ORIGIN MATTERS Choose Sustainable Seafood from Norway
With brutally cold temperatures and a rough climate, Norway is an inhospitable place for humans – but these unforgiving qualities also make Norway the perfect home for seafood
he Norwegian coast, including all the islands and
that it has underpinned the entire cod fishing process
fjords, is over 100,000km long – more than double the
since 1987, when Norway imposed a discard ban. In the
length of the equator. Norway’s chilly coastal waters
years since, there have been virtually no cases of illegal,
provide the perfect conditions for both inshore
unreported or unregulated cod fishing in Norwegian
fisheries and aquaculture. Which is why, for thousands of years, the hardy Norwegians who settled in this tough landscape have made fishing their livelihood.
waters. Over the years the industry has evolved from free fishing to strict regulation. Fisheries use a range of
Seafood is Norway’s second biggest industry
catch methods, from trawling to hand-line, and
(after oil). As such, fishing is an inextricable
Norway was the first country to implement
part of the Norwegian economy, and a
a quota system. The quotas in place are
deep love of the sea is embedded in
recommended by the International
Norwegian culture.
Council for the Exploration of the Sea
Its fishing traditions date back
– a leading international research
thousands of years, from the
body, which assesses stocks and
Vikings, who battled the cold
helps the Norwegians plan for the
future. Implementing its strict
the coast, to Leif Erikson, the
quotas enables Norwegians to
famous explorer, whose voyage
to America was possible only
ensuring that they have never
thanks to a steady supply of dried
overfished – and never will.
cod – a product created using fresh Be proud to cite and shout
cod, wooden racks and the power
about “Norwegian” seafood on
of Norway’s climate as an open-air
your menu
dryer. It is no surprise, then, that today Norway is a fishing nation bursting at
the seams with years of knowledge. Quite
Norway for its superior quality, green
simply, fishing is in Norwegians’ genes.
credentials or simply the story, you’ll be sourcing ingredients from a country where they take great pride
Sustainable wild fisheries management leaders From
in their fishing methods and rich heritage. Where fishing is to
not just an industry but a way of life, so be proud to cite
diverse fishing fleets, everything the Norwegians do has
“Norwegian” produce on your fish and chip menu.
sustainability at its heart. All Norwegian cod and haddock
For further information on quality, legislation and
is MSC-certified. So important is responsible stewardship
sustainability please visit www.seafoodfromnorway.co.uk
Fastfood Professional • February and March 2021
February and March 2021 • Fastfood Professional