Lamb Weston’s Dukes of Chippingdom campaign wins the 2021 B2B Integrated Campaign at the Drum Awards for Marketing
amb Weston strikes gold again with its marketing
Andrea Deutschmanek, International Marketing Lead
agency, Art of the Possible, by winning the 2021
Northern Europe, Lamb Weston; “We are so proud
B2B Integrated Campaign at the Drum Awards for
to have achieved external recognition by renowned
Marketing. Along with its creative agency, WAA Chosen, an
marketing experts at the top of their game for the Dukes
innovative strategy for the launch of Lamb Weston’s Dukes
of Chippingdom launch campaign. We wanted to create
of Chippingdom clinched the win against contenders such
a forward-thinking brand and working with the team
as Click Travel, Barclaycard Business and Monster Energy
at Art of the Possible, we were able to conceive a novel
(Coca Cola).
campaign for a clearly defined market, since we’d done our
By using a combination of digital and social platforms,
homework; digital marketing is critical nowadays in telling
Art of the Possible came up with a memorable campaign
a brand story. Our thinking was based on real consumer
that smashed all the targets that were set and placed the
research, trends and NPD innovation – because every pub
Dukes of Chippingdom firmly onto plates in pubs.
deserves proper British Dukes of Chippingdom.”
A gap in the out of home market was identified with consumer research and what followed was a series of
Kat Patterson, Managing Director, Art of the Possible;
interviews, focus groups, data analysis and product testing
“We’re incredibly proud to be working with such brave and
to come up with the strongest proposition for Lamb
passionate clients. Andrea is focused on the customer and
Weston’s new product.
leverages real insights to help develop products that make
73% of all dining out occasions feature chips and Lamb
a difference in the market, and our job is to collaborate
Weston grasped an opportunity to produce an excellent
with our clients, building campaigns that do their products
thick cut chip with a handmade look and all the attributes
justice. It was exciting and refreshing to work with the
that the consumer looks for in a great chip, namely a
Lamb Weston team, and we are thrilled to have been
golden colour, a crispy exterior and fluffy inside. But this
recognised by The Drum for our passion for marketing - as
chip was extraordinary as it was the Company’s first 100%
well as potatoes!”
British chip, made from 100% British potatoes!
The judging panel was a collective of top flight marketers
To stand out, the Dukes of Chippingdom were given a
from around the globe including Lisa Batty, Head of Brand
personality that offered heritage and nostalgia in line with
Strategy, Tik Tok; Nishma Robb, Director of Brand Reputation,
the target market - the British pub - and promoted Lamb
Google UK; Matthew Barwell, Chief Marketing Officer, Britvic
Weston as an innovative company that was approachable and
and Jan-Paul Jeffrey, Head of Marketing, VISA.
understanding of the needs of pub operators, and pub goers. Posting across different social platforms, at times when chefs would be online, the Company’s brand position was to become a true ‘partner in potatoes’ offering POS, free
For innovative ideas, recipes and potato inspiration,
samples and other operational support to both wholesale
head over to, call 0800
and operator customers.
963962 or email us at
Fastfood Professional • August and September 2021
August and September 2021 • Fastfood Professional