn how to describe their families

• Number Corner: Each day, students

ing unit is an exploration of vertebrate

and their pets while they simultaneously


animals. Throughout the year, students

experience an in-depth study of family

The first grade science curriculum

take part in engineering challenges where

structures in social studies class. Another

focuses on teaching students how to be

they design and build creative solutions

unit introduces them to new food-related

a scientist. The year begins with learning

to challenging problems related to the

vocabulary through the lens of food and

about and performing the steps of the

topics they are learning. Students are

items in the cafeteria, as students are

Science Circle (a cyclical version of the

engaged in hands-on activities to help

encouraged to communicate with each

scientific method). While playing with

them gain an understanding of basic sci-

other about their likes and dislikes.

different materials, students are taught

entific concepts. They build models, take

how to make and record observations.

things apart, observe nature, play games

They develop their curiosity and begin

and care for animals in the classroom.

to formulate questions based on their play and observations. The students’ generated questions are then explored through the steps of the science circle where they learn to hypothesize, design an experiment, collect and analyze data, and generate a conclusion. Students explore the various tools scientists use. They learn how their senses are a vital scientific tool and a way to learn about the world around them. Students practice the proper use of several scientific tools such as a scale, ruler, beaker, pipette, tweezers

Curriculum Guide 2019–2020


Grade 2 Language Arts

learn explicit note-taking, how to write


Second graders continue to hone the

a paragraph with a main idea and how

Through the Bridges in Mathematics

many facets of reading, including

to support that idea with details.

program, students focus intensively

fluency, decoding, comprehension and

on the concepts of base 10 notation,

vocabulary development. Students are

addition and subtraction fluency,

encouraged to choose a “Just Right”

Social Studies

measurement and geometry, based

independent reading book from the

In second grade, the focus continues on

on observation and analysis. Students

classroom and library collection as they

the community delving into the “big 8”

deepen their understanding of place

build stamina for sustained reading.

social identifiers: ability, age, ethnicity,

value, which includes open exploration

Guided reading groups delve into

gender, race, religion, sexual orienta-

and explicit instruction of adding and

nonfiction and fiction with an emphasis

tion and socio-economic status/class.

subtracting multi-digit numbers using

on responding in writing to the text.

In the second half of the year, students

a variety of efficient strategies. The

Word work includes direct instruction

study the United States. At this point,

year concludes with a unit that com-

in the syllable types, word sorts and

students are formally introduced to

bines data collection and measurement

regular dictation. Comprehension and

basic mapping skills while learning about

in which the students build ramps

critical thinking skills are taught through

the five regions of the United States,

and test marble runs as they explore

discussion, written activities, illustra-

including land and water forms. Using

the properties of physical science.

tions and dramatization. One highlight

an interdisciplinary approach, each

of the year is the spring production

student explores one state in depth.

day, the children are presented

of a play written by the students; it

The United States study culminates

with a novel, complex problem and

also incorporates music, art, costume

in an end-of-year States Exposition

are encouraged to find their own

design and dramatics. Grade-wide

where each student presents his or her

strategy to solve it. Strategies and

assessments, including standardized

research to the school community.

solutions are shared in a whole or

• Problems & Investigations: Each

reading tests, occur twice a year.

small group setting, encouraging

Second grade writers gain a deeper

all students to develop flexible and

appreciation for the writing process as they expand their repertoire of writing

efficient ways of solving problems. • Work Places: Several times a

genres to include narrative, poetry,

week, students visit math stations

realistic fiction and nonfiction. In the

that offer engaging, hands-on,

personal narrative, students learn to

developmentally appropriate

incorporate dialogue, strong leads and

and differentiated games that

descriptive language into a published

reinforce key math skills.

piece to share with their classmates. Through an animal research unit, students




air is there and has weight, students play

World Languages

participate in a rich, mathemati-

with hot air to discover that hot air rises

Second graders begin to gain awareness

cally advanced discussion through

and cold air sinks. Students practice accu-

of the relationship between aural/oral

a variety of quick-paced activities.

rate use of the thermometer by measur-

and reading/writing skills as assignments

Activities involving calendar predic-

ing air temperature in various indoor and

and projects often include written compo-

tion, patterning, number lines and

outdoor locations found on our campus.

nents. Interdisciplinary units continue to

monthly collections are a spring-

The study of animals begins with practice

enhance instruction. For example, in con-

board for advanced mathematical

classifying and then moves to exploration

junction with a social studies unit on com-

concepts and higher-level thinking.

of animal adaptations, food chains and

munities, the students learn the names

the role of animals in their environment.

for Spanish food items in the interna-

• Number Corner: Each day, students

Various animal life cycles are explored as

tional aisle in the supermarket. Similarly,


students watch chicken eggs hatch and

through a human body unit, students

In second grade science, our students

caterpillars change to butterflies, and

learn much more pertinent vocabulary

learn about living things. The year begins

even catch tadpoles from our campus

and practice expressing discomfort, pain

with an in-depth study of plants. Each

vernal pool to see them transform into

and sympathy toward others in Spanish.

student plants and cares for their own

tiny frogs before returning them to their

Additionally, students with more expe-

seeds. The foundational scientific con-

natural home. This study of animals is

rience speaking the language at home

cepts of systems, structure and function,

integrated into their social studies states

are given the opportunity to extend their

and change over time unfold before

unit, which includes a detailed report on

learning through stories and are encour-

each student’s eyes as they observe and

their state animal. Throughout the year,

aged to share their work as well as their

record their seeds’ growth. Using the

students take part in engineering chal-

families’ cultures with their classmates.

plant’s lifecycle as a guide, each student

lenges where they design and build cre-

explores the structure of a plant and its

ative solutions to challenging problems

function, and learns the importance of

related to the topics they are learning.

plants as an energy source for life as they sample tasty examples of each plant part. Photosynthesis is introduced through a play in which students choreograph movements to represent each step of the process. Animal respiration, and the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen between plants and animals, are used to open a brief study of the properties of the air. After experimenting to prove that

Curriculum Guide 2019–2020


Grade 3 Language Arts

students. Skills include basic grammar

cultural identity and ancestry provides

By the beginning of third grade, Country

conventions, conventional spelling of

a context for this year-long inquiry.

School students are ready for the

high-frequency words, proper punctua-

developmental shift from “learning to

tion and correct capitalization. Formal

read” to “reading to learn.” Third graders

expository writing techniques are


continue working towards mastering the

introduced in a systematic approach that

Third grade students develop flu-

literal comprehension of reading, while

adds structure, coherence and clarity to

ency and proficiency with multi-digit

beginning to focus on the inferential

student writing. Teacher-modeling and

addition and subtraction and extend

aspects including drawing conclusions

the use of graphic organizers scaffold

their understanding of the place-value

and identifying the author’s point of view.

students in their construction of the

system. Continuing with the Bridges in

Through exposure to a broad selection

single well-developed paragraph that

Mathematics program, the year focuses

of material, including informational

includes a topic sentence and support-

on multiplication, division, fractions,

texts, biographies, mysteries and realistic

ing details. A writing highlight from the

geometry and data collection. In each

fiction, they begin to read beyond the

third grade year is a biography unit,

unit, students are regularly encouraged

surface level. Teacher-led mini lessons

which culminates in a Wax Museum

to find flexible and efficient ways to

introduce various comprehension strate-

presentation for the school community.

solve increasingly complex problems.

gies through the interactive read-aloud.

The final unit combines elements of

Children also read in partnerships, in

math, engineering and science as the

guided groups and on their own as they

Social Studies

students design and build bridges and

independently apply reading strategies.

Through the curriculum “Peopling of

test them for strength and load limits.

Thinking critically is practiced across

America,” students learn about cultural

Problems & Investigations: Each day,

genres. Formal reading assessments of

identity. Students study how different

the children are presented with a novel,

fluency, decoding and comprehension

groups came to America and contrib-

complex problem and are encouraged

occur twice a year in addition to ongoing

uted to the fabric of our nation. This

to find their own strategy to solve it.

progress monitoring in the classroom.

allows students to celebrate cultural

Strategies and solutions are shared in

As writers, third graders are ready to

differences and understand how our

a whole or small group setting, encour-

engage in more sophisticated studies

unique backgrounds and experiences

aging all students to develop flexible

of authors, genres and craft techniques.

contribute to our identity as Americans.

and efficient ways of solving problems.

Writing is inspired by mentor texts, and

Students explore these concepts through

mini lessons are planned in response

storytelling, poetry, interviews, artifact

week, students visit math stations

to trends observed in student writ-

analysis, field trips and the reading of

that offer engaging, hands-on,

ing. In addition, strategy lessons are

rich literature. This study focuses on the

developmentally appropriate

taught to smaller groups and regular

themes of resilience, courage, respect

and differentiated games that

conferences are held with individual

and empathy. Research of one’s own

reinforce key math skills.



• Work Places: Several times a



the amount of work necessary to move

participate in a rich, mathemati-

In third grade, students focus on the

a load. Throughout the year, students

cally advanced discussion through

study of nonliving things. They start the

take part in engineering challenges

a variety of quick-paced activities.

year exploring what matter is and isn’t.

where they design and build creative

Activities involving calendar predic-

Atoms and molecules are introduced by

solutions to challenging problems

tion, patterning, number lines and

having students act out the way mole-

related to the topics they are learning.

monthly collections are a spring-

cules behave in the solid, liquid and gas

board for advanced mathematical

phase. While experimenting with matter

concepts and higher-level thinking.

phase changes, students become profi-

World Languages

cient in identifying causes and effects.

Third graders continue to focus on

introduced in third grade and are a

They then apply what they learned to the

developing fluency in Spanish through

formal time for students to share

process of making homemade ice cream

pronunciation skills and listening compre-

and discuss their work. A variety

and exploring how the water cycle works.

hension. As in previous years, thematic

of strategies are presented by

Students take part in chemistry experi-

content-based units help the students to

students to their classmates in

ments to learn and observe some of the

learn new concepts, sentence structures

a structured manner that deep-

effects of a chemical change, and then

and vocabulary, as well as revisit previ-

ens mathematical flexibility and

practice identifying a change in matter

ously learned material through a fresh

efficiency in problem solving.

as physical or chemical. The concepts of

lens. For example, in an interdisciplinary

• Number Corner: Each day, students

• Math Forums: Math forums are

• Problem Strings: Problem strings

density, mass and volume are introduced

solar system unit, they learn ordinal

are introduced in third grade and are

through experiments and practice mea-

numbers, create comparison sentences,

another way that students develop

suring with scales and beakers. The study

describe relative size and use their

efficiency in solving problems.

of matter is used to introduce the struc-

knowledge of weather vocabulary. From a

Teachers present a carefully struc-

ture and function of the sun, beginning

nutrition perspective, third graders learn

tured sequence of problems that

our study of the solar system. Students

pertinent vocabulary, examine nutritional

become increasingly complex so

research a planet or dwarf planet with

graphics from different Spanish-speaking

that students use what they know to

a partner and use the information from

countries and create their own food chart.

solve novel problems while noticing

their planet report to create an iMovie

Additionally, more Web-based games and

patterns in mathematical operations.

commercial enticing travelers to visit their

applications are incorporated in the cur-

planet. The year ends with lots of play

riculum to engage the proficient student.

as students experiment with catapults, lift heavy items with pulleys and go on a simple machine scavenger hunt. They experiment with simple machines, measure force and distance, and calculate

Curriculum Guide 2019–2020


Grade 4 Language Arts

sensory details, the power of strong


Direct and explicit instruction for the

verbs, the appeal of repetition and the

Fourth graders continue to use the

purpose of lifting the quality of student

importance of dialogue in narrative.

Bridges in Mathematics program and build

writing continues to be the focus in

Vocabulary, word work, spelling and

upon their knowledge of multiplication,

fourth grade. Goals include encouraging

punctuation are explicitly taught.

division and fractions. They multiply two-

students to be observers of their world,

and three-digit numbers, and develop

live like writers, carry a writing notebook,

division strategies. They learn to compare,

express opinions, question and wonder.

Social Studies

combine and find equivalent fractions,

Goals conveyed in daily mini-lessons and

Fourth grade social studies empha-

and learn more efficient models for

practiced during the writing workshop

sizes critical reading and writing skills

adding and subtracting them. Students

are intended to address specific objec-

through the study of Connecticut history

continue to develop efficient and varied

tives. Children write every day and begin

and ancient Greece. Centered on the

problem-solving strategies. The geometry

to develop a clear and strong writer’s

theme “Justice for All,” students learn

units focus on measuring angles, classi-

voice in order to summarize, persuade,

to respond to text, take notes, develop

fying polygons and learning increasingly

determine importance, compare and

a point of view, write thesis statements

complex vocabulary. The final unit uses

contrast, and show cause and effect. In

and support their thinking with evi-

the concepts studied to design and build a

addition, writing extends to all content

dence from the text. Critical thinking is

scale model of an ideal playground while

areas as students learn they have import-

emphasized throughout the curriculum.

students investigate simple machines,

ant things to say about the books they

The study of Connecticut exam-

analyze data and calculate costs.

read, stories they tell, math problems

ines the early history of the colony

they solve and issues they care about.

and explores the relationship of the

day, the children are presented

Books and the conversations they

Europeans with the indigenous peoples.

with a novel, complex problem and

ignite are an integral part of the fourth

Students also visit the State Capitol to

are encouraged to find their own

grade language arts program. Students

see, first-hand, the symbols of the state,

strategy to solve it. Strategies and

are eager and ready to think critically,

particularly the statues of Nathan Hale

solutions are shared in a whole or

go beyond text, and respond thought-

and Prudence Crandall. The study of

small group setting, encouraging

fully in both oral and written form.

ancient Greece incorporates “Justice for

all students to develop flexible and

Discussions and written responses may

All” through the study of early democ-

focus on character motives, elements

racy, incorporating Greek myths and

of setting, plot, author’s purpose and

“The Odyssey.” The unit culminates

week, students visit math stations

themes. In addition, the intentional use

in a multidisciplinary presentation.

that offer engaging, hands-on,

• Problems & Investigations: Each

efficient ways of solving problems. • Work Places: Several times a

of mentor texts prompts each writer to

developmentally appropriate

begin to develop an awareness of the

and differentiated games that

artful use of language, the inclusion of

reinforce key math skills.





learn about the parts of a microscope

participate in a rich, mathemati-

The fourth grade science curriculum

and how to use it appropriately. They

cally advanced discussion through

focuses on the Earth and is designed to

then explore various nonliving and living

a variety of quick-paced activities.

build on and integrate topics learned in

things at the microscopic level. Students

Activities involving calendar predic-

prior grades. We start with the study of

collect samples from our outdoor campus

tion, patterning, number lines and

ecology, using our campus forest to learn

including microscopic life from the vernal

monthly collections are a spring-

about the interconnectedness of plants,

pond. Throughout the year, students

board for advanced mathematical

animals and the physical environment.

take part in engineering challenges

concepts and higher-level thinking.

Games and outdoor activities introduce

where they design and build creative

students to the complex temperate

solutions to challenging problems

introduced in third grade and are a

deciduous forest system. Students

related to the topics they are learning.

formal time for students to share

identify biotic and abiotic elements, and

and discuss their work. A variety

classify the producers and consumers of

of strategies are presented by

the forest system. Groups of students

World Languages

students to their classmates in

collaborate to set up a study plot where

Fourth grade students, using a spiraling

a structured manner that deep-

they collect data to determine our for-

model, explore many of the same topics

ens mathematical flexibility and

est’s plant populations. Fourth graders

learned in the previous years, but with

efficiency in problem-solving.

then explore geological time, the rock

different challenges to expand their

• Number Corner: Each day, students

• Math Forums: Math forums are

• Problem Strings: Problem strings

cycle and plate tectonics in the study of

Spanish language skills. The relationship

are introduced in third grade and are

geology. This unit focuses on how the

between aural/oral and writing skills

another way that students develop

Earth changes over vast periods of time,

takes on new weight in fourth grade

efficiency in solving problems.

demonstrating constructive processes,

Spanish. Utilizing their iPads, students

Teachers present a carefully struc-

such as volcano and mountain formation,

use the Reading A-Z app for reading

tured sequence of problems that

as well as destructive processes, like

and listening practice, and interactive

become increasingly complex so

erosion and earthquakes. Students then

activities and videos from

that students use what they know to

apply what they learned about geology

These programs allow differentiated

solve novel problems while noticing

and ecology in a deep study of a biome.

instruction among varied learning styles.

patterns in mathematical operations.

Scientific reading, research and report writing skills are developed during this challenging project. Students express their creativity in the construction of a diorama of the biome they studied. The year ends with an up-close view of things from the Earth. Students first

Curriculum Guide 2019–2020



of creative arts courses, deliberately

traditions and works by major artists

The creative arts program at Country

designed for specialization and mastery.

are presented; many interdisciplinary

School supports children’s inherent

In state-of-the-art studios, students

projects are implemented. Children

curiosity and need to express themselves

work independently and collaboratively

develop the skills and techniques to

and their imaginations. Supporting the

on group projects. Talented faculty,

communicate their own ideas visually. The

school’s mission to educate the whole

many of whom are practicing artists,

emphasis is on concepts and process.

child, the arts integrate naturally with

challenge students daily to discover

the classroom experience. The program

their creative potential. Throughout the

is infused with opportunities for students

creative arts program at Country School,


to engage in the arts within a context

students actively participate in a rich

In the woodshop program, which begins

that promotes multiculturalism and a

and varied curriculum that is not only

in third grade, students are introduced to

strong connection to the natural world.

developmentally appropriate in design

woodworking tools and concepts. They

Beginning in our earliest grades, the

but also deeply engaging and inspiring.

learn to solve problems as they build

creative arts curriculum offers diverse

three-dimensional objects such a weath-

programming that encourages self-dis-

ervane, duck decoy and sundial. Creativity

covery and appeals to a wide range of

Studio Art

learning styles. As students develop

Children are introduced to many fine

a strong foundation of basic skills,

arts and a wide variety of media. Lessons

they are given more choices in their

emphasize basic design elements and


projects and coursework. By the time

are planned so that all children experi-

First and second graders build on their

they reach the upper grades, students

ence success with materials, concepts

Early Childhood experiences with song,

choose from an expansive selection

and creative problem solving. Cultural

movement and instrument play, and



and productivity are both emphasized.


begin to lay the groundwork for aural

Physical Education

skills and music literacy. Grades 3–4 receive more specialized instruction

New Canaan Country School has long

course and plentiful fields—suit our pro-

in vocal and instrumental music. Both

believed that athletics are an integral part

gram well. We also have a full-time school

grades play recorders and Orff instru-

of the educational experience of our stu-

nurse and an athletic trainer on campus

ments, and sing weekly in a grade-wide

dents. The lifelong enjoyment of physical

to tend to our athletes in event of injury.

school chorus. Traditional band instru-

activity and a healthy attitude toward

Lower School students participate in

ments are introduced in the fourth

athletic competition are the primary goals

a carefully sequenced curriculum, with

grade. Performance opportunities for all

of our physical education and sports

emphasis on fitness, participation, sports-

grades range from informal assemblies

program. This is achieved through an age-

manship and general athletic skills. More

to seasonal concerts and productions.

appropriate, creative and challenging cur-

specifically, the program develops gross-

riculum from Kindergarten through ninth

and fine-motor skills, collaborative skills,

grade. Our students move on to their high

coordination, visual and spatial awareness,

Rhythms and Creative Dramatics

school program feeling well prepared

cardiovascular fitness, self-confidence,

and appreciating the athletic founda-

and “knowing your body.” First and second

The Lower School program is a blend of

tion they gained at Country School.

grade students participate by homeroom.

activities aimed at both verbal and non-

Our extensive indoor and outdoor

Students in Grades 3–4 move to a gen-

verbal expressive skills called Rhythms

facilities—including two full gymnasiums,

der-based program, where we introduce

and Creative Dramatics. The Rhythms

expansive gross-motor room, cardiovascu-

sports such as soccer, basketball and

program, which has been a hallmark of

lar fitness room, outdoor hockey rink, out-

lacrosse that our students will be exposed

the Country School curriculum for more

door swimming pool, wooded trails, ropes

to in the Middle and Upper Schools.

than half a century, is a unique blend of dramatic play and body movement, and offers varied avenues for the exercise of each child’s imagination. In Creative Dramatics activities, students engage in theater-making that is directly connected to their social studies curriculum, and address a variety of related skills, from public speaking to collaboration. Lower School students participate in multiple theatrical events each year.

Curriculum Guide 2019–2020



Grades 5–6

INTRODUCTION In fifth and sixth grade, children become more autonomous. The Middle School fosters this newfound independence and guides students to become self-directed learners. Our teachers understand that their role as educators is to be successful guides of young people who are in transition—who are at the edge of childhood and everything that comes after. They know this period of change for young people, and work closely with students to strengthen their academic abilities and push their creative thinking; faculty deliberately design curriculum and spaces in ways that support and inspire curiosity, foster teamwork and instill resilience in our students. We emphasize the process of learning while ensuring the development of essential academic and mission skills. Fifth and sixth graders have many opportunities to build relationships and create a sense of community; we place great focus on character building and mutual respect. Students are active inside and outside the classroom through overnight class trips, artistic and athletic opportunities, and service learning. They socialize at organized events and continue to enjoy daily recess. Students are engaged as they master more challenging work and begin to explore their own passions and talents. Students leave the Middle School well prepared; they have the academic skills and confidence to continue to be successful at Country School and beyond.

Curriculum Guide 2019–2020


Grade 5 English

Social Studies


In Middle School, fifth grade students

In fifth grade, students study ancient

The Bridges in Mathematics program

delve into literature, composition, public

history, beginning with the founding

culminates in fifth grade, where the

speaking, vocabulary and grammar using

of ancient Rome, moving into units

problems and investigations grow out

a combination of guided and independent

on the Saxons and Vikings in Europe,

of everyday life while delving more

reading. Many forms, cultures, themes

and culminating with the Middle Ages

deeply into the world of mathematics

and genres are explored, but the focus

(1066–1300). This course examines

itself. Continuing the emphasis on deep

throughout each is consistent: to deepen

settlements, the rise and fall of civiliza-

conceptual understanding, students

comprehension, build critical thinking

tions, and various class and government

focus on place value and operations

skills, and express oneself with accuracy

structures. In addition, during each unit

with fractions and decimals, volume, and

and depth. Students read and discuss nov-

of study, connections are made to our

extending multiplication and division

els relating to the themes of immortality,

modern world. The core academic skills

problem solving. Fifth graders apply

social class, gender equality, cultures

of researching, reading nonfiction text,

the math skills they have developed

and traditions, survival, and resilience.

evaluating cause and effect, and devel-

throughout the year by building scale

Through the use of more complex

oping a point of view are emphasized.

model houses that incorporate a way

sentences and sophisticated transi-

Students participate in a variety of inde-

to collect solar energy. Through data

tional words, students continue to

pendent and collaborative projects and

collection and analysis, students dis-

refine their narrative, persuasive and

presentations. Examples include: Roman

cover which designs allow the most

expository writing. The goal of the fifth

emperor trials; a “Beowulf” play; and the

collection and storage of solar energy.

grade writing curriculum is to move

Medieval Faire, where student projects,

from single paragraph compositions to

hand-sewn tapestries and research

day, the children are presented

multi-paragraph essays. Students respond

papers are shared with the community. In

with a novel, complex problem and

to expository and creative prompts by

order to bring history alive, students take

are encouraged to find their own

expanding on their ideas and utilizing

field trips to the Cloisters and Medieval

strategy to solve it. Strategies and

effective transitions to improve cohe-

Times. Fifth graders also discuss cur-

solutions are shared in a whole or

sion. They also learn to apply grammar

rent events regularly, with the goal of

small group setting, encouraging

skills to improve and vary sentence

developing a more global perspective.

all students to develop flexible and

structure, punctuation and usage. Most importantly, students begin to offer

• Problems & Investigations: Each

efficient ways of solving problems. • Work Places: Several times a

their own literary analysis about what

week, students visit math stations

they read and write as they develop an

that offer engaging, hands-on,

individual perspective and point of view.

developmentally appropriate and differentiated games that reinforce key math skills.





such as Excel and a variety of iPad appli-

participate in a rich, mathemati-

As students move into Middle School,

cations, is an important tool used during

cally advanced discussion through

science becomes one of the core aca-

class. Microscopy is also introduced.

a variety of quick-paced activities.

demic classes. Using the Middle School

Activities involving calendar predic-

science labs and our surrounding campus,

tion, patterning, number lines and

students learn basic scientific method-

World Languages

monthly collections are a spring-

ologies through a variety of hands-on

The primary goals of the fifth grade

board for advanced mathematical

experiences in life, Earth and physical

Spanish program are to introduce stu-

concepts and higher-level thinking.

science; skills of observation, inference,

dents to the basic grammar structures

data collection and analysis, and graph-

of the language and to introduce useful

introduced in third grade and are a

ing are emphasized. Students explore

vocabulary within the context of their

formal time for students to share

the forces that drive weather patterns,

world. Fifth grade Spanish language

and discuss their work. A variety

study different systems of the human

students learn through a mix of textbook

of strategies are presented by

body, and learn about botany and plant

and workbook activities, listening activ-

students to their classmates in

physiology. Projects, research, presen-

ities, group work and games. They are

a structured manner that deep-

tations and labs—such as measuring the

exposed to new vocabulary in thematic

ens mathematical flexibility and

impact of solar radiation; comparing how

units—meeting people, friends, sports,

efficiency in problem-solving.

two groups of people perceive an optical

weekend activities, and likes and dislikes.

• Number Corner: Each day, students

• Math Forums: Math forums are

• Problem Strings: Problem strings

illusion; and germinating radish seeds,

Throughout each unit, particular atten-

are introduced in third grade and are

beans and corn in greenhouses built from

tion is paid to grammar. Students learn

another way that students develop

milk cartons—complement the units of

writing skills through diagramming sen-

efficiency in solving problems.

study. In addition, students engage with

tences to gain further understanding of

Teachers present a carefully struc-

regular STEM design challenges, where

how the Spanish language is structured.

tured sequence of problems that

they are given an engineering problem

Group activities are often used in class

become increasingly complex so

to solve with limited materials. Exposure

for the students to help one another prac-

that students use what they know to

to citizen science is an important aspect

tice the skills being learned. Duolingo,

solve novel problems while noticing

of the Middle School science program.

language learning software, is introduced

patterns in mathematical operations.

For example, as part of Project Budburst,

to challenge the proficient student.

each fifth grade class adopts a tree on

Throughout the year, students are taught

campus and reports leaf color change

about Spanish-speaking culture through

and leaf fall data as well as leaf budding,

videos, pictures and class discussion.

flowering and fruiting into a national database. Homework and quizzes are given throughout the year. Technology,

Curriculum Guide 2019–2020


Grade 6 English

Public speaking is another critical

Social Studies

Sixth grade English continues to

component of the sixth grade English

In sixth grade social studies, students

develop students’ abilities to read

program. Students choose a topic of

focus on the era of the Renaissance from

with insight and to write and speak

significance and write a two-minute

1350 to prior to 1600 in Europe. Units

with clarity and purpose. Shifting to

speech, focusing on three specific areas

are designed around the social, eco-

reading with a critical eye, students

of persuasion. They are required to

nomic, technological, scientific, artistic

move through a range of novels,

collect and analyze evidence to develop

and theological changes that took place

from classics to more contemporary

their points and complete several drafts

during this time period, students explore

works, which reflect today’s diverse

of their speech, ensuring that they

the changing landscape of Europe and

and multicultural world. Classes are

follow a thesis statements to its natural

the birth of humanism, discovering the

rooted in discussion, discovery and

conclusion. When the writing process is

power of individual initiative to trans-

respect for differing viewpoints that

completed, students shift their attention

form one’s surroundings. A multifaceted

such forums demand. Over the course

to the presentation process, learning how

approach that combines experiential

of the year, students become profi-

movement, body language, gesticula-

projects with more traditional instruc-

cient in close reading and analysis as

tion and tone contribute to a successful

tion engages the natural curiosity exist-

they hone their critical thinking skills.

public address. At the culminating event,

ing in our community. Students engage

In addition, the study of vocabulary is

students present their speeches in front

in guided and independent research to

pursued in conjunction with each novel.

of a large crowd of peers, teachers,

present thesis-driven essays both orally

The sixth grade’s writing program

parents, siblings and grandparents.

and in writing. Throughout the year,

stresses the idea of writing as a pro-

students alternate between coopera-

cess, with outlining and revising at the

tive group work and individual work.

core of that process. By sixth grade,

Social studies projects are based on the

students understand the critical com-

fundamental skills of note-taking, out-

ponents of a coherent piece of writing.

lining and writing. Our additional focus

Students also acquire grammar skills

on cultural literacy, explored through

through both the revision process and

current events and geography, provides

as stand-alone instruction. Students

additional platforms to solidify and

continue their experimentation with

practice these skills. This focus builds to

multi-paragraph expository essays, with

crafting an original speech, which com-

specific emphasis on building thesis

bines the research skills learned in social

statements and concluding paragraphs.

studies with the analytical skills gained

Students build stamina by writing

through English. The year concludes

regularly, and learn to revise their own

with a focus on the major explorers,

work through conferring techniques.

who embraced the Renaissance ideals




and journeyed across the ocean to

work, students practice the discipline of

Accelerated Mathematics

expand Western ideals. Students learn

documenting their problem solving, and

Sixth grade accelerated mathematics

that many of today’s modern issues

explaining their solutions both verbally

is the first course in the accelerated

have roots in the Renaissance world.

and in writing. Technology supports the

mathematics pathway at Country School.

curriculum in a variety of ways, from basic

Students move through and apply

calculators to support more complex

concepts at a more rapid pace than


operations, to online tools such as IXL,

the traditional level. This course covers

The sixth grade year commences with a

to offer repetition and promote profi-

topics that include data analysis, basic

project in honor of the Italian physicist

ciency. Students are exposed to a variety

plane geometry, ratios and proportions,

and quantum theory scientist Enrico

of assessment tools, from formal tests

measurement, probability and pre-alge-

Fermi. This project promotes the value

and quizzes to hands-on projects such

bra concepts. Students solidify their skills

of open-ended questions that encourage

as the Probability Carnival, which offer

with fractions, decimals and percentages,

multiple approaches, creative thinking

an opportunity to apply and integrate

and also engage with more complex

and nontraditional problem solving. It

mathematical concepts. Games, cards,

material involving linear functions, coordi-

is this type of reasoning, blended with

dice and manipulatives are utilized

nate graphs and slope-intercept. Project-

traditional algorithmic approaches, which

to further practice and enhance the

based learning—such as designing and

typify the sixth graders’ math experience.

concepts behind topics explored during

constructing a Styrofoam boat to haul

Students learn early-on the importance of

class. Classroom activities provide

nails, a stock market simulation project,

estimation techniques, both as a method

students with the opportunity to work

and managing a store in a classroom

to improve their number sense and as a

both individually and in small groups.

mall—complements units of study; these

reliable method to check calculations.

experiences allow students individu-

Throughout the year, students work on

ally or cooperatively to apply concepts

both the content and process strands

learned in class. Calculators are used

of math, including number theory and

along with Excel and other technology.

the part-to-whole relationship, which explores fractions, decimals and percentages. Furthermore, students explore data analysis, pre-algebra topics, plane geometry, ratios and proportions, and probability concepts. Through a combination of exploratory and computational approaches, students solve a variety of problems to increase proficiency in all modalities. With an emphasis on written

Curriculum Guide 2019–2020



complemented with a variety of home-

The sixth grade science curriculum

work assignments. Students develop

includes such topics as geology, birds

study strategies as they prepare for

and electricity. The inquiry-based

assessments such as quizzes and tests.

program allows students to continue to develop skills important to science as they observe, measure, classify, predict,

World Languages

control variables, formulate hypotheses,

Sixth grade Spanish curriculum revolves

interpret data and make inferences. They

around the refinement of language

learn a variety of concepts and make

skills learned thus far and enhancement

connections to their own lives, and in

of comprehension and writing skills. A

doing so develop a keener appreciation

spiraling curriculum is used to review the

for the world around them. During the

previous themes and then move forward

bird unit, students learn to identify

into new material. Sixth grade students

the local birds by observing them at

work through thematic units that include

feeders. Once familiar with them, they

school days, schedules and classes, family

then perform counts and contribute

members, around the house, furniture

their data to the online eBird database

and accessories, chores, and where you

managed by the Cornell University Lab

live. They practice listening activities

of Ornithology. The bird unit culminates

using different recordings of speak-

with students designing and performing

ers from around the Spanish-speaking

their own unique controlled experi-

world. Project-based learning is imple-

ments regarding bird feeding behavior.

mented whenever possible. Students

Students gather data and report their

create songs, videos and presentations

findings in a formal lab report that they

using laptops and tablets. Reading and

submit for publication in Cornell’s annual

writing skills are practiced regularly, and

publication, “Bird Sleuth Investigator.�

become more complex as the students

During the electricity unit, after learn-

move forward throughout the year.

ing about static and current electricity through a series of hands-on investigations, sixth graders create electric games and host an Electric Carnival for Lower School students. Throughout the year, classroom experiences are




MIDDLE SCHOOL CO-CURRICULAR Creative Arts Overview The creative arts program at Country School supports children’s inherent curiosity and need to express themselves and their imaginations. Supporting the school’s mission to educate the whole child, the arts integrate naturally with the classroom experience. The program is infused with opportunities for students to engage in the arts within a context that promotes multiculturalism and a strong connection to the natural world. Beginning in our earliest grades, the creative arts curriculum offers diverse programming that encourages self-discovery and appeals to a wide range of learning styles. As students develop

artists, challenge students daily to


a strong foundation of basic skills,

discover their creative potential.

In the Middle School, sixth grade stu-

they are given more choices in their

Throughout the creative arts pro-

dents study music technology, compo-

projects and coursework. By the time

gram at Country School, students

sition and history. They also continue to

they reach the upper grades, students

actively participate in a rich and varied

gain facility on a variety of instruments

choose from an expansive selection

curriculum that is not only develop-

including ukulele, Orff instruments,

of creative arts courses, deliberately

mentally appropriate in design but

drums and hand percussion. All Middle

designed for specialization and mastery.

also deeply engaging and inspiring.

School students choose to participate

In state-of-the-art studios, students

in a performance ensemble, either

work independently and collabora-

chorus or band, and there are several

tively on group projects. Talented

opportunities throughout the year to

faculty, many of whom are practicing

perform for the greater community.

Curriculum Guide 2019–2020


Studio Art In the Middle School, students continue to explore their creativity through art lessons designed to encourage independent expression and exploration of materials. Varieties of techniques and processes of two- and three-dimensional media are explored in the studio including clay sculpture, printmaking and digital photography. Art history is used as a means of inspiring students to consider their own ideas within the context of the multicultural world. Curriculum connections are explored around the classroom studies of medieval history and the Renaissance.

Woodshop Fifth graders take weekly woodshop classes. Students practice skills such as planing, designing, measuring, sawing and hammering. The children complete a variety of projects including pencil boxes, birdhouses and chairs.

Maker Lab The Maker Lab at Country School is the place for creation, collaboration, innovation and entrepreneurship. Sixth graders meet regularly where they explore gadgetry, simple electronics, basic programming and 3-D printing, and build mini-bots.


and set and costume design. The Middle

A broad palette of traditional theater

School program also utilizes home-

skills, from writing to acting, is available

room-based activities as classes under-

to both fifth and sixth grade students

take productions that reflect their work in

who have the opportunity to participate

literature and history. In addition, all sixth

in an elective production for one trimes-

grade students participate in a home-

ter instead of participating in sports. In

room-based public speaking program.

this ensemble class, students take full ownership of all production aspects including concept development, script writing, music selections, choreography,




Physical Education and Athletics New Canaan Country School has long

hockey rink, outdoor swimming pool,

season. Usually, there is more than one

believed that athletics are an integral part

wooded trails, ropes course and plen-

team in a given sport. In these cases,

of the educational experience of our stu-

tiful fields—suit our program well. We

teams are created to be equal, both by

dents. The lifelong enjoyment of physical

also have a full-time school nurse and

grade level and skill level. Frequently,

activity and a healthy attitude toward

an athletic trainer on campus to tend

the separate teams in a given sport will

athletic competition are the primary goals

to our athletes in event of injury.

practice together daily, which helps

of our physical education and sports

In the Middle School, students tran-

promote a sense of community and

program. This is achieved through an age-

sition to a combination of intramural

strengthens the bonds between students.

appropriate, creative and challenging cur-

and interscholastic programs. In the fall

The winter season is intramural-based

riculum from Kindergarten through ninth

and spring seasons, students select a

and is divided into two equal sessions.

grade. Our students move on to their high

sport and play a competitive interscho-

Students rank preferences from a variety

school program feeling well prepared

lastic schedule. Each team competes

of offerings and have the opportunity

and appreciating the athletic founda-

with peer schools from the Fairchester

to participate in two sports. This intra-

tion they gained at Country School.

Athletic Association (FAA). Playing time

mural season adds to the students’ total

Our extensive indoor and outdoor

is evenly distributed, and the emphasis

athletic experience, while also providing

facilities—including two full gymna-

is on sport-specific skills, collaborative

a chance for sport-specific skill develop-

siums, expansive gross-motor room,

teamwork, sportsmanship, team pride

ment and camaraderie among peers.

cardiovascular fitness room, outdoor

and improvement over the course of a

Middle School Athletics Offerings: BOYS



Soccer, Flag Football, Cross-Country


Basketball, Coed Hockey, Coed Squash, Coed Volleyball, Coed Yoga, Coed Paddle Tennis, Fitness


Baseball, Lacrosse, Cross-Country


Soccer, Field Hockey, Cross-Country


Basketball, Coed Hockey, Coed Squash, Coed Volleyball, Coed Yoga, Coed Paddle Tennis, Fitness


Softball, Lacrosse, Cross-Country

Curriculum Guide 2019–2020



Grades 7–9

INTRODUCTION Grades 7–9 provide the opportunity for students to acquire the habits of mind—creativity, perseverance, independent thought and collaboration—which motivate them to become lifelong learners and prepare them for secondary schools. Seventh, eighth and ninth grade students experience the interconnectedness of school: how collaboration with teachers develops individual autonomy, how working closely with peers encourages independent thinking, and how fostering intrinsic motivation helps with external assessments, including trimester grades and the SSAT. Students balance their preparation for secondary schools, embedded in challenging academic content, with their need as early adolescents to make choices, to stretch themselves into new ways of working and thinking, and to develop their voices. Upper School students take on a variety of leadership roles as heads of committees, captains of teams, editors of publications and lead actors in plays. They deepen their study of the arts and participate in an interscholastic athletic program that balances the competitive and inclusive experience.

Curriculum Guide 2019–2020


Grade 7 English

students produce multiple drafts and

of research-driven writing skills, as well

Seventh grade English develops students’

experiment with stylistic elements in

as exposure to current events, are also

abilities to critically analyze literature

order to hone their craft. Emphasis is

embedded throughout the year. The

through seminar-based discussion and to

put on supporting their arguments with

course culminates with a four-day trip

construct and defend an effective thesis

multiple forms of evidence from the text.

for the entire grade to Washington, D.C. With a focus on the role of both gov-

using the five-paragraph essay format.

ernment and the individual, the expe-

Our interdisciplinary Humanities curriculum helps our students develop the

United States History

rience combines the rigor of historical

passion for inquiry essential in today’s

In the seventh grade, students investigate

inquiry with the applicability of current

globalized world. As such, the literature

United States history from colonization

events and experiential learning.

is based on our study of American history

to the early 20th century, instilling in

and includes American classics as well as

them the confidence and perspective to

more contemporary novels. Moreover,

collaborate with the world as engaged

students are provided opportunities to

citizens. The fall trimester provides a

Upper School Mathematics Introduction

develop their public speaking skillset

foundation for the American narrative,

The Upper School mathematics program

through projects emphasizing group

highlighting characteristics of freedom,

provides an integrated approach that

research of historical concepts, time

resilience, vision and boldness. In the win-

engages students to build a solid foun-

periods, characters and literary themes

ter, students study westward expansion,

dation as they develop an understanding

from the novels discussed in class. Such

as well as the complexities surrounding

and appreciation of mathematics. By

exercises emphasize both student col-

division and reunion during the Civil War

incorporating the main ideas of problem

laboration and, ultimately, the delivery

and Reconstruction. Finally, in the spring,

solving into daily classwork, students

of prepared material to an audience of

students begin to grasp the breadth and

make observations, pose conjectures,

peers. With feedback from instructors

depth of a changing America emerging

test their hypotheses, work and rework

and fellow students highlighting concepts

as a world power. The course provides

solutions, and finally communicate their

such as eye contact, speech pace and

students their first comprehensive expo-

ideas—both verbally and in writing.

clarity of content, students are able to

sure to American history, while equipping

Through this process students develop

develop their confidence when speaking

them with opportunities to develop the

the creativity and perseverance to meet

in front of audiences of various sizes. In

core academic skills: note-taking, public

new mathematical challenges as well

addition to building on their vocabulary

speaking, debating, geographic literacy,

as the confidence in their own abilities.

and grammar knowledge, seventh graders

use of primary sources, collaboration and

At every grade level, students solve

focus on the craft of four types of essay:

test preparation. In addition, students

problems with high cognitive demand,

expository, persuasive, analytical and

are guided to embrace a mindset of

offering them an experience to make

argumentative. Through peer review

skepticism and curiosity as they explore

mathematical connections, form gen-

and individual teacher conferences,

the nation in which we live. Development

eralizations and develop mathematical




Accelerated Pre-Algebra

quadratic equations. Graphing linear,

The accelerated course challenges

exponential and quadratic functions is

students to go deeply into foundational

done by paper and pencil as well as the

algebraic concepts and apply arithmetic

computer. Technology plays a signif-

knowledge to a variety of basic and

icant role in the process of problem

intermediate geometric concepts. Topics

solving as students utilize calculators

include rational numbers, decimals,

and computers to analyze problems.

percentages, number theory, set theory, probability, plane and solid geometry, ratios, proportions and statistics. Algebra


topics include the properties of real num-

The seventh grade science program

bers, solving linear equations and inequal-

is project based, with each major unit

ities with one and two variables, and

including a research component and a

graphing linear equations. Technology

final presentation. Cooperative learning

plays an important role as students utilize

is stressed. The first trimester is devoted

calculators and computers to aid in the

to life sciences. Students begin with a

problem-solving process.

forest ecosystem study in the Outdoor Classroom, and then move on to classification, viruses and bacteria, plants,

Algebra I

and endangered species. In the second

This course is a comprehensive first-year

trimester, students learn about natural

algebra course that includes the study of

resources, energy and environmental

linear, exponential and quadratic

issues. These studies culminate in a series

functions. Students learn to represent

of environmental debates. The last term

a family of functions in multiple ways:

of the year brings together the life and

as verbal descriptions, equations, tables

Earth sciences in a unit devoted to Long

and graphs. Topics include the properties

Island Sound; its biodiversity and sus-

of the real numbers and their applica-

tainability are explored through discus-

tion, linear equations and inequalities

sions of current research and through

with one and two variables, systems of

place-based experiential learning.

equations and inequalities, properties of exponents, the fundamental oper-ations with polynomial and rational expressions, factoring, radicals and

Curriculum Guide 2019–2020


World Languages Spanish 7

today. Latin students are introduced

personal and school life, and family and

to the language through a combined

friends. Group activities, media, films

Seventh grade Spanish strives to extend

reading and grammar approach. Readings

and listening exercises are regularly

students’ understanding of the Spanish lan-

include passages in Latin based upon

used inside and outside the classroom.

guage and culture. The goal for each stu-

the life and times of a Pompeian banker

This first-year course also provides a

dent is a high degree of active proficiency

named Caecilius, who lived in Pompeii

general overview of the geography and

in the areas of speaking, writing, listening

at the time of the eruption of Mount

cultures of the French speaking world

and reading. Students learn the intricacies

Vesuvius in 79 A.D. As they learn the

through readings, videos and projects.

of number, gender and case, and are able

basic elements of Latin grammar, forms

to describe people and things, talk about

and syntax, students use these stories

their school subjects, and locate Spanish-

to build vocabulary and reading skills.

speaking countries on a map. Students also

Particular attention is paid to the variety

develop their ability to express courtesies;

of sentence structures and the ways in

count and express time; discuss daily life,

which an inflected language expresses

activities and hobbies; order food; identify

relationships between and among words

objects related to the home; and use

by changes in the spelling of those words,

basic verb paradigms to express actions.

rather than by word order. Throughout

Group activities, media, films and listening

the year, the students will learn various

exercises are regularly used inside and

ways in which Latin both connects to

outside the classroom. Students learn

and differs from modern languages.

fundamental vocabulary and idiomatic expressions dealing with daily life, as well as the following grammatical structures:

French 7

present, preterite, present progressive,

The goal of the seventh grade French

imperative and reflexive verbs, with brief

program is to introduce students to the

exposure to other tenses if time permits.

French language and culture. Students develop skills in the four language modalities (speaking, listening, reading

Latin 7

and writing). Emphasis is put on mean-

In the first year of Latin, students develop

ingful oral communication as well as

an understanding of the elementary

accuracy of expression. Students develop

structure and nature of the language

basic structured sentences and acquire

as well as an appreciation for the world

daily life vocabulary to ask questions and

of Ancient Rome and its relevance to

provide information on likes and dislikes,




Grade 8 English

acquire a solid understanding of grammar

thematic manners, students gain insight

The primary goal of the eighth grade

and punctuation through critiques of their

into the lives of future classmates, friends

English course is to develop students

own writing, supplemental workbooks and

and colleagues. The course culminates

who are critical readers, effective writers,

online resources. More important, they

in a major research project dealing

astute listeners and confident speakers.

are expected to apply that understanding,

with contemporary issues involving the

The literature-based course emphasizes

not just to the taking of quizzes, but to

environment, renewable energy, global

analytical thinking, vocabulary develop-

where it really matters: their writing.

health and human rights, all of which

ment, sound writing and public presenta-

A long-time tradition in the eighth

are presented and discussed during a

tion. Students are provided opportunities

grade has been a storytelling unit in which

two-day, student-run World Congress.

to acquire listening and speaking skills in

students read folktales from the many

During the course of the symposium,

both teacher- and student-led seminars

world cultures and then select one to

students utilize skills honed since

based on the literature, which also serves

present to children in the school’s lower

joining the Country School community,

as the primary vehicle for the development

grades. The next challenge involves devel-

including the synthesis of information,

of writing skills. The course’s literature

oping the skills to present the selected

collaboration and public presentation.

explores themes of conflict and challenge

story to an audience. To that end, a

in their multidimensional forms involving

professional storyteller conducts a series

the individual, the group and society. In

of four workshops with each English

the process, students learn to read for

section, offering the strategies and

Mathematics Algebra I, Part 1

content as well as for perspective, thus

techniques used in effective storytelling.

This course is the first half of an Algebra

acquiring the ability to think analytically

I curriculum taught over two years.

and to share ideas with peers. Moreover,

Students begin the Algebra I course in

the literature serves as the basis for the

World Cultures

eighth grade and complete it in ninth

development of vocabulary, not just learn-

In the eighth grade, students take World

grade with Algebra I, Part 2. During the

ing definitions but learning how to use

Cultures, a social studies course with the

eighth grade year the emphasis in the

new words so that students “own” them.

goal of raising awareness and providing a

curriculum is on linear and exponential

Major emphasis is placed on exposi-

foundation for global participation. The

functions. Topics include properties of the

tory writing that is organized, clear and

curriculum encourages students to make

real number system, linear equations and

mechanically sound, using the literature as

positive contributions to the world, thus

inequalities with one and two variables,

a foundation for the writing of essays and

reflecting the school’s stated mission.

ratios, rates, proportions, percentages, sys-

more collaborative interactions with fellow

Students identify and examine four

tems of linear equations and inequalities,

students. Engaged in such writing, students

major regions: Africa, the Middle East,

and properties of exponents. Students

learn to develop a thought-provoking

East Asia and South Asia, with emphasis

graph linear and exponential equations

argument supported by textual evidence

on geography, history and culture. By

both by paper and pencil and using the

and analysis. Students are expected to

navigating the globe in both regional and

computer. They learn to model real-world

Curriculum Guide 2019–2020


situations using functions in order to solve

skill in carrying out various algorithms;

The Geometer’s Sketchpad software is

problems arising from these situations.

developing and using mathematics

used throughout the course as a tool

properties and relationships; applying

to discover geometry concepts and

mathematics in realistic situations; and

theorems. Students propose conjec-

Algebra I

representing or picturing mathematical

tures based on their observations and

This course is a comprehensive first-year

concepts. Topics include the properties

test their ideas to further develop their

algebra course that includes the study of

of the real number system, linear equa-

understanding of geometric concepts.

linear, exponential and quadratic func-

tions and inequalities with one and two

tions. Students learn to represent a family

variables, systems of equations and

of functions in multiple ways: as verbal

inequalities, exponents, the fundamental


descriptions, equations, tables and graphs.

operations with polynomial expressions,

Physical science is the area of focus

They learn to model real-world situations

factoring, radicals and quadratic equations.

in eighth grade. This hands-on course

using functions in order to solve prob-

Graphing linear, exponential and quadratic

explores basic concepts of chemistry and

lems arising from those situations. Topics

functions is completed using paper and

physics through a variety of inquiry-based

include the properties of the real number

pencil as well as the computer. Technology

activities and creative projects. Particular

system, linear equations and inequalities

plays a significant role in the process of

skills emphasized during this course

with one and two variables, systems of

problem solving as students use calcula-

include careful observation, accurate mea-

equations and inequalities, exponents, the

tors and computers to analyze problems.

surement, organized and thorough data

fundamental operations with polynomial

collection, and the formulation of conclu-

and rational expressions, factoring, radicals

sions based on the interpretation of evi-

and quadratic equations. Students graph

Honors Geometry

dence. Acquisition and usage of scientific

linear, exponential and quadratic functions

This course is a traditional Euclidean-based

vocabulary, and clear and accurate written

by paper and pencil as well as the com-

course. There is some work with formal

expression of concepts, are emphasized.

puter. Technology plays a significant role

proof as students learn to reason deduc-

Chemistry topics include mass and volume,

in the analysis and completion of problems

tively. Topics include inductive and deduc-

properties and states of matter, atomic

as students utilize calculators and com-

tive reasoning, algebraic proof, geometric

structure, the periodic table and chemical

puters to aid in their problem solving.

proof, parallel and perpendicular lines,

reactions. During this unit, students apply

triangle congruence and similarity, con-

math skills and their understanding of

currence theorems, quadrilaterals, regular

physical and chemical properties as they

Accelerated Algebra I

polygons, right triangles and trigonome-

attempt to identify the products that form

This course is a comprehensive first-year

try, area, solid geometry, circles and trans-

when baking soda and water are com-

algebra course that integrates geometry,

formations. Visual and spatial thinking is

bined. Physics topics include forces and

probability and statistics together with

developed as students draw constructions

motion, Newton’s Laws, fluids and pres-

algebra. Four dimensions of understanding

using a straightedge and compass as well

sure, work, power and simple machines.

are emphasized to maximize performance:

as create nets for constructing solids.

Throughout the physics unit, resilience




and problem-solving skills are empha-

and group activities, audio and video, and

listening, reading and writing). Emphasis is

sized as students engineer structures

material from the Internet are regularly

put on meaningful oral communication as

and contraptions such as pasta bridges,

used inside and outside the classroom.

well as accuracy of expression. Students develop basic structured sentences and

balloon cars and Rube Goldberg machines.

acquire daily life vocabulary to discuss

Latin 8

fashion, food and traveling. In addition,

World Languages Spanish 8

This course is intended to expose stu-

students learn to speak and write in the

dents to a variety of complex and increas-

past tense, as well as read short books.

The primary goal of the eighth grade

ingly intricate grammatical and syntactical

By the end of the year, the class is taught

Spanish program is to deepen students’

structures while examining the far reach

mostly in French. Interactive and group

knowledge of the Spanish language and

of the Roman Empire. In the eighth grade,

activities, audio and video, and material

culture beyond the introductory level.

they will expand their knowledge of noun

from the Internet are regularly used inside

Students will continue to develop skills in

forms to include all five declensions, and

and outside the classroom. This second-year

the four language modalities (speaking,

of verbs, the present, imperfect, perfect

course also provides a general overview

listening, reading and writing). Emphasis

and pluperfect tenses in the indicative

of the geography and cultures of France

is put on meaningful oral communication

mood. Readings become longer and more

through readings, videos and projects.

as well as accuracy of expression. With the

complex, including the introduction of all

continued emphasis on oral and written

participle forms and more complex uses

communication, eighth grade students

of relative and other subordinate clauses.

acquire more regular and irregular verbs

Students will continue to work toward

and use them to narrate in the present,

reading fluency through attention to

preterite and imperfect tenses. Direct and

details of form and through the acquisi-

indirect object pronouns are introduced

tion of a strong working vocabulary. The

in order to allow the student to acquire

readings will open conversations and

language that imitates normal usage by

opportunities for further study of Roman

native speakers. More in-depth thematic

history and culture, and their relevance

vocabulary is introduced as it relates to

to an understanding of our world today.

travel, sports, clothing, personal hygiene, health, leisure activities and family. By the end of the year, the class is taught mostly

French 8

in Spanish. Class activities include con-

Students in the eighth grade French pro-

versations of more cultural significance,

gram deepen their knowledge of the French

as well as communicative activities to aid

language and culture beyond the introduc-

in the intensive grammar and verb-tense

tory level. They continue to develop skills

mastery required by this level. Interactive

in the four language modalities (speaking,

Curriculum Guide 2019–2020


Grade 9 English

they then present to the entire Upper

French Revolution. An examination of

English class in the ninth grade at Country

School. Ninth graders become authentic

the U.S. Constitution and branches of

School, a high school-level course, pres-

scholars as they break away from the

government gives students an opportu-

ents students with rich and challenging

five-paragraph essay format and develop

nity to draw connections between our

literature, expanded vocabulary work

their own personal writing style.

founding principles and the ideas of the

and formal grammar study. We strive to

Enlightenment. This study provides a lens

foster precision of thought and language.

through which we look at the trends of

The class features classic works of liter-

Modern World History

nationalism and independence in Europe

ature such as “The Catcher in the Rye,”

This ninth grade college-preparatory

and Latin America during the 19th cen-

“Romeo and Juliet,” and “A Tale of Two

course covers modern world history

tury, along with the Industrial Revolution.

Cities.” Students learn to read closely,

from the Renaissance to World War II

We revisit our global focus as we study

reflecting on both their emotional and

and the Holocaust. We focus primarily

international rivalries and imperialism

intellectual responses. Students are

on the rise of the West from a global

in Southeast Asia, Africa, India and Latin

encouraged to approach class discus-

perspective, highlighting Europe’s

America. The spring trimester features

sions, which are often student-led, with

influence on economic, cultural and

World War I, the Russian Revolution,

an open mind, to speak concisely, listen

political trends around the world. This

the years between the World Wars, the

to other students and re-evaluate their

course builds on the knowledge of

major events of World War II and the

own opinions. Throughout the year,

world cultures that students gained

Holocaust. Individually, in small groups,

students write frequently, both in and

during their eighth grade year.

or in larger class discussion, students are

out of class, on a variety of topics as

After a brief look at the ancient

encouraged to use evidence (including

they explore different themes and think

world and the classical roots of Western

primary and secondary sources) to form

abstractly about the social and cultural

humanism, we begin by reviewing

hypotheses, to debate both sides of an

context of the course literature.

the great changes brought about by

issue, to explore ideas, and to consider

Great emphasis is placed on improv-

the Renaissance. Our study of the

alternative answers to human problems

ing and developing students’ writing

Reformation looks at the role of reform,

concerning power relationships and con-

skills. The integration of technology,

free speech and a departure from the

flicts. As the year progresses, our hope

such as contributing to a class blog,

blind obedience to authority that marked

is that students will be able to see the

allows for collaborative work in and out

earlier centuries. A study of the Age

broad continuum of history, understand

of the classroom as they write more

of Exploration and the rise of the first

and tie together the events that caused

frequently, freely and thoughtfully in

global economy is followed by units on

significant change, be aware of global

a public forum. The students advance

absolutism, the scientific revolution

connections in the exchange of ideas and

their public speaking skills as they each

and the Enlightenment; students gain

resources, and gain insight into how to

write a reflective personal essay modeled

an understanding of the philosophical,

avoid some of the pitfalls of the past.

on NPR’s “This I Believe” series, which

political and economic catalysts of the




Mathematics Algebra I, Part 2

area, solid geometry, circles and trans-

The Geometer’s Sketchpad software is

formations. Visual and spatial thinking

used throughout the course as a tool

This course is the second half of a two-

is developed as students draw construc-

to discover geometry concepts and

year sequence for Algebra I. It begins with

tions using a straightedge and compass

theorems. Students propose conjec-

a review of exponents from the Algebra I,

as well as create nets for constructing

tures based on their observations and

Part 1 course. Topics include the funda-

solids. The Geometer’s Sketchpad soft-

test their ideas to further develop their

mental operations with polynomials and

ware is used throughout the course as a

understanding of geometric concepts.

polynomial expressions, factoring, oper-

tool to discover geometry concepts and

ations with rational expressions, radicals,

theorems. Students propose conjec-

radical equations, quadratic equations,

tures based on their observations and

Algebra II with Trigonometry

irrational numbers, fractional equations,

test their ideas to further develop their

This course will prepare students for

linear inequalities and number sequences.

understanding of geometric concepts.

Pre-Calculus. The material is developed

Students solidify arithmetic skills working

with an emphasis on the functional

with decimals, fractions and percent-

approach, and almost every topic includes

ages. Technology plays a significant role

Honors Geometry

a wide range of applied problems. The

in the analysis of problems as students

This course is a Euclidean-based geometry

emphasis is on linear, quadratic, poly-

utilize calculators and computers to

course designed for students to explore,

nomial, exponential, logarithmic and

aid in their problem-solving process.

to discover and to prove geometry

trigonometric functions. Students model

concepts. There is extensive work with

real-world situations using functions in

formal proofs as students learn to reason

order to solve problems arising from


deductively. Problems tend to be compre-

those situations. Topics include: real

This course is a traditional Euclidean-

hensive and require significant analytical

and complex number systems, linear

based course. Students work on problems

skills. Topics include deductive reasoning,

systems with two and three variables,

with varying degrees of difficulty, with

triangle congruence and similarity, paral-

matrices, quadratic functions, factoring,

an emphasis on the algebra compo-

lel and perpendicular lines, quadrilaterals,

polynomials, rational exponents, radicals,

nent accompanying the solution to the

area, right triangle relationships, right

logarithms, conic sections, sequences and

problems. There is some formal proof

triangle trigonometry, circles, concur-

series, trigonometric ratios and functions,

involving triangle congruence. Topics

rence theorems, regular polygons, solid

and trigonometric graphs and identi-

include inductive and deductive reason-

geometry, transformations, coordinate

ties. Technology plays a significant role

ing, algebraic proof, geometric proof,

geometry and non-Euclidean geometry.

in the analysis of problems as students

parallel and perpendicular lines, triangle

Visual and spatial thinking is developed

utilize calculators and computers to

congruence and similarity, concurrence

as students draw constructions using

aid in their problem-solving process.

theorems, quadrilaterals, regular poly-

a straightedge and compass as well

gons, right triangles and trigonometry,

as create nets for constructing solids.

Curriculum Guide 2019–2020



Latin 9

French 9

The ninth grade science program offers

Students in the third year of Latin con-

During the third year course in French,

a full-year, high school credit course in

tinue to sharpen their translation skills

the study of grammar and vocabulary

Regular or Honors Biology. The Regular

and develop understanding of sophisti-

becomes more rigorous. It also encom-

Biology course covers the topics of

cated Latin text, so students are ready

passes a comprehensive review of

evolution, macromolecules, energy use

to approach the original pieces of Latin

introductory French while expanding and

by cells, heredity and genetics, animal

literature. The study of history and cul-

presenting structures, vocabulary and cul-

development and human body systems.

ture continues as students expand their

tural material suited for intermediate lev-

The Honors Biology course emphasizes the

knowledge of forms, vocabulary, syntax

els. Students acquire a solid grammatical

molecular basis of life. There are in-depth

and grammar. Grammatical concepts

base, a stronger listening comprehension

treatments of the molecular basis of

covered in the ninth grade course include

and a more fluent speech. Students also

evolution, energy capture and use by cells,

a thorough review of all verb tenses, both

acquire proficiency in reading short texts

reproduction and reproductive technolo-

active and passive, and the various uses

and writing simple compositions in French.

gies, heredity and genetics, human devel-

of them, the forms and uses of partici-

The goal is to develop the four language

opment, and the structures and functions

ples, and an introduction to subjunctive

modalities (speaking, listening, reading

of human organ systems. Teachers use pri-

forms and uses. In addition, students

and writing) and to help students gain an

mary sources, lab investigations and online

will learn more sophisticated types of

understanding and appreciation of French,

resources to supplement the basic text.

phrases and uses of the various noun

its language, its people and its culture.

cases. There will be emphasis on attention to detail, and on striving for accuracy

World Languages Spanish 9

and specificity in translating from Latin

The culminating year of the Country

opportunities for students not only to

School Spanish program prepares students

come to a greater understanding of a

for advanced study at the secondary

culture distant from themselves both

school level. Conducted exclusively in

geographically and temporally, but also

Spanish, this intensive course reviews and

to reflect upon the clear, accurate and

expands upon vocabulary and grammar

effective use of the English language.

structures presented in seventh and eighth grade. Students acquire a solid grammatical base, a stronger listening comprehension and a more fluent speech. Students also acquire proficiency in reading short texts and writing compositions in Spanish.



into English. Such exercises open unique


UPPER SCHOOL CO-CURRICULAR Creative Arts Grade 7 The seventh grade arts program is trimester based. Students are required to take one trimester of studio art and one trimester of music. For their third trimester, students are given a choice among woodshop, maker lab, drama or dance. All of these courses are designed for seventh graders to build upon the skills begun in the lower grades and also to expose them to the creative experiences they will

Grades 8 and 9

Photography, Short Film, 3D Printing,

have more opportunity to choose from

In eighth and ninth grades, students

Boat Building, Ukulele Boot Camp,

in eighth and ninth grade. Additionally,

take one elective course each of the

Choral Ensemble, Improv Workshop,

students may participate in a musical

three trimesters. They choose these

Dance Trends and Rock Band. Eighth and

ensemble of their choice, band or chorus,

electives from a wide variety of visual

Ninth graders also may participate in an

and also may elect to participate in a fully

and performing arts courses offered

ensemble of their choice, band or chorus,

realized theatrical production each year

by teachers in both departments along

and also may elect to participate in a fully

drawn from timeless Broadway musicals

with other specialists. Eighth graders

realized theatrical production each year

and classic dramatic works. Opportunities

are required to take at least one visual

drawn from timeless Broadway musicals

for work in all areas of stagecraft and

and one performing arts electives while

and classic dramatic works. Opportunities

further development of vocal, dance and

ninth graders have no prerequisites.

for work in all areas of stagecraft and

acting skills are also built into this activity.

The courses offered incorporate all of

further development of vocal, dance and

the skills and processes students have

acting skills are also built into this activity.

learned in classes throughout the lower grades including studio art, music, drama, dance, woodshop and maker lab. Some examples of courses offered include: Ceramics, Printmaking, Digital

Curriculum Guide 2019–2020


Physical Education and Athletics New Canaan Country School has long

Our extensive indoor and outdoor

skill level, so that each can experience

believed that athletics are an integral part

facilities—including two full gymnasiums,

success and growth as an athlete. Our

of the educational experience of our stu-

expansive gross-motor room, cardiovascu-

teams compete in the Fairchester Athletic

dents. The lifelong enjoyment of physical

lar fitness room, outdoor hockey rink, out-

Association (FAA), and often against non-

activity and a healthy attitude toward

door swimming pool, wooded trails, ropes

FAA opponents as well. Our Varsity teams

athletic competition are the primary goals

course and plentiful fields—suit our pro-

are extremely competitive and success-

of our physical education and sports

gram well. We also have a full-time school

ful, frequently competing against high

program. This is achieved through an age-

nurse and an athletic trainer on campus

school freshman and JV teams, as well as

appropriate, creative and challenging cur-

to tend to our athletes in event of injury.

travel teams. Upon graduation from the

riculum from Kindergarten through ninth

In the Upper School, students are

Country School, our athletes move on to

grade. Our students move on to their high

placed on ability-based teams through

their next schools prepared and confi-

school program feeling well prepared

a tryout period each preseason. Every

dent for the next level of competition.

and appreciating the athletic founda-

student has a chance to participate at

tion they gained at Country School.

a level that complements his or her

Upper School Athletics Offerings: BOYS




Soccer, Tackle Football, Cross-Country, Independent Sport Option


Basketball, Ice Hockey, Coed Squash, Coed Paddle Tennis, Fitness, Independent Sport Option


Baseball, Lacrosse, Cross-Country, Independent Sport Option


Soccer, Field Hockey, Cross-Country, Independent Sport Option, Volleyball


Basketball, Ice Hockey, Coed Squash, Coed Paddle Tennis, Fitness, Independent Sport Option


Softball, Lacrosse, Cross-Country, Independent Sport Option


Writing: A 21st Century Imperative By Kristin Quisgard and Lauren Romeo There are some startling statistics

imperative, we remain committed to

revise, deepen, and extend curriculum

surrounding Twitter. 6,000 tweets are

producing writers who are articulate,

for literacy instruction until results show

sent every second. 83% of the world’s

passionate, deliberate and experienced.

that young people are far more engaged

leaders use Twitter. And, even though

In order to gain experience and move

and proficient. This cycle of continuous

25% of Twitter’s verified accounts are

from skill to habit, students need to write.

improvement, field-testing and improv-

journalists, average Twitter users — and

This year, English teachers across campus

ing methods across scores of years and

their pictures — have broken global

spent two full days being trained in a

thousands of schools, has resulted in

news events before media outlets, such

workshop method of teaching writing

methods that are extraordinarily pow-

as the US Airways flight that landed

that is widely lauded for instilling this

erful — leading to stunning growth in

in the middle of the Hudson River on

habit. ‘Writing Workshop’ provides a

young people as writers and readers.”2

January 15th, 2009.1 And while users

coherent, sequenced curriculum in the

Calkins’ mantra is simple yet power-

are restricted to 140 characters, their

three types of writing — opinion/argu-

ful: teach the writer, not the writing. In

words have tremendous impact. They

ment, information, and narrative writing

order to help a writer grow in practice,

can vilify a leader, rouse a protest, or

— and reflects the latest research on

writing skills need to be transferrable

champion a hero...instantaneously.

data-based, responsive instruction. With

from one piece to another. Unlike in years

The manner in which we communicate

this 21st century method of instruction

past, when a teacher might have helped

has changed dramatically over the past

comes two essential benefits for Country

a student revise his or her piece until it

decade. Nowadays, people blog, tweet,

School: a Kindergarten through grade

was ‘perfect’, this method ensures that

e-mail, post and publish their messages

7 writing scope-and-sequence and an

teacher-student conferences steer away

endlessly. Our words abound and, like no

increased emphasis on children writing.

from achieving perfection on a singular

other point in history, they are scruti-

Founded by Lucy Calkins and developed

piece and, instead, focus on imparting

nized, celebrated and, more often than

by she and her colleagues at the Teachers

techniques to improve the writer’s craft

not, ignored. Whether online or in-print,

College Reading and Writing Project,

for years to come. “The old-fashioned

being a skilled writer has never been

Calkins has served as a preeminent

way of teaching writing was where

of more value. At Country School, we

leader in the field of literacy instruction

the teacher...would just sort of say, ‘At

have always considered writing to be

for more than 35 years. “With Lucy as

home tonight write an essay and make

at the forefront of our curriculum. And,

Director, this think tank of more than

sure it does these eight things. Bring

recognizing this skill as a 21st century

sixty teacher-leaders pilot, research,

it in tomorrow and I’ll correct it.’ In a

1 Smith, Kit. “44 Astonishing Twitter Statistics for 2016.” Brandwatch. May 17, 2016. 2. Calkins, Lucy. UNITS OF STUDY in Argument, Information, and Narrative Writing. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. 3. Rebora, Anthony. “Remodeling the Workshop: Lucy Calkins on Writing Instruction Today.” Education Week Teacher. June 20, 2016.

Curriculum Guide 2019–2020


writing workshop, a lot of actual writing happens in the classroom and right then and there, teachers give feedback and kids give each other feedback, too. Revision often begins before a draft is completed. There’s more of an emphasis on teaching in the midst of writing.”3 The choice to move to Writer’s Workshop was inspired by our faculty. During the 2015–2016 school year, the English Department conducted a Beginners through grade nine writing inventory in order to establish an overview of Country School’s writing program. After the year-long exercise, two questions emerged. How might we improve the scope and

our writers be if we implemented an

Workshop aligns perfectly with the

sequence so that we are creating an iden-

intentionally developed writing program?

pedagogical approach of Country School.

tifiable learning arc across the divisions?

After extensive faculty training led

It also leaves the classroom teacher with

How will a more consistent

by facilitators from Teachers College

endless options to pursue, as the content,

approach to our writing program

Reading and Writing Project, hours of

materials and stories that a teacher might

help a student achieve a faster rate

apprentice training, pilot programs rolled-

select to build his or her lessons can be

of growth and a more seamless

out in a handful of classrooms throughout

personalized and made authentic. While

transition from year-to-year?

the 2016–2017 academic year, mini-units

our goal is to prepare our students to be

Throughout the process, English

taught throughout the spring in every

leaders in the 21st century, we also want

teachers expressed a desire to identify

English class from Kindergarten through

to feed their souls and imaginations.

a more coherent vertical and horizontal

grade 7, Units of Study curriculum guides

Writing does just that. It allows students

writing curriculum. Despite our best

ordered for teachers across campus, and

to share their stories, form communities,

intentions, and in spite of the fact that

a carefully curated Intranet page to serve

vary perspectives, build one’s voice, think

we were consistently producing high

as a resource for writing teachers, New

creatively, and slow down and observe

caliber writers, we recognized that we

Canaan Country School has been amply

the beauty around them. Whether

were disparate in our teaching of writing.

prepared to launch Writing Workshop in

through 140 characters or a carefully

If we moved to a consistent model and a

September. Teachers have enthusiastically

composed anthology, Country School

more deliberate scope-and-sequence, the

embraced this new work and have pur-

students will know themselves as writers,

question we asked of ourselves quickly

posefully collaborated to plan dynamic

understand the impact of their words,

shifted to: How much more talented will

lessons. Most importantly, Writing

and, most certainly, will not be ignored.



MISSION SKILLS At New Canaan Country School, teaching character

validity. The results are compiled by grade-level, not

in action is central to our mission. Research

individual students and benchmarked against other

increasingly shows that these “non-cognitive” or

MSA schools. The results then allow us to design

character strengths are not only desirable, they

better classroom lessons and instructional strategies

contribute significantly to children’s happiness

in an ongoing cycle of continuous improvement.

and success in school and in life. Research also shows that these skills are teachable.

We aim to weave “mission skills” with rigorous academics in authentic ways. In fact, incorporating

New Canaan Country School is a founding member

mission skills into the curriculum allows for

of a national effort to improve how schools teach

richer academic lessons that promote higher

these essential skills. Working with the INDEX group,

order thinking, self-reflection and deeper

consortium of similar schools, and Educational Testing

classroom discussions. They also are correlated

Service (ETS), the non-profit testing company, we

with important academic outcomes, such

have designed and implemented the scientifically

as grades, attendance and ERB scores.

based Mission Skills Assessment™, a tool to measure sixth, seventh and eighth graders’ skills in these

Our effort in developing these character strengths

areas as a complement to academic assessments.

is deliberate, explicit and consistent. On campus and in classrooms, all students and adults use

Through a combination of personal responses,

a common language when referencing mission

situational questions, and teacher ratings, the test

skills. Symbols across campus act as a simple and

assesses character skills with scientific reliability and

effective visible reminder of their importance.







635 Frogtown Road New Canaan, CT 06840 (203) 972-0771 •

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