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looking to the future

In one respect my arm was twisted, my old frying range was commissioned in 1987, it had been a fantastic workhorse over nearly 40 years, but now with the crazy utilities prices and a poor efficiency performance it was time to change.

I contacted Ferhat Akkaya, Director at Hopkins of Pudsey (the manufacturer of my outgoing range) and told him of my requirements - a new high efficiency gas range.

Ferhat came to my premises to measure up and while doing so told me of an exciting new concept he had in the development stages, an induction fry range. “How would I like to be the first?” I jumped at the chance, this was going to tick all the boxes.

I would reduce my carbon footprint, it would be efficient, increasing my GP, I’m also looking at solar panels too.

“But could it fry fish and chips?”

Within a couple of shifts my team had it sussed and beautiful golden crispy results were achieved. It was a huge step, it was like driving a Formula One racing car compared to a Shire Horse.

The pans have to be staggered in temperature settings when opening to protect the frying medium. This is simple enough with 5 settings to play with.

Performance wise, with guidance from Ferhat the team have soon achieved the goals I set. I haven’t done it yet, but will have soon worked out how much my utilities have hopefully gone down- watch this space.

We are only two weeks in but I’m excited that we are doing our bit, eco range, LED lighting, boxes and paper for packaging, it will all help.”

The innovative future may have now arrived- look out for updates in Fast Food Professional magazine.

For more information on Ranges and the new fish pan technology, please contact Ferhat Akkaya at www.hopkins.biz,

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