NewcastleGateshead's Accelerated Development Zone

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TheNewcas t l eGat es head Accel er at edDevel opmentZone WHATI TMEANSFORYOU

Jul y201 2

Newcas t l eGat es head:


KEYSI TE OVERVI EW Benef i t sexpl ai ned:

connect i vi t y , di gi t al ,t r ans por t , mar i ne&of f s hor e I nt r oduci ngour TEAM

Accel er at ed Devel opment Zone: Ades i gnat edzonehasbeen cr eat eds peci f i cal l yt oi ncr eas e oppor t uni t i esf ordevel oper s . I tcover sahugear eaand f ourdi s t i ncts i t eswi t hi nt he ci t ycent r et hatwi l lbepr i med f ori nves t mentandgr owt h: •Sci enceCent r al . •Gat es headQuays& Bal t i cBus i nes sQuar t er . •Eas tPi l gr i m St r eet . •St ephens onQuar t er& Cent r alSt at i on.

SCI ENCECENTRAL Newcas t l ei soneofs i xdes i gnat edSci enceCi t i esi nt he UK,r ecei vedi nr ecogni t i onoft hegr oundbr eaki ngand pi oneer i ngr es ear chcar r i edoutbyt her egi on’ sl eadi ng uni ver s i t i es .1 2. 1hect ar esl ocat edi nt hehear toft heci t y i ss ett obecomeahubf ors ci encel edi nnovat i on. Devel opment sandbus i nes s esl ocat edont hes i t ewi l lbe nei ghbour st os ci enceandr es ear chpr of es s i onal sand wor l dl eadi ngr es ear chf aci l i t i esandact i vi t y .Si gni f i cant wor khascommencedt ocl eart hes i t eandenabl i ng wor kswi l lbecompl et ebyJul y201 3.

GATESHEADQUAYS&BAL TI CBUSI NESSQUARTER Thi sar eat ot al s40. 7hect ar esandof f er sahugear r ay ofdevel opmentoppor t uni t i esf oranypot ent i al i nves t or .Si t uat edont het hequays i deoft heRi ver Tyneandnextt os omeoft her egi onskeycul t ur al at t r act i ons ,t hear eaof f er shugepot ent i alf or mi xedus edevel opmenti ncl udi ngof f i ces ,l ei s ur e devel opmentandhot elaccommodat i on.Ther ear e al s oexci t i ngpl anst odevel opanI nt er nat i onal Conf er enceandExhi bi t i onCent r ei nt henearf ut ur e.

EASTPI LGRI M STREET Al r eadyavi br antandbuzzi ngar ea,t hi s1 4hect ar es i t e i ss i t uat edal ongs i deNewcas t l e’ sr et ai landcommer ci al cor e.Bui l di ngont heexi s t i ngs ucces soft hebus i nes s es l ocat edher e,t heoppor t uni t i esf ort hi snewmi xedus e anddi s t i nct i vear eaoft heci t yar eendl es s .Key demol i t i onsands i t er emedi at i onwor kshave commencedt opr epar et hel andf ordevel opment .

STEPHENSON QUARTER&CENTRALSTATI ON A1 3. 2hect ar es i t el ocat edar oundNewcas t l e’ sCent r al St at i on,i spr i medf orami xedus es chemecompr i s i ng of50, 000s qm ofof f i ces ,1 , 500s qm ofr et ai l ,l ei s ur e, hot elandbus i nes scent r edevel opment s ,t oget herwi t h publ i cr eal m andconnect i vi t yi mpr ovement s .Pl anni ng cons enthasbeens ecur edandwor ki ss ett obegi non t r ans f or mi ngt heCent r alSt at i ont hr oughpubl i cr eal m. Cons t r uct i onoft hehot elandof f i cesi ss ett obegi n i nt henext1 2mont hs .

TheNor t hEast ’ s VI TALSTATI STI CS:

2mi l l i onpopul at i on, 800, 000l abourpool wi t h1i n4educated t od egr eel evel .

43, 000busi nessbase gener at es£3 2bi l l i onofGVA.

4l eadi nguni ver si t i es. 85, 000students. 66% studentretenti on.

“Tot ali nves t ment

Newcas t l eGat es headi si mmedi at el yi ni t i at i ngani nves t mentpr ogr amme asar es ul tofa‘ Ci t yDeal ’ . I ti sas i gni f i canti nves t ment ,cover i ng80hect ar es ,t hatwi l lr el eas eal ar ge numberofdevel opmentoppor t uni t i esacr os st hear ea. I tdemons t r at esanexci t i nganduni queoppor t uni t yf ori nwar di nves t or s .

r eachi ng

£1bi l l i on”

TheCi t yDealal l owsbot hGat es headandNewcas t l eCi t yCounci l st or et ai nnewbus i nes sr at ei ncomef or25year s , whi cht heyi nt endt or ei nves ti nt oi dent i f i edgr owt har eas . Overt hel i f eoft hes chemet hear eawi l ls eei nves t mentr eachi ng£1bi l l i on,whi chwi l ls t r engt henouri nf r as t r uct ur e, connect i vi t y ,publ i cr eal m andcr eat eanext ens i ver angeofdevel opment sacr os st heNor t hEas tUr banCor e. Devel opmentandgr owt hwi l lbeaccel er at edonkeys i t esandvi abi l i t ygapswi l lbebr i dgedt hr oughenabl i ngwor ks i ncl udi ngs i t epr epar at i on,demol i t i ons ,ener gyandut i l i t i esi nf r as t r uct ur eandhi ghwaysi mpr ovement s . TheCi t yDealal s os eesacommi t mentt oes t abl i s hNewcas t l easaLowCar bonPi oneerCi t y .

CONNECTI VI TY: Di gi t al :t heCi t yDealwi l lt r ans f or m Newcas t l ei nt o a‘ Super Connect ed’ci t y .Overt henextt hr eeyear s , t heci t ywi l ls ees i gni f i cantupl i f t si ni t sdi gi t al i nf r as t r uct ur e,wi t hi nves t menti ns t r at egi cs i t es t hatwi l lpr ovi debus i nes s esacces st os uper f as t br oadbands peedsofupt o300Mbps .Gat es head i sal r eadyoper at i nganet wor kt hats eesbr oadband s peedsr eachi ng1 0Gbps . Tr ans por t :t heNor t hEas ti st heonl yUKr egi on wi t habal anceoft r ades ur pl us .T ocapi t al i s eon t hi ss t r engt h,exi s t i ngt r ans por ti nf r as t r uct ur ewi l l r ecei vei nves t ment .Weal r eadyhavewi de t r ans por tl i nkst hati ncl udet hr eedeeps eapor t s andext ens i ver oad,r ai landai rr out es .Addi t i onal i nf r as t r uct ur ewi l lcr eat egr eat eracces sf or commut er ,f r ei ghtandbus i nes sj our neys .The devel opmentofNor t hEas tt r ans at l ant i cconnect i ons wi l laddt ot heal r eadypl ent i f uls t ockoff l i ghtr out es avai l abl eatNewcas t l eI nt er nat i onalAi r por t .

Newcas t l eGat es headi s


MARI NE&OFFSHORE: Thr oughpar t ner s hi pwor kwi t hUKTI ,t hel ocal counci l sandt hei rkeybus i nes s eswi l lwor kt o s ecur eaf ur t her£500mi l l i oni npr i vat es ect or i nves t mentf ort hedevel opmentoft hemar i ne andof f s hor ei ndus t r y .

Compet i t i vecostof busi nessasNor t hEast

ear ni ngs1 0% bel ow nat i onalaver age.

30% l ower housepr i ces t hanUKaver age ( 50% l esst han London&S.East ) .

www. i nvest Newcast l eGat eshead. com

Meett het eam I fyouwoul dl i keanyf ur t heri nf or mat i onabout t heCi t yDealoranyot heri nves t mentoppor t uni t i es cur r ent l yavai l abl ei nNewcas t l eGat es head, pl eas egeti nt ouch. Weof f erourcl i ent sabes pokes er vi cei ncl udi ng: •As i ngl epoi ntofcont actf orpot ent i ali nves t or s . •Pr ovi s i onofr es ear chands t at i s t i cst os uppor tt he devel opmentofyourbus i nes scas e. •Advi cei nr el at i ont owi dercos t s ,r ecr ui t ment ands t af f i ng. •Ski l l sandt r ai ni nggui dancet os uppor tas us t ai nabl e andf l exi bl el abourpool . •Rel ocat i onadvi ce,pr es ent at i onsandt our sof t hel ocalar ea. •I nt r oduct i onst ocent r esofexcel l ence,bus i nes s devel opmentnet wor ksands ect ors peci f i cgr oups .

Cat her i neWal ker I nwar dI nves t mentDi r ect or cat her i ne. wal ker @ngi . or g. uk

Jul i eMcI l wr ai t h Seni orI nves t mentManager j ul i e. mci l wr ai t h@ngi . or g. uk

Davi dBoot l e Medi a&PRManager davi d. boot l e@ngi . or g. uk

Newcas t l eGat es headI ni t i at i ve 9t hFl oor ,Bal t i cPl aceEas t ,Sout hShor eRoad,Gat es headNE83AE.T+44( 0) 1 914405720.

www. i nvest Newcast l eGat eshead. com

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